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Life After the Divorce

"Donna rediscovers her sexuality after her divorce"

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After twenty one years of marriage, and of being with the same man since I'd lost my virginity to him, I found myself faced with divorce papers. Attracted to a young assistant in his office, she and my husband had an affair, resulting in the slut getting knocked up. Choosing the young pussy over mine, the bastard had divorce papers served on me a short time after he discovered he was going to be a daddy again. Not only was I crushed, but so were our three kids, our twenty-one year old and eighteen year old sons, and our baby, our seventeen year old daughter. Falling into a deep depression, I soon realized I needed to pull my ass out of my self-sorrow for the sake of my kids and be a mother to them.

My children soon became the focal point of my life, so that I could be the best mother I could be to them. Attending every event of any activity in which they participated, they each knew they had my total support. My reward for making them the foremost priority in my life was sweet; our bonds grew much stronger as they recognized the difficulties we faced, and they appreciated my dedication to them.

Although I loved being their mother there was something missing. My life and household were the best they could be, but I was missing something which had always been a fabulous part of my life … a sex life. My vibrator was working overtime, but it just wasn’t enough, and deep down inside I knew I needed something more, much more!

One night while enjoying a relaxing night at home, drinking wine with my best friend Terry, our conversation turned to sex. Terry was still married, and started complaining about how sex had become a job for her. She told me she doesn’t initiate it at all anymore, and at times doesn't even enjoy it. She does it because she knows he wants to get off, and it seems that is all he ever wants to do anymore, get off, roll over, and fall asleep. "He could care less about my needs, as long as he shoots his rocks off; it is just so frustrating,” she intimated.

I listened quietly then simply said, “Hell, I wish I had that problem.”

Terry looked at me and I could see her face light up in shock. “Donna, you mean you’re not sexually active?”

I hung my head down and quietly muttered out a simple “No.”

“Donna have you been with anyone since you’ve been divorced?”

Again I hung my head, and softly said, “No.”

Terry yelled out, “What the fuck is wrong with you, WOMAN! You’re a thirty-six year old, beautiful woman; you need a man...hell, you need men in your life. You should be fucking all the hot men you meet, being wild and naughty as often as you can with whomever you want.”

I just smiled at her, and said, "My kids have lost one parent; I need to focus on them so they do not lose another one."

“Are you fucking crazy?” Terry shouted. “You have young adults, you do not have kids. They will be perfectly fine. They need to understand that Mom has her needs also.”

The night ended with Terry telling me that we were going to have to get some of the other girls together and have a night out. I just smiled and said “Okay, sure,” knowing, like always, Terry will say things like that but never follow through, and we would never go out.

As she left I sat there finishing my glass of wine. One thing did stick in my mind about what Terry had said; she was right, my kids are not kids, they are young adults and, well, I guess I do need to quit hovering. In doing so, I would have a substantial amount of time to begin to enjoy my private life, satisfying some of my own needs, even if that only amounted to sharing some time with male company. After finishing my wine I walked to my bedroom. I stood in the middle of the room looking into the full length mirror on my closet doors. I thought to myself, "Terry was right, I am only thirty six", and it registered in my brain that I wasn't washed up. My hands caressed my 38DD breasts and the globes of my still firm ass. I smiled to myself thinking, "I guess I could still turn a man on."

I undressed and crawled into bed, reaching to the night stand for my trusty vibrator, and I gave it its normal workout before I fell asleep.

Over the next few weeks I became more aware of the men around me. I realized that there were any number of men that I came in contact with that I might enjoy spending some time with, and, who knows, perhaps even share some romantic time. And maybe some that perhaps I might just like to bed.

To my surprise, about three weeks later I got a phone call from Terry. She explained that the girls couldn’t agree on a free night to go out, so she decided to say fuck them all, and we will just go out clubbing. She asked if I was free this upcoming Friday night. I told her this would work, in that the kids all had plans for the weekend, we should plan on going out Friday.

Friday came, and, as I was getting dressed, I first picked out a conservative floral design dress, thinking to myself, "I do love this dress, but it looks like I should be going to church, not a club."

Going back to my closet, I started looking for clothes that would make some heads turn. I finally picked out the outfit for the night; it was a tight, short, black skirt, and a white low-cut blouse, coupled with a white lacy half-bra that pushed the boobs up, making sure I showed a lot of cleavage. I didn’t wear any panties, which is not that unusual for me over the past few years. I chose a pair of black heels that helped accent my legs and ass. I stood there in front of the mirror, looking myself up and down; I smiled, enjoying the sexy creature looking back at me.

Terry and I arranged to meet at the club at nine. As I parked my car and began to make my way towards the entrance, I heard Terry call my name as she crossed the parking lot. “Perfect timing,” I told her as she approached.

Terry smiled and said, “Yes, it is.” She greeted me with a kiss on the cheek, and taking in the full view of my outfit commented, “Damn you look hot, I am glad you came looking for action,” she joked. Although I had butterflies in my stomach, she wasn’t too far off. I hadn't dealt with the dating scene for many years, but I knew it was time to put myself out there and enjoy life again.

Terry and I entered the club and made our way to an open table. I could feel eyes checking me out as we walked to our table, realizing that I rather enjoyed being checked out by the numerous hot men enjoying themselves. We sat down, ordered a drink, and looked around the club to see if we knew anyone.

As I looked around the club, I noticed Tyler, a very successful businessman in our area whom I had met a few times before, when I was with the ex at various dinner parties. Our eyes met, and we exchanged smiles.

Terry and I were enjoying ourselves, and did not pay much attention to the others around us, until Tyler walked over to our table. Standing six-foot five, and very toned and muscular, he was quite attractive. He offered each of us a drink, and, after introductions, we enjoyed the cocktail, and the small talk between the three of us flowed easily.

We were laughing and enjoying ourselves as I looked at Terry; she had a smirk on her face, which was showing her approval. Suddenly, Terry reached into her purse and took out her cell phone. Looking at the number, she excused herself as she went off to answer it. A minute or two later she returned, telling me she had to go, as there was an emergency at home. I started to stand so that I could go with her; she stopped me and told me to stay, that there was no reason for me to cut my night short. She looked Tyler in the eye and asked, “You wouldn’t mind keeping Donna company would you?”

Tyler quickly replied that it would be his pleasure. She smiled and thanked him. I excused myself, and told Tyler I was going to walk Terry to her car and would be right back. As I walked Terry to her car I asked what the emergency was. She told me there wasn’t any. She just wanted to go and give me some alone time with that handsome man. She smiled at me and said, "This is your night to get back in the saddle. You have no excuses; he is a very attractive, eligible man."

I told her, “No promises; we’ll see how it goes." I kissed Terry on the cheek and said good night to her.

“I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon,” she said, as she drove off.

I returned to Tyler, who immediately got up and pulled my chair out for me. I thought to myself, “Hmm a gentleman, that is rare; one point for him.”

Acknowledging my divorce, he explained that he was able to identify with the challenges I was facing, since his marriage broke up a few years back.

We enjoyed talking and dancing, and soon noticed the place was emptying out. Wow! I couldn’t believe how the evening had flown by due to having such an enjoyable time; two points for Tyler.

We finished our drinks and left the club. Tyler walked me to my car. He had been a perfect gentleman all evening; …..three points for Tyler. As we got to my car, Tyler asked me if I would mind if he called me, and suggested that maybe we could have dinner one night. I smiled, and told him that would be nice.

He kissed me softly on the cheek and said good night. He started to walk away from me - and I really don’t know where this came from, but I yelled out, “Thank you!”

Tyler stopped and looked back, with a puzzled look on his face. “Thank you for a wonderful evening. You have been great company, and, to be honest, I really don’t want it to end. I know it’s late, but would you like to come over for some coffee or another drink.”

Tyler smiled from ear to ear and told me, “I would love to.”

He followed me home.

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All the way home, I was thinking, "I don’t believe I did that!"

That was totally out of character for me, and yet I had a sense of relief for being so bold.

When we got to my house, we entered through the garage and made our way into the kitchen. As I looked at Tyler he had a huge smile on his face. I smiled back at him and said, “What?”

He said, "I hope I am not too forward, but I've really wanted to tell you all night just how beautiful you are."

Blushing, but loving his affectionate remark, I offered, “Would you like a coffee, or something stronger?”

He inquired, “Would you have a Captain and Coke?”

As I got the Coke from the refrigerator I made sure to bend down, to display my tight ass to him. When I glanced back, I noticed his eyes locked on my rear end. I so enjoyed that my flirty move was having the desired effect! Next I reached up into the cabinet to retrieve glasses, knowing that my short skirt was riding dangerously high on my thighs. For the final show, I bent forward to another cabinet where the liquor is kept, knowing that my ample cleavage was providing this handsome man with additional eye candy.

“Would you like to mix each of us a drink?” I inquired, in as sultry a voice as I could muster.

“Why certainly,” and he proceeded to prepare our drinks.

As he handed me the drink, our hands touched; we both paused, staring into each other’s eyes. It felt like time froze as he leaned into me and kissed me softly on the lips. We embraced, and I felt myself melt into his arms. The kissing became more arousing as our tongues began to tango. Soon, a year’s worth of passion just flowed from my body, as I swear the room temperature rose by ten degrees.

Without a word being spoken, I took Tyler’s hand and guided him upstairs into my bedroom. As we kissed, our hands began to explore each other's bodies, caressing each other's erogenous zones; his hands electrified my body as he touched me. We started undressing each other, my body tingling as he removed my blouse and bra and I felt his hands on my naked skin. Removing my skirt I stood naked in front of him; I thought to myself, "This is the first time since my divorce that not only has someone touched me, but has seen me naked."

Tyler stood back; he looked up and down my body, and whispered, “You’re absolutely gorgeous.” A remark like that, from such a handsome man, was so very pleasing to hear, and a definite turn on!

I moved toward Tyler, and I unbuttoned his shirt slowly. As the last button was undone, I slid his shirt over his shoulders and down his arms. My eyes locked on his well sculptured body. As my eyes took in his muscular build, my hands moved to his belt. I undid his belt and unfastened his slacks, and, with one swipe, I lowered his pants and boxers over his hips and let them fall to the ground around his ankles.

My eyes immediately moved to his beautifully aroused, thick, eight-inch cock. I moved to Tyler, and my hands began to stroke his cock. Damn, his throbbing man-meat felt so good in my hand, with the skin so soft, and the heat coming off his phallus was just so damned delicious! His hands pulled me into him, as we kissed passionately.

As we kissed, Tyler moved me onto the bed alongside him. His hands moved to my breasts, and he caressed them as he kissed me. My hands continued slowly stroking his cock, and I felt it grow even harder. I wanted his cock in my mouth. Breaking our kiss, I moved my mouth down his body, kissing my way down over his chest….stomach….and down to his crotch. Still holding his cock, I looked deeply into his eyes as my tongue darted out, and I licked around his purple, engorged helmet. I continued to lick up and down his shaft, licking and sucking his balls, then back up to the tip as I wrapped my lips around its head.

My eyes still locked onto Tyler’s eyes, I slowly took his hard cock into my mouth. It is such a turn on to watch a man’s eyes fill with pleasure while his cock is being sucked! Taking his dick fully in, my lips tightened around the base of his cock. My hands caressed his balls gently as I used my tongue to lick up and down his shaft and around his tip. Savoring the taste of the pre-cum droplets that formed on his head, my mouth moved up and down on his cock. I love the feeling of letting a man know that he is with a cocksucker that is totally enthralled to provide him with the ultimate oral pleasure!

Feeling Tyler’s cock throb in my mouth, I sucked him, making sure it was going to be the best blow job he'd ever received. It is always fabulous to have a man saw his throbbing cock in and out of my mouth, and to take the head down my throat. I have mastered the art of controlling my gag reflex, and loved deep- throating his manhood. One thing I've always loved is sucking a man’s cock, and I always made sure I took my time, making sure to provide him the ultimate pleasure and arousal.

Lost in the thoughts of how much I'd missed sucking a man’s cock, I was pulled back to reality by Tyler’s heavy breathing and louder moans. Knowing what was happening next, I tightened my lips around his cock and sucked him faster.

In a soft whisper, Tyler moaned, “I’m cummmmiiinnnnng!”

With that I felt the streams of Tyler’s hot, creamy load fill my mouth. Swallowing as my mouth filled with his hot cum, I used my lips and tongue to suck and milk every last drop of cum from his cock.

As his cock went limp in my mouth I moved upward, laying on top of Tyler. Knowing many men don’t like to kiss after they just filled a woman’s mouth with their cum, I kissed him on the cheek. Tyler, however, quickly took hold of my face with his gentle yet strong hands, and gave me a passionate, salacious kiss, as his tongue swept over mine, apparently unconcerned that he was tasting his own cum still coating my tongue; so naughty, yet so arousing was this man!

As he kissed me his hands massaged and caressed up and down my body, sliding from my breastss to my ass and back again. The combination of his kiss and hands stirred up my juices. I did not realize just how wet I was until he took my left breast into his mouth, and his hand moved between my legs and rubbed my hardened clit. That is when I realized I was soaked. My moans filled the bedroom.

Soon, Tyler slid down my writhing body, leaving a trail of his saliva from my tits, over my tummy, around and in my navel. God, my body was on fire! He circled my sensitive clit and took the nub between his lips, with his teeth gently scraping over my protuberance. Finally, when his tongue slid into my hot channel, my moans quickly turned to screams of pleasure!

Tyler’s tongue licked deep into my pussy, as his thumb caressed my clit. It didn’t take me long before my body started to shake, my breathing became fast and heavy, and my body tensed as I exploded my hot juices on Tyler’s tongue and face.

I remember thinking to myself, "How could I go without this for so long?" As I lay on the bed, numb, and Tyler lay next to me, he took me in his arms and held me. I smiled, feeling so relaxed and secure at that moment.

As Tyler lay next to me, I could feel that his cock had already gotten hard again, and was pressing into my leg. He moved on top of me, and I could feel his hardness against my soaking wet pussy. My legs opened wide as he moved between them. He rubbed the head of his cock between my pussy lips again and again. I moaned into his ear, “Please, fuck me. Fuck me with that hard cock. I need that cock so bad!” I felt his hard cock slide into me; I let out a loud gasp from the pleasure of his hard thick cock splitting my flowering pussy lips as he entered me.

Tyler slowly started to thrust in and out of me. My legs wrapped around his waist as he started to thrust harder and deeper into me. Our hot, naked bodies were on fire as his tender lovemaking turned into a hot, wild fuck. Harder and faster he rammed his cock into me, and my arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him to me.

My mouth whispered into his ear, “Oh yes, yes, that’s it, fuck me, ram that beautiful hard cock deep in me!” Our moans filled the room as he fucked me harder and deeper, “Oh yes, yes, I’m going to cum," I screamed.

I could feel Tyler’s thrusting become more intense as he fucked me harder. I felt my body explode with an amazing orgasm, as wave after wave of pleasure swept through me, emanating from the center of my hot cunt. With my climax, Tyler was driven over the edge, and he rammed one last, hard thrust into me, filling my pussy with volley after volley of his hot cum. Tyler collapsed on top of me as we both lay there in each other’s arms, lost in the sweet feeling of post-coital exhaustion.

After a few minutes, Tyler moved to cuddle with me in his strong, protective embrace, and I fell asleep. I was awakened by the sounds of Tyler in the bathroom. He looked at me, smiled, and moved to me, giving me a soft kiss on the lips and whispering, “Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you.”

I smiled at him. “Trying to sneak out, are you?”

“No, just didn’t know if I should leave before any of your neighbors or family might see me.”

“No, I’m alone all weekend, and am not really concerned about the neighbors,” I told him.

“Oh really? Well then, would you mind if I stayed?” he said, with a smirk.

“Absolutely not! Last night was amazing. I just hope I wasn't too out of practice after so long.”

“Uh, no, it was fabulous. You are one very sensuous lady.”

Tyler stayed most of the morning, and we had another amazing fuck session before he had to attend to some business matters.

For the rest of the day I felt like I was walking on a cloud. I felt so fulfilled once again. Terry called me later that afternoon; she said she had waited, hoping I was too busy to talk in the morning. I filled her in on my night with Tyler. I told her just how amazing it was, and thanking her for pushing me back out there.

Written by Soccermom
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