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Library Tease Part 1

"Scarlett may have bitten off more than she could chew with her favorite book keeper."

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I took a deep breath through my nose as I entered my favorite bookshop. I could never get enough of the freshly printed book smell. It calmed me and filled me with an intense nostalgic longing for old stories I had read as a child- books filled with fairies and magic. Even as an adult I loved fantasy and craved any story that I could escape into and become the hero fighting dragons or the lowly servant who discovered she was a long lost princess. I wasn’t ashamed of the fact that I was here often. I could spend hours perusing the shelves for a new adventure and once I found one I latched onto it and wouldn’t leave until I had devoured every last word. It was my safe place. Also, I had a huge crush on one of the men working here- Jack. Any moment my face wasn’t buried in a novel I was staring at his dark features- mesmerized and hopelessly infatuated. 

I found my way to my usual corner sofa, dropped into the seat and pulled out my latest obsession- some novel about a heroine destined to save her world. I cracked it open and began to read. I had only gotten a few pages in before my favorite book keeper walked into my line of sight. I stared as he stocked a shelf of new releases. 

He was incredible. He had dramatic features- dark, wild  hair that I could tell he tried to style, but a few pieces always seemed to fall in front of his face bringing more attention to his bright green eyes. He wore those big, round dark academia type glasses and his clothing always fit him all too well. He dressed nicely- usually with tapered slacks and a nice button down shirt- but he always rolled his sleeves up past his elbows. He was tall and lithe, yet clearly toned and muscular underneath his well-tailored outfits. All of that, along with his nails always painted black and hands adorned with gaudy silver rings, gave him a very artistic and disheveled look that got me flustered and scatterbrained. I felt myself blush imagining that he smelled like old books and mahogany. 

He looked in my direction and smiled at me, a piece of his dark hair falling into his face. I smiled back and grew a little self conscious. Whenever he smiled at me there was always a hint of mischief behind those big glasses. Did he notice me ogling? 

I shook my head and plunged back into my story. A few hours passed before I turned the final page and, with a long sigh, closed the book. Looking up after finishing a book always felt like emerging from a dream or getting pulled into a different reality. I placed my belongings back in my bag and started towards the fantasy section. I was completely lost in thought as I peered at the book spines in front of me and was pulled out of it by the sound of someone's voice.

I turned to see where the voice came from- it was Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome himself. I was used to seeing him at the check-out counter and was surprised to find that he was even taller than I had thought. 

“What?” I said, startled. 

“We’re closing soon. I know you basically live here but the rest of us have to go home.” He teased and smiled warmly at me. 

“Right, sorry.” I blushed. “I just finished my book and wanted to grab a new one before I go. Do you have any recommendations?” I wanted to keep up the conversation as long as I could while I had his attention. The best I had gotten from him so far was quick small talk and vague flirting at the counter whenever I checked out. 

“Hmm…” He furrowed his dark eyebrows as he thought. “Actually, yeah. I just read this one I think you’d like a lot. Come with me.” He turned and strode down the aisle. 

I scurried to keep up with his long strides, curious to see what he thought I would enjoy. He led me a couple aisles down and searched the shelves. 

“This one.” He said, triumphantly, and plucked the title off the shelf. He smiled proudly at me as he handed me the paperback. I made a point to brush my hand against his as I took it from him. His hands were large and I couldn't stop the image of them wrapped around my throat, rings pressing into my skin, from invading my mind. I tried to shake the thought away and focus on the literature in my hand instead. 

I flipped the book over and read the synopsis. He had me pegged- a story filled with fantasy, adventure, and romance galore. I was excited to have found my next literary obsession. 

“Wow… this is perfect! I can’t wait to read it.” I looked into his mossy colored eyes and found myself stunned at how gorgeous they really were- flickering with that familiar mischievousness. He was standing closer to me than he ever had before and I felt my heart beat faster. 

“You always pick out these great books so I’m a little impressed with myself for finding one for you.” He ran his strong fingers through his hair as he continued. “It’s got all the stuff you seem to like- dragons, magic, and there are some pretty hot and heavy bits too-” He trailed off, probably realizing that he had said more than he wanted to. 

I raised my eyebrows with intrigue. 

“I do enjoy hot and heavy.” I said, lowering my voice. His eyes sparked with what I thought was surprise. Maybe I had been too forward. I tried to reel it back. 

“I had no idea you paid attention to me and my reading habits that much. You like this stuff too?” 

“Well… you’re in here at least once a week and you never leave empty handed. At this point I’ve learned to trust your taste and I usually pick up the same book at the end of my shift.” 

I was shocked. The sexy book keeper I had been crushing on for nearly a year had been reading everything I picked out. Before I could speak we were interrupted by who I assume was his manager peaking around the bend.

“Hey Jack- we’ve got to lock the doors in five.” 

“Alright we’re finishing up over here let me check out our last customer.” 

My heart sank walking back to the front counter. With all this new information I wanted to talk with him all night. Or maybe… not talk with him all night. 

“Have a good night, Scarlett.” He said after finishing my purchase. My name sounded too good on his lips.

“You too, Jack.” 

I couldn’t sleep thinking about Jack and our conversation earlier that evening. Bits and pieces of what he had said to me on repeat in my head. Hot and heavy. My face turned red thinking about how forward I had been with him. Had I just made a fool of myself? Did he like it? He was so hard to read. But that playful smile he always gave me...A fire lit in my stomach as I closed my eyes and imagined his face between my legs. Determination washed over me. I didn’t care how hard he was to read. He was in my thoughts late at night too often. I had to have him. 

                                                             ~                                         ~                                        ~

The next time I went to the bookshop I had pulled out all the stops. I went with a classic, yet sexy look with a simple winged eyeliner and bright red lipstick. I made a point not to wear anything underneath my short skirt and hoped that my tight, off the shoulder top would bring enough attention to all my curves. I finished it off by pulling my hair up to expose my neckline. If I saw a woman in the outfit I had on I wouldn’t be able to resist. I only hoped it would work for Jack, too. 

I felt almost silly walking into the bookstore and sitting in my usual spot looking the way that I did but I was committed. I feigned confidence the best I could and pretended to read the first book I pulled out of my bag- something I had read dozens of times before. I sat in my spot for what felt like an eternity trying to spot Jack out of my peripheral before getting bored out of my mind. Perhaps he wasn’t working today. My heart sank thinking I had gotten all done up for nothing. How embarrassing. 

I stood from my chair and decided that I may as well pick up another story while I’m here. I didn’t want my trip to be a total waste. I strolled down my favorite aisles, brushing my fingers along the familiar book spines. My safe space. My haven. My escape from the mundane. Perhaps I had been reading too much romance and had gotten carried away…

I turned the corner to see what the next row had to offer and was delighted to see exactly what I had come here for- Jack. He was crouched down, shuffling through a box of product to be put away. I smiled inwardly as I approached, trying to devise the best position to take. I feigned focus on the shelves in front of me as I walked closer to him. When he finally looked my way I was standing inches from him- my left hip just next to his face. 

“Oh, hey Scarlett-” His sentence cut off as he took me in. I saw his eyes scan my body and smiled inwardly knowing that he could probably see up my skirt from his position. 

“Hey, Jack, sorry. I didn’t see you there.” I said as innocently as I could. 

He stood up slowly from his crouching position, leaned against the shelf and crossed his arms. 

“Got a fancy date or something?” He cocked an eyebrow at me and flashed his usual mischievous smile. 

“Maybe. Are you jealous?” I flirted. He paused before speaking again.

“What if I am?” His response caught me off guard. I studied his face to see if he was joking. He wasn’t. I tried to compose myself.

“Hmm. That’s too bad.” I feigned interest in whatever book was in front of me. Playing hard to get seemed to be working in my favor. He was showing more interest than he ever had before. 

“Well, you must really like him if you’re going on a date looking like that.” He gestured at my outfit. 

“Eh… I like him alright.” Jack looked intrigued by my indifference for this fictitious man. 

“He’s not really my type though.” I shrugged casually, leafing lazily through a book I had picked up. 

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“Oh? What is your type?” I stared directly into his mossy green eyes.

“You’ve read a lot of those fantasy books I like so much- you tell me.” I was interested to hear his answer. He chuckled and shook his head at me.

“Tall, dark, and handsome of course. Dangerously overprotective most likely. The kind of guy that would sacrifice everything to keep you safe.” He smiled smugly at me, obviously thinking he had me pegged. I sighed dramatically and put the book back in its place.

“Tall, dark, and handsome is always great. But… as hot as that guy is on paper- I have to tell you I’d hate an overbearing man like that.” 

“I guess I had you all wrong.” He shrugged in an exaggerated way. 

“Yeah, I guess you did. My type is more… Mysterious, quiet, well-read, with a more subtle dark side.” I said teasingly and saw him perk up a little. 

“And I don’t know what it is about them-" I continued, "but men with glasses turn me on so much. Maybe they just look smarter. What do you think?” 

He grew quiet as he looked at me and I saw something different spark in his eyes. Was it lust? I held his gaze, standing my ground. It felt like ages before he spoke again.

“We’re about to close down for the night but I have another book recommendation for you if you want.” I couldn’t read the look on his face now. Did I push it too far? Was he trying to get rid of me now? I tried to hide my disappointment as he led me a few aisles down. 

As we reached an empty aisle, quiet and in a far corner of the store, he allowed me to move in front of him and followed just a few steps behind me. Suddenly, there was a whirl of motion and before I could process what was happening he had my back against the shelf, my wrists in his big hands pinned above my head, and his face was mere inches from mine. I held my breath, not daring to move. I met his intense gaze, filled with desire and something almost animalistic, as if he had just caught his prey. His breathing was heavy and some of his perfect hair had fallen in front of his face. 

“Jack…” I whispered breathlessly. 

“You drive me wild, Scarlett. You have to know what you do to me.” He sounded desperate, as if I had been purposefully torturing him for ages. He pressed his body to mine and I gasped feeling the weight of him against me. I allowed myself a shaky breath and took in his musky, sweet scent- it was exactly how I imagined and enough to make my knees weak. I tried to clear my head and take control of my situation. I was finally getting results. I pressed my chest up, hoping to tantalize him further.

“I’m not sure I know what you mean.” I tried my best to sound like I had no idea what he was talking about, keeping up my playful tone. 

He pushed me harder into the shelf behind us and tightened his grip on my wrists. I felt his breath on my neck as he groaned out of frustration. 

“You come in here with those sexy sundresses twice a week for a whole year and expect me not to notice? I catch you staring at me all the time- did you know that  you bite your lip when you stare? And tonight standing over me without anything under that skirt. Then you act all innocent and sweet-”  He ground his hips against mine and I felt how hard he was beneath his tailored slacks. I moaned at the feeling of his arousal pressed up on me.

“I think you know exactly what you’re doing, Scarlett. You’re trying to make me crazy and it’s working. I can’t stop thinking about you. What it would feel like to touch you… to be inside you.” It all came pouring out like he had been holding it back for months. He was absolutely right, of course. Every time I put on one of the sundresses he mentioned, I had hoped he would notice. Although, I hadn’t thought it would be tormenting him like this the whole time. It was nice to know that my efforts hadn’t gone unnoticed and I couldn’t help but feel a little proud of myself. 

“Are you going to keep teasing me forever?” I had him in the palm of my hand. I could probably do anything I wanted to him at this point- he clearly ached for it. If he had held out all this time feeling as though I was toying with him, who knows what else he would do. I thought I might play with him a little longer before giving in to the need to have him. I’d take my time and enjoy the power I so obviously held over him. I might be the one pinned down, but he was desperate. I lifted my chin up defiantly.

“Why would I do all of that?” I challenged. He clenched his sharp jaw and that trademark mischief flashed in his eyes. 

He pressed his lips to my ear and whispered “Because you want me as much as I want you.” Fuck, maybe he really did have me figured out. 

“You must really have a big ego to think I chose my outfits just to make you horny.”

“Big ego?” He stared at me and cocked an eyebrow. “Maybe I should tease you so you know how it feels.” Heat coursed through my body and I began to feel light headed. I resisted the urge to melt into his arms and let him consume me. 

“And how would you do that?” The question came out breathier than I intended. 

He swiftly hooked both of my wrists in one hand to free his right one, holding my gaze intently. He trailed his newly freed hand down my body, caressing the perimeter of my breast and sending electricity down to my stomach. His hand ventured further down my curves- his strong fingers stopping to grasp my waist and bunch up the material of my shirt, before continuing past my hip and ending on the hem of my skirt. My breath caught in my chest as he toyed with the cloth. 

“Do you want me to touch you?” This time his question was a little more gentle. 

He practically had me undone and had barely touched me yet. My head swam with desire and I tried to find the air in my lungs to answer him. 

“Yes.” I finally managed in a breathless whisper. 

He slid his hand over my thigh and up my skirt. I felt his middle finger press against my folds and my body yielded to him, already soaked with my own arousal. He sucked in a sharp breath and brought his eyes back to mine at the realization of just how much he had turned me on.

“You really have been toying with me all this time, haven’t you?” He sounded a bit amused- like he had a hunch and the wetness between my legs was proof that he was right. 

He caressed my entrance slowly and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. More. I wanted more. I tried to roll my hips up to meet his hand but he pushed me back with his pelvis, giving me no room to move between his body and the shelf against my back. 

“Admit it. I want to hear you say it. That you’ve been teasing me.” 

Oh, how strong willed I had been just a moment ago. With one small movement of his graceful finger he had me bending to him already. 

“You’re right.” I said breathily. “I wanted you to want me. I wanted to get your attention. ” 

He trailed back and forth with his finger, making me ache inside. 

“Well now you have it.” His voice was low and breathy and it only fueled the fire inside me.

“Jack… Please.” I begged softly. Pride be damned, I needed him now. His small movements at my entrance were torture.

“Oh? You’re not being very patient for a woman who spent months trying to ‘get my attention’.” He emphasized my own words, using them against me. I instantly hated myself for trying to be such a smart ass before. I was done playing and I needed him to fuck me already. 

I groaned, his fingers still lightly dancing between my legs, threatening to give me the release that I ached for. 

“What do you want, Scarlett? 

“I want you, Jack.” 

Suddenly, the movement from his finger stopped and I squirmed under his grip in protest, almost whining. Then, I felt him press up and all at once he had two fingers inside me. My head fell back and I moaned his name as he caressed and coaxed me with his hand. 

“God, you’re so wet for me, Scarlett. I want to fuck you right here.” My body responded before I could think and I bucked my hips forward again. However, as much as that sounded like a great plan to me I was all at once very aware of where we were. Still in the library. Up against a bookshelf.

“Right here?” I asked hesitantly, out of breath. It was super hot that no one knew we were back here doing… this, but someone could pop around the corner any moment. 

He took a step back from me and withdrew his fingers from my core. I felt the absence of his warmth and his fingers and, out of instinct, tried to close the space between us again. Until I noticed his hands at his belt. My eyes widened. He really meant it- he was going to fuck me right here. I watched hungrily as he undid his pants zipper and released his rock hard length for me. How was it always the tall, slender men that had the most impressive cocks? 

He gave me a wicked smile, obviously having noticed the way I was staring. He took a step forward again, closing the distance between us. In one swift motion his hands wrapped around my thighs and I was pulled up so that my legs were wrapped around his waist and I was securely pressed against the shelf behind me once more. I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep myself steady. I could feel the tip of his erection pressed against my core and held my breath, not daring to move. He ground his hips forward, sliding his shaft against my lips, so that my wetness coated his length now. He held me like that for what felt like an eternity, both of us breathing heavily. I braced myself to feel him slide inside of me, waited for the ecstasy to take over my body, but nothing came. Rather, he set me back down, slowly, onto my feet. 

I stared up at him in confusion, searching his face. The bastard was smiling. That same mischievous smile I had come to find so arousing. As he pulled his slacks back up and buckled his belt he leaned in to touch his lips to my ear.

“I told you I was going to tease you.” When he moved back again I noticed him pull a book off of the shelf behind my head and he placed it in my hands. 

“Here’s that book I told you about. I’ve got to close up the store now- I’ll see you next week, yeah?” He gave me a wink and, with that, walked away leaving me stunned and alone in the aisle.

Written by ladybug29916
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