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How to Fuck Me

"The mind can be the sexiest body part…"

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The men burst through the oversized door with chests puffed in perfectly tailored suits. They reeked of money and drew attention from others in the upscale bar. Big-business corporate guys, I assumed. They worked hard but played even harder from what I knew of them. 

I sat in a rich mahogany booth, almost hidden in the shadows of the corner… just like I wanted. I hadn’t come to socialize but merely people-watch. I’d holed up long enough, wallowing in the aftermath of the end of another cluster fuck relationship. I needed to be around people that night but was not quite ready to engage. 

I watched the she-wolves, with silicone-stuffed body parts testing the seams of their dresses, descend upon the pack of testosterone-oozing males. Ooo, this will be fun. Drool pooled at their stiletto-clad feet before they began pawing their prey. They circled the suits, pursing their plumped puckers, assessing their responses before pairing off. In one case, two claimed the same suit. Maybe a threesome? Or a fun battle for his cock? Like I said, this will be fun! 

Oh, wait… one’s being squeezed out. I watched as one of the suits, quite a bit taller than the rest, broke through the pack and slid onto a barstool. Why did the pussies with teeth cut you loose? I wondered. 

I sipped the last drop from my glass, and when I looked up again, the cast-out was staring directly at me. Look away! Look away! But it was too late. We’d locked eyes; then he smiled. And I smiled back. No, no, no! Why did you do that? I cursed myself.

I tore my gaze back to my empty glass in hand and tried to track his movements out of the corner of my eye, not wanting to be caught staring again. He’d removed his jacket and was walking my way. 

“Would you care to dance?” a voice asked. 

I looked up to his extended, expectant hand, and surprisingly, my libido kick-started. His baritone voice with a slight gravel — an immensely arousing mix with his pretty-boy, clean-cut looks — affected me in a very nice way. That and the ridges of a muscular body calling to me from underneath his slim-cut shirt.

Caught off guard by his invitation, I stammered a little, “Umm… this beat’s a little fast for me.”

He wiggled his fingers on his outreached hand and added, “Let's find our own rhythm then.”

I hadn’t come here for this, but I grew curious about how we might “find our own rhythm” and accepted his hand. 

“I’m Reed, by the way.”

“Skylar,” I responded, smiling once again. Funny how smiles that had been vacant from my life the last several months came so easily over the previous few minutes. 

He led me by the hand, weaving in and out the other couples until we reached a gap in the crowd. Reed drew me against him, placing a hand on my back while I rested one on his shoulder. Then, I simply followed his lead and was surprised at how easily we found our rhythm, ignoring the gyrating movers and shakers surrounding us. 

Squeals to my right caught my attention. One of the she-wolves was grinding on one of the suits. They seemed to have found a rhythm of their own as well.

I tilted my head in their direction. “Why are you not hanging with your pack? They’re quite popular with the… ahem… ladies?”

He flashed me a wide smile. “I like to lead, and those ladies are too impatient.” 

“I was watching and thought they kicked you out.” 

He laughed — a deep, hearty laugh that proved infectious. “I kicked myself out, Skylar. I much preferred the beautiful woman in the corner, waiting for… I wasn’t sure for what, but wanted to find out.”

I wasn’t sure how much I wanted to share with him, so I kept my answer simple. “I just wanted to get out and enjoy a drink. That’s all.”

He didn’t look convinced. “Well, I’m glad you came out tonight, whatever your reason. I only came to celebrate a big win at work with the team. We’re doing a pub crawl, and this is our first stop.” 

He continued to lead us in a comfortable, quite erotic dance. My hips began to sway as I shifted from foot to foot. He pressed more firmly on my back, drawing me into him. Soon, I felt the warmth of his body through his shirt. And his fingertips found the cutout in the back of my dress. I shivered at his touch and lay my head on his shoulder. Did he just moan? I wasn’t sure but released a satisfied sigh of my own. 

He glanced down. Despite the high neck of my navy dress, the clingy fabric couldn’t hide the fullness of my breasts. I definitely heard another moan from him that time. 

“How do you spend your days, Skylar?” he asked, caressing my back while he spoke. 

“I work in an art gallery.” Suddenly wanting to impress him, I added, “Actually, I own the gallery.”

“Impressive. Are you an artist?”

“When inspired.” 

I’d definitely be sketching him later that night. Anxious to see if I could capture his quiet dominance on paper. It was there, of that I was sure, despite his politeness and soft whispers in my ear while we danced; his firm hand on my back, guiding me, gave him away. 

I nuzzled my nose against his neck, enjoying being close to a man again—Reed, in particular. 

When the song ended, the band announced a break. He led me back to the booth, holding my hand until I sat down. “May I join you?”

I hesitated to respond, suddenly nervous about where this was going. “Yes, but understand, I’m not sleeping with you tonight.”

He slid into the booth, chuckling. “I understand, and for the record, I wasn’t asking.”

My cheeks burned. “Oh! I’m sorry… I just…”

“It’s okay. I’m sure many men cozy up to you with those hopes.” He reached across the table, grabbed one of my hands, and looked at me with eyes a little too piercing. “Just so you know, I don’t fuck a woman on the first night… if I’m truly interested in her.”

I’m embarrassed that I blushed like a virgin schoolgirl who’d never been complimented before. 

I didn’t know what to say next and was relieved when he glanced at my empty drink glass and asked, “May I buy you another drink? Perhaps a shot of something.” 

“Thank you, but,” I wrinkled my nose, “no shots for me.” 

“Why no shots?”

“I prefer the slower burn that comes from sipping my bourbon and soda. Shots for me skip past the enjoyable buzz stage straight to drunk.“

“Interesting.” He held his intense gaze that seemed to look into me and continued, “Be right back with two bourbon and sodas.”

That was my first opportunity to look at his backside, and it didn’t disappoint. Many men look flat-assed in dress pants, but not him. He nicely filled the seat of his trousers. 

He returned with our drinks, and the conversation flowed as if we were old friends. Easy. Comfortable. That evening wasn’t going as planned, but I was enjoying the unexpected twist in the road. Just keep things light, I told myself. 

“So, I told you I won’t try to fuck you tonight. But, may I ask you something personal?”

“Sure, ask away.” But I may not answer. 

“How would you want me to do it?”

“Do what?” I responded, then raised my drink to my lips.

“Fuck you.” His lips curled into a mischievous smile. 

I sputtered and coughed, choking on my drink, but I tried to compose myself. “Umm… no man’s ever asked me that before.” And so much for keeping things light!

“Well, that’s a damn shame, but I’m asking now.” His eyes gave away his growing arousal as his pupils swallowed his blue irises. “You know the mind is the sexiest part of the body. You’re obviously an intelligent woman. I know that I’m an intelligent man.” He leaned forward, lowering his voice, “And we’ve made it clear to one another that we don’t want to fuck tonight. But… we could at least talk about it, right?”

Never before had a man wanted to engage in an intimate conversation like this with me. I’m not going to lie; I found his question incredibly sexy and decided to follow my hardening nipples’ lead and play along despite reservations. 

“Hmmm. I’m not sure how to start.”

“Close your eyes.” He spoke softly, and if there was such a thing as a bedroom voice, he had it. 

I obeyed. 

Of course, I obeyed at this point and fanned my skirt on my rapidly heating crotch. 

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“Now, what do you smell as I climb atop your naked body?”

I inhaled deeply, then slowly released my breath, my fantasies surfacing. “Paco Rabanne.”

“Nice. You have elegant taste.”

“1 Million Royal, to be precise.” I lifted my lids and found he’d slid around the booth next to me. “It’s a woody fragrance — cedarwood and benzoin — with hints of lavender.”

“I happen to share your taste in cologne.”

I leaned toward him as if the following sentence was a secret. “Mmm, I like the cologne to mimic the traits of my man — manly, yet sensual.”

He brushed the back of his hand down my cheek, and I leaned into it while he extended my thoughts with his own. “My scent stirs you. You rub your cheek against my neck; now you wear my scent too.” 

My eyes momentarily closed as I slowly inhaled again through my nostrils. I smell him.

He whispered, “Skylar, where do I touch you first?”

I rubbed a finger along my lower lip. “Here. My lips.” I watched his eyes flash between my eyes and my lips. “I want you to always kiss me first.” 

He lifted his hand and traced my lips with his thumb, slipping it between them for a moment. “And like dancing, if we can’t find our rhythm kissing, the rest is not happening.” 

“Exactly,” I agreed. The kiss always set the tone for what was to come. 

“I like a little tongue play. Would you like my tongue in your mouth, Skylar?” 

“Yes.” I couldn’t help it. My mouth opened in silent invitation, and one of his hands reached for his cock through his pants. 

“Hands where I can see them,” I teased. This conversation was triggering my naughty, playful side. 

“I just needed,” he offered a grunt,” an adjustment.” 

“Something getting uncomfortable down there?”

“Let’s just say boxers were a good choice tonight. Giving me a little more breathing room.” He shifted his position again. 

I glanced at his crotch and saw the outline of an impressive cock. I could have touched the head if I had slid a finger just within the waistband. My mind continued this line of erotic thought until a loud commotion at the bar drew my attention. The she-wolves and suits were quite loud, mixing shots with gropings.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather be over there with your pack?” 

He scooted even closer to me to where our thighs brushed together, then tilted my chin up to look him directly in the eyes. “They want instant gratification, Skylar. And like you, I prefer to enjoy the journey. Now, tell me where to touch you next,” he said, turning one of my hands over and gently kissing my palm.

I stirred, feeling his lips against my skin. “My nipples. I want you to touch my nipples.” I just blurted out the body part that screamed the loudest for attention at that moment. 

We both looked down at the two tiny bumps protruding from bigger bumps, which gave shape to my dress. His hand had been resting on the tabletop in front of me, and he extended a thumb to brush my right nipple. Oh my goodness! His touch set me shifting in my seat. My breasts quickly rose and fell with my quickening pulse, and I prayed he’d touch it again.

“How are you feeling?” he whispered his words in my ear, brushing his lips against my lobe. 

My eyelids grew heavy with arousal, and I struggled to formulate a response. He thumbed my nipple again, and my hand gripped his thick thigh for support. 

“I need you between my legs.” My voice had changed — raspy and pleading now. 

“Do you want my fingers or my tongue?” 

“Everything. I want everything!” I surprised myself with the intensity of my response, and I wanted to elaborate. 

“Your tongue flicks my clitoris.

“Your fingers fuck my pussy.”

I hesitated, pulse racing. Do I dare? “And your thumb stretches my asshole.”

My eyes closed as I lay my head back against the booth and cupped my mound, letting a finger or two tickle my clit over the thin material of my dress. 

“Hands where I can see them,” he ordered, his voice assuming a commanding tone. 

I was slow to respond. Eyes glazing a bit.

“Will you move your hips around… in slow circles? Show me you enjoy my mouth between your legs?” 

“So much so that you’ll have to grip my hips to hold me in place.” I moaned. “And your ears… they might get pulled.” 

He reached a hand up to his earlobe and gave it a tug while grinning, then took our discussion in an unexpected direction. “Do you enjoy toys in our bed? Bondage?” he lowered his hand around my back to rest on the top of my ass cheek, “or perhaps spanking?” Another mischievous grin spread across his face. 

I sharply inhaled, and blood flooded both sets of cheeks. How did he know? My pussy quivered, and I struggled to speak without gasping for air. “Some of that… yes… but… not on our first fuck.”

He lightly patted the top of my ass, then moved his hand to stroke my hair. He separated a blonde-highlighted tendril and twirled it between his fingers. “I love the different shades of color in your hair.” Tucking the strand behind my ear, he continued, “Much like the different shades of lovemaking I suspect you’d enjoy.”

I couldn’t respond, my mind racing with the possibilities with him. In particular, I saw myself draped over his lap.

“Now, I believe I was feasting between your legs. Do you want to come like this? Or?”

I shook my body, trying to refocus. “No, I need to come with you inside me on our first fuck. Need you to feel my tremors and hopefully come with me.” 

“And what position will I fuck you in?”

“Missionary. I need to watch your face, see it change with your building orgasm. I need you to look into my eyes. Need as much of our skin touching as possible.”

“Have you noticed how your wants have become needs, Skylar?”

I nodded, squeezing his thigh again. “And…”

His cock distracted me. I swear it kept moving on its own.

“Yes, I’m incredibly aroused.”

My chest was flushed now, too. He’d caught me looking.

“Are you wet?” He placed a hand on my thigh, toying with the hemline of my dress.

“Yes,” I whispered. I resisted the urge to dip my hand underneath my dress and tug my panties out of the crevices of my sticky lips.

“Good,” he almost growled, “now tell me more.”

Once again, I obeyed, immensely enjoying this type of intimacy. “Let your tip linger at the opening to my pussy. It’s the closest thing to being on the edge of an orgasm. I almost can’t take it — waiting for you to penetrate me — that first sensation of your cock fully filling me.”

Reed slipped his fingers just underneath the hem to touch my heated flesh. An inch further, and he would have reached the wetness of my inner thighs.

“And will I fuck you hard and fast?”

“No, not fast, but—”

“—Hard,” he finished my sentence.

I sucked in my lower lip and nodded.

“Tell me, Skylar.”

“I want you to fuck me with slow, deep thrusts. As deep as you can. Forceful thrusts.”

“I will slide my hands underneath that gorgeous ass of yours to hold your crotch to mine, making you absorb every—”

“C’mon, Reed!” The boisterous suit turned to Skylar, suddenly remembering his manners. “Sorry to interrupt, but we need our boss man back.” He clapped Reed on the shoulder. “Time to move on!”

Reed released a loud sigh, followed by a curse, and answered the suit without looking at him. “Alright, give me a minute, and I’ll meet you outside.” 

“‘Boss man?’ You’re their leader?”

He groaned. “I am. And when not drunk off their asses, they’re really quite brilliant.” 

“So, you’re leaving?” I tried to choke back the emotion rising in my throat. 

I hoped I wasn’t imagining seeing the same disappointment in his eyes. “Sadly, yes, with the highest hopes that we can continue where we left off, my captivating Skylar.” He raised my hand to his mouth and kissed the top of my hand, his eyes never leaving mine. “We have an unfinished conversation, yes?”

“Yes,” I lifted his hands to my lips that time, pleased to leave a mark of my lipstick on him. 

He handed me his phone, “Will you type in your number, please?”

“I will.” I squeezed my legs tightly together, trying to soothe the aches below, and finished my thought. “Because, like my bourbon and soda, I’m enjoying this slow burn with you, Reed, and buzzing already.”


Written by KimmiBeGood
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