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Hot Time in Biloxi—Lusting for the Construction Manager—Part 2

"No woman smacks me leaving handprints"

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Hi, my name is Tammy and you already know I am the Construction Manager that Mike lusted after. He has told his story up to the wild night we spent together before he left Biloxi. Now it is my turn to carry on the story since Mike seems to have no interest in doing so. In fact, since he ‘got’ what he wanted he has lost interest. Yeah, I know it is partially my fault because I rather encouraged him. Nevertheless, what happened in that hotel room that night was both our faults. However, not my fault he has been a jerk. I gave him a note, left my email address on a sticky note attached to his laptop screen, and he still has not contacted me. He is due to come down in a couple of weeks for the equipment startup for Phase 2 and if he thinks he is getting in my panties again, he has another thing coming.


The past nine months have been tough and stressful for the entire crew, including my husband and I have worked diligently on this project but finally, we were nearing the finish line of Phase 2. In two weeks, we will be ready to do the equipment start-up. For that, we would need one of the men in the head office to be present. Specifically a mechanical engineer, who Mike was and since he had been down here to troubleshoot a problem with Phase 1 he was asked to come down for the equipment start-up. He will be here at least a week unless there are problems

To say I was not looking forward to him being here would be an understatement but I was a professional and I would do my job. I would not make the same mistake twice; no crossing the line between business and pleasure.

I was in the office alone when I got the call I had wanted nine months ago. When the phone rang I picked up the phone without looking to see who was calling, “Construction Management, Tammy speaking,”

“Hello sexy,” a deep masculine voice said on the other end. A voice I would know anywhere. “How are you doing? You know I will be there next week and was reminiscing about the fantastic evening we had in my hotel room. I have made reservations at the same hotel so maybe…”

“Is there anything I can help you with Mike, business wise that is?” I asked putting on my most professional voice when I really wanted to scream at him like a woman who had been done wrong.

“I am flying in that weekend and was wondering if you could think of a reason to get out of the house alone for a couple of hours,” Mike said. “I missed you.”

I looked around to make sure my husband was not around or any of the other crew, then I whispered, “I am sorry but I am busy that weekend. Bob and I will see you at the site on Monday. Are you renting a car or do you need to be picked up at the hotel?”

“I am renting a car of course but if you want to pick me up I will let you,”

‘We will see you Monday morning around 7 a.m.” and with that, I hung up before I gave into temptation.

“Was that Mike?” my husband asked as he walked into the construction trailer/office just as I hung up.

“Yes, he will be here over the weekend if we need him but he officially starts Monday morning,” I told him as I continued to rummage around on the desk as if I was looking for something.

Bob came up behind me and slipped his arms around my waist, his hands coming up to cup my breasts and tweak my nipples through my shirt. “What do you say we lock the door and fuck on the desk?” Bob whispered in my ear. “It has been a while since we got kinky.”

I was tempted to take Bob up on his offer because just hearing Mike’s voice on the phone had made my panties wet. t would not be the first time when making love to Bob that I had pretended. had pretended it was Mike’s thick cock instead of Bob’s short narrow one. Hell, there were even times when had to masturbate that I pretended it was Mike’s hands and mouth bringing me off. shook my head to clear out thoughts Mike out of my mind as I leaned back against Bob.

“Let’s lock up and go home,” I suggested wiggling against his cock, my mind still on Mike

“Best idea you have had in a long time,”Bob told me as we hurriedly locked up and headed out, leaving the construction supervisor in charge.

Over the weekend I made sure I kept busy so I would not give into temptation and make an excuse to go to Mike. I also abused Bob’s cock a lot, which he really enjoyed. If he only knew why and whose cock I was picturing fucking me Bob would be devastated. By the time Monday rolled around, I was ready to be a professional. At precisely seven in the morning Bob, the crew, and I was crowded into the construction trailer. By seven fifteen, we sent the crew to work. Bob texted him and found out he overslept. Mike breezed into the office at eight o’clock and I was fuming mad.

“Sorry I am late folks,” he apologized as he came into the trailer, a cup of coffee in his hand. “My damn alarm did not go off,” as he shook hands with Bob. When he acted as if he was going to kiss me on the cheek, I held out my hand, forcing him to shake it.

We went over the plans for Phase 2 and then Bob took him around the site to look at the equipment so he could do his inspection before we turned them on. I begged off stating that I had some paperwork to catch up on.

By eleven o’clock, I had the start of a small headache so I took a couple of pills and put my head down on my desk and soon drifted off to sleep.

I was awakened by some light kisses on my neck. Still half asleep, I moaned, “Mike fuck me.”

“Tonight I will if you can get away,” a deep voice said in my ear. “I love a woman who plays hard to get.”

I quickly sat up, fully awake now, looking around the room. Bob was nowhere to be seen but Mike was perched on the corner of the desk beside me. “You bastard, taking advantage of me when I was asleep,”

“If I was going to take advantage of you, missy, you would be sprawled across this desk naked while I pounded your pussy with my cock.”

“Where is Bob?” I asked

“Taking care of a small problem I found,” Mike said

Before I could say another word Bob popped into the office, “All taken care of Mike. Say, Mike how about you meeting us for supper tonight? It will be our treat and we can go to that steakhouse at the edge of town. “

“Sure, I will meet you at six o’clock. I am heading back to the hotel now to file my report. We will put her online tomorrow.” Mike said as he headed out.

After Mike left, Bob looked at me and asked, “What’s the matter, honey? You look upset?”

“I have a headache. Can I beg off tonight?”

“Well, it would be better if we were both there,” Bob said, “but if you feel bad I will make your excuses.”

“Thanks,” I said as I kissed him lightly on the lips. “I am going to take the rest of the afternoon off and head home.”

As soon as I walked into the house, my cell phone rang. Thinking it was Bob I answered it saying, “What do you need sweetie?”

“Your ass in my bed,” Mike said, “Saw you leave early and thought you were coming over here but I was apparently wrong.”

“Yes, you are.” I replied “I told you I am not meeting you. Do not ask me again and I am not joining you for supper either.”

“Okay, have it your way for now but soon you will be in my bed,” and with that, he hung up.

I screamed and wanted so bad to throw something because Mike was right. I was pissed at him but in the same breath, I wanted him to fuck my brains out like the last time. I just had to decide if I wanted to continue to hold on to my anger and miss a great fucking or let my anger go. It was only Monday so I figured I would have a couple of days to think about it but when Bob came home late that evening after dinner and drinks with Mike, the decision was sort of taken out of my hands,

I had just started to drift off to sleep when I heard Bob come in. Although I was as horny as hell, it was not Bob’s cock I wanted; it was Mike’s. I decided to pretend to be asleep but it did not work. Coming into the bedroom, I heard Bob drop his shoes to the floor, then the rustle of clothes as he was getting undressed. Then I felt the covers move back and Bob’s cock poking me in the ass, his hand reaching over and pinching my nipple gently.

“Hey babe, I am horny so let’s fuck,” Bob whispered in my ear as he smacked my ass, something he had never done before.

Involuntarily I gave a little yelp and rolled on my back. “Damn it Bob that stung.”

He reached over and began to play with my nipples, kissing me until I was begging him to fuck me. After we made love, Bob said, “Going out of town Wednesday and will not be back until sometime Friday. Mike wants me to go check out the new facility where we will be going next. I would love to have you come with me but the equipment goes online tomorrow and one of us needs to stay here so guess that would have to be you.”

I realized then that Mike had given me the perfect opportunity to meet him for sex if I wanted to. It was immediately that I decided if I did not get my pent up anger at Mike out it was going to eat me alive – and maybe I would even give him a goodbye fuck.

Luckily, everything went off without a hitch on Tuesday so early Wednesday morning Bob left for the new site. Mike meandered into the construction site around noon to make sure everything was running smoothly

“Mike,” I began, “sorry about calling off the other night so was wondering if you would like to go to dinner tonight? That same restaurant near your hotel would be ideal,” as I put my arms around his neck and kissed him.

Mike pulled me close and said, “Fantastic. Why don’t we go back to my hotel room now and have a before and after dinner fuck? Everything here is running smoothly.”

“Sorry, but I already took off a half day this week and the boss would not like me doing it twice in one week,” I teased as I cupped the bulge in his jeans.

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“The boss has no problems with you taking another half day off as long as you are doing something productive,” Mike said as he crushed me in his arms, tongue fucking my mouth.

I felt my panties becoming wet and reluctantly pushed him back away from me. “There will be enough time for that later. need to finish some paperwork and will meet you at three o’clock. What is your room number?”

“It is room 303,” Mike told me as he tweaked my nipple, kissed me, and left, whistling out loud.

At three o’clock, I was walking into the hotel and taking the elevator up to the third floor, acting just as if I belonged there. My insides were all jumpy, knowing that I was finally going to get all my pent-up anger out. If I had known what it was going to cost me, I might have re-thought my plan of action and done it over the phone or at the construction site this morning. Before I knocked on the door, I take a deep breath and smooth down the sundress I am wearing, the same type I had worn the first night of seduction but this one was in red and was a bit shorter. I lightly tapped on the door, which was opened within seconds by Mike.

He took one look at me, gave out a long low wolf whistle, and pulled me into the room, shutting the door behind me. Mike took me in his arms, kissing me hard and deep. “Damn, I want you,” Mike whispered into my ear. “You look so hot in that color,” as he started to untie the straps behind her neck.

“First,” I started,” there is some unfinished business we need to take care of,” as I moved back.

Before Mike could react I slapped him across the face twice, leaving handprints on each side of his face, then began to pummel his shoulders, chest, wherever I could hit. Screaming I said, “You bastard, nine fucking months! No email, no call, no texts, nothing, and then you waltz in here expecting me to drop my clothes automatically and fall into bed with you. You act like ‘God’s gift to women’ with a magnificent cock that any woman would want. News Flash dick head, you cock is nothing to write home about.”

Finally having enough he grabbed me and dragged me over to the bed, sitting down, and pulling me over his lap. “You are a fucking bitch! How was I to know you wanted me to call you, text you, or email you? All I had was a note from you that stated you hoped there was a next time,” as he brought his hand down on my ass several times. “NO woman slaps me, leaves handprints, without me leaving handprints on her ass!”

He grabbed my sundress and flipped it up, exposing my red thong, “Soon your ass is going to be as red as your thong,” Mike said as he began to rain blows down on my ass. I wiggled around on his lap begging him to stop when suddenly I felt my pussy start to quiver and my juices began to flow, causing a wet spot on his thigh.

It was then that I realized the spanking was turning me on so much that I had a mini orgasm and cum on his thigh. The spanking stopped as Mike’s hand brushed against my pussy, finding it very wet.

“Well, I be damn,” Mike said, “I just remembered something. The last time we were together, I smacked your ass a couple of times, and you gushed some juice. I wondered then if spanking turned you on but I did not have the time to find out. Now I know, so let’s get you hot again and then I am going to fuck you hard and deep.”

Before I could say anything, Mike brought his hand down on my ass again, this time harder than before followed by several more spanks, each one harder than the one before until my ass was on fire. He stopped and started to stroke my pussy, suddenly shoving two fingers deep inside, almost sending me off his lap as my entire pussy became alive.

Helping me up he gently pushed me back on the bed, only taking time to unzip his pants and free his cock before he shoved it hard into my wet dripping pussy. My legs went around his waist, pulling him deeper inside me, my pussy muscles gripping him as tight as a pair of vice grips. It did not take long before my orgasm ripped through my body, making my body doing movements that made me look as if I were having a seizure. Soon Mike gave out a primal noise as he shot deep into my throbbing pussy.

‘Oh fuck,” he groaned as we collapsed in a heap on the bed, both too tired to move at all.

After a few minutes, we summoned the energy to get up and get undressed and crawled back into the middle of the bed, snuggling into each other’s arms.

“Mike,” I began, “for the record, I did give you my personal email address. I left it on a sticky note attached to your laptop screen.”

“Well, I did not have it, and your note was very vague,” Mike said in his defense. “Honestly, there were many times I picked up the phone to call you but was afraid Bob would answer and I had no real reason to call since everything was going along smoothly. But one thing did come out of this blow-up.”

“And what was that, besides this awesome fuck?”

“I got my question answered,” Mike began, “as to whether spanking turned you on,” as he rubbed her sore bottom, “Sorry, I spanked you so hard,”

Blushing, I said, “I’m not. I was never turned on so much in my entire life or cum so hard,”

Getting up, Mike said, “Let’s take a shower and go something to eat. I am starved.”

I laughed and followed him to the shower. Together we figured out the temperature of the water that would suit us both and got in. Mike soaped up the washrag and proceeded to wash my back and then I did his. As we started to wash each other’s front, I reached down and began to soap up his cock, gently stroking it. Mike started to work on my nipples and it was not long before he had me backed up to the shower wall, one leg around his waist as he slowly inserted his cock into my pussy.

We were kissing and playing with each other’s nipples as he began to fuck me hard, pushing me hard against the shower wall. It was not long before my orgasm overtook me, causing me to tremor

“My turn, I want you to cum in my mouth,” I said as I pushed him back gently and took his cock in my mouth, loving the taste of his and my juices combined coating his cock. I began to lavish his cock with my tongue, and then suck on it long and hard. His passion was filled with moans as he braced his hands flat on the shower wall, fucking my mouth. I could feel his cock hardening as I reached down and started to squeeze his balls. Mike gave out a cry as he fucked my mouth hard and deep, soon shooting his load deep in my throat. I sucked and swallowed until his load.

“Damn woman,” Mike said, “You make me cum so hard.”

We rewashed and then got out, vowing that we would get dressed and eat supper before any more play. When we got to the restaurant, we had a twenty-minute wait so we sat down in the lobby. Just as I reached for Mike’s hand, my construction supervisor and his family walked in.

“Hi Mike, Tammy, “he said coming over to us, “is there much of a wait?”

“We were told twenty minutes,” I said

“Guess I had better go get our names on the waiting list,” he said. “Enjoy your supper,”

I looked at Mike and gave him a sly smile, then whispered, “Bet he thinks that I am up to hanky-panky with Bob out of town. He is a good foreman but he has a roving dick.”

When I said that a knowing look came into Mike’s eyes and then he said, “Well he would be telling the truth, wouldn’t he?”

Before I could respond, our name was called and we were led to a table by the window. We chose to sit side by side and as soon as we were seated, I slipped my hand under the table and stroked Mike’s cock for a few seconds, and then pulled my hand back.

He grinned and said softly, “Keep it up a woman and you are going to land up over my knee again, sore ass or not.”

I laughed and said, “Promises, promises.”

When the waitress came up to our table, we placed our order, and then I felt Mike’s hand seeking mine under the table. he had my hand in his he gave it a little squeeze. The waitress brought our drinks and we made small talk until our meal arrived. After eating, we headed back to the motel, throwing caution to the wind and holding hands. Once we were back at the hotel, the door was shut and locked behind us. Mike had me pushed up against the door, kissing me hard and pinching my nipples.

His one hand made its way under my sundress seeking entrance to my pussy. Pushing my thong aside, he inserted his finger, seeking my clit. He began to rub my clit hard until I was breathing heavily, my thong saturated with my juices, when suddenly he stopped.

“I promised you something,” Mike said throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me over to the bed, dropping me unceremoniously on the bed. I was laughing so hard that I was unable to defend myself when he flipped me on my stomach and pulled my dress up, exposing my sore, red bottom.

Realizing where this was going I protested, “No Mike, not another spanking. My ass cannot take it,”

“It is your fault you are getting another spanking,” Mike said patting my ass, then kissing it.

“How the hell is it my fault?” I screeched as he bit me on each cheek

“Well, I threatened to spank you if you did not behave yourself, and you responded promises, promises, so I am not one to go back on my promises,” as he smacked me three times on each cheek.

He flipped me over, pulled off my thong and buried his face in my pussy, licking and sucking until I was wiggling all over the bed, my thighs tightening around his head as I cum hard, my juices coating his face. Mike again did not give me time to recuperate but unzipped his pants, freed his cock, and slammed my pussy hard until we both came hard. Resting a few minutes, we undressed and settled down. We made love one more time and had a round of oral sex. As the sun rose, I kissed him goodbye, this time making sure he had all my personal information. I went home, showered and went to work. With Bob being out of town until tomorrow, I knew that Mike and I would have another fuck-filled night ahead of us.


Written by freespirit13
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