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Fucking Tommy's Mom, Chapter 2

"James finally wins the woman of his dreams–his best friend's mother!"

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That following Monday I went over to see Tommy. I knew he'd be home and I wanted to see if he wanted to hang out. I knocked on the door and Annie answered it.

"Hi James!" she said happily.

"Hi Annie, is Tommy here? He said he'd be done working out of town. I wanted to ask him about his job," I said.

"No James, he's still out of town. Apparently, they didn't get finished with the project as quickly as they wanted to. He'll be out of town for a couple more days I guess," she said.

"Oh, okay," I said. I was looking forward to talking to him about his job but I'd have to do it another time. I turned to leave and head back home.

"Just a minute, James. Um... are you real busy?" she asked, laying her hand on my shoulder.

"No, I don't have anything going on. Why, do you need some help with something?" I asked.

"Well, I was kind of hoping that you'd keep me company. I've already done all the housework and don't have anything else to do. I'm bored and here all by myself," she said, giving me a cute little pout.

"Aww, does my girl need a playmate?" I played along with her pout.

"Am I your girl, James?" she asked.

"Of course you are. I'm not the love 'em and leave 'em type," I said.

"Mmmm, I like that. Yes, 'your girl' is bored and wants a playmate then. Want to play with me?" she asked, biting her fingernail coquettishly.

I answered her query with a long deep kiss. As I kissed her, I felt her lips part and I accepted the invitation by pushing my tongue into her mouth to see if her tongue was lonely too. It was, and they danced together between our mouths.

I pulled her down onto the sofa next to me and we began making out hotter and heavier. I have always liked kissing and could never get enough. And it seemed that Annie felt the same way, We both devoured each other, our kisses becoming more feverish, more insistent.

Without breaking our kiss, Annie's hand seemed to home in on my crotch like it was laser-guided and my hands found her amazing tits with equal ease. Annie squeezed my hard shaft and tugged at my cock urgently, moaning her need.

"Please James, I need you now, baby... I need to feel you inside me," she gasped when she pulled her mouth from mine.  

I didn't need any further encouragement. I wanted her as much as she wanted me, maybe more. I had waited a long time for this moment and it had finally arrived. I stood up and pulled her to her feet. With one more sweet kiss, I took her hand and led her back to her bedroom.

As soon as the bedroom door shut, we began a frantic race to see who could undress the fastest. Articles of clothing, both hers and mine, flew madly about the room as we couldn't get undressed quick enough. 

Dressed in a t-shirt and comfy baggy jeans and boxers, I was able to jump out of my clothes quick enough to catch her while still in her bra and panties. I pulled her closer to me and took her hands, putting them behind her back and holding them there.

I kissed her soft neck and she cooed, moving her head aside so I could continue. I nibbled on her ear a bit and then kissed her neck again moving down to kiss her shoulder. I slid the bra strap off her shoulder and kissed where it had been. I moved the other strap and did the same thing to her other shoulder.

Then I kissed my way along her collarbone to the notch at the base of her throat. I nudged her chin upward and kissed her neck before kissing my way down her breastbone. 

Moving back for a moment, I unfastened the clasp at the front of her bra and looked at her. Her eyes darted back and forth and her face held the look of fear and uncertainty. She held her breath as I slowly peeled the two cups of her bra apart.

Tommy had told me about the divorce. We'd talked a lot about how it was not a pretty one and what it had done to her especially. She had come home from work one day to find him in their bed with some waitress from the local diner.

He had been cheating on her for almost six months and she didn't have a clue until that day. They had a huge fight in which words were said–hurtful, mean things.

He said that he hadn't been happy for a long time and that she no longer satisfied him. That he needed someone who understood his needs and was able to fulfill them. He said he wasn't attracted to her anymore and he wasn't sure he ever really loved her.

His words had cut her to the quick and by the time the divorce was over, she didn't think anyone could love her again. She wasn't even sure what love was and she certainly didn't want to stay in Indianapolis with all those bitter memories.

Now this discarded and broken woman stood in front of me, wondering what my intentions were for her. I knew she wanted me, maybe even needed me, but she was also leery and mistrustful of letting herself get too involved.

I opened the bra and got the first good look at Annie's wonderful tits. They were even more spectacular than I had imagined, seeing them in the bra. Firm and round, they were capped with perfect areola and hard, meaty nipples that begged to be licked and chewed on.

She watched for my reaction and I knew she was waiting for some sign from me–something to tell her what I thought about her now. Annie wanted to know my feelings but was afraid at the same time. She didn't need to be.

"Annie... y-you're... beautiful!" I said when I remembered I could speak. I could see the breath that she had been holding leave her body and a look of relief come over her face.

"You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen," I added. "Your ex-husband was an idiot to leave you for that waitress. But his loss is my gain, and you can bet I won't make the same mistake!"

"Fuck me, James," she said, stepping closer to me. "Fuck me now and prove it. Prove to me that there is at least one good man left on this planet. I need to know there's at least one man that is true to his word."

I gently eased her back onto the bed and she moved to the center of the bed, propping her head up with one of several pillows on the bed. I made a mental note to ask her about that later.

I walked around to the foot of the bed, keeping my eyes on the beauty waiting there for me. She watched me too, biting her lip in nervous anticipation. I could almost see her trembling as I got up on the bed and began slowly crawling towards her as if stalking my prey.

I crawled up to her feet and then began moving up her body, hovering over her and straddling her as I made my way up until we were face to face again.

She tried to put her arms around my neck, but I gently took her wrists and put her arms down at her sides giving them a little shake to let her know I wanted them to stay there.

I leaned down to give my beauty another long kiss and as I did, I grabbed another pillow. When I had finished kissing her, I moved back down her body without touching her again until I was kneeling between her spread legs. 

"Raise your hips," I said, and when she did, I shoved the pillow under her tight, firm ass, raising her up a bit and placing her in the perfect position for my next move.

When I laid down between her legs, she instantly knew what I was about to do.

"Oh God James!" she gasped loudly. "Oh, baby yes, please. It's been so long since anyone has done that for me! Bill never once went down on me the whole time we were married–he thought it was a nasty, disgusting thing.

"He wouldn't let me blow him either. He thought the very idea of someone putting their mouth in a place where you piss was repulsive."

Dumbass! I thought. "Well, no worries of that with me, honey. I love the taste of a woman's pussy. Now let's see if you taste as good as you look!" I said with a grin. I inched the last little bit forward until my mouth was right over her succulent, sweet peach. 

I could smell the delicious aroma of her honeypot and it made my mouth water. I saw the little drops of sweet dew on her trimmed dark hair and I felt the incredible heat coming from her.

All these things made for a vision that I could not imagine any man turning down. Yet one did, and in doing, so left the position open for me to fill. And fill it I would, promptly and to the very best of my ability.

"OhmyGod! Oh James!" Annie screeched as my tongue plowed deep into her furrow, wriggling, and diving as far into her warmth as I could force it.

Her instinct was to slam her legs closed and try to keep me from my prize. But with her thighs spread wide and me positioned between them with my arms over the top of them, her legs were effectively pinned and she was helpless. Unable to close them or move away from my mouth's work, she was at my mercy and I got down to feasting on her.

I began by licking and lapping up the juices that she had built up in the game of seduction so far. And she had gotten pretty damp already just in our little makeout session on the sofa and the excitement of what we were about to do. Annie was very generous with her sweet syrup and I took as much of it as she was willing to give me.

My eager tongue also drove her wild as it writhed and twisted inside her seeking its reward, which only caused her to produce more–it was a vicious (and delicious!) cycle. The more I tried to lap up her woman honey, the more she made to replace it!

But I was here to please and pleasure her, and to show her the meaning of "making love", so my hand moved over her mons until my thumb rested on her clit.

As I ate her with an urgency and hunger she had never experienced before, I rubbed her clit with my thumb, adding a whole new level of anguish to her suffering. She squirmed and thrashed about under me, struggling to keep in this world when every part of her wanted to soar straight to the heavens. 

"Yes! Oh my God, James! Oh right there, baby, right there! Yes! Oh, fuck! Ohhh!" she moaned and cooed and coached me.

I feasted on my beauty for several minutes. She missed having anyone eat her and so I did my level best to make up for it. I hit every button and tripped every switch I could find in her sweet pussy, remembering what tricks worked for the next time I was at her banquet table.

I watched Annie for her reactions as well as listened to her moans and cries. I saw her hands clutching at the pillow under her head and grasping at the bedsheets as I drove her out of her mind.

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She arched her back, thrusting her tits high into the air, and then crashed back down on the bed and began clawing and pulling at the hard fleshy points as if that would take her mind off what her pussy was suffering through.

It didn't and as her passions raged out of control and built into an inferno, I could sense her end was near. Her desperate cries and frantic contorting told me that she was closing in on the point of no return. I pressed her harder, increasing my efforts on her pussy and clit.

"Oh, James! Oh, baby, I'm gonna cum! Please, please make me cum, Make me cum, darling, please pleeease!" she begged. 
How could I refuse such a request from my beauty? Without another plea from her, I pushed her off Mount Orgasm into the sweet blackness of orgasmic bliss.

"Ohhhfuuuckk, Jaaammmesss!" she screamed out as her floodgates opened and a wave of fresh warm juice met my mouth. I couldn't lick it up fast enough and quickly found myself like a salmon swimming upstream as she poured herself out to me.

Annie bucked and pitched and twisted as much as she could with me weighing down her legs, as she howled out her pleasure. I kept on licking and fingering her clit, wanting this rapture to last as long as possible.

She deserved to be supremely happy and I wanted to be the one to give that to her. I also wanted her to be worn out so that when I fucked her, I would exhaust her completely. I wanted to leave her a wet, sweaty, exhausted mess... but with a weak smile on her face!

I had no way of knowing at the time, but my beautiful Annie was multiorgasmic and the more I licked and lapped and thumbed her clit the more aroused she got. I had no more got her halfway cleaned up with my tongue, when she went into the throes of her second enormous orgasm!

"Ohhh fuck, James! I'm cumming again! Ohhh, fuck, fuck, fuck!" she said, just as the wave crashed over her. And once again I was facing a tidal wave of pussy juices! 

This cycle would repeat two more times before Annie finally found the strength to push me back, crying, "Please James! Please no more, baby! I can't, please, I need to rest!"

With that I pulled back off her and knelt there, still between her legs, watching the moaning whimpering woman as I let the rest of her final orgasm course through her unhampered. I watched her until I saw her trembling and quivering cease and her breathing return to a more normal rhythm.

She was still sweaty and worn to a frazzle, but I wasn't going to let her come completely back from wherever a woman goes when she cums. First off, that wouldn't do for my plan of leaving her thoroughly exhausted. Secondly, and of equal importance, I had a steel-hard cock waiting anxiously to play too!

So while Annie tried to recover from what I had put her through already, I moved into position above her. "Now, my beauty, I'm going to give you the fucking you have been missing! The fucking your worthless excuse of a husband never did!" I said authoritatively.

Yeah, I was half-bragging, but from what I knew of Bill's pathetic performance and by the reaction I got when Annie first learned of what I brought to the game, I was fairly certain I could make a good showing of it at least.

"Jaaames..." she whined in weak protest. Sure, she would have liked to rest a little longer, but she also knew I would have none of it. I had a battle plan on how to win this woman and seal the deal and I wasn't going to be distracted or deterred! I knew that I had to make her unequivocally mine here and now.

Otherwise, when Tommy came back in a day or two, he might get her head all turned around again. After all, Tommy and I were the same age and she might start using that as an excuse, saying it would be wrong to have a relationship with someone her own son's age. I might not get another chance like this again. 

"Oh fuck James!" she cried out as my cock slammed home. I didn't waste time with the slow gentle approach or teasing her with my cock tip. Those things I could save for when she was completely mine. The teasing and playing would work better once she knew what was at the other end of that teasing anyway.

Right now I wanted her to know I wasn't that young boy playing cops and robbers or asking her son if he could come out to ride bikes anymore. I didn't want her to see little Jimmy Peterson, the boy next door. I wanted her to know that James Peterson had come to take what he had wanted for so long now. I came to claim her and I intended to make her "my girl" for real!

Annie's pussy was tight, partially from lack of use, but also because her feeble ex-husband's puny-ass cock couldn't stretch the pinky finger of a rubber glove, much less give her something she could feel! But she sure as fuck felt me when I plowed into her tight pussy!

She was plenty lubricated from her four tremendous orgasms and the buckets of juice she had produced, so that was no problem. My cock, a measured six and three-quarters inches long hard and a full eight inches in circumference, stretched her tight hole like she hadn't felt in ages.

I pushed into her until I felt my balls slap her ass and the tip of my cock bumped up against something hard and unyielding inside her. "Oh my god, James–you are so deep you are hitting my cervix!" she said. 

"Is that too deep? Want me to back up a bit?" I asked prepared to pull out a little if I was hurting her.

"Don't you dare!" she said, grabbing my arms. "Fuck I have felt anything like this since college!" she said.

"College?" I asked quizzically.

"In college, I had a boyfriend for a short time. He was black, and my god was he hung! He was the only other man to bottom out in me like you are. Oh god, I have missed this feeling! Now, show me you know how to work this wonderful, amazing cock baby!" she explained.

"Yes, ma'am!" I said with a big grin.

I began slamming into her hard, fast, and deep. I fucked her like I wanted to punch a hole through her with my cock. I fucked her like I wanted to punish her for making me wait so long. I gave her everything I had and she loved every hard brutal stroke!

I pounded her pussy like there was a time limit on it and she moaned and cried and begged for more. "Yes! Oh fuck James, that's it! Fuck me! Fuck my dirty pussy! Fuck me harder! Yes! Ohhh fuck!" she cried out as once again her passions began to boil.

I pounded her pussy like a deranged oil derrick for several minutes until I felt her walls beginning to collapse and I knew that was a sign she was about to cum. She verified that a moment later.

"Oh, God James! Oh please, I have to cum! Please make me cum! Please, please, please make me cum, baby!" she whimpered. She raised up and threw her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist, pulling me tight to her.

I had just enough room to move a few inches and kept stroking as much as I could. She let loose with a cry and a great shudder, clamping down on my cock as well as hugging me tighter holding me in place inside her as she erupted. 

I moved inside her as she came, feeling her tight walls gripping me and hugging my cock. And I'm sure she felt every bump and ridge of my cock as well. Finally, the sensations were too much for her.

"James please, baby, don't move! Don't move!" she said. I grinned and held still–for a couple of seconds. Then I began to slowly move again, teasing her and making her hold on tighter.

"James! James, you little shit! Stop moving! You're driving me crazy!" she said. 

I held still after that and let her finish with her orgasm. But now my cock was the one demanding release. So when she had finished and the last of her orgasm had drained away. I got up.

"Now it's my turn!" I said and pointed to the floor.

She knew what I meant and with a smile, she obediently got onto the floor and knelt there waiting for me. I stepped forward and she immediately took me into her mouth. I know she could taste herself on my cock but she seemed to enjoy the mixture of us both as she greedily sucked and slurped on my aching cock. She was very good in her own right and soon I was the one doing the moaning.

"I'm going to cum, Annie. I'm going to cum!" I announced.

I make it a policy to let the girl know when I'm cumming–it seems to excite them, plus it gives them a chance to decide where and how they want me to cum. Some girls don't like the taste of cum so they pop me out of their mouth and I cum on their tits or stomachs. Others like the taste of cum and I shoot in their mouths. Still, others want to play the slut card and I shoot on their faces.

"Yes, James! Cum in my mouth, James, please I want to taste you! Give me your sweet cum, lover! I haven't tasted cum in so long! Please cum in my mouth. Please cum in my mouth, James!" she said, leaving little doubt as to where she wanted me.

With a huge groan of ultimate satisfaction, I shot the first of several loads of white-hot cum into the beautiful mouth of the woman I was so infatuated with. It was a wonderful, amazing, incredible moment knowing that I was giving her a part of myself no one else could ever have. 

My first load was followed by four more before I emptied my balls into that glorious mouth. She swallowed every drop too, not one bit escaped. She finished by taking me back on her mouth and sucking the last precious drops from me like a vacuum cleaner. Then she kissed the tip and looked up at me with a happy sparkle in her eyes.

I pulled her to her feet and into my arms, kissing her. I didn't even mind the taste of my own cum on her tongue. The important thing was she was mine. 

To make sure, I asked her. "You asked me this earlier right after I came over, so let me ask you now. Are you my girl, Annie?"

"Yes, James, yes I am your girl. For as long as you'll have me, you sweet, darling man," she said, sealing her words with a kiss.

"Then you'd better get used to this because you are going to be mine for a very, very long time!" I said.

"Promise?" she said.

"Annie, I have wanted you since you first came to Phoenix. I'm not about to let you go now that I have you. Yes, beauty, I promise. You are my girl now and always," I said, and I kissed her to prove my point.

Written by Master_Jonathan
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