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First Solo Holiday

"Teen enters the adult world."

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Janet was eighteen years old and still a virgin when she went on a working holiday to Guernsey. When she returned four weeks later she was a young woman completely at ease with her sexuality and her body - and she was no longer a virgin.

She had enrolled to start at Art College in September having attended an exclusive all-girls Grammar School for seven years. She planned to work in Guernsey for a month to earn some money with which to augment her student grant.

She had arranged to rent a small cabin on a farm that also accommodated about a dozen tents. It was basic but cheap!

She had also booked an interview with an agency that provided workers for local companies and for work in the glasshouses - Guernsey was renowned for tomatoes and flowers grown under glass.

She flew to the island and following the directions she had been given she travelled by bus to St Martins where the Farm was situated near to the coast.

The accommodation was just a hut with windows along one side but it was sufficient for her purposes. It had a camping stove, a Gaz lantern for illumination and a water tap was a short distance away. Toilets consisted of a small block near to where the tents were sited about fifteen meters away.

She was next to a small paddock in which she later discovered she would be able to sunbathe topless or nude if she wanted to without being overlooked by young men camped further down the hill. Just so long as nobody came walking up from the tented area. The path stopped at the cabin and went nowhere else so it was unlikely.

The next day she checked in with the agency. It was Friday and she was told there would be no work until Monday but that was okay as it would give her time to get her bearings.

While she was waiting, she got chatting with a boy who was a bit older than her.  He was a local boy called Derek and he gave her all sorts of tips about the island. Very useful!

He was twenty-four and had no regular job as he preferred to work for cash through the agency in the summer and go travelling in the winter. He had a car, one he was very proud of - a Simca with all the up-to-date interior like American cars; a bench front seat and a column shift.

He asked her if she would like to see it and perhaps he could give her a quick tour as neither of them was working but she needed to get herself organised in her cabin so she said no - but how about Saturday? He agreed straight away and said that if she brought a towel they could go for a swim in one of the bays.

She met him about mid-morning on Saturday as arranged and he drove her round the island showing her the sights.  They stopped at a pub for a drink and a sandwich. It was a sunny day so they were able to sit outside which was nice but the downside, she found, was that as she was wearing a Guernsey sweater and Jeans she was too hot in the sun.

When he suggested they stop for a swim on the way back she readily agreed.

He took her to a place not far from the farm on which she was staying saying that he knew a place that would not be crowded as only the locals knew about it. It was off the main path to the beach but not very far and turned out to be a small level area with direct access to the beach and well hidden from the nearby family beach.

There were a few small fishing boats anchored at the end of the path just a few meters away from the flat area on which they sat.

She wasted no time getting out of her underwear and into her swimming costume and quickly joined him in the water. They swam among the boats resting from time to time by holding on to the side. When she wanted to climb into one he didn’t hesitate to help her by gripping her waist or putting his hand on her bum to give her a boost.

A couple of times his hand “slipped” from her waist and over her breast and across her nipple that had gone stiff in the cold water but she didn’t object - it felt nice!

Eventually, when they had had enough of swimming, they went back to the beach where she spread her towel to lie on.

She wanted to get a tan so she slipped her straps down and rolled the front of the costume down level with her hips to expose all of her back and lay face down on the towel with only her bum covered enjoying the warmth of the sun on her back.

After a short while, he told her that her costume would never dry rolled up like that and said she should take it off and he would hang it on a bush for her.

There was no one around to see her and he said it in such a matter-of-fact way that it didn’t occur to her not to comply with his instruction. Besides he had already taken hold of the costume which was bunched over her hips and was already pulling it down so she simply lifted her hips up so he could slide it down her legs and then right off saying that he would let her know if anyone came along the path.

She lay on her front in the sun chatting with him about the island and it seemed perfectly natural to be talking with him like that even though she was totally naked now - but she was still face down and didn’t feel she was unduly exposed.

In a little while, she was dozing in the sun when she became aware that he was very gently running the tips of his fingers across her shoulders and over the tops of her arms, and she said to him, “That feels lovely. Don’t stop. I think I used to be a cat.”

He carried on, gradually widening the area he was feeling until he was stroking over her bum and the backs and insides of her thighs as well as all of her back. She was mesmerised and half asleep. It felt lovely!

As he returned to stroking her shoulders he quietly said to her, “Turn over.”

Without thinking she started to do as he told her and was halfway over towards him, one breast already exposed when she realised how much more she would be exposing of her body to his view if she lay on her back so she hesitated.

He told her not to worry about being seen, he would keep watch. He said it with such authority that she continued right over onto her back without further thought, completely exposing her tits and pussy to his gaze.

She watched to see his reaction to seeing her nude - but he seemed to like what he saw and made no attempt to take advantage, so she was reassured.

Apart from looking at her and saying, “You’ve got a lovely body,” he didn’t react at all to the sight of her naked except to resume stroking her body; this time over her chest and gradually over both of her tits too which made her nipples go hard and aroused despite the heat of the sun.

It really did feel wonderful she thought and although she knew it could lead to complications she didn’t want him to stop-so she just closed her eyes and let it happen.

Before long he was not just stroking her, he was gently playing with her nipples as his hand tracked over her breasts which aroused her and she opened her eyes to look up at him. 

“Nice?” he asked as he gently rolled her nipple between finger and thumb.

She replied, “Very,” and closed her eyes again.

He bent forward and gently kissed her nipple before teasing it with his tongue. It felt lovely-and very sexy. She was getting very wet!

She had stopped worrying that anyone might discover them a while ago and she just lay back now completely naked enjoying the sensation that was gradually stealing all her earlier inhibitions.

She closed her eyes again and felt him continue to explore her body, gradually covering more and more of it. Before long his fingers had progressed below her waist and were playing with the curly hairs of her bush.

She said to him, “You like my bush don’t you?” and he said that he preferred it to the shaved look that most girls adopted.  He wanted to decorate it with coloured ribbons, he said - which made her laugh.

She knew she should really have stopped him before now but what he was doing seemed so natural and she loved the way it was making her feel. So she let him continue even as the tips of his fingers began to play around and between her pussy lips and to seek out her clitoris.

He clearly knew what he was looking for, she thought and in no time he was gently massaging her clit which was very sensitive.

It felt wonderful and she realised that she not only had a very wet pussy but if he carried on like that for very much longer she would very shortly reach orgasm and be even wetter!

The wet feeling between her legs was exacerbated when he inserted his finger into her. He was so gentle(and she was so wet)that she hardly felt it enter her until he started to slowly push it in and out of her pussy.

She had of course masturbated since her early teens but had never had a man pleasure her in this way before and it felt lovely. Instead of telling him to stop, (as she knew she really should) she instead urged him to “put two fingers in” to increase the intensity of the feeling that was rapidly exciting her pussy.

She was so wet that she could hardly feel his single finger now. He put a second finger in, thrusting it gently but firmly up into her and it felt even more wonderful!

He seemed to be in no hurry and fingered her pussy for quite some time while she luxuriated in the feeling of the sun on her body and she realised for the first time that he had, all the while, been gradually easing her legs apart so the sun now shone directly on to her pussy.

She was lying naked with her legs spread wide apart for all to see - totally abandoned!

When she could no longer resist the feeling that she was about to reach orgasm at any moment and was about to lose control she put her hand over his and lay perfectly still until the wave of passion passed over her.

She noticed to her surprise that not only was her cunt super sensitive now but so too was the nipple he was gently sucking and nibbling on. Her cunt and her nipples seemed to be connected each reflecting the pleasure of the other.

“Please one and you please the other!“ she thought.

As he leaned over her to tease her nipple with his tongue she realised that he must have taken off his swimming trunks as she could feel what seemed like a warm, soft but rigid penis rubbing against her thigh.

She took her hand from where it was restraining the fingers in her pussy to confirm what she suspected and sure enough it was a large firm cock! She wrapped her fingers around it briefly to give it a squeeze of encouragement and then put her hand back on top of his hand to stop him fingering her any more - at present. She didn’t want to cum just yet!

Eventually, she removed her hand from his and after sliding his fingers into her a few more times he rolled on top of her and she felt his cock start to slide up her thigh towards her very wet pussy. As she felt the head of his cock press against her moist pussy she said to him, “I’m still a virgin.”

“Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

Hardly giving it a second thought she replied that the feeling was fantastic and she didn’t want it to EVER stop. Reaching down she took his cock and guided the head, from which pre cum was emerging, into her wet pussy saying, “Be gentle.”

It felt surprisingly tight to start with but he didn’t rush her and he just kept up a gentle pressure as his cock gradually penetrated deeper into her with each insistent thrust; sometimes withdrawing a little until she was lubricated enough for him to push his cock inside her a little further.

He eventually had the full length of his cock inside her and she could feel the end pressing against her cervix.

He was a big boy she thought, but it didn’t feel quite so tight now.

He was a good lover and made certain that her first proper fuck was really enjoyable. He didn’t rush her at all and after quite some while, when he had clearly paused several times to prevent ejaculation, he could wait no longer.

She had already had one orgasm but he had waited and as she was clearly about to have another he asked her, “Where shall I cum?”

Without hesitation she said, “Just don’t stop what you are doing,” and almost immediately she felt him jerk convulsively and then thrust deep into her as he shot the first of several long spurts of cum into her as he lay between her outstretched thighs with his cock buried balls deep inside her.

These final thrusts caused her to reach orgasm also which made her cunt seem to open even further and flood on his cock even more which made her become much wetter than she was already. She was absolutely soaking!

When he had finished pumping every last drop of his cum into her wet and now satisfied cunt he lay on top of her for quite some time until she felt his penis go soft.

She told him as he began to slip out of her that it was the first time she had ever been fucked or even had a cock fully inside her and it had been wonderful - if unexpected - she had really enjoyed it and she thanked him for being gentle.

It was getting cooler now (her nipples had gone hard). It would be getting dark soon. When she glanced down the beach there was no one there as far as she could see.

She was short-sighted and couldn’t see too far without her glasses but she stood up to brush the sand off her body and it seemed there was no one around.

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He sat back looking at her for several minutes before telling her that she looked beautiful standing in the sun with just the sea as a background and with not a single stitch of clothing on.

She stood up again when he asked and moved around a little to let him see her from every angle and asked, "What about the glasses?”

The saying in those days was - girls in glasses never get passes - and this had certainly been the experience of her early teenage years.

“What glasses?” he said with a grin and told her that if she needed glasses she should put them on now as there were a couple of people on the beach just below them!

She thought he was kidding but picked her glasses up and put them on in a leisurely way - and discovered he was not kidding at all and there, only a short distance away, were two young men looking directly back at her, enjoying the sight of her completely naked body!

She had always been told not to move suddenly in a crisis as it just drew attention to her so, instead of ducking out of sight, she slowly walked over to where her clothes were, picked up her Guernsey and slipped it over her head. It just about reached her pussy!

When she asked him how long the young men had been watching her and why he had not said anything, he told her cheekily that he had only agreed to stand guard while she was sunbathing. Besides, he said, she seemed to be enjoying herself dancing and he didn’t want to spoil her fun. She did look good naked. The boys had obviously enjoyed the show - as he had!

The problem now was how to get back home. He didn’t want the cum that was now leaking out of her to stain his car seats and she didn’t want it staining her jeans either so she screwed her panties onto a ball to absorb what was leaking from her pussy and held it between her thighs.

They drove back to the Farm with her wearing her Guernsey and nothing else. They forgot all about her bra which was abandoned on the back seat.

It was dusk but not yet dark when they arrived back at the gate leading to the tents and then beyond to her “hut” a little further up the hill. All she could do was hope that no one noticed her in a Guernsey that wasn’t quite long enough to cover her pussy and that she didn’t meet anyone!

She got a couple of interested looks from some lads outside the tents but no one stopped her or seemingly noticed the cum dribbling down the inside of her thighs and she made it to the cabin - just.

She was aware that as she unlocked the door she had had to bend over and had no doubt shown her naked wet pussy to anyone watching her. Once inside she pulled off the Guernsey and cast it onto the bed to avoid getting cum on it and lit the Gaz lantern.

Only then did she remember there were no curtains and she could be seen completely naked if anyone was watching.

She quickly lay down on the bed and thought about her day which made her randy again so as she lay there she started to play with her pussy which was very responsive to her touch still.

In no time she came again as she remembered everything that Derek had done to pleasure her that afternoon. She was aware as she masturbated that she could still feel the residue of his sperm in her pussy and of course, she simply made it worse by adding her own juices when she reached another orgasm.

At least she could now wear clean panties to hold it all in, she thought - supplemented with her handkerchief.

As she lay back, still naked on the bed, thinking, she was amazed at what she had done that day. It was quite out of character but also new, exciting and fun!

Within twenty-four hours or so of arriving on the island she had lost her virginity, been fucked (beautifully), learned a lot about sex and what men like and enjoyed a new experience. She had come to the island to work she thought not to get fucked - that was a bonus!

On top of this, she realised that being full of Derek’s cum she might have got herself inseminated and could find herself pregnant in the coming days!

She’d had a wonderful time but at what cost?

It was late now and she decided to put it out of her mind until the morning but so distracted was she that she stood up to turn the lantern off forgetting there were no curtains and wearing just her panties!

She may have just ended a perfect day by giving a free show of her bare tits to the boys outside - but what the heck? She would worry about that in the morning.

Within a few days, her period arrived so she knew she was not pregnant and Derek called to see her to return the bra she had left on the back seat and to ask her out again.

She had enjoyed a great new experience that first day but realised that letting him fuck her without protection had not been a sensible decision, so for the rest of her stay on the island whenever she went out with him, although she made love with him, she always insisted he used a condom if he wanted to shoot his cum inside her - which he usually did.

She also resolved to get a new boyfriend. The one she had left in London was clearly an inadequate lover and she realised only ever pleasured himself. The height of his sexual ambition was to get her top off so he could look at her tits and have her give him a handjob until he shot his load over her tits.

Not once had he stripped her naked to caress her body or even try to get her panties off to excite her pussy, it was all about his needs.

Well, no more! She wanted more for herself - a LOT more!

In the following days and weeks ( she was on the island for a month) she saw quite a bit of Derek. If she was working away she would be picked up early in the morning and brought back in the evening.

The guy who usually picked her up was called Terry. He was probably mid-thirties and seemed to be an easygoing type and she got on well with him.

She was never good at getting up in the mornings and was often still asleep when he arrived to pick her up so he had to wait while she scrambled into some clothes. It was raining one morning so she told him to come inside while she got changed, took off her pyjama jacket and put a low-cut working top on as she would be working inside the glass houses today and it got very hot if the sun shone.

It was the height of summer and hot working in and around the glass houses so she had given up wearing a bra. She didn’t have time to put one on in any event she thought! She was still half asleep and didn’t notice that he had not turned away so Terry was treated to the sight of pert little tits before they disappeared into her working top and before she pulled down the pyjama trousers and put on some very short shorts and boots. Then, at last, she was ready!

It rained for several days and Terry waited inside the hut for her to get ready each morning because she always overslept.

She was never quite naked but several times she was wearing flimsy panties only and as she liked sexy underwear, she presented quite a picture - to Terry’s evident delight.

Just picture her, a young girl still half asleep and tousleled. Naked except for small black lace panties, her nipples hard from the warmth of her jacket as they transitioned into the cool morning air.

This was the sight that greeted Terry in the morning!

One morning he could stand it no longer. She had just put her panties on and was wearing nothing else. As she turned her back to him, he whipped her panties back down and threw her naked onto the bed. Her legs were forced apart by the weight of his body and his cock was in her in an instant!

Being taken by surprise she did not react immediately and he was thrusting his cock into her before she could stop him, but she wriggled out from under him and started yelling at him, “What are you doing? I don’t want you to fuck me. You’re a married man. Get off!”

He did as she demanded immediately, full of apologies. He had misread the situation he said and thought that she wanted it. She had after all been teasing him for several days, getting naked or partly naked before they went to work.

She insisted that she was only being friendly and had trusted him but when she reconsidered she did realise how it might appear from his point of view! He was never invited inside again! The temptation was clearly too great!

The rest of her working holiday was largely without incident with the exception of the last week or so. It was work during the day and usually out somewhere with Derek most evenings and at weekends.

In the time that she did have to herself, she had laundry and shopping to do and she liked to look around the shops and she treated herself to a new bikini on Derek’s recommendation. It was very small and white which made her tan look fantastic but she didn’t realise at first that her nipples showed through it when it was wet which was doubtless why Derek was so keen on it and wanted her to wear it to the beach!

For relaxation, she liked to sunbathe while she read a book and this was where the paddock next to her cabin came in useful. Because it was at the end of an uphill track she reasoned that no one else would come up there, so she felt completely relaxed.

Having sunbathed in the paddock without interruption for a week or so, she took to sometimes walking out of her cabin in just her panties and lying in the sun topless. Then she realised that she had an opportunity to get an all-over tan, so she began to sunbathe nude, firstly by taking off her panties when sunbathing and then not bothering to put any on before leaving the cabin.

It was not long before she was completely confident she would not be disturbed so she no longer bothered with panties or bikini pants and would walk out of the cabin naked and stay that way for most of the afternoon.

That is until one day when Derek called in to see her!

He just appeared, as if from nowhere! She was walking towards the cabin naked when he walked round the corner, stopped in his tracks and said, “What a wonderful surprise!”

She was so startled that she reacted as if he was a complete stranger and hadn’t seen her naked many times before, squealed and tried to cover herself with her arms - quite inadequately of course.

While she was trying to get dressed, she explained that her watch had stopped which was why she was late and Derek was insisting on delaying her further by checking on the progress of her tan!

He commented that she was taking a bit of a chance sunbathing nude with all the men around in the camping area who would certainly like to see what she had to offer!

She replied that she wasn’t really being very daring at all because nobody ever came up to the cabin and she had been sunbathing there uninterrupted for some time now. He was the only one that had ever disturbed her.

She was surprised when he told her that he had passed two guys on the way up and he wondered whether she hadn’t seen them because she was not wearing her glasses. One of them, he said, was carrying a camera and they seemed pretty pleased with themselves.

She remembered with some embarrassment that she had been trying to tan the inside of her thighs so she had been lying on her back, legs apart, pussy exposed. How embarrassing!

She didn’t want to give up her sunbathing spot but nor did she want tan lines, so she decided to be a bit more cautious but still carry on sunbathing naked there. She could sunbathe and keep a watch out for intruders she decided - and remember to take her glasses so she could see them just in case!

She had been sunbathing in just her panties for half an hour or so one day without there being any sign that anyone was watching her, so she decided that it was safe to take her panties off too to get her bum brown and walk around the paddock a bit for some exercise.

She had been doing this for ten minutes or so when she suddenly noticed a slight movement in one corner of the paddock.  When she concentrated on this spot, she realised there was a guy looking straight back at her! In his hand was a camera; in fact, she was looking right down the lens. She was stark naked!

She thought that spying on her was a bit of a cheek and without thinking, she strode towards where she had seen him to remonstrate with him. She was still stark naked.

When she got there there was no one in sight! Had it just been shadows?

She thought she must have imagined it at first, but when she went back to the cabin a few minutes later she saw a guy walking down the path between her cabin and the tents - where nobody normally ever went. He had a camera and it was one of the Dads from the site who often greeted her as she passed.

“I think Derek was right,” she thought. “That randy sod has been sneaking up here to watch me walking around with bare tits and pussy. I wonder how long he has been coming up here to photograph me nude - and what he is going to do with the pictures come to think of it!” she thought. “I might be featured in one of those top-shelf men's mags!”

“Well, I dare say it spices up his sex life,” she said to herself giggling at the thought. “He probably imagines he is shagging me while he’s bonking his wife!”

Written by Virginjanet
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