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Do You Like My Arse, Mr Shepherd?

"A twenty-year-old young lady teases her much older employer and gets the spanking that she desires"

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"Do you like my arse, Mr Shepherd?" said twenty-year-old Lisa Garner to her employer, Mike Shepherd, who was aged in his late fifties. Maybe not the best thing to say to your boss, but Lisa was confident that she could get away with it.

Lisa worked in a shop owned by Mike and his wife Sandra, who also often worked there, but right now there was only Lisa and Mike there.

"What? I,..I,...What do you mean?" replied a flustered Mike.

"Well, you are always looking at it, so I assumed you liked it," smiled Lisa, a very sexy smile.

"I am not,...I, I don't know what you mean," responded a still flustered Mike.

"Whatever," smiled Lisa, turning her back on Mike again, showing him her very curvy backside in tight jeans.

Lisa had been working in the shop for about six months, and she liked to tease Mike when Sandra was not there, also sometimes when she was. Lisa did not imagine that Mike was having much sex with his wife, and her teasing of him was maybe a bit cruel.

Lisa had sex with males of a similar age to herself, but she liked to flirt with much older men, preferably married ones. She sometimes allowed an older man to fuck her, or she might wank them or give them a blowjob. She loved the power that she had over them.

She had a great arse, and she knew it. She was generally a very attractive young lady, but her arse was probably her greatest asset. It was an arse to dream of, and an arse to dream about.

Lisa was right, Mike Shepherd was always looking at her arse. She was also right in her assumption that he was not getting much sex with Sandra.

Although Lisa sometimes teased Mike when Sandra was there, she knew that Sandra would sack her on the spot if she was aware of it.

The conversation between Lisa and Mike got no further at that point because a customer entered the shop. Lisa's words, and her arse, had caused some stiffening of Mike's cock though.

Lisa had not yet decided if she wanted to go further than just flirting and teasing with Mike, he was not bad-looking and he was not overweight, she had not yet been able to assess the size of his cock, but maybe she would do that soon.

The shop got quite busy for a while, with Mike and Lisa both serving customers. Eventually, the shop was empty again, at least for the moment.

"Now what were we talking about?" Lisa asked Mike, with her customary smile.

"When?" responded Mike.

"Before we had a load of customers, Mr Shepherd," replied Lisa. She had been told that she could call Mike and Sandra by their first names, but usually called them Mr or Mrs.

"I don't know," said Mike, although he did know, of course.

"Oh, I remember, we were talking about my arse," said Lisa, with a chuckle.

"We shouldn't talk about such things, Lisa," said Mike, who often thought about Lisa Garner's bottom.

"I only asked you if you liked it because you keep looking at it, Mr Shepherd," teased Lisa.

"I don't keep looking at it," said Mike, not very convincingly.

"I bet that you would like to do more than look at it, wouldn't you?" said Lisa, knowing that she was pushing her luck a bit. She wanted to keep her job.

"You really must stop saying such things, Lisa," said Mike, as sternly as he could.

"Okay; if you say so," replied Lisa.

Mike was pleased that the shop door opened and a customer entered. He both wanted to continue and to end the conversation. His penis had hardened a bit again.

Lisa intended to get the conversation back on the subject of her backside at some point but would be careful to choose the right time.

Lisa's next action was not vocal; she deliberately bent over with her arse pointing towards Mike and her buttocks stretching her jeans almost to the point of splitting. She held the pose as she pretended to be looking for something at a low level in the shop. She then stood up and did not look behind her to see Mike's reaction, but she wanted to.

Mike knew that Lisa's bending over was designed to provoke and excite him, it did both. His penis stiffened in his underwear, and he could not stifle a nervous cough.

"Are you alright, Mr Shepherd?" asked Lisa, without looking behind her.

"Yes, yes, I am fine," replied Mike. Lisa smiled to herself, she was enjoying what she was doing but she knew that she needed to be careful or she might antagonise her boss.

The morning progressed without any more suggestive words or actions from Lisa.

It was almost lunchtime, and Sandra Shepherd entered the shop to cover so that first Lisa and then Mike could have a break.

"Has it been busy?" asked Sandra.

"Yes, it has been," replied Mike, his penis just starting to soften after Lisa's bending-over performance.

"We had a couple of quiet spells, didn't we, Mr Shepherd?" said Lisa, smirking.

"Yes, but generally, it was busy," said Mike.

"You can have your lunch break now, Lisa," said Sandra.

"Thank you, see you both later," answered Lisa, with a special smile for Mike, that he hoped his wife did not notice.

Lisa had her lunch break and then returned so that Mike could have his. She chatted with Sandra when they were not busy, but she looked forward to more teasing of Mike in the afternoon.

Mike returned to the shop, and after hanging around for a while, Sandra decided to leave.

"I will leave you two to it," said Sandra, as she left. Mike and Lisa exchanged looks, both wondering what the afternoon held.

There was a steady stream of customers, but once the shop was empty, Lisa thought she should say something. She had decided to try a slightly different tac.

"I am sorry if I embarrassed you this morning, Mr Shepherd," said Lisa.

"It is okay, let's forget it," replied Mike, although he knew that Lisa's arse would be on his mind because it had been for a while.

"But I was very naughty teasing you, maybe I should be spanked," said Lisa, looking at Mike for any facial reaction. There was a look of almost panic in Mike's eyes.

"Lisa, you need to stop saying these things," said Mike, flustered again.

"I think that I would like to go over your knee for a spanking, ...., on my bare arse," said Lisa, still with her eyes on Mike's face.

"Oh God, Lisa," said Mike, wondering how she knew that he sometimes wanked imagining spanking her twenty-year-old backside.

"You like that idea do you, Mike?" said Lisa, using her employer's first name, something she rarely did.

Lisa was quite into getting her bottom spanked, but her suggesting to Mike that she should be spanked had come as a spur-of-the-moment remark.

The ping of the shop door announced the arrival of another customer and interrupted the conversation at a possibly critical stage.

That customer heralded the arrival of several more, so there was quite a lot of time gone by before the shop was back to just the two occupants, employer and employee. This time, Mike was the first to speak.

"Lisa, I think our conversations have gone far enough, don't you?" said Mike, despite wanting to continue, although he did not think that Lisa was serious.

"Maybe Mike, unless you would like to give my bottom some attention," said Lisa, almost pouting.

"A joke is a joke, Lisa; just stop," said Mike.

"But I am not joking, honestly," said Lisa.

Mike did not speak, because he did not know what to say.

"I like older men, and I am offering you the chance to play with my arse, and to spank it if you want to," continued Lisa.

"Lisa, I am nearly forty years older than you, and I am married," said Mike, when he found the power of speech.

"Your age does not bother me, and I think that you could do with a bit of sexual excitement, am I right?" responded Lisa.

The shop door opened, sparing Mike the need to respond, for now. Mike took a deep breath and acknowledged the customer that had just arrived. He was aware of a swelling in his underpants, and he now thought that Lisa seemed serious.

The customer made a purchase and left, Lisa smiled at Mike.

"Well? Am I right?" said Lisa, not letting Mike get away without responding to her question.

"My sex life is not really your business, is it, Lisa?" replied Mike, staying quite composed considering the subject matter.

"No, but I am offering to make it so; not necessarily a fuck, but certainly some fun," responded Lisa.

"We should not be having this conversation," said Mike.

"But we are; admit it, you would love to see my bare arse," smiled Lisa.

"I am not answering that," said Mike, wishing that a customer would enter the shop and curtail the conversation.

"Is your cock hard right now, Mike? Shall I feel?" said Lisa, moving her hand towards Mike's crotch, but not yet touching him.

"Of course it is hard, you are driving me crazy, and you know that you are," responded Mike.

"Good to know, we will have some fun, won't we?" smiled Lisa.

"We can't, we mustn't," replied Mike.

"I think that we will, don't you, Mike?" said Lisa, her hand now brushing the front of her employer's trousers. He felt quite big, not huge, but big enough. "Mmmm," said Lisa.

The shop door opened, and Lisa moved a little bit away from an again flustered Mike.

"Um, I am just going through the back for a minute," said Mike to Lisa. He wanted to wank really, but he knew that he could not do that. He needed to clear his head and soften his penis though.

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Lisa served the customer and then went in search of Mike.

"Are you alright, Mr Shepherd?" asked Lisa, half-expecting to find Mike wanking.

"Of course, I am not alright; you got me so turned on with the things that you said and did," replied Mike, his cock had softened without the aid of his right hand.

"I like to give older men pleasure, and I want to please you if you will let me," said Lisa.

"It doesn't matter what I want, we can't," insisted Mike.

"I want you to spank me," said Lisa.

Yet again, the arrival of a customer interrupted the conversation. Mike and Lisa re-entered the shop from the back room.

There was nothing further said of a sexual nature, but Lisa's mind had been working.

"Isn't it tonight that Sandra goes out to play bingo?" Lisa asked Mike.

"Yes," replied Mike.

"I would like you to come to my flat for some fun," said Lisa.

"Lisa, we can't," said Mike.

"You want to, and I want to; let's do it," said Lisa.

Mike did not answer. He certainly did want to have some fun with the sexy young woman, and she was right about his lack of sexual excitement.

"What time does Mrs Shepherd go to bingo?" asked Lisa a bit later.

"About seven o'clock," replied Mike.

"You know where my flat is, I will expect you soon after that," said Lisa, knowing that Mike very much wanted to, but also knowing that he was having internal battles about it.

Once again, Mike said nothing, which Lisa took as being a good sign.

The time to close the shop was reached, and Mike and Lisa cashed up the till. They were right next to each other, almost touching, but not quite.

"Do you want to feel my arse now, Mr Shepherd?" asked Lisa.

"I shouldn't, but yes," replied Mike.

"Then do it," said Lisa.

Mike put his right hand on Lisa's jeans-covered bottom and caressed it.

"Mmmm, later you can do that without the jeans," said Lisa, her left hand rubbing Mike's cock through his trousers.

They both wanted to progress what they were doing right then, but the phone in the back of the shop rang.

Mike answered it, and it was his wife.

"I meant to tell you that I am going out earlier tonight, I am meeting Carol for a drink before bingo; I have had my dinner, and yours is in the oven," said Sandra.

"Oh, okay," replied Mike.

Mike returned to Lisa and told her what the phone call was about.

"That's great, so you can be at my flat earlier," said Lisa.

"Yeah, I suppose," said Mike, who had not yet confirmed that he was going to go there.

"See you soon, Mr Shepherd," said a happy Lisa, as she left the shop.

"Bye Lisa," responded Mike.

Mike set the alarm and locked the shop, Sandra was about to leave their house when he got home.

"Sorry, I should have told you earlier," said Sandra.

"No problem," replied Mike.

He ate his dinner, showered, and dressed in smart casual clothes. He wondered why a female like Lisa would be interested in him but he was sure that she was sincere and it was not some big wind-up. It briefly crossed his mind that it might be some sort of trap set by his wife and Lisa to catch him being unfaithful, but he concluded that Sandra was probably not too bothered about what he did.

Mike parked his car near Lisa's flat and rang the bell. Something in the back of his mind still told him that when he entered the flat, his wife would be there too.

Lisa let him in, and she looked gorgeous. She had much more makeup on than she wore for the shop, and she was dressed in a yellow tank top and white shorts. Mike was relieved to see that there was no sign of Sandra.

"I am so pleased that you came, Mr Shepherd," smiled Lisa.

"I still think that I shouldn't be here," replied Mike.

"But you are here, and we are going to have some fun," said Lisa.

"Yes, you look lovely," said Mike.

"Thanks; I am not going to let you fuck me today, but you can play with my arse and spank it if you want," said Lisa.

"Thank you," said Mike.

"I will toss you off or blow you, whichever you want," said Lisa.

"Thanks again," said Mike, this time with a broad smile.

"Shall we have your trousers off?" smirked Lisa.

"Um, yes, I suppose," said Mike, who could not believe what was happening.

Lisa undid Mike's trousers, and he removed them. Lisa then pulled Mike's underpants down. She had seen bigger erections, but Mike's was certainly not bad. Lisa gave it a couple of strokes; she would not have had to given many more for Mike to cum.

"Okay, my arse is yours," said Lisa, turning her back on Mike.

Mike hesitated for a moment, not that he was having doubts. Here he was with his trousers off and his underpants lowered and an attractive twenty-year-old woman offering him her arse to do with whatever he wanted.

Mike caressed Lisa's buttocks over her clinging shorts.

"Oh, Lisa," said Mike, feeling the rounded cheeks.

"Why don't you see what is underneath?" asked Lisa.

Mike slowly pulled Lisa's shorts down to reveal that she was naked under them. He was now looking at her gorgeous bare arse. Lisa stepped out of her shorts.

"Do you like my arse, Mr Shepherd?" said Lisa, repeating what she had said that morning.

"I adore it, Lisa," said Mike, running his hand over Lisa's skin.

"Adore it enough to kiss it?" asked Lisa.

"Oh yes," said Mike, dropping to his knees and kissing Lisa's left cheek and then her right one.

"Take as long as you want," said Lisa, and Mike spent some time kissing every centimetre of Lisa's buttocks.

"You have a truly wonderful bottom, Lisa," complimented Mike.

"Do you want to spank it?" asked Lisa, who was very aroused.

"Well, you have been rather a naughty girl," said Mike.

"Would you like me to make you cum first?" asked Lisa.

"That might be a good idea; I am not far from it," said Mike, still kneeling behind Lisa's arse.

"With my hand or with my mouth?" asked Lisa.

"Um, hand, please," replied Mike.

"Okay, lay on my bed," said Lisa.

Mike scrambled up and removed his underpants, which were partway down his legs.

He lay on his back on Lisa's bed.

"I had better undo your shirt; we don't want Sandra wondering why you have cum on your shirt, do we?" chuckled Lisa.

"No, that would not be a good idea," said Mike, as Lisa undid his shirt and then took his erect penis in her right hand.

"Nice and slow," said Lisa, very slowly sliding her hand up and down Mike's length as he squirmed on the bed.

"Oh Lisa, oh God," said Mike, as his stiff cock got teased by Lisa's hand. The slow wank continued.

"Enjoying it? Want me to wank faster?" smiled Lisa.

"Yes, I am enjoying it; you are in charge," replied Mike.

"I am, aren't I? Let's speed it up," said Lisa, but she did more than speed up; she wanked hard and fast, and that did it.

"Oh, oh, oh," gasped Mike as he ejaculated and his spunk shot into the air.

Lisa kept wanking until semen had stopped spurting from Mike's cock.

"There, that was fun, wasn't it?" said Lisa, who had almost cum herself.

"Thank you," said Mike.

"Let's clean you up a bit, and then you can thank me by spanking me," said Lisa, wiping spunk from Mike's stomach, pubic hairs, and cock, with a tissue.

With Mike suitably cleaned, Lisa got a chair for him to sit on for the spanking.

"Spank me hard, Mr Shepherd," said Lisa, placing herself over Mike's knee.

Mike had quite often spanked Sandra in the earlier years of their marriage, but it was a long time since he had a pair of buttocks over his knee awaiting a tanning.

"You have been very naughty," said Mike, resting his hand on Lisa's left arse cheek.

"Yes, I have been. Spank me hard," said Lisa.

Mike raised his hand and brought it down with a loud SLAP on Lisa's left buttock, he then did the same to her right one before a series of hard and fast spanks from cheek to cheek.

"Yes, harder," said Lisa, who was on the point of cumming.

Mike spanked harder and faster, and Lisa came. Mike spanked on and on, and Lisa's buttocks were glowing.

The spanking delighted them both, and they were both breathless when it stopped.

"Mmmm, Mr Shepherd, you certainly know how to spank an arse," said Lisa.

"You have a wonderful arse for spanking, my dear," replied Mike.

Lisa got off Mike's lap and looked at her spanked arse in the mirror.

"Thank you," smiled Lisa, her face flushed.

"No, thank you, my dear," said an elated Mike.

"Next time, you can fuck me if you want," said Lisa.

"I would like that," replied Mike, not doubting that there would be a next time.

Mike stayed with Lisa for quite a while longer, a bit longer, and he would probably have become erect again, but it was thought that he had better go home because he needed to be home when Sandra returned from bingo.

Mike got dressed, and he would shower again at home.

"Do you like my arse, Mr Shepherd?" asked Lisa for the third time.

"I love it, Lisa," replied Mike before gently stroking Lisa's very red buttocks.

They then kissed for the first time.

"See you in the morning, Lisa," said Mike.

"Yes, and next time we fuck, okay?" replied Lisa.

"Oh yes," answered Mike before leaving his employee's flat.

Their relationship had changed forever.

Written by PJH
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