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Daddy Finds A Playmate

"Daddy goes to a convention and unexpectedly finds a playmate."

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Author's Notes

"Daddy is attracted to a woman at a convention and ends up spending the night with her."

“I love San Diego,” Daddy said to himself as he pulled his rental into the Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel.  It was Wednesday afternoon and he would be attending a convention at the nearby Convention Center.  It was for suppliers to the medical industry and his company was heavy into supplying medical instruments and operation hardware.

After parking the car in the check-in loop, he made his way to the concierge station. Walking up to the counter, he could not help but notice the nice ass that was being barely concealed by a skintight pair of black leggings. Damn, what an ass, he thought to himself. He was a bit surprised with his thoughts since being married to Gracie had filled him completely, especially with her beauty and sexual appetite; he could barely keep up with her and Candy. This woman in front of him had a nice top on from what he could see; she was dressed to travel. I bet she’s here for the convention too, he surmised. Her long black hair was loosely bundled at the middle of her back. Beautiful so far, he thought. The woman in the leggings moved to the next open station to check in. Daddy soon followed and as luck would have it, got the station next to his mystery woman. Excellent, he thought. 

As he stepped forward, this mystery woman turned his way to grab something from her bag.  “Fuck me,” he said under his breath.  She had a wonderful tanned face, and her eyes, oh my god those eyes, he thought to himself. She had the most piercing blue eyes he’d ever seen.

Angel was reaching for her credit cards when she noticed the man next to her staring at her. Her heart leapt. She looked up at him. “Hello,” she said as she smiled unintentionally.

“Hello, there,” the man answered then he turned and finished checking in.  Angel did as well.  When finished, they both headed for the door at the same time.

“I’m sorry for staring back there,” Daddy stammered.  “It’s just, it’s just you have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.”

Feeling the blush flash over her face, she replied. “Well, thank you, you’re so kind.”

“I’m Lou,” Daddy said.  “All my friends call me DD.” 

He stretched out his hand and she took it. “Angelica,” she said shyly.  “Everyone calls me Angel,” she smiled.

“Angel, I like that,” he said as he looked into her eyes.  “That’s a beautiful name, just like the eyes.”

“Thank you,” she blushed.

“Hey, I don’t usually do this, but it’s early and I don’t want to eat alone tonight,” Daddy said to her.  “Would you like to join me for drinks and dinner?  There is a wonderful restaurant next to the pool, we can sit outside and enjoy this wonderful afternoon.”

“Oh, that does sound nice,” she cooed, “But would it be OK with the Mrs.?” She asked, looking at his wedding band.

“Well, she might raise an eyebrow, but it’s just dinner,” he smiled.

“OK, if it will be okay, I’d love to have some company too,” she said softly.  “Thank you for asking.” Her heart was racing; she had longed for some male company for quite some time.

“OK, I’m on the fourth floor, where are you?” Daddy asked.

“Fourth as well, probably a block of rooms,” she told him. 

“Great, I’m four ten,” he said.  “If you want, I’ll call you when I’m ready to come down, should be about thirty minutes.”

“That sounds good,” she said.  She smiled, and then said, “But I’m in four twelve,” she told him.  “Just knock on my door, neighbor,” she giggled. “See you in thirty minutes, DD,” she said as she got in her car and headed to the parking lot.  Daddy did the same.

Thirty minutes later, Angel had gotten settled in and had freshened up her hair and makeup.  She heard a knock on a door, but it was not the front door.  It was then she noticed her room was adjoining the one next to hers.  “Oh my, right next door, and adjoining rooms.  This might be interesting,” she said to herself as she walked to the door, unlocking it and opening it. 

“Hey, pretty lady, what do you think of this?” Daddy smiled.

“Easy, cowboy,” she chuckled.  “Let’s have dinner before you jump to that conclusion,” she said in a sultry tone.

“OK, shall we?” Daddy asked as he held his arm out for her to take. 

“Oh my,” she purred, “We shall,” she said, taking his arm and following him through his room. He is so intriguing, she thought to herself.  So sure of himself, and such a gentleman, I like this guy, she thought.

Daddy and Angel sat and talked for what seemed like hours.  She had learned about his business and was surprised and very interested to learn about his lifestyle.  He was master to his wife and her pet.  “Wow, that is so intriguing, so sensual to imagine,” she had told him.

Daddy had learned that Angel was single and was in sales for a company very much like his in the same city as his.

The waiter walked up to their table.  “Well, folks, ready for another round?” he asked. 

“Yes, yes we are,” Daddy replied.  “Do you want to order dinner now, sweetie?” he asked Angel.

Sweetie, wow, she thought. Oh my.  “Yes, DD, let’s order, what is good?” she asked the waiter.

“Well, there is always steak, we serve a wonderful prime rib,” he started.  “Or you can’t go wrong with the seafood feast,” he told her.

“I know, let’s order the feast and share,” Daddy suggested.

“Oh, that’s a lovely idea, DD,” Angel said.  “I wanted seafood, but I couldn’t handle the feast alone,” she smiled.

Daddy rubbed her hand. “Done!” he said to the waiter. “And we will take a bottle of white wine," he added.

Angel was tingling from Daddy’s intimate touch.  “Thank you, DD, the feast was a great idea.”  She placed her hand on his as he was caressing hers.  “This is such a wonderful afternoon,” she said softly, looking out over the marina that was next to the hotel.  The sun was setting over the yachts.  Beautiful, she thought.  “I am so glad you asked me,” she said, smiling at Daddy and squeezing his hand. 

“It is nice,” Daddy agreed.  He leaned in to kiss Angel and she welcomed his kiss. “Mm, sweet kisses too, you amaze me.”

“DD, I’m trying to behave,” she whispered, putting her forehead against his. “But, you are making it nearly impossible.” She looked into his eyes, then kissed him passionately. 

Daddy eagerly shared her kiss, opening her mouth and sharing tongues with her.  “I’m trying too, but I am not succeeding,” Daddy whispered back. “I am taken by you, Angel,” he told her.  “I am rarely so drawn in, but you make me crazy,” he admitted.

“Here you go, folks,” came a voice from behind them, shocking them back to reality.  The waiter placed the feast on their table.  He placed the wine glasses on the table and filled them for the guests. “Can I get you anything else?” he asked.

“No, this looks perfect,” Angel purred.  “It all looks so delicious!”

“Well, you heard the boss,” Daddy chuckled.  “We are good, thank you, sir.”

“Very well, enjoy,” the waiter said, turning and walking away.

Angel was in heaven.  It had been so long since she had enjoyed seafood, and Daddy was being a wonderful date. Date? she wondered.  “Here, try this shrimp,” he said as he held up one for her, feeding it to her. 

“Oh, that is so good,” she said.  “Try this crab,” she said, feeding him a bite.

The meal went on like this with the two of them completely oblivious to the outside world. 

Daddy filled their wine glasses with the last of the wine.  “Well, that was such a delicious meal,” he said as he handed Angel her wine.  “I’m stuffed, but I can share a dessert with you if you’d like.”

“Oh, that sounds wonderful, but I can’t eat another bite,” she told him.  “But I’d love to walk around the marina,” she said hopefully.

“Well, that sounds like a great idea,” Daddy said as he raised his hand to get the waiter’s attention. 

“Yes, sir,” the waiter said as he walked up to the table. 

“Sir, you did a great job tonight, thank you,” Daddy told him. “Check, please.”  Daddy paid the bill and stood up, holding out his hand.  “Shall we try and walk off that feast?” he asked.

“Yes,” Angel chuckled.  “We really need to,” she said as she took his hand. 

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you're trying to get me drunk and take advantage of me,” she said as she hooked her arm through his while they walked, laying her head on his arm.

“Well, I may just be guilty, Angel,” he said as they walked in the cool evening breeze.  “I hope that is OK,” he said.

“Well, DD, right now, I think it is VERY OK, I’ve had such a good time, it is long overdue,” she said softly.

“I am glad to hear that,” Daddy smiled. 

He stopped walking and turned to Angel, who was turning to him.  He took her into his arms and kissed her very deeply, hands on her hips.  They shared tongues, moaning into each other’s mouths with desire as the fire of their arousal ignited. They stood there on the pier of the marina and kissed passionately for several minutes.  Daddy dropped his hands to Angel’s ass and caressed her ample cheeks as he pulled her closer to him.

Angel could feel her arousal dripping into her thong.  She felt Daddy’s arousal pushing into her belly and her desire spiked.  She started to grind against his hardness and he massaged her ass very aggressively. She broke their kiss.

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“DD, I want you, I need you,” she moaned.  “God forgive me, but take me upstairs now, please.”

“Baby, I need you too,” Daddy said as he took her hand in his and led her hurriedly to the hotel.

The door to the elevator hadn’t closed before the two were entangled again.  Daddy pushed Angel against the wall and hit four on the panel. He then slid his hands inside the waistband of her leggings and grabbed her ass, feeling her soft skin as he pulled her against him.  He kissed her very passionately, sharing tongues with her again.  She grabbed his cock through his slacks and began to stroke him; he bucked against her hand.

The elevator pinged and stopped on the fourth floor.  Daddy reluctantly removed his hands from Angel’s pants and led her down the hall to their rooms.  Angel felt her thong sticking to her outer lips as they walked. 

Daddy stopped in front of his door and looked at Angel.  “Give me a minute, please,” she said and looked up at him.  Her body was full of lust, but she was shaking a bit from nervousness.

“OK, baby.  I’ll fix us a drink and turn some music on,” Daddy replied, letting go of her hand so she could enter her room.

Angel closed the door behind her and leaned back against it.  “What the fuck are you doing?” she asked herself.  Her body was on fire.  She slipped her hand down the front of her leggings and gave her soaking pussy a squeeze, then rubbed her clit.  “Fuck, I need a man,” she moaned.  “Fuck it, I’m doing it, we can deal with the consequences tomorrow, but I’m getting some love tonight,” she said. 

She walked into her room, removing her top and her bra.  She cupped her C-cup breasts and gave them both a squeeze, then she pinched her nipples.  She was raging with lust.  She pulled off her leggings and then pulled her thong over her hips.  The small patch covering her pussy stuck to her lips until she gave it a harder tug, letting it drop to the floor.  She stepped out of it and grabbed the robe hanging in the bathroom.  After applying fresh lipstick, she walked to the door to Daddy’s room, her robe flowing freely as she walked, exposing her nicely trimmed bush.

Daddy watched Angel walk through the door joining their rooms.  She turned the corner; her face was flushed and he got a nice view of her bush.  She had a look of determination as she came to him.  He had poured two glasses of a double shot of vodka, neat.  She grabbed hers and downed it in one gulp.  “Wow,” he said and did the same. 

He took the glass from Angel and placed both of them on the bar, then he turned to her, locking eyes, and pulled the robe over her shoulders.  She let it drop to the floor and reached for Daddy’s trousers, undoing the belt and opening them up.  Daddy stepped out of them and Angel pulled his shirt up and off of his raised arms.  They kissed, Angel pushed her breasts into Daddy’s chest and he pulled her to him by grabbing her ass.  They both moaned as their bodies melted into each other. 

Angel broke the kiss and looked at Daddy lustfully.  She kept eye contact and she knelt in front of Daddy, pulling his boxers down as she did.  His raging cock flipped out and slapped her cheek as she hit her knees. “Oh my god, DD, you didn’t tell me you were packing,” she giggled as she grabbed his eight or nine-inch cock with her hand.  Her hand did not go all the way around it.  “Fuck,” she moaned as she stroked him and licked the head of his cock, tasting his precum. With her free hand, she found her dripping pussy and started to rub her clit. 

Daddy grabbed two handfuls of her long silky black hair and pulled her onto his cock.  He moaned and pushed his cock into her until it hit the back of her mouth.

Angel pushed her mouth onto Daddy’s cock as she tried to relax her throat. After several tries, she finally was able to push his cock into her throat.  She kept his cock in her throat and breathed through her nose.  Then she pulled her head back and began to fuck him with her throat.

Daddy’s knees almost buckled as Angel started to take his cock deep.  He pulled on her hair harder and began to thrust into her mouth as she bobbed on his cock.  Before long, his balls tightened up.  “I’m cumming,” he warned her.

Angel pulled back until just the head was in her mouth so she could take Daddy’s entire load. Her hand was furiously rubbing her clit and she moaned on his cock as she squirted on her hand. After Daddy stopped spurting his cum into her mouth, she looked at him and showed him his gift, then she swallowed it. 

Daddy pulled her to her feet and kissed her deeply, sharing his seed.  Then he pulled her onto the bed urgently and lay with her.  As he cupped her breast, he kissed her passionately.  Angel moaned into his mouth when he pinched her nipple and pulled it away from her body.  She grabbed his cock and started to stroke it.  It surprisingly responded to her touch and began to harden and swell again.

With his cock growing, Daddy moved down her body and sucked on each of her breasts alternatively.  Angel bucked her hips against his hard cock and he sucked and bit her nipples.  “Fuck,” she moaned as he dragged his teeth across her nipple.  She moaned again as he did the same to the second nipple.  Daddy slid down between her legs and put pressure on her knees with his.  Angel eagerly opened her legs wide and Daddy continued to slide down until his face was at her mound. 

He leaned in and took a deep breath, pulling in her scent.  Her bush was nicely trimmed and her lips were completely shaved.  Fucking beautiful, he thought.  Then he opened her legs with his hands and pushed them up and open and licked her pucker. 

Angel jumped and moaned loudly, then bucked as his tongue traveled across her perineum and through her dripping slit, stopping on her clit.  Daddy sucked her clit into his mouth and started to flick it with his tongue.  Angel grabbed his hair and pulled him hard against her pussy.  “Fuck, that feels so good, DD, I’m going to cum soon,” she moaned.  Daddy smiled and continued his assault on her womanhood. Her legs closed hard against his cheeks; he could feel her quivering.  “Fuck, cumming!” she yelled.  Daddy continued through Angel’s orgasm.  She showered his face and chin with her cum. 

When she stopped quivering and bucking, Daddy moved up her body, placing his throbbing cock at the opening to her pussy.  He kissed her deeply, sharing her cum with her.  As she moaned into his mouth, he thrust deep into her, slapping her pelvic bone as he was fully inside of her.  Angel opened her legs, completely welcoming her lover deep inside her.  “Oh, DD, it’s been so long, you feel so good in me,” she moaned as tears filled her eyes.  “Take me, make love to me, DD,” she pleaded.

Daddy groaned at her request and began to fuck her hard and fast.  His head was spinning; his body was taking over.  Slap, slap, slap, rang out as he took her hard.  “Your pussy feels so good, so good, baby,” he moaned as he increased the force of his thrusts.  He could feel his balls tightening up.  Angel dragged her nails down his back as he was taking her, causing him to moan.  “Fuck, that feels so good,” he told her.  She did it again.  “Fuck!  I’m cumming!” he yelled as she again scratched his back deep.

Angel felt Daddy’s seed flow into her and she fell over the edge as well.  “Oh my god, cumming!” she yelled, grabbing his ass and pulling him deeper into her.

Daddy finished cumming and collapsed on Angel.  He kissed her. “Thank you, baby,” he said. “That was amazing.”

“Oh, DD, thank you, it’s been so long since I have felt like this, thank you,” she purred.

Daddy rolled off of her and cuddled her into a spoon.  He kissed her neck, causing her to smile contentedly.  She loved that he was cupping her breast; she put a hand over his and pulled it to her breast harder.  She closed her eyes and was soon asleep; Daddy was right behind her and fell asleep as well.


Angel was startled awake by a knock at the door.  She opened her eyes to see a bellboy pushing a tray into the room.  Daddy was up and wearing his robe.  Frantically she checked and was relieved to find Daddy had covered her up with the bedspread.

Daddy tipped the bellboy and closed the door behind him.  Then he turned and smiled at Angel.  “Well, good morning, beautiful,” he said as he climbed onto the bed and kissed her softly.  “You slept well, I presume,” he said.

“Um, yes I did,” she answered.  “What time is it?” she asked.

“It's 6:00, sweetie,” he answered.  “Time to eat and then get ready to head to the convention center.”

“Oh, I’m glad you woke up,” she said as she pulled the covers back.  Daddy smiled as she exposed her beautiful body to him again.

“I don’t think I’ll ever grow weary of seeing that body, your breasts are magnificent,” he said as he picked her robe off of the floor and handed it to her.  “Come on, have some breakfast with me.”

As they sat and ate breakfast, Angel’s mind was racing.  What have we done? she thought to herself. 

Daddy broke the silence.  “So, I spoke to Gracie before you woke up,” he started.  “She was surprised, to say the least, when I told her about you, and about our night,” he said.

Angel froze and she looked at Daddy in total shock.  “You told your wife about this, about us?” she asked. “Why, what the hell were you thinking?” she yelled.

“Calm down, sweetie,” Daddy replied.  “We hide nothing from each other in our house, that is our most important rule,” he said.

“Is she upset? Is she hurt?” Angel asked.  “I had no intention of causing you a problem, us a problem,” she added.

“Well, she was upset, but she also knows this is unusual for me,” Daddy told her.  “She would like to have you over to our house after we return home,” he continued.  “She wants to get to know you.  With our lifestyle, sharing each other is not uncommon, but it normally happens with us together.”

“Wow, that is amazing,” Angel said as she took a bite of eggs.  “I don’t know, this is foreign to me, can I think about it?” she asked.


Written by Anonymous
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