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"Jane smiled at me and said, "Can I taste you?""

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Author's Notes

"Complete fantasy, but my twisted mind matches my body."

It all started with a private message.

Your story has been rejected, you have made so many mistakes we have dunked ten packets of Hobnobs in countless cups of tea trying to fathom your spell checker alone.

It didn't say that but the meaning was pretty much how it felt. My education was shocking, and my use of English was even worse, no matter how hard I tried the alphabet spaghetti would always win and the wrong words would come out.

My use of the colon is wrong. My lack of punctuation is terrible and my knowledge of my language was laughable. I thought the use of a colon was a sexual taboo, and punctuation was being on time.

I was disheartened, I had never tried to write a story before, and the concept never entered my head, who would want to read my ramblings anyway? The problem I have is my mind wants to spill the contents onto the keyboard and goes so fast my one good hand can't keep up.

I headed to the website's chat page to vent my frustration thinking I would be met with laughs but to my amazement nothing but encouragement. Two people stepped up straight away with solutions including them proofreading for me, this seemed a fair solution. I arranged in a personal message, after checking out her profile of course, gorgeous brown eyes, long brown hair and lovely figure, to send the offending article to a woman called blueJay and thanked her in advance for helping.

Only hours later, I had my story back, proofread and punctuated nicely. I re-submitted the story only for it to be rejected again, this time on the basis that I told too much truth, and my age was not allowed to be mentioned and rightly so. But I could not get the story to sound right, without taking chunks of my life away. Again frustrated that my over-eager mind wanted to spill out onto the keyboard.

Should I dare to ask again? Should I look desperate? Should I? Yes of course I should!

I messaged again, "Hi could you please help me rewrite my life?" No not like that I deleted it. "Hello, me again I'm desperate and so bad at English." No, deleted it. "Hi, please help I'm stuck." I had hit send, damn that sounded pathetic.

Almost immediately I got a reply.

"Hi Treize, of course, I can help, what do you need?" she replied.

"Maybe we could go for a drink and discuss my story?" Yeah, that's a go, I hit send.

It was more than a day before the reply and I was expecting the usual, sorry too much to do, sorry washing my hair, sorry my nan suddenly got diabetes, sorry you are way too much of a mess!

"Yes! that's great, let's do it!" she replied.

My smile was hurting my jaw, I mean, how many times have I asked anyone out for a drink? How many knockbacks had I had? None, none was the real answer, it was a first, of course,e it was sort of business but I was excited nonetheless.

The day of the meetup was upon me, we had agreed that we would meet halfway, the hotel had a decent bar and the rooms were quite good for the money, I, of course, would pay as it was my gain. I got there early, my room was across from hers, and we were on the ground floor so no navigating stairs or lifts were needed. I took out my little orange top green underwear that clashed but complimented the open-laced front of my top. I showered then sat naked drying and waited for my wheelchair to charge.

I went through my plan in my head several times, changing what I was going to say and do, my mind drifting to her brown eyes and beautiful smile her heaving bosom, her wonderful figure. My hand wandered and I touched my naked mound, as I gently stroked, I imagined her tongue working its way along my labia and into my wetness, buzz buzz, lost in the moment, buzz buzz, what am I doing she's here to help me? Buzz buzz, shit my phone was on silent I grabbed it, three missed calls from her!

The next buzz was a message, "Hi it's Jane, I'm sorry."

No please not now! Heart sank.

"I'm a little lost," she continued.

Jaw aching heart racing again.

"Ok," I replied "Where are you?"

"Outside my room," she replied.

I unplugged my chair and rolled to the door I almost forgot I was sitting naked, stopping just before I opened it in the realisation of the state of my undress. I quickly grabbed a robe and struggled into it. Flung open the door only to find an empty corridor! Buzz buzz "I'm on the wrong floor, I'll be down shortly." She ended her text with a smiley emoticon.


I looked around and my door was closed, oh my keycard was inside, I'm locked out! I'm sitting there my robe barely covering the essentials when she appeared in the corridor, wow! Short dress hugging everything, low cut and showing her ample breasts, a cleavage that I wished I had.

"Hi, Treize?" she asked.

"Yes!" in my best non-verbal tone

"Jane?" I typed on my phone's communicator.

"Yeah, hi it's lovely to meet you!" She said, "This is my room, isn't it?"

Oh shit, I forgot I was locked out, I typed my embarrassing situation for Jane to read and we both laughed, she told me to come into her room and she would get help by ringing reception.

Janes's room was much bigger than mine, although mine had the roll-in shower hers was still bigger. She threw her suitcase onto the bed and it bounced off, opening in contact with the floor. The contents that were quickly scooped up but visible for a few seconds were silk panties and a push-up bra, a cute nightie and a purple silicone sex toy. Wait, what? A cute nightie, shit I forgot mine.

The concierge came and knocked, a young man, looking embarrassed as teenagers tend to do when faced with women.

I typed, "See you soon," and as I was leaving, Jane said, "If you need any help with anything, text me ok?"

"Ok," I typed "What time are we going to the bar?"

"Give me an hour I need to shower," Jane said.

"Ok," I typed. "Need help washing those pups?" I didn't type. "See you soon,"

I went to get myself ready.

I was first at the bar and ordered two orange Gins and two chocolate liqueurs requested them mixed with a splash of soda water, and the barman brought them to the table.

I sat and waited for Jane, I had already typed a few phrases and saved them, 'Wow, you look great, amazing shoes, I like how they fit' etc. Just in case, the vision that walked through the entrance had even my communicator in silent mode.

She walked in hair straightened, flowing over an off-shoulder top, deep cut showing the black silk push-up bra. Skin-tight Levi jeans, that lippy look that I love, cute sandals. My heart was racing, and I was lost for words.

I waved to her and she came over and leaned in to hug me, her breasts brushing my face. I flushed a little I'm sure. She thanked me for the drink and had a sip. "Let me guess chocolate orange?" she said.

I smiled and nodded.

After exchanging other pleasantries and having a laugh about a certain moderator who likes to attempt to shut us up in various gagging ways and other playful threats, we opened my story on my iPad.

Jane sat and read through while I sipped my drink, she kept glancing at me and wryly smiling, I even heard a gleeful giggle at one point, wondering if she had read to the plastic banana? I smiled back.

"Wow!" she said, "You did a good rewrite"

"Thank you," I typed, "Can it be fixed so it still sounds right but not too young?"

"Yes," she said, "let's do this then we can enjoy the evening."

We sat for an hour re-writing but at least not altering my life, we giggled at the similarities in our lives, the things that could have been and weren't. My story was finished and she urged me to submit it.

Submit button, your story is pending. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Jane said, "Right, I have to go."

I looked at her and sighed.

"No, I mean I have to go!" she smiled. "Do you need to go?"

I nodded a yes? You are willing to help me? Oh wow, this is a rarity for even some of my close friends.

The accessible toilet was nearby, I gestured that she went first and turned my chair away to give Jane some privacy only to realise the view from the mirror was just as good. She unzipped her jeans and my expectation of black silk panties was dashed. Comando Jane it was. I smiled to myself, and shifted in my seat, squeezing my thighs and bum cheeks.

Jane laughed and said, "Yes mirrors work both ways." I giggled and apologised.

Of course, I watched her pee, I am human after all and a sexy woman sat with her jeans down, I'm not passing that opportunity, she tore off some paper and wiped herself then stood facing away from the mirror bent down and slowly pulled up her jeans.

My mouth was the driest part of me, I remembered a conversation with another woman in the chat room saying sometimes you just have to grab some pussy. So I didn't, not me, but, oh, how I wanted to.

I got as close to the toilet as I could with my chair, grabbed one rail and stood I felt Jane's hand on my hip, I wanted to gently thrust backwards but refrained. She lifted my skirt, revealing my lime green panties. She gently tugged them down and helped me sit.

"Shall I look away in the mirror too?" she giggled

I shook my head and smiled.

I shook the lettuce the best I could and Jane tore some paper off and asked if I needed help, I accepted and opened my legs, revealing my waxed smooth pussy. She gently patted me at first then with one motion wiped down and away touching my clit with her wrist, as she came back out paper-free she grazed against my labia with the back of her thumb, fuck please just do that again.

Jane helped me back to my feet and pulled up my panties, commenting on how good they looked, and wishing she could have an ass like that, you can have it any time I thought to myself.

Back in the bar, the chocolate orange gin flowed and the conversation grew. We were both married so the topic went to husbands and what they did and didn't do for us. As the drinks flowed, the tensions of the day melted, and we sat so close that when I dropped my phone and Jane caught it, as she handed it to me her hand lingered as she touched me. I curled a finger into her palm. The warmth that ran through me was amazing.

"Could I ask you something?" Jane asked.

I nodded yes.

"Your story mentions a girl called Cath. Is she real?" Jane asked.

I told her about Cath, and how we had been so close, how she loved me and I loved her and yet neither of us dare say this to each other. Cath was my secret crush and I was hers.

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She later drunkenly confessed to my husband that I was her special interest. She told him never to say anything as it would upset me. Two months later, she was dead, and I missed her so much.

It wasn't until a few years later that my husband came out to me and told me of his bisexuality, and that everything was still the same with us that I told him of my secret crush. When he told me of Cath's confession, I broke down.

I made a promise to myself that before I was fifty years old, I would find myself a woman and experience the love I missed.

Jane was now holding my hand, our fingers curled into a tight ball almost.

"I have a mini bar in my room," Jane said.

I didn't need to answer, we finished our drinks and I went and paid the tab. On the way back to the room, Jane touched my hand and I held her finger, a closeness that can decapitate hate and build a bridge where once there was nothing. Human understanding is beautiful.

Back at the rooms, I suggested I get comfy as I had been sitting in my bra for hours and you know girls, well you know. So I went and got my robe on again and wheeled my way back to Janes's room, I knocked and she answered in the cute unicorn nightie, those legs were amazing.

Gin and tonics were poured, Jane had to keep getting up to see what I had typed so I motioned to the bed and she helped me across, as I lay back my robe opened displaying, well, everything. Fits of giggles later, we sat next to each other, gin and chat resumed.

As I was typing, I saw Janes's hand drop to her side near my leg, I sipped my drink and put it on the table. I let my hand fall to hers, the tension, that moment, that slight touch. I looked at her, our eyes me, she leaned to me and said, "Can..." My lips stopped her sentence, she pulled away from my mouth still open and finished, "Can I grab my bag?"

I flushed with embarrassment and Jane laughed at me, I looked at her she moved in and kissed me back.

We fell back onto the bed Jane on one elbow above me, whispered to me, "Are we going to do this?"

I nodded a yes, undid my robe and let it fall to my side. Jane stood, lifted her nightie and let it fall to the floor.

Not being one to be shy, I moved my hand to my pussy parted my legs and circled my clit whilst watching Jane's breasts rise and fall as she watched me play.

"I have never done this with another woman," Jane said and smiled.

"Neither have I," I said. Jane understood.

She came close to me her knees on either side but in between my knees. Her pussy looked amazing, neatly trimmed, so smooth at the sides, I bit the bullet and leaned forward, ran my finger up her inner thigh to her labia, ran my finger along her beautiful lips pressing in as I reached her clitoris. She thrust her hips forward gently as I caressed her hood, she leaned to me and kissed me, I kissed back and she lowered her breasts to mine. As I lay back, Jane grabbed a pillow and placed it under my head, she straddled me and rested her wet slit against my smooth mound, I could feel her heat as she rocked her hips, rubbing her erect clit on my smooth pubis.

I kissed her deeply and she moaned as her wet pussy was moving on me, I could feel her pubic hair tickle my clit hood, which made me push my hips to meet hers. Our breasts were together, her erect nipples brushing mine, our arms wrapping each other in an amazing embrace.

Jane smiled at me and said, "Can I taste you?"

Again I nodded a yes, she then said, "Would you like to taste me too?"

I smiled my yes and she understood. Jane helped me out of my robe altogether and moved me onto the bed to be more comfortable. She walked over to the dressing table and brought her toy. I indicated to my robe, and she found mine in the pocket.

Back on the bed, she came and kissed me again and said, "Right, how do we do this? Me on top?"

"Yes," I said.

I was laid looking into the most amazing pussy I had ever seen. Pictures in porn never do justice to such artwork. Jane's pussy was so close I could feel the warmth; I could feel her breath on mine, neither of us daring to be the first. Anticipation is overwhelming and almost instantaneously we pushed our mouths onto each other, I could feel Jane's tongue lapping at my clitoris as I buried mine as deep into her tightness, as she squeezed I could see her bum puckering with appreciation; I had to be doing something right. I was arching my back, it felt that good; my pussy was being devoured by this amazing girl, I could feel myself close to orgasm and wanted to hold back but Jane's fingers were gripping my ass cheeks and pulling my cunt into her mouth. I used my thumb on her clitty, gently circling the tip. I could feel her tightening around my darting tongue. My orgasm was coming fast my body tense, Jane sensed this, her pussy grinding into my face as we came. The orgasm we shared was electrifying. Jane rolled off, panting. I reached across to touch her hand, and she responded by moving closer. She kissed my stomach and I touched her amazing breasts.

We lay like this, neither of us able to speak, smiling at each other, looking at each other. We had done that, we had done that to each other. My body was still twitching from the experience.

Jane stood up, her stunning body glistening with sweat, looked at me and smiled, I smiled back.

Jane said, "Well, that was unexpected, I never thought I would be able to do that with another woman."

I typed, "You made a fantasy come true. It was amazing. Thank you!"

Jane helped me back into my robe and onto my chair, we sat and talked about what happened and that the experience had brought so much pleasure. It was sadly time to leave. I pressed the button on my chair to start it.

Nothing, a sudden realisation that I had forgotten to plug back in during the afternoon.

I typed to Jane, " The charger is in my room."

Jane smiled and said, "I will go and get it!

My chair would take around five hours to charge, so when Jane returned, I asked if she minded me either sleeping in her room and she uses mine or if we just use the queen size and be grown-ups. We opted for the latter. We said our goodnights, did our social media and went to sleep.

I woke to a grunt and a few swear words, looked over to the bathroom and saw Jane naked on the toilet. She finished flushed and turned out the light. Half asleep, I rolled a little as she climbed back into bed. At first, I thought it was a mistake but she hutched over to me and placed her head on my pillow and put her arm across me.

"I've been thinking," she startled me. "The plastic banana? Would you like to see something like that for real?"

Yes, I nodded.

Jane turned on the bedside light and threw back the duvet which brought in the cool night air. Jane had my nice thick rubber dildo. It was a gift from my hubby and is a mould from his cock; he has a good seven or more inches.

I typed that it was a copy of my hubby's cock and Jane giggled and stuck it to my mound with the suction cup, so now I had my hubby's cock waving around when Jane deepthroated it. Holy fuck, that would turn anyone on. She looked me in the eye and said, "Do you mind if I ride it?"

I didn't have a choice she turned away and straddled it, I grabbed the cock and guided it to her pussy lips, which enveloped it and she sank onto it. Her ass and pussy looked fantastic. She was riding me and my hubby's cock. I felt something smooth on my clit, oh wow vibrations shot through me.

Jane sat up sinking onto John's cock, I felt a warm dribble onto my pussy and then fingers expertly rubbing it in. Again the vibration as her toy worked its way into my wetness was another first. I had never tried a battery toy and it was amazing.

Jane was riding hard and banging my pussy at the same time, her toy had two heads and the smaller one was hitting my bum hole. Jane wet her fingers again and wet my bum hole. The next thrust, the smaller head went into me. I responded by wetting my thumb and gently pushing it into Jane's ass. She squealed her delight and thrust her toy into me, making me buck my hips and in turn fuck her harder; a chain reaction that proved its worth. My orgasm came first, faced with Jane banging down onto my pseudo cock and my thumb in her ass. Contractions came in waves at first, making my pussy squeeze, making my hips gyrate, thrusting my hips upwards Jane went to work on my clit. My holes were full, my back arched and my clit stood out against Jane's fingers. I came in floods, I moaned loudly, squirted uncontrollably and collapsed back to the bed.

I kept enough control to keep my thumb in Janes's ass as she carried on rocking on my hubby's rubber cock. She pulled her toy from me with a plop and I saw her take it to her mouth. She looked over her shoulder and smiled. She began to smash her pussy onto my hubby's cock, rising almost until the head came out of her, showing her immaculately trimmed cunt. As she started to come, she lifted off and turned to face me plunging back onto the cock, I used my thumb on her peeping clitoris, obvious that Jane was well used to riding like this I looked into her eyes and licked my lips, she sank onto me still riding hard her breasts rubbing against mine, I could feel her wetness dripping onto my pussy as she came, she kissed me deeply. I could taste myself on her lips, she rolled off took my toy from my shaved wet snatch and offered it to my mouth. I licked it clean and, wow, what a beautiful creamy orgasm she had had. I kissed her again, she sucked her juices from my tongue. We fell into each other and sleep came fast.

Beep beep beep beep beep, from the alarm clock, woke me from the dream I was having about the lorry reversing.

Jane was up already. She was already dressed and looked over at me and said, "You know this never happened?" With a wry smile.

As I got up, she came over and kissed me, not a goodbye but a good morning.

"I have to go," she said.

I typed, "Ok, well, I'll see you online?"

"Yes, of course!" she said. At that, she helped me to my room, kissed me again and wandered off down the corridor.

I wasn't deflated but wished I had parted with some sort of thank you.

Buzz buzz

"Any more stories you want proofreading? I'm free next week."

I guess it's not over!

Written by Treize
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