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A Walk In The Park

"Bob ogles women from his balcony hoping to meet one."

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“This is some view you got here, man.”

Bob handed Hank a beer. “Yeah, I can’t complain. You have the park right below and beyond that, the lake, and then the skyline of the city. I’m pretty happy.

They sat down and put their feet up on the railing while sipping on their beers. Hank leaned forward suddenly. “Oh, what’s that? Looks like a pretty nice MILF.”

Bob followed his gaze and smiled. “Yup, the park is full of them. About this time of day, if the weather is nice, they take their kids for a walk.”

“Do they always dress like her?” Hank ogled the brunette who wore a black catsuit showing off her well-toned body. Even from this distance, he could make out her camel toe.

“Pretty much, you get some color differences, and some wear short pants and other long pants like that one. Then you have the bras. Some wear sports bras, others normal, and some go without.”

“I wonder how hard they are to pick up?”

“Depends, I guess. The singles must be easier than the ones with a boyfriend or husband, I would say.”

Hank turned to his friend with a grin on his face. “You got to try it, man. Pick one up, and then we both fuck her. Can’t be that hard.”

Bob chuckled. “Dude, this isn’t the 90s when we could say and do almost anything to get laid. These days, you have to be so darn careful, or you get shut down, or even worse, they call the cops.”

“Fuck, you are right. I’m so happy I’m not a teen these days; they must have a shitty time getting laid.”

The two men continued talking, and after a few more beers, Bob said he was going to the pizza place a few blocks away and get them dinner, as he had promised. He and Hank had been friends since kindergarten and had stayed in touch over the years. They had both moved a few times since then. In the beginning, it was hard to keep up using snail mail but as the internet became a thing, they had become closer again and met up as often as they could. Bob had recently gotten divorced and had shared custody of his two kids. It had been an amicable affair but the kids lived with his ex since he traveled for work. Hank was the eternal single. The longest relationship he had had was a couple of years. He loved the ladies and they loved him. Tall, broad-shouldered, and with ice-blue eyes, he had no problem meeting women if they were standing in front of him. As online dating grew, his dating life suffered. He wasn’t very good at chatting and writing introductions on his dating profile.  He was a handsome man but wasn’t photogenetic, so in photos, he came off a bit weird. In short, he wasn’t dating as much as he had twenty or twenty-five years before and he hated it.

Bob walked into the pizzeria and looked at the board behind the counter. When the man behind it came over, he made his order and then sat down at one of the three round tables. The place was small; their business was delivery or pick up, not for people to eat there. Someone had left a newspaper, so he picked it up and began to look through it, not paying attention to what was happening around him.

“Hi, could I borrow your phone, please? I have a bit of an emergency, and mine has run out of battery.” The voice was soft and calm.

Bob looked up from his paper and in front of the counter stood a woman who looked to be in her late thirties or early forties. She wore the neighborhood uniform and in this case, it was a pink catsuit.

“Sorry, I can’t do that; it's our policy not to lend the phone,” said the man behind the counter kindly.

“Oh darn.”

“Hey, use mine,” said Bob and offered his phone to her.

“Oh, thank you, that’s very kind of you.” When she turned towards Bob he got a better look at her face and she was very cute. He dropped her age to low thirties due to her smooth skin. Her eyes were almost black and almond-shaped with a fine nose and full lips. Her hair was blonde but as he looked closer, he noticed the black roots.

She took the phone from his hand and after a moment someone answered. “Honey, I might be a bit late. I’m at the pizza place right now. I’ll be home as soon as possible.”

“Thanks, you are a lifesaver. My husband must have been so worried, but now he is ok.”

“No problem,” said Bob and took his phone back.

He watched her leave and took in her round, firm ass. He wondered what it would be like to fuck her, to pound her ass before emptying his balls. Her husband would know, but there was little to no chance Bob would ever find out.

“Here we go, two pizzas and more beer,” said Bob after closing the front door behind him.

Hank came in from the balcony and helped him, and after setting everything up on the balcony table, the two men sat down and ate.

“You missed the MILF in the pizza place.”

“Yeah? Any good?”

“Hot as fuck, my friend. She is married, though. She used my phone to call her husband.”

Hank laughed. “Only you would lend your phone to a sexy woman to call her husband.”

“What’s wrong with that? I’m a nice guy.”

Hank drank from his beer. “Dude, why didn’t you ask for her number?”

“Dah, she is married, hence the call to her husband.”

“Doesn’t mean shit. In my experience, with the right words, and the right touch, many married women will sleep with you. Pay attention, I said sleep or fuck, that’s it. They won’t date you and shit like that.”

Bob nodded and slowly chewed on her slice of pizza. “You sure about that?”

“I swear to God. I have bedded many married women over the years. They need something new, you know. It's boring with the same dick after ten or more years. Just like us men, we like to try new pussy.”

“Well, I thought Amanda had a great pussy, even though she squeezed my kids out of it. I mean, it never felt flabby or big.”

Hank sighed. “That’s not the point if it's big or not. It’s the way they fuck, you know, man.” Some women fuck like a virgin all their lives; others grow up, they fuck harder and wildly; some fuck like porn stars; they are all different.”

“Amanda was good in bed; I miss her.”

“Jesus Christ, man. Let her go; she is on the other coast with her woman. What the fuck, dude? How could you be married to her for eighteen years and not knowing she was a lesbian?”

“She wasn’t, she isn’t, fuck, what do I know. One day she told me she had met her soulmate when I was sure it was me.”
Hank finished his beer and reached for another. “It doesn’t matter; she is gone. My point is, you can get this woman you saw, or at least try to. The good thing with married women is that they are mostly on or off, and you quickly figure out which one it is. Single women will date you forever before you get some booty.”

“How come?”

“Married women have limited time; they have the husband, the kids, and whatnot. They don’t have time to let you slowly reel them in. If they like you, they will fuck you quickly and then move on.”

Bob picked up his last slice of pizza and slowly chewed on it while thinking back to the blonde who wasn’t a blonde. She sure had the looks and the body to be a great fuck. But, like Hank had said, you never knew, she might be boring in bed. In the end, what did it matter, he wasn’t chasing ass, he was fine with his life for now, and if he needed release, a quick jerk and some porn took care of that.

“Dude, I’m out of here.” Hank got up, and Bob followed him to the door.

“When will we see each other again?” Bob asked as they shook hands.

“I’ll be in town for a week, so call me, and we’ll do something.”

When he closed the door, Hank cleaned up and then sat down on the balcony with his last beer. Movement below him caught his attention, so he leaned forward. The blond walked past together with a man and a child. She had changed into jeans and a leather jacket, and she was still hot as fuck without the catsuit.


One of the things Amanda had left behind was her two-year-old miniature Yorkie. Amanda’s new woman was allergic, so the little dog had stayed with Bob. He kind of liked it even though it was the least masculine bread he could think of. It was small enough that he could take it to work, and often, it spent the day in his bottom drawer. He would take it out for a walk during the day while he took his lunch, and when he came home from work, he would walk the dog in the park. Being so small, it didn’t need much exercise, but Bob liked it in the park, so he would carry the dog while he walked.

Bob stopped and put his shoe on a bench so he could tie the shoestring that had come undone. He put the dog, his name was Nemo, on the ground.

“Oh, look, he is so cute; oh, my God, can I pet him?”

Bob straightened up and smiled when he recognized the woman from the pizza place a few days earlier. “Of course, his name is Nemo.”

She hunkered down, and Bob got a picture in his mind of her riding his cock in that same position. She talked baby talk to the dog for a few minutes and tickled his stomach as the dog rolled onto its back.

“Oh, I wish I had one like that, but my husband doesn’t like pets,” she said when she stood up.

“Too bad. Nemo is my ex-wife’s dog, her new partner is allergic so he stayed with me.”

She tilted her head and pushed up her oversized sunglasses. “I’m sorry to hear that. How are you coping?”

“It's been six months now, and I guess I’m okay. It was very hard the first couple of months, but we still talk now, and then; we have two kids.”

“Have you begun dating again?” she said and then added, “Oh, I’m so sorry, that was a bit rude.”

Bob laughed. “No, I’m fine, actually. I guess dating can wait a while.”

She pulled down the zipper a bit on her black catsuit, exposing her cleavage. “Yeah, you shouldn’t rush into it. It’s better to wait until you are sure you are ready. Well, I am off, have a nice day. Bye, Nemo.”

He followed her with his eyes and felt his cock grow hard in his pants. She had a killer ass, and he so much wanted to kiss it and caress it. He picked up Nemo and said, “I’m going to get laid, or at least I hope so.”

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On his way back to the apartment, he thought back to the conversation, especially the part where she had pulled down the zipper. It wasn’t that hot outside, so there was no need for it. Had it been a sign, an invite to ogle her large boobs? Maybe, just maybe, he had a shot at her.

The following Saturday was sunny and warm and Bob sat on his balcony drinking lemonade and reading a book. He hadn’t seen the woman since that day in the park, and he didn’t even know her name. When he got up to refill his glass, he looked out over the park, and there she was. She sat on a bench, talking on her phone. She didn’t wear her catsuit but a cheerleader uniform in white and marine blue. In a moment of madness, Bob put on his shoes and took the elevator down while carrying Nemo. The dog was the bait.

She was still on the phone when Bob reached the bench she was sitting on. He had put Nemo on the ground so he was walking just in front of him. She noticed the dog and smiled.

“Yeah, ok, we can do that, great I’ll see you on Tuesday,” she said and then put her phone away.

“Hi, again,” said Bob.

“Hello, you two. Oh, you are so cute,” she said to Nemo and picked him up. After snuggling with him, she put him back down. “How are you?”

“Fine, I’m Bob by the way. What’s up with the uniform?”

She laughed, and her laughter sounded amazing. “I’m Denise. My friends and I play tag football on Saturdays, well, they play and I am one of three cheerleaders. I broke my ankle when I was young so I can’t play.”

“Oh, how did it go?”

“Great, we won.”

“I must say, the uniform looks great on you.” Bob was a little bit concerned the compliment would be taken the wrong way. Some women could be very touchy about compliments.

She stood up and twirled around, and by doing so, the short skirt lifted, exposing her ass.

“Do you think so?” she asked with an expecting look on her face.

“Yes, I do.”

“I’m not too fat?”

“No, ma’am, you are just fine.”

She sat back down again and turned to him. “So, how come you are wearing pajamas and slippers.”

Bob realized he hadn’t changed and was still wearing his plaid shorts, black slippers, and white tank top. “Laundry day?”

She laughed. “Right, right. It couldn’t be that you were in such a rush to see me, you forgot?”

Man, was she smart, thought Bob. “To be honest, yes, that’s why.”

“Oh, you are so sweet, but you know I’m married.”

“Yes. I have no intentions, I promise. Just a friendly chat. It can get lonely up there.” He pointed to where his balcony was.

“Look at that; I live in the building on the corner, one block from you.”

There was a silence. She played with Nemo, and Bob wondered why the fuck he was wasting his time trying to get into her panties. He was about to leave when she quietly said, “Are you wearing any underwear?”

Bob looked around; no one was close. “No.”

She got up, pulled him up, and took his hand. Behind the bench were a few bushes and trees, and that’s where she took him. When they were behind the cover, she quickly slid her hand down his shorts and grabbed his cock. “Oh, wow, that feels good,” she moaned while kissing his neck and ear. He grew hard, and she sighed with pleasure. Bob put his hands on her ass and gave them a gentle squeeze.

“Mm, do you like them?” she said.

“Oh fuck, yes.”

“Hang on.” She let go of him and turned around so she was with her back towards him. She leaned forward and grabbed a tree. Looking over her shoulder, she said, “C’mon then, fuck me.”

She slid his hand between her legs and felt her heat and moisture through her panty, which he slid to one side and used his other hand to line up his cock. When the head touched her pussy she moaned, “God, give it to me already, Bob.”

“Ah,” he grunted and pushed inside her. She was tight, much tighter than he had expected. Grabbing her hips, he fucked her hard and deep.

“Oh, God, I love your cock, c’mon fuck me faster!”

He did, and she pushed back and met every thrust he gave her. When he was about to come, he began to pull out, but she squeezed his cock with her pussy. “No, no, you come inside me, give me your come, I’m on the pill.”

“Oh, fuck, oh, oh, ahh,” he moaned and shot his load.

When he slid out, she turned around and kissed him softly on the mouth and then giggled. “Fuck, I haven’t had cum trickle out of my pussy since I was at college. I love it.”

They stood behind the bushes for a while, kissing and talking. When she felt she could walk back home without leaving drops of cum behind her, she gave him one long kiss and then said, “This was fun; when can we do it again?”

Bob had thought it was a one-time thing so he was happy. “I could give you my number?”

“No, that’s no fun; I prefer to do it like this; just let it happen without planning it.”

“Well, I’ll come down the next time I see you from my balcony.”

“Cool, I like that idea. If my husband is at home, I’ll tell him I’m taking a walk in the park.”

Then she was gone. Bob was still semi-erect, so he waited a few moments and then made sure he could walk along the path without people noticing his dick. He picked up Nemo, who had fallen asleep on the ground while he had been fucking Denise.

He giggled like a schoolboy on his way back home and felt pretty darn good. Denise was such a hot woman, and he was happy he had managed to fuck her, or has she fucked him? He wasn’t sure who had been in control, but who cared? He loved her pussy, her ass, and the next time he would suckle those wonderful boobs, he decided.

For the next three days, Bob rushed home from work and spent the rest of the evening on his balcony, hoping to see Denise, but she never showed up. He was quite disappointed, but at the same time, he couldn’t be too upset. She was a married mother, after all, and had her life. He was just a side dish to her, if even that.

On the fourth evening, Bob was about to return his plate to the kitchen when he saw her crossing the street. It was quite late, and the sun was setting behind the city far away. She wore a short black dress, and once she had crossed, she put an extra swing into her hips, and he knew she was signaling him. He left Nemo behind and took the elevator down.

He had to search for her longer than he had wanted but finally found her sitting on a bench under a large tree. When she saw him coming, she got up and walked towards him.

“We don’t have much time.” She took his hand and led him behind the tree. She looked around and then back towards where they had come from before kissing him deeply. Bob felt no bra straps, so he pulled her dress down over one shoulder, exposing her left boob. It was full without being fake with a pea-sized nipple which he began to suck and nibble on. Her hands opened his pants, and they fell to the ground. Then she worked his boxer shorts over his hips, and they followed the pants. She slowly slid down, taking his cock in her mouth and leaving Bob standing.

He looked down at her as she gave her one of the best blowjobs of his life. She worked her tongue and lips so well that he soon felt his balls contract. When she came up for air, she said, “Let’s do something crazy. There is no one around, let’s fuck on the bench.

Being single, Bob didn’t care, so he followed her back to the bench, naked below his waist and his hard-on for the world to see. After dropping his pants and shorts on the ground, he took her hands in his. “How do you want me to fuck you, Denise?”

“Here like this, fuck me hard, much harder than last time, please.”

She put one knee on the bench and the foot of her other leg on the ground. He stood behind her, and within a second, her pussy was wrapped around his shaft, and he was fucking her. In the silent evening, they heard his balls slap into her and the sound from her wet pussy. Their moans grew and peaked as they both came, Bob dumping another large load of hot cum inside Denise.

“Wait, don’t pull out just yet,” she said.

Bob didn’t feel too comfortable standing with his dick in her pussy in plain sight. If anyone came from either direction, they would see them. Bob didn’t know what the law said about fucking in a public park, but he was pretty sure it wasn’t appreciated by the neighbors. He began to pull out.

“Wait, just a second longer,” moaned Denise, her pussy slowly massaging his cock to keep it hard. Her head was angled upwards, and it dawned on Bob that she was looking at a specific point somewhere close to where his building was. Then, there was a flash from a building further down, her building.

“There, now you can pull out, baby.”

When he did, she stayed for a moment before putting her hand to her pussy and then licking her five fingers in turn while still staring at the spot where the flash had come from.

“What’s going on, Denise? He said while getting dressed.

“Oh, my husband is standing on our balcony with his cock in his hand, watching us with his binoculars. The flash means he has come, and I can come back home.”

Bob’s jaw dropped. “Say what?”

Denise got off the bench and straightened her dress. “It’s just a thing we do, to spice up our sex life. I go down here, meet some random guy who then fucks me. Yesterday I was in the other park on the other side of our building. We own the penthouse and have a wrap-around balcony so my husband can watch either park.

Bob slowly shook his head. “But why?”

“It's just a thing we do. When I get home, he will fuck me and come fucking hard from knowing that you just came in my pussy.”

She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and walked away fast. Bob sat down on the bench and sighed. He had thought he had seduced her, but it was the other way around. He had been the target all along. He wondered if it had begun at the pizza place, probably. She might have known the owner wouldn’t give her his phone. He had been played, but what a hot play it had been, and who was he to complain? Fucking someone's wife was a lot more fun than stroking his cock alone in his apartment.

Bob went home, whistling all the way, feeling quite good about himself. He was sure he would get to fuck Denise again.

Written by NatashaTsarinaErotic
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