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A Second Chance

"A grieving father and daughter-in-law comfort each other"

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Jane was only twenty-one when disaster struck. She had married James only two months before the accident, though they had dated for almost a year before that. They were living with James' parents so they could save for a down payment on a house of their own. But one day, James drove his mother to town for groceries and they never returned. Their car was T-boned by a delivery truck and both James and his mother were killed, leaving Jane a young widow and her father-in-law, Gerald, a widower.

They each grieved deeply for months. Jane left her job as a bank teller and Gerald's professional practice suffered from his extended absence. His savings and some insurance proceeds supplemented his remaining income enough to keep the lights on and food on the table, but not much more.

As deeply as Gerald grieved for his wife, he hurt deeply for Jane as well. It was obvious to him that his son had inherited his father's taste in women because Jane bore some remarkable similarities to Gerald's dear, departed wife. Jane was a physically beautiful young woman. She stood about 5'6" with short, auburn hair, a beautiful face which usually bore a shy smile, and sparkling green eyes. Jane also had a wonderful figure, a slim waist with generous curves both top and bottom. She was very graceful, even ladylike, despite her youth.

Over the course of the year or so he had known her, Gerald had quickly and easily come to love Jane as a daughter. Jane felt similarly toward Gerald, even coming to call him "Dad".

After the tragedy Jane and Gerald had each withdrawn into their own personal spaces, shutting out everything and everyone, even each other. But that hadn't lasted. After a few weeks, Gerald realized what was happening and knew he needed to do something to keep his beloved daughter-in-law from slipping away from him and into a private cocoon from which she might never fully emerge.

Finding the right time and setting Gerald invited Jane to have a heart-to-heart talk. Gerald expressed his love for Jane and told her he wanted to help her get through this. He told her he needed her help as well and that they would only make their loss worse if they lost each other too. He added that helping each other would probably be the best therapy for both of them. He told her he wanted her to stay in his home - their home - for as long as she liked and that even if the time came when she began a new relationship, she and whoever she met, would always be most welcome there.

While Jane dismissed the possibility of a future relationship, she was deeply moved by Gerald's generosity. At the end of their chat, her tears had turned to sobs as she clung to her dear, sweet, kind "Dad", hugging him close, her head on his shoulder, enveloped in his strong but gentle embrace.

As the months went on Gerald gradually resumed his full-time practice and Jane enrolled in a local college with courses to start in the fall. Eventually, their daily routines began to prove enough of a distraction that there came to be more good days than bad.

Since he was now back to work money was not an issue and Gerald persuaded Jane that she needn't worry about working to pay for college and should just spend the summer relaxing and preparing for school in September. So it was that Jane spent most warm summer days sunning and reading on the deck beside their home's in-ground pool.

One day, while sunning and reading, Jane found herself feeling a little bored and an idle thought crossed her mind. She never liked the look of the tan lines and it crossed her mind that she could tan topless while Gerald was at work. A six-foot-high fence surrounded the yard so privacy wasn't an issue.

"Oh, why not?" she thought, and reached behind her back to untie her bikini top. She quickly looked around, needlessly confirming that she wasn't being watched, before pulling the top all the way off and reclining into her pool lounger. She looked down at her full, teardrop-shaped breasts, noticing her tan lines with disapproval and resolving to be rid of them as soon as possible. She also noticed that her nipples were hard. The feel of the gentle breeze and warm sun on a part of her body that had never felt them before actually felt very nice.

She also noticed, with a little embarrassment, that she was feeling somewhat aroused. Was it the sight of her own bare breasts, the gentle caress of the sun, or even the slight risk of being seen topless? After all, James had been the only man to have ever seen her like this. Until this day, the thought of James had only made her sad. But now, feeling the way she did, she was recalling his handsome face and ready smile - especially the one he wore whenever he saw her like this. She remembered the way his hands felt on her body and the way his penis looked and how it felt as it filled her.

She tried to remember every time they had made love and was pleased that she could recall several specific occasions in vivid detail. After a few moments lost in blissful remembrance she realized that she had absentmindedly slid her hands up over her thighs and onto her bikini bottoms. She paused and looked down, noticing how the position of her arms had gathered her breasts together making them so round and full - just the way James always said drove him crazy.

Jane closed her eyes and used her fingertips to trace the outline of the slit that she could feel through her thin bottoms. She hadn't given herself an orgasm since before she met James but now she was considering it. "No, not yet," she thought and with a sigh returned to her reading.

For the next week whenever Jane would read by the pool, she did so topless. One day it occurred to her that there was no good reason not to rid herself of the rest of her tan lines. Without much thought, she pulled the ties on the sides of her bikini bottoms and flipped the loose fabric off her body. Jane was aware that she was young and pretty and had an attractive body but she didn't fully appreciate how utterly spectacular she looked reclining there fully naked.

There was a large deck umbrella that provided shade and Jane was careful to use it to avoid sunburn and the resulting skin damage. She preferred the umbrella to sunscreen and whatever chemicals they might contain. The only issue was that the pleasant relief of the umbrella's protection from the sun could easily induce drowsiness and Jane became accustomed to dozing off, waking up, finding herself still safe and secluded only to doze off again.

A naked afternoon nap became a part of her sunny-day routine. It had been this way for a few weeks when one day, during such a nap, Gerald chanced to come home early. It was a Friday and he had finished early and not wanted to start working on a new file so late in the week. He had decided to go home and enjoy the beautiful weather with his even more beautiful daughter-in-law and maybe clean the pool and tidy the pool shed a little.

When he got home he changed into his swimming shorts. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and noted that he was still in pretty good shape for a middle-aged fellow.

He walked onto the deck without any thought that Jane might be asleep. He didn't make much noise though as there was no need for it and so it was that he found himself only a few meters away from the still-sleeping Jane when he realized that she was stark naked.

The sight of her stopped him like a brick wall. She literally took his breath away and it was several seconds before he could even begin to think of what he should do. Should he retreat into the house and respect her privacy? Should he say, "Hi," and act like everything was normal? Neither of those options seemed right.  Both options meant treating something profound as if it were meaningless and he didn't want to do that. He wanted her to know that he saw her and that it was a more than welcome sight. Gerald determined to quietly busy himself with brushing the sides of the pool.

As Gerald began working, the slight noise he made was enough to rouse Jane from sleep. Her heart nearly stopped when she saw Gerald at the side of the pool, and she froze. Her first thought was to try to hide but she quickly realized it was too late and with no other viable options coming to mind she decided to try to calm herself down while pretending to still be asleep.

With her eyes slightly opened, she watched Gerald as she lay there. She saw him look at her frequently, his gaze lingering each time he looked. She became more acutely aware of how completely exposed she was. She could see her own body, her bare breasts so prominent on her chest. Her closely trimmed pussy so openly displayed between her parted legs.

Even while her embarrassment reached new heights with every passing second, so did her level of sexual arousal. Gerald was obviously and intensely checking her out. As the seconds passed and his gaze returned to her again and again she began to open her eyes a little wider. Finally, their eyes met. Jane managed a nervous smile which Gerald returned.

"Hi," Jane said.

"Hi, Sweetheart," Gerald replied. He often called her "Sweetheart."

Jane let another moment pass before adding, "I guess it's a little too late to cover up now."

"I guess so," Gerald replied with a little laugh. He picked up a nearby deck chair and moved it next to Jane's lounger and sat in it facing her. She swallowed hard, both nervous and excited to be seen like this, especially by the man she loved dearly, but thought of as her father. But at the same time, she knew he wasn't. She also knew that he loved her like a daughter. But she wasn't. And for the past few minutes, he had been looking at her like a woman - a very desirable, naked woman.

"I saw you and my first reaction was to hide and pretend I hadn't seen you but I had and that wouldn't be honest. So I decided to be totally honest with you. So here it goes. First, I'm so glad you feel comfortable enough in OUR home to just be your sweet self and do whatever it is you want to do.

"Second, I think ... no, you ARE breathtakingly beautiful and I'd be less than honest not to admit that I absolutely love seeing you like this and hope you won't ever feel the need to cover up around me.

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"Third, you're probably very nervous right now." Gerald reached toward Jane and cupped her soft cheek in his hand.

"Don't be. Or at least, try to relax. I love you, Sweetheart. I couldn't possibly love you more and I'll never love you less. So promise me that you'll relax, and don't feel like you need to hide or cover up for me. Ok? Promise?"

Jane felt the warmth and sincerity emanating from Gerald as he spoke to her. She saw his genuine love for her in his eyes. Though her naked body was completely exposed to him she wished she could expose herself even more in appreciation and acceptance of his words. She bent her leg closest to Gerald, parting her pussy lips and exposing even more of her body to him, just as she had wished to.

"Oh Gerald, you always know exactly what to say to make me feel wonderful," she replied while holding his hand against her face.

"I promise," she continued, "but if you really want me to feel comfortable, why don't you join me and lose those shorts."

She said it with a mischievous lilt to her voice and a cute smile as her gaze went to Gerald's shorts.

Gerald hadn't expected that but wasn't about to deny anything to this amazing girl, especially this and especially now. Still, he didn't want to startle her. He glanced down at his shorts without answering.

Jane had already noticed that Gerald's shorts were tenting. "Don't worry about that," Jane said, lightly. "Under the circumstances, if you weren't hard, I'd be more than a little insulted."

Gerald stood and watched Jane's eyes as he lowered his trunks. Her breath literally caught and her eyes noticeably widened as his shorts hit the deck. What he didn't know was something that only Jane knew - that the beautiful, long, thick fully erect penis she was staring at was identical to James' penis - the one she had held and licked and sucked and worshiped as it had penetrated her and given her the most intense pleasure of her young life. The one she had thought she had lost forever and now, here it was again.

As she stared her mind realized that she was being foolish, that every penis was as unique as the man it belonged to. But her body betrayed her lust and as she stared she became wetter, her clitoris becoming more engorged and pronounced.

"I'm sorry... for staring," she fumbled to say, even while she continued to stare. "It's just ..."

Thinking it was his intense erection that was confounding Jane. Gerald said, "I know but I told you how breathtakingly beautiful you are and ... it's been a while for me."

Taking advantage of Jane's attention being focused on his penis, Gerald scanned Jane's body in detail, trying to capture every inch of her in his memory for instant recall later. This, of course, only meant his already intense erection grew even more intense, and more mouthwateringly impressive to Jane.

Their eyes finally met but only for a moment before Jane returned her gaze to Gerald's penis and he resumed his visual tour of Jane's body. The needy couple openly lusted for each other for several silent minutes before Gerald finally snapped out of it, at least partially.

"I need a cold drink. Would you like one too, Sweetheart?"

"Yes please ..." Jane almost added "Dad" but it felt odd to call him that right then. Or did it? She was confused.

While Gerald was inside Jane retrieved another lounger, identical to hers, and dragged it over next to hers, until they were only about two feet apart. She moved the chair Gerald had been using farther away and when he returned with their drinks she gestured to the lounger saying she thought he'd find it more comfortable than the chair. Gerald's erection hadn't gone down by much if any and Jane's eyes locked onto it again as she watched him approach her. She looked up and saw him looking at her breasts and was struck by what the mere sight of her body was doing to his penis. "Where was this going?" Jane thought.

They each reclined, side by side, sipping their drinks through a straw and gazing at each other, though no longer staring. Sometimes they would look upwards, sometimes close their eyes and smile, but always their gaze would return to the other's fleshy treasures.

After finishing her drink Jane put her empty glass on the deck and placed her hands on her thighs. Her arms close to her sides gathered her breasts once again into the perfect fleshy mounds topped by deliciously erect nipples. Her hands were also dangerously, excitingly close to her pussy which ached to be touched even if only by herself.

She suddenly formed the naughty idea that if she and Gerald couldn't have each other, maybe they could each have ... themselves only ... together.

Gerald had also finished his drink and had half turned towards Jane, still sporting a full erection. She watched his eyes and, just as she had designed, his lustful gaze was focused on her breasts. Slowly her hands crept toward her pussy. Even so, she hugged her arms tighter to her sides, lifting her breasts another inch or so higher, rounder and more prominent. Her body was begging for Gerald to take her but still he resisted.

Her hands had almost reached her outer lips before Gerald finally tore his gaze from Jane's breasts to watch something potentially even hotter. Slowly Jane started to caress her outer lips with both thumbs while she let her head roll back and her eyes close. Her lips parted and she began breathing deeply. After a few seconds, she started using her fingers as well to first caress and then part her outer lips, exposing her pink inner flesh.

She opened her eyes and looked over to see that Gerald hadn't been able to resist and was slowly stroking that gorgeous penis which had begun to leak its clear fluid. She longed to touch it herself but settled with circling her fingers over her clit. It wasn't long before they were both cumming, Jane drenching her lounger with the juice from her body while giant ropes of cum jetted high above Gerald's body, some landing on Jane's chest below her breasts.

As they came down from these intense orgasms they reached towards each other and entwined their hands. Gerald was again awestruck with Jane's beauty as he looked at her smiling face but then noticed the cum on her chest. He quickly retrieved a pool towel and began wiping the sticky substance from Jane's chest. The proximity was too much, and Jane's need was still too great. She took his head between her hands and brought his face down to her breast which Gerald began licking and kissing with gusto, his erection quickly returning to almost full force.

After he had nearly devoured both breasts Jane again took hold of his face and looked into his eyes.

"O Gerald," she said. "Your beautiful cock looks exactly like James'. And I need it. I need it inside me so badly."

She pulled him down to her, spreading her legs wide apart, and trusting the lounger to hold their combined weight. Slowly Gerald lowered his lower body to Jane's, holding his upper half up on strong stiff arms. Aligning his cock with her vagina, he slowly slid it inside her as they stared into each other's eyes, each alive with lust and wonder.

"Ooohhhh." It was a cry of pleasure as Jane felt only the second cock to ever penetrate her slip easily into her hot, wet pussy. Gerald didn't stop until he was completely buried inside Jane's beautiful body. Then, ever so slowly, he drew it back out, making sure it slid along Jane's clit all the way out and then back in again.

The long slow strokes of Gerald's cock were driving Jane crazy. She couldn't believe how good this felt. Even better than she ever remembered it feeling with the less experienced James.

Gerald began to vary his strokes, short and long, fast and slow. He brought Jane to the edge how many times, a dozen? But never let her have what she needed most ... until her need was so great she had to take it herself.

She wrapped her legs around him and squeezed him tight, humping up into his penis with abandon. Gerald held still letting Jane set the pace and the pressure she needed. Soon she was cumming. When Gerald saw that look of exquisite agony on Jane's face he let himself go too. Looking down on Jane's beautiful face, watching her perfect breasts shimmer with every small movement, he thrust his cock as deeply into her as he could, over and over, faster and faster, until he felt himself erupt inside her reigniting Jane's orgasm and building to another high that they reached together.

When they came down they remained coupled. They looked lovingly into each other's eyes. Jane was amazed at the feeling of Gerald's penis, still buried in her pussy. Gerald was awestruck at the sight and softness of this naked beauty that he loved so much and whose most intimate flesh was wrapped around his own. He never wanted to leave her, and she didn't want him to. He started gently thrusting again.

"Uhhhhhhh," Jane moaned softly, still wet and sensitive to the renewed pleasure. Gerald collapsed to Jane's chest. He supported himself on one arm and fondled her breast with his other hand. Jane put her hand behind Gerald's head and looked him in the eyes.

"I love you," she said, with real passion in her voice.

"I love you too," he replied before she pulled his lips to hers. As their tongues made love they ground their sex together. When she started to come Jane opened her mouth in a silent screen while Gerald continued to violate her mouth with his tongue until, to his surprise, his third, albeit weaker, orgasm started to pulse inside Jane's pussy.

This time when they came down they decoupled but remained in each other's embrace, their bodies still almost one on the narrow lounger.

"You're amazing," Gerald said, stroking Jane's soft hair and caressing her sweet face.

"So are you," Jane replied and planted a soft kiss on Gerald's lips.

Eventually, they got up, took a dip, lounged about, went for dinner, and from that day on, more or less carried on as they always had, but with the addition of terrific sex as the perfect way to fully express their deep love for each other as well as for those they had lost.

Written by jmalc23
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