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A Doctor's Visit

"A fantasy I've had."

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My legs were spread wide, my feet in the stirrups and she had a very firm grip on my cock as she ran her mouth up and down it. I couldn't believe this! I hadn't had a full erection in over five years and here I was with my cock in my urologists mouth being fucked with her throat.

I was very excited and just about ready to cum but I kept trying to slow down. Trying to think of things that had nothing to do with laying here getting a blow-job from my doctor and fantasizing about it being my aunt Ruth. I didn't think I could but a thought of my wife momentarily threw the betrayal flag up and that did it.

I'd had to put her in a care facility a year before. I detested Alzheimer's with such a passion some times it consumed me. It had killed HER and left a husk to sit and stare. The Thousand Yard Stare is what it's called for people with PTSD. The military used to call it Shell Shock.

I'd better explain a little because it's been a rather twisted journey to here.

I'm seventy-one and I've had eight surgeries on my back, eight bones are fused. That's one third of my spine. I've also had Prostate Cancer and they killed that with radiation. Because they really screwed up some nerves while they were fixing me I don't get full erections any more and that really pisses me off.

I don't Gusher anymore either but I still produce sperm so I could get someone pregnant. If I ever got to have sex that is, but I don't any more because it doesn't get hard enough. Between the last surgery or the radiation they'd damaged me.

They'd also scarred the urethra where it passes through the Prostate with the radiation so peeing was an absolute bitch unless I took Flomax to relax the muscles there. Getting old sucks big time anyway, then they make it worse.

I'd tried all the pills and none worked. I bought a vacuum pump that sucks blood up into your cock so you can have sex but my wife wasn't interested in helping with that so I just quit using it. I could orgasm without it so why bother.

My wife had been in a care facility for over a year and I was thinking about looking for someone to be with. I was very lonely and I missed my wife desperately sometimes. We'd promised each other to not just lay down and die if something like this ever happened and I was going to honor that promise. I damn sure would have wanted her to because living like this sucks big-time.

I talked to my family doctor and then my urologist about the surgically implanted pumps and they told me that I was eligible for it. I belong to Kaiser and they did that. Inflatable tubes replace the erection tissue in the penis and a reservoir of fluid and a pump are installed.

The pump goes in the scrotum so you wind up with three balls and the reservoir goes in the abdomen. I figured it was a neat way to get her and I both going while she pumped up my cock. Once up it was good for as long as I wanted to stay hard and I figured that was a no-lose solution to the problem. We all emailed for a while discussing it then made some appointments.

We'd set the appointment with my regular urologist for a Friday afternoon at 2:00 PM but they changed it to 4:30 and told me my regular doctor was ill and his new assistant would be there instead. A Dr. R. Morris. I didn't know him but agreed and showed up. It was just the pre-surgical interview.

The nurse I usually saw put me in the room, took my vitals and told me the doctor would be right in and to put the gown on. Then she told me that this was the last appointment of the day and that she'd be gone when we finished. Usually she's very efficient and doesn't talk much but that time she was a lot friendlier, smiling a lot and talking.

I do not meet new people with my pants down, well, my kilt really. I'm a Scot and I wear one all the time, so I didn't put the gown on. This was a new doctor and I just wanted my kilt on when I met him.

I'd waited the required ten minutes when another nurse came in. "What now?", was what my mind thought until she introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Ruth Marris and I'll be helping you today. I'm going to do a full exam and make sure you're ready for this. It's an outpatient surgery so you'll check in at 7:00 AM and the surgery will be at 8:00. It lasts about three and a half hours so with recovery time you'll be ready to go home about 4 PM. I'll be there assisting the surgeon. Do you have any questions?"

I was so dumbstruck I couldn't have remembered my name to win the lottery. She looked so much like my aunt Ruth I almost choked. Short, blonde hair. Strong face with slightly squared jaws - think Angelina Jolie - but with thinner lips and vivid blue eyes like my aunts had been. Glasses with rimless lenses that enhanced her eyes.

She was about the same age as my aunt was in my memories too. I'd last seen my aunt when she was forty-five. She died two years later in 1969 and I didn't get to see her before. I couldn't even get to the funeral to say goodbye. When the doctor smiled at me the wrinkles around her eyes and mouth were similar too and I was completely ensnared by the memories.

I was totally in love with my aunt Ruth by the age of twelve, about 1954. She'd loved me and had no problem showing it. She'd touch me and put her arm around me with lots of hugs that always made me feel good. I fell deeply in love with her. I loved my mother but I wanted to run away with my aunt.

She'd never done anything but show a deep affection for me but that didn't matter to me, I was in love. While growing up I'd had many fantasies about her through my teens. As I matured I'd drifted away from them and really hadn't thought of her that way in many years. Just sweet memories of her now and again.

That day my aunt Ruth slammed back into me like she'd never been gone and she was fucking gorgeous. I smiled but it must have come out as something else because she burst out laughing. She had a great laugh too, strong, not afraid to show she's amused. A strong lady. She'd had to be to get where she was.

I was startled by her reaction and got a wide eyed expression on my face that made her laugh harder. Damn, I could be funny but I didn't know I looked that funny. I kind of laughed along for a minute until she'd slowed and stopped.

She stammered an apology while still laughing and I assured her that I was not in the least offended. That I was glad to have brightened her day in any small way I could. She laughed again but only for a few seconds.

She told me I'd had the strangest expression on my face when I'd seen her but it had quickly shifted to one of total amazement. Then a big goofy grin appeared on my face and she couldn't stop herself laughing. I reassured her and told her she'd reminded me of someone I'd loved many years ago.

She reached out and touched my hand softly then asked me who I'd loved that much. So I told her. She asked questions and seemed interested and we spent thirty minutes talking about my aunt. She then asked if I wanted her to leave to disrobe for the examination.

I said, "No, I don't care. With all my problems enough people have seen my bare ass recently to make it not matter any more." She was laughing at that too as I took my kilt then my shirt, shoes and underwear off And laid them on a chair. I left my socks on because the fricking floor was cold.

Actually the whole room was a little chilly so when I sat on the examination table I saw that my Male Member was pretty small. Shit, it was almost invisible. 'So much for impressing her' were my first thoughts, but that was my egos thoughts, my mind knew that was the problem I was here about.

She had me lie back against the table which had been set at about a forty degree angle, and asked me to put my feet up in the stirrups. All I could think of was my wife telling me about this many times.

When she looked up at me she had a big grin on her face and said, "Slide down." We both lost it.

She'd been in the same position many times and heard those same words. I'd heard my wife say them for forty-three years. Every time she'd come back from a visit with the Groinocologist , as Archie Bunker used to say. I'd accuse her of getting off on it and she'd punch me, then we'd wrestle a little and then she would get off. Me too.

Laying there, bare assed naked with my legs spread wide, laughing my ass off with my limp dick flopping around was something else. To have my aunt Ruth sitting on a stool, fully clothed, watching my cock sway and flip absolutely blew my mind.

We slowed and stopped laughing and she sat there looking at my cock. I lay watching her and she looked up at me and asked.

"Have you ever tried the injections?"

I said I hadn't but I'd read about them. She then asked me if I wanted to try that before the surgery.

I said "OK" and she stood and left the room. I lay there thinking about her, my aunt Ruth and the coincidence of names.

Hers was Ruth Marris and my aunts had been Ruth Morrison. That made my thoughts stutter and jump around trying to understand. I didn't figure it out but thinking about it excited me and I started to get an erection.

She came back in with some stuff in her hands that turned out to be a syringe, some alcohol and cotton swabs. She also had a tube of something but I couldn't see what it was. She'd arranged it all on that roll-around tray you always see and pulled it over as she sat back between my legs.

"Oh, your penis is a little larger now. Good because what I need to do first is see how big it gets before I use the injection. This'll give me a better idea of how much to use and how effective it is."

I could feel my eyes widen in surprise because I'd done a lot of research on-line but hadn't read that about it anywhere.

She'd gone on to tell me that it used a chemical called Prostaglandin, that other chemicals were mixed in to prevent pain and increase the effectiveness but I don't remember them. The Prostaglandin can cause fibroids, scar tissue, and that can be a problem so they use as little as possible.

She then put on latex gloves and picked up that tube which turned out to be K-Y Jelly. Next she squeezed some into the palm of her right hand and reached out with her left and took hold of the head of my penis. Then, in one movement, wrapped her right around the shaft near the head, gripped it tightly and pushed her hand covered in K-Y up to my body.

I was instantly as hard as I get. At least it seemed instantly but my brain was riding the fastest merry-go-round in the universe. The K-Y had been warmed and that made it feel like I'd just pushed into the tightest pussy I'd ever been in.

I love women's hands and came very close to having an orgasm when she did that. I think I did have a small one actually. My whole body convulsed and jumped.

She grinned and started to stroke me, holding the head in her left hand, pushing and pulling with her right so it felt like I was being fucked hard by that same, very tight, pussy. God, that felt good then. I hadn't felt that in more than five years and I closed my eyes enjoying it.

She moved my cock so it was pointing straight up and started moving her hand up and down. She kept this up for about a minute, speeding up until she was going pretty fast. I just lay there, wide eyed, watching and wondering if she would finish me. I'd really hopped so.

She stopped and said, "I think that's about as hard as it's going to get so let's try this now." and she picked up the the syringe and whatever they call that little bottle the medicine is in. The one with the rubber top to stick the needle through.

She drew the medicine and took hold of me again, pulling my penis to the side and against my right leg. When she put the needle up against me my ego kind of screamed at me, OH SHIT! Someone's going to stab me in the dick!", but I calmed pretty quick.

She slowly pushed the tiny needle - I later learned it was for Insulin - into my cock. It didn't hurt and she explained.

"You can do this a maximum of three times a week, no more than every other day.

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It's going to take ten to twenty minutes to work and then we have about an hour of effectiveness."


It was like a very bright flash going off in my brain. My mind raced and came up with several hundred possibilities for the next hour and I wondered if any would come true or if that was simply her way of saying it.

She cleaned the site with an alcohol swab then pinched her finger to it explaining, "The pressure will help stop bruising. You don't want big splotches on your penis, do you? That would get ugly after a few injections." She sat there holding my penis and smiled at me.

Then, "I need to check your Prostate too. I know you've had radiation and your PSA,s are running .2 to .3 but it's time to do a digital exam again." And she pushed her left-hand index finger up my ass. I got harder and my ass shot up off the table. Don't know how much was the injection and how much her sliding her finger slowly in and out, but I did not give one damn right then.

This went on for several minutes. She was massaging my Prostate but it didn't respond. Shit, it was dead. But I liked it so she kept it up. In a minute she stood and took off the gloves she'd had on. She ran water in the sink until it was warm then wet a couple cloths, came back and sat, cleaning the K-Y off me.

I said, "I can do that." She smiled and kept washing me. She took a lot more time doing that than I'd thought necessary at the time.

"I know, but I made the mess so I should clean it up.", she said softly and continued, washing my balls and ass too, probing at the opening with her fingers.

I was convinced then that one of those fantasies I'd had would come true. I'd fervently hoped it was one with her mouth, her pussy and her ass but, truthfully, I didn't give a damn which. I was going to get screwed by a doctor that looked a lot like my aunt.

I'd loved my aunt for over 55 years and now all those early years of fantasy and desire were piling up inside me wanting out. RIGHT NOW! But I'd waited to see what she'd do next as she finished cleaning me. Waiting for her was a hard fought battle but I prefer it that way. When you treat a woman like a lady she gives so much more.

When she stood again she'd faced me and took her white coat off. She laid it on top of my kilt and started to unbutton her top. It was a dark, rust red and looked like silk. I could see her red, lace bra as the blouse slid off her shoulders. She put the top on the chair then came the black slacks she'd had on and they went there too.

She wasn't wearing panties and I wondered why. She wasn't shaved but the hair was trimmed short, a swimsuit cut I guess. Her breasts were not huge, just right for her body. A little sag but very firm when she moved with small areola and pencil eraser nipples that I wanted in my mouth.

While removing her bra she'd said, "I don't like the taste of that lube and if we're going to give this a real try I'll need to suck on you." When I heard that my mind went into hyper-drive. I was so excited I started to pant, trembling while waiting for her. She bent over and took my cock in her hand and put her mouth on the head.

I haven't had my cock in a woman's mouth in over five years. Shit, I hadn't had my anything in a woman's ANYTHING in that time. She used her tongue and swirled it around me until I thought I'd go crazy.

I'd started to thrust and she kept getting me deeper and deeper into her throat until I was buried. And there I was getting fucked by my aunt Ruth/Doctors mouth and throat. She swallowed then and my ass came about a foot off the table, again, jamming myself deep and I could feel her teeth at the base, nibbling and biting softly.

I desperately wanted to come, but at the same time I desperately wanted it to go on forever.

She took her mouth off, laughed and started stroking me again. Slowing me down, making it last and I liked that idea too. While she did she explained.

"I started here about 6 months ago and one of the first things that caught my interest was you. You came to see Dr. Nguyen and seeing you in your kilt was a shock. One of my mothers friends that I'd known for years growing up had always been my Uncle Ryan . You looked so much like him then that I'd had to really analyze what I felt."

She kept slowly stroking me and continued, "I finally decided that I'd always had a sexual attraction to him but had never admitted it to myself. I was confused by that but over about a month I'd decided to see what I could do about it. When Dr. Nguyen mentioned the implant I decided to take you as my patient. He'd been planning to retire and move to Utah so I got you."

'In more ways that one.', was my thought. I told her that later and she grinned and laughed. She has a sense of humor much like mine. Twisted and kinky.

She went on, "Now let's see if it works for the other things." and turned her back to me. She bent over then and I could see her pussy and ass displayed for me. She stayed that way for a short time, slowly waving her ass at me, clenching her pelvic muscles, and then stood and backed toward me.

She'd bent over, reaching between her legs, taking me in her hand and putting me at her opening. I lay there watching myself slowly slip in, sliding through her hand into that heavenly place I'd enjoyed visiting for many years and let out a long sigh. I'd thought it was all her hand but she took that away and it still felt like I was being squeezed by it as she'd lowered herself.

She was very tight and that made me wonder. She was in her forties and must have had a kid or two. I didn't care at the time and kept pumping up as she sat down and we got more furious about it. She started to growl and moan and I could feel it. God that excited me.

She reached down with her right hand and started masturbating herself as I was pushing up, trying to get farther in. I could feel her hand there, stroking herself and my cock as it slid in and out, getting faster. Her left hand cupped my balls, gently squeezing them and rolling them around like marbles.

She started to come then and squeezed me, rubbing faster, and I started. I went off like a bomb. I don't gusher like I used to because I don't have a Prostate but it felt like Mount St. Helens going off. I'd watched that on TV and seeing that ash come spewing out was what I'd felt like.

Hot lava pouring out and it went on and on, me pushing up hard, her slamming down on me and both of us moaning and growling. Finally, as she subsided I did too.

When we both finished she just sat on me for a short time. Then she laid back on me and I held her, rubbing her breasts and stomach. Pulling on her nipples then reaching down with my right hand, moving her hand and pressing my fingers into her, getting them wet with her juices and rubbing her clit softly.

She was very wet and it wasn't me so she'd put all that out. I reached my right hand up and sucked her off my fingers and she'd turned her head, watching and smiling as I did it. I reached back and got them wet again then brought my hand up and shared it with her. She'd liked that even more.

She jumped now and again when my fingers touched her just right. Then her body clenched, she moaned very loud, took a deep breath, moaned even louder and came again.

We lay there for minutes recovering. I wanted to stay like that forever but reality reared it's ugly head and she finally leaned forward and stood. As I slipped out of her I wondered what I'd have to do to keep this going. I didn't want a one-night stand from her.

She turned and helped me get out of the stirrups, standing me up, then kissed me. Holding me tight and pressing her breasts and stomach into me. She grabbed my ass and pulled me closer then leaned back and said.

"I want you to take me to dinner now. We'll drive down to San Francisco, I have a room at the Marriott Marquis and we can eat at The View. They do have a fabulous view of the bay and I want to sit there with you and enjoy it."

Turned out she hadn't had any kids. She'd been married for fifteen years but they were always too busy and there was no time. Then she caught him screwing his secretary and kicked his ass out. That had been two years before and she hadn't been with a man since.

We did drive down that night and did all she'd planned and a lot more we'd worked out together. She'd been working on it for weeks, hoping I'd turn out to be worth the pursuit. She said she'd talked to every one of my doctors asking about me, questioning what kind of man I was before deciding to try.

She said that all the reports she'd gotten told her I was a very kind, easy going type that just enjoyed whatever life offered. Trying to live after losing my wife to Alzheimer's.

That was a year ago and we're living together now. She goes with me when I visit Carol and I find that very comforting. She talks to her, hugs her and holds her while rocking slowly. I sit and watch that with feelings that are very hard to describe. How can I love two women with the same very deep feelings? My wife would have liked her.

We'll probably never marry but that's OK with both of us. She tells me she's very happy and I know I am. Maybe ecstasy would be a better word for my feelings.

How fucking lucky can you be! I lost the love of my life and gained another that included an old love that I'd thought gone forever, my aunt Ruth. We've talked about that and decided that it was pure chance. The fates had decided to throw us together because we had very similar needs, we fit well.

The fates were right. We even relive the first encounter now and again, after hours, and we've screwed in every exam room there. We almost got caught one night by security and that added excitement to it. She's a little crazy and I love it. I found out she really likes anal too.

I never know what she's going to come up with next. She describes her patients to excite me some times but never uses their names. What they say or do as she inserts the speculum in the females or takes the guys cocks in her hand.

One guy literally yelled "Holy Shit!", then got a very large erection. Some females moan and mutter as the speculum goes in. She tells me a lot more about the females, their lips and hair, how puffy they are and if the inner lips are hidden or protrude. How wet some are and how dry others.

She says she get a little excited herself when she does that. I'm not real interested in the guys but she says most get erections when she handles them. Most days she comes home horney but sometimes she's barely inside when she starts to undress and tells me to 'Get ready.'

We play little fantasy games too and I get to be the doctor while she becomes the patient. It really winds my watch to have her lay there in the stirrups and tell me each step. How to warm the speculum then lubricate it and insert it.

I never have to ask her to slide down either, she's always eager for me and I'm very excited by that. Eating her while moving around on that stool with wheels while I do that excite bot of us beyond description some times. I've decided I should have been a doctor instead of an engineer.

Ruth says she's always been excited by the exams. The first time her mother took her she masturbated for weeks afterward thinking about it. In med-school she'd had a lot of fun because they all shared examining each other. Her describing being examined by another female has gotten me off many times.

We've talked about doing the surgery anyway because she wants it more often than every other day and I'm very willing to accommodate her. We'll see.

Lately she's been telling me about this female patient that gets excited every time she has her in the stirrups. She's thirty-five, natural red hair and hasn't been with a man in over a year. She comes up with reasons she has to be seen often and she's always very wet.

Then two days ago Ruth said, "Do you remember all those things I've taught you?" I nodded and she continued, "Good, I'll need an assistant. Have you ever had a threesome?"

Written by LASARDaddy
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