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The Price Of Embezzlement Ch 02

"My boss already took my panties, but now he wants to finger-fuck me?!"

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Author's Notes

"Author's Note: This is the second portion of the commissioned story that a customer bought for his wife. Again, I am so grateful for your patronage! If you comment, I will probably respond, so don't forget to tell me what you thought. As always, Enjoy:"

This is maddening. It’s been almost two weeks, and absolutely nothing has happened! I don’t want anything to happen, of course, but the fact that Brent hasn’t made a single move… what the FUCK does he have planned?

I haven’t worn panties this entire time, just as instructed. Every time I sit at my desk, I’m terrified that everyone knows about my situation. Of course, that’s insane, I know. How could anyone possibly be aware that I’ve been sitting in my chair, day after day, like a fucking slut with my bare pussy exposed? Nevertheless, the constant angst of my near nakedness is taking a huge toll on me.

I’ve even started shaving myself completely smooth down below. Normally that isn’t something I’d necessarily bother with, but the idea of being entirely exposed and leaving my snatch ungroomed is a combo that I just can’t bring myself to accept.

That said, I reassure myself that I’m not grooming in order to look presentable for Brent, just in case he decides to check. I would never stoop that low. Never. I don’t actually care if he likes what he sees. Why would I? He isn't my boyfriend. If he decides to ensure that I’ve been keeping up my end of the deal, I'll look clean and alluring, coincidentally, yes. But I'm not doing it for him. I'm not! None of that matters anyway, because he hasn’t bothered to check. 

Also, this morning, I decided to make a change. For the first time since this whole thing started, I’ve put panties on before work. It’s a risky choice, of course, but since Brent refuses to check, I'm starting to think that this whole idea of his was just a scare tactic. Well, not entirely a scare tactic, I suppose. I mean, he did actually steal a pair of my panties, but that’s as far as it went.

Maybe he chickened out? Maybe he came to his senses? I don’t know, but I do know that the simple act of wearing undergarments again has relieved so much of my anxiety. I feel a genuine sense of relief for once.

My office phone chimes, and it shakes me from my revelry. I pick up the receiver, and the voice on the other end sends a shiver down my spine.

“Ms Ruth, could you bring me the documents that I just had sent to the printer? I appreciate it; I’m really swamped in here.” I mutter a soft affirmation into the phone, and he thanks me, hanging up immediately. 

Okay, now it’s time to put my plan into action. I hurry to the restroom, and I slip my panties off. Stuffing them into the small purse that I’ve started carrying for just this purpose, I move back to the copy room and pick up the printout. I scurry back to his office, my face once again blushing at the fact that my body feels so exposed to the air.

My heart is beating rapidly, but I force myself to focus on the fact that I have already removed my panties. He hasn’t checked for the past two weeks. He hasn’t even enquired about me keeping up my end of the deal, but if he decides to see for himself, I’m covered. The thought fills me with sickening emotions that I refuse to explore. There's fear in there, of course, but there are other, slimy reactions that shame me and cause my face to flush. 

I knock at the door, and he calls me inside. As soon as I step into the large office, I see Brent sitting at his desk with the CEO sitting in one of his office chairs.

Oh no! Fuck! Fuck! FUUUUCK!!! Why would the CEO be here, unless Brent decided to expose me and…

"Tony, you've met my secretary, Ms Ruth before, right? Ruth, of course you know the big boss, Mr Stevenson."

Tony nods, with a curt smile. "I think so! How's it going, Ma'am? Your boss has had nothing but praise for your performance! I'm glad that we have such a studious employee working for us! Have you been keeping Brent out of trouble?"

The men both laugh good-naturedly, and I try to join them, but my giggles sound phony and hollow. 

"Oh, she tries, Tony! She's as honest as they come, and I'm sure it's a real chore keeping me on the straight and narrow! Speaking of which, Ruth, how's that little agreement of ours coming? Are you still holding up your end of the deal?"

I can feel my heart threatening to stop entirely. I'm going to have a heart attack; I can just feel it. Death by embarrassment—guaranteed. Brent's talking about his decision to ban my underwear; he's referencing our secret agreement RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CEO!!

I nod rapidly, hoping that he'll drop the topic immediately. I know that my face must be as red as a firetruck. Beneath my skirt, my bare bottom feels incredibly exposed.

"Excellent!" my boss says with a friendly grin. "Keep up the good work!" 

"Wait, did you say a deal?" Tony asks, offhandedly. "What deal is that, precisely? Is this something that I should know about?"

My entire world freezes, I can feel my blood chill as cold as ice, and the moment seems to drag out for the longest eternity until I see Brent shake his head and shrug. "Not just yet, boss. It's a new initiative that I'm trying to increase productivity. So far it seems to be working, but I don't want to reveal anything at the moment. Just in case it doesn't turn out the way I'm hoping." 

Stevenson shrugs, disinterestedly. "Alright, Brent. I'll trust you on this one. Just let me know if anything changes."

"I guarantee I will," my boss smiles, and his lips are dripping with knowing humor. He gestures for the papers, and I extend them out to him, my trembling hands rattling the documents ever so slightly. As soon as he has taken them, I turn and make a bee-line for the door, before the situation changes. 

Outside of his office, I struggle to relax. It seems as if I took off my panties for nothing! It isn't like Brent could have checked them with the CEO present! Unless I'm wrong, and every single person within this company is already privy to the details of our arrangement. That's absurd, but a tiny, paranoid portion of my mind keeps insisting that it's true.

I slip back to the bathroom and replace my panties. Immediately, I can feel my confidence returning. I can't believe it took me two weeks to think of this solution! As long as I follow the rules of the deal while inside Brent's office, I can wear my panties everywhere else! I suppose that won't work on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I wear nylons, but the pantyhose offers a bit of protection to start with. 

On my way back from the bathroom, I run into Tony again. His face is just as friendly as before, and he nods politely. "Oh Ruth, if you don't mind, could you bring a new ream of paper to the copy room and add it into the machine? Apparently, it's running out."

"Yes sir," I reply. "No problem." As I move to retrieve the office supplies, I remind myself that in spite of my mistakes, I am a genuinely good employee. I'm always eager with any task, even if it isn't technically mine. It's part of the reason that stealing money was so easy. Everyone expects trouble from the sneaky, lazy employees, but a person like me? I'm not on anyone's radar. I'm the one helping the company grow.

I step into the large supply room and walk around the oversized sets of shelves to the place where the extra paper is stored. There's a big box full of paper on the lowest shelf, and I kneel down to pull the lid off. I'm reaching to extract a ream when I hear the supply door open and close. Looking towards the entrance, I realize that these shelves are obscuring my view of the exit and…

Brent Smith steps around the corner, and I can see a cold look of determination in his eyes. They are boring into my feminine form, judging me, damning me all at once.

Oh shit! Oh fuck! Oh nooo! I put the panties back on! We're all alone now, and I broke his rule…! He never checked! Never! I've been good this whole time until today, but he'll never believe me once he sees that I've tried to deceive him!

"Ruth," he asks quietly, although his voice somehow seems deafening and otherworldly at the moment. "When you came into my office earlier, were you wearing panties?"

My eyes gleam with an unearned hope. "No! None Brent! None… I… I swear to God!" I have to convince him that these words are true! If he stops his inquiries there, then I'm safe, but… 

I can see in his eyes that he's evaluating me. He's reading me, and he can see every truth and lie within my entire existence with flawless accuracy. Oh please, PLEASE believe me!!

"Brent, I…"

"Shhhh! My not-so-innocent pet! I trust you."

He… he believes me!? I can sense the sincerity in his words, but still, I can tell that he's toying with me, like a cat playing with its next meal.

"I swear! I swear I didn't have any panties and…"

"I can read you like an open book, Ruth. You're an excellent liar, but I know all your tells."

"I'm not lying! I…"

"I know you aren’t lying. You didn’t have panties on in my office, just as instructed.” I start to breathe a sigh of relief until the next words leave his mouth. “That doesn't mean that you're wearing them now, though…"

My heart shutters, and a tremor of terror streaks down my spine. Why? Why is this happening?! I've been good for two fucking weeks!! And the first day I try to trick Brent he catches me? Is the man a psychic? Or am I just insanely unlucky? I'd believe anything at this point. 

"Brent… please, I…" 

Again, he shushes me. "Listen, Ruth. There are a few ways this can go. You can tell me that you're not wearing panties, and if it's true, I'll leave. I won't even check. You have my word."

I feel my mouth drop wide open in shock.

"You can also try lying to me. I still won't check. I promise. And you can trust me, because you know I hate lying." He's teasing me. He can deduce my every thought… he can read my fucking MIND… and he's using my own disobedience against me. I open my mouth to speak, and he places a wiry, infinitely authoritative finger to my lips. "Don't speak yet, Ruth. Remember, truth or lies… you are deciding your fate. As always, this choice is yours."

Tears begin beading at the corners of my lashes, threatening to destroy my makeup and send dark streaks cascading down my cheeks. This can't be happening! He caught me, in the beginning, he caught me and he could have destroyed me, but all he demanded was my panties and my obedience. And I betrayed him yet again. Why? Fuck! WHY!?!

I know that these thoughts are akin to Stockholm syndrome, but they ring entirely true within my mind. He’s making me choose! Obviously, I’ve disobeyed and thrown away the only chance I had at continuing to live a normal life! Why? WHY?!?!

Brent’s eyes are gazing down at me with such an overwhelming sense of… is it disappointment? I’ve let him down even after he gave me a second chance! What in the world compelled me to attempt sneaking something else by him? Going around the office without panties wasn’t hurting me! Yes, it was causing me anxiety and stress, but nothing like what I’m going through now! Why did I try to cheat and take the easy way out?! My thoughts crash into my mind like a wrecking ball. This is a lesson. He’s reminding me, once again, of what a terrible decision it was to start down my deceitful path to begin with. Only this time, it will be my last, or at least the last time I’ll do it outside of prison… for a long time.

“Ruth.” My name thunders within my ears, and I look up at him, tears smearing down the sides of my face. “There is no part of me that would enjoy seeing you lose your job. Do you understand that? I devised this plan to keep you on your toes—to give you something to hide and teach you the dangers of deception. I honestly thought you were learning your lesson. And now, I’m convinced that you’re attempting to deceive me again.” He lets out a heavy sigh.

“Brent… I… umm…”

“Look," he interrupts. "I don’t have to give you another chance. I could let it be over right now. You’ve made your bed, and I see no reason I shouldn't just make you lie in it. You’re pretty good at lying, as we’ve established. Stand up, please.”

As I rise shakily to my feet, I can feel my chin quivering. There are no words in this instant that can make up for what I’ve done. I know that the demands he’s made of me weren’t exactly proper, but I’m the one who stole from the company to start with. 

Brent turns his back on me, and I’m waiting for him to walk from the room, ending my life in the process. I want to cry, beg, cajole… do anything that could convince him to change his mind, but no words populate within my mind. Only the nauseating sense that I’ve betrayed him. I’ve done wrong, again, and nothing I do now can undo my errors.

Without looking, he speaks. “Ruth, there is only one way, which I can see, that gets you out of this situation, with your job and your freedom still in your possession…” Brent pauses, and the combined weight of the words and the possible meaning that they could have is squeezing the life out of my pitiful heart. “As I already said, if I ask you right now if you are wearing panties, and you lie, I will know the truth. However, if I were to, say, turn my back to you for a few seconds, and then turn back around, would you be wearing panties then?”

My terrified heart skips a beat. He has given me a simple question, but somehow the answer is entirely eluding me. Is he suggesting that I somehow lose my panties in a few moments? How? I have them now, and they aren’t going to just disappear.

His voice is stern, but somehow reassuring. “It is important that I don’t see any panties that you may or may not be wearing. As long as they are gone when I turn around, then we will be fine, right?”

My shaken mind feels as if it is struggling to comprehend even the simplest concepts right now. He doesn’t want to see the panties, how can I…? The incredibly obvious answer hits me, and I have to fight the urge to actually slap myself. Of course! He is giving me an out! He will let me take off the panties and… hide them, I guess? I have no idea where I can stash them, but I have to find somewhere!

My voice stammers slightly as I speak, my voice so mousy and timid. “No, Brent. If you… ahh… if you turn around and then turn back… and then ask me, I won’t be wearing any panties at all! I swear!!” The sincerity is rich in my voice, and I know that all the unspoken words in that moment are so clear, they are practically audible. Oh, thank you, Brent! Thank you, so much! My silent gratitude must be evident because I see a wry smile spread across his face.

“There is one caveat to this agreement which may cause you to second guess your decision. I’ll look away momentarily, but afterward, you must know that I am going to check. I have given you every opportunity to do this without micromanaging your panty situation, but I feel that a little closer inspection may help keep you in line. Alright, I’ll keep my end of the bargain.”

He immediately faces away from me, glancing down at his phone nonchalantly.

He’s, he’s gonna check!?! That means that he’s going to either look or—I can’t bring my frightened mind to follow the thought to its logical conclusion. Feeling an immense stupor draped over my mind like a heavy blanket, I simply study the details of his back. His shoulders are broad and muscular, and even from the rear, his designer business suit is somehow perfect and alluring. The angular shape of his torso works its way down to a perfectly toned…

I need to slap myself! I’m in an incredibly compromised situation, and somehow I’m staring at my boss’ ass!? What the fuck is wrong with me?!

Brent holds up five fingers. Oh God! I know what the gesture means this time, but I feel like my body is paralyzed. I am a deer, frozen in the headlights. His thumb folds, and my sense of panic doubles. I pull up my skirt and hook my fingers in the band, snatching downward. The soft fabric slips over the luscious curve of my ass, and I pull it down past my thighs. I give my legs a wiggle, and it slips to the ground.

His fingers have already reached two, as I kick off my shoes to slip the lingerie free from my ankles. Thank goodness I didn’t wear shoes with a strap this time. As soon as the pumps leave my feet, I step out of the panties. My undergarment is now lying on the floor, but it’s still fully exposed!

With a swift flick of my bare toes, I slide the panties under one of the storage shelves. Brent turns around, his dazzling, hazel eyes searching deep...

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Written by MediocreAuthor
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