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Summer at the Neighbor's Pool

"I spend part of my summer days before college at neighbors pool - we both get more that we expected"

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Legendary Story
My parents met T.J. and Lisa through a gourmet dinner club that they joined. The club met every couple of months at different houses and enjoyed a dinner cooked by the various members who were attending. They really enjoyed the people and the food; I enjoyed the leftovers. I was not invited to the big event, which was totally fine with me. Being a junior in High School created other interests which I was happy to indulge.

What I found out later was that T.J. and Lisa only lived a couple of blocks away and they had a pool, we did not. It was a normal middle class neighborhood. My parents were not rich so we had a less fancy house and we did not live near a beach so if I wanted a tan, which I did, I had to lay out in our back yard.

My parents and I were invited over to T.J. and Lisa’s house several times for pool parties. This is where I got to know Lisa better. She and T.J. were both in their late twenties I guessed and had no children. She had a good job but she had to travel fairly often, sometime for a long day and sometimes overnight. T.J. had a consulting firm so he worked mostly from home to save office rent that he really did not need and only traveled occasionally. Lisa knew we had no pool, and that I obviously loved theirs, so she told me I could come over anytime.

I took advantage of that offer. On some weekends and especially during the summer between my junior and senior year I was there often, swimming and tanning. I always wore a fairly skimpy bikini to take as much advantage of the sun as I could. It did not take me long to notice that on the days when T.J. was home, especially alone, he enjoyed every moment that he could spend watching me and probably lusting after me.

I was physically and mentally maturing fairly rapidly. After I reached sixteen, and had more freedom due to cars, I became sexually active and quickly found that I really enjoyed it. I was not doing it just to make some boy happy, in fact the boy had to make me happy or we did not go out.

So time passed. T.J. kept ogling me, which I came to enjoy. Using my body to “unknowingly” tease him was a fun pass time. When I would untie my straps to lie down to tan with no strap marks, sometimes I asked him to rub lotion on me. He always offered, and I could see the disappointment when I purposely told him I was fine.

Time also intensified my interest and desire in and for sex. The efforts of guys my age were beginning to be somewhat less satisfying than they had been. I met one older local guy and had a few good times with him, the sex was really great, but he was not up to my parents standards, no college, blue collar job, seemed to drink and did smoke, so they put a stop to that relationship. I was not too disappointed except for the loss of the good sex he provided.

I continued to go to T.J. and Lisa’s pool. My view of T.J. had pretty much changed from that of a lecherous creep to an interesting guy that I could actually enjoy talking to sometimes. I also enjoyed his obvious interest in my now well developed body. Whenever I went there, no matter who was home, I had taken to wearing a string bikini.

I would lie down, untie the bottom strings and tuck the strings and triangle of cloth next to my legs, leaving just my labia inwards covered. The top I would peel down to just above my nipples and curl it on the lower part of my now 34C boobs. When I turned over I would have to redo the strings, turn over and then untie my back string and my butt. I pushed the butt down so it was full exposed, the strings and cloth pushed in between. I know he was entranced!

So more time passed. It was now May of my senior year. Graduation was almost upon me. My Dad had bought me a used Honda for college and to use during the summer.

It was a Wednesday. I took off from school just because I did not feel like going. My grades were set; I was accepted at college. Nothing would change as long as I passed the two easy finals I had left. So I decided to go to skip school and go to the pool.

I always went over to T.J.’s with my string bikini under my shorts and a top. I just went through the gate and to the pool. If someone was home, usually him, he would always come out to see me. This time no greeting, so I just dove in for a quick dip and then prepared to lay out. That is when I heard the sounds.

At first, I could not identify them or where they were coming from, but I followed the sound. It was coming out of their master bedroom that overlooked the pool. The curtains were drawn; I could not see in. But I knew the sounds of sex very well. I looked around the side of the house and there were windows but up higher than me. After retrieving my phone and holding it up to the window, I snapped a picture. It was T.J. humping some woman I could not identify, it could have been Lisa.

So I put the phone on movie and held it up for five minutes. The sounds were continuing so I knew the action was also. Checking after the five minutes, I saw who it was and put the phone back up for another five, then quickly left and went back home.

At first, I just watched it on my phone. Then I downloaded it to my computer. I was full of all kinds of thoughts. I was somewhat shocked that T.J. was fucking Mrs. Weathers. She was a fairly new divorcee and a friend of my mother’s. I was amazed at what a man T.J. was compared to the school boys I had been having sex with. Not only was he deeply stroking her into screaming orgasms, but he was larger than any boy I had been with. I did not know if I should be mad, excited or what. Should I tell my Mom? Should I tell Lisa?

I lay in bed getting horny, so I masturbated twice while watching the movie; they were the strongest orgasms I had ever had. I realized that I should probably tell Mom but also realized that I wanted T.J., really wanted him, for the first time. No more lech guy but now a hot stud man in my eyes. A guy that could give me what I had been craving and not knowing how to get. I would not play coy anymore but just come on to him and get it like Mrs. Weathers did and probably was continuing to get.

I thought about the whole thing quite a bit. I tried to think of all the possible reactions I would face; role play them in my mind. I went over and over things so they almost became second nature. I was not going to take no for answer, even if I had to use the video. I wanted him to just take me with no hesitation but realized that may well not happen.

I was totally excited. I wanted to go there the next day but waited until school was over and I was officially graduated. Monday of the following week I went to T.J.’s house. I had been there over the previous weekends but played very normal; it took every bit of my control. There were many intense, private, quiet times of masturbation in-between.

That Monday morning T.J. was there when I arrived; sitting on the patio, working on his computer. My pussy was already soaking wet in anticipation. I said ‘Hi’ and dove in the pool to cool down a bit. When I got out I went over to him and said, “Hey T.J. lets talk a bit before I go lay out in the sun.”

He perked up, “Great! I do not get to talk to you near as much as I would like.”

As I walked over to him I was thinking, ya, talk and what else? When I reached him, I pulled his chair around (with his surprised help) and sat on his lap facing him.

“So what do you wish we could talk about?”

“I’ll bet you would just love to hold and rub my tits. You are always looking at them.”

“Well now... listen I may look but never touch. You are Ted and Mary’s daughter,” he managed to stumble out.

“That is true, but I am also eighteen and going to college next year. I have been having sex since I was sixteen, so I am not exactly a virgin, and I am totally legal. Not only that, but I find you totally hot and I want you, so check these out!” I said as I pulled the string loose on my top, freeing my boobs right in front of him.

Somehow I managed to say and do all that out sounding very in control. I could see his brain cells spinning a thousand miles an hour.

He almost reached for me but said, “Now come on, cover up, we should not be doing this. I am married and, no matter what you say, you are too young for me.”

His first sign of break down, he did not push me away. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him into my ample C-cup boobs, rubbing the back and forth across his face. “Tell me you do not want me as bad as I want you. You know you want to make these yours. Just hold them for a minute, pleaseeee! Rub my nipples and then say ‘no’.”

He had been keeping his hands straight down but I saw them start to move up. “Why are you doing this to me? I told you it is not right.”

“And I told you I am legal, sane and want you. I want a real man, you, to fuck me like I need and want!” I had never talked to a guy like this, the words were coming out like another person was telling me what to say.

His hands finally cupped my boobs and rubbed my nipples. I put my head back and sighed with pleasure, he was going to fuck me. He said, “Your tits are the best I have ever felt. They are so perfect and firm. Your nipples so hard!”

I pulled my bottom strings lose. The front triangle dropped between my legs. I grabbed his right hand and put it on my pussy. “Can you feel how hot and wet I am? My juice is running out of me.”

He closed his eyes and moaned. “Oh my god, you are hot and dripping!” he said as one of his fingers slipped in me. “My hand is already wet from you.”

His finger started to move and rub me. I knew it would not be long now.

I reached down and grabbed his rock hard cock, “And your cock is so big and hard! I need you fucking me now!”

Slowly his hands dropped. He reluctantly pulled my hands away. “You have no idea how bad I want you,” he said, “but you are my friend’s daughter. I cannot do it.”

I was totally shocked that he could pull back from the brink like he did. But I had thought about this and was determined to push ahead with part two if needed and it seemed it was called for.

“You certainly fucked Mrs. Weathers with no problems. In fact you both seemed almost out of this world with pleasure,” I casually said, my boobs still almost in his face.

From his reaction I thought he was going to push me off him but he kept me on his lap. “What the hell are you talking about?” He shouted, “I have never touched that woman; I hardly know her. This is crazy!”

I stood up and walked over to my bag and grabbed my phone, my top and bottom dropping totally off as I walked back and resumed my position on his lap. He made no move for me but did not push me away either.

“This is a version, edited for shortness and highlights, of a longer video I have. Watch it and then lets talk again.” I handed him the phone saying, “Please do not damage the phone, you would only have to replace it and I have the full version on my computer at home.”

His face visibly sunk as he watched and heard the sounds. “Can I ask how you obtained this?” He almost whispered.

“Simple,” I said. “I just shot it through your bedroom window as I am sure you can see from the angles of the video.”

“Oh my god, I am so fucked,” he said as he held his head in is hands.

“Not at all,” I said in a very upbeat voice and taking my phone back. “You just need to follow through on what we were just about to do, and this will never see the light of day. You know you want me bad, just like I want you.”

I brought his hands back up to my boobs; he did not resist. “Now you have an excuse. I only have a couple of requests. One is that you show at least as much energy and excitement with me as you had for her and this will go on until I stop it which will be no latter than when I leave for college.”

I reached for his cock again, it was still hard. “I want to learn from you and have as much pleasure as I possibly can! Look at this as a hiccup in the road and we will never mention it again.”

I stood up and retrieved my top, bottom and bag. “Let’s go inside.”

“You are a devious little bitch,” he said with both fear and excitement on his face.

“Maybe I am but you are a hound dog. We both know you are going to love fucking me. No time to lose!” I laughingly said as I headed for the house. I could hear him right behind me.

As I walked into the bedroom I dropped my bag and flopped backwards on the bed, legs spread. “Make me cum T.J., several times.”

He stood over me looking down at my body. His cock straining to get out of his shorts. “I can’t believe what I am about to do. You could ruin my life.”

“That will never happen. We both want each other and I just gave you an extra nudge.” I rubbed my nipples as I smiled at him. “Do me like Mrs. Weathers and it will be total bliss for both of us!”

“Oh god, please never again mention her name around me. Please do that for me!”

“Okay T.J.. Somehow I think that when we are through neither of us will even think of her. Now drop your shorts and get over here, you have work to do!”

Looking back I am sure he was still in some sort of shock at that point. He had a somewhat dazed look and was slow to drop his shorts.

“Oh, you shave your cock! Wonderful. I cannot wait to taste it!” He was moving slow and I was in hyper warp drive. It seemed like forever but he finally sat next to me and began to rub my tits with one hand and finger me with the other.

“You are dripping on the bed already. I cannot believe how soaking you are.”

I was so worked up from the anticipation that I was on the edge of an orgasm and ignoring his comments. “Squeeze my nipples! Finger me! Faster, I want to cum!

Suddenly his middle finger was deep in me and he was working my clit with his thumb. No other guy had ever been this strong or rough with me. My clit was getting very sensitive and he was strongly rubbing the inside of my pussy, finding my “G” spot. He pinched and squeezed my nipple til it hurt, but it was a good hurt.

All these new, strong sensations overwhelmed me. They came over me quickly and I cried out as I came, “Fuck, I am cumming! Damn, T.J. what are you doing to me?” I clamped my legs closed to stop it.

“You want to be a woman, spread your legs.” He said as he pushed them apart and positioned himself between them. His cock head was rubbing up and down in my slit, gathering my lube. I felt his cock head enter me.

“A woman spreads herself wide for the man, as wide as possible to allow deep penetration.”

Now I was the one who was unsure. Did I really want this? These thought raced through my mind. What I had I unleashed?

“This is about to be what you wanted. Are you still sure this is what you want? I will stop whenever you say so.”

The racing thoughts suddenly crystalized. “Fuck me T.J.. Give it all to me. Make me scream. Take me and make me yours!”

He lifted my legs a bit and plunged fully into me. He was bigger than I had ever felt and stronger. He wrapped me up and forcefully fucked me. Once again the sensations were overwhelming.

Soon he had my legs up by my head and was whispering in my ear, “Is this what you wanted? What you expected? Is my little bitch going to cum for me again? Do it now!”

The word “now” pushed me over. “Oh god T.J. I am cumming again! My god, you can fuck! I knew I was not wrong.” My body was shaking like it never had before.

He pulled out of me, grabbed...

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Written by Kee
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