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Strip Club Revenge

"An old acquaintance comes to audition at my strip club"

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The Polish girl stood in front of me and wriggled out of her black panties, sliding them down her smooth legs and over her ankles before kicking them aside.

"You like what you see, Mr Mills?" she cooed in a thick accent while fluttering her long eyelashes and smiling coyly.

I did like what I saw. She had dark sexy eyes, fine black hair that tumbled down to her slim shoulders and big round tits. But her belly was a little too rounded, her thighs were just a tad too fleshy and she had a big arse and a thick bush of hair in between her legs. I could see she was new to the London stripping world. At one time, I'd have given my right arm to have a chick like that standing bare-arse naked in front of me. But these days I could afford to be fussy. We were running a classy strip joint in Soho, after all.

"I'm sorry, Zofia," I said, "You're just not right for the job, sweetheart."

"Oh, but Mr Mills," she pleaded, her sexy lips pursed and pouting. "I be real nice to you. I be good to you. Do to you anything you want."

"Next!" I shouted.

The Polish girl bent down and picked up her clothes as the next girl nervously walked into my office. It was obvious straight away that she was new to the stripping business. She was wearing strappy stilettos, and the way she stumbled told me she wasn't used to walking in them.

And there was something so familiar about this woman.

She stopped halfway across the office and stared at me. "Darren? Darren Mills?"

"Well, I never!" I exclaimed. "Denise Lowe!"

Denise Lowe had been the girl that everybody wanted to fuck back in our school days. She was gorgeous but she was seriously smart too. Last I heard she'd become a dot-com millionaire. What the fuck was she doing in my office auditioning to be a stripper? Sure, she was sexy as hell, but she was also a prude who used to delight in stirring guys up before cutting them down to size with disdainful remarks. I'd even applied for a job at her company once and the bitch had slung me out in less than five minutes. Not before she'd totally humiliated me in front of all her staff, though.

"Fuck! Denise Lowe!" I leaned back in my chair and looked at her. Her blonde hair was longer than it had been, with a braid hanging down her back. Her intelligent-looking eyes and sharp little nose were just as imperious as they had been all those years ago. And she was looking at me as though I was a piece of crap. Typical Denise, I thought. And the dumb cow was dressed up as if she was going for a job as a stockbroker. She was wearing a blue business suit, a blazer jacket with a knee-length skirt and a white blouse.

"I think I've made a mistake," she said in her posh accent.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked, genuinely shocked. "What happened to the company?"

"It ran into problems. I want to start up again," she said defiantly, not looking me in the eye. "But I need to raise some funds – fast."

"Well, you've come to the right place, Denise," I grinned.

"This is a waste of time. You’re not going to employ me."

I shrugged. "What makes you so sure? You're a good-looking girl. I employ girls on strictly business criteria. If you can make my customers’ pricks hard, you'll make the club money. That's all there is to it."

She cringed at my coarse language, but she never walked out, a sure sign that this girl was in serious need of cash.

"Take off all your clothes," I ordered.

She stood there for a second, reluctantly tugging on her skirt. "I'm not going to let you treat me like dirt," she warned. "I'm just here to make some money."

"Aren't we all, darling? Now either strip off or fuck off. I won’t have you wasting my time."

She slipped her blazer off and hung it carefully over the chair on her side of the desk.

"Try and do it slowly and seductively. Remember, you’re trying to turn people on," I moaned. "This is a strip club, you know, not a fucking library."

Her face flushed red as she unbuttoned and removed her white blouse before dropping her skirt to her feet. She was stunning, absolutely gorgeous. Her tits weren't as big as the Polish girl before her, but they were round and pert, scooped up like mounds of ice cream by a lacy white bra. I could see the cleft of her pussy through her matching panties. Her legs were long and smooth, slightly tanned. It was impossible to look at her like that in her lacy lingerie without wanting to spread her sexy legs open and fuck her hard and fast on the floor of my office.

She stepped out of the skirt and bent down to pick it up, making eye contact with me all the while.

"And the rest," I ordered.

Her delicate hands reached behind her back to unsnap the clasp of her bra that fell away, revealing round breasts with the same even tan as her toned belly and slender thighs.

She flushed bright red again as she hooked her thumbs into the sides of her panties and slid them down to her ankles before stepping out of them and sliding them to one side with her right heel. She was naked apart from those stilettos that made her arse and tits stick out perfectly. She had a fine strip of dark hair between her legs. Not a natural blonde after all.

"Well?" she demanded, as I raked my eyes over every inch of her naked body.

"Turn around and bend over," I demanded in a bored, disinterested tone, hiding my excitement.

She blushed a dark scarlet colour this time but did as I asked.

The backs of her thighs were taut and shapely and her buttocks round and firm as she bent over with her head between her parted legs. I got up from behind my desk to stand behind her, drinking in the awesome sight. Her pussy was pink and tidy, glistening with juice. Who would have thought that I would get to see Denise Lowe’s cunt?

"How long do I have to do this for?" she moaned. "My legs are hurting."

I placed my trembling hands on either side of her hips and she stood up abruptly.

"I'm not a whore, you know!"

I nodded towards the door. "Sorry, Denise, you're obviously too classy for this joint."

"You said you’d make a business decision," she said, standing with her arms folded across her breasts.

"Look, Denise, you're a sexy girl, but you're a ball-breaker. Guys come here looking for girls who are submissive types, all tits and no brain, that make them feel like hotshots. Not stuck-up prudes like you, looking down her nose at them and making them feel like a worthless piece of shit. You’re just not cut out for this business.”

Her bottom lip quivered and I realised she was about to cry.

I can do submissive, Dal." She broke down at last, sobbing. "I really need money, badly. I got screwed with the company. I've got repo men coming round next week if I don't do something fast. Please, give me a chance."

This was almost too good to be true. I sauntered lazily towards her and grabbed her arms, pulling them away from her tits. She didn't try to stop me. I gawped at her tits for a short moment. They were perfect. The nipples were pink and erect and she was every bit as pert and firm as she'd been back in our school days. I had wanted to fuck this condescending and snobbish, yet wonderfully perfect and awe-inspiring, girl for the best part of twenty years – I intended to make the most of this opportunity.

I roughly grabbed her round arse, squeezing her cheeks together before pulling her naked body towards me. Her tits were crushed against my business suit. Her knees buckled as I kissed her hard on the mouth before pulling away.

"I suppose you're going to make me fuck you?" she stuttered quietly.

"Kneel down," I ordered.

She slowly dropped to her knees and looked up at me submissively. I could see I'd broken her. All her self-respect, all the snooty arrogance she'd had back in school was gone. My cock was already rock hard as I took it out of my trousers and stroked the swollen head over her high cheekbones on either side of her pretty face.

"Kiss it," I growled.

She looked at me for a second, as though deciding whether it was too late to stand back to her feet and walk out. Then she began kissing the shaft of my cock with wet pecks that made it pulse and throb. I slid it in between her pert tits and began gliding it backwards and forwards while caressing them with my hands. As I slid upwards, I grazed my cock over her soft lips. She stuck out her wet tongue and began licking me like an ice pop. She obviously knew that her getting the job depended on how good a blowjob she gave me.

Then her glossy lips slid over my cock-head, then halfway down to my balls and slowly back up again. Her eyes met mine and I grabbed her blonde hair and began bobbing her head quickly up and down. Then I began shafting her face, fucking her mouth deep and hard, caught up in a moment of frenzied passion.

She gasped through the mouthful of thick cock. Her tits were starting to bounce as I roughly took her by the back of the head and guided her wet mouth up and down my hot length. Her blonde fringe tickled my tummy and I could feel her saliva sliding down my shaft and onto my balls. I tried not to cry out but I couldn't help myself; she felt so fucking good. At last, I was on the brink of orgasm.

"Put my balls in your mouth," I ordered.

She did as I asked, gently sucking first one then the other before licking me from the base of my shaft right up to the tip where a globule of pre-cum glistened. Then she was bobbing her head fast up and down my cock. She was an expert cock-sucker and was now getting off on it, loving every minute of gobbling and slurping over my cock and balls.

"You like to suck cock, Denise?" I asked, pulling my cock out her mouth and thrusting it between her sweaty tits to let her answer.

Her face was pink, flushed and sweaty. "I-I-I..." she stuttered when she saw I was waiting for a response.

"You love cock," I said, fucking the gap between her incredible tits. "You're a slut. Just admit it."

"I'm a slut. Fuck my mouth. I'm a fucking slut," she blurted suddenly, with conviction, then slid that perfect, glistening mouth down my shaft again.

My balls felt like they were about to explode but I pulled out and sprayed white strings of cum over her jiggling tits and pretty face, making her flinch and gasp.

"Maybe I will try you out, Denise," I panted, smearing cum over her high cheekbones with the tip of my cock. "If you can be a nice, sweet girl then maybe – just maybe – I'll let you work for me."

She nodded submissively, wiping her face with the back of her hand. "Yes, Darren," she said quietly in that snooty voice of hers that had always got me so hot back in school. "I'll do anything you say."

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I decided to make Denise dress up a little for her first afternoon’s work in my pussy club. Back in school, she’d always gone for a proper sophisticated look; expensive designer labels and all that shit. Though now she was reduced to having to beg for work in my strip bar, I thought her style should change to suit her new environment.

When she came out on to the dance floor her pretty blue eyes were downcast and she was obviously embarrassed. I’d got her wearing a pair of pink panties with a glittery silver love heart on the crotch. And the tiny pink top she wore kept riding up over the bare crescents of her firm breasts. I think she’d have preferred to be naked, though she wouldn’t have to wait long.

I sat down at a table a few feet away from the bar and watched her click-clack towards me on her strappy high heels. She looked up self-consciously and tried to smile a forced, patronising smile. But she knew who the boss was now.

I took a cushion off one of the chairs and flung it onto the floor. “Okay, Denise,” I said. “Kneel down on that.”

She knelt down on the cushion next to me and I rested my hand on her head, stroking her fine blonde hair as she looked up at me like a little lost puppy.

“I’ve got a bit of a surprise for you,” I smiled. “We’re going to meet a few old friends of ours.”

At that, the door to the club opened and two guys came in.

“Scott! Mike!” she exclaimed, blushing a deep scarlet.

“Jesus, Dal!” said Scott, staring appreciatively at her long, shapely legs and perfect body. “You’ve got fucking Denise Lowe working here!”

“Not yet,” I said. “I’m just trying her out for now. I want to make sure she’s not the ball-breaker that she used to be back in school.”

“Amen to that,” said Mike. “I asked her out once and she stood me up and then drove by half an hour later, laughing with that fucking arsehole art teacher we used to have.”

Denise bowed her head. “Darren,” she whispered. “You didn’t tell me there’d be other people here – guys from school.”

“Hey, if you don’t like it, you can leave any time you like.”

“You know I need this job. The debt collectors are going to take my house,” she growled angrily.

“Go and get us a drink then. Three beers,” I smiled.

She stood up obediently and we watched her peachy-round arse sway in her pink panties as she walked across the floor.

“Man, this is gonna be fun,” Scott giggled while rubbing his hands together.

Mike and Scott were jerks, but I knew they were the guys Denise would least want to be naked in front of. They were complete nerds, fat and uncouth to boot. They’d have both cut their own arms off to see her bare arse back when she used to toy with them in school.

Denise put the beers on a little round tray and swayed awkwardly back towards us with the beer glasses resting against her partially exposed tits. She put the beers down in front of each one of us and I pulled her, unresisting, onto my lap.

“So, guys,” I said. “What do you think? Do you think Denise would be welcome here?”

“I don’t know,” Scott said. “She might be a sexy bitch, but she’s still got an expression on her face like I’m something stuck to the bottom of her shoe.”

I pulled her around so she was facing me, straddling my lap with her slender thighs tight on either side of my hips. Her tight top rode up even further so it was just about level with her nipples and I pinned her arms to her sides so she couldn’t pull it back down. I looked deep into her eyes and for the first time, she didn’t look away.

“Are you a haughty little bitch still, Denise?” I asked.

“No, Darren,” she sighed softly, her long eyelashes blinking. “You know things have changed since school.”

I spun her around again so Mike and Scott could both look at her, but her bare ankle caught Mike’s beer glass, knocking it over.

“Clumsy cow,” spat Mike.

“You’re going to have to mop that up,” I said, shaking my head sadly.

“I’m sorry,” she said, standing up. “I’ll get a cloth?”

“No,” I replied, “Use that pretty pink top you’re wearing.”

She looked at me for a second and then reached up with both slim arms crossed to pull it off over her head. Her tits were fantastic. Round and high but natural, they wobbled slightly as the tight cloth slid off them. Naked apart from her panties, she leaned over the table and dabbed at the spillage with her top. I made her go all round the table, leaning over in front of both guys so they could appreciate her from every angle: her taut thighs, round ass and exposed tits.

When the beer was mopped up, I threw the sodden pink top to one side and then, laughing, threw some beer into Scott’s face.

“Hey!” he said angrily.

“Now look what you made me do?” I grinned to Denise. “You’ll have to mop that up too.” She bent down and reached towards the top, but I grabbed her slender wrist. “You can’t use that; it’s soaking. You’ll have to use your panties.”

Reluctantly, she slid her panties down her smooth legs and stepped out of them before picking them up and using them to mop Scott’s fat face while I laughed and Mike leaned over to slap her naked arse, leaving behind a red handprint.

“Oh no! I’ve spilt some beer on my crotch,” said Mike, pouring the dregs from his empty glass onto his groin.

“I’m not touching your crotch,” she said with the type of disdain that’s reserved for cockroaches.

“Now, now, Denise,” I said. “This is what I was afraid of. The door’s over there – use it.”

“No, I’m sorry. Okay.” She leant over Mike’s sweaty torso and dabbed at his crotch with her pink panties. He put both hands onto her naked arse and pulled her closer to him so her tits were crushed against his chest. She shot me a look that was full of pleading.

I poured a little of my beer onto the table. “Another spill. We’re kinda careless today.”

With obvious relief, she wriggled out of Mike’s arms and slid round to me,...

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Written by DirtyDaza
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