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Red-Handed - Part 4

"Mac allows Lysette some delicious payback."

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(The story so far: Mac is in process of punishing both the sexy burglars his estranged wife sent to his apartment. He convinces Imogen, during a long, slow fuck, that she can earn herself an easier time by ganging up with him on her partner Lysette. Unfortunately for Imogen, Mac has placed Lysette where she can hear the entire treacherous conversation. The redhead reveals herself dramatically, furious at her blonde friend's betrayal...)

“Lysette…” Imogen’s voice faltered and she looked around at Mac, her eyes puppy-dog round and her jaw dropped halfway to her breastbone, as full realisation of her situation dawned. He grinned back at her, basking in all the satisfaction that the moment provided, while his grip tightened on her hips.

“Whoops,” he said, leaving all the rest to the redhead.

“You sly betraying bitch,” Lysette breathed, taking her time with the words as she hovered at the side of the bed like a late-summer wasp. Her fists had curled tight and even her nipples seemed like jutting little points of anger.

Imogen looked back and forth between her and Mac, perched as she was in cowgirl fuck-mode. “Lysette, I… I didn’t mean it. He made me say it! You heard him…”

“I heard you. I heard every fucking word you said, you lying slut.”

“I was doing it for both of us. I was trying to get us out of trouble…”

“Bullshit. I watched you – sitting there on his cock, swooning over him like you’re some fucking Disney princess, pretending I made you some sort of victim. Well she’s not,” the redhead said, looked at Mac. “Think she took much persuading? Think I had to talk her round? She fucking loved it more than I did. ‘Oh God, this is so bad, this is so exciting. I can’t believe I’m doing this.’” Her mimicry of Imogen’s upper-class tones was cuttingly precise. “She nearly creamed her knickers, she was getting off on it so much.”

“I believe it,” Mac said, holding the baffled blonde firmly in place. The girl’s mouth was working frantically with no sound coming out.

“And now,” Lysette seethed, jabbing a finger against Imogen’s chest, “you try and blame it all on me to save your own posh fucking ass.”

“But... Oh God, I…” The bustier girl looked back to Mac for help. He made it clear from his casual smile that none was forthcoming.

“Remind me what I told you back in the hallway, Lysette,” he demanded of the redhead.

Her voice was soaked in malicious pleasure as she recalled his words, her eyes alive with sudden power. “That whatever roles she chooses for us, I get to swap them.”

“Which means?”

“Which means that I’m your partner and she’s your bitch.”

Our bitch,” he clarified.

“Yes – she is, isn’t she?” Lysette’s pretty mouth twisted into a smile and she reached out, gripping a handful of the forlorn Imogen’s thick hair. She glanced to Mac, like she was checking that this moment of collusion was for real. He blinked in a slow signal of reassurance and her little fist seized tight in Imogen’s tresses. The blonde gasped and looked helplessly to Mac, confounded by the reversal. Her eyes were big with alarm.

“But… But you said… I…”

“I say a lot of things,” he told her, adrenalin pumping through him and putting steel in his words. “But this next one’s for real. You’re going to be our naked bimbo fuck-doll till I say otherwise, Blondie. You’ve landed yourself right at the bottom of the pile here, and we’re going to teach you your fucking place – right, Lysette?”

“Damned right.”

“Oh God, please, I…”

“You hear that, girl? Better brace yourself and those big springy tits of yours, ‘cos this is going to be one hell of a fucking ride.”

“Oh God, oh God…”

“Shall I give it to her, Lysette?”

“God yes. Fuck her. Fuck her properly. Fuck her like your bitch.”

“What – like this?” Mac grappled the buttery flesh of the girl’s hips and drove his pelvis recklessly, so that his cock rammed her full. She cried out to be so utterly impaled, and did not stop yelling when he proceeded to fuck her in a fierce upward-thrusting rhythm.

“Yes, that’s it, fuck her like that!” the vengeful redhead enthused, as her partner bounced involuntarily up and down in Mac’s hard saddle, her breasts launched into dramatic motion. “Make her feel that fucking cock!”

Imogen was feeling it alright, from the incoherent sound that was pouring from her open mouth. Her hair was flailing about her shoulders and her tits were oscillating on her chest like a pair of softballs in play. The bitch’s pussy was slithering all over him on its rise and fall, reinvigorating its pumped strength. Best of all, however, was the flame-haired vixen, who had come steaming back into the game ready to visit all her ire on her treacherous friend.

“That’s it, fucking take it,” the red avenger raged, crouching on the bed so she could hiss in the blonde’s face, while clutching her hair at the roots. “Take it and like it, you fucking slut!” Her delicate hand grabbed at one bouncing breast, fingers digging into the tender flesh around the peak and twisting. Imogen cried out in a different tone to have her nipple attacked. The sound only inspired her friend to seize the other globe as well.

“That’s it, partner,” Mac seethed as he shafted, “punish those fucking tits. Show me you’re not all talk.” He looked on in savage glee, his cock unrelenting, as one girl abused both the other’s gorgeous mounds – slapping and squishing and twisting their firm flesh as they jostled in motion. “Grab her from behind,” he ordered, and the redhead scrambled into position at his whim. He took a particular pleasure in watching her little palms reach around to grab and rough up her friend’s peachy delights, the image spurring him on to ravish the blonde’s cunt ever harder. Make that her soaking-wet cunt. Imogen’s mouth might have been issuing complaints, but her pussy certainly wasn’t. Quite the reverse. “She’s where we want her now,” he said, voice full of rabid jubilation. “Right, Lysette?”

“Fucking right,” the redhead affirmed, embracing her role with flashing-eyed fervour. “Who’s the bitch now, girlfriend?”

“Answer her,” Mac said, as he shafted up a slick fury. “Answer her fucking question.”

“I am.” Imogen forced out the words as she trampolined on hard cock. “I’m the bitch.”

“Say it again. Say it loud.”

I’m the bitch!”

“Whose bitch?”

“Oh God, oh God… Everyone’s!” she lamented.

“Good girl, now you’re learning.” He pulled Imogen free of Lysette’s grasp, the redhead’s nails grating over the girl’s rigid nipples, and dragged her all the way down so that her chest plumped against his. “Now you’re learning well,” he hissed into the girl’s ear, before wrapping his arm around her waist, lifting his pelvis off the bed and machine-gunning her snatch with all the power this crazy evening was supplying. Babbling noise gushed from Imogen’s throat as his groin smacked in a rapid-fire staccato against her gratifyingly fleshy ass. “What’s that you’re saying, Blondie? I can’t quite catch it. What’s that you’re saying?”

Lysette’s laughter rang out at his taunting. The redhead was up close to Imogen again, gripping her one-time partner’s hips from behind as the girl was pounded.

“Tell me what you see, Lysette,” he said, sustaining the rate of his pussy-ploughing. “I want to know what you see…”

“I see your cock reaming out her slutty cunt,” his accomplice replied without missing a beat. “I see her big ass rippling every time you fucking slam her.”

“Smack that ass,” he demanded. “Smack that lovely big ass.”

“It’d be my pleasure.”

To the machine-gun fire were added rifle shots, as Lysette’s palm cracked hard against Imogen’s flank. No further urging was needed, so committed was the redhead to this double-domination. Urgent spanking echoed around the bedroom. The smack of that slim feminine hand on the blonde’s well-upholstered bottom was a glorious addition to the sexual cacophony. How the submissive was reacting to the introduction of a spanking-hand into the fuck, Mac could only surmise; her vocal reaction was too far out of control by now to be specific. And her cunt was lusciously, ball-drenchingly wet.

“God, you’re fucking loving this, Blondie,” he said, as his shaft squelched inside her. “Look how much you’re creaming my cock.”

But the insanity was threatening to overpower his senses once more, and his current load was one he could not afford to lose. Not yet. Not till he damn well chose. Regrouping his thoughts, he lifted Imogen off his cock and pushed her tumbling aside onto her back. “Come on, partner,” he said to Lysette, swinging himself off the bed with his mirror-reflected cock swaying tall, huge and wet. “What do you say we take our plaything somewhere different? Somewhere fun.”

The devilry rose up visibly within the girl. “Goddamn,” she said, actually sharing a smile with her blackmailer. “You bastard… Fucking lead the way.”

You lead it,” Mac told her. “And bring your new pet with you.” He strode around the bed and bundled Imogen from the covers; she was a pleasing mess of tumbled hair and perspiring fleshy curves. “Come on, Blondie,” he said, making sure to grope her boobs thoroughly, as he wrangled her to the floor. “This party’s on the move, and you’re the entertainment every step of the fucking way.”

He gathered Imogen’s scattered locks into a band, which he then passed to Lysette. She snaked the hair securely around her knuckles, putting the blonde on a tight leash, the way Mac had done to her. “Remember, I’m doing this for both of us,” she told her friend with a revenger’s gloating enjoyment. “Where are we taking her?”

“Kitchen. End of the hallway on the left.” He leaned down and applied a whip-crack slap to Imogen’s splendid rear. “Move that ass, Blondie. No rest for you.”

“You heard him, you slutty bitch,” Lysette affirmed. “Get moving.” She directed another devious glance Mac’s way as she said it, clearly relishing her promotion to role of co-conspirator and the reversal of hers and Imogen’s earlier fortunes. The redhead was getting cockier than a girl should, who’d been snared into naked dick-sucking, Mac considered, but he let it go. For the moment her fiery spirit was serving his fantasies well. He looked on as she tugged on the hair leash and the blonde yelped her way into motion.

It was a cock-invigorating sight – the naked asses of his two blackmailed bitches retreating down the hallway. Lysette bore herself with an athlete’s grace, her red mane flowing down her back towards the curve of her pale sculpted buttocks. Shuffling over the shag-pile carpet, Imogen made an undignified contrast. Her bubble rear swayed dramatically as she scrambled to keep up, swollen lips on full display and thighs shiny with cunt cream. Enjoy playing your little power-game, Scarlet, he mused, stroking his cock as he paced behind them. Have your fun. Just don’t forget who’s topping you both tonight. He swung his arm low, palm connecting hard with Imogen’s bottom, so that she yelled aloud and her redhead trainer smirked. “Get the busty bitch inside,” he said, urging both girls through the doorway.

He flicked on the kitchen light, illuminating a range of new possibilities. The room was immaculately clean, all utensils tidied away in his efforts to impose some kind of order on his life, while the divorce battle had thrown everything else into disarray. “Right, put her on the table,” he instructed. Together he and Lysette hoisted the floundering Barbie-girl from her lowly position on the tiles and guided her roughly onto the sturdy oak table-top. She uttered feeble moans and squeaks as they laid her out on her back.

“What now?” Lysette was exhibiting wild-eyed passion for the game now. Something primal had been ignited within her. It was payback for the betrayal for sure, but the long evening of sucking, fucking and playing voyeur had also brought the filthiest version of this girl to the fore, forget that blackmail had set events in motion. It was one more unexpected element for Mac to play with, and he claimed the opportunity.

“Keep working over her tits,” he instructed his surprise protégé. “I’m going to see what’s in the fridge.”

The redhead reached from the head of the table and mashed both breasts with no shred of forgiveness, tugging hard on bottle-top nipples every time she closed her dual grasp. Her one-time partner keened and writhed, hands grasping for the support of the table’s wooden edges as her tender flesh was tormented by those cruel hands. Mac broke from the gorgeous vision and went searching inside his modest fridge, glad that he had stocked up for a potential date once the divorce had been finalised. He found inspiration on the middle shelf.

“Let her go,” he said, returning with the pouring cream. “Now watch this.” The blonde’s big tits were red with finger marks, as he peeled off the lid and let the contents of the tub spill in a high waterfall over each in turn. Her areolae were enveloped first, before the dairy thickness spilled over, creamy fingers reaching down to embrace both mounds. “You’ve got to admit, Lysette, that’s fucking beautiful.” The redhead ogled, unable to disguise delight at her blackmailer’s improvisation. The object of admiration looked up in astonishment at her thickly coated boobs.

“Want to share?” he inquired of his helper.

The redhead breathed hot agreement. “Fuck yes.”

Then they were either side of the blonde, lapping cream from the contours of her coated breasts and suckling on her hard nipples till she squealed. Their tongues skated and their mouths sucked, till cream dripped from their lips down both their chins. Mac’s gaze met the redhead’s across the mountainous surface of their joint feast. “Delicious?”

“Yes.” As much lust glowed in her eyes as anger by now. He reached across the table and grasped a handful of curly red tresses, pulling her into an open-mouthed kiss. She sucked up his breath as hard as he did to hers, their tongues writhing in a creamy contest. He clenched her hard, consuming all the spite-drenched passion her mouth had to spend on him and demanding more, his free palm groping one of the blonde’s slippery tits while he did it. This girl’s kiss was a world of difference from that Imogen had bestowed on him – full of attack and rage – but it was still the kiss of a lover. When he broke from her she was panting and red in the face, cream and saliva dribbling from her chin like she was drooling her desire.

“You’re still a bastard fucker,” she hissed, in light of her mouth’s passionate response.

“Yes – but I’m growing on you, aren’t I?” He gripped her locks and graced her with a savage smile.

“Maybe. As long as we’re not done with this bitch.” She grabbed the other girl’s currently unmolested breast, and together their squeezing extracted moans from Imogen’s sagging mouth.

“Oh no – we’re far from done,” he promised his protégé. “Go to the fridge and find the butterscotch syrup. I’m going to share a little cream with our neglected friend here.”

Lysette smirked compliance and scurried on her assignment, delving into the fridge while Mac moved to the head of the table, his elevated cock casting a shadow across Imogen’s face. The blonde was lolling in her abasement, eyes half-closed and fingers fluttering, as in a vain attempt to grasp hold of her situation. Mac took the container he had set aside and tipped it over himself, observing with a smile as the contents spilled over the head of his phallus, running thick down his long shaft to coat him in a creamy liquid cloak. He poured till it flowed past the root of his cock and trickled onto his balls. Spots pattered onto Imogen’s nose and cheeks and she gasped, her gaze fixing itself on the cream-covered edifice that swayed above her.

“Your turn for dessert, sweetheart,” he said, gripping her under the armpits and dragging her down the table’s length, so that her hair draped backwards over the end with her head. “Open wide.”

“Got it,” Lysette announced, turning triumphantly from the fridge with the syrup bottle in her hand, but she stopped short when she saw Mac climbing onto the table’s edge and fitting his thick-coated glans downwards into Imogen’s stretching mouth. “Oh fuck,” she breathed.

“As in – your friend’s face?”

“Yes, that’s right. Do it.” The redhead was holding her breath, clutching the syrup in anticipation of the thrust. “Fuck her pretty face.”

Imogen’s eyes were impossibly wide circles of blue, her hands reaching instinctively to control the driving motion. Mac was having none of that. He gripped her upper arms and pushed, spearing his shaft down into her throat. “There,” he said, burying his cream-dripping length with no regard for the girl’s gagging. “Suck that up, Blondie. Take all that creamy goodness.” He plunged deep, gripping her head and pulling her upwards, so that she could swallow the final inches. Cream was already oozing over her cheeks, before he pulled out. When he did, it ran in a great spit-enhanced river down her cheek and forehead, into her hair, as she gasped and spluttered.

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He plunged again, guiding her onto him and pumping in and out this time, his cock squelching and bubbling in her throat. “Fuck yes, girl. That’s it, you take it all.” His own throat constricted the words, such was his joy.

Astonishment had momentarily stalled Lysette, but now she approached the table with renewed eagerness, brandishing the plastic bottle. “So what do I do with this?”

Mac packed his cock to the balls inside Imogen and then pulled out, so that further creamy drool trailed over the blonde’s face. “Smear it over her cunt,” he said, fitting himself back into the gaping mouth and shoving, his knee levered hard against the table-top. “Smear it all over and lick it off.”

Lysette’s eyebrows raised a shade, but his glare put her straight and she flipped the cap, squirting butterscotch syrup all over her fingers. He urged Imogen back and forth on his cream-and-spit-lathered shaft, staring intently...

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Written by Jaymal
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