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Pippa's Journey

"a storyteller has to show her he understands"

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Pippa closed down her computer and looked at her phone. She had lost track of time and she'd have to be up for work soon. The online world might have felt safer than the real one, but there was no last bus or train to catch there, or people to tell you it was late and you really should be getting some sleep.

After just four hours in bed, Pippa was woken by the alarm on her phone. It was time to face the mind-numbing environment of data input once again.

By the time she had finished her shift, Pippa felt exhausted. She would have happily slept on the bus home, but her friend, Fay, saw her and she called out Pippa's name.

Although tired, Pippa was pleased to see Fay. They chatted, as they always did, although Fay was less than impressed to discover Pippa had spent until the early hours chatting online with a new acquaintance called Ian. Fay knew Pippa was self- conscious and found meeting people a struggle, but she wasn't sure Pippa would conquer her shyness by retreating on-line for social contact.

Fay's cynicism regarding the online world of socialising was borne out of her own bad experiences of it. Not everyone was a fraud who was married and pretended not to be and a liar and fantasist about his life, but the damage done to her meant Fay felt responsible for ensuring her friends didn't suffer in the same way as she had done.

"Just be careful, Pippa," Fay concluded, once she had decided a change of topic would be for the best.

Determined not to make the same mistake twice in a row, Pippa restricted herself to just an hour of catching up on line, once she was home.

Ian was in the chatroom of the website Pippa used and she sent him a message to ask him how his day had gone. Ian replied instantly, explaining he had taken a day's holiday from work and had spent his time doing some creative writing. Pippa already knew about Ian's love of story-making, they had discussed it, although because Ian's escapist hobby centred around erotic fiction, Pippa knew she wouldn't be able to divulge this to friends who thought she was vulnerable, a view she neither shared, nor appreciated.

"I think I need you to bring one of your stories to life for me, Ian, It's great to have friends who want to look out for you, but sometimes their concern can be suffocating. It feels as if I'm trapped by other people's hang-ups and that can be very frustrating," Pippa explained in a private message she sent to Ian.

Ian read the message. He didn't feel pity towards Pippa, quite the opposite. He was impressed by her wish to deal with an issue and he was driven to come up with a plan to help her on a journey to wherever she wanted to be.

In his next communication with her, Ian told Pippa he had a plan. When he did so, he emphasised that Pippa could dismiss all, some, or none of it, as she saw fit.

Ian took a few minutes to put something together in a message, sending it to Pippa as soon as he had finished typing. It read:

1. Have a friendly chat online,

2. Continue finding out about each other and if it suits, I read you one of my stories.

3, You tell me what you'd like to have in a story, if I wrote one just for you.

4. I write the story and read it to you over the phone.

5. If you like the story, I'll write another and I can read it to you in person.

We can review everything and add any further plans, if they need to be made after that.

Pippa read the message immediately. She replied in similar haste, saying Ian's plan sounded wonderful and there seemed no reason to delay the first part of it. Using the same name elsewhere on the internet meant Pippa and Ian could find each other easily to exchange phone numbers and do so without breaking the rules of the site they had met on.

The itinerary he had drawn up was something Ian didn't mention in any of the next messages he sent to Pippa, He knew she would raise the topic, if and when she felt it was appropriate. Pippa took three days to give Ian the green light to proceed.

Pippa answered Ian's call as soon as her telephone rang and once they had greeted each other, Ian offered Pippa the option of a friendly chat, whatever else she thought she might like, or both.

"I've had a tough day and I need to chill out. I'm sat here with my legs spread and my fingers poised, if that's not too much information. Listening to you read one of your stories feels like it's exactly what I need right now," Pippa explained.

Ian was a little surprised by the forthright nature of Pippa's message, but, in truth, so was Pippa.

The story Ian chose began with a scene very much like the reality he and Pippa found themselves in. When Ian set the scene with two strangers feeling horny and exchanging thoughts, It felt to Pippa as if Ian was actually in the room with her. A part of her wished he was.

Ian spoke of the woman in his story beginning to ease her fingers slowly inside her body, whilst listening to the stranger describing himself doing this to her. As she listened, Pippa's touch slipped dreamily between her parted lips and began to circle slowly. Acting out Ian's words as she heard them was a new and exciting way for Pippa to arouse herself and she had no issues whatsoever with Ian hearing the sound of her fingers playing, or the sighs, laughter, gasping and cries she made, as she stroked herself to orgasm.

"You probably gather that I rather enjoyed myself there. I'll text you with the details of what I'd like you to put into my story before I go to bed. I'm not sure why I should feel shy about telling you what I want over the phone, when you've just heard me come after you'd talked me to a climax, but not everything in life has to be logical." Pippa said with a mischievous giggle.

Pippa realised she had just entertained and enjoyed erotic thoughts without the hint of negativity that had tarnished doing so for what felt like forever. This was something she had so desperately wanted to be able to do again and the circumstances behind her just having done so were ones she felt she would be able to defend fiercely, should she ever find herself needing to.

It had been a special and significant day for Pippa and at the end of it, she went to sleep more contented than she could remember having done for a long time.

Within a day, Pippa had re-read Ian's plan and she had typed out a scenario for him to work around and use for the next step.

"I'm a physio for the rugby team and he needs a massage after training. Everyone else has gone home, so we just have to lock up when we leave. I need him everywhere. Pippa x"

As soon as he had received Pippa's message, a late shift meant Ian was able to get to work on weaving a story around Pippa's fantasy. It was one of those days where everything seemed to click creatively and as soon as he had finished, Ian sent a message to Pippa to let her know. Pippa replied to Ian immediately, the content sounding like an old-fashioned telegram.

"Day off. Home alone. Horny. Call me. Make me happy. Pippa x"

Not wanting to disappoint Pippa, Ian called his manager at the warehouse he worked in. Asking to re-arrange shifts was something Ian rarely did, if ever and his boss knew this and so agreed to let him have the day off.

After securing his leave, Ian called Pippa straight away. She answered immediately.

"I'm lying naked on my bed, I went out and bought a vibrator and I think it will be perfect for listening to your story, although it's possible I might not need it, as I'm very excited already!" Pippa explained.

Ian began by setting the scene with Pippa and the rugged rugby player alone together at the otherwise empty stadium. He explained the two of them had shared a few jokes and flirted a little and this had been on Pippa's mind as she had massaged the sportsman's leg.

"As Pippa ran her fingers over him, she saw his cock rise inside his shorts. Without saying a word, she pulled his shorts down to his knees as he lay on the physio table and she lowered her head towards what she wanted so badly."

Pippa let out a giggle, as she heard Ian's words with her vibrator sliding through the wetness of her arousal.

"I can see it very clearly, Ian, thank you," Pippa whispered.

"Pippa's work, which had been slow to begin with, had now turned into frenzy. She sucked wildly, he groaned, Her body was on fire and the anticipation she felt as he twitched and trembled against her tongue was exquisite." Ian continued.

Pausing briefly at this point, Ian could hear the sound of delight coming from the other end of the phone.

"Now please, Ian," Pippa said, her voice breaking up with aroused excitement.

Ian granted Pippa's wish, as he described her wild desire.

"Pippa was possessed by need. She pushed him deeper into her throat, Her lips encased his cock in a vice-like grip and she moved along his shaft until it jerked and sent a river of orgasm into her eager mouth. Pippa's body exploded into climax, as she gorged herself on his cock. She kept a tight grip with her hand and mouth, as her own body descended into erotic chaos, heightened further by a fresh salvo from him she welcomed with a scream of joy." Ian explained.

The scream Ian spoke of was matched by that produced from Pippa's mouth, as she listened to the story of her own lips sucking wildly on the player's cock. Pippa's body was ignited and excited and she saw visions of the tale Ian had told her flash before her eyes as her climax continued.

When Ian talked of Pippa draining every drop from inside the player's cock, the woman herself enjoyed another erotic explosion. It was awesome and Pippa was almost lost for words.

Once she had regained some composure, Pippa told Ian he had just helped her to one of the most intense climaxes of her life.

"Wait until you hear what you did next, Pippa, although I've a feeling you're going to tell me to save the rest of the story for another time," Ian said. His guess was correct and a date was fixed for the fun to continue. .


On the day Ian had arranged to read the next part of his story to Pippa, she was unusually excited at the prospect. What she found the most satisfying, however, was that Ian had promised to read his story to her and despite its quite obvious success previously, he had, once again, shown his willingness to proceed at whatever pace Pippa wanted, or not at all, if that was how she felt.

Ian began with casual chat in his conversation with Pippa and the story wasn't mentioned at all. It was Pippa who was the first to raise the matter, This was something Pippa had hoped would happen and it had.

Hearing the voice of the man who had already helped her to enjoy a delightful climax made Pippa feel aroused again and she almost tore her clothes off, as she prepared to take herself and her phone onto the bed and tell Ian to read to her. Pippa had decided to dispense with her new vibrator this time, believing listening alone, with a little encouragement from her fingers, if needed, would be enough.

"I'm ready!" Pippa shouted excitedly down the phone.

Ian set the scene for the second part of his story. It saw Pippa lying on the physio's table herself. He explained that the rugged sportsman whose cock she had feasted upon had now begun to place slowly rising kisses over Pippa's splayed legs.

"Pippa looked at the ceiling of her treatment room and sighed dreamily. His rugged hands fell onto her legs with kisses taking a similar path behind them. This combination was breathtaking for Pippa and the anticipation of what was to follow was just beautiful." Ian read.

Pippa saw every image Ian had made for her in her mind. The fact he had used his creativity in this way for her so personally felt special, but the manner in which he was doing it made Pippa excited too and it left her wanting Ian to give her more and he did.

"Ian slipped, slid and circled his busy tongue inside Pippa endlessly, making her squirm beneath his attention and laugh almost uncontrollably. Pippa felt no need to do anything at all but enjoy, although when Ian's lips pursed and began to suck on her clit, she found her requirements escalating." Pippa's story-teller told her.

In view of what was happening to her, Pippa asked Ian to do one last read and told him he could then listen to what followed as a consequence of what he had created. Ian didn't say a word in response, he just made a sound to signal he'd comply. with Pippa's wishes.

"His work was now on another level, His tongue was now lashing, tumbling and circling inside Pippa's body, as her pulsating clit swam in the endless rivers being torn from it. Her mind had begun to descend into erotic madness, her body twitched and her erratic breathing and carefree noises of pleasure were a source of joy. The impulses were electric, her movements erratic and her body careered into a climax she welcomed with a scream that cut through everything in it's path." Ian read out.

At this point, the glorious sound of Pippa announcing her climax rang out over the phone. Ian paused his reading just long enough for the treasured noise to take centre stage, after which, there was another brief contribution from Pippa.

"For fuck's sake, keep going," Pippa cried out, her phone hissing at the volume of her demands. Ian continued immediately.

"Tears of joy flowed, as another wave hit Pippa, with the sportsman's tongue and lips continuing to work wildly on her gorged clit, Her head tossed as she bellowed. Her body burned like fire and anything but a single-minded focus on her own pleasure had simply ceased to exist. Disbelief and joy at the intensity of her climax added further fuel to it and the phases of her excitement fused into a seemingly endless erotic feast upon her mind and body. Each part of her screamed out to be the next centre of Pippa's climax and nowhere was left disappointed." Ian explained.

Ian's words were just one of the factors behind Pippa's intense and lengthy climax. It was a beautifully erotic shared experience and had been a joy from beginning to end. Progress on her journey was a fantastic outcome for Pippa and she brought the next step of it up in conversation, even before the sweetness of the latest chapter had subsided.

"I'm more ready than ever to make a further step. To be honest, it seems wrong to do anything other than meet and share the next one on the journey together in person. I'm not exactly far away, so I'm not seeing any issues, except fixing it all up and putting an extra step in I'd like. I think I'll send you another one of my menu emails, just for reference too." Pippa said with a long period of giggles afterwards.

Ian was shocked, but in a good way, by what Pippa had said. It all sounded wonderful and this was even with something playing on his mind he felt he had to bring up without further delay.

Pippa noted a different tone in Ian's voice as he explained there was something he needed to discuss and even when he told her not to worry about what he had to say, he seemed edgy. Pippa was eager for Ian to speak up, which she asked him to do, seeing a great deal of irony in the situation when she did. Taking a deep breath, Ian began:

"You deal with your baggage in the way you do and it's brilliant. Mine is obscured by stories, creativity and a desire to make others happy. It's different, but just as real. When we meet, I'll be hoping the real me doesn't disappoint. I'm no stud and have never claimed to be, but if we're setting up something based on what I'm half decent at, but the reality is something I'm no more than an enthusiastic trier at, I'm worried you might feel let down." Ian said nervously.

Pippa had often heard people say facing fears and concerns needed character, but her experience had always been with her as the one in need of help. Listening to Ian made Pippa realise it was time for her to give something back and she felt entirely comfortable in doing so.

"Ian, the qualities I need are ones I already know you have and they're ones I value. If it was the best this, that or whatever I was looking for, I would have approached everything in an entirely different way, but it wasn't, so I haven't. I'm so sure of things, I've even got an extra couple of items on my wish list for my journey that weren't there before. It won't need an email, we can just discuss it, or just go for it, when the time comes," Pippa said, feeling proud of herself and rightly so..

Ian was lost for words after hearing what Pippa had said to him and he only spoke once he had gathered sufficient composure. He told Pippa he would treasure what she had said to him, before turning his attention to another pressing matter.


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