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Kittyflower Chapter 1

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Author's Notes

"Inspired by and dedicated to Maria."

With her mouth licking pussy, a dildo thrusting into her ass and another invading her precious 'kitty', Maria was deep in the realm of sweet abandon…

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Upon the sun drenched Saronic gulf, some thirty-five kilometres south east of Athens lies the tiny, tranquil town of Anavyssos. Without a doubt it is a jewel, in a land already replete with beauty. It is a haven; a town largely born of the need to escape the oppressive and stifling concrete geometry of Athens. A sleepy place for most of the year, lost in the unending coast of Homer's wine-dark Aegean sea. Yet in the summer months Anavyssos is rapidly transformed. The flow of holiday makers from the nearby capital sees the town's population swell and triple by mid July.

This story begins on one exceptional July night when the perfectly clear Mediterranean sky and the buttermilk coloured full moon added an extra air of charm to the town's already considerable allure. By 9pm the bustle of the streets had largely eased and in the garden of one particular fine old house by the beach, the slight breeze rustled the giant orange Bougainvillea and gently caressed the potted jasmine and gardenia plants. Allowing them to release their heady perfume and add it to the countless sweet scents of the night.

At around 9:30 pm a white Alpha Romeo pulled up at the old house, parking beneath a street lamp around which a pair of amorous moths lazily circled. In the car were four tired young women. The first to emerge was the driver, Asimina. At 19 she was the eldest of the four. Tall, lithe limbed and blonde, she carried herself with an easy confidence and strength upon which the other girls often relied. Next to emerge from the stifling car was black haired Natalia carrying a weighty turquoise backpack with all its sips and buckles firmly closed. Comfortable and spirited in her svelte seventeen year old body, Natalia was the youngest of the four friends. She sighed loudly now as she looked Asimina square in the eye.

“I thought you were going to get the fucking air-conditioning fixed before we left Athens!”

“It's an old car….”

Asimina glared back at her and was about to continue her retort when Keisi stepped from the car. Looking like a hawk moth with rumpled wings emerging from a long pupation, Keisi was just as tall as Asimina, with flowing chestnut hair falling past tanned shoulders to well below her waist. At 18, she was dressed for summer in high-cut denim shorts and had about her an indie, alternative air. Her conspicuous Slavic beauty told of her Albanian ancestry.

“Will you two shut up!” she whispered loudly, “ and let's get in the house. Maria is asleep, so shhhhhh !”

This piece of information defused the brewing argument and Asimina pointed to Natalia's turquoise ruck sack.

“Let's leave her in the car for a moment and get that in the house. Hide it somewhere.”

Natalia nodded and the three of them sprinted to the dark blue front door of the house. Asimina produced a bunch if keys and selected one, a long, old-fashioned key of black iron. The door opened silently and Asimina switched on the porch light. As neither Keisi nor Natalia had visited the house before they peered into the gloom momentarily. Finding to their liking - modern and comfortable but cool and sparsely furnished, they nodded to each other exchanging smiles.

“Will you two help me…..but hide that backpack first.”

At Asimina's urgent whisper, Keisi took the backpack,

“Oh, it's really heavy,” she announced to Natalia.

“It's the best I could do, don't worry, just hide it somewhere.”

Finding the corridor light switch, Keisi strode confidently into the house. The house belonged to Asimina's old aunt Antigone and had been in her family for several generations. It was unoccupied this summer, so Keisi strode in boldly, confident that she would find no surprises within. A few minutes later she joined the other two girls at the car. Maria was still sound asleep.

“Ok, what are we going to do with her?” asked Natalia.

The girls all looked at each other in silence until Keisi climbed into the car and gently started pulling Maria out. There were moans from Maria and a few broken words but she stayed asleep. Her three friends now began to extract her from the car. Asimina placed her hands under Maria's shoulders and lifted her without difficulty. With the other two helping, Asimina managed to get Maria into a firm hold. With little trouble, she moved towards the door of the house.

“Why is she so tired anyway?” asked Keisi.

“She spends a lot of time on chat sites, chatting late at night… to people overseas. There's one that she uses all the time, it's called Mush, Slush or Flush, or something like that.” Said Natalia.

“That figures.”

“That's part of why we're here isn't it, to get away from the internet.”

“Ok, let's get her inside” ordered Asimina.

Maria was swung through the door in Asimina's arms and placed gently on the sofa. Keisi tucked a cushion under her head while Natalia and Asimina removed her trainers. That done, the three stood back to gaze upon their friend.

Maria was 18, and, when they were open, she had large brown doe eyes. Lush, long brown hair flowed to the middle of her back and caressed her smooth supple shoulders. She was slim and tanned too – kissed by the lips of Helios; the benign and seldom absent Mediterranean sun. But if there was one thought in the minds of all her three friends at that moment as they gazed down at her, it was this; she was beautiful. They all loved her dearly and would do anything for her. In many ways though she was different from them; she was the 'innocent babe' of the group; shy, frequently reluctant and often anxious, she had not experienced many of the things that her three best friends had. This month would change that…..

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When Maria awoke the next morning, the sun was already shining gloriously through the French windows that led to the small but very beautiful garden. Here, against one wall of the house, grew the giant orange bougainvillaea that could be seen far from the house and even out to sea. It's dense foliage and gloriously coloured blooms were the first things Maria noticed as she awoke. She blinked hard, trying to remember where she was but then the aroma of fine coffee and freshly baked bread began to seduce her nose. She rose, only vaguely noting that she was barefoot, and wandered into the kitchen. The house was not unknown to her; she had visited it only last year when Asimina's venerable aunt Antigone had been living here during the summer months.

“Maraki, you're conscious!” Laughed Natalia while Keisi smiled and took a swig of coffee and nibbled on a thick slice of bread with marmalade. Maria smiled but said nothing, looking instead at the garish 1970s print apron worn by Asimina below a black bikini top. As she handed Maria a cup of coffee she looked down with some concern.

“Oh, this! This isn't mine. Remember, my aunt Antigone owns this place.”

Maria managed to nod as Asimina sat down at the table with the others who were sharing a simple breakfast of fresh bread, butter with fig and almond marmalade. All three of her friends wore bikinis and she noted how well each design suited them; Asimina in basic black; chic and elegant as always, Natalia wore a very flattering royal blue and pink ensemble while Keisi's, in turquoise with gold details, was cut to emphasise her beautiful pert breasts.

The coffee went a long way to reviving Maria while the girls relaxed and ate quietly; enjoying the novelty and warm ambience of their surroundings.

“So, what are we going to do today.” croaked Maria.

Keisi plucked at the string of her bikini and announced,

“Swimming! You haven't forgotten your bathing suit I hope?”

Maria shook her head, grinned and took another swig of coffee.

“We all have a room.” Asimina informed Maria, “Yours is at the end of the hall on the right, near the bathroom. All your stuff is already in there. Why don't you three can go swimming while I make lunch?”

Maria nodded but her heart told her that she would be happier unpacking and taking a shower. So she headed down the corridor past two lines of very old portrait photographs. Characteristically, she felt the people in the portraits glaring down at her and she quickened her pace to her room. The room was light and airy with a view of the garden and of the sandy beach beyond. She felt immediately at home. She undressed and found her bikini; one of three that she had brought. It was white with black piping and so comfortable that, at times, she felt she was wearing nothing at all. She noticed an antique floor mirror in the corner and stood before it momentarily admiring her full breasts, shapely hips and legs. She ran her hand down over her 'landing strip' and onto her thigh before twirling around to peek at her trim butt. She then reached for her huge, multicoloured beach towel and tied it above her boobs. Next door was the bathroom and she treated herself to a long hot, invigorating shower.

Half an hour later, bikini-clad, Maria emerged from her room. The faces in the shadowy corridor now seeming somewhat more benign so she padded past them with greater confidence. Before she came to the end of the corridor, she found that she could just see into the sitting room. There in the far corner, she saw Keisi and Natalia sitting together in one of the big, comfortable armchairs. Maria took another couple of steps then froze. Not only where Natalia and Keisi sitting together but they were kissing….

Over the last few months, Maria had noticed subtle changes in all her three friends. She had thought about it often; it was in the way Natalia and Keisi looked at her and in their greater confidence and flirtatiousness. Their bodies had rapidly blossomed into womanhood over the last few years and with it she noticed an increasing sensuality and intimacy. They were far more comfortable than she was with casual nudity too; often emerging topless from the shower or lounging around behind closed doors wearing only tiny panties and a bra. Asimina too had changed from a studious and slightly awkward sixteen-year-old to a quietly self-assured, mature and very beautiful woman at nineteen.

Maria instinctively pressed herself closer to the wall, while walking forward to the corner of the corridor. She now saw that Keisi had pulled back one of the cups of Natalia's bikini and was licking her breast; around and around went her tongue; tracing Natalia's areola and stopping to flick her nipple before covering it with her lips and rubbing it gently against her teeth. Natalia had her head thrown back and her eyes shut, clearly enjoying her friend's attentions. Keisi then moved on to Natalia's other breast, leaving a single stray drop of saliva running down her chest.

Maria held her breath as Natalia now took her friend's hand and licked her fingers; she selected each finger in turn with her tongue and covered it with saliva. Keisi smiled and bit her bottom lip, patiently waiting for Natalia to finish. When her hand was sufficiently anointed, Keisi slipped it slowly under the edge of Natalia's bikini bottom. Natalia threw her head back once again and did her best to remain silent. Keisi rubbed her friend's pussy lips for several long moments while watching Natalia's face closely to see what effect she was having. She need not have worried for Natalia was clearly enjoying her efforts. Next, Maria saw Natalia shiver and grin as Keisi parted her lips and slowly slipped a finger into her slit. She worked Natalia's pussy up and down, while watching the growing bliss on her lovely face. Keisi moved her hand faster and faster, in the minutes that followed, under the royal blue and pink satin of Natalia's bikini, causing her to tremble and repeatedly arch her back. Maria studied Keisi's face at this time and saw there a look of pure, almost frightening sensuality; a look such as she had never seen on her friend's face before.

Instinctively, Maria put her first three fingers onto the part of her bikini that covered her own pussy and slowly massaged it, imagining that she too was enjoying Keisi's touch.

The girls continued in this way for several minutes longer until Natalia winced, grabbed the edge of a towel and bit into it. Keisi laughed quietly as her friend came, almost noiselessly. She slipped her hand out of Natalia's warm, wet folds and held it close to her friend's mouth. Natalia licked her own juices from Keisi's hand with relish and without the slightest hesitation. It was only then that Maria realised that they must have done this before, maybe many times before.

Maria cleared her throat quietly and walked on. Just as she got to the sitting room, she noticed Keisi discreetly wipe her hand on the towel that had been in Natalia's mouth to silence her, only minutes before.

“Hey Maraki,” said Natalia, “we decided to wait for you.”

“Don't be a donkey and hurry up,” added Keisi.

Maria was about to speak when a loud call came from Asimina in the kitchen,

“Come on, all of you. Lunch is ready!”

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Unusually, the sandy beach, just beyond the house, was far from crowded that afternoon. The grey sand was dotted with dark pebbles and beautiful white sand lilies grew thickly in a line along the wooden fence. Two hours after lunch all the girls sat on their towels admiring the cool cerulean blue of the sea before them. Anavyssos was already home to an abundance of holiday-makers; not only from Greece but from all across the globe. It was the ideal place for a month-long getaway, but at that moment, the girls could have gladly spent the rest of their lives on that very spot on the sand by the old house. Asimina had just finished informing the girls of these facts when Keisi asked,

“Hey girls, do you want to see me fry my eggs in public?”

Natalia and Asimina laughed out loud, while Maria glanced at her friend quizzically.

“I bet you ten euros that you won't,” said Natalia.

“Oh yeah! Let's make it twenty. There are some CDs I want to buy.”

“Ok, you've got a bet.”

Keisi rose slowly rose, but just then a group of middle-aged men and women walked by and she came to rest on her elbows. Once the coast was clear she giggled and quickly slipped the bikini top down from her shoulders, untied it and stuffed it in her bag.

“There! Twenty euros please!”

Natalia laughed, “I haven't got my Visa card with me”

“Bitch,” whispered Keisi loudly.

“You're going to get sunburnt Kitten, then you'll really have 'fried eggs',” warned Asimina.

With that, Asimina reached for her bottle of sunblock and indicated that Keisi should lie down. Maria tried not to watch as Asimina took her time squirting the thick white liquid onto Keisi's beautiful pert breasts and rubbing it in, deeply, all over those fruit-like globes. She paid particular attention to Keisi's pink areolae and her bud-shaped nipples. Asimina was all smiles and Keisi arched her back, bringing her breasts forward prominently. As with Natalia earlier, Maria noted how comfortable they seemed in intimate contact with each other. Something deep inside her stirred.

When Asimina had finished, Keisi put on her sunglasses and lay back down with a contented purr.

“Wait,” Natalia said, “It's my turn.”

With that, she got up and boldly shed her own bikini top, sitting cross-legged on the sand by Asimina. Again Maria tried not to look but found herself unable not to marvel at the beauty of Natalia's breasts. In them she found perfection itself. Indeed she found herself imagining Natalia nude, standing next to the famous statue; the Aphrodite of Melos.

This time Asimina took a lot longer to apply the sun block, rubbing it into Natalia's chest and shoulders and tracing Natalia's tan lines with her fingers like she was drawing on a canvas in preparation for a painting. She rubbed the rich cream slowly into Natalia's skin, working from the base of her breast towards her nipples. As she reach each nipple she gave it a pinch, making Natalia jump and hiss in mock annoyance.

Now Asimina pouted. “But who will do me? Aman, aman, I have no friends !”

Without warning, Keisi rose from where she lay, reached behind Asimina's back and pulled the strings of her bikini top. She pulled the top over her head, and yet another exquisite pair of breasts was revealed. Something in Maria's core melted…

The other two girls now seized the sunblock. Natalia looked at the bottle quickly.

“Ooh, made in Australia. Where did you get this?”

Asimina shrugged. The girls now squirted the cream onto her breasts and began to massage it in, a little too firmly, with both hands.

“Gently, you're not making a tsoureki!”

The girls laughed, all except Maria, who was well and truly mesmerised by now, by the three pairs of beautiful breasts that jiggled and glistened beside her.

“What about you Maraki?” said Keisi slyly.

Maria slowly lay back on her towel and sighed inwardly,

“Oh, come on! Let the sun see those boobies!” Natalia teased, hooking a finger between Maria's bikini cups and tugging. Maria slapped her friend's hand away and giggled.

“No thanks, not today….but you three look great.”

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By late afternoon, after a few blissful hours of swimming and sunbathing, the girls drifted back into the house through the garden gate. The garden door led straight to the bathroom and soon the four friends had crowded into the pink and green 1950s terrazzo floor.

Keisi was the first to wriggle out of her bikini, swinging her hips and performing some improvised choreography with accompanying vocals in a language that was totally unfamiliar to Maria. The others...

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Written by Piquet
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