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Creampied By Xavier's Meaty Cock

"Stacey's roommate catches her masturbating and forces himself on her"

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Author's Notes

"Written in UK English, thanks for reading!"

Once more, it was going to be a lonely weekend. I heard Xavier talking to a friend on the phone earlier that week, saying that he was going up to his family's mountain cabin for the weekend with a girl he'd met.

I detested that about him. He was a player, through and through. I hated players. No girl truly likes a player, but I really did detest them. My closest friend fell in love with one when we were in school and when he used her and dumped her for a prettier model, she never recovered.

It'd been five years. We were only sixteen when she got her heart broken by Damien, and seeing the pain she went through turned me off dating and sex.

Or at least, it made me want to be 100% sure that the guy I met was 100% decent. Which I could never be sure of.

Most guys smelled of varying percentages of fuckboy.

Xavier's was 100%.

So when I met him, I immediately put my walls up. I wasn't interested in getting to know him at all.

In fact, I didn't want to live with him at all. If I could have reversed the accommodation office's decision, I would have. I tried asking for a change, but they said no. I had to stick it out for at least a full year. Fine print. I should've read the fine print. I assumed they'd automatically match me with a female roommate, but apparently, I missed checking the right box.

When I first moved in, Xavier hadn't been in town yet, so I had a few days to myself. I was excited to meet my new roommate.

Until I saw him. He was six foot three or four inches, with powerful shoulders and a sculpted musculature that shouted a life dedicated to athletics.

I resented him instantly for also having masculine, handsome features, intense amber eyes, a chiselled jaw and cheekbones, and a perfectly shaped head and ears, one of those that could pull off any type of hairstyle.

In this case, his dark hair was cut very close to his scalp, and he was clean-shaven, save for the faint stubble along his jaw that made him look even sexier.

Everything about him screamed fuckboy, and he was courteous but almost icy when we first introduced ourselves. His eyes glided down my baggy shirt and pants with undisguised disdain, while I studied his preppy attire and sniffed his expensive cologne with scorn.

"Will you mind if I bring people home?" he asked.

He obviously meant bringing girls home to fuck.

"It's your room, but I won't like it, to be honest," I said.

"I won't then," he said. I must have looked surprised because he shrugged at me and sauntered off.

True to his word, he never did. Instead, he often disappeared from Friday night till Sunday night.

Sometimes he didn't come home on weeknights.

And at first, I didn't care, but over the first semester we lived together, I started to wonder about what he did. Especially when he walked around the tiny apartment wearing only a towel or shorts or sweatpants and nothing else. I was constantly exposed to his naked upper body and as much as I hated to admit it, Xavier was sexy.

He was so sexy that I couldn't help fantasising about him.

He also had zero reaction to me. I think he often didn't realise we were roommates, so I felt safe indulging in my unrequited fantasies.

The fantasies were mild at first, but then they got heavier and hotter and I got wetter and hornier. I ended up buying myself a vibrator for those long weekends he spent away, which I normally spent at home reading and winding down after a busy week. A party animal I was not, and I had a handful of friends I met occasionally but not extremely often.

I watched a little porn and read a lot of smut and discovered I had a kink for being pinned down forcefully, held against my will, and fucked hard by a bigger, stronger man.

A much, much bigger and much, much stronger man.

Someone with Xavier's strength and physique.

Thinking about him pushing me down and spreading my thighs so damn wide they ached at the joints before he teased my pussy with his cockhead until I was begging him to slide his entire cock balls-deep into my juicy cunt and fuck me until I was screaming in orgasm always made me super hot and horny in mere moments.

In my fantasies he never smiled. He always stared at me with a hard, cruel gaze, wanting the pain he inflicted on me, feeding off my terrified frenzy.

On Friday night, I skipped dinner and trimmed my pubes. Doing that always made me hornier and masturbating on an empty stomach made me come so much harder.

One of my favourite fantasies was of Xavier walking in on me while I masturbated on the couch facing the front door, so the first thing he saw when he came in was my naked body, spread-eagled towards him, while his eyes zoomed in on my swollen pussy leaking juices and wetting the couch.

I stripped slowly that night, sliding out of my baggy sweatshirt and loose pants, peeling off my lingerie - another kink I had, to wear sexy lingerie under loose unsexy clothes - and sitting back on the couch.

Perching my bum on the front edge of the couch, I spread my ass cheeks wide to expose as much of my neatly trimmed cunt as I could before pressing my back into the couch.

For several pleasurable moments, I shut my eyes and used my vibrator to strum my sensitive, erect nipples until I could feel my clitoris swelling up like a sponge soaking up water.

My entire vagina felt like it was on fire, throbbing and desperate for release. I needed to orgasm. I needed to shove my vibrator up my cunt.

I slowly slid my vibrator from one nipple to the other, my eyes still closed, and down my body until it was humming right above my hungry clitoris.

My breathing started hitching audibly. I could hear how badly I needed to come just from listening to the sounds of my breathing.

And then I heard myself let out a tiny moan.

I drew out the ache as long as I could, forcing myself to keep my vibrator buzzing above my clitoris and not letting it touch...

And the front door opened.

It opened so quietly at first that I didn't hear anything because my eyes were closed and my blood was pounding in my ears, but then I heard a deep voice say, "What the fuck?"

Which was when my eyes snapped open.

Xavier stood in front of me, staring at my naked body, my thighs spread open before him like a feast. He could clearly see my pussy juices glistening on my inner thighs, dripping down to my asshole and onto the couch. He could see the hard nubs of my nipples pointing right in his face.

He stared at me without smiling.

Both of us froze. I slid my legs shut very slowly like a curtain closing over a stage and sat up straight, trying to look as dignified as I could while totally naked and holding a buzzing vibrator in my hand.

I turned my vibrator off. Xavier still hadn't said anything. I got up swiftly, feeling my full breasts jiggle in his face, and said as calmly as I could, "I thought you were going to that mountain cabin this weekend."

I started walking towards my room, refusing to look at him. I could feel his laser stare piercing me as I walked.

"Not this weekend," his deep voice growled. "Where the fuck do you think you're going, Stacey?"

"Back to my room."

He moved so quickly that I didn't even realise he had until he had me held against the wall, his fully clothed body flush and pressed against my fully naked one. His hand was around my neck, gripping me tightly.

"You can't treat me to that show and then leave me unsatisfied," he said softly, pressing his hips into me.

I could feel him, so hard and so... threatening. I started panicking a bit. Surely he didn't mean... he wouldn't dare...

"Let go of me," I hissed.

"No," he said, and I looked into his face for the first time since he'd caught me on the couch. His lips were curving into a hard, cruel smile. "Not until I've finished with you."

I tried to twist out of his chokehold and get away to run into my room and lock the door, but he was too strong.

He kept his hand fastened around my neck while he stared at me. I felt his free hand go down to his jeans, unbuttoning them and hiking them down. His hand dragged his underwear down as well, and then his bottom half was as naked as I was.

I didn't want to look, but I had spent months being treated to his top half, while his bottom half had always been left to my wild imagination. Against my will, my eyes slid down to look at him.

He defied my imagination. He was at least as large as some of the porn actors I'd seen. He was fully erect, his cock curving upwards just a little.

But I was more terrified than turned on. It was one thing to fantasise about Xavier and a very very different thing to be trapped like this against my will.

"Xavier," I whispered, and I let go of my pride to beg him. "Please let me go. Can't you just find someone else to..."

"The moment I saw your body and these -" Here he released his grip on my throat and raised both his hands to cup my breasts. His hands were large and yet my breasts overflowed in his palms. " - I knew I had to have you tonight. No one else."

He leaned into my ear, his voice harsh and merciless. "You shouldn't have spent all these months wearing all those baggy clothes. Now I've seen what's underneath, I need a taste of you."

I trembled, genuinely frightened. Xavier wouldn't be stupid enough to force himself on me, would he? I wasn't some drunken chick he'd picked up in a bar. I was his roommate. We shared a legal agreement and our names were entwined at the accommodations office.

Xavier released my breasts. His body was still pinning me to the wall. I could feel the rough sensation of his clothes against my bare chest.

But not for long. Two seconds later he had stripped himself and was just as naked as I was. His clothes were covering our feet and his hands were now on my hips, my ass, and he was reaching one of his hands between my legs to stroke me.

"You're so wet," he grunted. I felt him grow even harder and larger against me. "Your chubby ass is so ripe and plump," here he squeezed my ass cheek and pinched it hard until I was involuntarily thrusting my body into his and crying out in pain.

I tried to twist out from between the wall and Xavier and run for my room. I managed to slip out from under him but only managed to flee several steps before I found myself slammed beneath his heavy body.

We were on the floor, his body like a vice around mine. I could barely breathe beneath his weight, let alone move.

I begged him again. "Xavier, please don't do this."

He didn't reply to me. Instead, he hauled me up like I weighed nothing as if my full breasts and thick hips and plump thighs and fleshy arse didn't weigh anything, and he dragged me slowly and relentlessly to his room.

He locked the door, took the key, and put it on the highest shelf. There was no way I could reach it. Xavier was six foot three and I was only five foot seven.

I knew it was going to be futile, but I tried to yank the door open. He stepped aside and watched me, his arms folded across his chest. I turned to him in despair and saw a faint smirk on his handsome face.

"What are you doing to do to me?" I finally asked.

"What do you think a naked man wants to do to a naked woman?" Xavier said, his voice soft but dangerous.

I started to shake my head, horrified. He laughed. "If you scream, I'll duct-tape your mouth, then rip it off afterward."

I could see he meant it. I shook my head obediently. My face must have been white, but I refused to shed a single tear or let fear cloud my expression.

"Lie on the bed," he instructed me. I shook my head. I couldn't.

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I was amazed at how Xavier's cock could stay so hard despite my reluctance. "Are you getting off on this, on forcing me?" I asked him.

He smirked again. "By the time I'm through, you won't be saying that."

"How many women have you locked up to force yourself on?" I asked, starting to feel more angry than fearful.

"You're the first," he shrugged. "Why would I ever have to force myself on a woman? They always throw themselves at me. Enough!"

He grabbed me by my waist and pushed me down on the bed. I kicked out at him so he wouldn't think I was willing, which I was.

With his powerful thighs, he forced both of mine wide open until my joints ached, exposing my pussy to his red and angry-looking cock. It was so full and so veiny that it looked like it was going to explode.

Lowering his hips, Xavier painted gently over my clitoris and labia and pussy slit with his broad and blunt cockhead. He glided skilfully over and over me until I was melting, drowning in sensation.

It felt so good for me, but I wouldn't allow Xavier the satisfaction of knowing that I was enjoying the feel of his penis on my pussy. I steeled my face so it was blank of emotion.

"You're wet, you slut," he panted, hands still holding my waist. "Don't give me that bitch face. You like this. You ENJOY this. Your pussy likes my cock. And your waist is so tiny that my hands can capture it fully."

"Look," he said, squeezing my waist in the circle of his hands before he ran them down along the hourglass curve of my waist to my generous, wide hips.

He slid his hands around to the back and grasped both my ass cheeks firmly, his breathing becoming heavier and more aroused.

Then he dragged me up to his headboard and sat on my torso to keep me from bolting, his furious cock jutting towards my chin, almost touching my face.

He tore a strip of the bedsheet off easily and bound my wrists to the knobby crest in the middle of his headboard. He must have had sailing experience because the way he knotted was so skillful.

He was breathing heavily, and so was I. I was still in a daze, unwilling to believe that he would dare to force himself on me. He was a computer science major and I had heard he was not only handsome and athletic, but truly brilliant at his work. He couldn't be stupid enough to throw it all away.

"Forgive me, Stacey. I normally eat out my women before I fuck them, but you turn me on so much, I just can't wait..."

And he eased his body down, tearing my thighs apart even more until they were perfectly flat on the bed, and held his cock at my entrance.

Both of us moaned in harmony as he wriggled his swollen cockhead into my equally swollen pussy.

A triumphant look crossed his face as he gazed into my eyes. "I heard you moan," he whispered to me, his eyes staring into mine. "Don't deny that you want this."

"I don't want this," I spat at him, even though my nipples were hardening like never before and the feel of his cockhead consuming my pussy was so unbelievably pleasurable, my head was spinning and I was throbbing everywhere.

My sex drive, my desire for an orgasm had roared back into life, fully awakening every nerve in my erogenous zones.

"Liar," Xavier moaned, throwing his head back as he fucked me so, so good with just the head of his cock. "You're so tight, baby."

He looked down at my breasts, both quivering like jelly as he thrust back and forth.

"Fuck it," he muttered, right before he leaned down and sucked on my nipples.

He didn't just suck; he suckled like he was starving and my breasts were his only source of life. He suckled on my nipples so hard and so deep that I felt every sensation shoot straight into every nerve in my pussy, heightening my pleasure. If I thought his cockhead had felt incredible before, I was feeling a thousand times more wonderful right now.

I forced myself to shut my eyes and bit hard on my lower lip to stop myself from moaning. I refused to give Xavier any more satisfaction.

He watched me through eyes that were glittering with pure lust, and he leaned back down and whispered in my ear, "How does it feel for you? I'll be honest. It feels amazing for me."

I spat at him, "I don't want this," but it was a struggle to lie convincingly.

Xavier laughed at me mockingly, and then, with the thick knob of his cockhead still snug in my cunt, he reared up and pushed his thick pillows below my head and shoulders until my upper body was raised at an angle.

"Look down," he instructed me. I refused to look. I knew he wanted me to look at where our bodies were joined.

"If you don't look, I won't untie you after I'm done with you," he said. My eyes shot to his in a panic. His beautiful lips curled up, and he warned, "I never make empty threats, Stacey."

I felt so angry and helpless, my chest started heaving. But I looked down.

His mammoth cock looked like a lollipop on a thick stick, with the lollipop head of his cock...

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Written by AreliLax
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