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Tit For Tattle

"She needs to find a way to silence the Super's son, who caught her toking on the roof."

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Melissa checked the hallway before exiting her apartment. She stepped lightly as she walked down the hall, trying not to attract attention. When she reached the stairwell, she carefully and quietly opened the door. After one last peek behind to make sure nobody had noticed her entering, she started up the stairs.

After a long day at the office, she desperately needed to unwind. That’s where the first piece of critical cargo she was carrying came in. She’d been fiending for the joint in her purse for close to an hour.

Even though it was still illegal in the state, there was legislation pending, and the company she worked for had stopped testing for it during drug screens in anticipation of the law changing. She had tracked down a dealer the day they made the announcement, and smoked her first joint in a decade that evening.

For the longest time, she had driven out of town and burned one in a secluded place on a side road, but that had its risks. It also extended her commute significantly. Then, a couple of days before, a friend had suggested sneaking up to the roof, since she lived in the tallest building for a couple of blocks around.

She had thought of that as soon as she bought her first joint, but unfortunately, the roof door was padlocked. Her friend asked her to show him the lock, because he moonlighted as a locksmith, and they had made the same stealthy journey she was on.

He had snorted derisively upon seeing the lock. “What a piece of shit,” he’d muttered. “Amazon has this listed as choice, but it’s got a flaw most intelligent manufacturers eliminated twenty years ago.”

With that, he’d reached into his pocket, selected a small metal tool from a leather pouch, and pushed it in the lock. A second later, the lock popped open. They had then proceeded to happily relax and smoke for an hour.

Though he’d promised that a chimp could open the lock, Melissa was still nervous as she withdrew her second piece of important cargo – the same type of tool he’d use to pick the lock before.

Though it was fiddly to insert it, when she finally managed to seat the tool and turn it, the lock popped open as if by magic. Delightfully surprised, she removed the padlock from the hasp, and opened the door. Out on the roof, she made her way to a nice spot between two of the HVAC units, sat down, and fired up.

Melissa was feeling wonderfully mellow a while later, but that changed in a heartbeat when she heard the door to the roof open. She winced as she stubbed out the joint, begrudging the waste, and quickly hid it in a crack. Unfortunately, hiding the pot didn’t hide her. She was still on the roof with a picked lock behind her.

Thinking quickly, she decided to lie and say that she’d found the lock open while walking the stairs for exercise, and decided to get some fresh air. It wasn’t the best story in the world, but it would have to do, as she could hear footsteps approaching. She looked up at the sky as if watching the clouds, doing her best to ignore the sound of impending doom.

She saw movement in her peripheral vision a second later, but instead of the building super confronting her, she saw that it was the superintendent’s son – Charlie – rather than the man himself.

He started upon seeing her, and looked as nervous as she felt. “W-what are you doing up here?” he asked.

Melissa launched into her lie. “Hello, Charlie. I was walking the stairs for some exercise and decided to come out for a breath of fresh air.”

“But... Uhm... It was locked.”

She shrugged and offered a vapid smile. “I don’t know. It was unlocked when I got here.”

The young man suddenly took two deep sniffs, and his eyes widened. He blurted out, “Are you smoking Marijuana?”

Shit. Shit. Shit, she thought. “I don’t know what you mean,” she said as she stood up. “I was just getting some evening air. Suppose I should head back to my apartment.”

“Nobody is... Nobody is supposed to be up here,” Charlie muttered while obviously staring at her chest with wide eyes. He caught himself, met her slightly irritated gaze, and cast his eyes downward. As soon as he did, he gasped.

“Is that a joint?” he exclaimed.

Does this kid have microscopes for eyes? What to say? Even as her mind reeled for lies and excuses, his gaze dropped back down to her breasts again. It was as if his eyes were magnetically attracted to them. Again, he caught himself, looked up at her with a face that was bright red from embarrassment, and looked back down at the ground.

Inspiration struck.

Charlie was skinny and average looking – at best. He was also terminally backward. She was willing to bet he’d never seen a real set of tits in his life, and probably would do anything for the chance.

What have I got to lose at this point? she wondered. “Hey,” she said, causing him to hesitantly look up. As soon as he did, she lifted and squeezed her large breasts together. “I guess you like these, huh?”

Young Charlie was beside himself. Not only were his eyes as wide as saucers, his mouth was gaping open as well.

“Tell you what... Forget you ever saw me up here, and I’ll let you look at them.”

“Your tits?” Charlie blurted.

“Yes, my tits.”

“Without a bra?”

“Mmm hmm.”

“I... I... Uhm... It’s...”

Melissa knew she had him on the line. She just had to reel him in. She popped open a button on her blouse, and then a second. His eyes darted up and down between her face and her revealed cleavage.

“Well?” she asked. “Is it a deal? I show you my tits, and you forget I was up here?”

Charlie hesitated for a second, and then comically nodded his head yes.

“Okay,” she said, and went to work on the remaining buttons.

The young man’s eyes followed her every movement. He was so caught up in the slow revelation of her bra and skin that he reached down and adjusted his erection without any sign of additional embarrassment. Melissa mentally chuckled at his awkwardness and eagerness as she parted the halves of her blouse and shrugged it off.

Standing in the fading sunlight in just her bra, she asked, “Ready?”

His nod was almost violently emphatic.

Melissa reached behind her back, popped open the clasp, and removed her bra without further ado. Once again, Charlie’s mouth dropped open.

Suddenly feeling deliciously naughty, she hefted the large globes, squeezed them together, and gave them a jiggle for his awestruck eyes. “Is this your first time seeing real tits?” she asked.

“Up close, and hers aren’t as big as yours,” Charlie muttered as he stared at her bared assets.

“Like them?”

“They’re fucking awesome.”

Even though he was nothing resembling her type, having a guy barely out of high school absolutely worshiping her with his eyes aroused her a little. Despite the scare, she was still loosened up enough from her smoke to take it a step further.

“If I let you have a feel, can I stay up here and finish my joint?”

His eyes left her breasts for the first time since she’d revealed them. “Really?”

“Mmm hmm. Let me finish my smoke, and you can touch them for a minute.”


Melissa released the heavy globes. When he stood dumbstruck – not moving – she let out a little chuckle and reached for his hands. She lifted them to her breasts, and that’s where his hesitation ended. He squeezed them hard.

“Easy, there.” When he relaxed his grip, she said, “That’s better.”

“They’re so big. Wow. They’re just... Wow,” Charlie muttered while fondling her.

She couldn’t help a little moan when he started playing with one of her nipples, which stiffened from the stimulation.

“Are you hard?” she asked, caught up in the moment.

He nodded, and his cheeks flushed again.

I really shouldn’t be doing this, she thought, but her hand moved anyway. The mild arousal was enough for her to reach between his legs.

Her eyebrows shot up when she squeezed his erection through his jeans. She’d expected him to have a teenie weenie, and that wasn’t what she found. He was at least average size, and maybe a little bigger. He groaned and shuddered as she explored the bulge.

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That was enough to actually get her juices – and hormones – flowing, overriding her inhibitions a little more.

Her voice low and seductive, she asked, “If I help you out with this, can you forget any time you see the lock off the door?”

“Jerk me off?” he asked with puppy-like excitement – still feeling her breasts.

“If you let me come up here and have a joint whenever I want.” A thought occurred to her, and she asked, “How often does your Dad come up here?”

He shook his head. “Never. He hates climbing the steps. He always makes me unlock the door whenever anybody has to come up here to work on something.”

“So, you would be the only one who would ever notice that lock being open?”

He nodded, and then groaned when she squeezed his cock again.

“Deal, then? You forget that you know I come up here, and let me know any time someone else is going to be up here? Slip a note under my door?” she asked, continuing to caress his hardon.


“Good,” she said, and immediately reached for the button of his jeans.

He breathed fast – almost hyperventilating – as she unbuttoned his pants, and pulled the zipper down. She pushed his jeans and briefs down just far enough to fish out his cock, and took it in hand. He let out a grunt.

“Shh,” she admonished.

He pressed his lips tightly together and nodded.

Melissa stroked his cock slowly in her hand, growing more aroused by the moment. Between the larger-than-expected, eighteen-year-old cock in her hand, the hint of danger, and his eager hands on her breasts, she felt absolutely wanton. When he oozed a drop of pre-cum, she acted on whim.

The look on his face as she squatted down betrayed that he thought she was going to suck his cock. Fortunately, he didn’t seem disappointed when she instead rubbed her nipple through the drop of pre-cum.

Again, she acted on impulse, nestling his cock between her breasts, and then squeezing them around him. He grunted in his throat as she stroked the hard organ in its warm, soft nest.

She looked up at him, and the stunned adoration written plainly on his face made her shiver – and flow. She wasn’t sure whether to be irritated that she was on her period, or glad that it kept her from taking another step on the dangerous path she was already on.

Melissa stroked the hard, young cock between her tits, feeling it throb. The angle was awkward, and having to squat to be in the right position was uncomfortable, so she let his cock pop free from between her breasts.

“Take your pants off,” she said while sitting down, and then reclining.

Charlie quickly stepped on the heels of his shoes, kicking them off. He pushed down his jeans and wriggled out of them a moment later. As soon as he kicked them away, she beckoned him with a crooked finger.

Once he was within reach, she guided him with her hands. She lifted on one calf so he would stand straddling her, slid her hand up to his knee, and tugged. When he squatted down, she used the convenient handle of his cock to finish positioning him on his knees atop her. Once again, she enfolded him in her breasts.

“Now, fuck my titties and come for me,” she instructed.

It took him a few seconds of fumbling to begin thrusting with any real effect, and he had to edge forward a little, but finally found his rhythm.

“That’s it. Come for me. Come for me,” she encouraged him.

Charlie breathed in hard puffs as he pumped his cock between her tits. It took next to no time for him to begin thrusting harder. Though the heat of the friction was growing uncomfortable, she could tell he wasn’t going to last much longer.

Sure enough, he gave into his instincts, fucking her titties hard. The tip began to poke out at the top, and she could see a sheen of pre-cum decorating the entire head.

Melissa whimpered and said, “Do it. Come for me.”

The young man’s breaths changed to explosive blasts followed by noisy gasps for a few more strokes, and then he let out a garbled, high-pitched cry.

“Oh!” Melissa whimpered as his hot semen sprayed across her chest.

Over and over again his young cock pulsed, covering her chest, neck and chin in ropes of cum. She chuckled and moaned, amazed at just how much she was milking out of him.

Finally, he settled into spastic twitches, and the last of his oozing ejaculations pooled in the valley between her breasts.

“That’s a lot of cum,” she remarked, still chuckling.

Charlie could only answer with gasps for breath as he hovered unsteadily atop her with his head hanging limp.

Melissa let him have a minute or so to catch his breath before giving his butt a smack and saying, “Okay.”

The young man swallowed hard, and then lurched from atop her to sit down hard on the roof.

Melissa took a quick look around, located her purse, and just managed to reach it with her fingertips. After using her fingernails to pull the strap closer, she grabbed it and brought it to her side. She fished out a pack of tissue, and then pulled some out. She held the first wad out to Charlie so he could clean up the cum dripping down his softening cock.

She couldn’t resist a quiet, silvery laugh at the sight of him shuddering from the touch of the tissue on his sensitive organ.

Melissa turned her attention to the mess covering her, which ended up using the entire travel pack of tissue, and still left her a little sticky. Though it obviously caused him some discomfort, he couldn’t help but watch the entire process. He even kept his eyes on her while pulling back on his pants.

She sat up facing him – still bare-breasted – once she was as clean as she could get. She retrieved what was left of her joint and fired it up.

“That was... Thank you,” the red-faced young man said after she took her first toke.

“You’re welcome. Needed that, did you? I don’t know if I’ve ever had that much cum on me.”

A flash of pride arose in his eyes. “I won’t tell anyone you come up here.”

“That was the deal,” she said, and took another hit. “Come to think of it, what were you doing up here?”

Somehow, his face got even redder.

She shook her head and said, “Come on. Out with it.”

“I... Uhm... There’s this lady in the building next door who walks around with her top off when she gets home from work. Sometimes she doesn’t have a bra on.”

“And those are the only other breasts you’ve ever seen?”

He nodded.

“This isn’t the first time you’ve got off up here on the roof, is it?” she asked knowingly, and then winked.

That drew a quiet chuckle out of him as he shook his head.

“I hope you like mine better.”

“Way better,” he agreed. “Yours are so big.”

“Not too old and saggy?”

He shook his head adamantly. “No way.”

“Thank you. I suppose I really should put them away now, though.”

Though he looked a little sad, he reached out and picked up her blouse and bra, which were closer to him, and handed them to her.

Melissa took the last drag off her joint, put it out, and then slipped the roach into an Altoids tin from her purse to smoke in a one hitter later. Then she finally dressed.

As she was hooking the last button, Charlie said, “What if I... Uhm... What if I could get you some..?” He gestured toward her purse.

“Get me some pot? You know someone?”

“One of my friends smokes. I could get you some.”

“In exchange for..?” she trailed off and raised her eyebrows.

“Could I see your pussy?”

“Just see it?”

“Yeah. Yeah. Just see it.”

“I suppose that could be arranged, if you can get me a joint.  I'll pay you back for it.” She was never particularly happy about going to the neighborhood her dealer lived in.

“I can get it. I can get one tomorrow.”

Melissa stood up, brushed off her skirt, and said, “Well, slip a note under my door when you’ve got it. I get home from work at about six-thirty. Don’t get caught.”

“I won’t.”

“Well, maybe you’ll see me tomorrow, then,” Melissa said, and saw him smile at the double entendre her inflection had made plain. She winked as she mimed blowing him a kiss, and made her way off the roof.

A few minutes later, she was coming hard in the shower, fantasizing about teaching the eager young man to eat pussy – while nice and high.


Written by RejectReality
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