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Texas Summer Heat, Chapter 1

"It was hot enough that day, but when he showed up she got even hotter!"

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It was another hot, dry Texas day - the kind of day that made water thirsty. The countryside hadn't seen rain in several weeks. And the hot westernly wind picked up the sun-baked soil and threw dust into the air, making breathing even more difficult. It was 120 degrees outside, a temperature that broke the old record for the hottest day by two degrees. Nothing with any common sense was moving around outside in the stifling heat.

Tanya-Lynn, the young, beautiful 23 year old cocktail waitress, was busy inside the bar, wiping the ever-present dust off some of the tables. The Crazy Horse Bar was a small little run-down watering hole about halfway between Vernon and Lockett on US 70. It wasn't much to look at ... in fact if it wasn't for the heat faded sign, you'd think it was just an old abandoned farmhouse - one of a hundred other ones that dotted northern Texas.

Tanya-Lynn was dressed in her usual working attire - a red and white checkered sleeveless blouse hiked up to just below her breasts and tied in front, a pair of dangerously short blue-jean shorts, and her black open-toe heels. Even though there were a couple fans going on the corners of the bar and the overhead ceiling fans were turning, it did little to cool the inside of the bar. Buck, the bartender, who was also suffering from the heat, kept a glass of icewater handy for her to keep hydrated, if not cool as she worked.

The only other person in the bar that day was an old drunk who had passed out in a dark corner of the bar. If the bar owner hadn't been such a greedy bastard, they would have closed the bar down for the day. But he wanted the bar to stay open just in case some crazy fool decided he needed a drink so much he would come out in that god forsaken heat to get it.

Tanya-Lynn had just finished dusting off the last table for the third time that day and sat down with Buck at the bar to sip some icewater and try to cool off a bit. She was covered in a sheen of sweat and it reflected the light that filtered in through the dusty windows. Both her and Buck were miserable in the oppressive heat - the only one who wasn't complaining was the drunk in the corner, and he was unconscious!

Suddenly the room was lit up by someone coming in through the front doors. Both Buck and Tanya-Lynn looked up to see who would be insane enough to venture out in such heat. They watched in amazement as a lone figure came in through the door. The light behind him was so glaringly bright, it made them both squint so they couldn't make out who the stranger was.

As the door closed again and the half-light of the bar made it easier to see, Tanya-Lynn saw that the stranger was actually a biker. "Howdy stranger, what brings you out on such a blistering hot day?" Tanya-Lynn said.

"I was just passing through and decided to stop in and let my bike cool off while I did the same," he said.

"Well I don't know how much cooler it will be for you, but can I get you something?" Tanya-Lynn said.

"How about a Jack and Coke?" he said.

"Coming right up," Tanya-Lynn said, walking up to the bar and placing the order. When his drink was ready she brought it back to him.

"This place is kinda tucked out of the way - do you get a lot of business here?" he asked, making conversation.

"No, not really. Actually I wonder sometimes why we bother. On days like this it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to even open up. As you can see it's not exactly packed tight in here!" she said.

"Well, I'm glad you were open. My bike was starting to complain about the heat, and I wasn't doing so good myself!" he said.

Tanya-Lynn put a hand on the chair next to him, "Do you mind?" she asked.

"Please," he said. Tanya-Lynn sat down at the table and they began chatting.

"So what brings you through the area?" she asked.

"Well I'm on my way from Amarillo to Dallas to meet up with an old Army buddy. I was planning on taking Hwy 287 into Fort Worth then shoot across on 30 to Dallas," he said, "But I got word from some truckers that the road around Chillicothe was tore to hell so I decided to drop down onto Hwy 6 at Quanah and take it down to Crowell, then up to Vernon to rejoin the 287 there. It's about 50 more miles, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Don't want to dump the bike and ruin the whole trip before I even meet my buddy!"

"I see. Well it's nice that you chose to stop in and see me on your way through! My name is Tanya-Lynn," she said, smiling.

"My name's Blake Hawkins, and I have to admit, if I was going to overheat anywhere, I'm glad it was here," he said with a warm, sparkling grin.

Tanya-Lynn blushed a bit at his remark. "Well I try to make all my customers hot... it sells drinks if they're thirsty!" she said touching his arm casually.

Truth be told, Tanya-Lynn was more than a little interested in the stranger. She had felt a tingle when he walked in the door and she was thankful that she was the only girl working today. Normally, the owner had two or three girls working, but business had been so slow lately that he didn't want to pay the girls to just sit around.

As it was, Tanya-Lynn had this handsome stranger all to herself and she was determined to make the best of it! She looked at him sitting across the table, sizing him up. He was quite handsome with his shoulder-length dirty blonde hair, parted to the side and sweeping down in front to almost cover his right eye. He had a strong, firm chin covered with a stubble beard. His piercing blue eyes sparkled rivaling his smile. That smile. She could get lost in that smile!

"Are you okay, Tanya-Lynn?" he asked. She was startled and blushed deeply, realizing that she had been caught daydreaming.

"Oh sorry, I was just ... thinking!" she said, trying to cover up her inattentiveness.

"Now what could be so distracting to such a pretty young girl as you?" he said, knowing he had her off-guard.

"It doesn't matter," she said.

The two of them talked more and Tanya-Lynn began to feel more and more attracted to him. Blake seemed to know just what to say and just how to say it to win her over. It was as if he already knew her. It would have been spooky, had she not been so engrossed in the biker. Tanya-Lynn listened to him talk of his adventures on the road and all the places he had been and seen. She was captivated by his stories and listened intently to every word. She tried to imagine what he described and picture herself in his travels.
Blake, seeing he held this attractive young woman spellbound with his tales, played up to her. He was also a bit smitten by the company he was in. The road might mean "freedom" to a biker like himself but that freedom often carried the heavy price of loneliness. Sitting here with his lovely companion, he could put aside those desolate miles and the cold nights sleeping alone with only his sleeping bag and his memories to comfort him.

Buck had been watching the two of them talk as he cleaned and organized his bar. He had always been a little more protective of Tanya-Lynn than the other girls. She was younger and less experienced in dealing with grabby drunks than the other girls and also a lot prettier. He sort of looked at her like his "daughter," having none of his own. He listened to the strangers stories and watched how Tanya-Lynn hung on his every word. He also noted how she had become infatuated with the man that she now shared a table with. He watched as she crossed and uncrossed her legs, a sure sign that she was getting damp. He knew all her little nuances; the way she played with her hair, her sweet little giggle, and the "accidental" touch of his arm. He knew how she worked and he watched her as she put her moves on the stranger.

"Tanya-Lynn, honey, can you get me a couple more cases of beer? I'd get them myself, but my damn back is acting up again," Buck said after a bit.

"Sure, no problem Buck," Tanya-Lynn said. She turned to Blake "Buck was in a really bad car accident a few years back and really messed up his back bad. The doctors were afraid he'd never be able to walk again, but he proved them wrong. From time to time his back gives him troubles now. I'll just go get his beer and be right back," she explained.

"Let me give you a hand," Blake said.

"Thank you, I'd like that!" she said, smiling broadly. He rose and offered her his hand, helping her to stand. She led the way around the bar to the back storage room. As she passed by Buck, she mouthed a silent "Thank you" to the bartender and he gave her a little grin as he wiped down the top of the bar.

She led him back to the storage room and unlocked the door. Turning on the light, they entered the storage room. The room was pretty good-sized and the walls were lined with cases of beer and bottles of various liquors. Once the door was closed, she gave the button a quick twist, locking the door. Then she backed him up against the door and pressed her mouth against his in a sensual kiss.

"I want you," she breathed into his mouth as she pressed herself up against him.

Blake pushed his tongue between her soft, parted lips until his tongue met hers. She tasted amazing, a combination of her cherry lip gloss and his Jack and Coke was absolutely heavenly, and he wanted more. So much more. He ran his fingers through her soft brown hair and grabbed a thick handful, bending her head back and exposing her throat. He held her tightly to him, relishing the feel of her firm breasts crushed up against his chest. Then his mouth left hers, not wanting to, but needing to explore her, to really taste her. His teeth grazed the delicate skin of her neck, his tongue trailing across her collarbone.

Tanya-Lynn wrapped her arms around Blake and pressed his rock hard body to her, enjoying the wet heat of his mouth teasing the hollow of her neck. His hands moved up her sides and settled on her firm young breasts, kneading them gently through her tied up shirt, making her gasp as he found her nipples and rolled them between his thumb and forefinger. His mouth returned to hers, and he kissed her with a renewed enthusiasm, sucking her tongue into his mouth and nibbling it playfully.

When Blake ran his fingers down to unfasten the button front of her jean-shorts and slipped inside, Tanya-Lynn's knees gave out and she clung to him for support. Blake lifted her up onto his hips and backed her against the wall, his mouth urgently ravishing hers as his body pressed into her, showing her that her attentions had not gone unnoticed. Tanya-Lynn gave a soft moan when she felt his growing hardness push up against her own trembling pussy. He began hurriedly working on the knot that held her shirt together just under and between her tender globes. When the knot was at last undone, he yanked her shirt off her shoulders and threw it onto the floor in the middle of the room. She wasn't wearing a bra due to the excessive heat that day and Blake took a step back to look at her.

"God you have amazing tits," Blake said, admiring her. Tanya-Lynn's tits were perky 34C's, and topped with stiff, rose colored nipples. The sight of them made his cock that much harder and his leather biker jeans tighter. Blake bent his head and licked one crinkled nipple, blowing gently on it afterwards, the coolness making her gasp and making her nipples throb.

"Ohhh..." Tanya-Lynn moaned and bit her bottom lip. Blake ran his tongue across her breasts, tracing the outline of the aureola, and teasingly avoiding the nipple. Just when Tanya-Lynn didn't think she could take it anymore, he took the nipple between his tongue and teeth, chewing on it gently, then suckling her urgently. By this time she was sopping wet; partly because she hadn't had sex in awhile, but also because Blake was really good at foreplay. He played her like Carlos Santana does his guitar, making her moan and whimper her desires.

"Oh fuck," Tanya-Lynn breathed, closing her eyes in ecstasy.

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Blake smiled, and delicately ran his hand up the smooth skin of her inner thigh to her heated center. God she was wet! Her thong was completely drenched with her pussy juices. Blake pushed aside the skimpy thong and teasingly stroked her smooth, hairless mound. Moving still lower to her outer lips, he found her little pleasure button. He dipped his finger inside of her, feeling her hot molten center, then began stroking her aching clit.

Tanya-Lynn panted and gasped for breath as she felt an orgasm start to build in her. Her young pussy was on fire, throbbing maddeningly. She let go of Blake's neck and grabbed her tits, pulling and twisting her nipples in rhythm with Blake's fingers. She thrust her hips to meet his hand, wanting him deeper inside. He slipped two more fingers in and out of her tight pussy, watching her moan and play with her tits. All at once she began shaking and Blake could feel the walls of her tunnel contract.

"That's it, baby, come for me," he whispered in her ear. "Come on Tanya-Lynn, come for me, baby." That send her over the edge and she cried out as she had a full body orgasm. Her labia and nipples were pulsating with desire. Every part of her was electrified, even parts she had forgotten existed.

With that, Blake dropped to his knees in front of her, yanking her shorts down past her feet as he did, then tossing them somewhere near her shirt. He spread her legs wide apart and pushed his head between them to really see her delicate pussy. The smell of her dripping sex was intoxicating, and he needed to taste her. He ran his tongue up and down her slit, sucking on the outer lips. His tongue trailed up to her already sensitive clit, and flicked it back and forth in a maddening pace. Tanya-Lynn was still trembling from her first orgasm and cried out softly at the new assault. Blake's mouth was suddenly fastened like a vacuum on her clit, pulling and sucking her into a mind blowing frenzy. He licked lower, teasing her entrance then finally going inside, fucking her with his tongue.

"Oh, God, oh yes, fuck," Tanya-Lynn cried out. She reached down and held his head, mashing her cunt onto his face. Blake slurped up her juicy sweetness, biting and kissing her swollen pussy lips and teasing her clit with his talented tongue. He reached up and pinched her nipples, causing another moan and orgasm.
He stood up and licked his lips, thinking she was the finest pussy he had ever eaten. Tanya-Lynn sank down on the floor, panting, trying to compose herself. He bent down and kissed her.

"You okay?" he asked.

Tanya-Lynn looked up at him smiling broadly. Her hair was matted with sweat and she had a glow from her orgasm, but she was deliriously happy. Then, after a couple minutes to calm herself down, she said with a wicked grin. "Now it's your turn." She got on her knees undid his belt, and freed his cock.

"Holy shit," Tanya-Lynn murmured to herself as she was presented with his monster. It was about eight and a half inches long, about 4 inches thick and circumcised. She began to get a little worried that he would split her in half, but pushed the thought from her mind as she swirled her tongue in lazy, lingering strokes around the head of his cock. She licked down the steel-hard shaft, then to the base and back again on the other side. She went lower, running her tongue across his swollen balls, taking one in her mouth and sucking it like a candy. Blake closed his eyes in pleasure. His balls were on fire, and getting hotter by the second.

"Ooh yeah, baby, that's it," Blake moaned as he ran his hands through her hair and Tanya-Lynn worked her magic on his other ball before lowering her mouth onto him, taking his entire length down her hot wet throat. She traced the opening of his cock with her tongue before sticking it in there, making Blake jump slightly.

Tanya-Lynn pulled back, scraping her teeth lightly. She began cupping his balls with her hand as she deep-throated his hot cock, taking him as deep as she could.

"Oh, God, Tanya-Lynn... honey, I'm gonna cum."

"Good," she said. "Cum down my throat. I want to taste your hot, sweet cum."

With that she began bobbing up and down on him, her sucking becoming faster and more frantic, her hand more insistent on his balls. Blake tightened his grip on her hair and fucked her face as he felt his load rising up.

"Here it comes, baby," he groaned.

He convulsed and shot stream down her throat. Tanya-Lynn began swallowing frantically as her mouth filled with his sweet, creamy spunk, sucking him, milking him dry. She sat back on her haunches and looked up at him, panting. A few drops of sperm had escaped her mouth and dripped onto her chest. She looked like a porn queen. The sight of her made Blake remain erect.

"You taste amazing," she said with a half smile. She used her finger to wipe some of the spilled cum from her tits and brought it to her lips.

"You too," he said, then kissed her softly. They quickly rid themselves of their remaining articles of clothing.

"You ready?" he asked as he licked her neck, and Tanya-Lynn nodded. Blake looked up into her eyes. "What do you want, Tanya-Lynn, say it. Look at me."

Tanya-Lynn stared deeply into those intense blue eyes, burning with desire. "Please. I want you to fuck me," she groaned.

Blake crushed her mouth to his, spreading her legs even wider. He pushed the head of his cock into her entrance only enough to let her feel him but without entering her. Then ran it along her slit and slapped her clit with his hard rod. Tanya-Lynn whimpered and trembled with need.

"Please Blake..." she pleaded.

Blake smiled, knowing he owned her now. He wanted her to surrender herself to him, to give herself over to him and let him possess her fully. He wanted her body yes, but more than that, he wanted her mind, her soul. He wanted all of her and he was not going to be content until he was her everything.

"Who do you belong to? Who owns you, Tanya-Lynn?" he growled softly into her ear as his cock teased her pussy.

"You... I belong to you..." she whimpered, melting at the words she uttered.

"That's right. And whose pussy is this?"

"Your pussy... it's your pussy..."

"Good girl. Now tell me, what should I do with my pussy? What do you want?"

"Oh God, please, please fuck me, Blake. Please, I need your cock in my pussy!" she begged, humping at him to show her desperation.

With that he pressed slowly into her savoring the feeling of her hot, wet tunnel engulfing him an inch at a time. Her pussy was so tight around his cock, Blake had to fight the urge to ram it in.

Tanya-Lynn moaned as he pushed inside of her agonizingly slowly. She could feel her pussy being stretched to accommodate his member, and knew she was going to be walking a little funny the next day. Blake held himself inside of her, giving her a chance to get acclimated to him, then slowly he began to withdraw from her, making her whimper and cling to him. He sank back in her, deeper than before, buried to the hilt, the head of his cock inside her cervix.

"Can you feel me? Can you feel my cock inside you?" he asked as he gripped her hips and pushed her further onto him. "Do you like that?" Blake took her nipple in his mouth and suckled strongly.

"Oh, God, yesss! Blake you feel so good inside me," she cried out. "Fuck me, baby, fuck me hard."

"I'm gonna fuck you, Tanya-Lynn," he whispered in her ear. "I'm gonna fuck that hot, tight cunt of yours good and proper!"

With that Blake began sawing in an out of her in a frantic rhythm, his hips like pistons, his balls slapping against her ass.

"Fuck baby, you're so hot and wet for me. I can feel the fire from your cunt. I'm gonna turn it into a raging inferno."

"Oh, yeah, Blake, oh God, oh, fuck!" An orgasm hit her fast and hard, making the walls of her pussy contract, milking his cock. Tanya-Lynn's cries spurred him on, making his balls boil.

"I'm coming, baby, I'm coming," he moaned, his throat tightening.

"Yeah, baby, come in me," she cried as Blake began thrusting maddeningly. "Please ... fuck me, come in me, fill me up with your hot sperm. I want to feel your cum in my pussy."

"Oh, fuck!" Blake groaned and with one final thrust he shot his load so hard into her that it rocked her to another orgasm. They panted and clung to each other, sweat covered and exhausted.

"That was amazing," Tanya-Lynn panted softly, "So amazing." Blake smiled at her and kissed her again.
The two of them lay on the floor for several minutes entwined in each others arms and legs, savoring their mutual satisfaction. Finally Tanya-Lynn broke the serenity.

"So I guess you'll be leaving now? I mean your bike should be cooled down by now." she said, the sadness in her voice apparent.

"Yeah, I probably should. I have to get to Dallas to meet up with my buddy," he said.

"Take me with you Blake," she said, sitting upright. "Please. I don't have anything here. I just work and then go home alone to my little apartment. It's so lonely here. Please take me with you."

Blake sat up and looked at her carefully. He saw her pleading eyes and the tears beginning to form in them. He saw her trembling, waiting for an answer that she feared would come, yet she had to know. He thought for a few minutes as Tanya-Lynn waited almost holding her breath for his answer.

"Okay I'll tell you what we'll do. I have to run to Dallas to meet my buddy. From there we are going to run to Houston, then to San Antonio, then back to Dallas. If you think you are up to it, I will take you with me on this trip. It will mean about 1,000 miles on the back of a motorcycle, though. I was going to spend the night in Dallas tonight, then a night in Houston and a night in San Antonio and the third night back in Dallas. Think you are up for such a trip?" he asked her.

"Oh yes! Yes I am up for it! Thank you! Thank you, Blake!" she squealed, clapping her hands in glee.

"Now I don't want you to get in trouble with this. You'll be gone from work for four days by the time we get back. Is that cool with your boss?" he asked.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about him. I won't be coming back here. If it doesn't work out, then you can just leave me in one of the cities we are going to. I have nothing here in Vernon and getting work as a bar maid someplace else is easy," she said. "Besides, I'm going to treat you so good baby, you're not going to want to let me go!" She kissed him deeply as she playfully tugged on his cock.

And so the two of them got dressed and went to explain things to Buck. He was happy for her and happy that she was getting away from the bar. She went to get her things from the closet and he took Blake aside.

"I think you are a pretty stand up guy and I know that Tanya-Lynn thinks the world of you, but she is like my daughter. Don't hurt her," Buck said, looking seriously at Blake.

"You've got nothing to worry about, Buck. I am pretty fond of your 'daughter' too. I wouldn't think of hurting her," he said holding his hand out. The two men shook hands just as Tanya-Lynn came back with her jacket.

"I'm ready!" she said happily. Blake and Tanya-Lynn went outside where she saw his bike for the first time - a full dress Harley-Davidson Electra-Glide.

"Oooh pretty!" Tanya-Lynn said. Blake helped her get onto the bike, then he mounted as well and they took off. She held him around the waist and he smiled as he felt her clinging to him.

Yes, this trip would work out just fine...

My thanks to my friend AmericanBeauty for her inspiration for this story. The cover pic and her help were imvaluable in this project!

Written by Master_Jonathan
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