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"Doesn't everyone have a forbidden desire?"

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It took an age to work your way around the bustling group stood outside the bar on the cobbled side street. A heady mix of chatter and jovial laughter after another productive week in the office. Your ex-colleagues, some so familiar, others less so, wishing you goodbye once more, with warm hugs and kisses on the cheek. You finally slip from the bar content, a warm glow throughout, fuelled by engaging conversation and laughter with old acquaintances, further complimented by the warmth of the late spring sunshine upon your skin.

Things looked promising, nothing concrete but an encouraging foot back in the door. The invitation of a 'keeping in touch day' back at the office one that you could not refuse. A chance to catch up with old friends and acquaintances but also a hope of a route back to that professional life that surprisingly you had come to crave as the months had rolled by. Not that you would change a thing but the day back in the office followed by the impromptu gathering at the local bar reminding you of times of less commitment, where life seemed so more spontaneous.

The click of your heels echo against the cobbled street as you stride purposefully alluding to the confidence that had come flooding back as the day had progressed. You felt good, really good. Today a break from the norm and a day away a million light years from your everyday responsibilities.

Dressed in a light grey business suit, fitted jacket over a pale, pastel blue blouse combined with a matching grey pencil skirt, the hem ending just at the knee. The outfit emphasising your slender waist and hourglass curves. Your old favourite pair of black stilettos completing your outfit, accentuating your legs and giving you an extra couple of inches. Catching a glimpse of yourself in the reflection of a passing shop window, your smile grows as you notice your hair softly blowing in the slight breeze. You begin to stride with a renewed spring in your step down the back street.

Turning the corner onto the main street, a cab slows up waving you across and a wry smile spreads across your glossed lips as you feel the drivers eyes upon you. An attention that hadn't felt for a while, or so it felt.

Entering the train station, it seemed busier than it should be as you glance at the boards which direct you towards platform 8. A sigh escapes your lips as your eyes fall upon the delayed sign that flickers beneath. It didn't really matter as this was a day out for you, a day away from the shackles of reality, so after a text home, you stop to get a bottle of water before making your way over to the escalators at the far end of the station. Stepping onto the moving escalator you wobble, a tipsy wine induced wobble that combined with a re-acquaintance with your heels had you reaching to steady yourself with a slight giggle. You never used to have this problem but it was obviously going to take your feet a while to get used to a day in high heels again!

As the escalator descends your eyes fall upon the mass of people occupying the platform, the instant heat of so many crammed onto the platform. You sigh as at half nine at night you weren't expecting these delays. You squeeze yourself onto platform, heaving bodies each jockeying for position as though the middle of the rush hour. Collective eyes glance up towards the electronic display and then back to their papers or books with a grumble or huff.

Already you could feel the humidity, a notch or two higher than outside. You remove your suit jacket which you loop over your handbag before squeezing into a spot. People cram together as another announcement, barely audible, delivers an apology and something about a signal failure that is met by a collective groan. A year ago you would have known where to stand to increase the chance of being by the doors when a train finally pulls in but this seemed to be erased from your memory. Instead you squeeze yourself into a space and hope for the best, finding yourself like the others, your eyes looking up the screen awaiting some positive news.

Fellow commuters consume themselves with heads buried in books or papers, or lost to music. As you wait you flick your cell on, opening up the internet. A little bit tipsy, playful thoughts spin through your mind as you bite down on your bottom lip and with a quick glance bring your cell that bit closer before typing in a web address.

It was your secret, a little escape from the daily grind. A place where others explore erotic fantasies from the safety of anonymous names. You log on and check your messages, a sudden intrigue as you find a several new responses to your post, your eyes skipping over each one, the content playful and naughty. Keeping the cell close, you see a familiar username that makes you smile mischievously. One connection that had stirred your intrigue that bit more than the rest, a montage of mails exchanged over the weeks, his attentive words and thoughts that summed up your fantasy perfectly. A sudden eagerness to respond you begin to type articulating your forbidden desire in a more detail becoming consumed and blissfully unaware of those around.

It was an age before the delayed train pulls into the station but pre-occupied you had barely noticed the time. Like a swarm everyone crowds around the doors. You could almost feel your feet lift from the floor as you flick your cell shut just as you are swept up into the carriage, the hustle and bustle as people cram on as though in fear that this is the last train of the night. Unlike your fellow commuters you couldn’t feel the air of frustration that cross their faces, maybe because you now rarely run the gauntlet that those working in the city faced every day. With a beep the doors began to close, another desperate commuter forcing his way on that causes a ripple as people shuffle trying to find a minuscule amount of space to call their own. With a jolt the train pulls out of the station, those unfortunate ones left on the platform looking back through the windows, their faces quickly becoming a blur as the train picks up speed, the station lost to the rattle of the carriage that sways from side to side.

Not daring to open your cell anymore, you find yourself wedged in between your fellow commuters, bodies pressed up against one another as the train sways from side to side. The sound of music from headphones near by, fellow commuters eyes down on cells or buried in papers surround you. Yet you find your mind coming back to that mail, responding to your fantasy request, the one you posted after just a few visits to the website that had already opened your mind to such erotic pleasures. The thought of you doing such a thing so wicked and daring but one that you couldn't help but find increasingly naughty.

So out of character at least to those on the outside, your recent posts fuelled a deep, dark fantasy. The suggestive longing to be surprised and taken wildly with no thought of the repercussions. A seed planted, your inhibitions lowered with the alcohol, fantasy thoughts spiral from one thing to another, responses fluttering in your mind. All the while the feeling of strangers bodies crushed up against you, suggestively tease your mind as you flick your eyes around your fellow commuters wondering what dark secrets lay within each one.

Pulling out of another station you shuffle slightly as people squeeze their way out of the carriage before others join. Once more you feel yourself pressed up against other commuters, someone pressing up against your bottom, a crotch, a hand, man or woman you did not know. You feel you cheeks flush, finding yourself getting carried away with your sinful thoughts or were you?

Unable to resist the urge you flick open your cell to find a new private message from him awaiting in your inbox. You find yourself letting out a small gasp, taken by surprise at the speed of his response. Usually it took a day or two for a response as your nimble finger clicks open, trying desperately to keep the display as private as possible. A quizzical look forms across your face as eyes dance over just a single word that flashes upon the screen, making very little sense. Instinctively you fire a response questioning the word wondering if it was a simple mistake.

Cell shut from prying eyes you could still feel something press up against your behind, deliberate or on purpose, your mind playing tricks. A quick glance behind gave way to a taller guy, his eyes glued to a book. An older professional male and alongside him a teenage girl chewing away but lost to her headphones. Suddenly the train jerks violently, everyone sways in the crammed carriage, bodies brush up against one another again. You heart races and despite telling yourself to stop being silly, you feel your nipples pebble, your intricate lace bra pressing up against your power blue blouse. Your mind imagines a hand upon you, feeling you through the fabric of your clothes. Caressing and stroking you or so you imagine, your breath quickening as you allow your fantasy to consume your mind. The naughty thought stirs your inner desire, a slight tingle forming between your legs as you lose yourself to your wild thoughts surrounded by your fellow commuters blissfully unaware of the erotic thoughts running through your mind.

The brake of the train is quickly followed by the beep of the door, bringing you back to reality in a heartbeat. With a twist and a turn you squeeze your way out with many others. Stepping onto the platform you go to step forward but a slight gasp escapes your lips as you feel a hand on your upper arm, a firm grip, fingers tightening around you.

Instantly you go to turn your head but feel the warmth of a mouth close to your ear. You feel his breath upon your skin but before you can say a thing a whispered word sucks the words from your mouth. You gasp as the word, the same word that had appeared in your inbox, resonates through you, the image of your online account and the exchanges with that someone special flashing before your eyes.

Before you can respond he whispers "Don't look and say nothing," in a firm, strong gravely male tone. Confused and shell shocked you feel him guide you in the opposite direction to the hordes heading for the escalator exit. Instead you head towards the darker, dimly lit end of the platform. Your heart races, pounding in your ears as under the strangers hold he guides you in the opposite direction. The sound of his footsteps and the click of your heels becoming more prominent with each step, the murmur of chatter disappears into the background as the doors beep and the train pulls out of the station, an eerie quietness descending.

Disappearing from sight behind a billboard at the deserted far end of the station, he releases his firm grip with a push, that causes you to wobble on your heels, your arms coming out to steady yourself against the billboard.

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"What's all this," you stutter as you regain your balance.

"Don't give me that. We both know what you crave," he growls. Oh my god, your mind racing in a multitude of directions. Instantly you an feel his presence tight against you, either hand resting on your thighs, guiding them down the material of your grey pencil skirt, following the contours of your legs. Fingers quickly find the hem, grip and begin to ruffle the material back up your legs.

"I," you gasp, the whole speed of events leaving your mind to race wildly.

"Tell me to stop," he whispers his tone firm and assured. Every emotion telling you to shout and scream, to fight and resist this stranger who until now had been just a username in the cyber world of binary ones zeros. Yet despite the rationale a deeper, much darker desire takes hold and you remain silent, his hands tugging the material of your skirt higher up your thighs.

"We both know how much you want this" he whispers confidently.

What where you doing? What were you thinking? Your earlier thoughts and emotions clouding your judgement, this near strangers hands upon you.

You gasp, almost a whimper, your mind telling you to stop this now, the risks so high, your mouth opening but no words forthcoming. Instead the rational thinking lost to a web of sinful desires, the devil on your shoulder whispering sweet nothings as the sudden draw to the unknown danger makes your body shiver. His hands now forcefully ruffling your skirt over the top of your hips, the sudden pressure of his hand between your legs, feeling your through the gusset of your lace panties. You shudder, the feeling on a light breeze on your exposed flesh as he strokes you back and forth, goose bumps forming upon your skin, his fingers probing the length of your slit, teasing the delicate material between your quivering petals.

You begin to turn your head back towards him, only to feel his hand on your head, forcing you to turn back towards the billboard, his actions obvious. Fear mixed with an undulating sense of danger a surprisingly erotic mix, the line between fantasy and reality blurring into one, as you feel yourself become more turned on, the spontaneity spell binding, the sheer arrogance as you allow yourself to succumb to his advances. You can feel your body shiver, his actions so public to any watching eyes, the thought of a grainy CCTV footage being watched by security only adding to your spiralling erotic thoughts.

His other hand slips from between your legs, followed quickly by the sound of his zipper, before fingers find you again. This time hooking inside your panties that he expertly peels to one side, the sudden sensation of his bulbous mushroom tip slip between your pussy lips. Your body more alive to this strangers touch with each passing moment as an ache forms between your legs. Letting out a stifled gasp you feel him press against you, penetrating you, instantly feeling him inside you, sinking deeper with each withdrawal and thrust. You gasp, your mouth falling open uncontrollably as you feel him swell and throb inside you, your mind racing in a million directions, as your cunt moulds around him. Every time feeling him that bit deeper until you finally take him to the hilt, his thick cock filling you, buried deep to his balls.

You feel the flesh of his naked cock deep within you, increasing the danger that rather than scare you only fuels your ever more wicked thoughts as you feel him throb within. All rational thoughts suppressed you find yourself lost to the encounter, lost to that darker desires that lurk within. Supporting yourself by your arms you feel him take you with increased vigour and purpose as he thrusts quicker and harder. Deep, powerful strokes that suck the air from your lungs, your gasps soon merge into heavy pants as you feel him take you rampantly. The audible sound of naked flesh meeting naked flesh as his thighs slap hard against yours, taking you for all his worth and rocking you to the core.

This stranger taking you as though you are his plaything, your mind barely able to comprehend what is unfolding, feeling your body responding to his attention. Submitting to him, allowing him to use you for his pleasure as though a woman of the night. All the while knowing your actions were so wrong yet increasing consumed by the need, that craving that ached throughout you as he takes you rampantly.

Your hands grip the side of the billboard for all your worth, the burning sensation in your arms building as he pounds you relentlessly, trying to push back against him but in reality just trying to hold on, lost to the ever building sensations that blur your mind. Throwing your head forward down between your arms as you feel yourself begin to let go, your wavy hair falling over your face as you do so. Your heavy panting mix with whimpers that you can no longer stifle, moans now echo at the far end of this deserted station. This dangerous fuck continuing to turn you on more than you can imagine, your body responding to his borderline aggressive dominance of this unknown stranger. The growing ache between your legs grows into an ever more intense throb, feeling your pussy clench harder around the hard cock that insatiably pounds you. 

A strong hand reaches around groping through your blouse at your breasts that bounce in time with the shudder of each forceful thrust. His hand breaking a button open as he hand slips inside and cup a breast. Skilled fingers dance across your lace bra and tease your tight, taut nipples that ache with desire. Your cheeks flush red, your body radiating a wild heat. You feel yourself become wetter by the second, your thighs beginning to tense, buckling under his rampant thrusts. His hand releases his hold of your breast, that under the rampant fucking pops free from your blouse that hangs loosely off your shoulder. Your skin tingles under every touch, gasping and mewling. You bite down on your bottom lip as he takes you purposefully from behind like an animal of the night.

A hand snakes up your back, following the curve of your spine, ruffling up your blouse that becomes untucked from your skirt. Fingers grip tufts of your hair that bounce in his hold. Burying his cock deep with a hard thrust, you to cry out as he holds himself deep within you. His fingers tighten and pull on your hair, arching your head back dominantly. His hot breath on your neck whilst his other hand reaches around your waist, fingers finding your clit expertly. His head buried into your neck, you feel the wetness of his lips, followed by the graze of his teeth as he brands you his. You moan out, the touch of his fingers brushing against your engorged, sensitive bud combined with the throb of his cock within your rippling cunt too much to take.

Your mind spirals, a sudden white heat that leaves you teetering on the edge. Throbbing violently, fingers press against you. His breath on your skin makes you gasp as you feel yourself let go. You moan and fall headfirst into the inky abyss that explodes from between your legs but spreads through every fibre of your body, wave after wave of pleasure that leaves your body limp and your mind a mess.

Your body convulsing as your orgasm ripples through you, every sense heightened as you feel his need still there. Strong and purposeful, his hands slip from your hair and down your body, gripping tightly to your waist as he begins to pump his hips once more. Your pussy ripples and clenches, your orgasm still resonating through you. The strength of this thrusts building rapidly as he pumps relentlessly. His grunts and groans becoming louder as you feel his need take hold. Fingertips dig through your ruffled skirt into your waist as his drives his thick shaft, glistening in your juices, deep and hard into your aching pussy, pounding you into submission. Your whimpers blur into a constant moan as he takes you forcefully like a man possessed. Slamming deep inside you feel him hold himself in you, the swell followed by a twitch and then a second later a deep groan as he explodes flooding you with his seed. Slumping forward you fall against the billboard as over and over you feel every release, every pump as he paints the inside of your cunt with his cum.

You gasp for air, your heart pounding in your ears as you feel him slip from within, followed by the sound of his zipper as you instantly feel trickles beginning to escape your used pussy trailing down your inner thighs. Exhausted and used, your mind a mess, your body limp you gulp for air, a slick layer of sweat upon your forehead. Before you can fathom what is going on you hear his footsteps. Pulling yourself around the billboard, your eyes a little fuzzy you see the back of him walking briskly towards the station steps. Part of you longing to shout at him but too shocked for words to escape, your stranger exactly that a stranger that you will never know.

You turn and lean back against the billboard for support, your mind racing at the wild encounter that has just ensued. You peel your panties back and ruffle down your pencil skirt. All connotations flood your mind yet a feeling of such fulfilment in such a sinful way that you wonder what has taken hold of you. Hands shaking you button your blouse and tuck this back into your skirt. Fumbling in your handbag you find your make-up mirror, flick it open, taking in the reflection of your stormy eyes that peer back at you. Hair dishevelled, cheeks still rosy red, a slickness to your forehead. Was this the look of your darker side, your fantasy side you could see in mirror. Exhausted you feel your breathing begin to slow, a tilt of the mirror exposing the graze against your creamy neck confirming this was no fantasy, a sudden fear as you think forward to continuing home. A light touch up of make-up and a scoop of your hair covering the red graze upon your neck before you clip shut your mirror, push your bag over your shoulder just as another train pulls into the station.

With a final brush down of your skirt you slip from behind the billboard and join the other commuters disembarking from the train. A devilish smile as you feel you cum drenched panties with each purposeful stride, that whispered word forever etched within your mind.

Written by Whispered_Words
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