Class was over. The students in this advanced placement twelfth grade class were filing out. I was behind the wooden lectern where I had just ended a lecture. Some history with a social justice angle that I thought was riveting. Half the kids were awake, I think. I was looking over my notes, checking off all the points and big ideas that I would include in the quiz tomorrow.
Then I felt his hands behind me.
I glanced at the door. Then I sighed and rolled my eyes at the ceiling.
His hands were on my hips, circling around to my front and inching their way up my knit sweater, before resting on my breasts.
“You were barely paying attention,” I said.
“I was watching your every move,” he said from behind me.
I felt his nose touching my neck.
“Watching my ass isn’t going to help you pass,” I said to him.
He pressed his body against mine so I could feel his erection.
“How long you’ve been sitting there hard at your desk?”
He kissed my neck. I could hear him sniffing my hair. He always did that. I shrugged one shoulder in annoyance.
“How long you been standing here wet behind the podium?” he asked.
I laughed at that.
He squeezed my breasts and licked my neck.
“Eww,” I said to him.
“It’s been a week,” he complained.
I continued looking through my notes. “Get a girlfriend.”
“I thought you were my girl.”
“Girl? I’m old enough to be your mother. Kid.”
He slid his hands under my sweater and my undershirt to get to my bra. I stared at the door.
“Oh, fuck,” I said when his hand pinched one nipple.
“Mommy likes that?” he said in my ear.
“Oh, fuckity fuck,” I replied when he rubbed them both hard between his fingers.
I put my pencil down and held on to the lectern.
One hand pulled out of my sweater to turn my face towards him. He jabbed his tongue into my mouth. I reached up to touch his face and kissed and licked him back. I was starting to moan and pant.
“Been too long, Mrs. Johnson,” he whined as he continued attacking my poor nipple.
I found myself pushing back into him, just to feel that hard erection.
He let go of me. I turned to see what he was doing. He was opening his pants.
“Oh, no, Jerry, no, no, no,” I said.
He pulled his underwear down.
“Jerry, you idiot, stop.”
He had the cock out and a cocky grin.
“Damn you,” I said.
He began rubbing it against my silky floral-print skirt.
“You’ll make a mess,” I whined. “I’ve got a class next period.”
“Shh,” he said.
I looked to the side where part of the wall was a mirror. I watched him reach for the hem of my skirt and hoist it up, revealing more of my leather brown boots, then my bare legs, and then my black boy shorts, which he immediately started clawing at.
I looked at him and he grinned and kissed me. I looked back at the mirror to see my underwear peeled down to my knees. He stretched them over my boots but needed my help.
“Oh, fuck it,” I relented, lifting a foot at a time so he could get the boy shorts off. I held the edge of the lectern and squatted a little, while he massaged his cock into me.
“God, I miss this pussy,” he exclaimed as he entered.
“This pussy?” I asked between gasps.
“My only pussy,” he admitted in a groan, before pushing it in, making me yelp.
“Oh, shitty, shit, shit, is that door locked?” I asked, already breathless.

“It is, it is,” he said, grabbing my hips and driving in and out of me. He started panting.
“Are you, are you, are you sure?”
“Yea… No.... I don’t know.”
“Just, just, just hurry, Jerry,” I said.
But he wasn’t going fast enough! In a quickie like this, I need it hard and fast. So, I started pumping my body back into him. I gritted my teeth and groaned. I looked at the mirror again, me with my knees bent, bouncing my body up and down and rolling my sexy hips to feel every inch of him pressed deep inside me.
And he stood there with his hands in his pocket, smirking, looking down at my ass.
“You dick,” I muttered.
I kept working, doing all the work, working up a sweat.
“Work with me,” I finally ordered him.
He held my hips and rammed his cock into me, making me tumble forward, holding the lectern so it wouldn’t topple over. He rammed into me again and again and papers went flying while I tried my best not to cry out. He whipped it out of me suddenly and my body collapsed on the lectern.
I staggered back up to my feet. I kept my feet wide apart and my head on the slope top of the lectern while he entered me again, steadily fucking me.
He started straining into me. He was ready to cum. I tried to stand up straighter.
“Please not inside me, Jerry?” I begged. “Please, not again!”
He pulled out gently and waddled his way to the nearby garbage can.
I shook my head looking at this silly boy trying to ejaculate into the can and instead hitting the wall.
“You jackass,” I said to him as I hurried over to him and squatted down. I put his cock into my mouth as the rest of his cum streamed and dripped out of him onto my tongue.
He sighed when he was done.
I continued sucking while his cock slowly shrank. Even limp, I liked his warm cock in my mouth.
It had been too long, I realized. I gave his cock a sweet peck on the tip and gave his butt a little spank, like I always do to my boys when I’m done with them.
“That,” I told him, gesturing towards the mess he made on the wall. “You clean that. I’m not your mother.”
While he grabbed surface cleaner and paper towels, I went back behind the lectern, rearranging my skirt he had disheveled and my bra he had pulled down. I massaged the nipple he had pinched and primped my hair.
After he cleaned the wall and picked up my papers from the floor, he came back around for a hug.
“Quiz tomorrow,” I reminded him while he got comfortable in my arms.
“Give me the answers,” he suggested.
“Tutor me.”
“Yeah, like we’d be able to concentrate.”
I took his face in my hands and, after a nervous glance to the door, gave him a kiss on the lips.
“Bye, Jerry,” I sang to him.
He buried his face in my neck. I gave him a few seconds of this.
“All right, all right, lover boy, get the fuck out of here. I have to get ready for next class.”
He sighed and shuffled his feet as he walked away.
“And Jerry,” I said, making him look back. “Thank you. I missed your cock, too.”
He grinned, picked up his feet, snapped his fingers and marched out with a swagger.
I tossed my boy shorts onto the shelf of the lectern and chuckled. I looked at myself in that mirror and grinned and sighed a loud, long sigh.
That was fun. Unexpected and dangerous, but fun.
I felt good. I felt sexy and wanted.
…And I felt bad I’d have to fail poor Jerry if he didn’t pass this quiz tomorrow.