On a hot summer morning, I’m at brunch with a friend. It feels surreal being in public after a pandemic. Being isolated from society plays with the mind. When was the last time I’d seen a real woman, other than family? Now I’m in a restaurant where women abound. With the sight of breasts and the smell of estrogen, I excuse myself to pull one off in the restroom.
I’m mid-stroke when I hear a voice, “What cha doin’ mister?”
I look up and see a petite girl, gathering from her long hair and clothing she’s about sixteen years old. My mind has frozen in shock.
She looks at me unscrupulously saying, “My stepdad has one that’s smaller than yours. He likes to rub it between my breasts sometimes. Since Mama died we sleep naked together, and he’ll put it between my legs. He says I’m too young to put it inside me, but I’m sixteen and I think I’m ready. I can help you.”
Before I can react she takes her top and bra off, exposing perky C cup-sized breasts. She’s gotten on her knees in front of me.
Nonchalantly she says, “You can touch my titties if you want.”
I’m still in shock as she pulls my cock into her mouth. Her tiny hands rub my shaft as she tongues the head. In seconds I’m blowing my load.
She gobbles my spunk like it’s candy, “You need to practice restraint mister, I just started and you’re done.”
I gather my wits, “What’s your name darling?”
She chuckles, “Sally.”
Thoughtfully I reply, “Well Sally would you like more?”
Sally scrunches her nose, “Mister, we don’t really have time, my stepdad will be looking for me.”
I reply, “Then we best hurry.”
She looks at my growing cock and smiles, “Okay, you’re on.”

I kiss and strip her in one fluid movement. Men’s toilets aren’t the cleanest things on Earth. I place my shirt over the seat, sit her on it and get between her legs.
I kiss and suck her freshly shaved pussy. I drive my tongue between her teenage labia lips. I find her clit and trace my tongue from her vaginal opening and back up to it.
She moans, “Oh fuck mister my stepdad never does that, I’m going to cum.”
I bring her two orgasms and ask, “Can I put mine inside?”
She looks at me, “Mister, that’s all I thought we were going to do. Put it in already.”
I was hoping she would say that, while I ate her I put a lubricated condom on. I pulled her legs up and slightly apart. I angle and practically shove my cock into her virginal opening.
I’m not too surprised to find not much resistance. I am surprised with her having three orgasms as I enter.
Once I am balls deep, and her eyes settle, I pick her up and sit her on my pecker, granting her yet another orgasm.
She coos, “Mister, if you keep this up I won’t be able to walk out of here.”
I smile, “It’s fine darling, I’m almost ready to cum.”
I push my cock into her cervix and filled the condom, giving her two more orgasms.
I clean myself, get dressed, and go back out into the restaurant.
A few minutes later a fully dressed bow-legged sixteen-year-old girl staggers out and carefully sits with her stepdad.
He asks if everything is okay and she says, "it's just cramps."
Later I drive back to my hotel.
About two hours later there is a knock on the door.
Opening the door I find the girl from the restaurant, “I told my stepdad that I am spending the night with my friend. You’re my friend, right?”
I look at her, “Sally darling, I’m your best friend.”