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Hot & Heavy

"Hot sex and heavy metal. What more could a man ask for?"

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Seamus was headbanging to the loud, metal music. He jumped around in the mosh pit, throwing himself against people, flailing his arms and legs. He had been hit in the face, the ribs and kicked in the legs, but he didn't care. He was having too much fun. Concerts were always a big deal in Dublin and since retiring from the Army a year earlier, Seamus got to enjoy going to them more often. He got lost in the music every time as he continued to jump around until he felt his legs grow weak.

Turning forty hadn't done much but give him experience. He was just as handsome as he was when he was twenty or even thirty. Seamus stood 6 feet tall with dark hair and chocolate brown eyes. His complexion was a bit darker than the average Irishman but that only added to his more rugged appearance. Being in the Irish Army made him maintain a very fit physique and playing on its rugby team gave him a generous amount of muscle. He had tribal tattoos on both of his upper arms which only enhanced his muscular biceps. Seamus thought he looked pretty good for his age and apparently so did everyone else. He noticed several young ladies eyeing him up as he made his way out of the mosh pit. He needed a drink after all that dancing and had hoped to grab a beer.

After making his way to the concession, he grabbed a Guinness and stood against one of the beams in the concert hall to watch his favorite band, Mastodon play, and to take a breather. He took a sip and gently bobbed his head to the beat. He remembered that the members of Mastodon came from Atlanta, Georgia in the United States and he found himself reminiscing about his time in America. He had seen many pretty young ladies but he had never been given the opportunity to have one for himself. He often dreamed of what it would be like to take an American woman from behind. How her moans would differ from that of an Irish woman and what it would sound like as she said his name. He took another swallow of his drink as he felt his cock grow harder.

A redhead walked past him and his eyes shifted to watch her walk away. He watched how her hips swayed and how her trousers hugged her taut ass. Another woman caught his eye, she had hair as dark as Seamus's but it was long and tied in a braid down her back. Both women had tattoos along their arms. He loved long hair and tattoos, and his dream girl would have both. Tattoos made a woman's skin softer and he enjoyed tracing them with his tongue. Long hair came in handy when mounting a woman from behind, he could grab and pull her up to meet his kiss as he pounded her tight pussy.

He felt his cock press against his zipper. It had been a while since he had a woman and he ached for one now but he wasn't here for that tonight. He wanted to enjoy the music in peace so he walked off to the restroom to right himself. As he headed for the men's room he took notice of all the women standing in line for the women's bathroom . He felt his balls tingle as his gaze set right on a woman in the front of the queue and her large breasts. He downed the rest of his beer and tossed the cup in the trash then stomped into the men's room. Once he had adjusted and calmed down a bit, he walked back out and decided to grab another Guinness before heading back into the crowd.

He grabbed his drink and decided to stand there for a bit. Leaning against the concession stand, he tried closing his eyes and went back to the enjoying the music when he heard a woman's voice next to him. She was chatting with the man behind the stand as he handed her a drink.

"Where are you from?" Seamus heard him ask.

"The United States!" She replied loudly.

At her answer, Seamus opened his eyes and looked to his right and his cock suddenly sprang to life. She was young, early-twenties he estimated, with long, chestnut brown hair and a shapely figure. Her breasts were round and perky. Large enough to fill his hands and they showed well in the maroon colored shirt she wore. The scoop neck design gave her the perfect cleavage. She had the sleeves pushed up to her elbows and wore a short, black skirt that flared out at her hips. Seamus's eyes trailed down her body to notice the thigh high black stockings that stretched over her long legs and the black ankle boots on her feet. She had tattoos covering both arms and a large tattoo on her left thigh. Seamus thought of how he would love to trace along the outline before delving in between her legs.

"What are you doing here then?" The man yelled.

"I just finished school and I wanted to see a bit of the world before I get settled down anywhere!" She explained.

God that accent is cute. Seamus thought as he continued to examine her. She had her nails painted a dark red, his favorite colour, and they were long. Perfect for scraping against his back. Everything about this woman was only convincing him more and more that he had to have her.

"Well if you ever need any help sightseeing..." the man said as he wrote on a napkin, "just let me know!" and he handed it to the girl.

Jealousy filled Seamus's stomach as he saw the young woman smile sweetly and take the napkin. She grabbed the drink and moved to stand not even two feet from Seamus. She turned and pressed her back against the stand, looking up at the stage. Seamus watched her as she sipped her drink and he felt his cock jerk as he watched her swallow. She had a long slender neck and her hair cascaded down her back in waves. He watched as she turned towards him, removed the hair tie off her wrist and began pulling her locks into a high ponytail. She looked even more feminine and pretty with her hair up. He stared at her as she twisted the hair tie and then he saw her look right at him.

Shocked that he had been caught staring, he smiled and nodded quickly then turned his gaze to the drink in his hand. He took another gulp as he tried not to look at the girl. He felt her eyes on him and he began to sweat. He swallowed his beer and then heard her saying something to him.

"What?" He shouted.

"I said, Are you having fun?" she repeated.

"Oh! Yes, I am! How about you?" he asked.

"Yes! They're from my hometown!" She stated as she pointed at the stage. "Sorry about the yelling! It's hard to hear!" She continued.

He put his index finger and thumb together giving her the universal sign of 'okay' letting her know that it was fine. She smiled and he heard her ask,

"What's your name?"

"Seamus! What's yours?"

"Caroline!" she said extending her hand to him.

"Nice to meet you Caroline!" he said taking her hand and shaking it.

"Nice to meet you too!"

He dropped her hand as he noticed the band end their song and he heard Caroline sigh.

"Whoo! Thank heavens for that, now I can talk normally for a second," she said smiling.

Seamus smiled back at her as she said. "So, am I mistaken, or were you checking me out a moment ago?"

Red came over Seamus's cheeks and his smile disappeared. He'd been caught.

"So I wasn't mistaken then." She said with a giggle.

Her accent came through more prominently now and it brought the smile back. It was the sweetest sound he'd ever heard.

"No, you weren't mistaken. I'm sorry for that by the way," he replied.

"It's okay, I get that a lot. It's because I have fantastic cleavage. Hard to resist, really. Even women tend to stare at me." she smirked comically.

Seamus barked a laugh and his eyes involuntarily looked at her cleavage. She wasn't lying, her cleavage was utterly fantastic. Seamus's hands itched to reach out and cup her breasts but he forced them to remain at his sides.

"Looks like the next song is about to start." she said nodding towards the stage.

Taking note of the opportunity, he chose to utilize it to it's fullest.

"Want to find some place a little quieter? So we don't have to scream at each other again." He asked with a laugh.

"Yeah, sure." she smiled.

Seamus started to walk toward the back of the hall nearest the restrooms. He knew that there were benches where they could take a seat and talk while still listening to the music. They began to talk about Seamus's time in the U.S. when they finally reached the benches. Taking a seat next to one another they continued on talking about random things about each other's countries and their homes. Caroline was full of enthusiasm when she talked about her family and her home in Georgia. She told Seamus she was 24 and had just finished Graduate School at the University of Atlanta. She was an art major and had come to Ireland for some adventure. She had planned on traveling throughout Europe for a little while longer before officially accepting a job offer in Italy. Seamus told her that he had played and coached rugby while he was in the Army and since he had retired he had become a rugby coach at a school. They had talked for the better part of an hour and Seamus only found himself inching closer and closer to her.

"So, no wife or girlfriend?" she asked him.

"Not at this time, no. Why? Are you looking to fill the position?" he laughed as a big grin came over his face.

"How old are you, Seamus?"

"Avoiding the question, are we? I'm old enough."

"Now who's avoiding the question?"

"I'm older than the bartender back there, that's for sure." he stated matter-of-factly.

"Jealous?" she said with a lighthearted smile.

"No. I don't get jealous."

"No? So if I kissed another man right here in front of you, you wouldn't get jealous at all?" she wondered.

"Not a bit. I barely know you."

"Okay then," Caroline stated, determination laced in her voice as she stood up from the bench.

She looked around for another man but saw only a line of women. Seamus laughed and she looked back at him with a glint of frustration in her eye.

"Showed me, didn't you?" he smirked.

"Oh, shut up. The next man that comes through here, I'm going to plant one on him and see you turn green with envy."

He looked to his left and then to his right. A devilish grin came over his face as he looked back at Caroline and said, "Looks like the only man around right now is me."

She stomped over to him and said, "you'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Seamus stood up from his seat and pressed his chest against Caroline's. He looked down at her and asked,"What do I get if I say yes?"

Her lips curled up in a sly, little smile and Seamus wanted nothing more than to kiss her right then and there but before he could cover her mouth with his, a tall ginger-haired man came out of the men's restroom. Caroline and Seamus turned to look at him and with a devious smile on her face, Caroline moved her foot to step past Seamus and in the man's direction. Dread filled his stomach and he suddenly found himself grabbing Caroline's by the arm, turning her towards him and kissing her hard. Much harder then he meant to but he couldn't help it. He tangled his fingers through Caroline's hair and gently pulled her head back as he shoved his tongue in her mouth, deepening the kiss.

He felt her body melt into his and her hands wrapped around him as their tongues battled. A slight moan slipped from her when he softly bit her bottom lip and he felt his cock hardened against her belly. He took his other hand and ran it over her body before bringing it down to grab her ass. Caroline broke their kiss and Seamus wanted to scream in protest. She looked up at him with a smirk and said,

"Not jealous, huh? Not one bit?"

Seamus smiled as he looked at Caroline then towards the Men's room and his smile got wider as an idea crept into his mind.

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He wanted more of Caroline and fully intended on having his way with her.

"Hush, you." he said before cupping her face in his hand and taking her mouth again.

This time, he was much more tender, taking great care to treat Caroline with respect and affection. Seamus barely knew her but she had already excited him, teased him, made him laugh, made him blush, and now made him want to take care of her. He wanted to bask in all that she was, even if it was only once. He wanted to be rough as well as soft and loving as well as detached. A 'ping' in his chest rose up and caught his throat causing him to remove his lips from Caroline's. Her eyes were at half mast and she bit her lip as she lifted her lashes open. He ran his thumb over her flushed cheek before taking her hand.

"Do you trust me?" he asked.

"Really?" She asked with disbelief laced in her voice. "Next, your gonna ask me if I want to ride on your magic carpet."

"I don't get the reference." He said confused.

She waved her hand and laughed. "Forget it. What do you have in mind?"

"Well," he started as he led Caroline toward the Men's Room.

He moved behind her when they came up to the door, placed his hands gently on her shoulders and whispered into her ear.

"With a little of my magic, you'll be doing the riding." he chuckled as he gave her ass a hard smack and gently pushed her through the door.

Seamus stopped to smile and wink at the other women who were gawking as he made his way through the door. He guided Caroline into one of the largest stalls and locked its latch behind them. Then, turning to Caroline who was standing in the middle of stall waiting for him, he walked over placing his hands on her hips before gently pushing her into the wall. He kissed along her collar and up her neck feeling her pulse quicken beneath his lips. He licked and sucked on the pulsating vein while he brought his hands up to cup her breasts. Caroline's moans filled his ears which made Seamus hum with delight.

Bringing his head up from Caroline's nape, he kicked her ankles for her spread her legs wide then Seamus grabbed behind her thighs and lifted her positioning her core right against his hard cock. He inhaled deeply as the smell of her arousal filled the stall and kissed the tops of her breasts. He felt Caroline's fingernails scrape against his back through his shirt and a groan slipped from him as she began to rock her hips. He could feel her dampness even through his trousers and the thought of slipping himself through her wet folds made him ache but he needed to know she wanted this before he went any further.

He dropped her to her feet and backed away from her. She was breathless and flushed. Seamus loved that he made her so needy and the look of confusion on Caroline's face made his stomach twist but he wanted to be absolutely sure it was her choice to do this.

"Caroline." He said through a breath.

She smiled sweetly before saying "Didn't bring a condom, did you? Don't worry."

She placed her hand inside her bra and pulled out a piece of silver foil.

"I've got you covered." She giggled.

"So, you are okay with this?" he wondered.

"I wouldn't have come in this stall if I wasn't."

"I apologize for not asking before now. I should have but I didn't. Instead I just assumed." he said as his eyes cast down to his feet, feeling shameful.

"Such a sweet man. Love that. Sure you aren't married?"

"Yes, I'm sure." he managed to laugh.

"Good, then come here." she crooked a finger at him.

He stepped toward her until he rested between her legs again. She gave him soft, sweet kisses on each cheek before finally kissing his lips. He kissed her back but with more fervor. Caroline arched her back and wrapped her arms around his neck as Seamus wrapped his arms around her middle, pulling her close. He loved the feel of this woman. The way her body fit against his, the softness of her lips, her skin, her scent, and he hadn't even began to take her clothes off yet. At the thought, he slide his hand down and up underneath her skirt. He traced his fingers along the top line of her panties before moving them to touch her swollen clit. Caroline moaned and arched into him, pressing her breasts into his chest.

He slowly teased her clit for a moment before making his way down into between her slit. She was gloriously wet and all for him. Pride filled him and he kissed her harder as he shoved two fingers into her pussy. Caroline cried out as he began working them in and out of her. She was tight and he could feel her walls clench around him. If he wasn't careful she would cum soon and he wanted to feel that around his cock, not his fingers. He took his other hand and undid his trousers, allowing his cock to spring free. Caroline then stopped everything just as her jaw slightly dropped. He was used to this reaction about his cock so he just let her look at him as stroked his member, trying to tease her.

"Okay, just one more time. You are not married, correct?" She asked as she still stared.

"Yes. I am not married." Seamus stated.

"Ho-How?" She stuttered.

Seamus chuckled as he walked over, plucked the foil wrapper peeking from her bra and then took a seat on toilet next to her. Grabbing Caroline by the hand, he lead her in front of him and reached his hand up under her skirt, sliding her panties down her slender legs. As he began to open the condom wrapper with his teeth Caroline lifted her legs over him and rested on his lap with his cock pressed against her clit. She rubbed against him while he tried to concentrate but then she took his face in her hands and kissed him. As their tongue battles, Caroline lifted her hips, reached down in between them and positioned him at her entrance. Before he could say anything, she impaled herself on him. Seamus lost all thought and he couldn't speak, she was so incredibly tight and deliciously wet.

"Now that that's out of the way." She smirked as she lifted her shirt.

She settled the hem over her breasts and Seamus noticed that she was wearing a front clasp bra. In this very moment, Seamus thanked God as he reached to undo the clasp. Caroline pulled the bra aside, showing him her beautiful breasts. Seamus felt drool pooling in his mouth so he leaned forward and took one of her hard, pink nipples between his teeth. Caroline moaned as he sucked and teethed the little buds. She gripped his head in her hands and held him to her chest. He bit down gently making Caroline gasp in pleasure and surprise.

Taking her hips in his hands, he guided her pussy up his shaft and then slammed her back down onto him. Caroline's nails dug into Seamus's shoulders and he let out a groan as he felt Caroline envelope his throbbing member. She took all of him and once he had reached the hilt, he guided her hips upward only to allow him to thrust into her once again. He could feel her juices slip down his balls and her pussy walls clench around his cock.

Biting his bottom lip, he looked up to watch Caroline as she rode him. Her cheeks were flushed with pleasure and her skin glowed. She looked beautiful and seeing her so blissfully lost made his own desire grow. He wanted to make her body soar and to please her like no one else ever had, for he may not get the chance to do so again. He thumbed her clit as she rode him, all the while he rocked his hips up to meet her as she came down on him. He felt her walls tense and knew she would cum soon.

"Seamus." she moaned.

His name on her lips nearly pushed him over the edge.

"Cum for me, Caroline. Nice and hard, baby."

He felt her pussy clamped down on his cock and Caroline screamed his name as her orgasm finally gave way. He watched her as her body shook, her pleasure the most amazing thing he had ever witnessed. Feeling that ping in his chest again, he had to remind himself that he probably wouldn't have this woman again after she left the stall. More determined, he quickly decided he would watch her cum once more before they finally went their separate ways. Caroline was looking down at him with a smile and he kissed her passionately as he continued to pump away at her.

She moaned into his mouth and Seamus was all too happy to swallow the sound. He sucked on Caroline's bottom lip and intertwined his tongue with hers as he felt his own pleasure build at the base of his spine. Reaching down in between their bodies to thumb her still swollen clit, he picked up his pace. He felt her hands frantically move across his body, as if she was desperate to cling to him. Finally, Caroline's hands made their way up the back of his shirt, her long nails scraping his back. The sensation made Seamus rock his hips upward more forcefully, driving his cock deeper with every thrust. The faster and harder he fucked her, the more her nails dug into his skin.

"Seamus, I..." she whimpered.

But before she could finish her walls tightened around him again, her nails digging hard into his back as she screamed. The delicious combination finally driving him over the edge. He felt his balls tighten and his cock twitch just before he exploded inside her. He groaned as he felt her walls grip him, milking him for all he was worth. He watched Caroline ride out her pleasure, only increasing the intensity of his own. His body shook as he jetted inside her and his hands in a vice grip on her hips. 

He laid his head on her chest, panting as he came down from his high. Seamus heard Caroline giggle as she laid her head on his and wrapped her arms around him. He watched her chest rise and fall before wrapping his own arms around her middle. He pulled her close as he placed small kisses on her chest before looking up at her. She glowed with satisfaction and the smile she had on her face made his heart swell.

"See, told you would be doing all the riding." he said playfully.

"Smart ass." she commented as she rose from his lap.

Seamus's attention drew to the loud music as he recognized his favorite song playing.

"Crystal Skull." he heard Caroline say.

"Love this song."

A smile came over his face as his attention remained solely on Caroline. She turned to him and her eyes gazed to the floor. His followed and he noticed her panties were still lying there. He picked them up and lifted them to her.

"Don't want to forget these." he said.

She smiled and walked to stand in front of him.

"You have a phone, Seamus?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah." he said as he fumbled in his back pocket to pull out his cell and hand it to her. She typed in it quickly before handing it back to him. He took it as he tried to hand her the garment again.

"You keep the panties, Seamus. If you ever want to return them, or you just miss me, my phone number is in there."

"It's under Miss Magic Carpet." she said with a chuckle.

She leaned down and kissed his cheek before walking to the stall door then turned to him one last time giving him a smile and a playfully wink. Joy sprang up in him at the thought of seeing her again and he smiled as he stuffed the panties in his pocket, walked out of the bathroom then back out into the mosh pit.

I'd very much like to thank my dear friend, hornyirish40 for giving me the inspiration for this story. I am so glad you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it and I hope to write more for you in the future.

Written by MsDirtyLittleSecret
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