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Workout In A Deer Stand

"A routine jog turns into a steamy full-body workout."

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It was early fall, the air was still hot, and the leaves hadn't even begun to turn yet. As far as I could remember, I always loved being outdoors in nature. I only recently moved here, and I was still exploring my surroundings.

I enjoyed my daily running sessions through the forest that was close to my house and using the nature gym that has been set up in the middle of it. This way, I could relax and calm down after a hard day at the office I worked at in the city.


As I started in from my spot, the sun beamed down warmly on my face, and a refreshing breeze came tumbling in from the forest. The trees here were spaced about three meters apart, and thick forest grass grew up between them.

The forest hummed with life all around me. I twirled about, gazing up at the canopy, searching for the birds that sang so sweetly. The sun broke through the cracks, lighting up the dirt path ahead of me, decorated with outgrown roots, wildflowers, and fallen leaves that crunched beneath my bare feet.

''Komorebi'' came to my mind. That's the word the Japanese use when sunlight filters through the trees - the interplay between the light and the leaves - and it was just beautiful.

I trudged on, taking in the fragrance of minty grass and the damp earth. Each breeze was like water, fresh and cleansing, flowing into my lungs. I breathed it all in.

''Ah, nature'', I thought to myself.

I kept my pace steady while I was burning away the meters. About that time, you ran past me on the trail. It kind of surprised me because I didn't really expect to see anyone else in the forest in this heat. You were about half a head taller than me, had darkish blonde - light brown hair, and were wearing a white shirt and a pair of running shorts that left very little to the imagination. Your cock was prominent against the fabric of the shorts, and it was bouncing up and down as you run.

I wondered if you would run back this way, speculated if you knew that your cock was so obvious.

Are you not wearing any underwear? Why wouldn't you? Are you some kind of exhibitionist? Do you enjoy people watching you?

I wanted another look at you, just to see if I had imagined it. I wasn't interested in you, really (duh), but I was curious about why a guy like you would run with his cock on display.

After another half a kilometer or so, I reached the nature gym. To my surprise, you or ''Sin Stick Jack'' – that’s what I decided to call you since I didn’t know your name - were there too. You were already working out on one of the various outdoor fitness devices. I stood there and watched you exercise for a short time, pretending to stretch my legs. The sweat was gleaming on your biceps, running down your forearms.

God, you are so hot! Are you aware of how sexy you look?

I was stretching my arms and legs, trying not to focus on you. Trying to ignore you was to no avail, however, because you were just so perfect. I loved to watch your muscles flex and relax over and over again. It was beautiful. They glistened and gleamed as the sweat dripped down over your body.

We continued working out. You worked at the bench press, bulking up biceps and abs. I chose a machine just behind where you trained and sat there watching you, entranced by the masculinity and gorgeousness of your body.

There I was, staring at this guy, with the most incredible eyes I'd ever seen, and as you looked up, you caught me staring at your physique. I guess you must've seen the type of stare I was giving you and knew what I was thinking.

Dammit. You know! Now you think I'm a creep or a perv!

You didn't say anything about it. That made me a bit uneasy. I didn't know how to handle that.

Do you like me checking you out?

While I was continuing my exercises, I was sure I've seen you looking at me, examining my body. I was sure I've seen you staring at my ass and my breasts.

I should be disgusted or at least disturbed. However, I couldn't help noticing the wetness spreading between my legs.

Oh, God. I'm so embarrassed. Lucky me that I'm not a dude. That would make it much more awkward.

Somehow, I had the feeling that things weren't fair and square. It seemed that you had a much more profound impact on me than I had on you. This wasn't something I felt comfortable with. This was something I had to change.

I was thirsty from my workout and needed a drink. So, I walked up to my bag and drank a few sips of my water. I quickly stretched my legs once more and waited for the next opportunity when your eyes crossed mine.

I waited until your eyes roamed over my body once again. Then I put my hands to the bottom hem of my tank top. In one quick motion, I pulled the top over my head and dropped it to the ground. Now, only wearing a black sports bra, I went back and continued my training. I was sure I could see the excitement burning in your eyes.

Now we're talking. I liked my odds far better now.

With a satisfying grin, I inwardly congratulated myself, almost giving me a tap on my shoulder.

After stretching my arms briefly, I continued with my training as if nothing happened.

I continued using the machine to work on my abs. This time we both kept eye contact while we were working out. You smirked at me with a pretty confident look, almost as if trying to say ''I want you.''

All of a sudden, you looked away. You seemed to have some inner dialogue.

What’s going on? Do you not find me attractive after all? What the hell?! I have no idea what's going on!

To my shame, you finished your workout and left a short time after.


I woke up groggily to the sunlight hitting my face. I was lucky that I had a job where I could afford to sleep in that late on a random Thursday. I checked my phone. 9:35 AM, July 14th. My calendar was showing an unexpected event: National Nude Day.

''National Nude Day?'', I thought.

What the hell am I supposed to do with that? Isn’t it all about paying attention to your body?

I went to the bathroom to shower and looked in the mirror. I slipped off my boxers and stood up. My flaccid penis bounced a bit with the movement, and I was momentarily fascinated.

''I've never even noticed that before. I kind of get by girls are so fascinated by dicks.''

I grabbed gently behind the head and pulled my penis to its full length. I was now aroused enough that when I released it, my dick was semi-hard. I looked at it in the mirror.

''Wow, it's so much bigger from that angle. That's pretty hot, actually.''

And then I had a second track running in the back of my mind: ''Objects in mirror may be closer than they appear.

Wait – – what? That doesn't even make sense. Then the reflection would look smaller than it is. Dammit. Oh well. Anyway. Sidetrack. My body is not too bad, but I should do something to keep in shape. How about a run?

I hadn't run in a long time.

''Yeah, good idea. Might suck, but that what it takes to toughen up.''

But it's National Nude Day. Shouldn't I do something special?

Then I had an idea:

I'll go commando. I get to feel my junk being free, but no one else has to know. It's perfect.

I never had a problem with chafing, luckily. And it was still early enough in the day that I wouldn't be drenched in ball sweat - or so I thought. I soon finished up and went to go put on running shorts and a shirt. I had to stop myself from mechanically putting on a pair of boxers.

Dammit. And it still feels like I'm missing something. But actually, that feels really good.

I grabbed my headphones, went outside, and locked the door behind me. I recently discovered a forest close to where I lived, with a beautiful running path and a nature gym in its center.

''Alright. Commando mission time.''

I was very aware of the feeling of unfamiliar fabric against my dick and the air flowing past my balls.

Dammit. I'm on a mission.

I started my workout playlist and took off down the street. I ran by rows of houses, towards the forest trail. I wasn't going that fast, but it felt good to be moving. The exertion was giving my body something else to focus on, too.

Running along the trail in the forest, I was mainly focusing on the feeling of the dirt underneath my feet and my exercise playlist on my mobile phone. When I rounded a corner, I noticed I wasn't alone.

Jogging closely in front of me was a sexy young woman - You. You were wearing a very short pair of cotton shorts and a tight tank top. Your hair was pulled back tightly into a ponytail. As you run, I couldn’t help watching you – your hair popped around, emphasizing your energy, your tank top showed off your tight body, and your ass…

Oh, that ass! Okay, I have to snap back to what I am doing! I waved and smiled as I overtook you.

''Hi'', I said, and you waved back and smiled.

Did you just double-take? You did!

Focusing on my mission again, I kept on running at a steady pace. After a few more hundred meters, I finally reached the nature gym, starting with my workout. I began training at the bench press, working on my biceps.

One. Two. Three. Four. Fuck, this hurts! Five. Six! Seven! Ow, shit! I don't think I can do this! Seven…

Come on. Eight! Nine! One more! Ten!

My arms hurt like hell, but I'd done it. I smiled. Coming back to my senses, I looked around, noticing that you were standing there, stretching. You were doing lunges, leaning forward on one leg.

Damn, you’re hot!

Your short pants gave a lovely view of your ass. That tight tank top highlighted your beautiful firm breasts. You were well stacked, and I caught myself wondering if they were fake.

I kept up with the training, propelled by a burning shame at my public acts of weirdness.

Shit, did you see me? God, this is so embarrassing.

When I looked at you again, you waved at me. Not really a friendly wave, more an awkward wave. The kind between strangers recognizing that you don't know each other, but have a mutual bond because you're both working out. I returned the wave, awkwardly. My body was still moving, even if my brain wasn't.

I've made such a fool of myself. And I'm not even wearing underwear. Do you know? What if you know?

You smiled at me before continuing with your stretches. You bent over into a downward dog pose. I had a great view of your workout pants, hugging your round, firm ass.

Must... resist... temptation... to... stare.

I continued, pushed by self-conscious arousal. I kept at it, putting the awkward flirtation behind me. I noticed you stopped, and my heart sank a little because I was sure you were going to head out after your training. Instead, you took a quick drink, stretched your legs once more, and put your hands to the bottom hem of your tank top.

Oh, yes, please!

I kept glancing over but tried not to be too obvious. In one quick motion, you pulled the top over your head and dropped it to the ground by your bag. There you stood, so sexy and fit in the sun. The afternoon heat caused your skin to shine with tiny droplets of sweat from your exercises. Seeing more of your sexy body really got me excited.

I stopped to take a break as you worked out on your abs. I drank in your amazing body - from your lovely legs up to your tiny shorts and the treasure they hid, to your tight tummy and sexy, firm breasts - held by a black sports bra. This time we both kept eye contact as we worked out. I managed kind of a smirk, with a confident look – hopefully saying, ''I want you.''

Your mouth was open as you breathed but in kind of a smile with a hungry look in your eyes as you looked me over.

Are you even flirting?

I always found it so hard to tell.

National Nude Day. You could be nude too.

I imagined the inviting smooth curves of your ass cheeks, without the short pants. I imagined coming up behind you and squeezing it. Then you moan, and I run my hand down to your dripping wet pussy and tease it. You grind your smooth ass against me, and I grab your breasts with both hands. I squeeze your nipples as you beg me to fuck you. You’re bent over in front of me, and I slowly ease my hard cock inside you. Then I fuck you wildly.

Well fuck. No way that's going to happen. And it's pretty creepy to image fucking someone who you've never even met. I'm such a fucking creepy loser.

Like, seriously, how would that go?

Hey, sexy stranger. Can I see your naked body and fuck you?

I pushed myself to train harder to deal with the shame.

I may be a creepy loser, but at least I'm working out.

I finished up my workout and left quickly, putting in some distance helped me calm down.

Okay. You might have been actually flirting, or you might not. But I don't want just to leave a possibility behind. I've got to go back, at least. You’re probably gone anyway. Still, it would be worth the chance just to see that ass again...

I looped around and slowed to a walk. I was getting out of breath after pushing myself this much. So, I retraced my steps, coming back along the same path I'd gone up.

Not the route I was planning on. But there's a good reason for that. Hey, this is kind of a beautiful forest. There's a chipmunk, and some birds over there. Damn, I'm distracting myself. Why am I so nervous? There's no way you’re still there.

I came back through the woods towards the nature gym. I stepped up my pace.

Don't want to seem slow.

My heart was beating wildly for reasons that had nothing to do with exercise. I almost chickened out and went another way. But I forced myself to keep going. I walked around the corner, holding my breath.

What would you think if you saw me again? Would you believe I'm a creep? Would you say something?



I knew I should just leave myself. Instead, I found myself following you at a short distance, big enough, so you weren’t able to spot me.

What the hell am I doing here? What am I hoping to accomplish? If you see me, you will definitely think I'm a creep. You might even call the police. I should turn back immediately.

However, even though my thoughts told me to stop, my legs didn't stop moving. I left the pass and continued forward through the bushes.

I can always pretend that I needed to pee. This might still not leave the best impression, but it is certainly better than being considered a creep.

After about 100 meters or so, your pace slowed down. You continued strolling for a little while. But then all of a sudden, you turned around, walking back the way you came from. Panicking, I crouched down and hid behind some bushes.

Where are you going? Luckily you didn't see me! I would die of embarrassment!

Following you back, I kept my distance and tried to stay in the shadows of the bushes. Your pace increased the closer you got to the nature gym. You stopped briefly, as if unsure if you should proceed any further. Once you arrived at the nature gym, you stopped, looking around.

Are you looking for something or someone? Are you…Are you looking for me?

You gave the place another look-over before turning around, again heading back the way you just came from.

Did you look disappointed?

This was my cue to get out of the bushes, head home, and pretend this never happened. To my demise, my body wouldn't follow through with its command. I found myself yet again dashing through the bushes following you in front of me like a predator following its prey. You walked the exact way back as before. Or so I thought. There was a crossing up ahead, and instead of going left as you did previously, you turned right following an overgrown path. That piqued my curiosity.

Where are you going this time, handsome? I genuinely don't think this is the way back to your place.

I quietly followed you for a short amount of time. The trail became more and more overgrown and impenetrable.

What if you knew that I was following you and you were leading me in some trap? You could be a serial killer as far as I was concerned. I don't know anything about you, except that you were extremely good looking and were obviously not wearing any underwear. Seriously?! What kind of guy wasn't wearing any underwear while working out? I really should head back.

Unfortunately, it seemed as if my body was under some spell. Even though my head knew that heading back was the smartest thing to do, I couldn't bring myself to it. I was too curious now, and I wanted to find out where you were going. Around five minutes later, the forest opened up to a wide field. I could see a deer or box stand in the distance. You were heading straight towards it. I imagined having a huge question mark above my head as they have in those Japanese animes.

Once you reached the bottom of the deer stand, you stood there looking around as if checking that you were alone. Then after a short pause, you started climbing up the ladder. The box stand was a large enclosed stand that almost looked like a shed and was raised about 5 m in the air. It was mostly made from lumber with plywood walls and flooring with a metal roof, overlooking the edge of the field and forest. It even had a wooden door.

I saw you open the door, shortly looking inside before entering the stand completely, and disappearing out of my view.

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What the hell are you doing in there? Do you use the deer stand as your drug den?

I heard that rednecks used box stands for their drug sessions. You didn’t look like someone that used drugs, though.


Disappointment filled my entire body. I couldn't believe that you were gone. If I only stayed a little longer, if only I found the courage to approach you.

What could have happened? Would you have wanted to make out with me? Were you even into me? Would I ever see you again?

So many questions were racing through my head while I was mourning the loss, what could have been. Giving that place one last look-over, I had to acknowledge that you were gone, and that chances of seeing you again were minimal. I realized that I couldn't get my mind off of you. I kept going back to the image of you bending over, ass in the air. I kept thinking about the fantasy about you I had earlier, and my cock hardened again, causing a very noticeable tent in my workout shorts.

''I can't go back like that.''

I had to pass not only one but two playgrounds and a kindergarten on my way home. No way I was going home in my condition. I had to do something about it. I had to jerk off before I could even consider going back home. However, I didn't want to take the risk of someone else seeing me while taking care of things. That brought an idea to my mind. I remembered seeing a deer stand a while back when I was exploring the forest. Considering that it wasn't hunting season at the moment, I was reasonably sure that there wouldn't be any hunters around. I could hop in there, jerk off quickly, and no one would be the wiser.

Happy with my brilliant idea, I was heading towards the box stand. It was almost the same way back that I came from earlier, but I had to take the right pass this time at the crossing up ahead. The access was reasonably overgrown, which encouraged me to believe that there wouldn't be many if any people around.

I walked along that compact track, dodging branches here and there. It was a lovely walk, green ferns and other plants grew on the sides, and thick green grass covered the forest floor. Honestly, though, I wasn't actually paying much attention to my surroundings. I was too aroused, my erect dick demanding all of my attention.

I kept on walking a few more minutes, ducking underneath a few twigs one last time before I reached the opening of a vast field. I could already see the box stand in the distance, the sight of my target fueled me again with purpose, and I increased my speed. Once I reached the bottom of the deer stand, I looked around me once more, making sure that I was indeed alone, and no one followed me.

I'm just getting paranoid. Who on earth would be following me to a place like this?

With a deep inhale, I started climbing the ladder. It was a pretty steady deer stand. It even had a metal roof and a wooden door with little windows for the hunter to look for his prey.

Inside, I sat down on the ground, suddenly having the feeling that I had been watched or followed. I found myself sitting on the floor for the past five minutes, just staring outside the windows. Since I had taken the stand, my mind had been on one thing — you, my sexy temptress. It had been occupied thinking about the lady, the fellow ''workouter'', whom I had been lusting over for several hours. I hoped that my lustful eyes had not been too obvious.

All of this thinking of you was bringing a decent erection to my penis. My mind was so consumed, and my dick so horny, that at one point, I even imagined you walking out of the bushes towards my stand. I stared at the clearing 150 meters away from my position and imagined your sport-clad figure moving in my direction. I let my eyes roam outside through the windows once more, moving back to the clearing, when I realized that it wasn't a vision after all.

You were standing about 50 meters from my stance, taking gentle, quiet steps. It seemed, though, as if you were unsure about how to proceed further. You appeared anxious and cautious, but at the same time curious as you walked with purpose in your steps.

I can't believe you followed me! I thought you were gone, and I would never see you again! I must be dreaming…That must be it! I must've fallen asleep in this deer stand after exercising too much. You came after me!

I watched you as you came closer with each step.

What am I going to do?

My dick was still building a tent in my pants, and there was no way on earth that I was able to get it down in time before you would arrive. You came towards me, walking decisively. I thought you must've realized that I could see you from my elevated position by now.

Do you care now, temptress? Do you care?

You made your way to the stand, and I could hear you climbing the ladder before you reached the entrance. I opened the door for you to come in.

What else was I supposed to do?


Curiosity killed the cat! What the hell am I doing here?!

I had to come to terms with the fact that clearly, I lost my mind. There was no other explanation for my weird behavior. I had to know what you were doing. I had to - be with you! I made my way across the clearing, one cautious step after another.

How will you react? Will you even let me in? Will you be happy to see me or be upset or both? Will you allow me to touch you, and would you want to be touched? Would you like to kiss me? Where would you want to touch me?

I was sure that I saw you checking me out a few times before, but what if I was wrong? All these thoughts were racing through my head while making my way closer and closer to my destination. Suddenly a thought hit me!

Do you already know that I am coming? Are you watching me from your viewpoint at the deer stand?

I didn't want you to see how nervous I was inside, so I put on my brave ''big girl face'' and sped up my pace in what I was hoping tenaciously and confident tempo. With each step, I became more and more excited and aroused. I could feel my clit throbbing. My juices drenched my lace panties, and I was sure it wouldn't take long until it would also dampen my workout shorts.

It didn't take much longer, and I was finally standing at the bottom of the ladder. I could feel my heart throbbing in my throat, and my hands were shaking with excitement. There was no turning back. Slowly I started to ascend. The ladder was old. The wood felt dry, seasoned, and brickle under my fingers. The higher I climbed the ladder, the more eager I became. After 16 steps, I had reached my journey's end and stood in front of the closed wooden door.


"Hey, sexy stranger’’, you said once I opened the door.

Damn, that was my line from my fantasy!

But you weren’t done talking. You came towards me, walking persistently, and not even attempting to hide the fact that you were checking out my body, especially my crotch.

''Hi'', I greeted back.

I was so excited to see you. All I could think about was ravaging your body, but I kept things polite.

''Is something wrong?''

''Oh, nothing's wrong'', you said with a sly smile. Then you began to explain your visit.

''I've noticed you looked at me this morning. I've been looking at you too.''

I was growing wild with excitement. You continued.

''I've wanted you so bad. I saw you walking to this stand. So I figured this was the best chance of getting with you.''

You stood a few feet away from me. I stared but tried not to stare and just came away with the impression of hip-length red hair, framing a wonderfully full pair of breasts in your exercise top. I could not believe what I was seeing and hearing before me.

Was I still seeing the vision I thought I had seen earlier?

''So.''You held your arms out as if offering yourself to me.

''I've seen you eyeing my entire body all morning, and it had me wondering, what's your favorite part?''

I looked up and down your body, but I didn't have to think long about my answer.

''Your breasts'', I replied. ''Definitely your breasts.''

With no further enticement needed, you pulled up your shirt to reveal your bare, braless breasts.

When did you get rid of your sports bra?!

''You mean these breasts?'' you teased.

''Yes, those breasts!'', I said.

You peeled your shirt entirely off and laid it over one of the window sills.

It was still toasty 80,6°F outside, and aviation was enough to push a warm breeze into this stand from time to time. The warm wind and air had heated your breasts.

I could feel it as I put my face against them. As you nestled close to me, I first dropped my face against your breasts. I pushed my face between the two beautiful and firm boobies and kissed the crevice between them. Then I moved out to your nipples. I wrapped both hands around your left breast and massaged it as I kissed, licked, and sucked at its tip. After several moments of sensual pleasure, I moved to the other one.

You reached down and grabbed hold of my hard cock bulging from my pants. You untied my pants to free the beast within. But before you got in my pants, you asked me with a sly smile:

''Can I see your dick?''

YES! Fuck yes! Whaaaat?! Is this even real? Crap, now I have to say something coherent.

I couldn't remember how to talk.

''Um. About your question.The part where you wanted to see my dick? Yes. Yes, please. If you want to.''

I reached for your hand lightly, and you didn't resist at all. Raw lust surged through my body. I could feel your pulse throbbing in your wrist – you were as nervously aroused as I was. I brought your hand slowly to my groin. You ran your hand along the front of my crotch and lightly squeezed my junk. The arousing touch sent shivers up my spine.

''That's so funking hot,'' you said quietly. You looked up into my eyes. I stared down into yours – they were a deep, earthy brown – the color of the earth after torrential rains.

''You were pretty specific. You said you wanted to see it,'' I said, not breaking eye contact. You lifted my shirt with one hand and pulled at the waistband of my shorts with the other.

''You're not wearing underwear?''

''Um, yeah. I'm going commando.''

You broke out giggling.

''Were you on a…commando mission?''

You looked so sexy, smiling, and laughing like that.

''I was wondering what was up with that.''

''It's National Nude Day,'' I said by way of explanation.

Your hands pulled back my shorts even further.

''Oh, you even shaved.''

You ran your fingers down my slick and smooth skin just above my cock. It felt so good.

''And you're all sweaty too. I like that.''

With my junk now out in the open, you stroked it as I continued with the tit-play.

''I'm so fucking turned on right now,'' I said in a husky voice.

Your roving fingers brushed against the base of my dick.

''Are you sure? You're not even THAT hard,'' you teased.

‘’I am so fucking turned on,'' I repeated. ‘’I'm about to be very, very hard if you keep this up.''

''Good. I like seeing men get hard for me,'' you breathed.

You pulled my shorts down. Your other hand was lightly brushing the base of my penis. Now the hand that had pulled my shorts down came back to massage my balls. My cock was overwhelmed with arousal and kept getting harder with each beat of my heart. The titty action was starting to get you horny. You were aggressively stroking my junk. A couple of times, I had to stop you before I came.

''Can I lick you?'' you asked.


Your tongue came out and licked my head almost before I finished speaking.

You’re so dirty. I fucking love it.

''Yeah, you like that. Put your mouth on it.''

Your hands started going up and down my shaft as you licked my head. You held back for a while, just teasing me with your hands and tongue. You ran your fingers lightly along the underside of my stiff shaft. You licked along the edge of the tip. Then your hand cradled my balls, and your tongue licked all the way along my cock.

Your hands roamed around to my butt and squeezed the sweaty muscles they found there, conveniently pushing me further towards you. I couldn't keep my hands to myself either. I gripped the top of your hair, simultaneously playing with it and forcing your mouth forward. You looked up at me, your brown eyes wide with the arousal of submission. Then you took me deep into your mouth.

I moaned involuntarily. It felt SO FUCKING GOOD!

For a few moments, I was blissed out on the sensations of your warm, wet mouth. Then I realized your hand was still squeezing my butt. I responded by shoving your head down, so you had to take me deeper into your throat. That made you gag. I kept thrusting hard.

''Take it! Take it, you mysterious, sexy slut! Take it like I'm going to fuck you against a wall later. ''

Wait, had I said that out loud?

Soon, I felt this throbbing rush sensation that meant I was about to cum. I had to stop you yet again. I could sense that you were ready for some more action. You pulled away from me and unbuttoned your pants. Instead of pulling them down, however, you got down on your knees and started sucking my dick again.

You were insatiable!

With your pants loosened up, you slipped your hand into your pants and started playing with your pussy. You rubbed steady on my cock, but you were mainly focused on your pussy. It was plenty moist and wet. It took very little effort to slide a finger, and then two, between your lips.

As you pleased yourself with your fingers, you transferred the energy from the pleasure onto my cock, and in turn, I shared that pleasure into my handwork on your breasts. Before long, we were both moaning in a perpetual motion of sexual energy. We've kept at it like this for about ten minutes. You were very careful not to make me cum. You seemed to know just when to ease off.

You got the hang of it pretty quickly.

Finally, you had worked yourself up to the peak of orgasm. You knew I couldn't hold out much longer either. You pushed me down on the ground, and you straddled my face. I was hungry, attending your account, and rubbing your asshole.

Your juices taste so good!

After a while longer, you turned around and positioned my cock at your wet hole. Slowly you lowered yourself onto me.

''Oooohh, that's so good!''

You loved the way I filled you up. Once you had taken me all in, you rocked back and forth, letting my cock massage your g-spot. You leaned down to me so I could suck and bite on your nipples as you started to ride me. My hands were on your ass, gripping you hard and helped to push it back down onto me. Seeing you ram yourself onto me was so fucking sexy. I felt like I was simply being used for my fleshy dildo – and I loved it!

It didn’t take long for you to reach a climax as you started to thrust down onto me harder and harder. All of your inhibitions (if you had any) were gone now, and you were screaming, ''Yes! YES! OH FUCK YESSSS!!!''

Your pussy constricted around my cock in your climax, nearly sending me over the edge. I flexed my pubococcygeus muscle and breathed deeply, effectively delaying my impending orgasm. After you came down, you were temporarily exhausted, but you eagerly got off of me, knelt down, and rested your head on your arms on the ground, sticking your ass up at me – inviting me in. I got down on one knee behind you, pushing my cock down on your waiting pussy.

Teasingly, I rubbed around your pussy, slapping your clit a few times with my cock. This got you incredibly worked up – frustrated, you reached back, grabbed my dick, and positioned it at your entrance. With that, I slammed myself in with one move. You screamed in pleasure as I steadily thrust in and out of you. You looked back and watched me as I took you deeply; my balls were slapping your pussy as I drove myself into you. I could feel myself reaching the edge of control, and my eyes started to glaze over.

Noticing this, you commanded, ''Cum in me, baby! Cum for me!''

Your words sent me over the edge, and stream after stream of cum filled the inside of your wetness. I was so built up that I came more than I ever had in my life – my climax seemed to last forever!

''Um…that'' Coherent, as always, I gingerly pulled my shorts up.

''Thanks, sexy stranger.''

''Sexy stranger yourself. How about we get you cleaned up? Say, back at my place. And then I can see your vulva again?''

What the hell?! I wasn’t usually this forward, but you just fucked my brains out in a deer stand. Nothing was normal.

''Hmmm, well - ''

Crap, were you turning me down? You just wanted a quick fuck and go?

''Normally I'd say no. But since you used the anatomically correct term, how can I turn that down? '', you said with a smirk.

I took your hand and led you the way to my house. After a few steps, I leaned into your ear and whispered: ''There, I'll fuck you against a wall.''

You blushed and looked at me.

''And they say romance is dead.''

Written by Habren
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