I wonder what it would feel like to be out there among the stars, just floating? Surrounded by a myriad of cascading sparkles, encased in a shaken snow globe of glistening wonder. The endless dome of the sky is so near that I could just reach out and pluck a fragment of diamond from the velvety blackness. This is as close as I can be to heaven - on top of the Downs with you, on this clear, warm summer night.
We’ve reclined the front seats back as far as they’ll go and the soft-top is down, so our view feels limitless… like we couldn’t be any nearer to the cosmos. And then you shift your hand that is linked with mine, so your finger traces my palm and the delicate skin on the inside of my wrist, and it makes me shiver.
Breathing in the moonlight-scented air is heady and intoxicating. It’s almost silent, but things are moving and shifting around us and I’m not sure what’s real and what’s in my mind. You gently pull on my hand, and I lean towards you so our lips meet.
Your tongue traces the outline of my mouth and your hand goes to the back of my head, pulling me closer with firm pressure. I part my lips and your tongue slides in to caress mine, exploring my mouth in the same way it has discovered and memorised more intimate parts of me.
I moan involuntarily, and you pull back. You tell me you will stop if I can’t be quiet.
I know you’re half-joking… but sound carries in still, night air, so my acquiescence is just the merest puff of exhaling.
You kiss me until my head spins, your teeth trapping the tip of my tongue - nipping, licking, teasing, soothing. Then your hands are on my hips and you’re guiding me onto your lap to straddle you.
The scream of a fox momentarily breaks the spell the night is casting, and I gasp, so aware that we could be caught out at any time - this is a popular spot for walkers and star-gazers, and we’re lucky to be here alone.
I settle onto your lap and into your arms, feeling the blend of contentment and need that this always brings. I told you earlier it’s too hot for underwear, so you know the fabric of your shorts is the only thing separating my needy, wet cunt from the hard bulge waiting for me. I grind down on you, already aching and desperate to feel you fill me completely.
You pull down the strapless bodice of my sundress, so the cool night air caresses my breasts, glowing white in the moonlight. I place my hands on your shoulders and push myself into your hands. We are a perfect fit - warm palms cover me, my taut nipples abraded as you squeeze and knead and cup, with just the pressure I crave. Sensation from there travels and arrows down into the deepest part of me like a bolt of pure pleasure tempered with sharp need, heightening my desire until it’s almost unbearable.

I’m biting my lip to stop myself from moaning, and you know how difficult this is for me. Your hands leave my breasts and one slips under the fabric of my skirt, sending shivers up my inner thigh as you search for my core. I lift my hips to you in a muted plea, but you know I won’t be able to keep myself from crying out as you enter me, so your other hand covers my mouth as two fingers thrust into me.
The relief is indescribable. I need this so much. I need your fingers moving inside me, unerringly finding my g-spot and pressing and stimulating and stroking, bringing me right to the edge of climax instantly. And I need the rush that my total submission to you brings, with your hand covering my mouth as I throw my head back and lose myself in the sensation of being yours.
Everything narrows down to this, this instant. All I can know is you, and all I can see, with my back arched and my head tipped, is sky. The stars are falling down around me, or am I soaring up to meet them? Each pinprick of light is contributing to the beauty surrounding me, as each nerve-ending in my whole body strives to peak and pinnacle and grant me the release I so desperately seek.
As you bring me closer, my mouth is still buried in your palm to stop me from crying out my need and my ecstasy, my lips branding your salty skin in white-hot passion, teeth nipping at the folds of flesh as I lose everything apart from my connection to you.
I’m trembling with the need to orgasm, but something holds me back. You are always able to balance me so perfectly on the precipice, but now I choose to keep myself there. The threads that bind me to Earth and quivering, ready to snap, and for this exquisite moment I am poised, ready to soar. I know that the longer I can hold myself, the more stars converge, ready to explode as I soar into space.
I am liquid. The molten gold of celestial bodies, moving and flowing through veins that emanate from my core, to be mined at your demand. Your fingers move faster and firmer and perfect, and I’m not searching anymore because you bring what I need to me. And finally, I’m shattering. For you, on you, over you, silently, into my own myriad of cascading, shimmering fragments.
And now I know how it feels to be up there among the stars. With you.