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Hot in the City

"A summer heatwave causes Karen’s unfulfilled desire for down and dirty sex to boil over."

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Competition Entry: Sizzling Summer Sex

“This crazy heat has got me acting so damn horny,” Karen muttered under her breath. Even as she said it, she knew deep down that was only partly true. Her hunger for some hot, dirty sex had been going unfulfilled for weeks and weeks, long before the summer heat wave had descended over the city.

“What did you say?” Trish asked. She wiped away a heavy dew of condensation from the disposable cup she held before pressing her iced cappuccino to her forehead.

“Just bitching about the heat,” Karen said. She watched as a mouthwatering pair of buns in tight bicycle shorts turned the corner off of King Street, taking the man they were attached to with them.

For as long as she could remember, Karen had always been turned on by guys with great butts. If a guy had an ass, a proper, hard, round ass, she could forgive a lot of other flaws. Her fingers had twitched imperceptibly just imagining how firm those glutes would feel beneath her hands as she grabbed on, urging the man to plunge away in rhythmic thrusts between her legs. She somehow managed to resist squirming in her seat trying to rub herself against the park bench she and Trish were sharing. Grabbing herself in public was definitely out of the question, though if she’d been alone, she might have indulged in temptation.

She definitely had it bad. The thick blanket of hot, moist air wrapping itself around her as soon as they had stepped out of their air-conditioned office tower only made things worse. For the past three days, every time she went outside, the humidity felt like soft, thick fingers grasping at her. At least something was caressing her skin these days.

“You ever have a dry patch while you’re in a relationship?”

“Sex?” Trish slurped at her drink.

“I mean no sex. Not even a cuddle. And if I try to initiate something, Grant just pushes me away. Nicely. Gently. Impatiently. Distractedly. Irately. Any way you slice it, it’s been nearly two months of rejection.”

“A month’s a long time to get the cold shoulder from a man, but two? Are they even capable of going that long without sex? Then again, with two kids, it’s not like you’re newlyweds. Yours wouldn’t be the first relationship to go through a bout of marital bed death.”

“I don’t know. We’ve been having more and more of these stretches. You think it’s just a phase? How long does it last?”

“Years? Until one of you breaks down and has an affair?”

“God. Is that what I have to look forward to?” Karen entertained that thought for a moment. It wasn’t like she hadn’t considered it before, if only in passing.

Who did she know that would be the most likely candidate to commit adultery with? Matt Hamilton, a senior partner at Robertson, Hamilton & Parks, the law firm where she worked, was always sniffing around the office staff. Carefully, of course. As a married man and a lawyer, he understood too well the issues around workplace harassment. He was in his fifties, but relatively trim. She’d seen him working out through the glass walls of the fitness club on the main floor of their building some evenings as she hurried home from work. Matt had a pretty fine-looking ass for an older man.

It shouldn’t take too much. Just reschedule her own workouts to coordinate with his. Get on a treadmill next to him for a few sessions of sweaty, innuendo-laden banter. Things always loosened up away from the office. After a few times, work up to drinks afterwards on the patio at the bar around the corner. Fidget with a few buttons on her blouse and undo them because of the heat. Lean forward to listen closely to him and offer a generous view of cleavage. Not that she had much cleavage to show, but with the right bra, or maybe even no bra… Then let her hand fall casually on his knee, sparking a lustful gleam in his eye. Offer shy apologies and feign awkwardness so he could assert his Alpha male personality and feel in control. Make the seduction seem like his idea. Then wrap him around her little finger and take what she wanted. Karen was confident she could show Matt a few tricks to keep him coming back.

She wondered if an affair might spill over into the office? Something subtle at first, likely.  A stray hand patting her bottom as she leaned over Matt’s desk to review a case file. Or she might slip her panties into her purse before sitting in one of the Eames chairs in front of his desk; then make a show of crossing and uncrossing her legs for him. That should get him to tent the trousers of his Harry Rosen, three-piece suit. Would he roll his chair back and then pad wolfishly across the floor to lock his door?

He’d stand next her, his hand cupping the back of her head as she reached up to undo his fly and release his stiff cock. Was he cut or uncut? Thick and meaty or slender and lightly veined? She’d stroke him gently a few times before gripping him forcefully and taking him in her mouth. She could bring him to the edge and back off. Her turn next.

They wouldn’t be able to go too crazy, though. Middle of the day, everyone else around them working? That would require a little discretion. But hell, right now, even a close-mouthed, stifled quickie would do. Just thinking about it was enough to make Karen feel flushed with heat between her legs.

“Are you as wet as I am?”

“Huh?” Karen was jolted from her reverie by Trish’s question.

“I’m practically swimming in sweat. Why did we decide to come outside for lunch?”

“To get away from the office? Besides, it’s kind of nice here.” Karen gestured at the small park they were sitting in.

The sculpture garden was a tiny oasis of greenery set between two buildings across from St. James Cathedral. It was walled off with an iron gate which opened to provide pedestrians a path from King Street to a side alley to the south. Yet somehow, despite the path running through it and being in the midst of downtown, the little park always seemed a bit secluded. Best of all, Karen liked the waterfall fountain which was set inside a length of the brick wall of one of the buildings. The water tumbled down the wall in glistening sheets. It was a dozen feet wide and  tall enough for a person to stand under, and in this heat, that idea had a certain appeal. If Karen had a change of clothes at the office she would have happily leaned back against the wall of the fountain letting the water splash over her slim body cooling her down.

“We should get back,” Trish said. “With the air conditioning it’ll feel like walking into a freezer after being out in this heat.”

They picked up their things and left the small park. The office was only a few blocks away, but the heat was so intense that they walked much slower than they might normally. Karen didn’t mind. It gave her a chance to drool over a few more guys before heading indoors.

It was fun to look, but she couldn’t seriously have an affair. Not even a meaningless hookup with a stranger. If people found out, what would they think? Things were bound to right themselves between her and Grant. She just needed to give him a little time and find the right way to spark his interest. She owed her marriage that much, didn’t she?

Trish was right. The cool air chilled them as soon as they passed through the revolving doors into the marble-clad lobby of their building. As they rode up the elevator together, a wide grin spread across Trish’s face and her eyes lit up. When the two male passengers riding along with them got off a few floors below their own, Trish began to laugh as soon as the doors closed.

“What’s so funny?”

“You’ve got major high beams going on, and those two guys were turning themselves inside out trying not to look like they were checking you out.”

Karen looked down to see her nipples pushing the thin fabric of her dress out rather prominently. “Thanks. You could’ve said something.”

“Really? What would you like me to say? Are you cold, or excited to see me?” She put her hand to her mouth as she laughed again. “Sorry, but it’s funny.”

Karen folded her arms over her chest as the elevator doors opened on their floor. They went in opposite directions to their desks and Karen felt her cheeks flush as she saw Matt Hamilton approaching. She wondered how he’d respond if he knew what she’d been thinking about him earlier. He smiled at her and continued by on his way to the elevator. She reached her desk and put her purse in a drawer and locked it before settling down to work.

She managed to focus on work for about twenty minutes before being interrupted. The receptionist buzzed her, calling her up to the front for a courier pick up. Damn! Karen panicked for a moment. She’d forgotten about the documents that she was supposed to have ready to go across town to be signed and returned. She pulled up the files on her computer, double-checked that they were correct, hit print, grabbed her purse and rushed up to the front entrance.

“Sorry,” she said to the tall bike courier who was leaning against the wall near the receptionist’s desk. “They’re just coming up on the printer now. If you come with me I’ll package them and you can be on your way.”

He shifted from leaning to standing but seemed reluctant to move from the reception area. Moving deeper into the building would take him further from the street. His brow furrowed with concern. It looked as though he was calculating the delay in making his next stop. Karen looked him up and down. His long, frizzy blond hair spilled out from under his helmet and looped toward the back where it was held together by an elastic at the back of his head. He wore a skin-tight, rust-coloured tank top that outlined a hunky torso and revealed darkly tanned, well-muscled and heavily tattooed arms. His black bicycle shorts were tight, of course, and she could see what appeared to be a nice package at his crotch. Trying not to focus on that, Karen shifted her gaze further down to the tattoo that snaked around his calf. It was a DNA strand made up of bicycle chain and wheel spokes.

“I promise this won’t take long,” Karen put her hand on his arm and felt the heat pouring off him. On a day like this, his exertions were probably ten-fold. “I need to get this document out.”

“That’s what the last person said.”

“Come on. There’s a water cooler on the way, you can fill up your water bottle.” She tugged at his arm. The promise of water seemed to tempt him and he fell into step with her.

They paused at the water cooler and Karen took a moment to check out his butt as he bent down to fill his bottle. He had thick thighs with corded muscles that stood out and his butt was taut and lean, looking like a rounded square. Again, Karen felt a tingling as the temperature rose between her legs and her pulse began to quicken. More than anything, she wanted to yank down his shorts and bite and lick his ass.

She watched as the courier straightened up and tilted his head back to drink some of the water. His adam’s apple bobbed up and down on his thick neck as he gulped at his drink before bending over to refill his bottle again. How much trouble would she get into for putting her hand on his ass?

He finished with the water and turned around bumping into Karen who, admittedly, was probably standing a little too close. She gave out a small exclamation as she instinctively clutched at his chest.

“Sorry,” he blurted, looming over her. His arms splayed out as he tried to maintain his balance while not putting his hands all over her.

“No, it’s my fault. I’m not paying attention.” Karen gave his pec a small squeeze before turning towards the copy room. She glanced back to see that he was following. “You’re certainly solid enough. Do you belong to a gym, or does your job give you enough of a work out?”

“No gym. But, yeah, I work out.”

“Thought so. What’s your name?”


“Short for Cameron?” She looked to see him nodding and noted the squareness of his jaw. His wide mouth was set in a straight line across his face. Bet his face lights up when he smiles, she thought.

They had reached the copy room and Karen opened the door and switched on the light. The last pages of her document were sliding into the tray. She motioned him inside and closed the door behind them. The lock button inside the door knob snicked into place quietly under her thumb.

“You must get some fairly decent tips in your line of work.”

“I do alright.”

You’re about to do better than that, she thought. Karen grabbed the pages of her document and separated the collated copies, then stapled them together in bundles. She stuck small, colourful sticky note flags that read “sign here” on several pages in each document, then packaged the three copies together in an envelope. She handed the envelope to Cam, who put them in the courier pouch slung around his back. He offered her a form to sign and was about to turn towards the door when she put her hand on his chest.

She felt a fluttering of nerves in her stomach. If she was going to chicken out, this would be the time. Instead, she spoke up.

“I’d like to make it up to you for slowing you down, but I’m afraid I don’t have any cash to offer you. However...” She slid her hand down over his firm abs. “I’ve had an itch I’ve been meaning to scratch all day and I think you’ll enjoy helping me out.”


She looked up and saw herself reflected back in his mirrored sunglasses, which he was still wearing from outside. It was better that she couldn’t see his eyes, Karen thought. It made him seem more anonymous and she wouldn’t feel so bad about straying from Grant to find a little relief. Besides, it would be so quick, it would hardly count. She gripped the hem of his tank top and lifted it up, revealing his abs.

“Very nice,” she said. She rolled his top further up his chest so that his nipples were exposed and she bent her head down to suck them, one hardened little nub at a time, into her mouth.

His hand fell lightly on her back so that he could caress the space between her shoulder blades reaching up to touch the back of her neck. Finally! Karen sighed deeply, enjoying the touch of another person. This was what she’d been missing and craving so much lately. She responded by rubbing herself against Cam’s firm body.

“We have to be quick,” she said, pushing him back against the wall.

“Yeah. That works,” Cam murmured. Both his hands seized her by the hips. His fingers dug into her as Karen slid her own hands under the waistband of his shorts.

He had such a hard, sweet ass to grab onto. She pressed her groin onto his, grinding against him. It was a naughty sensation, feeling him respond. That package of his was nearly ready for delivery.

Karen grabbed the front of Cam’s shorts pulling them out and down. She was eager to get a look at him and see what he had between his legs for her. Not bad. She knelt down in front of him so that she was eye level with his growing erection. It fit nicely in her hand and she began to stroke him, feeling him fill out a little more.

He was shaved bare down below. There was a bicycle sprocket tattooed on his groin right next to the base of his cock. Karen kissed him there. She worked her way to his heavy balls, which she lifted up so she could suck them one at a time into her mouth. He shifted on his feet, giving an almost imperceptible thrust of his hips as she swirled her tongue around his balls.

Karen looked up and caught her reflection in Cam’s mirrored sunglasses. So, this had accelerated quickly. After months of desire and frustration she was down on her knees with a stranger’s cock in her face in the copy room at work.

A bead of precum filled the gaping slit that pointed at her like a hungry little mouth. She rubbed it with her thumb, smearing the sticky cum around the head of his cock. A tiny groan escaped him as she put her lips on him and teased his length slowly into her mouth.

She could feel herself getting wetter in response. Her pussy felt as though it were ten degrees warmer than before they had started. She had her own little heatwave going on. If he thought it was hot and humid outside, he was about to get a taste of her own little tropical paradise.

And then their bubble burst. Someone outside was twisting the door knob, turning it left and right and trying to open the door.

Karen cursed softly and froze, holding her position. The person tried the door knob again, more insistently, and then stopped. Her heart raced as she listened for the sound of footsteps retreating.

The last thing she wanted was to be caught sucking off some bicycle courier. Sure, it was fun to do, but she was pretty certain there was a company policy forbidding such things. If it wasn’t a firing offense, the fallout from coworkers–leering looks, whispering behind her back, and not so subtle innuendos to her face–would be enough to make her wish it was.

She waited a few seconds more until she felt it was safe to move. She gave Cam’s cock a light kiss and then rose to her feet. She looked at him and shrugged. He opened his mouth to say something, and she put her finger to his lips and shook her head.

“Looks like we’re done,” she whispered. “Better pack that away. Whoever that was is bound to come back with a key. I’ll open the door and make sure there’s no one around.”

Her heart pounded as she quietly turned the knob and eased the door open. There was no one in the hallway and she signalled to Cam who wasted no time in getting out of the copy room. He looked at her with a pained expression and put his hands up as if to ask ‘what now’. Karen gave him a little wave and turned and walked quickly in the other direction to the ladies room.

She locked herself in one of the marble stalls and proceeded to finger herself to a shuddering climax, biting down on her lip to remain silent. The intensity of her orgasm surprised her. It wasn’t as though she hadn’t masturbated in the past few months. Then again, she was particularly well-primed on this occasion. When she was sufficiently recovered, she went back to her desk. It was only then that she began to think of Grant.

Damn! Was it cheating if you didn’t actually fuck someone else? Getting touchy-feely and fooling around with someone was minor. Flirting, really. That’s all it was. Some politician famously said that a blowjob wasn’t actually sex. And anyway, she’d barely begun and hadn’t made him come, could you even call that a blowjob?

This was nuts. That she would risk her position over something was foolish. And yet, it had had the desired effect. Intense relief. Karen felt satisfied in a way she hadn’t experienced in months. Only, how long would it be before she would want that thrill again? Kicks were like that. Addictive. The more you got, the more you’d want. A bike courier today, a repairman next week, and God only knew what stranger she’d be chasing after the following week? Each opportunity would force her to justify her behaviour, and she might find ways of doing that: blaming their lack of sex, blaming the crazy heat. All the while pulling her farther away from Grant.

She couldn’t let that happen. She had to do something about it. They’d both been ignoring the issue, skirting around it for weeks and weeks, hoping it would go away. Maybe now was the time to resolve this. Before things became much worse.

Karen reached for her phone and got Grant on the line. She pushed through any pangs of guilt more quickly and easily than she expected and got to the point.

“Hey, we should do something fun tonight. Why don’t you come down here to get me and we can have a few drinks and a bite to eat? I’ll call Mom and have her sit with the kids.”

She listened as he tried to make excuses, then cut in. “Come on. We’ve been going through the same routine for ages. Let’s treat ourselves. It’ll be like date night, only more spontaneous. There’s less pressure that way.”

Reluctantly he agreed and when she got off the phone with him, Karen texted her mother and made arrangements. Then she called a nearby restaurant and booked a reservation. It was Wednesday, getting a table held for them on hump-day wasn’t as difficult as on a Thursday or Friday.

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Karen pushed all thoughts of what had happened earlier aside and focused on her job. The remaining few hours of work passed quickly like the final grains of sand flowing through an hourglass. When Grant arrived at the front desk she made a show of welcoming him, giving him a big hug and a kiss. They went down in the elevator and out onto the steamy sidewalk on their way to the restaurant.

When they arrived, they discovered that a table hadn’t been held for them and were given the choice of standing at the packed bar or sitting on one of the few remaining patio tables. People were avoiding outside because of the heat, but Karen preferred that to being jostled at the bar.

They sipped boozy iced tea amid the dull roar of traffic on the streets around them and Karen flirted with Grant as they waited for their food. She was stroking his palm and then pulled his hand onto her bare knee. He left it there but didn’t go any further. Damnit, she was going to make this happen if she had to crawl under the table and suck him off right there on the patio.

“This heat has been so bad that I’ve given up on wearing underwear,” she said. She’d slipped them into her purse before fixing her hair and makeup in the bathroom at work. “No bra, no panties. Could you tell?”

Grant shook his head. “That’s pretty risqué for the office.”

“Well, if you can’t tell, I’m sure none of the rest of them can.” She pulled his hand further up her thigh. “Go ahead, see for yourself.”

“Karen––” Grant checked nervously around them. But he didn’t move his hand away.

“Don’t worry, nobody’s paying any attention.”

He removed his hand and lifted his glass to his mouth instead.

“Chicken,” she said, goading him.

“What’s got into you?”

“Nothing lately, that’s the problem.”

“I’m sorry. I haven’t been very much in the mood.”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed. You could at least fake an interest in your wife.” She regretted the words as soon as they came out. She didn’t want to sound bitchy, and maybe it wasn’t fair to him if there were problems besides his mood.

Grant returned his hand to Karen’s knee. His fingers were still wet from holding his drink and the cool moisture felt refreshing against her skin.

“That’s more like it. We should go swimming some time, cool off a little.”

“The kids would like that.”

“I mean without them,” she said. “They’ve been doing slip and slide at the Fosters’ all summer. We need a little of that ourselves. Slip ‘n’ slide. Go on, check me out, see if I’m lying.”

“I don’t need to see if you’re lying.”

“Maybe I need you to. Humour me, it won’t bite.”

He sighed and leaned forward moving his hand up her thigh until his fingers brushed up against her bare crotch. His fingers fluttered over the tidy patch of pubic hair that was shaved to a point above Karen’s pussy. She inched forward hoping to feel one lustful digit probe inside her slippery slit. Come on, she thought, you’ve got to want this as much as me?

“You like?”

“Yes, of course I like. But this isn’t the time or the place.” Grant leaned back and looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to them.

“So when? Where? Lately nothing’s been right, is there a problem?”

Grant pulled a sour face. “I really don’t want to talk about it right now. It’s just lately, I haven’t…”

“You mean, not at all?” Karen leaned forward, concerned. She knew it, something had to be wrong with him.

“Well, a little. The odd time.”

“What odd time? Maybe we can work at it together. You know, figure this out.”

“There’s nothing to figure out, it’ll pass. Everyone says so.”

“Everyone? Who’s everyone? Who have you been talking to about our sex life?”

“No one. You think I’m running around telling everyone? Just the articles that I’ve been reading online.”

“Dr. Google? And what does she say?”

Grant sighed. “That we shouldn’t make a big deal of it. Don’t pressure yourself to make things happen.”

“My God Grant. You’re not even thirty-two, this isn’t supposed to happen until you’re an old man.”

“Not helping, Karen.”

“Do we need to get you some little blue pills?”

“I don’t think that’ll be necessary.”

“You know, I’ll buy them myself, if that’s what we need.”

Grant opened his mouth to respond and closed it without speaking. Their food had arrived and they paused while the server placed their plates in front of them. Grant had a burger and poutine and Karen nodded with satisfaction at her roasted beet and peach salad with chicken breast and dressing on the side. They each took a moment to savour their food.

“So, tell me about these odd times,” Karen said between mouthfuls. “You said you weren’t completely... you know.”

“I’m not ‘you know’! And there is a word for it.”

“You want me to say the word? I can say the word. I just didn’t want to make it worse if you’re not ready to use the word.”

“I’m not using the word, because I’m not that.”

“Not what?” She said with a smile.

“Not that!”

“At least, not at odd times. Tell me about those. Can we have one of those odd times together soon?”

“Not likely. It’s not practical.”

“Not practical? That sounds intriguing.” Karen sipped at her iced tea.

“Let’s not talk about it. It’s not us.”

“Well, maybe it is. What are you talking about? Kinks? We could try kinks. Right now I could do that. Besides, why should sex be practical? That’s all our sex life has been the last few years, maybe that’s the problem.”

“Can we talk about something else instead? Why can’t we just enjoy our dinner?”

“We can, but you know this isn’t just going away.” Karen looked at Grant as she crunched on one of the candied pecans in her salad. His eyes were staring far away, his jaw was set firmly and the corners of his mouth turned down somewhere between a pout and a frown. She’d seen this expression many times, most notably in an adorable photo of him from when he was ten and working on a school project. The photo was set amongst a collection of family pictures on the wall of the stairwell leading to the second floor in their home. It was his determined face. And that was Grant. Stubborn. Boyishly pigheaded. Both frustrating and amusing when he got this way.

She could wait him out. Hell, she’d been waiting for months now. What was a few minutes, or even an hour or two? He’d brought out the thing that he’d been turning over in his imagination and waved it around without really revealing it. All she had to do was give him a little space to get comfortable with bringing it out into the open so they could discuss whatever kinky little impractical sex act wasn’t really them, but maybe could be, so that things could be better again.

They found other things to talk about: the coming school year for the kids, a need to redo the roof on their home, a potential winter vacation during March break, the possibility of Karen’s mom coming to live with them. Although she threw that last one in to test that Grant was still listening when she had been scrolling through Airbnb listings for places to stay down south.

Dessert and coffee came. Then the cheque, which Grant reached for and Karen quite happily let him pay. When they reached the sidewalk she caught his hand in hers and steered him in the opposite direction from their car.

“No need to rush back, let’s take a little walk.” It was nearing dusk. Lengthening shadows were beginning to melt into darkness in dim corners. The air was still warm and humid, although the heat wasn’t as intense as it had been under the bright sunshine earlier in the afternoon. The street wasn’t nearly as busy as before when Karen and Trish had been out for lunch. The events from earlier in the day seemed so far away, like distant memories.

“Babe, you know you can tell me anything.” Karen spoke in a low voice, gently steering the conversation back to where they’d left off. “I won’t judge. I may not promise to try every thing that you suggest, but I’ll hear you out.”

“Thanks,” Grant said. They took a few more steps in silence as Karen waited for him to find the words to express what was on his mind. “I know this hasn’t been easy and I appreciate you being patient.”

She slipped her arm around his waist. “It’s okay. This has been at times annoying and a bit of a distraction, but I want to do whatever I can to help you. You just have to tell me what it is I can do.”

“I don’t think that there’s anything you can do. I’m not sure it works that way.”

“Well, you mentioned there being some times when you weren’t...failing to launch. Let’s talk about that.”

“I don’t know. It’s weird.”

Karen stopped walking and pulled Grant around to look at her. “Being a couple and not being together is what’s weird. I love you and I want you. I want things to be normal between us again, and if they can’t be normal, at least let them be fun. But I need some intimacy with you. Otherwise, we’re just two people who are the custodians of a house and two kids. So what is it that gets your motor running these days?”

Grant looked down into Karen’s green eyes. He pushed an errant strand of sweaty, brown hair that was stuck to Karen’s forehead. “Actually, it’s this.”

“This? I don’t understand.”

“The only way I could describe it is being in public situations. Displays of affection, discoveries like your lack of panties at the table, flirting in a crowd.”

“Then why did you push me away?”

“Because we were sitting on a patio at a restaurant. What can we do there? And because I know you. Despite whatever’s gotten into you today, you’re someone who cares deeply about your, about our, image. Social standing is huge to you. What people might think matters to you. Big time”

“Am I that bad?”

“That bad or that good. We’re well-regarded amongst our friends and neighbours because of you.”


“But sometimes it would be good if we could let our hair down a little. And I don’t think you can. You care too much about making the right impression.”

He made it sound like she was stuck up. A social climber who put on false airs. If Grant knew what kind of an impression Karen had been making with the bicycle courier earlier that afternoon he’d change his opinion about her. But she’d made a vow never to bring that up. Not even to get it off her chest and relieve her own conscience. That wouldn’t do either of them any good. She needed to focus on making things right between them.

“We can be more affectionate in public,” she said. “We can be more playful. Maybe look for opportunities? Take a few risks.”

“RIsks? What kind of risks, what are you talking about?”

She rose up on her toes to kiss him. It was a good kiss. She made sure to draw it out, pouring as much heat and passion into it as she could. When she finally pulled away from him she held his gaze, searching his eyes to see if the same spark and hunger she felt was there. It was. She clasped his hand in hers and started walking again.

“You could have gone a little further at the restaurant,” she said. “I wouldn’t have minded if you’d played with me, teased me a little. Got me wet for you. Not if I knew it was turning you on.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Grant, take charge a little. You can’t blame me entirely if you won’t let me know what you need when you need it. If you won’t go for it occasionally. Yes, I care about appearances. I want us to succeed at our careers, to have the good things in life, to provide the best for our children, and to be able to look back and feel that we reached our full potential. None of that matters though, if we’re miserable.”

“We’re not exactly miserable.”

“We’re not exactly happy either,” Karen said. Her mind flashed back to her groping around in the copy room with the bicycle courier. She remembered what it was like, pulling his shorts down and taking his cock into her mouth. That wasn’t the act of a person who was perfectly happy in their relationship. She felt her cheeks flush with shame, now that she was walking down the street with Grant.

Their walk had taken them a few blocks along King Street and Karen could see St. James Cathedral coming up on their left. Across from it was the sculpture garden that she liked so much. The germ of an idea began to form in her imagination.

She pulled Grant off the sidewalk and into the enclosed space that made up the boundaries of the sculpture garden. She steered him to a bench next to the fountain and pushed him down to a sitting position. The bench was mostly hidden from the street by a thick hedge of bushes, although it was still partly visible from the gateway to the small park.

“You think I’m so hung up on appearances,” Karen said. “Let’s see how you like my appearance now.”

She gripped the hem of her short summery dress and tugged at it, pulling it up over her head so that she stood there in front him naked.

“Karen! What are you doing?”

“Cooling down from the heat.” She kicked her sandals off, took a few paces and stepped over the low curb that formed part of the long fountain set into the wall. A few more steps and she was able to put her hands against the wall and feel the water splashing over her. She turned around and leaned back against the wall. The water felt cool and refreshing. Karen ran her hands over her body which was wet now. Her nipples were hard and she tugged at them, tweaking them between her fingers and thumbs. She turned again, pressed the front of her body against the wall, feeling the rough surface of the cool, wet concrete against her skin.

When she turned around once more she could see that Grant was on his feet. He was standing between them and the gated opening to the park, doing his best to shield her from the view of any passersby.

“This is reckless. You’ll get in trouble.”

“I won’t tell anyone.”

Karen stepped away from the fountain. The warm air felt good against her skin. It wouldn’t take long for her to dry off. But that wasn’t her biggest concern. She moved toward Grant, stepping over the fountain’s curb.

“You’re not going to pass up this opportunity, are you?” Karen grabbed Grant’s hands in hers, pulling them to rest upon her slim waist. She kept her hands over his and then took a few sideways steps, drawing them both towards the shadows of the nearby hedge.

She undid the buttons on his short sleeve shirt and leaned forward pressing her lips against his chest, plying him with small kisses. He pulled her closer and shifted his hands to caress her back, her shoulders, and then down her front to her breasts.

The sounds of cars passing by on the street reminded Karen that they needed to act with some urgency. She was alert, keeping an eye on their surroundings. Her purse and clothes were close by and Grant would offer her protection should they need it. They needed to act, yes, but she recognized that she had to be careful as well, to give Grant time to respond. He’d said public situations were what turned him on lately, would this be public enough to arouse him properly?

It damn well better, Karen thought. Because she was certainly getting turned on, standing naked in front him in a downtown park. The streetlights were beginning to come on. Over the trickling splashes of water in the fountain they could hear a woman’s footsteps clicking away on the sidewalk on the other side of their hedge, moving by and away into the distance. She reached around and grabbed Grant by his ass with both her hands. He had a fine butt, and she loved grabbing it.

He was right. This was pretty reckless. It felt wild and daring, and she wanted it to last. But she knew what she needed more was for him to respond. Grant tilted his head down and began to kiss her. Karen squeezed his hard butt and her heart began to pound when she felt his hands cup the cheeks of her ass. His fingers slid under her, exploring her moist folds, making her feel hotter than before she’d stepped under the fountain.

She lifted her knee up slightly, rubbing her thigh against the inside of his leg. He responded by kissing her more intensely. His hands squeezed and rubbed her ass with greater fervour. This was encouraging. He was displaying more interest in her than he’d shown in months.

“Baby, I want you,” Karen moaned in Grant’s ear. “I want you now, right here.”

“Yes!” He said, in a hoarse rasp. “I want you too.”

That was all she needed to hear. Karen pulled down Grant’s zipper. She reached inside his shorts and found what she was looking for. His cock was thick and meaty, filling out nicely, although not rock hard. Not yet. She pulled it out into the night air and began stroking it. She’d coax an erection out of him and ride it if she had to get arrested doing it.

Karen put her free hand around Grant’s shoulder to steady herself. Then she rose up on her left foot as she swung her right leg up over his hip, wrapping it around behind him. She brought her pussy up near his crotch and began to rub the head of his cock along her wet lips. She kept stroking him with her tightened fist as she did this. Her actions were having the desired effect and he began to get harder in her grip.

“I want your hard cock inside me,” she said in a hushed voice. Time to pull out all the stops. A little dirty talk could seal the deal. “Grab hold of me and give it to me. I want you to fuck me hard and fast.”

He grunted his reply and moved quickly to comply. Grant put one arm around Karen’s waist and lifted her up by her bottom with his other hand. She swung her other leg around him and held his cock between them rubbing the head against her until she had him properly in place. They both clutched at each other as he slid slowly inside and Karen began to ride him.

Finally, she thought, the end of this horrible dry spell. All the pent up desire from months of waiting was pouring out of both of them. Here, outside, in possibly the most inappropriate place, they were able to renew their connection to one another. All she asked was that they not be interrupted. Not for a second time today. Not with Grant. But she pushed those thoughts away and focused on the moment.

Karen couldn’t believe how good it felt to be doing this. She had missed his touch. The power he had over her. Her skin tingled, at the intensity of his desire for her. Grant grabbed her hips and began lifting her up and down, keeping a steady rhythm as their bodies slapped together.

“Goddamn, that feels so good!” She panted. “Keep fucking me baby. I want you to come inside me. I want to feel you explode.”

“God, yes!” Grant groaned.

They quickened their pace. They both needed this so urgently. And then Karen looked up, behind them, to the other side of the small park. Was that someone approaching the other entrance?

No! No! Not now, Karen thought. They were in shadows, here. Difficult to see. No one would bother them. She squeezed her eyes shut and bit down on her lip. Grant began to shudder. She knew the signs. He was nearly there. Nearly ready to come. Karen clutched more tightly to him and dared to open her eyes.

They were alone! Whatever stranger she thought she’d seen had obviously turned down the street instead of coming through the park.

She began to breathe again, unaware that she’d been holding her breath. Grant was coming and she let him flood her, feeling him twitch inside her. She focused all of her attention there feeling how good it felt. Clenching down on his cock. Slowing her own pace and letting go.

He held her tightly and she shook against him. Trembling as she released the knot of frustration she’d been holding onto in one shivery, delightful sensation. Not an earth-shattering climax, but after all these months, it felt good to experience the waves of pleasure that flowed through her body.

They remained like that for a few brief moments. Long enough for Karen to wipe away a few tears of joy before Grant noticed. They untangled themselves and she quickly pulled her dress on.

“Thank you,” she said, kissing him gently. “That wasn’t so weird, was it?”

“No. You surprised me,” Grant said. “And totally turned me on. That was…intense.

“Good. Let’s remember this, and see if we can’t find ways to bring a little of it home.” She held his hand as they left the park. “And you know, if we can’t bring it home, there are parks in the neighbourhood, and other ways of doing it in public.”

She looked up at him and caught him smiling. She could see the wheels turning. Oh, yeah. They were going to be alright.




Written by Frankie_Palmer
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