I want to tell you about a wonderful day that my boyfriend and I had a week ago. He's the sweetest man in the world and wanted to take me on a horseback riding trip. He also planned a wonderful picnic for us to have together. I'll go over all the details of this amazing day we shared together.
I was very excited that my boyfriend was going to be coming over. He had planned a day of riding horses together on a wonderful trail in the country. I was very excited to do this with him. We had never been horseback riding together, although he knew that I really wanted to do this with him.
It was a lovely day in June and it was a warm day, but not hot. I wanted to look pretty for him. I wore my brown hair in a braid and put on a red camisole shirt and denim shorts. I did wear my cowgirl boots, since we were riding horses. I did my make-up and then waited for him downstairs.
I didn’t wait too long and then heard my doorbell ringing.
Ding Dong
I hurried to the door to answer it.
“John, how are you today?”
“I’m good, Kate how are you?”
We both kissed each other passionately. Our tongues danced in each other's mouths. His hands were on my waist and mine were on his. We stood there holding each other and just enjoyed our passionate kisses to one another.
John was dressed very nicely. He was wearing a blue polo shirt and Bermuda shorts. He was wearing some kind of riding shoes. He looked amazing and we just smiled and held each other tightly. I love spending time with him.
“Kate, we really should go. Are you bringing anything?”
“I’ve made a lovely picnic lunch. Let me go get the basket.”
“I’ve also brought a smaller cooler with fresh fruit and some water. Great minds think a like, right?”
We both giggled and I went to my kitchen to get the basket.
“Okay, I’m ready.”
We both walked out to his car. He took the basket and put it into his trunk and then opened the door and I sat in his car. He then walked around to his side of the car and got in.
Once inside, John started the car. He pressed the button and moved the sunroof down. He grabbed my hand and then backed up out of my driveway.
“Let’s enjoy the day, babe.”
I just looked at John and smiled as we drove away.
“I’m so excited, I haven’t been horseback riding in years.”
“Me either, it will be an amazing day, Kate. Did I tell you how beautiful you look?”
“You're the sweetest boyfriend in the world.”
We had lovely conversation on the whole ride to the horse ranch. At every light, we shared a deep and passionate kiss. Our tongues danced in each other’s mouths. I really got very flustered, when we shared kisses. I could feel my panties getting wet.
We drove for about an hour and we listened to the radio and sang some of the songs to pass time.
"Enjoy the fresh country breeze away from the noise and other distractions.”
I then inhaled the wonderful air and smiled at John.
“It’s so lovely being in the country. I just love being here with you. I love you so much, you know.”
“I know, Kate, I love you too.”
We drove up the old dirt road to a place called “Galloping Meadows.”
“What an appropriate name of a ranch; don’t you think, Kate?"
“It really is.”
We drove along the road and finally we got up to the ranch. John parked the car, and we got out of the car and immediately held hands. A rancher approached us and we were welcomed right away.
“Hello, there folks. My name is Tex, and I run the ranch here. How are you both doing today?”
“Nice to meet you, Tex. I’m John, and this is my girlfriend, Kate.”
“Follow me, I'll take you out to the barn and show you our horses. You can pick, whichever horse you would like to ride. Would you like to ride together or would you each like your own separate horse?”
“John, can we please ride our own horse?”
“Of course, we would like our own horses, please.”
There were many horses in this barn. We walked around trying to choose the one’s we wanted. John picked out a dark brown horse, who had a nice striding walk.
“That one is named Rex,” the rancher said.
“I think I’d like that one,” John announced.
I then continued to walk around, and then I saw the horse that I wanted. The one I liked, was white with black spots.
“I think I’d like this one.”
“That one is Domino. You both picked out some fine horses. I'll saddle them up for the two of you. Do you have anything that you'll be bringing on your ride?”
“We brought a picnic lunch and a blanket.”
“Give it to me and I'll put it in the saddlebag.”
John walked back to the car and took the stuff out of the picnic basket, that I had packed. He then put it into a bag with the blanket and the fruit and water that he also brought. He then handed it to Tex, who took it and put it into the saddlebag.
“I think you're ready to get onto your horses and enjoy your day. About two miles up or so, there's a watering hole, which you can let the horses stop and have some water. There's a lovely grassy area that's just perfect for a picnic. I’m sure you both will really appreciate the beauty there.”
“Okay, great we'll plan to go there for our picnic.”
Tex went over the necessary information of the trail with us. As he was talking, John was cupping my buttocks in my shorts. I was already wet in my panties and wanting him so much. My mind was filled with lustful thoughts. I was really hoping when we had our picnic we would make love together.
“You folks are paid for the entire day. Have a lovely trip and I’ll see you when you get back.”
Tex then helped us get onto our horses. I put my foot in the stirrup and climbed onto Domino. John put his foot into his stirrup and climbed on top of his horse.
“Kate, I’ll ride ahead of you and you can follow me.”
John shook his rein and Rex started to walk up the trail. I followed behind him with my horse.
“John, this is everything I thought it would be.”
We both galloped on our horses and every now and then our horses stopped to graze on the grass. We let them for a little while, but then pulled on their reins to make them start to walk again. We were riding for a while and then came to the area that Tex had mentioned. It was a lovely area that was very lush with trees and a lovely watering hole for the horses.
Once we got there, we tied our horses to a pole that was there. The horses started to drink the water. John then got the stuff out of the saddle bags. He got a blanket and put it over the grass.
He then handed me the bag and I took out a bottle of wine and two glasses. John opened the wine and poured us some wine. I then got out the plates and opened a container with fried chicken. I took out some potato salad and some coleslaw and made each of us a dish.
“Kate, you really thought of everything. "Here's to a wonderful afternoon with the girl I love. Cheers!"
I smiled and we clank glasses and had some wine. We then shared a passionate kiss. Our tongues danced in each other’s mouths. We ate our lunch and enjoyed the lovely view. The horses were drinking the water from the watering hole.
“Kate, the food is lovely. You packed a wonderful meal.”
We ate and drank the wine and when we were finished we cleaned up. Then I sat between John’s legs and he played with my hair and kissed at the back of my neck. I could feel his cock pressing against my back.
“John, I really want to make love with you.”
We then stood up and helped one another undress. He helped take off my camisole shirt and I pulled off his Polo shirt.

John has a very large cock, and it was erect and hard. I put my hands on it and started to stroke him. He has very large balls, and I cupped and rubbed them in my other hand.
We were kissing deep and passionately. John had his hands on my firm breasts. He was cupping them in his hands and twisting and pulling on my erect nipples. He then moved his hand to my pussy and started to feather his fingers there.
“Kate, you’re wet and that is so sexy. I want us to sixty-nine each other. I want to taste your lovely pussy.”
John then got on his back, and I climbed on top of him with my ass and pussy in his face. John moved his tongue all over my pussy folds. He was sucking on my lips as I moved my pussy onto his face. I was stroking his large cock and kissing his balls. I kissed his shaft going up the left side and then the right side. I eventually put his mauve tip into my mouth and slowly sucked him.
John then pushed his tongue into my wet pussy and tongue fucked me slowly. I was so wet and he fucked me with his long tongue. I then move my glossed lips around his cock and moved my mouth up and down his shaft. His cock felt amazing in my mouth. I held and cupped his big balls. I was making all kinds of wet, sucking, slurping noises as I sucked his cock.
John pushed his finger into my tight anus and fingered me there, while he licked my dripping, wet pussy. I was really excited as he ate my pussy. I could feel my orgasm building as he was eating my cunt. He was kissing my pussy and blowing into it, which was driving me crazy.
I worked my mouth down all the way on is cock. My mouth was stuffed with his delicious meat pop.
“Kate, I have to make love to you.”
I then got off of John, and he was on his back. I got comfortable on top of him and guided his cock into my dripping, wet cunt. Once I had him positioned comfortably, I started to rock and move over his cock. He had his hands on my firm breasts, while I moved my pussy over him. I leaned down and we shared a deep and passionate kiss.
“Kate, you look so gorgeous riding me. Play with your breasts.”
I then squeezed my breasts together, while I rode John. I cupped my breasts and pulled on my nipples. John started to buck up inside my pussy as I rode him. We were in perfect rhythm with each other.
“Get on your back, I want to kiss you, while we make love.”
I got off of him and went on my back. John then slid his cock into my dripping, wet pussy and we shared hungry kisses with each other. Our tongues were dancing in each other’s mouths. Our bodies were entwined as he thrust up inside of my pussy. My pussy was very wet and making all kinds of squelching noises as we made love together. My legs were at his side, as his thrusts were deeper and faster into my wet cunt.
“John, I’m coming my pussy is coming.”
With that, John's thrusts were harder and deeper into my pussy. He was kissing me deep and passionately and then he lets out a moan and shot his hot cream up inside my pussy.
“Kate, that was fantastic. I love making love with you.”
John’s cock was deep inside of my pussy, while his balls emptied all his come out. We rolled around kissing and loving one another. Our bodies were sweaty and we were both very hot.
We cuddled for a little while. John then opened a container and pulled out some strawberries. He then swirled the strawberry all over my pussy. He made sure to get all his hot come onto the strawberry. Then he fed it to me. He did this a few times to get all the come out of my pussy.
It was incredibly erotic to eat the strawberries this way. Once my pussy was clean of his come, he then inserted a strawberry inside of my pussy. I was on my back and John licked my pussy with his tongue and ate the strawberry from my cunt. Every time he finished a strawberry, he would then put another piece of fruit inside of my pussy and would eat it out of me. I was very turned on, while he was doing this and had several orgasms.
“Babe, you are really making the fruit taste even tastier with your pussy juice.”
John had eaten several strawberries and a few grapes from my cunt. We then held each other and kissed several times together.
“Why don’t we take a swim, it will cool us off and wipe away any more of the come that is inside of you.”
We then walked over by the horses and walked down a little ways and then went into the cool water. We splashed water at each other and were laughing and having fun. John then picked me up in the water and put his cock back inside of me. He was holding onto my ass, while he bucked up inside of my pussy. We were kissing as we made love this way.
It was incredibly erotic to make love this way. The sun was shining bright on us as we were making love in the cool water. We then got out of the water and went back to the blanket. I then wanted to give him more pleasure.
I got down on my knees and worked my mouth up and down his hard cock. I could taste myself on his cock. I played with his balls, while I sucked and slurped on his huge cock. I loved giving him pleasure. He was arching his back and face fucking me, while I gave him a wonderful blow job.
“Babe, I’m going to come down your throat.”
He then started to pump his hot cream down my throat. I swallowed it all down for him. I then gave him a deep and passionate kiss. He could taste his come on my lips.
“Babe, we should get dressed and head back to the ranch.”
We then got ourselves dressed and then we folded up the blanket and cleaned up our mess and put everything back into the saddle bags. We then got the horses and got back on top of them and started to ride back to the ranch.
“John, I had the best day. The picnic was just wonderful. I loved making love with you.”
“It was the best day, Kate. I love you so much.”
“I love you, John.”
We were giggling and telling each other funny stories, while we rode back to the ranch. Our horses would stop sometimes and eat at the grass and we would pull their reins to make them walk again. At the very last portion of the trail, our horses started to gallop. They were moving really fast. We both had amazing form riding the beautiful creatures.
Tex was waiting for us at the barn.
“Did you folks have a great time?”
“Yes, we found that little place you mentioned. We had a lovely picnic and swim.”
“Let me help you guys get down.”
Tex then helped me off my horse and then helped John get off his horse. We took our stuff out of the saddle bags.
“I hope you folks will come back soon. Tell your friends about our ranch.”
“We will definitely tell our friends and will visit you again.”
We walked back to John’s car and he put the stuff back into the trunk. He opened my door and helped me into the car. He opened his door and turned the car on. He pushed the button to open the sun roof and backed out of the ranch. We then headed back to my house.
We held hands and talked the rest of the way home. It was the most amazing day of my life. I loved going to the ranch and riding the horses. I loved the picnic that we shared together and making love to my boyfriend. The sexiest part of the day was the fruit. I just loved eating his come all over the strawberries and him eating the strawberries out of my pussy. That was really very sensual and very erotic.
“Thank you for the most amazing day. I hope we can do that again sometime."
“We will definitely go back there again, Kate."
The drive back home took a while. We held hands and talked about our fabulous day together. Eventually, we got back to my house. John spent the night, and we made love several more times during the evening.