Let me set the scene. A buddy of mine had gathered some of his friends to go hiking in some remote, but breathtaking location. As fate would have it, one member of this fellowship had dropped out, leaving a spot vacant for, yes, you’ve guessed it: me. Long story short, we had a whale of a time. But, as so often is the case, what could have been a near-perfect experience was cruelly disturbed by my innate lack of social skills. I had completely botched an attempt to befriend one of the girls (Let’s call her Janice for the sake of simplicity) that had come along for the journey. I guess we were just polar opposites, but not the kind that generated any sort of attraction. Anyway, for the duration of the trip, our relationship was pretty strained.
Two weeks into our holiday, Janice, being ever vigilant had plonked down her hiking gear in a shallow ditch, which, in retrospect, turned out to be more of a boggy moat than a ditch. Her spare clothes, bedrolls, and tent were all completely soaked. As a gesture of good will, the guy I shared a tent with (Alex) and I decided to offer her refuge. As a result, my beloved cough Janice spent the night hemmed in between the two of us. In an act reminiscent of chivalry, I had zipped open my sleeping bag to create a large blanket to at least provide her with a modicum of warmth.
So, there I was, with only a small piece of the tent to call my own. The hulking beast (a.k.a. Janice) that had taken up residence beside me, had all but claimed the entire centre of our humble abode. Slowly, she started to creep up, bit by bit claiming the semi-comforts of my discount inflatable mattress. Initially, I attempted to resist her ruthless advance, but, being the gentleman I am, quickly ceded victory. I contented myself with a small strip of ground and prepared myself for what I assumed was going to be a rough night. In a fit of seething, silent rage, I had decided to turn myself away from my less-than-charming neighbour. Rather foolishly as it turned out since it meant that I was now lying with my face pressed against the musty, damp fabric of the tent. I tried to ignore the miserable conditions I had manoeuvred myself in and made an effort to fall asleep.
As I started to slip into the blissful state of half-slumber, the sluices of heaven opened up. Our tent was being battered by a heavy downpour. As the canvas of our tent got damper and damper, I felt the cold seeping in. Eventually, my breath turned into small foggy clouds. Desperately trying to escape the chill, I turned around. Almost instantaneously, I felt a plump roundness being nestled against my crotch. Janice, already fast asleep, had assailed me for a bout of somniferous spooning. After some brute-forcing, I succeeded in re-establishing a somewhat appropriate distance between the two of us.
I managed to stumble asleep as my mind started to wander across the events of the past day. The scenic landscapes I had hiked through reappeared and slowly drifted away. I saw the family of voles that had tried to take off with our packets of instant soup. I shuddered as I remembered the frigid lake in which I had taken a brisk wash. Suddenly the memory started to warp. The two Finnish girls that had joined us for lunch emerged from behind a rocky outcrop. To my bedazzlement, they undressed and started to wade towards me through the icy waters. Their nipples stiffened as they descended upon me, with a voracious appetite in their eyes. What happened next, is shrouded in a salacious haze. Moreover, I’m not skilled enough as a writer to adequately describe the things that played out between the three of us. If you insist on learning the details; just close your eyes. Conjure up all those taboo thoughts that popped up when glimpsing at the person that was sitting next to you on the train or who was working behind the counter of your local supermarket.

I awoke with a start, not quite knowing where I was or what had just transpired. My mind raced to get on top of the situation again, but my train of thought was rudely interrupted by an unexpected aching. My balls were desperately churning after two weeks of somewhat forced abstinence. My cock, to my shock and surprise, was firmly lodged between Janice’s ample thighs. What’s more, the tiny pair of gray shorts that she had been wearing, had hiked up, leaving her quite exposed. I perceived how the warmth of her legs permeated through the flimsy pair of sweatpants I was wearing. I felt a pressure building up, My stomach sank, as I realised what was now rapidly starting to unfold.
A wave of pleasure washed over me, as my orgasm took hold. My hips bucked forward, further burying myself in the tantalising warmth. I climaxed. Rope upon rope of thick, acetonic seed surged out of my pulsating cock. The first shots were somewhat held back by my pyjamas, but the textile was not made to withstand such an unrelenting onslaught. Feeling completely spent, I pulled back. In the half-light of the early morning hours, amidst the tangle of sleeping bags and other camping paraphernalia, I could not properly gauge the damage I had done. But instinctively, I knew. I had just splattered this unsuspecting girl’s thighs with nothing less than an obscene load of cum. I was horrified, damning myself to hell and back for this act of molestation. Utterly drained, I fell into a deep sleep.
I jolted awake, immediately remembering my crepuscular adventure. Completely aghast, I frantically looked around me, half and half expecting to find Janice lurking over me, whilst brandishing a blunt pocket knife. “Hey, lazybones, wake up, it’s your turn to make coffee. The others are already breaking up camp”, bellowed Alex. I veered upright, not quite managing to shake the feeling of gut-wrenching terror. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Did you sleep all right? Janice here told me that some water has managed to get in during the night. Apparently, her legs were all wet. How did your side of the tent hold up?”. I stuttered something about shoddy camping equipment, whilst I hastily put on a clean pair of pants. Then, I dashed out of the tent, still reeling from what must have been one of the greatest and guilt-laden orgasms I had ever experienced