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Moving Day For Molly: Part Two

"After Rick helps Molly move, Molly puts the moves on Rick during their first date."

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Author's Notes

""I'm still new to the Erotica genre, feedback is encouraged! I hope you enjoy reading this as much I enjoyed writing it!""

Molly had just moved into her new apartment mere blocks from where she worked. It was small and cozy. After a weekend of unpacking, she was finally starting to feel at home. She thought about Rick a lot that weekend. He wasn't someone she planned on dating or even envisioned herself being with but she never imagined dating anyone. He was single, obviously kind since he gave up a Saturday to help her schlep her stuff across town, and he had a nice dick. Not that the big dick was the most important thing but it was definitely a positive.

Her mind wandered. She hadn't finished much of the spreadsheet she was working on. She kept circling back to Rick. She reminisced about his long hair, his nice butt, and that tattoo he had of a rose bush; the flowers looked like hearts and skulls. She wondered if he was thinking about her. A courier arrived at her cubicle.



“I have a delivery for you.” He placed a box on her desk and handed Molly a stylus.

Molly signed the clerk's tablet and read the return address: Flowers Express.

“Thank you,” Molly said, smiling. The courier smiled and left. Molly carefully cut the tape on the box lid and opened it. Inside was a short ceramic vase and a bouquet of roses and baby's breath. The card said: “Happy house warming. -Rick.” He was thinking about her. Trisha was peeking over the top of the cubicle wall.

“Who's it from?” Trisha asked.

Molly palmed the card and slid it inside her desk drawer. She wasn't sure what the fraternization policy was and Trisha was as big of a gossip as she was a drama queen. “My dad,” she said, the lie was pretty convincing to her when she heard herself say it.

“Aw, your dad buys you flowers. That's so sweet! I can't even get Chad to put the laundry in the dryer.” Trisha smiled and sunk back below the cubicle wall. Molly smiled, it is sweet. She should pop down there on her lunch break and thank him. Molly put in her earbuds again but she could still overhear Trisha telling someone about how Molly's dad buys her flowers, “how sweet.” Molly looked at the spreadsheet again. What was she doing and for whom? She answered some emails, that's a good task for when you lose your train of thought. Eventually, someone will follow up about whatever she was working on.

Trisha walked past Molly's desk, her job of telling everyone what happened was finished. Trisha had long, dark hair and a fake tan. She wore too much eyeliner and always picked a jarring lipstick color that was lighter than her foundation. Her manicured nails clicked against everything she touched.

Molly was glad she was with Rick on Saturday. Rick chose her. He chose her bluish veins under her pale skin, her smooth cheeks, and her bouncy hair. Molly had nothing manicured or veneered with cosmetics. She wondered how long it has been since someone bought Trisha flowers. When was the last time Chad put the laundry in the dryer? She would go see Rick on her lunch and ask him out officially. She had already given him a blowjob, it seemed like she should ask him out.

Lunch quickly crept up on her when she was finally able to concentrate enough to make herself busy. Her stomach growled before she realized what time it was. She clocked out for lunch and took the elevator down to the receiving dock and the mail room. Rick was sitting at his desk eating a bowl of soup and reading emails. She walked over to his desk and smiled. When he looked up to see who was coming, he smiled too. He got up and smoothed the wrinkles out of his shirt.

“Molly! It's so nice to see you. Did you get the flowers I sent to you?” he asked.

“Yes, I did! Thank you, that was very nice.”

“You're welcome. I just thought it would be nice for you to have some flowers. I also wanted you to know I've been thinking of you.”

“I've been thinking about you too. I actually wanted to know if you wanted to go to dinner.” Molly could feel her stomach twisting into knots.

Rick's eyes met hers. “I was thinking the same thing, though I'm not sure where to go. It's been a while since I've had a date.” He paused after he spoke, it was probably not the best admission. He tried to think of something witty to say to smooth it over, perhaps a clever one-liner.

“Me neither,” Molly admitted, “I don't go on many dates either.” Rick looked relieved that she sympathized with him. “So where do people even go for dates?” she asked.

“I don't know,” Rick looked stumped, “wanna just go to Mick's Pizza up on Broad Street?”

“Yeah! I love that place,” Molly said, “the garlic knots there are so good, they always put plenty of Parmesan on them and the sauce has this sweet aftertaste.” She looked at the clock and back at him. “I'm sorry but I really have to go, I haven't eaten yet.” Molly's stomach growled again.

“Sure! Um, I guess Fridays are date nights so maybe...” Rick's voice trailed off.

“How about tonight?” Molly blurted out.

“Yes, actually. I'm free tonight. Let's go tonight! We will probably have the place to ourselves if we leave from work.”

“Okay, it's a date!” Molly smiled and touched his elbow before giving him a peck on the cheek. Rick enjoyed the whiff of her hair as she kissed him. The elevator ride back to the office seemed long. Should she have kissed him? Was that okay? Did anyone see me? What if employees aren't allowed to date? Was she breaking the rules? The thrill of that risky kiss excited her.

She put her worries aside, kissing him on the cheek was fine. She had already swallowed his cum; how was that for fraternization? When she got out of the elevator, she was bulletproof. Nothing was going to slow her stride today. She could swear people were watching her and wondering what had gotten into her. Maybe she got lucky? Not yet, but hopefully tonight. She heated her lunch and ate it standing up. Have a seat? Hell no! I can't kick ass if you're sitting down! When she finished eating, she pulled her shirt down just a little. She felt like being noticed.

When it was nearly five, Rick came up to see Molly at her cubicle. He had his coat on. Most people were leaving and paying no attention to them. Everyone was too busy mentally running down the list of stops they needed to make before home and the chores they wanted to finish before bed. Molly and Rick quietly left the office and got in the elevator. When the doors closed, Rick took her hand and rubbed her palm. Molly leaned over and whispered to him about how often she had been thinking about him. Once in the parking lot, they hopped in his truck and left. Molly remembered the old upholstery and pine smell of his truck, and of course his cologne.

“How was your day?” Molly asked.

“Not bad for a Monday,” Rick looked over at her and shifted, “it's looking up now for sure!” They smiled at each other. “I'm really glad you wanted to go out tonight, Molly. I've been thinking about Saturday a lot.”

“Oh yeah? Which part?” she asked nonchalantly, baiting him.

“I was thinking I should have gotten you dark roast,” he said completely deadpan. She smirked and swatted his arm lightly. He laughed too.

“Oh, really?” she pressed, raising an eyebrow. “Anything else on your mind, Rick?”

“Yeah, I could have added less cream and sugar too; you're sweet enough.”

He was full of charm. That line was cheesy but the way he looked at her when he said it was sublime. He was definitely well on his way to getting some dessert tonight. He parked in the back lot. Once he had pulled the keys, he zipped around to her side and opened the door to help her get out. Getting into a truck in heels is one thing, getting out is another. He lifted her down by her hips and handed her purse to her.

“Bachelor number one, what is your idea of the perfect first date?” she asked playfully.

“Well Chuck, my perfect first date would be dinner at Mick's Pizza where the knots are always drenched with garlic and oil. The vinyl red and white gingham pattern table cloths are always classy and if you leave hungry, it's your own fault!”

They both chuckled.

“It's funny that you should mention the knots, they are sooo good.” Molly took his hand. “So, what did you do Sunday?”

“Odds and ends mostly. I got caught up on laundry and washed dishes. Somebody had me over at her place until two in the morning watching bad movies and I woke up pretty late.”

“Hmm... I wonder who that could have been?” Molly tapped her chin with her finger as she spoke.

“How is the unpacking going?”

“Slow, I unpacked the kitchen and some of my clothes. Tonight I'll finish the rest of the towels and linens. I still can't find the flippin' remote control for the TV.”

“Yeah, mine always gets buried in the couch cushions or falls behind the sofa.” Rick opened the door to the pizza shop and the smell of warm pizza greeted them. Rick's hand fell to her hip and he ran his hand over her bottom. She had a nice butt. He liked the bounce it had when he pressed on it as she entered. The teenager hosting already had two menus and two sets of utensils in hand. Rick was too busy admiring Molly to notice the host prompting them.

“Two please, in a booth if you have it,” Molly chimed. The host led them to a booth in the back near the kitchen. Rick sat across from her. Molly placed her purse on the seat beside her. “Getting fresh I see Mr. Weyland? I'm surprised you sat across from me instead of asking me to sit on your lap,” she said teasing.

“Shit, I didn't think you would or I would have asked,” Rick gibed. They both snickered. The server came with a pitcher of beer and two mugs nodding at Rick.

“Can I start you off with some garlic knots?”

“Yes please, and I'll have two slices of the boardwalk pizza,” Molly added. The server turned to Rick.

“I'll have my usual.”

The server nodded.

“Wow, 'the usual' huh?” Molly teased.

He winked at her. The knots arrived right away and they both picked one out of the pile. “So Molly, do you have any family nearby?”

“I do. My dad and my youngest brother live about an hour away but I get to see them pretty often. My other brother lives in Tennessee with his wife. I only get to see them on holidays. My mother lives in Florida. We don't talk.”

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“Sorry to hear that, her loss,” Rick replied. They both nodded and Molly frowned.

Rick noticed her discomfort and spoke. “I've got a sister in Oregon, she's a nurse. My parents live in upstate New York. They spend most of their retirement snowmobiling on the trails up there.”

“I've always wanted to try that.”

“We should take a few days off and do it, it's only a two-hour drive,” Rick suggested.

“We should! We could rent a cabin with a big fireplace where we could fall asleep watching the coals glow.” Molly smiled, daydreaming about such a trip they might take.

“Molly, I should tell you I'm divorced. My ex-wife and I are on speaking terms, no kids though. I'd like to have them someday but I'm glad Hillary and I never had any children. They would be getting a bad deal, you know?”

“Yeah, I do.”

Molly took his hand and squeezed it.

“Sorry, this is heavy stuff for a first date.” Rick turned her hand over and looked at her palms. “Now that the light banter is over with let's get down to brass tacks. What is your favorite character class in Dungeons and Dragons?”

“Somehow, I knew you played,” she smirked, “I don't know? What class do I remind you of?”

“A Warlock: charming, calculating, alluring, and powerful.”

“Go on, Sir Rick the Well-Endowed.”

She had to laugh at herself. Rick smiled at her before continuing. “I am still bewitched by you. In all seriousness, I spent most of Sunday wanting to see you again but not wanting to make things weird by calling you.”

“Me too,” Molly admitted.

The food arrived and they started eating. Molly asked him how long he had been in the mail room.

“About four years. And you've been working here almost two years, right? Your hair was longer then.”

“Yeah, I got tired of trying to manage all that hair and waiting for it to dry.”

She dipped the pizza crust in the leftover oil from the knots.

“You do that too?” Rick asked as he watched her wipe the plate.

“Oh hell yeah! The Parmesan, the garlic, and the oregano in that oil are too good to waste,” she paused, “So, I was hoping you wanted to come over tonight, Rick.”

“Sure, do you need help unpacking? Do you need me to move some furniture?”

Oh, Rick, we'll be moving some furniture alright! “How about another bad movie night?” Molly said without looking up. She smiled wide.

“I was hoping that might be it but I didn't want to sound like an asshole.”

“Not at all! You're not Dave in accounting,” Molly quipped.

“I know, right? What's with that guy?”

“I don't know. I went out on a date with him when I first started working there and he took me to the clubhouse at the golf course where he plays. The whole time he's going on and on about his fucking golf game. On the second date he took me to same place and I got sloppy drunk, so they threw me out. He told me he had to break up with me because 'he can't date an alcoholic.' I tried my best to act sad that we broke up. He doesn't talk to me anymore.”

“It sounds like I should go on a date with him. I can't get him to shut up when he comes down to shipping and it's always that golf shit. Handicaps, birdies, and he's going on and on like I know what the hell he's even saying. Do I look like I play golf?!”

“That guy has some tiny peen energy and no personality,” Molly said rolling her eyes, “So, we eat, then we go to my place?”

“Sure!” Rick had butterflies in his stomach. He marveled at how direct she was around him. How she opened up around him. She was not remotely like this at work. It was a special part of herself that she shared with him. That was far more profound and intimate than just sex. Other people at work would never know this about her. They never invested the time or the interest. This made him feel special in a way that no orgasm could. She chose him, she trusted him. She felt a connection with him that few others would know from her. Was this the difference between fucking and making love? They finished their food and left the money on the table.

After a short truck ride, they arrived at Molly's apartment complex. They climbed the stairs to the second floor and Molly unlocked the door. Rick watched her hand as she put the keys back into her pocket. He was attracted to every part of her. As she entered, she tugged on the pocket of his pants urging him inside.

When they were both inside, she shut the door and locked the deadbolt. Molly tossed her purse on the couch and draped her arms around Rick. Her elbows rested on his shoulders. She looked up at him with her big blue eyes. Her full lips made a wide smile as she ran her fingers through his long hair. He slid his hands down the side of her body, letting his palms drift over her curves. Some of her bangs fell in her face and he pushed them aside so he could see into her eyes again. He could swear they had gold rings around the pupils.

“We have all night but don't keep a girl waiting.”

How is this woman single? He pulled at the waist of her skirt, sliding it down below the hem of her blouse. He felt the smooth skin of her tummy with his fingertips and started undoing the buttons of her shirt. She went right for his belt buckle, right to business. He slid off her top and took off her bra. He didn't have much time to admire her chest before she sank to her knees and pulled open his zipper. She didn't even take his pants down. She swallowed him, pressing her mouth all the way to his groin.

He had to get his pants down. What made her blowjobs so amazing is the sensation of her soft breasts pushing against his thighs and her nipples tickling him. Eventually, he got his pants down and pulled his shirt off. She had already gotten into a pretty good rhythm; working it with her hands and tongue. He sat on the end of the couch while she sucked. He could see out the kitchen window. A bird was at the feeder picking at the seeds. She moaned as she licked his shaft and balls. He had gotten hard fast. He looked down and her eyes were closed. She was focused.

“Open your eyes beautiful,” he said softly, “I want to look into them while you swallow me.” She looked up at him and he could see she was reaching between her legs, gently rubbing. He reached down and pulled himself out of her mouth. He guided her face to his and kissed her. Her lips were slick from her efforts. He gently turned her head and whispered in her ear: “I think it's about time I repay the favor.”

“I like the sound of that,” she whispered back. She peeled off her skirt and panties and sat on the couch, spreading her legs. She guided his head down to her hips and he pushed his fingers inside her. She was really wet. He licked them and put them back inside while he pressed his lips to her clit. At first he teased her with his licking and pushed his tongue against it. He rubbed the inside of her with his fingers and massaged her butt with his other hand.

He licked her lips and rubbed her clit with his thumb. He tried to see how far inside he could put his tongue. She pressed his head to her. He came up for air and furiously rubbed her pussy with short, fast strokes. She was drenched and he could feel the excitement building.

“Fuck yeah, don't stop! Don't slow down!” She felt the tingle rise in her knees, up the back of her thighs and pulsate in her groin. She groaned and pulled his hair in her ecstasy. Her legs shook and the wave of pleasure swept across her stomach. She arched her back, causing her breasts to slide up to her neck before receding. Her hips lowered again and her breathing slowed. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead and chest.

Rick knew it was time. He lifted her torso and slid her hips forward. He could feel the crackle of excitement through her skin, she had goosebumps. It was like static electricity. He lifted his dick to her face and she ran her mouth over it one last time as if her lips were telling her pussy “good luck”. Then he lowered it and placed the tip inside. She nodded and he slowly pushed it further inside. Just a little at first and then some more as he set the rhythm. She was really an excellent lover. He could feel her squeezing him.

She felt the sting of stretching flesh and the bumpy veins as he lowered it into her time and again. When she closed her eyes she could feel him swelling inside her. With every thrust, she saw starbursts against the black of her eyelids. How could his ex pass this up?

He kissed her lips as he worked inside of her. Their breath was hissing between rolling lips and entangling tongues. She cupped her breasts and fingered her nipples. He had one hand on her hip, thumbing her clit, and the other hand cradled her head to meet his kiss. His hips crashed into hers causing her tummy to ripple and her breasts to slide in her palms.

He groaned with each thrust, he was getting close. She couldn't keep pace with him anymore. She squeezed him whenever her overtired muscles regained an ounce of strength. She would have given him the world in that moment. She would have given him the cosmos and all the raw, passionate destruction of a supernova burning away everything in its wake with the terrible violence of its death.

She arched her back. He quickened to a frantic pace. He could no longer coordinate his massage with the desperate thrusts as he felt his orgasm begin to form in his hip and explode. He pushed all the way inside shaking his hips and groaning with the pleasure of each pulse of cum shooting from him. She felt a warm tingle unlike anything she ever felt. Her orgasm grew more intense to match his and the spasms nearly pushed him out of her. It wasn't unpleasant, just different. So that's what it feels like when he cums inside you. She could feel it as he finished and sat on the couch next to her. It moved inside of her and trickled down toward her legs.

She draped an arm around him and turned his head toward her with a finger. He was exhausted. She lightly kissed him. He feebly reciprocated as best he could while he recovered. “Will you spend the night with me?” she asked.

“Of course.”

“What about your clothes, what will you wear to work?”

“I'll wear some of yours, no one will be the wiser!”

She playfully smacked his chest and they both laughed. “Thank you for choosing me, Rick.”

“Thank you for choosing me.”

Written by JDDunne
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