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Motel Hottie Fulfills All My Oral Sex Fantasies

"A sex-starved man meets a hot, horny woman at just the right time, and they satisfy each other."

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I couldn’t even tell you how many years it had been since my mouth and tongue had touched a pussy. I hadn’t dated anyone since my divorce three years prior; and as for before that – well, my ex-wife was never much into oral sex even in our early years, and not into any kind of sex toward the end. If I got to stick my cock inside her now and then, I counted myself lucky – never mind any of the frills.

In all that time, though, I’d had hundreds of fantasies about kissing and licking, fingering and tonguing hundreds of pussies, until one amazing day when, very unexpectedly, I got to do more than fantasize! That day, one real-life woman reaped the benefit of all those fantasies, and made me feel pretty great, too!

Since the divorce, my “home” is the sleeper cab of my eighteen-wheeler. As a long-haul trucker, I only get to spend a few nights per month in my home town; so it just doesn’t make sense to rent and furnish a place, now that it’s just me. But I do like to book a motel room for most of my home nights. It gets me out of the truck, and I can spread out a bit and enjoy having a king-size bed, and my own bathroom.

Although my home days are busy with errands and doing all the routine things I need to catch up on before going back out on the road, I always make sure to leave time for some relaxed masturbation fun. There’s just something about being in a motel room that makes me extra-horny.

I got into town one hot and muggy Friday evening in July for three days of home time. After exchanging my tractor-trailer for my personal pickup truck in the company lot, I headed over to my usual chain motel and checked into a nice room on the 4th floor. The weather report called for a sweltering weekend. I ended up dripping with sweat just from carrying in my small amount of luggage.

After showering and taking care of a few things I needed to do, I got comfortable on the king-sized bed, pulled up some erotic stories and some porn videos on my laptop, and stroked myself to a satisfying, unhurried climax as I enjoyed reading and watching. It always feels special having a larger bed to masturbate in and being able to take my time; and I really enjoy my motel nights.

One thing always made me sad if I let myself think about it, though: The fact that, whether at “home” or on the road, self-satisfaction was the only kind of sex I ever had to look forward to.

On Saturday morning, I ate a quick breakfast in my room and then headed out to do my laundry and shopping and get a haircut. As I started down the hall toward the elevators, a very attractive blond woman came around the corner from there, heading in my direction. She stopped in front of a room several doors up from mine and paused to rummage in her purse, presumably for her key card.

The blond looked to be about 30 years old – so, maybe a few years older than my early-20’s grown children -- and she was gorgeous! She had shoulder-length, wavy blond hair, the most beautiful blueish-gray eyes, and what looked like a perfect body. She was dressed in snug, purple-and-white patterned yoga pants that showed off her shapely legs and ass, and a solid purple sports bra top. Her hair was tousled and slightly damp around her pretty face. She had obviously just come from a workout in the motel’s fitness room.

I couldn’t help slowing down to get a good look at the blonde’s shapely body. My eyes were really drawn to her taut and very hot-looking exposed midriff. Thanks to the cool air blasting in the hallway from the motel’s air-conditioning, I also had a great view of her erect nipples poking sexily through the thin fabric of her sports bra.

“Hi there,” the woman remarked, as I suddenly realized I had probably been staring at her too obviously -- although with looks like that, I’m sure she was used to it.

“Hi – Good Morning,” I stammered in reply. Self-consciously, I continued on in the direction of the elevators as she let herself into her room.

As expected, the summer Saturday turned out to be brutally hot, with temperatures soaring close to 100 degrees and high humidity that made the outdoors feel like a sauna. Hence it was even more of a relief than usual when I was done with all my errands and pulled back into the motel’s parking lot around 3:30 p.m. I couldn’t wait to get in my nice, cool room, where the first order of business would be some sexual relief.

My cock was feeling about as hot as the weather. The hallway encounter with the beautiful blonde had left me quite horny, and I had stayed that way all day as I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I had actually started to get a hard-on waiting for my laundry to dry, and again standing in the checkout line at Walmart, as my mind had drifted to how hot her body looked in those tight exercise clothes.

I gathered what I needed out of my pickup truck and headed for the side door of the motel building, which was closest to where I had parked. On my way into the building, I had to pass right by the swimming pool. There were about a dozen people using it, and I was just thinking how refreshing it looked and wishing I had a swimsuit with me, when to my surprise I recognized my blond “neighbor”. She was just climbing up the ladder out of the pool!

“Hey, hi again!” she called as she waved at me. “I recognize you – You’re staying on my same hall.”

“Yeah, I am!” This time I managed to be a bit more enthusiastic, as I waved back vigorously and called out, “Nice to see you again!”

“You should come on in -- the water’s the best place to be in this heat!” the blonde smiled.

“Aw, I’d love to, but I didn’t pack a swimsuit.”

By now she was all the way out of the pool and standing on the pool deck, soaking wet. She was wearing a fluorescent yellow bikini with black trim, which made it even harder for me to keep my eyes off her slim and shapely body than the hot exercise clothes from earlier. The skimpy bikini top exposed some nice cleavage, and it seemed that the thin swimsuit fabric was slightly sheer when wet. I was pretty sure it wasn’t my imagination that I could faintly see the circles of her areolas around each protruding nipple. Even more exciting, I could see a bit of a “camel toe” where the wet bikini bottom clung to her pussy area. Oh geez – was this hot and friendly bikini-goddess for real?

“Oh well, if you can’t join me, I guess I’ll head back to my room -- Hey, hold on, and I’ll walk with you!” With that, my new “friend” grabbed her towel from a nearby pool chair and pulled it around her wet body, slipped on her flip-flops, and hurried out the pool gate to where I stood on the sidewalk.

We introduced ourselves as we walked inside and to the elevator.

“I’m Sherri, by the way.”

“Nice to meet you, Sherri. I’m Jerry.”

Immediately, we both got looks of surprise on our faces and exclaimed nearly in unison, “We rhyme!”

When we had finished laughing, Sherri explained that she lived three states away but was in town for a seminar for work. “It doesn’t start until Monday, but I decided to come up a couple days early – I needed a change of scenery. I’ve been dealing with a sudden, painful break-up from my boyfriend.”

“Oh no! That’s too bad. I’m sorry about that, Sherri.”

“Yeah, we were together a long time – three years, almost. It’s difficult,” she confided.

“Oh, gee -- What happened?”

Sherri’s pretty face clouded over, and right away I wished I hadn’t asked.

“I still don’t fully understand it, myself,” Sherri sighed. “But . . . he somehow decided I was ‘trying to control his life’ because I felt hurt and upset when he paid some too-personal attention to another woman. And suddenly we just weren’t on the same wavelength anymore -- just couldn’t communicate -- and then . . . everything crashed.” Sherri’s eyes looked down at the ground, and it was more as if she was quietly speaking to herself rather than to me. “This was several months ago already – I know I should be feeling better by now. But I’m not -- not really.”

Sherri looked so bewildered and sounded so sad as she spoke, that I impulsively put both my arms around her and gave her a tight, affectionate hug. I honestly didn’t mean for it to be sexual. I felt awful I had made her feel sad, and I was just trying to comfort her. But somehow as we embraced, it ended up being sexy for me, and I think for her, too.

As I pulled her close in my arms, Sherri laid her head on my shoulder. Her firm, barely-clad body felt amazing and arousing pressed against me. She still had her towel around her shoulders, but it was mostly open and not covering the front of her. I prolonged the hug as long as I thought I could without seeming creepy.

After the hug, I reached for and squeezed Sherri’s hand in a further show of support, letting go only when the elevator arrived.

Sherri brightened up again, and we continued chatting as we slowly made our way toward our rooms. I explained that this was actually my home town, but the motel was the only “home” I had to go to. When I told Sherri about my wife unceremoniously dumping me after 25-plus years of marriage, albeit not truly happy ones, it was her turn to reach for and hold my hand.

“I’m so sorry, Jerry! But, I hope you’re dating again, by now?” she said.

“Oh no, I’m not. I haven’t felt ready for that step. But maybe, at some point.”

Sherri squeezed my hand hard. “Well, I’m sure better days are ahead for both of us,” she declared. “Jerry . . . I have some cold Cokes in the mini-fridge in my room – Would you like to stop in and I’ll fix you one?” By this time, we were almost at the door of Sherri’s room.

I didn’t hesitate. “Sure, that sounds great, Sherri.”

We entered the room, and I noticed that rather than a king-bed room like mine, Sherri had a standard room with two double beds.

Sherri tossed her pool towel onto the farthest bed, and once again I was treated to the sight of her in nothing but a wet bikini. Her nipples were still poking through the thin, damp bikini top; but I couldn’t quite make out the areolas now that we were inside where it wasn’t as bright. Her camel toe, however, was more obvious than it had been before, as she seemed to have unknowingly pushed the bikini bottom more into her pussy crease when she had given herself a quick drying-off with the towel.

“Jerry, how about getting some ice for our Cokes?” Sherri suggested. She reached for the ice bucket on the dresser, fitted the plastic bag liner in it, and handed it to me.

“Sure.” I was glad she asked me to, because I was getting an erection inside my jeans shorts, and I didn’t know how to hide it. Leaving the door unlocked, I headed down the hall to the ice machine.

Was it my own wishful thinking, or had Sherri seemed to be giving off some genuine “horny vibes”? First her enthusiasm in approaching me, then the seemingly mutual sexy feelings when we hugged, then inviting me to her room . . .

While I was getting the ice, my mind did some quick calculations – broke up with boyfriend several months ago – obviously still too distraught to be involved with anyone else since then – yeah, a hot gal like her is probably feeling pretty horny by now, all right. But I cautioned myself against reading too much into things. I had been sex-deprived for so long myself, I probably wasn’t thinking objectively.

I’d assumed Sherri would go into the bathroom and get dressed while I was getting the ice; but to my surprise, when I walked back in the door of her room a few minutes later, she was casually sitting on the edge of the closest bed -- completely nude! I nearly dropped the full ice bucket in my shock and embarrassment.

“Oh! Excuse me! I am so sorry!” I stammered, trying to back out of the door.

Making no attempt to cover up, Sherri called out, “It’s okay, Silly! Come back in here!” As I paused hesitantly in the doorway, she went on, “You’ve been staring a lot, and I know you were wondering what was underneath the bathing suit, so – I thought I’d give you a treat and show you!” She was smiling playfully.

I couldn’t take my eyes off Sherri’s sexy-hot, perfect body. Her pussy area was shaved except for a cute little landing strip of trimmed, light-brown hair; but a faint shadow of peach fuzz was just starting to grow out everywhere else, perfectly defining her pubic area. I could see from her tan lines that her bikini bottom had just barely covered what it needed to cover.

My eyes followed her landing strip down. Even with her legs only slightly parted, Sherri’s vulva was partly visible, peeking out in that super-erotic way that it only does when a woman is very slender. I could definitely see her clitoris, poking slightly out of its hood. Instantly, my cock swelled again in my shorts.

Moving my gaze upward to her chest, I enjoyed the sight of Sherri’s exposed nipples, standing at attention in the cool, air-conditioned room and framed by the circles of her fairly large and deep-pink areolas.

Her breasts weren’t huge, more like medium size, but they were natural and absolutely perfect – soft, white orbs with some very sexy-looking tan lines on the inner sides where the skimpy bikini top had left quite a swath of cleavage exposed to the sun. In fact, I realized that, like the bottom half of her swimsuit, her top had only barely covered things. There was no more than a half-inch strip of pale, unexposed skin on each tit between the tanned area and the edge of the areola.

My aroused cock pressed and strained against the front of my jeans shorts.

Seeing she had my full attention, Sherri smiled and scooted a little farther back onto the bed and spread her legs more to fully display her sweet, perfect pussy for me. Now I had a view of her labia, as well. Sherri obviously was enjoying exposing herself for my pleasure. The area around her pussy entrance looked shiny and wet, already.

Fixing the Cokes was very quickly forgotten, as Sherri motioned me over closer to the bed.

I stood there right in front of her and stared up and down her naked body for a few more moments, not sure what I dared to do next. Then Sherri whispered, “Do you want to touch me?”

She didn’t wait for me to answer but grabbed my hand and brought it to her right breast. She separated out my first two fingers and placed them firmly against her hard nipple.

With two fingertips, I alternately rubbed across Sherri’s nipple and around her areola, to her whispered “Yes, Oh yes.”

I gently squeezed the excited nipple, timidly at first. Sherri made a sexy little sigh, so I pinched a little rougher, holding it firmly between my thumb and fingertips and watching as it got bigger and deeper in color in response to my touch.

I cupped Sherri’s full breast in my hand and held and squeezed it. She made another, louder sigh of pleasure as I fondled her bare tit with my hand while her swollen nipple pressed eagerly against my palm. I sat down on the bed next to her to get more comfortable, kicking off my sneakers while never letting go of her tit.

Feeling tentative even at that point, but unable to control myself, I leaned down and kissed her nipple with my closed lips. Sherri’s whimpered, “Unnhhhh, Mmmm!” left no doubt she would like my tongue, too.

Still cupping her tit in my hand, with the tip of my tongue I licked circles all around the borderline where pale-white skin met hot-pink areola. I followed with kisses and licks all over the areola. Finally I began to lick her nipple hard and fast, my tongue making it very wet as it responded by enlarging and protruding for me. When I stopped and raised my head for a moment, Sherri couldn’t bear the interruption.

“Suck it,” she whimpered in a soft, excited plea.

Putting one arm around Sherri’s back and holding her close, I leaned back down, covered her nipple and areola with my open mouth, and began to suck her tit, hard.

Sherri soon was squirming and shifting her lower body around, making it apparent she was really getting hot and, I suspected, uncomfortably wet inside and out. She kept glancing at my crotch, obviously taking note of my hard-on bulging in my jeans shorts.

I switched my attention to Sherri’s left tit, leaving her right nipple wet, dark pink and distended from my vigorous sucks. As I pinched, licked and then began to suck hard on her left nipple, I glanced up at her, and our gazes met. Looking straight into my eyes, Sherri reached for my hand and pushed it down firmly onto her landing strip and the sexy, light-colored peach fuzz covering the rest of her mound.

Squeezing the back of my hand with hers, Sherri moved our hands around slowly, urging my hand to caress her sweet pussy-mound. I enjoyed the erotic feel of her sparse bit of pubic hair under my hand. Sherri removed her hand, letting me take over.

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Cupping and squeezing, I gradually moved my grip farther down, until my fingers were touching her vulva and clitoris. It seemed like Sherri might be halfway to orgasm already, just from the breast and nipple play. When I lightly brushed her swollen clit for the first time, Sherri excitedly raised her hips up to press back against my hand. Moving my fingers just slightly farther down, I found her labia were already quite slippery with steamy-wet arousal.

Hardly able to believe my own luck at being in a motel room with such a sexy and willing woman, I guess I kept half-expecting Sherri to close her legs and say, “Stop it!” or something. But that definitely was not happening! I felt like I had stepped right into one of my own hot fantasies.

To get more comfortable, we both moved wordlessly from the edge of the bed to the middle, with Sherri on her back with her legs open and me on my side, facing her.

Reaching down for her pussy again, I gently stroked a couple of fingers through the warm wetness at Sherri’s opening and then used them to give her one long, slippery stroke from her perineum to just above her clit, causing a slight gasp and moan from her. Knees bent and feet flat on the bed, she murmured, wiggled and pushed up toward my hand again, very eager for more of my touch.

Extremely aroused myself, I slipped two fingers partly inside Sherri’s vagina, and was surprised at how lubricated it was. My fingers glistened with her slippery creaminess as I pulled them out and used them to caress her clit. I alternately rubbed it back and forth, and then massaged it in circles, my fingers sliding easily with her wetness.

Sherri was already breathing harder. I was worried she’d get too excited and come too quickly, and I had a lot more pleasure planned for her! So, I made sure to alternate the stimulation with downtime, where I just held my fingers against her but didn’t move them. When I was still, I could feel her clitoris – in fact, her whole pussy really -- pulsing in excitement underneath my hand. Sherri’s entire pussy-area was wet now. Her clit had swollen noticeably just since I had first touched it. I loved the feel of her hot and excited little nub as I pressed one fingertip on it.

Reaching down with two hands now, I placed my left thumb and index finger on the smooth skin on each side of Sherri's pussy to spread her open wide, pulling upwards slightly to cause her clit to protrude more from its protective hood. I rubbed the index and middle fingers of my right hand through her wetness again and gently began to rub her sensitive, bared clit with them. To keep the stimulation from building up too much, I alternated the clitoral massage with caressing her wet labia, and even just holding my fingers still against her throbbing pussy. After a few cycles of this, Sherri was moaning and whining constantly.

She finally had to beg me for the next step. “Jerry . . . Put your mouth on it,” she pleaded in between helpless whimpers.

Wanting to get into the best position, I placed my hands underneath her and helped Sherri scoot her hips back over to the edge of the bed. Her sexy ass cheeks felt great in my hands, and I gave them a few squeezes.

My cock had to be as hard as I’d ever felt it. I had to take a second to quickly unzip my jeans shorts to ease some of the strain on it, before kneeling down in front of Sherri’s hot, bare pussy. Even though we had only just met, everything at that moment felt so right to both of us.

With my hands pressed against Sherri’s firm thighs to spread them wide, I nuzzled her landing strip and teased her pale-white mound with a few quick and noisy kisses using just my closed lips, causing her to squirm and make excited noises, as she tried to urge my mouth lower. I moved my hands up from her thighs and used them to spread her pussy as I kissed her vulva, clit and labia, again just with closed lips, until finally Sherri murmured, “Lick me, Jerry – Oh pleeease, lick me!”

From her seated position on the edge of the bed, Sherri leaned back on her hands to watch as my mouth began to fully explore her hot and beautiful pussy.

I kissed down Sherri’s landing strip and along her vulva just above her clit. The first touch of my tongue came on her clitoral hood. I licked all around it before finally settling on the sweet spot. Sherri was extremely aroused and moaned immediately when my tongue touched her swollen clit. I gave it light, caressing licks and also sucked it, but only briefly.

Sherri was already starting to breathe hard. Still hoping to postpone her orgasm and prolong her pleasure (and my own!), I didn’t dare give too much attention to her clit right away. So I expanded my actions to work over Sherri’s entire pubic area and even her inner thighs, exploring everywhere with my mouth and tongue. I traced over her bikini-bottom tan lines with wet licks – first at the top along her tight midriff several inches below her belly button, then along the creases where the pale, unexposed outer edges of her pussy met her tanned thighs on each side. My tongue on the skin of her intimate areas made Sherri shudder with pleasure. She held her legs wide open for me.

My tongue caressed her labia, tasting their sweet wetness as it traveled all over, between and inside of them, again and again, licking and kissing. It had been so, so long since I had tasted that! 

Again I moved my tongue down Sherri’s pussy, this time going all the way from the bottom of her landing strip to her perineum in one long, slow, erotic lick. I repeated this in reverse, but paused at her opening to push my tongue as far as I could inside her pussy and wiggle it around vigorously, to more passionate moans.

At the end of the next downward lick, I “accidentally” grazed her anus with my tongue, and was very happy when Sherri immediately responded with an “Mmmmm.” I flicked my tongue over and around it some more. When I raised my head back up, I noticed that her pussy was now so wet, some of her lubrication was visibly leaking from her opening.

Moving back to lick Sherri’s vulva, I also slid two fingers inside of her a couple of inches. I had never felt a woman so wet, and it seemed like I could even feel her pussy walls lubricating more right on my fingers. I added a third finger, pushed in very deep, and curled and spread my fingers apart, moving them to push against her vaginal walls in different spots, triggering squirms, sexy moans, and a breathless, “Ohhhh! That feels . . . so good . . . Jerry!” A moment later, “I – need to – come!”

I increased my stimulation. As I flicked my tongue fast and hard over her vulva and clit, and pumped my fingers deep into her wet opening, Sherri began to moan and pant, "Don't stop, please don't stop, ohhh just like that!” Her vagina was so soaked with natural lubrication that my fingers thrusting in and out of her made lots of noise.

Sherri kept lifting her hips up, pushing her pussy to my mouth and hand. She was about to come.

Her vocalizations became more high-pitched as her body jerked and started to flail under my mouth. I kept my face firmly on her hot pussy, easing up only slightly on my intense licking and fingering, and suddenly I felt and tasted a sudden gush of her warm juices and realized Sherri had squirted.

Sherri moaned, "I'm c-cummmming, oh-my-god I'm cummmming" as wetness flooded my mouth and hand. Her pussy gripped my fingers inside her as her clitoris throbbed hard under my tongue and lips. As she wailed and cried out with pleasure, I was surprised when Sherri quickly grabbed one of the bed pillows and pressed it against her face and mouth to partially muffle the squeals and shrieks she truly could not control. She fell all the way back onto the bed from her half-reclined position. Her body spasmed and thrashed as she went through the extremely intense and unusually long orgasm. Despite the pillow, she was pretty noisy. Even in porn, I had never seen a woman climax that long or hard, or cry out quite like that. I could only hope the nearby motel rooms weren’t presently occupied.

When I could tell that Sherri’s clit was getting unbearably tender, I stopped my actions at last, and scooted up onto the bed to lie down next to her. I figured she’d be much too exhausted to help with my hard cock, and I was planning to let her recover and just stroke myself to relief as I laid there. But after only a moment’s rest, and before I could begin, I was surprised to see Sherri stand up.

She gazed back down at the bed where she had been laying and patted a huge, very wet area visible on the sheet. She was still slightly out of breath. “Oh geez, I think I squirted, right before I came there. That’s only about the third time that’s ever happened! Oh my god Jerry, you got me so excited and made me feel so good! But -- Did I get you too wet?”

“No, of course not, Sherri -- I loved it!” I assured her.

“I think I had a whole-body climax! Probably because of the way you kept me on the edge so long!” Sherri giggled self-consciously, and her beautiful face quickly flushed and turned very red. She was obviously embarrassed, remembering how noisy and uncontrolled she had been during her wild orgasm.

“Baby, believe me – I enjoyed it as much as you did!” I said. Standing up to join her, I lovingly put my arms around Sherri, and we kissed for the first time -- a deep and passionate kiss between a couple who had already had a whole lot of intimacy before sharing that first kiss!

It was Sherri who broke the kiss, as she suddenly exclaimed to my surprise, “Your turn, Big Boy!” She reached down for my crotch where my jeans shorts were hanging open, and grabbed and squeezed my hardness through my briefs. It had been years since I had felt any touch there other than my own! Even through the thick cotton fabric, Sherri's hand on my aroused cock gave me a jolt of sudden pleasure, and I gasped and jumped slightly at the stimulation.

Since my shorts were already unzipped, Sherri got them off with just one quick shove downward, and I stepped out of them and flung them aside with one foot.

My cock had been seeping quite a lot of pre-cum during my oral fun with Sherri, and there was a big wet spot showing on the front of my light-gray boxer briefs. I got a preview of what was about to happen when Sherri stooped down and pressed her lips against the wet fabric just before quickly tugging my briefs down and off, to finally bare my extremely needy cock.

Sherri nudged me down to sit on the side of the bed. As I did, she dropped to her knees in front of me. Placing her hands on my inner thighs, Sherri pushed my bare legs open wider to stare at my cock and balls.

My entire cockhead was shiny-wet with my pre-cum, and another large bead appeared just as Sherri leaned down to taste it. She lapped up the clear fluid rather noisily and then licked inside my little slit to be sure to get it all, thus giving me another long-denied jolt of sexual pleasure -- the touch of a woman’s tongue.

Suddenly feeling overheated as well as overdressed, I hastily pulled my t-shirt off over my head and tossed it aside. Now both of us were completely naked.

I leaned back on my hands to get comfortable, and watched as Sherri began to flick the tip of her tongue all over and underneath the head of my cock with short, fast strokes. It felt incredible and made me quiver!

She slowed down and switched to longer strokes, repeatedly drawing her whole tongue across the head and up and down my shaft. When she began to lick circles around the sensitive area just underneath the head, I jerked involuntarily and let out a long whimper of pure pleasure.

Watching Sherri at work on my cock was better than any porn movie! Now, she gently and very erotically kissed my entire length, from the tip all the way down into my pubic hair, which she also kissed and nuzzled very enthusiastically, burying her face deeply in it. Then, grasping and squeezing my shaft with her fingers and holding it back toward my tummy, she gave more of her sexy nuzzles, this time pressing her mouth and nose firmly against my balls, in between kissing all over them. When she took one of them into her mouth and started to suck on it, I squirmed and gave a loud cry. I was so aroused, I was trembling, and Sherri realized she was about to make me come already, so she quickly stopped the motion and just held still with my testicle in her mouth.

Sherri’s eyes looked up at me, and we smiled at each other – well, as much as she could smile, with her mouth full with one of my swollen balls. I leaned down and she released it, so we could share a quick, happy kiss.

After a brief pause to let me calm down slightly, Sherri turned her attention back to my crotch. Now she guided my cock into her mouth, the fingertips of one hand firmly holding the base, as her other hand reached for my very tight balls. I watched her lips closing around my shaft and moaned, “Oh Sherrrrri!” when I felt her begin to suck me.

I’m not a real long guy, but the good thing about that is that a woman can take my entire cock in her throat, and Sherri did. She easily took in and sucked on my whole length, until her lips and nose were pushing into my pubic hair on each downward stroke.

After so many years of going without, those first moments of my cock inside Sherri’s skilled mouth were electrifying, really not quite like anything I had ever felt.

Trying to hold back my orgasm as long as I possibly could, I didn’t thrust but rather let Sherri control all the motion. I looked down and got a sexy view of her blond head moving up and down, as I reveled in the warm, wet pleasure of my cock in her mouth. I softly moaned her name again.

Sensing my over-excited state, Sherri took things slow. She would pause about ten seconds on each upward motion with just the head in her mouth, to gently suck and rub her tongue against it. Then, each time she slowly moved down on me again, she’d pause once more when my entire length had filled her throat, to suck me very hard, squeezing my cock between her tongue and the roof of her mouth with exciting, rhythmic pulses.

Sherri seemed to know just when to ease up completely to help me delay ejaculation. I guess it sounds like teasing, but it wasn’t that at all. She sweetly wanted to prolong my pleasure, much as I had tried to do for her. Every thirty seconds or so, she’d stop everything and just hold my cock completely still in her mouth for a long moment. Of course, even that was pretty arousing, and we both knew I wasn’t going to last much longer after all the excitement we’d had. Even holding still, my cock throbbed excitedly inside Sherri’s hot mouth; and my very full balls were tingling, getting desperate to release their load.

Just as I knew I couldn’t hold back another minute, Sherri raised up briefly to whisper, “Cum for me. Cum down my throat.” When she took my cock back into her mouth and resumed sucking me, I instantly felt my orgasm building.

“Oh yes Baby, I’m close!” I panted, as Sherri moved up and down on me faster now, while fondling and tugging my hot, sperm-laden balls at the same time.

I placed my hand on her head. “Sherri -- I’m gonna –” I cried out, but before I could say any more, my cock throbbed intensely and began to deliver long, hard spurts of thick cum into her sweet mouth. It was probably the best orgasm of my life – just a complete letting-go. The long-delayed climax made my whole body feel like it was exploding in relief!

As I moaned and grunted out loudly, I looked down. Sherri was swallowing my cum, but my cock was spurting it out faster than she could gulp and some of my semen was running back out of her mouth.

Breathing very hard, I tangled my hand in Sherri’s blond hair as she kept gulping, and she finally got most of it down. I gave her a lot to swallow!

As the last of my cum dribbled out onto her tongue, I relaxed my grip on Sherri’s hair to stroke my hand through it as she continued sucking slowly on the head, making sure it was all clean. She was soft and gentle, though, knowing I’d be super-sensitive after my intense orgasm.

Sherri finally released my tender and very satisfied cock from her mouth. She gave the head and shaft lots of playful little kisses, making me shudder in a last little burst of pleasure before we both flopped onto the bed, facing each other, to recover and talk.

I held her hand. “Sherri, that was wonderful – amazing – perfect!”

“For me too, Jerry. You really made me explode!” Sherri smiled at me as she gently caressed my chest with the back of her other hand. “I can’t believe you made me cum that hard!” she said, definitely sounding embarrassed now that we were getting back to our normal selves. “I’ve never cum that hard -- not like that!”

“Oh Baby, you did wonders on my cock too!”

“I don’t know why, Jerry, but I always feel super-horny when I’m in a motel room!” Sherri confessed.

“You, too?” I laughed and nodded as I hugged her.

Her hair had dried from the pool, but it was all in disarray, and she looked so cute as it framed her face. We shared another long, sensual kiss.

And then, still naked, we cuddled in each other’s arms on the bed until we both dozed off for a much-needed little nap, but not before I asked Sherri if she'd like to go out to dinner with me that evening, and she said, "Yes".

Written by Lunafalls
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