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Lotus And The Flame - Part Three

"Farida arrives at Anderson's and the real fun begins to start"

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The following day, Anderson handed Farida the mock-up weekend retreat letter. Farida slipped it into her bag.

That evening she showed it to Naeem and, thankfully, he didn’t question it. How could he when he had always encouraged and supported her Islamic studies? All Farida could think about was that, hopefully, the upcoming weekend would finally satisfy whatever Anderson wanted from her, and she could seal the arrangement as quickly as possible.

On Anderson's part, once he had handed the letter to Farida and she had given him the heads up that it was all going to plan, he was beside himself with excitement. It suddenly became the longest week of his life and he had never wanted a weekend to arrive so quickly.

Finally, Saturday arrived. He'd arranged to meet Farida at the train station near the university at nine. She arrived on time and, as they drove to his place, he noticed that she was very quiet and distracted.

‘You have nothing to worry about,’ he told her, trying to sound as reassuring as possible. ‘I will look after you. We will take things easy and hang out, just let the whole day and the evening flow naturally.’

He squeezed her thigh whilst all the time imagining that sweet moment when he would be undressing her. He had even bought some new bedding for the occasion and tidied up his apartment. Of course, he knew it was a big thing for her, but this was also a big deal for him.

It had ended up being a complete nuisance telling Marnie he wouldn’t be free for their usual weekend fuck. The woman had given him all kinds of headaches but, when he had lied to her and told her it was a work trip, she had managed, for once, to put her stupid insecurities to one side. Begrudgingly, she decided to take a trip of her own for the weekend with her friends.

Arriving at his apartment, Anderson unlocked the door and stepped aside to let Farida in. She was instantly taken aback at how nice the apartment smelt, clean and fresh and of vanilla. It was not the most ideal of situations but it could have been a whole lot worse. Farida had a thing about cleanliness and, even though she knew those thoughts were at odds with what this particular weekend would entail - a weekend that she knew would not involve much purity at all - she was thankful that Anderson didn’t live in some seedy bedsit.

Anderson took her weekend bag from her. ‘I’ll put this in the bedroom. Sit down and make yourself comfortable. Fancy a coffee?’

Farida nodded and sat on Anderson’s leather sofa. It reminded her of one she had coveted once in a Laura Ashley magazine. ‘Yes, coffee would be nice.’

‘I’ll fix us one and then you can relax and we can really get to know each other.’

Putting down Farida’s bag, Anderson was beside himself with excitement. Although Farida had agreed to the weekend, until he saw at the train station he wasn’t holding his breath. In fact, being honest with himself, he hadn’t thought that she was even going to show.

That night in the library when he had pulled down Farida’s jeans, he hadn’t been able to fathom the look in her eyes. Previously, she had looked scared to death but that evening she had looked unfathomable. Plus, all she seemed to be bothered about was the fact that they might get caught.

Well, she didn’t have to worry about that now because they had all the privacy they needed. Anderson appraised himself in the bedroom mirror. He was looking good, if he said say so himself. A white shirt teamed with pale blue denim always seemed to do it for the ladies, along with his tight white boxers that perfectly showed the contour of his hard, cut cock.

Having a private circumcision when he was twenty-one, had been the best thing that Anderson had done. The women loved it and also it was a bonus with the current situation. Farida wouldn’t have to worry about him being unclean. Anderson decided to just give his cock another wash before he went back downstairs.

In the en-suite, he ran the water and pulled his cock out of his pants. He lathered soap into his palm and moved it up and down his cock, paying particular attention around the head. He was keen to get the weekend started. When he'd told Toby what was going on over a beer the previous evening, his friend couldn’t believe it and Anderson could see the jealousy in his eyes.

‘Fuck off, I don’t believe you,’ Toby had said as he gulped on a bottle of Desperado.

‘Trust me, she is staying this weekend. I will finally get to see what she looks like as well. Seriously, sometimes I just feel like yanking her niqab off just to get a glimpse of her shocked face.’

Toby had clinked his bottle against Anderson's as a toast and mumbled something about being able to watch but Anderson had ignored that comment. Farida was going to be all his, and his alone. This weekend was going to be enlightening, like a sexual-spiritual trip.

As Anderson sprayed some more cologne on his neck before leaving the bedroom, he nodded to himself. That sounded so much better: a sexual journey, rather than a weekend fucking. He would use that line on Farida; it might put her more at ease.

In the kitchen, Anderson prepared coffee and put milk in a jug and sugar cubes in a bowl before taking them through to the living room. He placed the tray on the coffee table and sat down on the chair facing Farida.

‘I didn’t know how you take your coffee. So...’ his voice trailed away.

Farida leaned forward, poured milk into the cup, popped in two sugar cubes and picked up a spoon. After stirring, she threw her niqab over the cup like a small curtain, and took a sip. The coffee somehow soothed her. She was feeling nervous but not as frightened as she'd expected. After all, this weekend she was a different Farida; she almost felt like a business woman. Somehow, that thought comforted her a little.

All she had to do was change her mindset; Anderson wanted her as much as she wanted her results. With those thoughts in mind, she tried to relax.

‘I think we should see this as a sort of spiritual journey,’ Anderson said, pleased with that train of thought that had come to him minutes earlier.

Farida nodded. ‘I guess that is one way of looking at it.’

Anderson was momentarily taken aback. He hadn’t been expecting such a forthright answer but it obviously pleased him. His cock twitched.

‘I think we should start by you removing your niqab so I can finally see you.’

Farida blew on her coffee and took another sip. Quite clearly Anderson wanted this journey to start as soon as possible and, putting down her coffee cup, she did as he asked, untying the knot on the back of her hijab.

Looking at her face, Anderson's breath caught in his throat. Of course, he had imagined that Farida would be pretty but she wasn’t just pretty, she was beautiful. She looked like a girl in a Bollywood movie. Even to Anderson's ears that sounded cliché - but it was true. Her fine features were almost devoid of make-up, the only addition being brown eyeliner that swept under her eyes, enhancing their colour and shape.

Her lips were full with a definite cupid's bow and her hair was tied back off her face. As she placed her hijab on the chair arm, she moved a long plait over her shoulder.

‘You are beautiful,’ Anderson breathed. ‘Take off the rest please.’

Farida stood. Having unwrapped her hijab, she took off her jilbab and placed them on top of her niqab. She went to sit back down but Anderson stopped her. ‘Don’t sit down, let me look at you.’

Farida looked at him and did as she was told, feeling momentarily awkward as Anderson’s eyes ran over her body.

Anderson couldn’t believe his luck. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined Farida to have such a perfect figure. She was wearing a pink V-neck jumper and he could see her firm, jutting breasts. Her form was petite and perfect. The jumper nipped in to reveal a tiny waist that added just the right amount of curve to her frame.

Standing, Anderson's large frame dwarfed her. He didn’t know what to do first: kiss her or throw her over his shoulder and take her straight to his bedroom. He decided against the latter because, even to him, it felt a bit Neandertha. He opted for kissing.

Putting his finger under her chin, he tilted her head and she looked up at him. This time, Anderson felt himself go hard as he looked into her eyes before placing his lips on hers. Because he'd kissed her before, it didn’t feel too unfamiliar to Farida, the only difference being that she didn’t have the confines of the British Library to protect her from his advances. And she couldn’t stop him from doing anything on the premise that they might get caught.

Farida closed her eyes and, as they kissed, she felt Anderson's hand move to the small of her back, pulling her body so tightly against his that she felt the hardness of his manhood pressing into her.

Anderson’s hands moved from Farida’s back and down to her pert, nicely rounded ass. He grabbed it and ground himself against her. He moved his lips from her mouth down to her neck, his tongue licking a steady trai, causing her to shiver before he moved up to her ear. She felt herself wriggle slightly as he put his tongue in her ear. The feeling was erotic with a slight tickle thrown into the process.

‘I think we should go to the bedroom,’ Anderson whispered, his warm breath blowing into her ear and down her neck.

He held her away from him and looked intently at he. There was an element of warmth in his gaze that instantly put her at ease. This was a man who simply found her sexually attractive; he wasn’t going to hurt her intentionally, of that she was sure, and suddenly she was eager for her sexual journey as Anderson called it, to start because the unknown was killing her. The sooner she knew what she was up against, the better.

Farida allowed Anderson to take hold of her hand and lead her out of the living room to his bedroom. It was probably how Farida would have imagined a bachelor’s bedroom to look. It was black and white and the only splash of colour was provided by an abstract painting that hung over the bed.

Anderson pulled the band from the bottom of her plaited hair, undoing it before brushing it lightly with his fingers till her black silky locks hung freely. Next, he gripped the bottom of her jumper and tugged it up. Raising her arms, Farida allowed him to take it off. Much to Anderson’s delight, her perfect breasts were encased in a red lacy bra. He never have imagined Farida would wear such tasteful and sexy underwear beneath all her coverings and the thought excited him.

Anderson undid the button on her jeans and then the zip before pulling them down. Slipping her feet out of her shoes, Farida stepped out of her jeans and he threw them to the other side of the room. Kneeling in front of her, his hands travelled up her legs to her thighs. He wanted to devour Farida from head to toe. There was a passion burning inside him that he had never ever experienced before. Kissing her feet he moved to her ankles, his hands pushing at her legs, causing her to part them.

He ran his tongue up the inside of her thighs until her pussy was right there in front of him, housed in a red lacy thong. Anderson put his mouth on the lacy fabric and blew so that Farida felt his warm breath all over her nether regions. She gasped; although this was so wrong, she had to admit it felt good.

She felt Anderson's hands move round to her ass, gripping her cheeks as he pulled her harder against his face. She felt his fingers move the string of her thong to the side, his finger dipping between her cheeks until it was pressing against her hole. Just as she was wondering whether she was comfortable with this, Anderson moved his hands up the top of her thong and pulled it down to her ankles.

He lifted her feet, one by one, to remove the thong before throwing it across the room where it landed at the side of her jeans. Moving his hands up her thighs again in a firm circular massage, he reached the nub of her being and, with his thumb, he rubbed it while his tongue entered her hole.

With his free hand, Anderson undid the button on his jeans and pulled down his zip before releasing his cock from the confines of his boxers. As he licked and tasted Farida’s sweet juices, he moved his hand slowly up and down his cock, and a tiny bubble of pre-cum oozed from his tip. To his delight, as he continued to rub and lick Farida, she started to moan and her tiny, slender legs trembled slightly.

For Farida, this was something she'd never experienced and she felt something rise within her. Her legs were now shaking as if they were taking on a life of their own and she had to hold Anderson’s head to steady herself. This simple action seemed to drive Anderson wild. He rubbed his face frantically over her pussy and the climax that had been building in her suddenly reached a peak. As she crashed into an orgasm, Anderson's finger entered her.

He pushed one finger inside and, feeling her juices, he pushed another in. If she was going to take his cock then he needed to try and open her tight hole as much as possible. He stopped stroking his cock because the last thing he wanted was to shoot his load prematurely.

He could taste Farida on his tongue, his face was wet with her juices and, when he heard her gasp as he pushed his fingers inside, he knew that she was ready. Standing, Anderson stroked her face and then kissed her again, murmuring between each kiss for her to taste herself on his tongue, to smell her sex on his face. He unclipped her bra, slipped it off her shoulders and let it drop to the floor.

Looking down, Anderson took in Farida’s breasts. Firm and virginal looking, her brown nipples were pert and protruding. He had been right all along: you could get any woman into a bedroom and, once you worked your magic, their body responded to your touch. Anderson took Farida’s nipples between finger and thumbs and rubbed them. He watched as her face contorted with pleasure and she closed her eyes.

Farida couldn’t get to grip with all the different feelings and emotions that were running through her. Her stomach was fluttering with feelings that she'd normally attribute to excitement. She'd never imagined that being touched like this could ever feel so good.

After kissing her neck, Anderson moved down to Farida’s nipples and his tongue encircled each one in turn while his fingers found her pussy again, moving them rhythmically to mirror the action he was going to use with his cock. He couldn’t take it any longer. His cock was throbbing and he needed to feel himself inside Farida.

Picking her up, he took her over to his bed, placed her gently upon it before climbing on, holding his body above her, marveling at her beauty and the innocent look in her eyes. Her hair was fanned out on the pillow and she looked so divine he couldn’t hold out any longer.

‘I’ll be gentle, okay?’ he said, his eyebrows arching.

Farida bit her lip and nodded and then felt the tip of his cock pressing against her. Slowly, Anderson moved his cock into her so she could just feel the head. He then he tried some more but, instinctively, he knew that there was no way on earth she would be able to take his whole length. Normally he wouldn’t have cared. Under different circumstances, he would have carried on blindly until the woman’s body adjusted, pain or not. But Farida was different.

Anderson did want to fuck her in his usual animalistic way but he realised that he had to build up slowly to that or he would frighten her to death. As he pulled himself out of her, Farida was momentarily confused. She had been bracing herself for his invasion and now it wasn’t happening. Why not?

She watched as Anderson leaned over to the bedside table and she averted her eyes away from his thick black member.

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She saw Anderson reach for a bottle of baby oil that was propped on his table but still she couldn’t bring herself to watch what he was going to do with it. Anderson knelt and poured a liberal amount of oil on his cock before dripping some onto Farida’s pussy.

He watched the oil glisten against her, smooth mound and then trickle over her lips. Using his fingers, he massaged the oil around her hole whilst rubbing the oil into his cock.

‘Look at me,’ he ordered Farida because her aversion wasn’t turning him on at all. He wanted her to look at him and want him as much as he wanted her.

Farida looked and felt a small element of disgust mixed with wonder. She had never looked at a man like this before and he was thinking of putting that inside her?

‘Don’t worry, I’ll fuck you slowly, until you are used to it. Okay?’

Farida nodded because there really wasn’t much else she could do. She was laying naked on the bed and could hardly back out now. All she wanted was to close her eyes and let Anderson do whatever he had to do but he was holding her gaze. Shutting her eyes would be rude.

‘I’m on the pill,’ she suddenly blurted, not really knowing where that had come from.

Anderson smiled at her. ‘Right, cool.’

The look of amusement on his face at her admission made Farida feel even more self-conscious. ‘I was just saying, just in case... well, you know, you come inside me accidentally.’

Anderson raised his eyebrows and looked at her, his eyes thick with lust. ‘Oh, there won’t be anything accidental about that, believes me.’

Her statement only served to spur him on even more. Now, all he could think about was filling her completely and the thought of his come oozing out of her pussy made him almost frantic with desire.

Farida watched as Anderson moved over her again and she felt his mouth on her neck, delivering soft feathery kisses before gently sucking. She felt his cock near her entrance again. Farida tried not to clam up; she concentrated on Andersons kisses on her neck and then on her lips as he pushed inside her. The baby oil helped, she had to concede that. Although it hurt, it wasn’t as harsh as she had first imagined.

As Anderson pushed deeper and deeper inside Farida, it took all his self-restraint not to explode right there and then. The whole thing now was real. This was no longer a fantasy he had while wanking; his aim had been achieved and, as he eased into her, he felt Farida moving slightly against him. He couldn’t contain himself any longer.

He upped his rhythm, and he felt Farida clutch his arms. It was as if part of her wanted him to stop but she wasn't totally convinced. Anderson could feel his mind starting to run away with him. They had the rest of the day and night and his mind was suddenly crowded with all the things he wanted to do. As he fucked Farida slightly harder, he imagined fucking her from behind. He thought about how he could get her to do things she would never have imagined doing, and he forced himself to slow down.

He had purposefully not wanked for a few days because the thought of having copious amounts of cum to share with Farida was one of the most enticing things in the world. Hadn’t she become accustomed to his cock with an ease that even he could never have imagined?

For Farida, it was a lot more enjoyable than she ever could have imagined and, as Anderson pushed his cock inside her, she moaned. This felt so good, she decided to relax and enjoy it. Certainly it was a lot easier than she'd imagined.

Anderson pulled Farida’s tiny frame closer to him and rammed his cock in her hard. Fuck it, he was going for it. It had been forever since he had deflowered someone so innocent. Farida’s moans filled the air, getting louder with every thrust of hiss cock, and the fact that she was making so much noise told Anderson that she could handle his cock pretty fine from now on.

Slipping his cock out of her pussy, Anderson grabbed Farida by her tiny hips and turned her around on the bed, forcing her to kneel on all fours. With her ass in front of him, Anderson couldn’t resist having a play. Opening her cheeks, he looked at Farida’s forbidden hole. Leaning down he licked her, teasing her tight rim and round to the front and back again.

His tongue on her pussy lips felt almost soothing for Farida as she felt herself start to burn. Anderson’s cock had hurt so much at first but then she'd slowly become accustomed to it. As Anderson pushed inside her again, Farida gasped and grabbed the pillow in front of her and bit it. That had hurt. His cock felt like it was going to burst through her pussy and into her throat. She felt Anderson gripping her hips and this time he didn’t stop himself like he had at first.

Farida’s tiny frame on the end of his cock was simply too much for him now. Harder and harder, Anderson pushed himself into as her moans again filled the air, this time, more guttural, almost like she had become as animalistic as he had and that excited him very much. If he could get her to do this, then what else could he get her to do?

The list of possibilities was endless and Anderson started to feel himself building towards a climax. He opened Farida’s ass cheeks and looked at her hole, all tight and brown and so enticing. He spat on it, his white saliva almost fluorescent against her skin. He rubbed his spit around her hole with his thumbs before slowly dipping a finger inside.

Farida’s sudden shouts of ‘No, No,’ were too much for him. He removed his finger and pulled her pussy onto his cock faster and faster until he was ready to shoot his load. He knew it was going to feel so good.

Farida’s mind reeled with what Anderson had just done but now all she could think about was whether he was going to come inside her or pull out. Not that it really made that much difference in the grand scheme of things. She'd let another man invade her, where his juices went was pretty much irrelevant now.

Anderson pumped harder and harder until he shot his load deep inside her tight pussy. He could feel his hot cum oozing from his cock. He was glad that he had saved it all for Farida. He held her tightly as he recovered and felt his cock start to slacken.

Farida could feel the sweat on her brow and caught her breath. She felt Anderson turn her round and she lay on the bed, looking at him, seeing a look of lust still in his eyes while his cum flowed out of her pulsating pussy like a river.

‘That was beautiful,’ he whispered as he kissed her softly on the lips before moving down her neck. Feathery kisses made her tingle as they moved across her breasts and down to her stomach. She wriggled slightly as they tickled her and then his mouth was on the top of her pussy, kissing her pubic bone before his tongue reached her lips. Rhythmically, he licked her like he had done earlier and Farida felt herself start to respond.

Anderson buried his face into Farida’s pussy before moving her legs over his shoulder, his mouth finding her pussy hole that was soaked with his cum. He sucked around her hole voraciously, trying to get out as much cum as he could. When he felt he had enough, he moved up and kissed her, forcing her to open her mouth, dripping in the globules of cum he'd managed to extract from her pussy.

Farida was shocked as she felt her mouth filled with a mixture of saliva and an unfamiliar salty taste. Her instinct was to spit it out but Anderson’s lips were placed firmly on her own. All she could do was swallow.

For another five minutes or so, Anderson's tongue explored Farida’s mouth before he suddenly stopped. Kneeling up, he looked at her, his face one of wonder and appraisal like a parent congratulating a small child who had particularly pleased them.

‘That was wonderful, far better than I ever could have imagined. Did you like it?’ he asked as he lay beside her and took hold of her hand.

Farida nodded, not really knowing what else to do. Part of her had enjoyed it and then the other part of her was wreathed in dark shame. However, she had done the forbidden and that could never be now undone.

Anderson squeezed her hand, as if he was trying to comfort her somehow. For his part, he felt sated, and they lay in silence for a while, each lost in their own thoughts.

Finally, Anderson spoke, ‘I think we should freshen up, what do you think?’

Farida nodded, ‘Yes that would be good,’ she replied, wondering if she would ever be able to wash away the sin of what they'd just done.

Anderson got off the bed. ‘I will run a bath.’

Anderson turned on the taps and poured in bubble bath. He swirled his hand around the water making sure it was the right temperature before turning off the taps and making his way back to the bedroom. Farida was still on the bed and, when he walked in, she instinctively went to cover herself. Even in her mind that seemed a futile act. There was nothing to hide from Anderson, he had exposed her in ways she could never have imagined.

Anderson saw Farida’s embarrassment and felt instantly sorry for her. He took his bathrobe off the peg behind the bedroom door and handed it to her. ‘Here put this on.’

Farida took the robe from him and sat up, slipping it around her body. The vast amount of toweling that covered his sturdy, broad masculine body, drowned her tiny frame, but she found a comfort within the folds of the material as she tied the belt tightly around her waist.

In the bathroom, Farida was overpowered by the smell of the bubble bath but the bath and the heat were immediately comforting and all she wanted to do was a step in and lose herself in the warmth of the water. Maybe, after a bath, she would feel cleaner in more ways than one.

‘Get in,’ said Anderson, his dark eyes searching hers as if defying her not to do as she was told.

Farida had been hoping to have some time on her own to gather her thoughts. She couldn’t think of anything better right at that moment but, clearly, Anderson had other ideas. Farida slipped off the bathrobe and got into the bath, the heat momentarily taking her breath away. Slowly, she eased herself into the water and took comfort within the bubbles. Lying back, she closed her eyes, still aware that Anderson was watching her.

‘You will feel better after this,’ he said, suddenly kneeling beside the bath. ‘Here, I will wash you.’

‘No, don’t, ‘Farida said, suddenly desperate to have her alone time. ‘Honestly, I will be fine. Why don’t you make us some coffee?’

Anderson shook his head, ‘No. This weekend you're going to do as you are told and keep your side of the bargain.’

Farida looked at him and swallowed. ‘Okay, I suppose that’s fair enough.’

Anderson ran a sponge across her breasts. ‘I knew you would see sense.’

Farida watched as Anderson stepped into the bath and sat beside her. ‘It cost me a fortune, this tub, but I don’t think there is anything more erotic than sharing a bath with someone after you have fucked. What do you think?’

Farida shrugged, ‘I haven’t really given it much thought.’

Anderson took hold of her hand and put it on his cock. ‘Stroke it,’ he ordered. With his hand on top of hers, Anderson moved her hand up and down his shaft until she felt him getting hard again.

‘What is your fantasy Farida? You must have one.’

Farida watched as Anderson moved her hand up and down and she felt her heart skip a beat. She had thought that after they had fucked, Anderson would be satisfied. However, it was quite clear to Farida that Anderson had other plans entirely. The truth was, she didn’t really have any fantasies but, if she said that, she ran the risk of looking boring.

‘I don’t really have a fantasy,’ Farida finally conceded because it was true. When she slept with Naeem it was good and she enjoyed it but they didn’t share fantasies.

Anderson gripped Farida’s hand tighter. ‘I have a lot of fantasies and I fully intend for them to be played out this weekend and then in the months to come until our little arrangement comes to an end. Say on the day of your graduation?’

Farida looked at him and nodded almost reluctantly. ‘Yes, that sounds fine.’

‘Good. Now I want you to stroke my cock until I can feel myself building up to an orgasm while I finger your tight little cunt, and then we will go back to the bedroom and continue our little journey of discovery.’

Farida felt his lips on hers and the feel of his tongue in her mouth that was becoming more familiar. She gasped as she felt his fingers enter her.

Just as Farida’s arm was starting to ache due to the vigorous up and down motion of Anderson's hand on her own, she heard him gasp and he stopped her. ‘Oh, that was close, baby. I very nearly came then. Right, come on, let’s get out of the bath and get something to eat.’

After they'd got out of the bath, Anderson wrapped a towel around Farida and she watched as he quickly dried before turning his attentions to her. First, he rubbed her hair before moving down the rest of her body, playing close attention to his endeavor. When he reached her toes, she watched as he admired them again.

‘I really need to suck your toes again. After I first saw them in the library, trust me, I couldn’t stop thinking about them.’

Farida didn’t understand his mild obsession with her feet, but she supposed there were a hundred and one other things he could ask her to do which would be more unpalatable.

Back into the living room, Farida realised that, actually, she was quite hungry. She'd had only a piece of toast for breakfast as her stomach spun around like a washing machine on a spin wash. Anderson offered her a menu for the local takeaway and, in the end, she plumped for an Indian style pizza, fries and a can of coke.

Waiting for their food, Anderson fell back into casual chat and, much to Farida’s relief, the air was momentarily devoid of the sexual tension that had built between them. She started to relax. The food satisfied her immense hunger and Farida actually found, to her surprise, that she was starting to enjoy herself a little. Anderson was easy company and also they briefly touched on her work and how he was confident that she would get the result she needed.

‘I have been thinking, though Farida, how are we going to meet without you causing suspicions at home?’

‘I have Islamic lectures and Qur’an classes outside of university time so it won’t be a problem.’ With her napkin, she wiped a stray blob of garlic mayonnaise from the side of her mouth.

‘That’s good and I am glad you have thought that bit through. In fact, that has pleased me greatly. It makes me feel like you don’t mind the things we have done up to now.’

Farida shook her head. ‘It hasn’t been too horrific but I guess that all depends on what else you have got planned.’

Anderson took a drink of his coke before tossing the empty can into a wastepaper basket. ‘I have a few things planned. Of course, I am going to fuck you again, that’s standard but there a couple of other things I want you to do for me.’

Farida closed the top of the pizza box. ‘Like what?’

‘A blowjob,’ Anderson said simply. ‘I want you to suck my cock while I lick your pussy. I want you to come on my face as I shoot my load into your mouth.’

Farida felt her heart start to beat a steady tattoo in her chest. ‘I can’t do that.’

Anderson raised his eyebrows, “Why not?”

‘Because it is forbidden in Islaam, that’s why.’

Anderson snorted. ‘Well, I don’t think our fucking is completely approved of, do you?’

‘I know that, but this is different. We have to draw the line somewhere.’

‘We have an agreement,’ said Anderson as he stood, picked up the takeaway boxes and went through to the kitchen.

After throwing them in the bin, he went back to the living room and stood in the doorway, his arms folded, like a truculent child who had been told he couldn’t have his own way. But, he thought, he would, whether Farida liked it or not.

Written by NancyAllbright
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