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A Perfect Place To Hyde - Part Five

"Lily and Clara's dick-wrangling skills are finally put to the test."

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Author's Notes

"English teacher Jed Martin has embraced the Mr Hyde side of his dual ‘Jekyll/Hyde’ nature, so far using his hands, his mouth, and his wits to bring two hot teenage girls – Lily and Clara – to trembling orgasm in his hotel room. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Now he’s REALLY going to enjoy himself. Note: for those who like getting straight into the sex, this is a perfect time to hop on board. Just saying."

‘Kiss,’ he tells them.

Lily and Clara look at him. With Jed’s dick so manifestly ready, it’s not quite what they were expecting.

‘Kiss each other. Show some love.’

Each girl checks out her friend, in all her naked hotness. Then they come together with lips parted and tongues set to engage. They seal at the mouth like they’ve fully acknowledged their mutual crush and want to consummate it, each one’s hands palming the other’s face.

Jed barely lets them lock in place before he acts. Taking his meaty cock in his hand, he bends it horizontal, presses the head to their mouths’ twin corners and thrusts, spearing all the way between their still kissing lips. The girls’ throats jointly emit sounds of muffled shock as he grips their soft heads, holding them firmly in place. This facilitates the shunting of his thick cock-shaft back and forth, as he vigorously fucks the space between their tight-planted mouths.

The mirror-reflected sight is a glorious one. He’s towering over both his teen bitches now, muscled arms securing them, while his slick, ridged weapon rams into view on each stroke through the tunnel of their wet mouths. Their lips pillow him on either side, Lily’s firm like wet silk, Clara’s fuller and more yielding, both sets combining into a substitute cunt that he fucks with relish. Two pairs of wide eyes are looking up at him, both girls taken aback to find their faces used in a crude cock sandwich.

‘Fuck yeahhh…’ Jed says, the words a grating snarl from the back of his throat. Much of the sentiment stems from the sheer relief of having his phallic needs attended to in any way at all. But holding these sweet mouths in place so they expand around his dick’s ravishing motion – what a hell of a way to achieve it.

As for the sensation… The slither of this improvised gash against his shaft as it pistons – slick warmth all over his steel-pumped erection, combining with an audio of luscious friction – it’s swelling his balls fuller by the second, or that’s how it feels. The softness of each girl’s hair as his thumb strokes through it, while keeping the pair shoved tight around him, that feels glorious too. Such a deliriously wicked contrast of tender and harsh. Jed’s never fucked his way between a lesbian kiss before, but if it’s always such a source of sloppy, cock-pulsing goodness, he’ll be the poster boy. All that it lacks, he considers, is suction on the glans. That’s what the situation calls for, right now.

He pulls out of the glossy channel like he’s extracting himself from an actual fuckhole, releasing the girls as he does so. They part, breaking the strand of saliva that links their lips, staring at him and his swaying member with vividly expressive faces.

Lily: What the fuck just happened?

Clara: Oh God, you dirty delicious bastard.

Jed returns a stare along the lines of I just fucking happened, and you’ve not seen what a bastard I am – not yet.

‘Right,’ he says, having established a new policy of cutting to the chase. ‘Who sucks first?’

Lily’s lips are a pretty circle, as she fixates on the promise of Jed’s levitating rod. Clara’s mouth remains likewise open and wet from having it glued in a half-O around his shaft, and her instinct is all ‘little cocksucker’. But she’s proving a better friend than the teacher had first imagined, plus the slutting of her friend is clearly making her drip. You go, her sideways glance urges Lily. The blonde girl is caught in one of her micro-hesitations, so Clara verbally clarifies the situation. ‘Go, or I’ll fucking gobble it all.’

Props from Jed to the dark-haired girl. She knows how to apply a final shove. Panic flashes across Lily’s face – specifically that Clara’s mouth will make good on her threat, not relinquishing the cock till she’s drained it of all its throbbing goodness. The bridesmaid is so not having that. Further widening her mouth’s entrance, she scurries on her knees to Jed and captures him, sealing her lips around his head, while her hand reaches to support the base. His body thrills from his erection’s tight surface to his nipples as every penile nerve-ending get swaddled up and attended to by a hot, young mouth.

Lily utters a muted sigh as she encloses him, the vibrations emanating all the way from his glans down to his balls and shuddering his whole body. Her wide-eyed shock at her own daring is diffused by whatever pulsing warmth she feels within her mouth. Instantly her muscles tighten around him, and she sucks – head gently bobbing, cheeks contracting then relaxing, tongue wiggling down his shaft the better to swathe him in her oral embrace. She’s pure earnestness, set on proving that Clara isn’t the only potential ‘gobbler’ in the room.

Jed groans at the suction, resting a hand on that busy blonde head like he’s commending her performance. (A good teacher should reward effort, don’t you agree?) And she’s not without experience, that much is clear. A guy or two before Jed has surely benefitted from her sweet mouth. She’s tentative, that’s all. Unskilled. In need of training. Well, young Lily, he thinks, welcome to class. A lesson in life skills, just like we discussed.

‘That’s good,’ he tells her, breathily. ‘That’s nice. You’re doing great. Just keep your eyes on me and let me feel that mouth.’

Feed that mouth. FILL that mouth. It’s all going on in his head, but for now he lets Lily find her own way, as she stares up into his face and sucks more insistently. Her head is moving in a steady rhythm now, one set of fingers still curling around his base and the other hand resting prettily on his groin, while she gets into her fellating groove. In moments she’s gone from nervy trier to competent sucker of dick. And whatever she lacks in experience, her solemn air of innocence-lost more than compensates.

Up close and avidly watching, Clara casts loaded glances Jed’s direction. He interprets them with ease. God, she looks fucking hot like that. Nice warm-up – she’s doing damn well for a goody-two-shoes, right? The looks graduate swiftly to Okay – time I showed her how to up her game…

Jed watches from on high, as the dark girl literally wrests his cock from Lily’s grasp. She lays her fingers around the shaft and prises it towards her reaching mouth, her whole body nudging her friend out of the way. Check this out, Lil, her side-glance says, as her salivating mouth engulfs Jed’s wet-and-ready cock.

Oh fuck me, yes. Our guy’s erotic soul positively sings as Clara snaffles up whole inches of his pulsating length. Now it begins, he thinks. (And he hasn’t even needed to push throatward yet.) He looks on with delight as the pair’s natural adventurer positively wolfs him down, cheeks hollowing. Her lips stretch wide around his pole and her tongue surges underneath, the onslaught already thick with saliva. Jed’s bodily delight intensifies, as does the impulse to fuck teen face, but it’s too much of a privilege to see this secondary school senior ply her precocious cock-gobbling skills (and no, she wasn’t overselling herself when she used that term) unaided.

Things get better still when she grasps the root of his length, fingers splaying out over his balls, so she can better undulate her head upon him, the motion full and greedy. She’s aiming her gaze right into his eyes as she sates her young appetite for cock, defying him not to be impressed. This is what a girl can do when she really loves her subject, Mr J.

‘Fuck…’ Jed groans. He’s bulging hard under influence of her mouth’s vigorous suck-love, particularly enjoying the moment when she backs off, allowing an accumulation of spit to stream its foamy path from her tongue down to the base of his cock. Then she sucks him up again, her mouth squelching wet every time her cheeks contract. He rests both hands on her head, containing the desire either to push her down or thrust himself forward. Allow her this showcase for her skills, first. That’s the way. Let her demonstrate some of that good, good practice to Lily.

The blonde girl is observing with Clara-levels of attention, her attitude less shock than keenness to learn. Thus, when her pal releases Jed completely and passes the slick baton (her face all Now you, bitch), Lily grabs the shaft urgently and gulps down more than she can manage. She comes off instantly, spluttering spit, then she dives again regardless, the increased cock volume and wetness level within her mouth suggesting that she’s taking that ‘gobbling’ notion to heart. What a game little sweetheart this one is turning out to be. The uptick in slurping is a wonder to hear, the deliberately sloppy suction another improvement that registers right in Jed’s balls. See? her blue-eyed gaze is saying. See Mr Jed? I can do this too.

‘Christ yes,’ he says, caressing her sweet head in both hands and staring down at her. ‘You’re a good little student. Isn’t she, Clara?’

Clara’s tongue has begun tracing wet paths over his lower shaft and balls, as she gets in on her slut-partner’s dick-pleasuring action. ‘Uh-huh,’ the darker girl says, eyes smiling, though her mouth is obscured.

Jed draws Lily off his cock, looking down on her as her mouth drips. ‘Get up,’ he says, voice full of lust’s dubious benevolence. ‘Clara, take over. I want a little chat with Lily.’

The naked bridesmaid literally clambers up the trunk of Jed’s body, puzzled, yet losing none of her eagerness to please. Clara’s tongue instantly slithers all the way up Jed’s shaft, skating around his head before she swallows him up again in her cock-craving mouth. He pulls the hot and trembling Lily to himself, fully kissing the lips that moments before were stretched around his shaft, his tongue burrowing deep. Her response is fevered, tongue tangoing madly with his, while she clutches his muscled arms. Now he has one teen clamped lusciously to his face, while the other is guzzling with vigour on the rigid steel of his dick. Epic fucking moment.

He disengages his mouth from Lily’s, saliva strands trailing between their parted lips. ‘You’re doing well, Lily,’ he tells her, like she’s prepping for a final exam.

‘Am I?’ Poor Lily wants her mentor’s praise so damn much, it’s cute. ‘Do you like it?’

‘I love it,’ he says, clutching her as Clara slurps audibly on his pole, internalising the deep groan that wells up from within him. ‘You’ve got real talent, Lily. You’re a natural-born cocksucker, like your friend down there. She’s just spent more time than you with her mouth full of hard dick, isn’t that right?’

‘I guess so, yes,’ Lily says artlessly, gasping when he reaches down to squeeze a handful of her pert ass-flesh.

‘Yes, well, tonight we’re levelling things. Letting you play catch-up. Even though she’s sucking on me right now like a little whore.’ Fuck, like he needs to remind himself of Clara’s concerted slurpfest. It’s quite the task keeping his shit together. ‘Tell me,’ he says, refocusing with extreme difficulty from his fellated cock, ‘what did she say to you before you came?’

Lily is so caught up in the right-now that she struggles with his question.

‘When she whispered to you, right before you came all over my fingers, Lily, when you had that crazy fucking orgasm with me watching it all… Tell me what she said.’

Lily’s breathing comes in shreds, so overpowered is she by the whole situation. (With Clara sating her cock-hunger in such gleefully messy fashion on him, Jed can relate.) ‘She said… She told me to… to relax, just to let it… let it happen. Not to stop it. And… And…’

‘And what?’ He can see there’s something more and of significance – that she wants yet doesn’t want to share. ‘Tell me, Lily. I need to know.’

‘She said… She said, “You’ve had his tongue and his fingers, so think what his cock will feel like.”’ Lily looks like she’s going to wilt from mortified excitement. ‘“Think what it’ll feel like to fuck him.”’

‘Uh-huh, good.’ He damn well loves Clara, for more reasons than the cock-feastingly obvious. ‘And you are going to fuck me, aren’t you, Lily?’

‘Oh yes,’ she says, like she’s desperate for him to know it’s not in doubt. Bless the little sweetheart and her butt-nude ass. ‘Yes, I am.’

‘Say “Yes, Jed.”’

‘Yes… Jed,’ she simpers, caressing the bulges of his upper arms. ‘I’m going to fuck you good, I promise.’

He brushes his lips against hers. ‘I know you are. And so’s Clara. You’re both going to fuck me for all you’re worth.’ One of his hands reaches down to caress Clara’s head as she works away, giving him her best lollipop slurp-and-drool. Sweet Christ – hold it together, man. Wait for it... ‘You’ve both still got plenty to learn, including your hungry friend down there.’ He kisses Lily’s mouth softly. As he does so, he closes his hand on Clara’s hair, shoving her down to the base of his cock and filling up her face with his engorged meat. ‘You’re both in school tonight,’ he rasps, to the sweet tune of her friend’s throaty gagging. ‘And you’re both getting fast-tracked.’

He places a hand on Lily’s head, guiding her so that she’s looking down on her gurgling friend. ‘Check her out, Lil. How does she look to you now?’

Lily gasps at the sight of Clara, wide-eyed and stuffed, oozing saliva over Jed’s balls. ‘Oh fuck…’ is all she can manage, before he pulls his captive right off his cock and holds the girl gasping and drooling before that spit-glazed column. ‘Oh… fuck!’ Lily looks at him, a mix of panic and arousal.

‘I don’t think you’re quite ready for that yet,’ he says with a look that effectively disguises his true intentions. Lily’s expression eases into relief.  

‘Fucker…’ Down below, Clara literally spits the syllables, wetness splattering onto her chest. She’s glowering up at him, but her lips’ curl betray her amusement, nonetheless.

‘Get up here.’ He shoves Lily downwards as he says it, telling the blonde girl, ‘You take over on cock duty. Make sure it’s a good mouthful, then I won’t give you more than you can cope with.’ By the time Clara’s properly on her feet, Lily is already stretched wide around him and sucking hard. Jesus fuck, that’s amazing…

The spit is still dangling in gobs from Clara’s chin, when he pulls her to himself. ‘What’s that you were saying?’ he inquires of her, fixing her with the wicked grin that’s now coming so easily.

‘You heard me, fucker,’ she says, but she’s bridling with excitement as he manhandles her again, one hand circled tight around her waist, while the other gropes her tits. Lily licks and slurps him industriously throughout their dialogue, intermittently shooting upward glances to see what’s going on between her friend and the teacher.

‘So,’ Jed says breathily, fondling Clara’s tit like playdough, ‘you don’t want to dive that deep again?’

She reels under his rough touch but tries to keep it together. ‘Didn’t say that,’ she tells him. ‘Maybe I can do it all by myself, without being pushed.’

Jed tugs at her hard nipple, finishing with a twist. ‘Never done it before, though, have you?’

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Clara flinches – from wounded pride and a little pain. ‘I… I’ve sucked a guy deep,’ she manages.

Jed twists harder. ‘How deep?’

She stifles a moan. ‘Pretty deep…’

‘Deep as just now?’ He sustains the twist, causing her to squirm until she relents.


He relents too. ‘Did you like it?’

‘Yes.’ She’s only pretending to be begrudging. He can see it in her eyes.

He smiles at her. ‘That’s “Yes, Mr Jed.”’

Clara smiles right back, cheekily. She’s loving the shit out of this. ‘Yes, Mister Jed.’

‘Good.’ He squeezes her tighter to his side and speaks directly into her ear, focusing all his energy into keeping it together while having his cock sucked. For all Lily can see, he might be kissing her friend. ‘You’re a naughty slut – keen to learn. No better way than by teaching. Know what I mean?’

‘Uh-huh.’ By her attentive smirk she likes what he means too.

‘Your cocksucking pal is doing a nice job – my dick feels fucking good – but she can do better. Go prove what you can do and train her up as well. I made her a promise. You didn’t…’

Clara’s grin is almost psychotically happy, and Jed’s sucked cock is a whole new kind of rigid. Sweet Christ, this is the best night of both their lives, he thinks, as she sinks back to her knees. Just maybe Lily’s too…

Things develop so swiftly (in fellating terms) that Jed scarcely has time to register the track change on his mix – DNCE’s Cake By the Ocean. It’s a serendipitous accompaniment. Admittedly they’re all some distance from any ocean, but the ‘cake’ part of the metaphor is on point; these girls are supplying one hell of a confection, and in process of frosting his dick like it’s never been frosted before. Clara hits the floor drooling, with Lily already vacuuming Jed’s top several inches. The dark girl spits along the rest of his shaft and slides her tongue baseward through the saliva, before swallowing up his heavy balls in a great hungry mouthful.

Now he has two teenage girls expending their oral favours all over his throbbing sex organ – one tonguing towards his perineum while her whole mouth suction-massages his cum-bloated bollocks, the other working over his upper pole and cock-head like she’s trying to suck a particularly thick milkshake up a gigantic straw. Fucking FUCK YES. Mr Jed’s students have brought cake to class, and he’s going to cram down every damn slice. (As metaphors go, it’s got its limits, but to hell with literary integrity – the bastard’s getting his cock sucked by two schoolgirl bitches. And ‘cram’ has other more literal connotations, as the ‘bitches’ in question are about to discover.)

‘Jeeesus, that feels good,’ he says, leaning into the profanity to help dissipate some of the sensation with which his body is awash. He pets the pretty blonde head that’s bobbing persistently before him and reaches down to lay hold of the deep-brunette one positioned directly beneath. ‘Okay…’ He grips hard. ‘Get back to cock detail.’

‘Don’t you like your balls being sucked?’ Clara asks, having voided her mouth of them.

‘Much. But you’ve got other work to do.’

On it, Mr Jed, her whole demeanour says, as she wriggles from under him and back into a regular front-kneeling posture. She draws Lily’s mouth smoothly off him and kisses her friend on the cheek, having admired the glaze Lily has applied to at least some of Jed’s dick.

‘That’s some good fucking work,’ she says, with a tone of genuine appreciation at her companion’s efforts. ‘Okay, Lil, now check this out…’

What happens next Jed only wishes he could freeze-frame (and we simply don’t have time). Clara moves to him, mouth opening train-tunnel wide, as her tongue finds the underside of his glans. She sways forward, lips stretching wider still around him – almost preposterously so – as she engulfs his shaft. Two thirds of the way to her goal she almost gags, but she keeps going, swallowing him up to the balls, her eyes as fierce and determined as Lily’s are saucers of Holy Christ astonishment. Jed is astonished too to see and feel his entire cock consumed inside this girl’s throat.

Goddamn, get a load of that! This is the power of Hyde, it occurs somewhere in his reeling mind. To draw out previously untapped harlotry in a girl no more than eighteen. To have her gorging herself on dick like this, filling herself up like she’s guzzling down a phallic chocolate candy. Clara eases herself all the way off, like she’s drawing a bottle from the cork that stuffs its neck, trailing glutinous threads of saliva in her wake. The separation of mouth and cock is short-lived, however, for she gulps air and dives again, impaling herself on his quivering member. There’s a grating squelch as she bottoms out, lips planted tight to him, aside from where her tongue is wriggling out to lick his balls. GODDAMN. Fucking – little – slut!

All of Jed’s being rejoices to have his cock compressed within this voracious teen-tramp’s hot throat. He’s bulging like a bastard as she contracts around him, like she’s trapped him in her tight cunt and is squeezing against his hardness. His entire world is this gurgling wet constriction around his phallus, as it throbs within Clara’s determined oral clutch. Christ, how much cake can one man stomach? Of course, that question seriously underestimates the appetite of Jed’s inner Hyde. This is life, his jubilant dark self knows. This is fucking meaning. In short, bring the cake.

Clara pulls right off, revealing a cock that’s been slimed base to head in viscous spit, ever-thickening strands of it dangling like a translucent rope-bridge between her lips and his glans. ‘You try.’ Saliva spatters against her chin, as she addresses the flabbergasted Lily. Her words drip wickedness, visibly so. She’s guiding the blonde girl’s involuntarily gaping mouth into position as she speaks. ‘Come on, you can do it.’

Lily is carried by lust’s sheer momentum. Now well-acquainted with Jed’s rigid dimensions, she conquers her own trepidation, diving heartily onto him. The game gal makes it over halfway, before hitting her sticking point and backing off in a bout of spluttering wetness.

‘That’s it, good girl,’ Jed growls, as she coughs and spits.

‘Come on, you can go one better, Lil,’ Clara exhorts, gripping her shoulders and massaging like a sports coach.

Both are eager and determined that she give more.

Spurred on by their words, or by her own escalating sense of horny adventure, Lily cock-dives again, making it to Clara’s original limit, before she comes to a gag-induced halt. The instinct to retreat flares in her eyes, but Clara – her face a manic fusion of devilry and cheerleading support – is simply not going to let that happen.

‘All the way, babe,’ she says, laying hold of Lily’s blonde locks and driving her friend full onto Jed’s cock. ‘All the fucking way.’ Clara beams with evil triumph. Lily’s eyes are threatening to pop, as she goes nose-to-stomach with Jed, his pulsing meat crammed all the way down her startled throat. Fucking HALLELUJAH! Give a gold star to the brunette bitch. Every nerve-ending in Jed's dick cries out in exquisite delight. He lays a gentle hand on Lily’s head, letting her nasty friend do all the serious shoving, while the speared girl utters muffled protests and presses against Jed’s hips with both palms.

Clara lets her go and Lily rapidly unimpales herself with a wet shluckkk. She spits out slime and sucks in air, syrupy drool still trickling from her shocked mouth. The put-upon girl stares at Jed and Clara in disbelief, a picture of messed-up indignity, however pretty. Jed laughs low and husky at the sight, Clara joining in. There’s such enjoyment to be taken in the sweet bridesmaid’s sexually gnarly plight – the poor thing looks so damn perplexed!

Then Lily’s confusion turns into something else. Her angelic face transforms almost miraculously into a fuck you scowl. Determination wells visibly from within her and she attacks Jed’s swaying, dripping cock with an I’ll show you bastards level of resolution. Clutching his hips, she prises herself most of the way onto him before the choking fit threatens. She fights it off with sheer effort of will and then pushes that extra distance to the root of his shaft, lips stretched as wide as they’re ever likely to go. She even shakes her head, sounding out a gurgling See, fuckers? roar, her features transformed into a leonine snarl.

By the time she retracts in a wild flurry of spit, Clara is openly applauding. Lustful admiration rages within Jed and he bends low, grabbing Lily by the hair and kissing her open-mouthed, in celebration of her filthy breakthrough as much as his own that night. When he releases her from the heated clinch, all her shock and anger has melted back into panting girlish pleasure.

‘See?’ he says, spitting the words with diabolical delight. ‘We’re all fucking deviants. Not least this one…’

Clara is still laughing open-mouthed when he seizes her hair, fits his cock between her lips, and rams himself to the back of her throat. ‘This is for taking such pleasure in pranking your friend,’ he says, gripping her dark tresses hard and fucking her repeatedly down onto his thickness, causing a wet squelch every time her throat grates back or forth against his shaft. Now it’s Clara’s eyes that are saucer-wide, her arms the one to flail, as her mouth is roundly used (pun intended) as a pleasure hole.

Nor is Lily content anymore to be a passive observer. Fresh from mutual tongue-sucking with Jed, blood still up from having proved her slut credentials, she grabs her friend’s shoulders and helps pump her down onto throat-gorging dick. The moment ripped from context would seem unfeasibly far-removed from giggling bridesmaid Lily. But that’s the Hyde-effect, Jed knows, as Clara glugs helplessly on his cock, her BFF gleefully propelling her further. Distilled badness exerts a strange magnetism, drawing others’ badness into the ascendent too. Robert Louis Stevenson got that, now Jed Martin gets it too. The dirty little bitch in Lily is dormant no longer.

‘Yesss,’ he growls, pulling Clara free, so she can splutter and gulp her way to recovery. The dark girl’s reddened cheeks are blotchy with mascara tears. She’s pissed off and panting, impressed and impossibly horny. Think I can’t take more? The sentiment is there in her defiant stare, her mouth an open invitation. But Lily isn’t letting Clara have it her own way. That ship recently upped anchor. She’s back down on her knees, nestling cheek-to-cheek with her naked rival, mouth similarly agape. Think I can’t match her?

Jesus suffering Christ! Thank fuck Hyde has 100% control in this scenario, i.e., #teengirlbffs #doublefacefuck #messypowergames #teacherturnedpornstud. Regular Jed couldn’t cope with that list of hashtags. But then, regular Jed wouldn’t have the balls to make this scenario happen. Shit this crazy calls for great hanging mega-balls, thrumming silently between their owner’s legs like the engine of an Audi A8. It also requires the R8’s steely control. Jed-Hyde has the balls and the control. Such a model bypasses all those self-questioning, conscience-based performance glitches. It provides something pure, and every inch of Jed feels the effect, not least those inches primed to fuck.

‘Two pretty tunnels,’ he says, placing hands on heads, so he can keep them close-pressed. ‘Now we’re really working like a team.’

He savours the moment – the one where he pops the head of his cock between Lily’s obliging lips. The one where he connects with her sky-blue gaze, signalling back that whatever she should expect in her immediate future, kindness isn’t it. The moment right before he grips her hair at the roots, holds her fast, and thrusts his cock balls-deep down her throat, cramming her full.

There’s a singular joy in fucking Lily’s face. Fucking it properly. As Jed plunges into the teenager’s oral depths, as his erection pumps like a spit-greased piston back and forth against the squeezing walls, as his balls pack against her chin on the apex of every penetrating stroke, he’s doing more than gratifying his own lust. He’s shafting sweetness. He’s torpedoing virtue. He’s ploughing the last of this girl’s innocence to shit on every squelching invasion. To fuck this lovely girl’s mouth like a cunt feels deliciously, uniquely vile, more so than anything he’s perpetrated that evening (thus far at any rate). The wonder is that when he extracts himself, drawing a gluey web of drool in his wake, she looks almost gratified – despite her drooling daze – to be included so fully.

Certainly, he doesn’t fuck Clara’s face much harder, though he fucks it damn well – fitting his cock to her mouth with strings of Lily’s spit still attached and plunging down her throat with equal gusto. The girl’s audacity begs reward like her cockiness does punishment, and Jed’s implacably stiff rod provides both, reaming out her throat with a gluk-gluk-gluk-inducing vengeance unparalleled by any he’s delivered in his life. Even Trish didn’t get it this hard, and, Christ, that bitch deserved it. By the time he pulls out of Clara, he’s slimed to the balls, great ropes of spit looping between her mouth and his dick. He transfers the latter wholesale when he re-fucks Lily, feeding the thick slobber of one teenage throat right down the other, and working up a whole new spit cocktail with the face-ravishing action of his pole.

Mess and momentum fuel each other. The sloppier the unplugging of one throat, the harder Jed fucks the other, causing messier consequences still, which, in turn, spurs on his plunging endeavours back into the first. After several good hard goes at each girl, he’s ceased to differentiate between them – the defiled ingenue or the self-styled slut. Red-faced and gasping, make-up trashed and mouths dribbling copiously, they’ve become a dual cock-repository, a gorgeously fucked up twin-receptacle that’s facilitating and magnifying his arousal, pushing him to extremes of lust.

On pulling out of Lily’s mouth fresh from bout four, he’s compelled to grab each girl’s head in turn, and smear his cock and balls all over her face – grinding hard against each set of pretty features, redistributing the viscous throat goo that’s coated him from tip to nuts. Revelling in how both girls push back against him like addicts, even as they wince. Having defiled them as such, he plunges back into Clara, then Lily, depth-charging the succulence of each throat once more time, and then he’s reached his limit of endurance.

‘Fuck!’ he seethes through clenched teeth. It’s an expression of unhinged desire and a mission statement all in one. ‘Who’s first?’ As if to keep his options open, he drags both girls upwards by their hair, causing them to scramble to their feet. But in truth he’s already decided. The bridesmaid gets premier filling. ‘Come on, sweetheart,’ he says, pulling Lily to himself and kissing her hard, so that his cock slaps full against her belly. ‘Time that pretty pussy got what it needs.’ He catches Clara’s eye. Through all the sweat and mess she’s looking uncharacteristically piqued. ‘Don’t worry, sexy,’ he tells her, still gripping Lily. ‘You won’t get short-changed. And don’t you want to see your best friend here get fucked silly?’

Clara’s face breaks back into the wicked grin he’s come to love so much. ‘Hell, yes,’ she says, while Lily’s face reassumes some of its former trepidation.

‘Thought as much.’ He grabs the blonde girl hard by the wrists and propels her one-eighty, flinging her onto the bed, while Clara laughs and claps her approval. On the Lusty Valentine mix tape DNCE’s vibrant pop has given way to the industrial growl of Led Zeppelin’s Whole Lotta Love. It’s apt for Jed, and for Lily, properly ominous.

‘Spread those legs, princess,’ Jed says, advancing on the dishevelled bridesmaid, cock in hand. ‘Teacher’s coming in.’



Written by Jaymal
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