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Working Saturdays Can Be Punishing

"They found a new use for the employee lounge."

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Author's Notes

"Sean Roberts is at it again."

I like going into the office on Saturday on occasion, even though as owner of Roberts Systems, I don’t really have to. And I discourage my employees from working weekends; they need a healthy work/life balance as much as I do. So, the office is usually deserted on Saturdays, giving me a chance to get things done without the constant interruption of the phone and incoming e-mails, as well as my employees coming by to discuss issues or just chit-chat. It’s also dead quiet, so that I can focus on my work.

Thus it was that this one Saturday afternoon, after spending the morning getting an oil change and doing a little grocery shopping, I went on in; an old Rod Stewart CD to blast as I re-ran figures to double-check a presentation that one of my team-leaders had submitted on a major initiative. As I swiped my security card past the reader and the door popped open, I had the uneasy feeling that the office wasn’t empty. I didn’t hear anyone, and didn’t see anyone, but there was this vibe that I couldn’t ignore.

I crept down the hall as quietly as I could, thankful that since it was Saturday I was wearing cross-trainers instead of dress shoes. I made it to my office without running into anyone, and started feeling a bit easier when I realized that the office wasn’t as quiet as I first thought. I could swear that I heard some sort of sound coming from the employee lounge.

My desktop computer gave me access to all of the security cameras, and I pulled them up. Unfortunately, the camera in the employee lounge was not angled well, and at first, I saw nothing. And as the cameras were just visual, with no audio, I heard nothing more than the faint noises that had originally aroused my suspicions.

I was about to pass the whole thing off as an active imagination when I noticed that colors were being reflected off the stainless steel surface of the refrigerator. Someone must have left the TV on, I thought, which happened more often than I liked it to. Knowing that it would bug me until I turned it off, I headed down the hallway, in the opposite direction from the front entrance where I had come in.

As I got closer, I began to be able to make out that what I was hearing was not the dialogue that I should be hearing, since the TV is supposed to be tuned to the company approved news channel. No, what I heard was the moans and groans, as well as the slapping of skin on skin, of what was clearly porn.

So, I wasn’t surprised that when I entered the room, there was on a very large screen TV the sight of a gray-haired lothario, naked beneath what was supposed to be academic robes, forcefully feeding a hard cock of improbable size into the waiting, well-worn vagina of an equally improbably breasted bleach-blond, who was trying to look like a teenage school girl in a white oxford blouse and plaid skirt but who was probably more likely in her thirties, at least. None of that surprised me.

No, what surprised me was that I found Gwen, one of our cutest and youngest junior associates, spread eagle on the couch; with her blouse and bra undone, revealing her aroused A-cup tits, and her skirt and panties hanging off just one ankle whilst she furiously masturbated. It took me a moment to realize that she was dressed just like the “girl” in the video.

It took her just a bit longer to realize that she had been turned from the spectator to the main feature. “Oh my god!” she screamed as she jumped up, trying to close her bra and blouse, pull her skirt and panties up, and turn off the video; all at the same time. Unfortunately for her, she accomplished none of those as she lost her balance and fell back onto the couch, giving me an even better view of her tits and pussy.

It took everything that I had not to laugh at her predicament, but a giggle did eventually escape. “It’s not funny!” she wailed, tears of embarrassment streaming down her cheeks as she got back up. This time she skipped the bra and managed to get the middle button on her blouse closed, but couldn’t seem to get her foot into the leg hole of her panties, so she just gave up on them before pulling her skirt up.

“I assume that you have a good reason for all of this,” I said, looking at her and then the TV which was still playing the porn video. Gwen grabbed the remote and tried to turn it off. All she managed to do was mute the sound.

She couldn’t look me in the eye, but unfortunately, that meant that as she looked down, she couldn’t help but notice that her panties were still there on the floor in front of both of us. I could tell that she desperately wanted to pick them up and put them back on if she could just figure out a way to do it and still maintain some dignity.

“Look, Mr. Roberts, if you’re going to fire me, just fire me.”

I probably could have fired her, there and then. I couldn’t imagine that she would dispute the termination. But I had to know why she was here, doing what I caught her doing. “Gwen, I’m a pretty fair guy. At least I’d like to think that I am. If you have a good reason for me catching you here, I’d like to hear it.”

“It’s embarrassing,” she meekly replied.

“I’m sure it may be. But, would you rather be possibly embarrassed, or certainly fired?”

“I still live with parents!” she blurted out.

“Okay, but…”

“I’m twenty-three years old, and just because I live with them, they still treat me like I’m twelve!” Tears had resumed running down her face.

“Still, I’m not understanding…”

“I can’t date; they won’t let me. They monitor my phone and my e-mails. They track me through an app. There’s still a fucking child-lock on our internet service and they know every site that I visit.”

“Well, I’m sure that…”

“It’s not like I’m a virgin or anything. I had a boyfriend at college. I need sex. I should be allowed to have sex. It’s not fair!” She was breathing hard.

“Why don’t you just move out?”

“I can’t afford it; not with my car loan and my student loans. I’m stuck there for at least another two to three years.”

“Or until I give you a raise?”

“Oh, no Mr. Roberts! I’m not hitting you up for more money. You’ve always been more than fair to me.”

“Yeah, I guess I…”

“So I bought some porn DVDs. I had to pay cash because they look at my credit card bills. I sneak in here to watch them.” She paused, seeming to calm now that it was out in the open. “I even like to role-play, pretending that I’m the girl getting… well…”


“Yeah, fucked.” It came out more as a wish than a statement. So, she liked a little fantasy; a little role-playing.

I had almost forgotten that the video had continued to play while we spoke, but Gwen must have been watching it out of the corner of her eye because, despite their small size, her breasts and nipples were once again trying to poke through her blouse. I glanced to see what the scene was that had captured her interest, and saw the “girl” now on her knees sucking another monster cock belonging to a different “professor”.

“You know, Gwen, you look much better than the girl in that video, at least from what I saw when I first walked in.”

She blushed. “I’m sorry you saw that.” Then, “Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, I guess.” Was she trying to change the subject?

“Do most men have such large penises? I mean, all of the videos that I have show men with very large equipment, much larger than my boyfriend’s in college. Was he less than normal?”

I looked at the screen again. “I can’t say whether your boyfriend was below average because I’ve never seen his “equipment”. “Average” when hard is about six to six and a half inches long. I don’t know about width. So I can tell you that the cocks that you’re seeing in this video are way over average. Just like the tits on that “girl” are also way larger than average.”

“But don’t men love large tits?”

“Not all,” I said, looking at her chest. “I don’t. Do all women love large cocks?”

She was blushing again. “Well, my girlfriends all brag about how well hung their boyfriends are, and how great that makes the sex.”

“What about you?”

“I don’t really know. I’ve just seen, had, the one guy. He was okay, I guess. Average.” She pointed at the video. “I think something that big might hurt, though.” The “girl” on the video at that point was in the process of deep throating the guy. “And I’d never be able to get it in my mouth like that.” She paused. “Can I ask you another question?”

“I guess.”

“Do you really like smaller tits, or were you just being nice?”

“No, I really do like them on the smaller side.”

“As small as mine?”

“Actually, Gwen, yours are just the right size.”

“And what about your cock? Is it average, or like that?” I looked at the video, and laughed. “I’m not like that. But I am above average.” Then I tried to get stern. “None of this really has anything to do with me catching you masturbating in the employee lounge whilst playing porn on the company video system. I think that we need to address that.”

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It was at that moment that I saw that the new scene on the video was the heroine being bent over yet another professor’s desk, this time for a spanking. Gwen seemed to be mesmerized by it. I had to loudly clear my throat to get her attention. She was fidgeting with the buttons on her blouse. Her nipples were, if anything, poking even harder against the material covering them.

“Yes, I agree.” Then she surprised me. Still looking at the video, where the “girl” was now taking a very enthusiastic beating on her behind, Gwen said, “I think that you need to punish me for what I’ve done, Mr. Roberts.”

My cock had been in the “ready alert” position since we started talking about sex. This comment moved it to the catapult.

“Do you know what you’re asking me to do?”

She walked over to one of the tables and bent over it, replicating the scene on the screen.


I moved over behind her, wondering how I’d ever explain this to my lawyers if anyone found out. I lifted her skirt onto her back, exposing her bare ass. Her beautiful, perfectly formed, firm bare ass. I ran my hand over the pale orbs.

“Spread your legs, Gwen,” I instructed in a calm voice. She did, and now I had an unobstructed view of her little pink pussy, hiding beneath wisps of strawberry-blond pubic hair, its delicate lips swollen and wet with lust.

I also had unobstructed access, which I took advantage of by running my finger between those lips, collecting her honey. She moaned. I easily found her engorged clit and began teasing around it. She was so worked up that she was on the verge of an orgasm within a minute. She started writhing, so I put my left hand in the middle of her back and forced her harder into the table, which caused her ass to jut up. Just as she was about to cum, I pulled my hand back and slapped her right cheek hard SLAP! Then her left SLAP!


I rained spanks down on her exquisite bottom, alternating back and forth as she cried out at each blow. Her pale ass now had a dark pink spot in the center of each globe. Gwen lay on the table, breathing hard. I went back between her legs. She was sopping wet, and so aroused that her pussy had actually started to open as if it were a flower blooming. It was easy to find her opening, and I pushed two fingers in.

“Oh my god! Oh, god! Yes! Yes!” She slammed her palms on the table as I gave her a furious finger-fuck, once again bringing her just to the edge before pulling out.


I added more spanks to her abused buttocks, back and forth until the dark pink became an angry shade of red. Gwen lay on the table, gasping.

“Please!” she begged. “Please make me cum! Please!”

I lifted her, yanked her skirt off, spun her around, and pushed her back onto the table. She stared at me as I quickly dropped my shorts and briefs, allowing my seven and a half inches to drop to an aiming angle pointed directly at her sopping snatch as I stood in front of her. She instinctively pulled her legs back and apart, and I buried myself in her tight cunt in one fast, hard thrust. Gwen whimpered, although I didn’t know if it was from my powerful penetration or the fact that her beaten ass was being pushed into the table.

“That’s what above average feels like,” I said, as I opened her blouse to get access to her breasts. They were small, but so firm and full that even on her back, they made nice mounds that were easy to grab. Which I did, using them for leverage as I began to saw in and out of her twat.

“Unh! Unh! Unh!” Gwen grunted each time I was all-in. She was so wet, and her hole was so tight, that my cock moving in and out made this liquid suction sound. She wrapped her legs around the top of my thighs and started pulling me into her faster and harder. My balls were slapping against her perineum, and I could feel the tip of my cock running into her limit.

“Pinch my nipples.” I did. “No, harder than that!” So I pinched harder. Gwen grabbed my fingers. “No, harder, like this!” The pressure that she put to bear was so hard that my fingers hurt. “Yeah, like that! Keep doing that!” Meanwhile, she moved one hand to her pussy and found her clit, which she squeezed as hard as she had me pinch her nipples. A second later, she came, screaming out her climax so loud that my ears were ringing; thrashing and convulsing so hard that I was afraid that she’d fall off the table.

Through it all, I stayed buried inside of her, feeling her tight sleeve contracting around my shaft, afraid that if I moved, I’d cum, too. I had no idea what the birth control situation was, but doubted that she was on the pill, based on her description of the parental control that she was under. It was bad enough that I was spanking and fucking an employee, in the office no less. Getting her pregnant was an even worse idea.

She finally calmed enough to communicate. “Man, that was just what I needed. That was way better than just my fingers.” She took a few more breaths. “I guess it’s your turn, huh. So, where do you want to cum? On my face, on my tits, or on my ass?”

“Gwen, you’ve been watching too much porn. When you had sex with your boyfriend, where did he cum?”

“Oh, in my pussy once we started having real sex. Well, no, actually in a condom on his dick which was in my pussy. But none of the videos that I have show that.”

I had regained enough control to resume a slow, pumping motion. “Well, since I don’t have a condom, unless you’re on the pill, your “porn finish” is all that’s left.”

“Yeah, well I’m not on the pill, as you can imagine.”

I started to pick up my pace. “How about,” I said, “if it’s just spontaneous. When I’m ready, I’ll just do whatever comes to mind.”

“That’s good,” she agreed, as she wrapped her legs around my thighs again.

Which I pried away. “If you do that, I might not be able to pull out.” I pushed her legs up so that her knees were at her shoulders. “Besides, you might like this better.” The change put her at an angle that allowed the head of my dick to rub across her G-spot as I took full strokes in and out.

“Oh, yeah, that is better,” she cooed.

She began rocking her hips in time to my thrusts, increasing the contact even more. I could feel the tip of my cock slide across the rougher surface each time I went in, the edge slide across as I pulled out.

“Yeah, much better!”

Our pussy/cock connection started making that juicy sound again. I could feel her wetness running down my scrotum. Her little breasts were wobbling every which way as I continued to fuck her hot, tight hole. This time I was the one who found her clit, lightly pulling on it as I went in and out.

“Oh, god! Oh, god! Oh, god!”

I could feel my balls churning, a sure sign that I was about to blow. I wanted her to come again, with me, and remembered the tit/clit pinch combination that brought her over earlier. I got one nipple between my knuckles on my left hand, and trapped her pea between the thumb and forefinger of my right. I pushed in, squeezing both as hard as I could when I hit bottom. It was like she’d been struck by lightning.

“Shitttttt! I’m cummmmmming!” she screamed as she bucked up off the table.

As soon as she did, I pulled out and came myself. I aimed for her stomach, but the first rope was so powerful that it hit her mouth; the second and third her right tit and nipple; the fourth her tummy, and the last two coated the soft curls covering her mons.

“Wow, that was hot!” she squealed as she came back to earth. “And a lot! You got me everywhere instead of just one place!” She reflexively licked her lips, getting a tongue-full of my man-cream in her mouth before she realized what she had done. She sat up. ”Oh… hmm… well… that doesn’t taste half bad.”

“Your boyfriend never…?”

“Ooh, no! I tried some from my finger once after I jacked him off. It tasted nasty. There was no way that I wanted a mouthful of that. But yours tastes okay. Maybe next time.”

“Next time?”

“Well, yeah, if you want.” She got a little serious. “Look, I mean this is enough to hold me for maybe a week; not forever. Then I’d be sneaking back in, assuming that you don’t fire me.” She got this coy look on her face. “Besides, I have three other DVD’s, and there’s lots more that I’d like to try.”

“Wouldn’t it be better trying out your sexual fantasies with someone you care about?”

“Well, maybe; but I’m not sure any one guy would want to do everything that I might want to, and I’m not sure that I’d want to be in a relationship with a guy who I had to explain things to or have to convince to fuck me just because it might be a little different. So I’d have to be dating and having sex with more than one guy. Which, as you know, is impossible since I can’t even date one guy as long as I live at home.”

“But,” she went on, “I don’t have to explain coming to the office on the occasional Saturday.” She smiled. “Or more frequently, if you want. And, neither do you, Mr. Roberts.” Then she looked at her battered ass, her swollen pussy, her thoroughly groped breasts, and the cum that was dribbling down her body. “Plus, it looks like I don’t have to explain the sex part to you, or convince you to try or do any of it.”

The DVD had ended by then. I wondered what was on the others. I wondered if she’d be open to things not on her DVDs.

“Call me Sean.”

Written by Boss01
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