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The Professor’s Dress Code

"Compliance with the Professor’s strict dress code leads to a long-held fantasy coming true. { a work of fiction routed in truth }"

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Author's Notes

"Although this is a work of fiction there is certainly a truth to this tale. All names are anonymous, and I have tried to weave in a humorous element to the story and the characters. My apologies if the spelling and word selection are a little wayward, but I am dyslexic so its always a bit of a battle getting my imagination into text. Always happy for your feedback and thanks for reading."

Lilly-Anna sat in the window seated in the coffee shop slowly sucking at the fat straw that poked out of her Frappuccino, leafing through the documentation she had prepared for her job interview. As she scanned through the documents her lips formed a perfect puckered circle around the straw as she sucked the bitter-sweet coffee mixture into her mouth. Her ruby lipstick smudged down the straw as it slid between her lush full lips.  She put the documents down and looked out of the window and mused on how strange it was for her to be back in the city where she had studied some 8 years before.  

Lilly-Anna had started her degree here, reading Modern Art and Philosophy as an undergraduate and now that she had almost completed her PhD she had applied for an internship at the very same university she had started her higher education at. In fact, she was due to be interviewed by the very same Professor, Professor Stag, that had inspired her to progress her studies.

As she thought back to those days her mind reflected on the lectures she had attended. She had quite a crush on the Professor and would often daydream during his lectures about him. Watching him strut around the lecture hall, engaging with the class with humor and wit was spellbinding to Lilly-Anna. His knowledge and energy were quite a turn-on, as was his charisma. He dominated the room with his tall elegance and looked stunning no matter what clothing he had on. His steely blue eyes twinkled with energy through his wire -rimmed glasses and his jaw framed his handsome face. When he smiled at you it was as though a spotlight was on you and there was no one in the room but you and him.

The Professor’s effect on Lilly-Anna was such that there were times, she would be compelled to head directly to the toilets to attend urgently to her needy pussy that had become over-aroused during the Professor’s delivery. Although this said as much about Lilly-Anna’s dirty mind as it did about the sexual energy the Professor exuded. In fact, on a couple of occasions during particularly impassioned lectures, Lilly-Anna had even ventured to delving inter her damp knickers to calm the wanton urges that came from her pussy. All the time watching the Professor in action safely, hidden in the dim lighting of the lecture hall.

That was all sometime ago now, and Lilly-Anna had matured both mentally and physically, she wasn’t that naive, freckly and nervous girl anymore.  She now had the type of body that would get noticed, noticed by both sexes, and why not. Not tall like some gangling catwalk model, but with curves in abandoned, all ass and breasts with not a straight line in sight. When she entered a room, heads turned, conversations paused and all eyes would be on her, watching the motion of her voluptuous body, undressing her, wanting her. If that were not enough to grab your attention, this explosion of womanhood, was topped with the richist red hair you can squeeze out of a chemist’s bottle. She was sex on legs, or sex on her knees, or on her back, every-way your imagination took you, you wanted her.

She took another long slow suck on her straw, aware that a group of boys across the café were gawping at her and occasionally giggling nervously. ‘silly little boys’ she thought to herself and slipped her interview papers back into her handbag and collected her things, then headed towards the door. As she passed the table with the group of boys she stopped. Standing above the young men seated around the table, she took the straw out of her glass and lifted it her mouth. She slowly slid the straw across her curled tong, collecting all the creamy white froth as it went. Then with all the boys staring at her open-mouthed, she swollen the cream in one big gulp, then displayed her now clean tongue to the transfixed audience. Not a murmur came from the boys. She leaned forward across their table, displaying her magnificent cleavage, and breathlessly said ‘ooh…do grow up boys’.

With that she turned on her 4 inch heels and was gone.


Lilly-Anna soon found herself walking down the cool oak-paneled corridors of St Cummington College heading towards Professor Stags office. The College had not changed one bit and it took her instantly back to the years when she had been a fresher here. The musty smell of ancient academia hovered in the air and Lilly-Anna felt like she was 18 again and not the full figured 28 year-old she now was. Soon she arrived at the door of the Professor’s rooms, she adjusted her short-pleated skirt, wiggled her hips and took a deep breath before knocked on the door.

There was a short pause before she heard the familiar warm gravelly voice of the Professor ‘…Come!’.

Apprehensively she grasped the doorknob, twisted it and pushed opened the door. She stood in the doorway looking into the dimly lit office. She was hit by the familiar spicy colonel that Professor always wore, and there sat at his desk was the Professor. His lightly greying hair was outlined by the daylight entering the room from the only window which was behind him. At first Lilly-Anna could not fully make out the Professor, but as her eyes become accustomed to the light, and as the Professor stood to welcome her, she soon recognised his familiar frame.

Standing behind his desk the Professor’s mane of greying hair almost glowed like a halo. His crisp white cotton shirt silhouetted his broad frame and wide shoulders as the light shone through it. Lilly-Anna held her breath as she took it all in. Back lit by the sunlight he was almost biblical in appearance as he stood there offering his hand across his large desk. She moved forward with outstretched hand having to lean forward over the large desk that must have been as big as a double bed. Soon her hand was encapsulated in the professor’s large warm grip. She blushed as she looked up at the professor, he smiled at her as he looked over the rim of his glasses. Lilly-Anna could feel her pussy starting to tingle just like in those lectures and her heart started beating hard and faster.

‘Please take a seat Miss Anna’ said the Professor flamboyantly gesturing with his hand towards the leather-clad chesterfield sofa that was facing his desk. The professor returned to his seat as Lilly-Anna nested into the taut leather and soft cushions, her skirt hem rising as her curvaceous ass relaxed into the sofa.

Lilly-Anna was aware that as she sunk into the sofa the Professor had his eyes fully on her so she made sure to display all her assets off as best she could. Bending low to maximise the view down her cleavage and wiggling slightly to ensure her breasts bounced as she sunk into the seat. She even cheekily allowed her legs to fall open a little too wide for such a short dress. Just wide enough to give the Professor the slightest hint of her silky green lingerie.

The Professor's smile turned into a slight grin as his eyebrow raised with the display of sexual beauty before him. ‘Well Miss Anna’ said the professor without a blink ‘you do look to be very adequately equipped…’ and as he said that he picked up some papers from his desk, glancing at them before completing his sentence. ‘…judging by your Curriculum Vitae, that is.’ He looked over his glasses as he said this to read the reaction on Lilly-Anna’s face. Her pussy clenched as she reacted to the Professor’s flirtatious remarks, and she felt her cheeks begin to flush.

He then continued, looking down at the papers in his hand. ‘I see from your application that you are in fact an Alumni of this very College my dear’.

Lilly-Anna sat up straight, pushed out her ample chest and said, ‘Oh yes indeed I am Professor Stag, I loved my time here at St Cummingtons. I was even taught by yourself Sir...I truly enjoyed all your lectures Sir’.

The professor removed his glasses as he looked her up and down trying to place her in his memory. He pressed the arm of his glasses between his lips as he pondered what he was looking at. He looked her up and down for far too long. Lilly-Anna blushed deeply, and her pussy began twitching again as she felt the Professor’s eyes examining her with a ravishing intensity.

Yes…yes…’ said the Professor finally ending the silent visual interrogation. ‘I can place you now, you have filled out quite nicely my dear’ he said with a cheeky grin. ‘I always remember you in my lectures as something of…well...a fidget’ said the Professor making direct eye contact.

Lilly-Anna’s cheeks burned bright with heat as the embarrassing thought that the Professor had been fully aware that she had been playing with herself during his lectures all those years ago.

The professor smiled and winked at Lilly-Anna ‘you look rather flush my dear, allow me to send for some refreshments’.

With that the professor pressed the red intercom button on his desk and it buzzed through to the adjoining office. ‘Yes Professor?’ inquired a high-pitched voice.  ‘Oh Miss Ramsbottom, would you mind coming through and joining us, and if you would be so good as to bring in a pot of tea with you that would be just splendid

The professor looked over to Lilly-Anna, whose cheeks had now almost returned to their natural colour, saying ‘Miss Ramsbottom has been with me for some time now, and she is an absolute star, I don’t know what I would do without her’ The Professor smiled reassuringly ‘And she will be able to show you exactly what is expected of you in the Faculty and how I like my staff to perform … oh yes… and Miss Ramsbottom will be enforcing my dress code’.

Dress code?’ repeated Lilly-Anna.

Oh yes, well to be honest…’ said the professor looking Lilly-Anna directly in the eye once more, ‘…its more about what you don’t ware rather than what you do, if you take my meaning’ said the professor with a devilish twinkle in his eye which then lowered to the silky triangle between her legs.

Lilly-Anna’s cheeks burned as red as her hair, yet again, at the potential meaning in the Professor's last statement and she closed her legs slightly and tugged down the hem of her dress, but then relaxed again as the Professor shone a reassuring smile right at her and then the moment was broken as in through the adjoining office door came Miss Ramsbottom carrying a tea tray. Lilly-Anna’s mouth almost fell open with amazement as Miss Ramsbottom entered. To say she had a full figure was a colossal understatement.

Her figure was so sexually exaggerated, so striking it was almost as though you were being slapped in the face when you looked at her.  Curves on curves, huge mountainous breasts with a deep plunging cleavage and all this fixed in place with the narrowest of waistlines and a magnificent tight balloon of ass. Her brunet hair was curled up high to reveal the arc of her soft neck and beautiful china doll face. Miss Ramsbottom had the type of body you would find emblazoned on the sides of a B52 bomber. Her body was so incredibly sexual it was almost unreal, almost cartoon-like, and her clothing did nothing but accentuate her look.

As Miss Ramsbottom moved through the office her short black A-line skirt swished as her hips rolled, this revealed just the slightest glimpse of her stocking tops as she swayed through the office to place the tray on the low coffee table in front of Lilly-Anna. Smiling all the time at Lilly-Anna, Miss Ramsbottom lowered the tray to the table, she was bending at the hip and this displayed the mountainous lush valley of cleavage to the seated Lilly-Anna. Lilly-Anna smiled back and her pussy twitched then gushed a little.

There you go sweetie’ said Miss Ramsbottom to Lilly-Anna as she offered the teacup to her still in her bowed position. Lilly-Anna was speechless and agog, her mouth wide open as her eyes darted between the most exquisite cleavage and the beautiful smiling face of Miss Ramsbottom. Lilly-Anna took the cup, it rattled slightly on its saucer and she could feel the wetness between her legs grow. ‘Now dear…one lump or two…just help yourself’ said Miss Ramsbottom, giving her breasts a little jiggle.

Miss Ramsbottom then picked up another teacup and turned around on the spot and this time offering the Professor his tea, again bending from the hips as she leaned across his big desk. With this reversed bowing motion Lilly-Anna was now given a clear and full-on view up Miss Ramsbottom’s short skirt. Oh, and what a bottom thought Lilly-Anna. Before her was the most magnificent rounded white cheeks, lightly dimpled and framed by suspender straps and stocking tops. Lilly-Anna gasped out loud as she took in this glorious sight. Then Miss Ramsbottom moved her heeled feet to slightly widen her stance. In doing so she reviled her bare pussy, with its juicy wet lips winking directly at Lilly-Anna, like a sparkling ruby set in a ring. Lilly-Anna was dumbstruck and stunned, the only part of her body that seemed to be working was her pussy and it clenched, pulsed and tingled as more juice coated her own lips and flooded her knickers.

Miss Ramsbottom took the final teacup from the tray and walked smoothly and elegantly around the desk to stand directly to the left side of the Professor. Lilly-Anna just looked from Miss Ramsbottom to the Professor and back again, lost for words.

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The Professor looked over the rim of his glasses and said to Lilly-Anna, ‘by the look on your face my dear I think Miss Ramsbottom here has just equated you with my dress code’ and with that the Professor reached out and smacked the big round ass of Miss Ramsbottom on his left.

Oh Professor’ said Miss Ramsbottom in mock protest to his firm hand on her soft behind as she clutched her teacup to stop it from spilling. The Professor's hand stayed on her posterior and slowly lowered over the big curve of her butt and onto her upper leg just below her hemline. Miss Ramsbottom bit her lower lip as she felt the heat from the Professor's smack radiate out and his warm hand now push between her inner thighs. Once again Miss Ramsbottom widened her stance and she felt the strong fingers of the Professor grasp her inner thigh much higher. She felt the Professor's thumb pressing up, leading his hand towards her waiting and wanting pussy. She placed the cup and saucer down on the desk in fear of dropping it as her excitement grow and her breathing quickened.

As the professor’s hand explored Miss Ramsbottom, slowly taking control of her with his touch he kept his gaze directly on Lilly-Anna. This so turned on Lilly-Anna, listening to the sweet soft moans of Miss Ramsbottom as the professor pushed his fingers into her. Lilly-Anna just wanted it to be her as she watched Miss Ramsbottom stretch her hands flat on the desk as she leaned forward and received the professor’s hand under her skirt. Every thrust from the Professor sent a ripple of energy through Miss Ramsbottom, her breasts bouncing to his rhythm, her eyes closed as she was consumed by the single-handed power of the professor. The Professor seemed unmoved by the effect he was having on Miss Ramsbottom who was clearly beginning to approach orgasm. This indifferent nature of the Professor just fanned the flames of desire for Lilly-Anna. As the Professors’ hand thundered on into Miss Ramsbottom, her breasts spilling out from her low-cut blouse, Lilly-Anna’s eyes widened and her pussy gushed as she looked on with amazement. The Professor looked at Lilly-Anna and in his cool gravelly voice said. ‘Miss Ramsbottom is very much my left-hand woman, as you can see…and what I needed from you my dear Miss Anna is that you take up the position of my right-hand woman

Lilly-Anna did not waste a second. She leapt from the sofa and within a heartbeat she was sliding her sodden silky knickers down her legs. Kicking them to one side as she rounded the Professor's desk and assumed the mirror position to Miss Ramsbottom on the Professor's right side. Spreading her hands palm down on the desk and sticking her chest and butt out in eager anticipation.

The Professor smiled and said ‘Good Girl…I see you now understand the dress code’ and with that he smacked Lilly-Anna’s poised butt cheek with his big hand and then slowly slid it down and then under Lilly-Anna's skirt and up between her thighs.

His large strong fingers grip her soft inner thigh and with his thumb pointing up he slowly ploughed between her plush full thighs slowly wiggling his hand higher with its upraised thumb towards her now exposed and wanting pussy.

Lilly-Anna leaned over the desk, reaching forward with her hands offering her pussy and herself to the Professor giving the access he required, and she so needed to give it. As the very tip of the Professors’ thumb made the slightest contact with Lilly-Anna’s pussy lips she gasped, and a trickle of her juice rolled down his thumb. The professor growled appreciably, and Lilly-Anna closed her eyes wanting more, focusing her all on the Professor’s hand. The room was filling with the smell and sounds of sex.

Lilly-Anna could hear the soft breathless moans that were emanating from Miss Ramsbottom, they were building steadily in intensity as the professors demanding left hand worked with ferocity under her skirt. She wanted the same treatment, and she knew she would get it when the Professor slid his thumb along that velvet ridge of her pussy lips. The very tip parting the lips but not entering yet. The moisture was now flowing steadily from Lilly-Anna’s pussy. Her inner thighs coated with oily juice and covering the Professor’s thumb and fingers. Then the Professor’s hand inched a little higher lubricated by the flowing juices. Pressing his bulbous thumb against her lips, and then, with a flood of moisture, her lips swallowed his first thumb knuckle. It felt good feeling the first contours of his thumb in the entrance to her pussy, but she wanted more, she wanted to be writhing around like Miss Ramsbottom. And then the Professor, very slowly, very deliberately, began to revolve his thumb in a wide circle opening out her pussy, sliding his thumb head around the entrance walls to her pussy, opening it to the cool air, stretching her pussy hole. Lilly-Anna gasped as she felt her pussy being manipulated as the rough skin of the professor’s hand rubbed inside her smooth wet pussy. Slowly around went his thumb and all the time her pussy twitching, pulsing, tingling and flooding its juices down on this masculine digit. She was lost to his every movement, just one inch of his thumb in her and she had lost control of her body and thoughts. She was breathing heavily, gulping at the air as her internal desire burned up all the oxygen in her. She could taste the scent of sex in the air and her ears were now filled with her own orgasmic cries as well as those of her counterpart to the left. It was an orchestra of orgasmic harmony and Professor Stag was the conductor slowly building the music up to a crescendo. 

The Professor's thumb suddenly thrust deep into Lilly-Anna and simultaneously Miss Ramsbottom. With a thwack as it thudded into her soft juice covered pussy. The Professor had forced his entire thumb in, and the wide lower knuckle with its broad muscle filled her pussy entrance completely. He rapidly wiggled his thumb inside her and sent vibrations across the walls of her pussy. His index finger had also hit home and the feeling of this long strong finger now waggling on her clit brought on an overwhelming pulsing orgasm. The entire feeling was magnified by the fact that Miss Ramsbottom was getting the same treatment just inches to her side and all the time the Professor remained calm and almost indifferent.  Her whole body shuddered and pulsed, her legs trembled as the orgasm continued to radiate through her with an electric energy of its own. Lilly-Anna grasped at the desk as she struggled to keep her stance, she looked to the left to see Miss Ramsbottom in the same fit of orgasmic joy. Her breasts bounced from the powerful thrusts, gasping for air and fighting to keep her balance as her orgasm crashed through her. Both women reached out across the big oak table scattering papers across it, knocking teacups onto the floor. Now both lay their breasts flat on the cool desk to maximise the Professor's access and aid their stability.

The Professor's fat thumbs had actually plugged both their pussy and as the two of them came and gushed their pussies were filling with juice. The professor’s fingers and thumbs jiggled and splashed in the honey inside the two women sending more waves of tingling joy through them.

Still with his thumbs plugging the two women the professor raised himself from his chair and stood proudly between the two women. The professor’s crotch was now at the same level as the Lilly-Anna’s head and as Lily-Anna’s latest orgasmic glow faded sufficient for her to see clearly, she became very aware of the large arousal in the Professor's tweed trousers. Still breathless she reached out and stroked the protuberance that was concealed within the baggy clothing. As she closed her small fingers around his swelling, she could see that Miss Ramsbottom was reaching out and tugging at the Professor’s belt. Lilly-Anna’s hand found its way to the zipper and she looked up to the Professor for approval. He was looking down on the glorious sight laid out on his desk with a wry smile and gave the slightest nod to her. Within a split second the zip was down, and the belt whipped away and down fell the Professor's heavy tweed trousers like a shutter dropping and there springing free was the Professor's rock solid cock, full and hard length. The two women just watched almost hypnotized as the magnificent broad cock bobbed up and down inches from their faces. Clearly the dress code also applied to the Professor.

It was at that moment that the Professor rapidly and simultaneously unplugged his thumbs from the two women. Juices gushed out of Lilly-Anna’s pussy, ran down her thighs and dripped onto the floor. Her pussy clenched and pulsed with the rapid absence of the Professor’s digits and the sharp replacement of cool air.

Then…SMACK… the professor landed his sodden hand on her exposed left butt. The smack echoed through the room as Lilly-Anna realised Miss Ramsbottom was getting the same blissful punishment. Then….SMACK…the right cheek got the same punishment…the brisk smacks vibrated her pussy which was still pulsing from the absence of the big warm thumb. Her ass cheeks tingled and glowed hot in contrast to the cool air blowing around her wet pussy lips. She had closed her eyes with the sharp pain of the smack and when she opened them again, there just inches from her mouth, was the Professors juice coated hand with is thumb pointing up offered towards her mouth. As her eyes focused again, she could see that Miss Ramsbottom also had the twin offering presented to her. Lilly-Anna was very eager to suck on the thumb, opened her mouth wide ready to suck like a child would and taste the juice of her pussy. As she advanced her mouth towards the digit the professor switched his hands and so just as Lilly-Anna closed her lush lips on the offering it was swapped for the thumb that had been up Miss Ramsbottom. She closed her mouth over the thumb and happily sucked at the creamy oil that coated it. She looked across the desk and watched Miss Ramsbottom doing exactly the same. Each woman sucking and liking and tasting each other’s pussy on the muscular thumb of the Professor.

As the two women went to work gobbling at the Professor’s thumbs, he slowly moved his thumbs towards himself and so the two women were led towards him. Slowly the two women were being guided towards the Professor’s large upright twitching cock.

The two women had now practically climbed onto the desk as they were guided by their mouth. Their sights were focused on the Professor’s cock that was jutting up between his shirt tails, full hard and almost angry looking in contrasted against the smooth soft cotton of his shirt. A bead of precum glistened and gleamed at the two women.

As the women moved to within inches of his cock, Lilly-Anna could feel the heat radiating from his shaft, and she craved to feel his cock in her mouth. To feel it sliding between her lips, along her tongue and down her throat. She wanted it all and she wanted it all to herself.

The Professor, still with his thumbs in that aural suction grip, cupped is hand under each woman’s chin, and first guided Lilly-Anna’s mouth to the end of his cock. Still controlling, allowing only slow measured advancements. Then with a swift motion he slid his hand free and around the back of Lilly-Anna’s head. Grasping a handful of her flame red hair to hold her in that fixed position. Just when Lilly-Anna was thinking she would get a quenching mouthful of hot cock she was held just an inch form it. The bead of pre-cum glinted and winked at her, almost mocking her. Not only was she more turned on than at any point in her life, but on top of that she was now frustrated beyond belief. All she wanted was the Professor’s big cock and there it was just an inch from her mouth.

She looked up to the Professor trying to express her wanton desire for his cock through her eyes.

The professor looked down at her and with a raised eyebrow said ‘All will come to she who waits’ and as he said that he released his hand from Under Miss Ramsbottom’s chin. Miss Ramsbottom held her position, not moving forward or being restrained by her hair like Lilly-Anna. Miss Ramsbottom bit her bottom lip as her eyes were fixed on that magnificent erection before her. Her eyes then tracked up to looked at the Professor. She licked her lips keeping eye contact, watching the Professor all the time, watching and waiting for his permission.

The Professor looked back to Lilly-Anna, ‘Do you see what is required of you Miss Anna?’ asked the Professor calmly. Lilly-Anna nodded her head within the confines of the professor’s grip. ‘Good girl’ said the professor and slowly unthreaded his fingers from the flames of her hair.

Lilly-Anna was unprepared for the impact this would have on her, she thought that the frustration of being physically held back from acting on her natural sexual urges was hard but now she was released she was having to summon up her own inner control rather than being within the safe controlling environment the Professor had imposed.  All she wanted was to wrap her mouth around that beautiful big hard cock and nothing was stopping that from happening, nothing that is but her own discipline, and that was slowly eroding.

{Dear Reader, did I forget to mention this is a story of two half’s? Oops!  Well I hope, like Lilly-Anna, you are gagging for more, don’t worry part 2 (the final part) is almost complete. I thank you for reading part 1, and welcome your feedback and your patience for part 2. }

Written by SirGalahad
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