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Secret Sex In The Supply Closet

"Young flirty intern gets fucked by her boss at work"

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“Come on, quick, hurry up!” he urged in an excited but whispered tone, walking past my desk.

John's always trying to get me away from doing my work nowadays.

“I’m coming, I’m coming! I only have a twenty-minute break, though…” I trailed off.

“It’s fine,” he reassured me. “We won’t need more time than that,” he said with a sly smile. “Plus, you can be late, I’m the boss anyways,” he winked.

I knew what he wanted. He was begging me all week to go to lunch, ever since that day in the supply closet. I didn’t want to get caught, though. It’s risky having sex at the office, but I know he’s definitely worth it.


I was twenty-three years old and finishing up my Master’s degree in psychology when I met Dr. John Carlson. I had just started working as an intern at his psychiatry group practice downtown. He had a great reputation as a psychiatrist and patients from all over the tri-state area flocked to see him for treatment. I felt special when he picked me to shadow his clinical work and assist with daily office tasks. I was eager to learn from him and work in his office. I knew it was a low-paying internship, but I didn’t mind because this experience was going to be invaluable.

I started my days filing paperwork and scheduling his appointments, then eventually progressed to observing him with patients to learn how to do this for my future career. I was mesmerized when we first met. He was in his mid-forties, brown hair, hazel eyes, dressed in a suit and tie every day. The way the clothing hugged his muscles, you could tell he had a hot, athletic body underneath. One that I admired each day from my office as he walked by to get his usual morning coffee. I tried to avert my eyes and not stare, but it was too hard not to look. I could see the outline of his bulging dick through his pants!

“You’re doing a great job; I was smart to hire you, I knew you’d be the perfect pick,” he remarked casually one morning, about three months after I had started working there.

“Oh, yeah? Wow, thank you, Dr. Carlson, that’s nice of you to say,” I stammered, turning a bit flushed at this unprompted compliment. There are so many doctors and administrators working at his office, I didn’t think he even noticed me that much.

“How many times do I have to remind you, please, call me ‘John’,” he stated confidently, “After all, we’re friends by now, don’t you think?”

“Oh umm yes, of course…John,” I said back awkwardly, trying to get used to calling my boss by his first name. I wondered why I was so shy around him; I’m usually so confident.

“Good. That’s better. I have to run some errands later and I want you to assist me. Plan for 4:00pm,” he smiled and went back to his office before I could respond.

“Okay, sure, sounds good!” I could barely reply quick enough as he closed his door.

Hmm, sometimes he’s so hot and cold. Giving me compliments, then just leaving abruptly or outright ignoring me. I wish we had more alone time so I could really get to know him, I thought as I typed away at my computer.

I tried to shake that thought from my mind. What are you thinking! I shouldn’t even think about ‘alone time’ with my boss, I’m at work, I scolded myself.

Before 4:00pm rolled around, I went to the bathroom to freshen up. I wanted to make sure I smelled nice and looked my best. I looked in the mirror at my reflection: “Okay, you can do this, you’ve wanted alone time with him for a while and now you’ve got it. Just be normal and assist him with the errands, that’s it,” I gave myself a little pep talk aloud.

Trying to calm my nerves, I grabbed the brush from my purse and fixed my hair. I took out my ponytail; it looked too professional and serious. I wanted to look more playful and sexy. I watched the brush glide through my silky, soft auburn-colored hair as I let it loose from the hair tie and fluffed up my bangs. I touched up my eyeliner and curled my lashes to emphasize my big brown eyes.

I wanted to impress him and show off my body a bit. It was after hours after all, so I unbuttoned a couple of the top buttons from my white blouse, freeing my size C-cup breasts a bit and showing some cleavage. My long tan legs looked toned and smooth as I stood in my black high heels. I did a little twirl to spin around and check out my tight ass in the full-length mirror and heard my heels click-clacking on the bathroom tile.

“That’s better,” I reassured myself. Finally, I sprayed my favorite sweet vanilla perfume on my neck, in my hair, and in the air to walk through. Luckily there was no one else in the bathroom watching me do a little primping for the boss. I grabbed a couple of mints and was ready to go.

As I walked out, I was met with, “There you are! Let’s get going,” John whizzed by, barely allowing me to catch up.

“Coming!” I said as I followed him to the car, quickly gathering up my belongings.

As we entered the parking garage, we were walking side by side. His hand gently grazed mine as he went to search his pocket for his keys. My heart did a little dance as I felt his strong, warm hand brush mine.

Okay, focus, you are here for errands, not flirtation! What the hell is wrong with you?! You can’t mess up this once-in-a-lifetime internship, I harshly reminded myself. I wondered why I always seemed to teeter on the edge of wanting to desperately fuck my boss and berating myself for these intrusive thoughts.

Some days I’ve felt John is purposely flirting with me and we had a real connection, and other days I am lucky if he even gives me a “hello.” I was hoping today was different. I wanted a clear signal, not a mixed message! Deep in my thoughts, I hadn’t even realized we were stopping,

“Oomph!” I bumped into John’s back.

“Hello in there…” John poked my head with his forefinger, “are you spacing out?” he joked. “This is my car. Get in.”

I felt flushed again; my face must have been red with embarrassment. Keep it together, focus. You’re a strong, independent, empowered woman who doesn’t need to sleep with her boss and be a cliche…oh fuck it, this doctor is soooo hot!

My thoughts betrayed me again as my pink silky panties got wet just admiring him from the passenger seat. We started to drive around the town and I looked out the window, thinking of neutral topics like puppies and the leftover pizza I had at home, trying my hardest to keep my panties dry.

“So, we have a few errands to do and then you can go home and enjoy the weekend, is that okay?” He stated, as if I had a choice.

“Mhmm, sounds good to me!” I tried to act casual and nonchalant; meanwhile, his deep voice alone made my pussy quiver.

I turned and looked over at him and smiled. He caught my gaze, and smiled back.

“Wow, your eyes are so big and beautiful, so innocent-looking,” he commented, then looked back at the road.

“Oh, thank you. I love your eyes too,” I shared brazenly. Oh my fuck! Why did I just compliment him back? Is that weird; will I be reported to HR for sexual harassment?

John smiled even wider, chuckled a little to himself and replied, “Well, I’m glad you’re here with me, you make boring errands more bearable.”

I giggled and looked down at my lap, picking a little of my red nail polish, thinking, Ugh, there he goes again, flirting with me? No. He can’t be, he’s just friendly…unless…he likes me too? I was overcome with feeling horny as I pictured him feverishly bending me over his desk, papers flying everywhere, and fucking me hard, taking charge, doing to me whatever he pleased.

I shook away that image and before I could think of something clever to say next, we were at our first stop. At the office supply store, we bought a random assortment of pens, pencils, notebooks, paper, and printer ink. I helped him pick out some cute posters with inspirational quotes on them to put around the office as well. John likes to keep the office looking friendly and welcoming to his patients.

The next stop couple of stops were a blur. I was so distracted by John and the way he looked at me. It’s like he saw me, really saw me, and we were so in sync we finished each other’s sentences.

“You’re so different outside of the office than you are at work,” I commented once we were back in the parking garage before we got out. I was feeling more comfortable with him as the evening progressed.

“You think so?” He looked intrigued. “Are you going to psychoanalyze me now? I thought that was my job,” he smirked, hazel eyes sparkling, looking over at me from the driver’s seat.

“Oh no, I wouldn’t dare! You’re the expert. I wouldn’t even know where to start with you!” I quipped.

“Well, what do you think of me?” He questioned.

“What do you mean?” I asked, feeling my face getting hot and my pussy tingling.

“You know…” he drew out his words, “How do I make you feel?” he tried again, leaning in towards me.

“Isn’t that something you ask your patients—And how does that make you feeeeel?” I playfully drew out my words now and rolled my eyes. “I can hear you outside your office door during your sessions sometimes,” I tried to change the subject, “Everyone knows you’re very good at what you do.”

John glanced down, furrowing his brows, then looked back up at me, “I don’t really care about everyone else; I just was interested in what you think about me.”

As of now, my panties were literally drenched in my own wetness and sticking to my pussy lips. I could feel my nipples become hard through my bra as I suddenly became more aware of my own body and how close John had gotten to my face. I wanted to kiss him so badly. His lips were right there, looking so soft and luscious! It was my pussy, not my brain, that was now in charge of my body.

“Well, if you won’t answer, I’ll tell you what I think about you…” he continued, “I think you are a hard worker, diligent, motivated, and…”

Before he could finish, I leaned in and kissed him. I felt my lips touch his and a spark transmitted through my body, fueling my desire even more.

John pulled away and jumped back in his seat, “Wait, what are you doing?! You can’t, umm, not here, I…”

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Instantly I flinched back. I knew kissing him was the wrong move. He couldn’t possibly feel that way about me.

My thoughts raced a million miles per second, Oh my God! That was SO embarrassing, am I a bad kisser? He probably hates me now! It’s just he was so close to me and complimenting me and staring into my eyes…Fuck! I’m so stupid, I’m so fired.

Before he could finish, I opened the door and leapt out of his car, almost tripping in my heels, and sped walk to my car at the other end of the garage, barely holding in my tears. I couldn’t let him see me cry. Shit, should I even go to work tomorrow?!

As soon as I got back to my apartment, I started searching online for a new internship, when I got a text from John that read:

‘I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to pull away, I wanted to kiss you back, I swear. I was just in shock. I didn’t expect that to happen. Please don’t be upset.’

I wasn’t surprised that he reached out to check on me; although he can be hard to read, he is usually thoughtful like that. I had no idea how to respond. I was happy that I hadn’t made a fool of myself but still wondered why he was so quick to pull back, so I texted back inquiring:

‘I should be the one apologizing! But wait, why did you stop if you wanted to kiss me too? I wasn’t sure what happened. Honestly, I’m so confused.’

We texted back and forth for a bit and he shared that the parking garage has security cameras that would have caught us in the act. He couldn’t risk his job by sleeping with the new young intern. It made sense. I just didn’t know if I fully believed him. I think I was still embarrassed about being so forward. I couldn’t help but wonder if I crossed a line or if he was really that into me.

He suggested that we meet at lunch on Monday to “discuss an arrangement.” Whatever that meant. I agreed reluctantly but was curious to see what he had in mind.

The weekend flew by and when Monday came, I was eager to get to the office, but took some extra time getting ready to make sure I looked perfect for John. I wanted to be a balanced mix of professional, approachable, sexy but not trying too hard. I slid on my black lace bra that flaunted my perky bouncy tits but kept them under control for work. Over it, I pulled on a tight black sweater with a deep but work-appropriate V-neck. I zipped up a grey pencil skirt with my favorite white thong underneath, and strappy black heels to showcase my long legs. I added some simple, tasteful jewelry, grabbed my purse, and headed out the door, unsure of what was awaiting me at lunchtime.

By the time lunch rolled around, I wasn’t even in the mood for food, just hungry to see John. I hadn’t seen him all morning. When I arrived to work, he was already starting sessions with patients and his door was closed. After what felt like an eternity, he opened his office door, waved goodbye to his patient, and walked over to my desk.

“Hey, come with me,” he said, and I followed him all the way downstairs to a hallway I’ve never been.

“Where are we going?” I asked, starting to sweat and feeling worried, wondering if things were still awkward between us.

“I needed to see you…alone,” he paused, “Here.”

He pointed to a door I’ve never seen, which said “Supply Closet.”

Before I knew it, he opened the door and pushed me inside. It was dark but I could see a small table. It wasn’t a big space but could fit two or three people inside plus all the office supplies.

“John, what’s going…” I began, but before I could ask further, he pushed me against the wall and began to kiss me.

Like full-on tongue-in-my-mouth kind of kissing and caressing my back. I stood there rigid and shocked and didn’t kiss back at first, but then it felt natural to give in. I trusted him and knew it was something we both wanted.

John pulled me in closer using his big sexy arms. He was so muscular and warm as he pushed his body into mine. I could feel his dick growing inside his pants, making them tighter and his bulge more prominent against my body. It felt so good feeling his soft wet lips envelop mine, and our tongues played. I rubbed my hands up and down his chest, appreciating all his muscles as he felt up my curves.

He was a little rough, which I liked. He grabbed a fistful of my red hair and tugged as he bit my lip. I instinctively bit him back and he smiled charmingly; his white teeth shone bright in the dark. He slowly dragged his fingers across my delicate collarbone and down to my sweater. He lifted the sweater off of me and unclasped my bra, letting my soft tits bounce in his face as he licked my right nipple.

He kissed my neck and I felt his warm breath as he made his way down slowly, enjoying my hot naked body. I felt so exposed but also free. Then my boss sucked my hard nipple and I let out a moan. He twisted my nipple and rolled it around with his fingers. My head lay back against the wall as he licked both of my big breasts and down my stomach. He unzipped my pencil skirt and slid it off my hips.

“Wow,” he breathed, “you have a beautiful little body, I need to taste you…”

I could barely muster a “yes, please,” before he traced my body with tongue down to my pussy. He tore off my white thong and flew it across the cramped closet space. John lifted me up on the small table nearby and opened my legs.

“Mmm, oh my god, fuck,” I exclaimed, a bit louder than I should have since we were technically sneaking around at the office.

He put his hand to my mouth and shushed me and I sucked his finger, while he unbuttoned his pants.

John moved in between my legs and started to spread apart my pussy lips, finding my throbbing clit. He sucked my little pink clit and fingered my tight young pussy.

“You’re so wet, my fingers are slipping in and out of you so easily. Your little pussy smells so sweet…” John slurred, in between licks.

His tongue was circling my clit as he located my G-spot with his middle finger curling up after penetrating my vagina.

“Oh my god…” I knew better this time and moaned a little quieter.

He licked my clit faster now, and gently stroked and sucked on my pussy lips and folds. My whole body was tingling in pleasure, and suddenly he stopped.

“I need to fuck you, I need to be inside you right now,” he whispered with urgency and stood up.

I was still sitting on this small table and had my legs spread open. He grabbed ahold of each of my legs and lifted me closer to him. It was a tight fit at first but since I was so wet, John easily slipped inside my slit after a few light thrusts.

Once inside of my tight, warm pussy, he began to pound me hard. It’s like he knew how I liked to be fucked, a little rough with some dirty talk.

“Fuck…your pussy feels amazing, so tight and wet.” I loved John’s comments about my body; it really turned me on. He thrust faster and faster.

I could hear the wetness of my pussy when his dick entered me and he teased the opening of my cunt with his tip.

“Ohh yeah, fuck me harder, boss, with your big dick, keep going,” I moaned. I felt confident, like I have done this my whole life, but this was my first time with someone older and in charge.

“You’re my naughty little intern slut, such a bad girl,” he said as he flipped me around and began to fuck me from behind, fingering my asshole.

I held my balance on the table, and he grabbed my hips and pulled me onto his dick. He slapped my butt, commanding, “Come here, I want to fuck your tight little hole while watching your hot ass jiggle.” His big thick cock filled my tight little pussy perfectly. My dripping wet cunt wrapped around his dick as it slid in and out of me.

I was so close to orgasm that I began to breathe faster and harder as he held onto my hair and fucked me. I loved how naughty it felt to have my boss fucking me and bringing me to climax. I knew it was wrong to fuck my boss, but it felt too good to pass up. In fact, the thought that I could get in trouble and we were sneaking around made it even hotter.

My body was tensing up and needed a strong release; I could feel my orgasm building. He could feel it too because he instructed, “Come for me. I want to feel all your juices on my dick and your pussy tighten around my cock as you moan my name.”

As always, I do what my boss tells me to do. So, I came so intensely that my eyes rolled back and my mouth was open, crying out, “I’m cumming! Ohh fuck John, yes, YESSS!”

Watching me orgasm made John cum too as he pulled his dick out and ejaculated all over my ass. While finishing, he rubbed his warm cum onto my pussy and asshole with his cock while holding onto one of my ass cheeks. His hands felt so strong and powerful.

We both collapsed on the ground and were trying to catch our breath. “Wow, fuck…” was all he managed to say, while I nodded in agreement.

After a few moments, while still in the supply closet together, John looked over at me, smiling, and said, “We better get going before anyone realizes we were both gone for this long.”

I nodded again, regaining my awareness that I just fucked my boss. MY BOSS. I was an intern. I had no idea what this dirty little incident meant for our professional relationship. It was amazing and sensual and intimate. It felt so right.

We collected our clothes, got dressed, and as we opened the closet door, he squeezed my hand affectionately and then left up the stairwell. I stayed behind for a few moments to gather my thoughts. I was still in awe of how hot his body was and how he felt inside of me.

That orgasm was so powerful and one I will never forget. I’ll also never forget how special this random little supply closet ended up being. I wondered if we’d ever do this again together. This was a fun little secret I was happy to keep to myself.

Throughout the following weeks, John kept texting me every day saying he wanted to meet for lunch again. Each time, I was curious if he meant going out to actual lunch, or a “sexy lunch” in the supply closet, and went to work each day prepared for either. As long as I could spend time with him, I was happy.

“Come on, quick, hurry up!” he pushed in an excited but whispered tone, walking past my desk.

John's always trying to get me away from doing my work nowadays.

“I’m coming, I’m coming! I only have a twenty-minute break, though…” I trailed off.

“It’s fine,” he reassured me. “We won’t need more time than that,” he said with a sly smile. “Plus, you can be late, I’m the boss anyways,” he winked.

I knew what he wanted. He was begging me all week to go to lunch, ever since that day in the supply closet. I didn’t want to get caught, though. It’s risky having sex at the office, but I know he’s definitely worth it.


Written by gracefulxgem
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