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"the pre christmas rush to get the orders out means extra hands are needed to cope"

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"Hello, is anybody there?"

It was futile. The place was locked up and shrouded in darkness. Katja and Phil were trapped. All of the permanent staff knew how everything worked, but nobody had thought to tell the temps what to do. Katja and Phil were printing labels away from the dispatch area, and whoever had left last was either driving home or in the minibus that took others the ten miles back from the isolated site into town.

"I'll call a taxi for us, don't worry," Phil said, hoping Katja wasn't upset about the apparent disregard the regular staff had for those who had been drafted in to help out.

Katja had only known Phil for the three days since they started their jobs, but she already realised he was friendlier than anyone else she was stuck with during their shifts. When he offered to order a taxi, he also promised to pay for the trip.

"I hope you can get a network on your phone; mine thinks we're on Mars," Katja said, looking at a blank screen. A quick check revealed Phil's phone also thought it was similarly galactically displaced.

It was dark, and it was cold; it would get colder.

Katja looked at the random sofa that somehow sat in the corner of the room, where she and Phil were locked inside.

"We should cuddle up to keep warm, and if that doesn't work, I guess we'll have to fuck," Katja said with a giggle.

"If you giggle in such a devilish way, I might decide to pretend you mean that, even though I know you're just having a laugh," Phil said, being honest, albeit with a heavy heart.

"You should have more belief in yourself, Phil. You will by the time you leave this freezing prison we're stuck in, I promise you," Katja said, pushing her hand to the front of his trousers and squeezing his cock inside them with a laugh of pure devilment.

Katja told Phil she had been feeling horny all day. and if everything had gone to plan, she would have been lying on her bed with her favourite vibrators and having the big session she felt she would have needed to sort out her raging arousal.

"My toys aren't here, so I guess I'll have to pretend you're my not-so-little helpers," Katja said, the conversation increasing her need to get started.

"It's all going to be rather strange keeping all our clothes on because, eager though I am to help, I'm not prepared for either of us to die of hypothermia for the sake of a night of sex, and I don't want those nipples to be standing out because of the cold either," Phil said.

"You're a gentleman, although if I don't want you to be at any time, you'll know. I will unzip your jeans now, and if you could do the same for me, I'll be happy. You'll prefer me that way," Katja said, reaching toward Phil as they stood together beside the sofa.

"It's a more fun way to warm your fingers up than gloves, right?" Phil said as he and Katja slipped their fingers into each other's underwear.

As Katja spilled Phil's cock from his jeans, she felt his touch sliding into her impatient body with a smile.

"Let's make some heat," Katja giggled as she pulled on Phil and felt his fingers plunging into her body with purpose.

Katja thrust herself against Phil's fast and furious touch as she worked on his pulsating cock. A day spent frustrated had stoked a fire of need in Katja's body. Phil felt he was in experienced hands, and he was.

Katja's body responded just as she needed it to, as she felt her special places come alive due to the mischief she was busy with and that was being done to her. It couldn't right wrongs or open the doors behind which she and Phil were locked, but it was the kind of baggage-free fun she had been craving.

"I wish more out there understood opportunities are there to be taken, and having no strings attached doesn't mean you don't really like who's making you feel good," Katja said as she felt Phil twitch and sank to her knees without warning.

With brief but wild action, Katja sucked Phil to orgasm, her appetite for his creamy feast clear by the noises of joy she added to those Phil was already crying out.

Katja was firm with her lips and whilst he was still reeling with the intensity of his release, Phil was being directed by desperate words from Katja to take her to the same place as he was.

Phil felt driven to be the best he could be by the breathtaking way Katja had blown his mind. It was his turn to please, and he unbuttoned her unzipped jeans, sliding her knickers down to her thighs and launching his lips and tongue into her wetness to a squeal of approval.

What he lacked in expertise, Phil more than made up for in enthusiasm, and as it was the latter that was important to Katja. She was writhing beneath his pursed lips almost at once. Phil's knees would have ached on the hard stone floor without the single-minded desire to please he had been possessed by. He sucked, he held, he sucked harder and held longer, and with a loud call of erotic laughter, Katja rocked into climax.

"To jest znakomite!" Katja cried, her desire to describe the exquisite nature of her pleasure needing her native Polish to do it justice.

Katja laughed her way through her climax. fuelled by her amusement at Phil sucking her into her own language to welcome its arrival.

The circumstances were odd. Katja's company wasn't her usual prey, but sometimes, things just fell unexpectedly into place. The proof of that was pulsating and dripping from her body.

Phil enjoyed Katja's climax as much as he had his own, and he told her as much once she had pulled up her knickers and re-fastened her jeans.

Katja and Phil hugged each other, both in celebration and for warmth and shared smiles few would have viewed in the way they did.

"You gave me Polish orgasms in the freezing cold, locked inside a room in the middle of nowhere. I think you surprised us both there, but you're going to have a busy night now after that," Katja said, kissing Phil on the forehead and wrapping her arms around him.

With their coats back on, Katja and Phil talked about their past lives. Phil considered himself to be a listener rather than a talker, but Katja was fascinated by Phil's tales of adventure, especially his trips to Poland.

"I turned up in a town in the middle of the night, and after asking where the cheapest bed in town was, I took a taxi to a suburb that felt as far away from civilisation as we are now. It was a residential block, but one floor was a worker's hostel, and they only ever got tourists from the Soviet Union who had very little money. I had a roof over my head, so I was happy and didn't mind paying double, as there was one door but two rooms beyond it. The double price was still only the same as a cup of coffee back home." Phil explained.

"Robotniczy?" Katja replied, referring to the generic name for worker's hostels Phil had described that existed before she was born.

"Yes, that's what I remember the taxi driver telling me I was heading for," Phil replied in a wave of nostalgia.

"Nostalgia is great, but it makes me horny; I think I need to warm up again," Katja said, as she felt a familiar sensation in her body, despite the cold.

Katja almost threw Phil onto the sofa and giggled as she launched herself on top of him and straddled him while they still wore all of their clothes, including their winter coats. A minor inconvenience such as this wasn't going to deter Katja, of course, and she soon lowered her jeans and briefs to her knees and undressed Phil, leaving him in a similar state.

"I'm going to fuck you now, so just leave everything to me," Katja said as she oozed juices of excitement onto Phil's cock and thighs after which. she lowered herself onto him and began an almost frenzied rise and fall.

Katja's ability to maintain her balance suggested to Phil she had enjoyed this pleasure many times before; he, however, had not. Katja sensed this and rode Phil more slowly and gently than she might have done others.

"I might be in charge, but I'm a kind mistress to my pet," Katja whispered, mimicking those who took matters of sex far more seriously than she, or she suspected Phil, ever did or would.

"Help yourself to me, mistress," Phil said as his words tailed off in a sea of laughter.

Katja was in a high state of arousal but found herself as concerned about Phil's experience as she was her own. She thought of all of the occasions she had sought pleasure with those who were as self-centred as she knew she was and how someone like Phil might be making her into a better person without even realising it. The reality of this was pleasing in itself, but it gave impetus to Katja's excitement in a way she felt unusually emotional about.

Katja found herself talking her way through each movement she made as she rubbed herself over Phil's tip. She told him to enjoy the feeling of her body swallowing his cock, and she sighed with pleasure at the sound of his erotic groan as she slowly began to move up and down gently upon him.

Thinking about what made this more than just a fuck to her was a strange experience for Katja, but it was one she was happy to allow to happen. Things would have progressed in a much different fashion if astride those she usually claimed, but this wasn't like what had gone before, and in a way she couldn't quite understand, she loved it.

Dressed in coats? The sight of breath in the chilled air? Sofa that looked like it belonged in a skip as a venue? None of that mattered, and her body spewed its sensual river and helped the slow gliding movements she made.

Although lost for words, Phil was blissfully aroused, and Katja knew it. Just hearing the sounds Phil made was intensifying Katja's excitement, and the anticipation and need to feel his orgasm made her body race closer to its own finale.

"This is so..." Phil mumbled as his attempts to explain his joy to Katja fell short for the best of reasons. His mind was spinning and Katja's was too, as she nursed Phil's excitement like carrying a priceless piece of art across a room.

Katja's own arousal was on the edge, and the feeling of Phil's cock going into spasm shook her body which had a vice-like grip on him. Phil let out a joyous cry as he fired his orgasmic bolt into Katja, who screamed loudly as her own climax ignited and turned her world beautifully upside-down.

"Yes, yes, please, thank you, please, please, thank you," Katja babbled comically as she crashed into the fury of pleasure that had escaped from within.

As Katja squeezed more and more from Phil's orgasm, her climax continued its phenomenal erotic assault. Her body burned with fire, her mind was in disarray, and she felt elated as she dealt with the unfinished business of a super fuck.

Katja knew the elation of her climax wasn't being delivered by Don Juan, or by a cock resembling a body-builder's forearm, or was rolling on through the stamina of experience. All of this was true, but Phil had reminded her of what had mattered to her once and rediscovering the joy of bringing pleasure was a phenomenal experience for her.

Every sound Phil made and his movements. Each burst of laughter she made and heard. Shaking off the shackles of what she was supposed to be excited by instead of what actually hit the spot. Katja had somehow found this surreal time and place to experience her erotic epiphany.

Katja's face shone as she lifted herself slowly from Phil's bewildered cock, and the pair's clothes were re-adjusted to fight the cold once more. Would she find the words she needed? She felt driven to try.

"I met my dream man when just turned eighteen. We shared things we didn't know were important until it was too late. I heard his voice a few moments ago telling me that he was willing me to be happy and you were here on a similar mission to encourage me to find joy. Those are not the words of a silly woman in the cold after a nice fuck, they are my future and our chance encounter is helping me to picture it and prepare to find it. I can only see these pictures here and now, and you have to make them appear before morning." Katja said, squeezing herself against Phil.


Though Katja enjoyed spontaneity, the pleasure of anticipation was something she knew had added a great deal to some of her finer moments of the past. She had ideas coming to mind in droves after Phil had taken her to climax, and many of them centered on fantasies that still remained so or moments in time she felt she wanted to recreate. Most of her ideas came and went as her mind played with them snuggled up to Phil, but one kept reappearing, despite her having only spent ten minutes in idle thought. Katja knew she had to speak up.

"The first true love of my life was taken from this world far too young. He was an adult, as was I, but we behaved like teenagers as we explored our desires. I found my favourites; they were his too, although he spoke about something he fantasised about often. I played with his fantasy, promising him I would make it a reality but teasing him by telling him it would happen when he least expected it. We played the game; he loved it; he told me how the mystery of not knowing turned him on so much. It's not a pleasure seen as extreme, but it was a boundary we wanted to cross together.

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When he died, of course, my thoughts were of important things, but I knew his dream was one that hadn't been fulfilled. I had an irrational hatred for this avenue of pleasure and hoped one day to feel able to reclaim it and experience it with joy. I hear his voice in my head, Phil. He is whispering to me that it is time, and he wants to set me free." Katja explained.

Phil was torn by what Katja had told him. Was he supposed to say silent? Did Katja long to hear him say what she had told him made him feel? Was he meant to say he understood when it was all outside of his own experience? Was he in the right place at the right time and could he make a difference to someone who deserved to be happy?

Katja wasn't surprised to find Phil lost for words; she had dropped a bombshell and left him with questions she knew he would be agonising over. She felt further detail might ease his mind.

"Had we turned his fantasy into a reality, it would have been messy. It would have been somewhere with an erratic power supply that often made his room dark and cold, even outside winter months The reality would have been a way to keep warm with the excitement we felt and celebrate something that spoke of new beginnings. Do you see why I am drawn to you filling my eager rear with your cock and bringing me something truly liberating?"

Phil nodded and shared a tight embrace with Katja as she wiped a tear from her eye and heard him say he was there for her,

Whilst it wasn't his favourite sexual activity of the few he had tried, Phil had nothing against the proposed next item on the agenda. As he considered this, he realised that even something he would have normally seen as not for him would have had a purpose to it that would have made his own preferences irrelevant. This wasn't about him at all.

Katja's mind was filled with thoughts that mirrored Phil's exactly. She hoped he would feel able to speak up if what she needed wasn't for him, and though it meant so much to her, she couldn't continue without making sure her opportunity didn't involve something Phil would feel uncomfortable with or regret.

"It's fine, and what it means is far more than what it is anyway," Phil explained.

Katja listened to Phil's answer. She smiled, kissed him on the lips, and squeezed his body with her arms so tightly he was almost breathless.

Katja walked to the back of the sofa, slipping her jeans and knickers to her ankles with her legs splayed; she pushed her buttocks out, asked Phil to lower his jeans and briefs, and told him she would guide him.

"I'd like you to spank my buttocks. Not hard, just firm. It's how it would have begun." Katja whispered.

Phil had never really got the spanking thing, but he knew many swore by it. He hoped what he delivered would suffice for Katja and that what she needed wasn't beyond the intensity he could bring himself to give.

"Is that OK?" Phil said, realising so much could depend on Katja's reply, which he felt sure would be honest.

"It's perfect," Katja whispered, Phil's hands hitting her skin with exactly the same mild slap she knew she would have felt had they been delivered in the pleasure that had fallen victim to tragedy.

Katja repeated her words, confirming the beauty of what she felt, desperate for Phil to know she meant them. Phil felt reassured by the repetition and in just the way Katja had hoped for.

The bitterly cold environment meant Phil did not worry about Katja's skin turning pink, and the sounds of contentment he heard were ones he knew came from her heart. He was happy to bring Katja the pleasure she sought, and he trusted her to speak out if she needed to.

Katja's mixture of high emotion and the pleasure felt from Phil's attention saw her body reacting in just the same way it did when aroused differently. This was a pleasure and a relief in itself for Katja and strengthened her feeling that her decision had been right and her belief in Phil, as he put his heart and soul into what he was doing,

"I'm very aroused now, Phil. That felt so special," Katja said, speaking after she had raised her hand to tell Phil to bring her spanking to a close.

When Katja had first imagined taking the step she had undertaken with Phil, she hadn't anticipated feeling as focused on the pleasure she was experiencing, assuming it would be lost in the full story behind it. She felt sure a memorable outcome would be welcomed by the one in whose memory it was happening, and her body was giving her all the signs that this was possible.

"I'm ready. I want you to give me my dream. The nerves, the clumsiness of the unfamiliar, and the need for gentle guidance are a part of that dream. Be yourself, Phil; that's why we're here." Karja whispered.

Katja asked Phil to rub his erect penis over her buttocks gently. Just like hands spanking her, this was how Katja knew it would have been. Phil did as Katja requested confidently, already reassured that his arousal at this was understood and was welcome.

Katja was both touched and excited by Phil's cock pulsating on her buttocks and sighed and smiled at the sensation as she felt her body heating from within and a wet buzz of anticipation between her legs. Phil fought to focus on allowing Katja to savour the phase that was in progress, and she did.

"Fuck me however it happens," Katja said firmly, a wave of sweetness wrapping itself around her mind and body as she spoke.

Phil eased himself into Katja's body, and just feeling him slip gently inside sent a moan of escalating arousal tumbling from her lips. Katja wanted to save this moment in her mind as much as any she had ever experienced, and Phil made this possible as he waited for his next instructions.

"Move as you need to, Phil," Katja whispered.

Phil began to slip back and forth slowly between Katja's buttocks as his hands rested on her hips. Katja couldn't see Phil's face, and Katja couldn't see his either, but they each pictured the other smiling, and they were.

"Pierdol mnie w dupe," Katja called out, her slip back into her native tongue voicing a passionate request for Phil to finish what he had started.

Although Phil knew no Polish, he complied with Katja's request to fuck her in the way he was anyway. Katja smiled as she heard her own words. Not only did it mean they were straight from her heart, but also that her subconscious wanted Phil to fuck her from behind too.

Phil felt his excitement spiraling to new heights with each slide he made into Katja's body. The thumping beat of Phil's cock intensified Katja's level of arousal, and she began moaning and laughing continuously as she burned with erotic anticipation.

"I'm so excited," Katja said, stating something that was clearly true.

Phil was startled when Katja screamed out a welcome to her climax, both by the volume of it and also because she had done so before he had, albeit by just a couple of seconds or thereabouts. He already knew he was in for a good one, but the sound and shudder of Katja's explosive moment energised his own orgasm in a way Phil could scarcely comprehend.

Katja's entire body was slammed in reverse, as she wanted to feel Phil as deep as reality would allow. The sensation she enjoyed as he sent his flow into her body was more than just a climax; it was everything in her past and also the first moment of her future.

Phil was no fool, and he realised Katja's emotions were more than pleasure at his contribution, He would not have wished it to be any other way. He had given his all to someone who deserved no less, and both he and Katja understood this and were overjoyed.

Katja swiveled her body to keep Phil's cock working, needing every drop inside he had to give. Her sounds of joy and deliverance were ones Phil knew he'd remember forever, as would Katja, though she wasn't ready for reflection just yet.

"I will wake your tired cock, I know I can," Katja shouted as she slipped Phil from her body and spun around in a single movement.

Phil felt Katja's hands on his cock, willing it to be sprung back into life more than he wanted almost anything. The speed and ease with which the goal was achieved left Phil happily bewildered, though he knew this was neither the time nor place for discussion.

"You are driving this time, Phil; that matters to me, and it's all that does this time," Katja said, kissing Phil on the lips before leaning over the back of the sofa once again.

Katja knew things had to be this way. She wanted to celebrate her new beginning as both a leader and a follower. It was how she wanted her future to be, to seek the best of both worlds and be free from labels. roles and how others wanted to pigeonhole her desires.

Phil knew deep questions were not on Katja's agenda at that moment, but he realised he could spend plenty of time regretting silence.

"I just need you to know tonight has been a night I'll never forget, Not because I'm deluded about what the morning will signal for us, but for being a part of something that means so much to someone who will make the best of their life from now on. Don't walk away thinking you've broken my heart; you have filled it with a pleasure I will carry with me." Phil told Katja.

"My answer is your words said back to you from my lips and with the same joy within them," Katja replied. to the feeling of Phil's erect cock slipping between her buttocks once again.

Whilst what had been shared before in the same way had been about something lost, this time, Katja wanted nothing more than for Phil to feel in control of their pleasure. It was her future, one of freedom to choose, and she felt there was nobody better than someone she'd known for a short time but who understood her better than anyone to be a part of it.

Phil's slow and gentle movement was his way, and it excited Katja to experience him being himself and having the belief to do so. Rough and ready might take her to the same place, but it was who was behind the pulsating slides that were her turn-on, and her body shook with excitement as well as the cold.

Katja's arousal intensified. It did so through knowing Phil's pulse was racing, by hearing his grunts and sighs, and by feeling him inside her body in the treasured first reality of her new life.

Katja sped to a state of electrifying and intense pleasure in harmony with that of the man bringing it to her. They sighed, gasped, moaned, giggled, and laughed as one and spun into climax in just the same fashion. They were in the middle of nowhere, and they were in the cold and the dark. They were together in erotic heaven.

Phil knew if he had tried to speak, words would have failed him. Katja realised nothing she could say would capture the joy she felt more than savouring it too.

Moans, groans, giggles, and laughter were the soundtrack Phil and Katja would always attach to the memory of their episode's final act. They kissed once the excitement had subsided and huddled and cuddled together until morning.

Everyone was shocked and embarrassed when they turned up at work to find Katja and Phil in each other's arms on the sofa. When asked how they had coped with such a traumatic communication mishap, Katja decided to leave it to Phil to answer.

"We chatted, kept as close as we needed to, and stayed warm enough to be able to carry on with our lives the next morning," Phil explained.

Phil's answer wasn't quite what those who heard it had been expecting, but it was one Katja always included in any account she gave of the night the two of them had spent abandoned in the wilderness.

Within a week, Katja had been offered a job in Poland and felt it suited the other changes she planned for her life to accept. Phil carried on doing temporary work at the factory and celebrated Christmas with a woman he had met on a bus and who had told him her life story.

Katja's life blossomed after returning home. She made new friends quickly, chose one of them as a lover, and took turns with him to be the boss. Phil's Christmas lunch date? He was also the host for her Boxing Day meal and plenty more after that too.

Written by JustForYou
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