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My Office. Now

"Called into her boss's office by a blunt email..."

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"You wanted to see me, sir?"

Helen knocked hesitantly and put her head around the open door. Her boss, Neil, was renowned for his curt emails, but the three-word message she had just received from him was abrupt, even by his usual standards.

"Yes. Come in. Shut the door. Sit down." His terse manner continued.

She entered his spacious, luxurious office nervously. Suddenly her skirt felt very short as he glanced across at her. She tugged the hem down over her thighs.

It was Friday and after four o'clock. Most people had already gone home. Why did he want to see her at this hour? She knew she was in trouble. She sat down, choosing the small upright chair rather than the couch.

He ignored her for a moment, typing out an email at his desk. Then he spun round on his chair to face her, but said nothing. She looked up at him, trying to stay calm. She could only briefly maintain contact with his large, dark brown eyes before averting her gaze. His mouth and lips were stern but inviting. He had a strong jawline and greying stubble that came and went. He was wearing a smart suit, as usual.

She loved the way his large hand would touch his tie and then brush along his slim thigh to his knee. He was so hot. And she was feeling really horny, having spent what she thought was set to be the last fifteen minutes of her working day reading Lush Stories.

"How long have you been with us now, Helen?" He asked, breaking the awkward silence at last.

"Five months and eight days, sir," she said.

"That's very precise! Hmm. And on the whole, your work has been good. Have you liked working here?"

"Yes, sir."

"Unfortunately, there are a couple of issues that have come up."

Helen gulped. "Issues, sir?"

"Yes. Issues. Firstly, there's your internet use. What is this site... Lush Stories?"

Shit. Fuck. How had he found out about that? She always used a private browsing window. Wasn't that safe? Obviously not. There was no point in trying to deny it. He must have some evidence. She felt her cheeks glowing with embarrassment.

"Umm, it's... a stories site, sir."

"Yes, evidently. And what sort of stories?" A hint of a smirk appeared at the edge of his mouth.

"Sort of...  erotic stories, sir."

"I see. And are these erotic stories relevant to your work here, Helen?"

"Well, no sir, I'm sorry sir, I won't do it again, sir." She looked down at her shoes.

"And then the other thing. I've heard rumours. Rumours of inappropriate behaviour with colleagues in the workplace."

Fuck. Double fuck. Kevin had said he would keep his mouth shut. But obviously, he'd been bragging to his mates about that blow job last week.

"If it was just rumours, perhaps I could ignore them. But then I was sent this sound recording, anonymously. Have a listen."

He clicked a file on his computer screen. Oh shit. Triple fuck. The bastard hadn't just bragged about it. He must have recorded it on his phone.

"Now that, Helen, is definitely your giggle, isn't it?"

She squirmed in her chair. She couldn't deny it. She knew she had a very distinctive laugh.

"And what's going on there? What's that kind of squelching noise?"

She remembered noticing that Kevin's phone had been in his pocket, just a few inches from her slurping lips.

"You've completed our online training course on appropriate behaviour in the workplace, haven't you, Helen?"

"Umm, yes, sir."

"So, I know that it wasn't directly covered in that video course, but would you think that giving a colleague a blow job, in his office, during working hours, would count as appropriate behaviour, or inappropriate?"

Her cheeks were bright red with embarrassment and she felt she was starting to sweat. But her nipples were tingling at the sound of his deep, sexy voice talking about her cock-sucking.

"Inappropriate," she mumbled.

"Indeed. Inappropriate."

There was another tense silence.

"We have to take these things very seriously you know, Helen. I fired Kevin this morning.  And I'm afraid we can't be seen to have double standards. The same principles must apply to women as well as men."

Shit. She was going to lose her job. Just because of playing around on Lush and sucking off one guy at work. 

"Oh, no, I really have to keep this job, please, sir!" she stammered. "You said my work had been good. I like my work here. I really enjoy working under you. I'll work harder... Please, Neil, sir, I'll do anything!" She looked up at him, her eyes wide open, welling up with tears, pleading, 

"Anything," he repeated, firmly. He stroked his stubbly chin, and she watched his hand slide down over his tie and then along his thigh. He explored her with his eyes, looking at her tight white blouse, her short skirt, her bare knees.

Was he thinking what she was thinking? Or was that just her dirty mind, fantasizing after having read so many erotic stories?

"Yes, sir. Anything to keep my job. Whatever you ask. Anything at all, sir." She bit her lip, trying to control herself, but couldn't help parting her knees slightly, giving his eyes more to look at.

"Well, it would be a shame to lose you. And Kevin had form, I'd already given him a warning over a previous incident. So we might be able to keep you on. But you will need to show that you will do as you're told. And you will have to be punished." 

"Oh, thank you, sir! I would be so grateful! I will do anything you ask. But, punished, sir? How?" she asked, her voice shaking. She looked at his big, strong hands. What would they feel like on her body? Did he somehow know about her spanking fetish? Did he know exactly which stories she had been reading? Her buttocks twitched in anticipation. 

"Anything," he repeated again. "Take your top off, Helen."

"What! Sir! No, I can't do anything like that, I'm a happily married woman!" She struggled to hide her excitement, but with little success. Her cheeks flushed bright red and her tongue flicked over her lips. Her breathing quickened and she realized her hands had clenched tightly around the edge of her chair.

He looked at her, with the hint of a grin appearing at the edge of those attractive lips. "Ah, the lady doth protest too much! Do as you're told, Helen. You did say you'd do anything," he said, in a deep, commanding tone.

"Oh, but sir, no, please, I didn't think you meant anything like that!"

Her fingers toyed with the top button of her blouse, hesitating. Could she take it off? Should she? Was she being tested? Would it end there, or would he want more?

"Go on, take it off," he said, firmly, watching her fingers as they played with the button. After a few more moments of hesitation, she popped it open. His eyes followed her hand down as she undid the buttons one by one. She rolled her shoulders, slipping the silky material off her arms and dropping it on the floor.

"There's a good girl," he said, his voice dropping to a deep growl. "Very nice." His eyes lingered on her cleavage, rising and falling in her little white bra. 

"Thank you, sir," she said, "of course I will do what you ask, within reason."

He took off his jacket and put it on the back of his chair, then went over to a cupboard in the corner of his office and unlocked it. She watched nervously as he took something out of the cupboard and came back towards her.

"Sir, what's that for?"

"Stand up. Come here, Helen. Hold out your hands."

She stood up and watched with mixed feelings of horror and excitement as he came towards her holding two thick leather cuffs. 

"Sir! No! What do you want?" she gasped.

"I want you. And your total submission. Give me your wrists." He looked into her eyes.

She froze, her hands down by her sides. Total submission. If she offered him her wrists, she would be acquiescing to that. Agreeing to allow him to do whatever he wanted with her. No way, said her head. She couldn't surrender control so completely. Even though he was so good-looking. Even though she had said she'd do anything. No, she couldn't. She was a happily married woman, she reminded herself. Well, fairly happily married.

But her rational head was contradicted by her pulsing pussy. And by the part of her brain that her pussy was directly connected to. The part of her brain that loved the stories on Lush, especially the ones in the BDSM category. The part of her mind that yearned for the kind of treatment she knew she would never get from her husband. 

She held her wrists out towards him. Her arms trembled, and her pussy clenched and moistened with the thrill and anticipation of how he was going to punish her.

He put the black leather cuffs around her wrists and tied the buckles firmly. They were joined together by a nylon strap.

His hands took hold of her shoulders and pushed her back against the wall. He pulled the strap up, hauling her arms above her head, and looped the strap over a large hook on the wall behind her. 

He stood back and smiled at her, tied and exposed, her breathing rapid, her breasts rising and falling in that sexy bra that was a couple of sizes too small for her.

"So, whatever happened to happily married Helen?" he asked, triumphantly and teasingly.

"Sir, well, I mean, I know I said about being married, but... I've seen the way you look at me, and, well, I, my husband doesn't, you know, always, I mean, I have needs that... and I find you attractive, sir, so..."

He interrupted her burbling. "So, what next, Helen? Skirt, I think." His fingers found the side zip and undid it. Her skirt was tight and needed a firm tug before it dropped to the floor.

"Very nice. Matching knickers."

She stood helpless in front of him as his eyes took in the curves of her hips and thighs. His gaze seemed to be penetrating her already, through her little white panties. He licked his lips but said nothing.

The silence was broken by a ring tone. "Is that your phone, Helen?" He picked it up from the floor next to the chair where she had left it.  "Chris. Who's Chris?"

"He's my husband, sir."

"Your husband!" he grinned, "Well, you'd better talk to him then, hadn't you, happily married Helen! Tell him you might be late home tonight."

"What? Shit, no! I can't talk to my husband like this, in my underwear, with my hands tied up above my head!"  But Neil flicked the phone on and held it up to her face with his left hand. His right hand went behind her back and began to finger her bra strap. 

"Hello... Yes, I'm fine. I might be a bit late home tonight, sorry... Well, it's just that..." What could she say? She didn't like lying to him. She took inspiration from the cuffs holding her wrists over her head. "I'm a bit tied up at work this afternoon." 

There was a click as the hooks on her bra strap snapped open. She took a sharp intake of breath as the loose bra slipped forward and those fingers moved around to the front, reaching up under the lace. Neil's hand cupped her breast, lifting, massaging and squeezing her soft flesh, while she tried to maintain the conversation with Chris.

"What? Out of breath? No, I'm fine, really. Just under a bit of pressure in the office at the moment." Her nipple stiffened in response to the pinching and tweaking it was being subjected to. "I'll come as soon as I can."  

She couldn't hang up the call, so she would have to wait until her husband did. She tried to stifle the urge to moan in response to the fingers teasing and twisting her nipples. Fuck, that felt so good. If only Chris would do that to her.

"Okay, I should go. See you soon," she gasped. At last, her husband hung up, and Helen breathed a sigh of relief that turned into a soft moan.

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Neil put her phone down. "You like that, don't you, Helen? Let's try with both hands." His fingers and thumbs pulled and tweaked at her nipples. She groaned in response, with a little yelp when he squeezed them really hard.

"I'll take that as a yes. I think I know what we need." He went over to the cupboard in the corner again, rummaged for a moment and came back with a gold chain. 

"What's that, sir?" It looked like a kind of necklace at first. Then she saw the two clamps at each end of the chain, coated in black plastic, with an adjustable screw. "Oh fuck, sir!" She had seen something like that online before, and had thought about buying a pair.

He pulled her already swollen nipple forward and attached the clamp around it, then slowly tightened the screw, watching her mouth open wider as the pressure increased. "A new experience for you, Helen?" he asked, as he subjected her other nipple to the same treatment. 

"Yes, sir," she gasped.

"Pleasure or pain?" he asked, tightening the clamp a little more. 

"A bit of both, sir."

He ran his fingers along to the middle of the chain, toyed with it for a moment, and then tugged it gently. 

"Ah!" she cried, as the clamps pulled on both her nipples.

"Just checking it was securely fastened. Apparently, it can enhance a woman's orgasm, if pulled at the crucial moment," he whispered into her ear. He teased her by tweaking the chain a couple more times. "So tell me, what toys do you have, Helen?"

"Umm, a little bullet vibe and a dildo, sir."

"And where do you keep them?"

"The dildo is hidden at the back of a drawer at home, sir. The vibe is usually in my handbag."

"In your handbag? And your handbag would be... in your office, just along the corridor? I think I'll have to check and see." 

"No, sir, please!" The thought of him leaving her tied up here and rummaging through her handbag horrified her. Why had she given him such honest answers?

He opened his office door and went out into the corridor. Worse still, he didn't even close the door properly, so anyone walking past might have been able to see her, tied up and almost completely naked. 

He returned, waving her vibrator in his hand. To her relief, he not only closed the door behind him but locked it as well.

"Now, how does this work... Ah, yes!" He found the switch and set it buzzing. Kneeling in front of her, he put his hand on one of her thighs and slid the vibrator slowly up the other one, watching as her muscles quivered. She moaned and gasped as the toy crept higher, finally nestling where she needed it, up against her panties.

She had occasionally allowed her husband to use her vibe on her, but always with her hand guiding his, never like this with her hands cuffed above her head. The lack of control was a new thrill for her. With all the teasing, torment and nipple tweaking beforehand, she was already dripping wet. This wasn't going to take long. 

"Oh, yes, sir, that's just the right spot," she gasped, pushing her clit forward against the vibe. His other hand was roving between her legs, cupping her pussy through the thin, wet fabric of her panties. "Oh, yes, that feels so good, I'm going to cum, sir, yes, yes, don't stop!" She could feel the pressure of her imminent orgasm slowly building up deep inside her.

He took the vibe off her and pulled his hand out from between her thighs. "No, you aren't. Not yet, anyway. You're here to be punished, remember?"

"No!" she wailed as she humped forward into thin air, seeking some more stimulation as she felt the pleasure fade and the climax she so desperately needed disappear over the horizon. She tried to pull one hand down so that she could touch herself, but the leather cuff held her wrist tight. 

"Now, to punish you properly, I need to take these panties off." He hooked his fingers around the waistband and tugged them down to her ankles. She lifted one foot and then the other to get them off completely, and he picked them up, holding them to his face and sniffing them. "Mmm, I love the smell of female sexual arousal. Now, turn around and face the wall."

She was amazed by his self-control. Her smooth, knickerless beaver was wet and exposed to him and she could see he was getting hard in his trousers, but he didn't seem to want to fuck her, or even touch her there, at least not yet. She did as she was told, turning to face the wall, causing the straps holding her arms to twist and tighten. 

She could feel him close behind her, breathing on her neck. His hands worked their way down her bare back, then out and over her waist, feeling the curves of her hips. His right hand withdrew, while the left one held her firmly against the wall. She knew what was coming, and her breath came out in rapid little gasps as she waited for it. 

"Are you going to punish me now, sir?" she panted anxiously. 

"You've been a bad girl, Helen," he growled into her ear as he slapped her soft, quivering flesh.

"Ah!" she cried, as the first stroke of his hand hit her ass, making her tingle."Yes, sir, I'm a very naughty girl." He was being quite gentle with her. She wanted more. "Punish me, sir, harder, please?"

He started to spank her more firmly with those powerful hands that she had fantasized about so much. A thrilling rush shot through her body with each stroke, up to her stiff, clamped nipples and making her pussy clench up. As he spanked her with his right hand, she could hear and feel him undo his belt, unbutton and unzip his trousers and drop them to the floor with his left.  His mouth was on her neck, first kissing her at that sensitive spot just below her ear, then teasing her with his teeth, nibbling and almost biting her neck and her shoulder.

Then she felt it. Hot and hard and thick, pressing up against her ass, pushing her up against the wall. She wanted to touch it, to squeeze it, to feel it flex in her hand. It was so frustrating that she couldn't. She pushed back against it, showing her need. "Oh, yes, sir, please," she moaned.

"Please what, Helen?" He wanted to hear her beg for it.

"Please, please, sir, I want your cock, please, fuck me, sir!"

"You want me to fuck you, Helen? I don't think I should. You're a happily married woman, remember, you told me so yourself," he teased, thrusting his cock rhythmically against the soft, yielding flesh of her ass. 

He spun her back around to face him and pressed up against her. One of his large hands wrapped around her neck, pushing her back and pinning her against the wall. She could feel her pulse, hard and fast, pounding against his fingers. His other hand cupped her pussy. He played with her, stroking his fingers up and down, one finger on each swollen lip and another wriggling into the slippery gap between them.

His hand moved down and the middle finger curved upwards, the tip of it just penetrating her. She pushed towards him, wanting more. Another finger entered her, probing deeper and stroking her, pulling her forward towards him with a beckoning motion, while his thumb slid up to massage her clit.

She moaned and gasped at the intense stimulation from his fingers. But again, as he sensed that she was getting close, he took his fingers out of her, leaving her empty and wanting. He licked her juice off one finger, then put the other one in her mouth for her to taste herself.

His hands gripped her hips and lifted her up off the floor. Her legs flailed and instinctively wrapped around him, feeling his firm ass against her calves as his cock slipped in between her thighs. She could move just enough to get the big head where she wanted it, right at her wet, quivering entrance. But his hands were holding her up, so she couldn't get it inside her. 

"I want you inside me," she gasped.

His mouth was at her ear again, as he whispered, "Where do you want it?"

What more did he want her to say? "In my cunt! Please, sir, now!"

"You want my cock? In your cunt? In your happily married cunt? Right now?" 

She was starting to think that he was going to punish her by teasing her like this and then refusing to fuck her. But suddenly he relaxed his grip on her hips and her body dropped, impaling herself on his cock. She cried out with the intensity of the fast and deep penetration. He was hard and thick, stretching her wider than her husband did. She pushed herself towards him as far as she could, humping her clit against his firm hilt. 

Holding her ass firmly in his hands, he started to fuck her hard, thrusting in and out, hammering her into the wall, breathing hard and grunting with each stroke. She wanted to hold his shoulders to pull him closer, but couldn't, with her hands still tied above her head. But she could coil her legs tighter around him, trying to keep that wonderful cock deep inside her. 

Her ass was feeling bruised from the spanking and being slammed against the wall, but she didn't care. The vigorous fucking was so much better than the gentle probing she got from her husband once a week. She moaned and bit her lip, trying in vain to control herself. She felt the orgasm that he had thwarted twice starting to build up again, as the muscles in her legs and her swollen pussy tightened up around him. 

"Ah, yes, yes, yes!" she gasped, puffing the words out in time with the thrusts of his cock and the grinding of her clit back against him. He was getting close too, with his mouth panting at her ear, his muscles hardening against her and his cock starting to twitch and flex inside her. 

"Now, you're going to cum, Helen," he whispered into her ear, and she knew that at last, she was going to get the release she had been craving for so long. He thrust all the way in, pressing her up against the wall with his cock. His right hand slapped her ass hard again, sending sparks shooting up through her. At the same time, his left hand pulled on the gold chain, tugging on the clamps, pulling and stretching her nipples, supercharging her climax just as he had said it would. His open mouth pressed against the side of her neck, and his tongue stroked that delicate spot that seemed to be hard-wired to her pussy. Her whole body convulsed as she started to cum, shuddering and screaming, intense waves of ecstasy coursing through her. 

Her cunt clamped down hard on his cock, and as she spasmed around him, she felt him throb, deep inside her. Her back arched and her head went back against the wall, her eyes closed and her mouth wide open. She rode him as her orgasm flowed on and on and on, milking the cum out of him, feeling each of his powerful spurts.

As she slowly came back down from her high, she unwrapped her legs from around his hips and put her feet down on the floor. He stayed inside her and kept her pressed against the wall, but he untied her wrists from the cuffs. Her hands were free at last to rove over his shoulders and his back, all the way down to his lean, muscular ass. She held him close, wanting him to stay inside her for as long as possible. He released the clamps from her nipples, giving her another rush as they expanded and swelled up. 

Suddenly, he withdrew and pulled away from her. Her quivering legs gave way and she collapsed in a heap on the floor of his office, aching and exhausted and barely conscious. Her heart was still pumping wildly and she was short of breath.

When she opened her eyes again a few minutes later, he was dressed and sitting at his desk, almost as if nothing had happened. She scrabbled around for her discarded clothes and awkwardly pulled them on. 

He turned and smiled at her. "Come and see me again, same time next week, Helen. You know, I think you might be due for a pay rise."

Written by NicolasBelvoir
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