It wasn't a big surprise when the news came; the business had been quiet for a long time. Agreeing to go down with the ship was an easy decision for Bella. A month's pay with very little asked in return? She couldn't sensibly say "no."
When not working her shifts, Bella had begun chatting online. It was enjoyable to connect with someone who could make her laugh. The latest person she was talking to was Marc, who had a lighthearted approach that she appreciated. He seemed to understand her perspective well.
"I hope the website doesn't charge me an introduction fee," Bella joked when Marc asked for her number. It wouldn’t take long for Bella to be glad she had given it to him.
"Shit, I'm so bored. Normally it doesn't bother me, but I'm sitting here wishing I wasn't." Bella added.
Although she was bored, other thoughts occupied Bella's mind.
"Marc, I need that brain of yours to set me free."
Marc listened to Bella and It reminded him of how much fun she could be.
Marc began his story-telling with a scene-setting message. He certainly had the knack. She hadn't expected to be slipping her phone inside her knickers to emphasise the point, but she hadn't expected to feel this aroused just sitting at her desk either.
The words in the text were just right. Bella appreciated Marc's way of expressing himself, which was evident when Bella's next message included a photo of how wet she was already.
'I'm not into sending dick pics, I think you girls deserve better, so I'll just tell you I'm very aroused by your message indeed.' Mark's reply said. Bella realised Marc had revealed a different side of himself, leaving her deep in thought.
"Of course, if I could hear those lovely words, rather than having to read them, it might be even nicer," Bella said with a giggle. An hour later, Bella called the phone number that Mark had given her.
Marc's voice was just as Bella imagined it would be, but this was no time for small talk. Even though this was true, Bella couldn't help but seize the opportunity to up the stakes again.
"Unit 6, BDE Business Park, If you're passing, once I decide I want to hear more in person," Bella said, fingering the wetness between her legs.
Marc was pleased to impress Bella with his creativity in their message exchanges; however, he hadn't expected her to share her exact location, especially after having told him how horny she was feeling. Rather than making an issue of her disclosure, Marc called Bella again. Bella took control immediately.
"Read to me; it makes me feel so good," Bella said with a giggle.
Hearing Marc's voice again made Bella even more aroused than she had been before. She had an image of him fucking her from behind over her desk that she was happy to dwell upon, despite her uncertainty about whether he would read to her in person or bring the picture she had in her mind to life.
"Get down here, Marc. I need to see how this ends," Bella shouted into the phone.
As Marc traveled to see Bella in a taxi, he received a message from her. In it, she explained that apart from herself, only Tibor was in the building.
"Tibor is the security guard. He's sweet, but only fucks men and you're all mine," Bella said in her text.
By the time Marc had made his way to the gated office at the edge of the industrial park, Bella was far more aroused than she had expected to be. She didn't think the change to her plan to be a problem, but she felt it was important to bring Marc up to speed as soon as Tibor opened the electronic gate and Marc stepped through the door beyond it.
"Hi Marc, slight change of plan. Love the stories, but..."
Bella's voice trailed off. She walked up to the desk she usually sat behind, its typical contents underneath it.
Without further comment, Bella hitched up her skirt, pulled her knickers down, and pointed to her smooth buttocks.
"Fuck that, Marc," Bella begged, her thighs already glistening with the erotic flow washing from her body.
Marc was no expert in matters of sex, but he believed he still had the right to express his opinion. He had enjoyed a small number of encounters involving anal sex, but whilst he had no aversion to it, he had never considered it to be his favourite. If that was ever going to change, the sight of Bella's buttocks as she splayed her legs and bent over the desk was going to be central to that.
"Beautiful," Marc whispered, as he ran his hands roughly over the cheeks she wanted him to be between so desperately.
"Do it, Marc. If I need more, you can suck my clit until I scream, so no pressure," Bella said, turning her head and flashing a smile, her expression filled with belief.
Bella's backup plan had just the right effect, ridding Marc of any nervousness instantly. Bella felt Marc wouldn't be the only one who would benefit from her reassurances either.
When Marc eased himself between Bella's buttocks, a long, blissful sound of contentment slipped dreamily from her mouth. His touch was firm against her skin as his hands rested on her hips, and he felt that Bella's entire mind, body, and soul were urging him on.
"That's so nice, Marc. Now let's fuck," Bella said, her head filled with the chaos of escalating arousal.
Although Bella's needs were nearing desperation, she was overtaken by an even stronger force. To her amazement, she realised she prioritised Marc over herself.
"Stay where you are and leave the rest to me," Bella said softly, overcome with a passion to please Marc, as it would mean more to him than an inexperienced effort might do for her.
As soon as she had begun to move against Marc's cock that was inside her, Bella knew she had made the correct decision. She could feel his pleasure, arousal, and desire as she circled her hips slowly. It left her feeling far more aroused than she would have felt, had she left everything unchanged. His excitement was arousing her!
Every movement she made increased his pleasure level, which surprised neither Marc nor Bella. What made it joyful was that Bella was just as excited to feel and hear Marc's delight as he was to experience it. 'Was this the difference between satisfying and deeply erotic?' Bella found herself pondering.
Marc felt every slow and gentle movement Bella made on his cock to a smile. Bella was smiling too, feeling the power of Marc's erotic energy gathering as she steered him expertly between mishap and pitfall. Bella found herself beautifully aroused by Marc's pleasure.
"It's time to finish with a flourish, Marc," Bella said, smiling, and he did.
Like a lost treasure being discovered, Bella felt ecstatic for both herself and Marc, as his cock spilled in release inside her body. Marc was at a loss for words at the sacrifice Bella had made. He promised himself that he would show her what it meant to him.
Bella had taken the relative luxury of her small office, which boasted a quartet of showers, for granted. Freshly cleaned bodies meant that anything could go anywhere, didn’t it?
A period of massage filled with smiles meant Marc and Bella's shower wasn't solely about washing bodies, but this was just a bonus. Feeling refreshed, the pair walked back into the office area, with Bella already displaying her eagerness.
"Your turn now," Bella said, as she spread her legs wide lying on the floor and invited Mark to kneel in the space between them.
Marc's touch rose slowly up Bella's legs. Bella did not need to seek confirmation that Marc was comfortable with his role, his fingertips told her he was. They suggested he was focused and driven too and that he was going to deliver.
Bella felt no need to guide or advise, her soft sounds of pleasure told Marc he was doing well. She did not need to concern herself with anything but enjoyment.
Marc could feel Bella's delight as he caressed her and the sweetness of her erotic arousal as he softly parted her wet lips with his fingers and sunk a playful thumb against her clit.
"Nice," Bella whispered.
As Marc lowered his head, Bella felt his breath on her body. She greeted the first sensation of Marc's tongue flicking inside her with a sigh of contentment.
"Bring it on," Bella said quietly.
Bella was no longer Marc's mentor or expedition leader into the dark forest of satisfaction. He was the man who was between her legs and would bring her joy. She felt confident with her fate in his mouth.
Marc focused on slow motions with his tongue until he felt Bella was ready for him to land the first soft suck of his lips on her sweetly stirred clit. It was slow and gentle but alive with the promise of what would follow.
Bella felt the arms of erotic beauty reaching out to her and her mind raced towards them eagerly. Each swirl, every kiss, the anticipation. It was so dream-like.
Marc felt aroused, but it made him want to take his time, savoring every moment as he edged toward Bella's sanctuary of desire. Bella felt as if she was being transported to an era of romance, new beginnings, and exciting adventures. Marc was guiding her there.

Bella knew her journey was in safe hands, experience told her. She had begun to feel a warm blanket of arousal wrapped around her and could see visions in her mind of happy places and sounds and scents of desire. She floated in her space as his lips kissed with a greater intensity and his tongue found the passageways to Bella's erotic core so few had sought out or had found.
Marc used every corner of his mind and consciousness to search, find, and excite. The sounds he had stirred had turned from sighs into deep welcoming moans. Her breathing had begun to labour, and she was helpless.
Bella saw colour, heard birdsong, and caught the aroma of freshly cut grass. She felt feathers and tasted him. Her aroused clit was now playing a drum- beat, willing him to land in her most treasured of hidden places. He did.
A kiss of erotic perfection saw Marc's delivery of it arch Bella's back as she cried out with unrestrained joy.
Bella's climax shook her body like a rag doll, her head rocked by the sheer force of its onset. Her noises were random, her legs went into spasms and she heard the roar of waves against rocks echoing loudly inside her head.
Marc was spurred on to even greater effort by the arrival of Bella's climax on the scene. Her noises, her erratic movements, and the glow of her erotically energised body? Perfection to witness.
Bella's loud call of the wild brought every animal in her erotic herd stampeding towards her. Her excited flow spread over Neil's face as he fought tenaciously to bring Bella more joy. He succeded.
With Bella's climax having rolled her onto her side, Mark repositioned to allow him to draw out whatever she had left to give. Mark eased kisses on Bella's lips and they were 'first date' quality.
Bella found Mark's kisses irresistible and her mind took a tour of all of the finer moments she had enjoyed exploring what she liked to do and to have done to her. This took her down a few roads to nowhere, in terms of her present company, although one option in particular did seem better than others for reasons she knew she would need to explain, in the interest of fairness.
"This is when the night feels heavy for a brief moment. It won't ruin everything, but my next plan has some complications, though I'm willing to address the issue if you are, Mark," Bella said.
Marc looked at Bella's face. Her expression didn't strike him as one that had its roots in fear but in hope,
"Say whatever you feel you want to, Bella. I would rather hear honesty than a convenient lie," Mark said truthfully.
Taking a deep breath before she began speaking, Bella told Mark something she had come to believe would remain her secret forever. It was around the pleasures she enjoyed and the fantasy she attached to them in her mind to heighten her arousal when experiencing them in reality.
"If I'm enjoying sex with someone inexperienced, I do so with a fantasy in my head about it. The fantasy makes everything better and my pleasure is honestly expressed. If someone ignites my imagination in this way, they are special. They have to be to make it happen.
I met a nice guy one day. He was shy and inexperienced, but he tried. I was aroused by his efforts to please me alone. I felt we had a connection and so after I had sucked his cock and emptied his balls, I told him how my fantasies helped to make reality better if sharing pleasure with the less experienced. He cried and shouted abuse at me before leaving. I'm mentally tough, but I felt ashamed that my honesty hurt him.
I have never sucked a shy, inexperienced, or awkwardly nervous guy since and I miss the erotic thrill I get from doing this so much. Very few men could have their dick sucked by an expert and do so understanding they are giving as much as they are receiving, but my heart and my soul are saying loudly to me that you're the one. Give me back what I've lost, Marc," Bella said, her voice filled with passion and determination.
Marc wasn't always known for making the right choices, but in Bella's opinion, his decision to hold her in his arms and look into her eyes with a smile was nothing short of perfect. He was exactly who she had been searching for, and she felt that she had finally found 'him' at last.
Bella was keen to ensure Marc understood she wasn't using him for selfish reasons and that there was more than what she had spoken about behind her desire to share pleasure in the way she wanted to. Marc was the shy guy in her fantasies, he was someone who had shown hidden talents, but what he could do for her now would surpass the efforts of every craftsman of fucking she had ever encountered.
"I never imagined sucking a guy's cock and feeling guilty and selfish about it, I'll be honest, but here we are. The strange thing is that if you were to suggest something to even the score, it would probably be me you thought of, not yourself. That's a compliment, by the way, in case you're wondering, Marc," Bella explained.
After a brief discussion, a context was agreed for what was in store. Marc said he felt everything might work better if the deed was done with an element of comedy attached to it. Bella could see the value in what Marc had suggested, and within ten minutes, Marc was lying naked on the floor, with Bella standing close by wearing the eye mask she used if she felt she needed to have a nap at work.
"I'll be too busy giggling to be fretful," Bella said. This was exactly what Marc hoped he would hear her say.
Bella had no problem finding Marc behind her eye mask or his lips to place a kiss upon. She moved gently down his body with a smile on her face, although Bella had to rely on Marc's laughter for confirmation he was in good spirits too.
Marc was more eager than ever for Bella to set the pace, and she did. Bella found Marc's cock and lifted it immediately to her lips. Marc saw Bella was still smiling. This meant the world to him. Denied seeing everything by the mask, Bella's other senses were heightened by the lack of visual information. She could smell, taste, hear, and feel Marc's passion, and she loved it.
With no drama attached, Bella eased Marc's erect manhood between her lips. Her body was alive with erotic energy as she felt him pounding against her tongue, and all thoughts of slow and gentle disappeared.
Bella took Marc deep into her mouth and drew upon him with almost a frenzy. Marc laughed, groaned, and moaned as Bella clamped herself firmly around him, his cock's rhythm bringing Bella's body gloriously to the brink.
"Any time you please, Marc," Bella thought, her entire body on the edge and waiting for his explosive release.
With a growl-like cry, Marc's body twitched, and his hot wave streamed into Bella's waiting mouth. Bella's heart raced, her torso went into spasm, and she sucked as hard as she ever had on anyone on Marc. Then it hit her.
It was almost as if Bella had been so focused on her lips and tongue, bringing Marc to orgasm, she had forgotten about her own. The force of her climax was such that her entire body jerked and jack-knifed, as she sought every drop of his cum from his cock.
"Freedom!" Bella screamed as her climax ripped her mind apart ferociously and erotically.
Marc felt it was important for Bella to connect her achievements to something truly special. With this in mind, he eased himself from Bella's lips and twisted to allow his lips and tongue to sink inside her and feel him sucking her clit wildly.
"Divine," Bella cried out joyfully.
There was no gradual escalation, pauses for reflection, or slow seduction. It was a raw celebration of Bella's liberation from her shackles, and the wildness reflected that. It was fast, furious, and fun.
Marc's single-minded desire to please Bella was the force behind his every movement. He explored as never before. He kissed with erotic commitment, and Bella was spellbound. She had never felt sensations like those Marc delivered to her pulsating clit and she sensed a special moment was on its way. She was correct.
Although Marc had shown his notable skill as a rookie with his work, both he and Bella knew her wails of ecstasy were as much about the first post-freedom pleasure as the act itself. This detracted nothing from it, however, and as Bella climaxed again, she looked at Marc with an expression of pure joy. The journey has been completed memorably.
Once they were dressed, Marc and Bella set out to find Tibor so Marc could head home. When Tibor finally showed up, it was clear he had dressed in a hurry. Bella smiled at both Tibor and the unknown man standing in the shadows.
"It looks like we finished first," Bella said with a giggle.
Marc and Bella decided to continue to keep in contact online. Bella appeared indirectly in a few of Marc's future stories too. The revival of Bella's rekindled love for her favorite joy? Her and Marc's collaboration bore lasting fruit.