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Jim stared blankly at the spreadsheet on his computer screen, his hands hovering above the keyboard. The office smelled of stale coffee and printer ink, the distinctive scent of a long day spent indoors. Jim wrinkled his nose at the odor, trying to clear his mind and focus on his work. The numbers and cells blurred together as his mind churned with thoughts of his crumbling marriage. He typed in a series of figures, only to realize moments later that they were incorrect. A sigh escaped his lips as he hit the backspace key, aggressively erasing the mistakes. The only sound in the office was the faint hum of computers and the clicking of his keyboard. In Jim's mind, however, there was a constant buzz of worry and doubt, drowning out any external noise.

His office felt like a prison cell - the cold, gray walls closing in on him as he tried to focus on his work. The fluorescent lights overhead cast a harsh, unforgiving glow on his cluttered desk, a stark reminder of the drab life he now found himself living. It was a far cry from the vibrant, happy existence he once shared with Brenda.

The twisted shift in their once-loving relationship crushed Jim like a ton of bricks, suffocating him with its weight and making it nearly impossible to focus on anything else. The woman he had exchanged vows with was now a fading memory, replaced by this merciless stranger who thrived on power and deceit. Jim's mind descended into a vortex of despair, forcing him to confront the living nightmare his life had transformed into.

"Damn it," he muttered under his breath, trying to shake off the oppressive thoughts. He forced his attention back to the spreadsheet, but the numbers simply refused to cooperate. Frustration turned to anger, and he slammed his fist down on the desk, causing his coffee cup to rattle violently.

"Get it together, Jim," he whispered to himself, taking a deep breath and attempting once more to focus on the task at hand. But the turmoil within him refused to be silenced, casting a dark shadow over everything he tried to do.

As Jim struggled to regain control of his thoughts, he couldn't help but feel that the drab, lifeless office was a reflection of his own emotional state. Every inch of the room seemed to echo the coldness and emptiness that had taken hold of him since Brenda's true nature had been revealed. The suddenness of it all left him feeling lost and adrift, unsure of how to navigate the treacherous waters of his new reality.

"God, what happened to us?" he wondered, his heart aching with a mixture of pain and longing for the love they once shared. But the answer eluded him, buried beneath layers of deceit and manipulation that had left him questioning everything he thought he knew about his wife - and himself.

Jim sat at his desk, staring despondently at the never-ending rows and columns in his spreadsheet. The harsh fluorescent lights flickered above him, casting a dull, sterile glow on the walls. Just as he was about to give up on the seemingly impossible task, the door to his office creaked open. In walked Susan, a vision of radiance amidst the mundane office environment. Her sandy brown hair cascaded in soft, gentle waves around her face, framing it like a masterpiece. Each strand seemed to have a life of its own, dancing and swaying with every movement she made. Her toned figure spoke volumes about her dedication to fitness, each muscle defined and sculpted to perfection.

As she stood tall and confident, her long legs seemed to stretch out for miles, strong and graceful like a gazelle's. The sun caught the glimmering sweat on her skin, outlining the curves and contours of her body. She was a vision of health and beauty, radiating confidence and vitality.

As she entered the room, a refreshing energy seemed to fill the space, momentarily pulling Jim's attention away from his troubles and onto her stunning presence.

"Hey, Jim," she said, her voice filled with concern. "I’ve happened across one of our hedge fund accounts that hasn’t been audited in ages and found some anomalies. Can I pick your brain for a minute?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," Jim replied, trying to shake off the fog clouding his mind and focus on the issue at hand. As Susan began explaining the peculiarities she'd discovered in the account, Jim found it increasingly difficult to follow along. His thoughts were still consumed by his crumbling marriage, and the more he tried to concentrate on Susan's words, the more they seemed to slip through his mental grasp.

"Okay, so this particular account has had some erratic transactions recently, and it looks like a substantial amount of money has gone missing," Susan continued, oblivious to Jim's struggle. "I can't quite put my finger on it, but something feels off."

"Right," Jim said, forcing himself to focus. "What kind of transactions are we talking about? And have you traced them back to any specific individuals or groups?"

"Mostly large withdrawals and transfers, but no clear pattern," Susan explained. "As for tracing it back, that's where I'm struggling. The transactions are all made under different aliases, but I have a feeling they might be connected."

"Could it be an inside job?" Jim asked, attempting to engage in the conversation despite the turmoil churning within him.

"Maybe," Susan replied, furrowing her brow in thought. "But if it is, they're doing a hell of a job covering their tracks. I just can't shake the feeling that something big is going on, and I need to get to the bottom of it."

As they continued discussing the suspicious hedge fund, Jim felt his resolve waver. He knew he needed to focus on the task at hand, but the emotional weight of his troubled marriage was proving too much to bear. With every word Susan spoke, he couldn't help but be reminded of the life he once had – and the secrets that now threatened to tear it apart.

Susan's gaze danced over Jim's chiseled features, her heart racing with each fleeting glimpse. As she recounted the details of her tricky account, her thoughts couldn't help but stray to the man sitting across from her. He exuded a quiet confidence and intelligence - exactly what she desired in a partner. Susan nibbled nervously on her bottom lip as she envisioned tangling her fingers in his silky hair and being enveloped in his firm embrace. Her gaze drifted to his hand resting on the desk, the glint of his wedding ring catching her eye. A pang of disappointment shot through her at the reminder that he was already taken. She sighed inwardly, wishing things were different.

"Are there any unusual patterns in the transactions?" Jim asked, his voice barely audible over the din of Susan's daydreams.

"Um, well," Susan stammered, struggling to refocus her thoughts. "The amounts are all over the place, and the timing seems random. It's like they're trying to throw us off their scent."

"Maybe we should take a closer look at these transactions," Jim suggested, realizing that his inability to concentrate wasn't going to improve without a change of scenery. "Why don't we go to your office? I might be able to spot something if I can see the account myself."

"Sure," Susan agreed, a flicker of excitement passing through her. The prospect of having Jim alone in her office sent a thrill up her spine.

Jim's emotions were a tangled mess, a jumble of guilt and desire as he followed Susan down the narrow hallway to her office. His marriage was in shambles, but the magnetic pull of Susan was impossible to resist. With each step, her long legs, encased in a black pencil skirt that hugged her curves with precision, seemed to beckon him closer. The fabric whispered over her skin with each sway, teasing him with its softness. And those perfect C-cup breasts, held up by a lace bra that peeked out from under her blouse, taunted him with their promise of warmth and comfort. Jim couldn't help but imagine holding her close, feeling the weight of her against his chest as they explored their forbidden desires.

Jim couldn't shake the gnawing sensation that burrowed into his gut, a mixture of guilt and shame brought on by Brenda's twisted manipulations. As he followed Susan to her office, located at the back of the building, away from prying eyes, he felt both excitement and trepidation. He desperately wanted to indulge in this connection with Susan, but the darkness that had infiltrated his marriage weighed heavily upon him.

"Here we are," she announced, snapping Jim back to reality as she opened the door to her office. They stepped inside, and for a moment, Jim felt like he was in a different world – one where the weight of his crumbling marriage had been lifted from his shoulders, and all that mattered was the enigma of a suspicious hedge fund account and the undeniable attraction between him and Susan.

As Jim settled into Susan's office, he couldn't shake the conflicting emotions that tore at him. On one hand, Susan was undeniably attractive and sexy, her sandy brown hair framing a delicate face with piercing blue eyes. But on the other hand, his stomach twisted in knots as he thought of Brenda and the sick ways she was manipulating him.

"Alright, let me pull up the account," Susan said, breaking into Jim's internal struggle. He tried to focus on her words, but his thoughts kept drifting back to Brenda's cruel games, making it hard for him to concentrate.

"Okay, here we are," Susan continued. "You see this? This is where it gets weird." She pointed to a series of numbers on her screen, the delicate curve of her body was pressed so close to his arm that Jim could feel the warmth radiating from her perfect breasts. His mind couldn't focus on anything else as he felt the gentle rise and fall of her chest against him. Every breath she took seemed to send a surge of electricity through him, igniting a fire within him that he couldn't ignore. Her scent filled his senses, intoxicating and alluring, making it impossible for him to think about anything else but her proximity.

"Jim? You following?" Susan asked, concern etched across her face.

"Sorry," he muttered, forcing himself to pay attention. "Let's go over it again."

As they dove deeper into the suspicious hedge fund account, an unspoken conversation played out between them. They both knew that there was more than just professional curiosity brewing in that small office. Their body language spoke volumes – Jim's eyes darting to Susan's lips every time she spoke, Susan subtly leaning in closer as they discussed the finer points of the account.

"God, I want him so bad," Susan thought to herself, trying to suppress the overwhelming desire that coursed through her veins. "But he's married. How can I even entertain these thoughts?"

"Damn it, Susan is so distracting." Jim mused, his heart pounding. "Why is life so cruel? Why did she have to start showing interest now? Why did Brenda have to turn my world upside down?"

"Jim, what if I told you that I've always had feelings for you?" Susan's thoughts ventured, daring to imagine a world where they could be together.

"Would you still want me if you knew the truth?" Jim silently questioned in return. "If you knew the twisted things I've been forced to endure?"

Their internal dialogue continued, the longing between them palpable. But neither of them dared to voice their desires aloud, fearing the potential consequences and fallout from such a confession. Instead, they remained focused on the task at hand, each harboring a secret yearning for the other as they delved deeper into the enigma of the suspicious account.

Jim leaned over Susan's shoulder, inhaling the intoxicating scent of her perfume. Their proximity heightened the sense of urgency that pulsed between them. As Jim's eyes scanned the screen, he couldn't help but be aware of the warmth emanating from Susan's body.

"Look at this," Susan pointed out, her voice a mere whisper. "There are multiple high-value transactions, but no apparent source for the funds."

"Strange," Jim murmured, his breath tickling her ear. "And these withdrawals – they're just as random."

"Exactly," she agreed, shivering slightly at the closeness of his voice.

As they delved deeper into the details of the account, Jim and Susan exchanged furtive glances, their desire for one another simmering just below the surface. But neither dared to make the first move, fearing that crossing such a boundary would irreparably alter their lives.

"Damn it," Susan thought, biting her lip in frustration as her heart raced. "Why does he have to be so attractive, especially when I know he's off-limits?"

"God, I wish I could just forget about everything else and lose myself in her," Jim inwardly lamented, the weight of his situation pressing down on him.

Their silent, innocent flirting continued as they worked together to unravel the mysteries of the hedge fund account. Every touch of their hands as they pointed out discrepancies sent electric jolts through their bodies, and they couldn't help but steal glances at each other's lips, wondering what it would feel like to finally taste the forbidden.

"Look, there's another one," Susan said softly, her finger brushing against Jim's as she pointed to yet another inexplicable transaction. "It doesn't make any sense."

"None of this does," Jim replied, the double meaning of his words lingering in the air between them. And as their eyes locked, the unspoken longing surged like a tidal wave, threatening to consume them both. But for now, they remained tethered to reality, bound by the secrets and responsibilities that kept them apart.

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"Let's keep digging," Jim suggested, his voice husky with restrained emotion. "We have to get to the bottom of this."

"Agreed," Susan nodded, swallowing hard as she turned her attention back to the screen. And as they continued their investigation, the sexual tension between them continued to escalate, the unspoken desires simmering just beneath the surface.

As Jim's gaze lingered on Susan's lips, he found solace in the intensity of his attraction to her. For a moment, the turmoil with Brenda and his crumbling marriage faded into the background. Instead, he focused on the curve of Susan's neck, the way her collarbones peeked out of the top of her blouse, and the teasing hint of cleavage that made him yearn for more.

"Jim, look at this," Susan leaned closer to show him a specific transaction on the screen, her voice barely above a whisper. The scent of her perfume wafted over him, intoxicating his senses as he tried to concentrate on the numbers before them.

"Uh, yeah," Jim said, struggling to focus as he noticed the way her hair brushed against her cheek. "What's up with these transactions? They're all over the place."

"Exactly," Susan replied, biting her bottom lip. "I can't find any rhyme or reason behind them. It's like they're intentionally trying to confuse us."

"Maybe they are," Jim said, his eyes flicking from the account details back to Susan's face. Every time she furrowed her brow in concentration, it sent a shiver down his spine. He wanted to reach out and smooth away her worries, but he knew he couldn't.

"Let's keep going," Susan urged, her hand brushing against his as they scrolled through the seemingly endless list of transactions. "There has to be a pattern here somewhere."

As they continued to search for answers, Jim tried to ignore the growing heat between them. He couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to touch her, to feel her skin pressed against his. But each time his thoughts wandered too far, he forced himself to refocus on the task at hand. He couldn't let his desires get in the way of their work, no matter how much he suddenly wanted Susan.

"Wait," Jim said suddenly, spotting an anomaly that seemed almost too obvious. "Look at this one. It's the same amount as the previous transaction, but they've tried to hide it by breaking it up into smaller chunks."

"Good catch," Susan praised him, her eyes sparkling with admiration. The fire in her gaze made Jim's pulse race, and he fought to suppress a groan of frustration. Why did she have to be so damn irresistible?

"Let's keep looking," he managed to say, his voice thick with desire. As they delved deeper into the account, the sexual tension between them grew more palpable, each stolen touch or lingering glance fanning the flames of their unspoken yearning.

But beneath the surface, darker thoughts lurked, reminding Jim of the power struggles and control that haunted his past and threatened his present. And as he struggled to untangle the secrets of the account, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever truly escape the shadows that seemed to follow him wherever he went.

Suddenly, with a determined strut, Susan walked over to the office door, and with a quiet click, locked the door behind them. The sound echoed through the small space, heightening the sense of secrecy and urgency that pervaded the room. Jim's heart raced in his chest, sending a jolt of adrenaline coursing through his veins. The thrilling possibility of what was about to happen hung heavy in the air, making it difficult to breathe.

"I just don't want to be interrupted," Susan whispered, her voice barely audible.

As they huddled over the account once more, their bodies brushed against one another, igniting sparks of desire that threatened to consume them both. Jim could hardly concentrate on the numbers before him, his mind unwillingly drawn to the curve of Susan's hip and the way her blouse clung to her perfect breasts.

"Jim," she murmured, her eyes flicking up to meet his as she licked her lips nervously. "I...I..I really want you right now."

Jim could hardly believe what he was hearing. Every nerve in his body seemed to be on fire, urging him to give in to the temptation that stood before him. But he knew he couldn't let himself succumb to this desire, not when so much was so confused and upended.

"Susan," he started, his voice trembling with restraint. "We can't do this."

"I know," she breathed, her eyes never leaving his. "I know we shouldn't, but I can't help how I feel."

Jim's resolve was crumbling under the weight of her words and the intensity of her gaze. He wanted nothing more than to give in to her, to take her in his arms and satisfy the ache that had been building inside of him since the moment she stepped into his office.

But then a thought struck him like a lightning bolt, a reminder of all the reasons why this could never work between them. He had too many secrets, too many demons that threatened to destroy any chance at happiness with Susan.  He was still married to Brenda, and he was still trying to find out how to extricate himself from that mess.

He took a step back from her and ran a hand through his hair, trying desperately to regain some semblance of control.

"Look, Susan," he said firmly. "I have a lot going on right now. A lot of baggage that I don't think you want to deal with."

Her expression softened and she stepped closer to him again, reaching out to touch his arm.

"I don't care about your baggage," she said softly. "I just know I've wanted you ever since I started working here and I've never been able to get you off my mind."

Jim shook his head, unable to believe what he was hearing. "You barely even know me," he protested.

"I know enough," she replied with a small smile. "I know that I've never felt this way before and I don't want to let it slip away because of fear or doubts. I just know that I need you."

Her words struck something deep within Jim's heart and for a moment, he allowed himself to imagine what it would be like if they could truly be together.

"God, Susan," he breathed, the words spilling forth from the depths of his tortured soul. "I need you too."

The world seemed to fall away as they came together, their mouths crashing together with a desperate hunger that could not be denied. They tore at each other's clothes, fingers fumbling with buttons and zippers in their haste to bare skin to eager touches. In the heat of the moment, all thoughts of consequences and obstacles vanished from their minds. They were consumed by the undeniable pull between them, each touch igniting a fire within them that threatened to consume them both.

Jim found himself lost in Susan's touch, her hands exploring every inch of his body with an urgency that matched his own. He had never experienced anything like it before, this raw and primal need for another person. As he pulled her closer, deepening their kiss, he felt something inside of him shift, like a dam breaking and releasing all his pent-up anguish. His mind was clouded with nothing but the feel of her against him, her soft moans and gasps driving him wild.

Their movements were slow and deliberate, every touch and kiss carefully calculated to avoid drawing attention to their forbidden tryst. Jim marveled at the contrast between Susan's soft skin and the hard edge of the desk beneath him, his mind reeling as he struggled to reconcile the two completely different aspects of his life that were colliding in this moment.

"Someone might hear," Jim gasped, his breath hitching in his throat as Susan's hand slid beneath the waistband of his pants.

With a slow, seductive smile, she leaned in close and whispered, "Then we'll just have to keep quiet, won't we?" Her voice was low and smoky, sending shivers down his spine. Her hand reached down to grasp his already throbbing cock, her touch firm and unapologetic. He bit back a moan as pleasure coursed through his body. As she guided him into her mouth, he couldn't help but let out a groan of satisfaction. The warmth of her mouth and the flick of her tongue were pure bliss, and he was lost in the moment with her.

As she began to suck, Susan's eyes met his through the half-closed lids. Jim's pupils were dilated, his skin flushed red from arousal. She moved her hand up and down his length, stroking him slowly, while her other hand found its way into her panties and began to play with her own wetness. The moisture on her fingers made a soft squelching sound as she rubbed it against her lips. Susan took him deeper into her mouth, her throat working up and down his shaft as he throbbed in her mouth.

The soft noise of their heavy breathing was the only sound that filled the room as Susan increased the pace of her sucking, her fingers now circling his base in a tight grip. She looked up at him again, watching as he bit his lip to suppress a moan. Jim's eyes were half-closed now, his thoughts lost in the haze of pleasure. She pulled him out of her mouth, the wetness on her lips making a smacking sound as she did so, and whispered, "You're so fucking hot, Jim."

Without hesitation, she climbed onto her desk, pulling him closer. Their bodies moved together in a passionate dance as they explored each other's mouths with their tongues. Jim's hands traced up Susan's thighs, slowly sliding her skirt down to reveal her eager body. Her skin was soft and hot under his touch, and he could feel the heat radiating from her most sensitive areas.

He gently parted her lips, marveling at the slickness of her arousal and the sweet scent that filled his nose. He couldn't believe how much he wanted her, how much he craved to feel her body against his own. Without warning, he slid a finger inside of her, feeling the walls of her pussy clench around him in a way that sent shivers down his spine. Her soft moans and gasps filled the room, blending with Jim's own ragged breathing as their bodies moved together in a symphony of desire. The intensity of their passion was palpable, and Jim knew he had to fuck her right then and there.

He thrust into her with a gentle urgency, each movement sending shivers of pleasure up his spine. Their breaths mingled in the air between them, a silent symphony of desire that spoke volumes more than any words ever could. Susan's eyes locked onto his, their gazes burning with intensity as they moved together, two souls finding solace in each other amidst the chaos of life.

As they moved in perfect sync, their bodies melded together, creating a beautiful symphony of lust. The rustle of their clothes filled the small room, highlighting the silence that had to be unbroken. The creak of the old wooden desk beneath them added to the sensuality of the moment, each soft sound adding to the unspoken language they shared. He could feel her heart beating wildly against his chest, her breath hitching with each thrust. Her nails dug into his back, leaving faint marks that would fade with time, but the memory of the moment would linger forever.

"Jim," she mouthed, her lips forming the word without sound as her body tensed beneath him. He knew what was coming, and redoubled his efforts, desperate to push her over the edge even as he held back the tidal wave of his own climax.  As he thrust into her with increasing intensity, he could feel her body tense beneath him, her breathing becoming ragged and erratic. He knew she was close, and he wanted nothing more than to push her over the edge and watch her unravel in his arms.

"Susan," he whispered breathlessly, his voice filled with urgency and desire.

Her eyes locked onto his, burning with unspoken words as she reached for him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. Her lips parted as she quietly moaned his name, the silent sound spurring him on as he continued to drive into her with relentless passion.

Their bodies moved together in perfect harmony, each movement bringing them closer and closer to the brink. And then it happened – Susan's body tensed beneath him as she softly screeched out in ecstasy, her walls clenching around him as she rode out the waves of pleasure coursing through her body.

Feeling her release pushed Jim over the edge as well. With one final thrust, he poured himself into her with abandon, their bodies shaking together in mutual climax.

As they lay there in each other's arms, panting and trying to catch their breaths, Jim couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. In that moment, everything else faded away – Brenda's bullshit, the pressures of work – it was just him and Susan caught up in their own little world of passion.

When their breathing finally began to slow, the world outside the locked office door began to seep back in, reminding them of the reality that awaited beyond these stolen moments of passion. They shared one last lingering kiss before stepping apart, their faces flushed and their eyes filled with questions neither dared to voice.

"Back to work?" Jim whispered, his voice barely audible as he forced himself to focus on the task at hand.

"Back to work," Susan agreed, her fingers brushing against his as they delved once more into the mysteries of the account, their secret forever etched into the shadows of their hearts.

Written by Dcramer
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