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Twenty-Four Hours of Sex with a Lady Truck Driver

"I catch a lift from a lady truck driver and have sex with her in her sleeper cab"

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I was on one of my numerous trips to Colorado Springs. This time, instead of taking a short-hop flight over the Rockies I decided to drive. This wasn't a bad decision - it's a nice drive and this time of year the flying is pretty rough. That is until my rent car broke down at a truck stop a half-hour outside of C-springs.

The company had been using some pretty cheap rental car agencies, and I should have known something was amiss when they put me in a car at least three years old. Coming down the freeway it died completely, and I had just enough momentum to coast into the truck stop which providentially appeared at the next exit.

A friendly trucker came over and together we ascertained that I was SOL; most likely the alternator had died. A quick call from a payphone to the el-cheapo rental agency confirmed that I was indeed out of luck, for the soonest they could get a replacement car to me was the next morning.

Shit! I thought. It was looking like I would be spending the night in this crummy truck stop. I got a soda, sat on a bench outside, and considered my options. I was doing this when someone sat next to me.

I turned to see a red-head woman in shorts and a t-shirt smiling up at me. She had on heavy socks and work boots, and a pair of leather gloves stuck out of the back pocket of her shorts. She had kind of plain face, but her smile lit it up nicely.

"You look like you're in some distress," she said.

"Mmm…yeah, you could say that," I replied, "that el-cheapo rent car died on me, and it looks like I'm stuck here until morning."

"Yeah, that's kind of what I got from watching you and Jake look it over," she said, smiling, "if he can't get it running then it can't be had."

"You know him?" I asked.

"We're fellow truckers," she said.

Now I had never met a lady truck driver before. Not that I've met a lot of truckers period.

W chatted for a few minutes; she was pretty familiar with the truck stop and gave me advice on how to get comfortable. Then she got a sly smile and said, "on the other hand, I could help you get where you're going."

"Oh," I said, thinking this day couldn't get any weirder than it was.

"Sure," she said, "you're headed west, right?"

"Well, yeah, by way of the airport," I replied.

"You've missed your flight by now, and I'm on my way to LA. I'd be glad to give you a ride," she offered.

"Oh, hell no, that would be putting you out," I said.

"No you wouldn't," she said back, "I'm going there anyway. You'd only be cargo."

"What do you get out of it?" I asked.

She smiled. "Company on a long drive," she replied with a grin.

Well, I kind of thought I might be getting into something, but it's not every day that an attractive lady trucker offers you a ride. Besides, it had to be better than spending the night in a truck stop.

"Well, OK," I decided, "my name's Lance by the way."

"Shannon," she said as she stood up.

About twenty minutes later we were heading down the on-ramp to the freeway, I perched on the passenger seat of Shannon's truck. She was hauling a load of lumber to a yard in Orange, which wasn't too far from where I lived. I had to say for a small woman (she was about five-foot-four) she handled that big rig like a pro.

We talked for quite a while as the miles rolled away. We were making good time as it was evening and traffic on the freeway was relatively light. Shannon did most of the talking and had a great deal to say, mostly about mishaps on the road, close calls, accidents. I was starting to think she was trouble-prone. She was from Long Island, New York, and had been driving big rigs since she got out of high school. She said it was a great life and she wouldn't trade it for anything.

We stopped at a roadside cafe she knew about to get some dinner (at nine pm!). The place was good - I had a superb pepperoni sandwich. We drove another three hours with Shannon saying less and less. Most of what she did say was asking about my personal life. I was at loose ends at the moment, ti being about 3 months since I broke up with Janice.

Finally, past midnight Shannon pulled into a roadside rest stop, I think in Utah.

"Time to get some rest," she said, "the government doesn't let me drive more than 12 hours straight without getting 8 hours rest".

I nodded and went to the restroom while she filled out her driver's log. When I got back she was fluffing up the bed behind the seats.

Now I had noticed this living area when I climbed in but had assumed we would be driving all night. I don't know if she had used up her twelve hours, but given the situation, I wasn't going to ask questions. We were together in the middle of nowhere, and Shannon was attractive, although not a ravishing beauty.

I climbed into my seat and took my shoes off. Shannon had already taken her boots off and when I looked up, to my surprise, she was pulling down her shorts, revealing a pair of bikini panties and a very shapely bottom. She climbed into the bunk, scooted to the back, and patted the part in front of her. I climbed in too as she indicated.

"You always go to bed fully clothed?" she asked with a grin.

I smiled. "I take it you're not in the mood for sleep?" I said.

Without saying another word she ran a hand through my hair, then across my face.

"How do you feel about sex in the back of a truck?" she whispered.

"Oh, I'm very much in favor of it," I said, "we need to discuss protection."

Shannon laughed. "You're such an engineer!" she said giggling. With one movement she took her shirt off, revealing a strapless bra and some nice cleavage.

"I'm STD-free, and I assume you are too," she said, "and as for the other, I can't have kids. I caught a form of measles from a guy 10 years older than me when I was a teenager. I barely made it, but it wiped out my ovaries."

"Is that why you're a truck driver?" I asked.

"Well, no, I just like driving trucks," Shannon replied, "but it does facilitate it. Ordinarily, by this time I would have squeezed out a kid or two."

I realized with a start that I hadn't asked how old she was, but any further discussion was halted as her hand ran down my front and started massaging my fast-growing member.

"Looks like that guy wants out," she whispered. She leaned forward and we shared the deep-tongue kiss of a lifetime.

After that, I quickly shucked out of my jeans and t-shirt. I've heard some women are turned off by briefs (Janice was), so I swept them off with my pants with one practiced move. Shannon looked approvingly and unfastened her bra and swept if off. Her breasts were slightly saggy but otherwise plump and full.

We intertwined together and shared more tongue action while I explored her bottom. As she rolled over I made a practiced move and pulled her panties off with one hand. She had a nice full bush which matched her draped nicely. I patted it, enjoying the sweet musty scene, before plunging my fingers to find her feminine notch. This elicited a gasp from Shannon who obligingly opened up her legs while I fingered her. Her labia was on the smallish side, but smooth and damp.

"Oh, shit," she gasped again, "shit, keep doing that, that's just awesome!" I kept it up for a good five minutes until Shannon grasped my hand and groaned through an orgasm. I had never heard a woman groan during an orgasm, which I mentioned to her.

"Oh, I'm just full of surprises," she said while she caught her breath, "and don't worry, there's plenty more where that came from."

With that, she pushed me over on my back. My member stood straight up, and Shannon began running her fingers up and down it. She smiled up at me, then leaned over and started giving me oral sex of a lifetime. She first started with little darting tonguing around the tip, then ran her tongue down the ugly part, and finally took the whole in her mouth and started rapid head-bobbing.

As my groaning increased in intensity she must have sensed an ejaculation was building, for she stopped suddenly and quickly straddled me. With a fast, almost cat-like motion she put herself over my member and impaled herself on it.

I think I squealed a little when she did this, for I had never gone from oral to vaginal in such a short time. Shannon leaned forward and started working my nipples with her thumbs while having intercourse with a quick up-and-down motion. With all this going on it wasn't more than five minutes that I shot a huge turgid stream of man-spunk deep into my truck-driving lover, groaning loudly as I did. Shannon was giggling loudly as I had my orgasm.

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Shannon sat up but remained with my softening member in her vagina while I caught my breath.

"Damn!" I said at length, "I don't think I've ever cum that quickly, or that hard!"

Shannon laughed, then said, "I think you poured a river into me. Good thing I'm sterile or I might conceive twins! Now hold still just a moment."

Shannon lifted herself until my member slipped out of her secret place. A long strand of semen went between my tip and her vagina, and soon a steady stream of semen dripped out of her and on to my hairy stomach.

"Gawd," she exclaimed, "that was a hell of a load. You needed to go, didn't you?"

I merely smiled as Shannon dropped off to one side and clamped her legs tightly together. She then half-rolled and withdrew a small rag from a pouch on the back bulkhead of the truck cab and proceeded to wipe the rather large puddle of man-spunk from my belly. I caught a slight hydrocarbon odor and mentioned it to her.

"Sorry," she said, "sewing machine oil, I use it when working on the cab controls. It won't hurt you."

With that, she tossed the rag in to a small hamper and smiled at me again. I recalled that old saying that there's no woman more beautiful than one you've just made love to.

"Could you do something for me? I love to finger myself when my cunt is full of semen," she asked, "could you lick my nipples while I do that?"

I readily agreed because I realized with a start I hadn't pleasured her breasts yet. Normally that's one of my first destinations on a woman's body.

She laid back, spread her legs, and began a vigorous rubbing of her moist vagina. I rolled over and took both of her breasts in my hands. After burying my face between them and rubbing my half-day beard growth over them I began a round licking of the right nipple before taking the whole thing in my mouth for full-mouth engorgement. Afterward, I did the same to the other breast while fingering the opposite nipple with thumb and forefinger.

All the while it was clear Shannon was building to a shattering climax, which she finally did with a great deal of grunting and crying out. It was even more intense than her first one.

After catching her breath Shannon bent down and pulled up a sheet and blanket over both of us. She also produced another pillow from the foot of the bunk. She rolled over away from me.

"Could you spoon me?" she asked. I curled up behind her naked body and wrapped my arms around her middle. She sighed happily, and in a few minutes we both drifted off.

I awoke to shaking and vibrating. Sitting up, I realized that the truck was moving. In the driver seat was Shannon, who now wore shorts and a halter top (but no bra, it appeared).

"Good morning," she said cheerfully, "hope you didn't mind, but as soon as eight hours are up I need to get moving again. There was no reason to wake you. I thought you needed rest after last night." When she said the last she turned and winked at me.

I just laughed, got dressed, and climbed back in the passenger seat. I noticed the time was eight am.

"Oh damn," I said, "you must think of me the perfect slug."

Shannon laughed. "Well, you have the time change working against you, and I did rather wear you out," she replied.

"Do you like pancakes?" she asked, changing the subject, "there's a great place about 10 miles ahead which makes the best I've ever tasted."

Shannon was right - they were some of the best I've ever tasted, and with plenty of butter and syrup, it was a perfect feast.

"How do you stay looking so good when you drive a truck all day?" I asked when we had finished eating.

Shannon got serious for the first time I've known her. "Driving all day burns a lot of calories" she replied, slightly annoyed "you don't just sit on your ass all day. I've got to load, maintain the truck and trailer, even driving takes a lot of energy to steer and work the throttles".

"Sorry," I said, "I didn't mean to offend."

"And," she said, sidling up to me, "I find other ways to burn calories." We shared a kiss.

A couple of hours later we were driving across the flatness of the California interior.

"There's an open spot behind a hill I know about," Shannon said, "I thought we could spend some time before we hit the grades into SoCal."

"OK by me," I replied.

A half-hour later we pulled off an exit. Shannon took several turns, then turned in behind an old barn about ten minutes off the freeway.

I wanted to ask her how she knew about this place, but I think I already knew. Shannon apparently 'stayed fit' as she would say by inviting interesting young men on sexual romps down the interstate. How many partners she had I couldn't say; it could have been in the dozens. I was taking her word on being clean of STDs, but on the other hand, it was too late to worry about it now.

Shannon left the engine running at idle to keep the air conditioner on. She then stood up and took her tank-top off, confirming my suspicions about the absence of a bra. She turned to the bunk in the back and dropped her shorts and panties. She then climbed up on the bunk, took off he socks, and took up a 'doggy' pose with her luscious ass framing a moist lady nest pointing at me.

"Wanna try it doggy?" she asked, "I'll be fingering myself while you fuck me, hope you don't mind."

I said I didn't and finished undressing. Going up to her, I ran my hand over her smooth as and across her back. Finally, I decided that was enough foreplay and thrust my member between her engorged pussy lips.

Shannon cried out with that but was soon breathing hard with my every thrust while vigorously rubbing her clit. I leaned forward and took her breasts in my hands, which elicited some moans of appreciation while I continued with medium-speed intercourse.

"Ahhh Lance, fuck me," Shannon gasped out, "fuck me deep and hard, fuck me stupid, just fuck me."

I figured she meant for things to speed up so I stood (kind of crouched, the cab was a little short) and began a rapid in and out. Shannon began crying out with every thrust, and finally, she began loudly grunting.

"Yes, here I go," she yelled, and grunted and screamed through a violent orgasm, with her head pitched forward, both hands on the bunk, and her eyes close tightly. Even though her teeth were gritted together while she grunted a small line of drool came out of her mouth on to the bunk. It was one of the most violent orgasms I've personally witnessed.

She caught her breath while I continued fucking from behind. Soon, though, I started my grunting as I shot a huge wad deep into her vagina. I stood erect and thrust my member as deep in her as I could while I drained my seminal vesicles.

I pulled out and a veritable Niagara Falls of man spunk came pouring out of Shannon.

"Man!" she exclaimed, "you sure produce a lot of cum. What a mess!" Shannon held still and let herself drain out for a minute, then she retrieved the rag from the previous night from the hamper and wiped off the floor of the cab while I watched from the passenger seat.

After she finished Shannon came over and, with her standing and me sitting, we shared a deep tongue kiss of a lifetime. As I did this I rubbed my hand all over her luscious booty.

We stayed in each other's arms. Shannon said, "I hate to see you go. I'm headed for Lancaster, then up to Oakland. Want to come?"

I thought about it for a minute or so. Sex with Shannon was spectacular, and I did have enough vacation to cover it. But the long hours of riding did get a bit dull; I assumed Shannon had few war stories left to tell, and her taste in country music was starting to grate on me.

"No, sorry, I have to get back. But I'll leave you my number, and if you're ever near LA again give me a call. I'll treat you to a day at the beach."

Shannon pulled away and started pulling on her shorts. "That sounds lovely. I might just take you up on that," she said with a wry smile.

Shannon dropped me off near a small airport where I could get a rental car back home. She never did call me. To this day it remains the most unique 24 hours in my life.

Written by ace_atkins
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