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The Teacher

"He went to the parent-teacher conference with no idea how it would change his life!"

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It had been a hard five years for me and my daughter, Julia. Becky had died quite unexpectedly.... we only discovered she had cancer six months before she was gone. Hardly enough time to even get her to any kind of treatment, much less have it do any good. I tried to shield Julia from what her mother was going through as much as I could - an eight-year-old little girl shouldn't have to know how badly life can suck. But Julia was a smart kid, and I'm not sure even today how successful I was at it.

After Becky passed, I did the best I could to make up for the loss, trying to be both mother and father is a tough act to follow though. I spent as much time as I could with her naturally, and my job was very generous in giving me time after the funeral to come to terms with everything. But eventually, I had to go back to work, there were still bills to pay and groceries that needed to be bought. I found a woman who would babysit Julia after school until I got home, and luckily for us, she lived just a few houses down from us too. She knew Becky and came over a few days after the funeral to offer any help she could to us.

Raising a little girl isn't easy for any guy, and Julia was especially hard because she was not just smart, she was a "girlie girl" - she loved tea parties and dolls and all the frilly little girl things that men know little about. Julia had a couple little friends that she played with a lot, and that kept me from having to show my ignorance in tea party protocol too much!

But now Julia was getting into her teen years, and I was NOT looking forward to that! I had always thought that Becky would be around to give her "the talk" about boys and sex, but now that job was going to rest with me. So far I had been able to dodge the chore. She still thought Daddy was the best husband she could have, but I knew that one day she would come to me with the news that all men fear from their daughters.

Julia and I managed somehow to make it through the day most days. She was a real help in doing chores and even helped with some of the cooking and dishwashing duties as she got a bit older. It is no stretch of the truth to say that if it hadn't been for my little girl, this story would be considerably shorter and more tragic.

Julia had just started third grade and had celebrated her eighth birthday a couple months before we got Becky's diagnosis. And now five years later, she was in seventh grade and her first "parent-teacher conference" of the school year was fast approaching. I had been to a few previously, and I didn't worry about this one because Julia always did well in school (unlike her father!) and the teachers all seemed to love her. I saw no reason why this one would be any different.

Julia brought home the note telling me when her particular conference time was scheduled, and as soon as I got it, I made sure to clear the time with my job. Her teacher this year was Ms. Daniels and I asked Julia a little about her.

"Julia?" I said when I went into her room.

"Hi Daddy, do you need help?" she asked.

"No, I just wanted to talk to you about your teacher... Ms. Daniels is it?"

"Yes, Daddy. Ms. Daniels. She is very nice. And she's pretty too!" Julia added.

"Well, I'm glad she is nice, although pretty doesn't really matter, so long as she is a good teacher," I said.

"She is. I really like her and I think you will too, Daddy."

"Well, we will see. I just found out today that I will be able to go to your conference," I told her.

"That's good. I can show you what I've been doing this year," she said, beaming.

"And what class does Ms. Daniels teach?" I asked.

"She is my English teacher and my homeroom teacher," she said. I knew from what Julia had told me, that English was her favorite and best subject, so I was looking forward to meeting with her teacher.

That night after dinner we did the dishes together, me washing and her drying. It was our regular routine and we both looked forward to it. It was one of our "bonding" times.

"Daddy, how come you never go out on dates?" she asked me out of the blue.

I turned to her, surprised at her question. "What?" I asked.

"How come you never go out on dates? I mean all you do is work and come home. I never see you go out and enjoy yourself or have fun. You should have fun Daddy," she said.

"Well, honey, your mother is kind of a hard act to follow. I loved her very much and no one can ever take her place in my heart," I said.

"I know. But that doesn't mean you have to just be a hermit and never enjoy anything anymore," she said.

"I understand what you are saying sweetheart, and maybe you are right. But I haven't dated in a long time and I wouldn't even know where to start. Maybe someday I will meet someone, but for right now I have my girl right here doing dishes with me. I don't know if I could handle two women at the same time!" I said, smiling at her and hoping to get off the subject quickly. I knew she was trying to help but...

"Oh, Daddy! Now you are just making fun of me!" she said with a little pout. I put a little blob of soapy bubbles on her nose and we giggled, lightening the mood.

Later that evening, we were sitting on the sofa, watching some hokey old horror movie (she loves those corny predictable scary movies where you know exactly what is about to happen next). She was cuddled next to me, waiting for the next time the deranged serial killer would jump out of the closet with a big knife and get the next hapless victim.

"Daddy, how do you meet somebody... you know, to start dating?" she asked.

"What? Sweetheart, does this have anything to do with what we were talking about earlier?" I asked.

"No, I was just wondering. I am going to be thirteen soon, you know!" she said.

"Oh, believe me, honey, I am painfully aware of how old you are and how big you are getting!" I said.

"Well, I was just wondering how you find someone to, you know, start dating," she said.

"Is there someone, in particular, you are interested in, honey?" I asked, turning to look at her. This conversation had taken a decidedly concerning turn and my attention was no longer focused on the cliche' horror movie.

"Well, there is this boy in school I kinda like, but only as a friend right now. I was just asking..." she said.

While she may have been just asking an innocent question, Julia had my heart in my throat and my blood pressure in triple digits! This was all happening too fast and I wasn't prepared for this!

The next few days things on the dating front dissipated (thankfully), and we went back to father and little girl again. But I knew in the back of my head that my time as her favorite man was coming to an end. And that terrified me... I hadn't been on my own for a long time and wasn't very good at it then. What was I going to do the day I lost her too?

Before I knew it, the time for her parent-teacher conference had arrived. Julia was all kinds of excited and she laid out the clothes she wanted me to wear to her conference. She was so proud of her selection too, she beamed as she showed me.

"Here Daddy, I got your clothes out to wear when you meet my teacher tonight," she said when I came home from work. She took my hand and led me into the bedroom. On my bed was my best suit, a freshly ironed shirt, my tie, and my best shoes.

"You want me to wear this?" I said. "I was just planning on wearing something comfortable!"

"No, Daddy! I want you to look really nice tonight. Now go in and take a shower, shave, and get ready to go!" she said.

Sometimes she sounds just like her mother did! I thought to myself, smiling as I went off to "follow orders."

Once we were ready, we headed off to her school. We arrived ahead of the conference time so she showed me around a little bit. We went to her locker and she showed me where it was and where her friend's locker was. She showed me the cafeteria and the office. By then, it was time to head to her classroom.

We entered her classroom and Ms. Daniels, her teacher, had her back to us at the moment. I looked at her and she seemed well dressed and professional from first glance. She had long blonde hair which she wore loose at that time (I didn't know if that was her usual style or not) and she appeared to be younger - in my own school years I always seemed to have the old ladies as teachers!

"Hi Ms. Daniels, this is my Daddy!" Julia said. Ms. Daniels turned around and my world started spinning! I stood there in that classroom in a complete state of shock, my mind not believing what my eyes were seeing. I was seeing a ghost... an apparition. Ms. Daniels was a perfect copy of my beloved Becky! When I say perfect, I mean in every detail - every hair, every freckle, everything. The only way I would have been able to tell them apart if they stood together was that Ms. Daniels here was a little bit bigger in the bust area. But I wasn't looking there at the moment - I was still dumbstruck at her face.

I knew it wasn't Becky. I was there the day they put my Becky in the ground. And she hadn't come back to me in five years except at night in my dreams. I knew this wasn't her... yet it was! I had to sit down before I fell down.

"Mr. Jackson, are you okay?" My mind finally cleared enough that I could hear Ms. Daniels speaking to me. God, she even sounded like Becky!

"I... uh... Yeah... I'm okay. I'm sorry but you... you look... exactly like my wife! Oh, my God, it's incredible! It's like I am seeing Becky all over again!" I said.

"Well, that would explain why you look so green around the gills and why you were touching my face!" she said, smiling.

"Was I? I'm sorry... I wasn't expecting this at all!" I said, now feeling sheepish.

"Well, if I look as much like her as you say, I can understand your reaction," she said.

I reached back and took out my wallet. I still carried her picture with me, I didn't have the heart to take it out even though it killed me every time I saw it. "Here is a picture of her. See what I mean?" I said handing her the old picture.

"Oh my God yes! I do look like your wife! Oh, Mr. Jackson, I had no idea!" she said, nearly as stunned as I was. "Julia honey, can you take your father down the hall to the water fountain. I think he needs a moment to gather himself," she said.

"Yes, Ms. Daniels," Julia said, and we walked down the hall to the water fountain. "Are you okay, Daddy?" she asked me.

"Yeah, I'm okay now, sweetheart. I was... I was just caught off-guard there for a little bit," I said. "Why didn't you tell me your teacher looked like Mom - I could have prepared!" I said.

"Daddy, I was only eight years old when Mommy left. I don't remember a lot about how she looked," Julia said. And that was true, Becky had been gone a long time, and Julia was far too young to have lost her mother.

After a little water and a few good deep breaths, I was ready to go back inside and talk about Julia's schoolwork.

"Feeling better, Mr. Jackson?" she said, as we returned to the classroom.

"Much better. And again, I'm sorry if I was inappropriate," I said.

"No worries, Mr. Jackson, I understand," she said. She handed me back Becky's picture and I put my wallet away. Then we talked about the subject at hand. As I figured, Julia was doing great in Ms. Daniels class as well as her others. Julia had always liked school and it liked her.

After the conference, Julia and I drove home. I was still a bit bewildered by the experience and I didn't talk much on the way home. Julia took note of my uncomfortable silence and didn't try to engage me until we had gotten home and settled in for the evening.

"So what did you think of my school, Daddy?" she said. I knew what she meant. It wasn't the school she was concerned with so much as it was her teacher.

"Your 'school' was very nice, young lady! Don't think that I don't know what you are up to!" I said chuckling. "But thank you for trying."

A couple days later Julia came home from school with a note from her teacher. It was in a sealed envelope and Julia handed it to me. "Daddy here is a note from school. I don't know what it's about, the school just sent it home with me," she said.

"Okay, thanks. I'll have a look at it in a minute. Go get changed and wash up for dinner," I told her. Julia did as I told her and went to change out of her school clothes. I opened the envelope and read the note.

Mr. Jackson,

I couldn't help thinking about what happened at our meeting the other day. I hope I'm not being too forward and I never do this, but I would very much like to have dinner with you sometime if you would be interested. If not, I understand, but I hope you will think about it at least. Give me a call if you'd like to go out for dinner or something. My number is 555-4837 Rebecca Daniels

I don't know why but it struck me as hilarious that her name was Rebecca. I was so flabbergasted at meeting her and her similarity to my wife Becky that I never thought to ask her what her first name was. Besides, we were there for Julia, and she was the consummate professional then. I folded up the note again and put it in my pocket before Julia came back. I wasn't sure what I would do about the offer, but I didn't want her to know what was going on just yet.

That night, like many many others, I dreamed about my Becky, remembering the times that we'd had and how wonderful it was while she was with me. But strangely now the memories of her were a little different, a little less like memories and more like anticipations if that makes any sense. Memories are often faded, worn things that you have to really look at to make out. These were bright and colorful and in your face kind of dreams... as if they were just happening or had happened only yesterday and were still fresh in your mind.

Another thing about these new dreams was that while it looked like Becky and should have been about Becky, there was something just slightly off about her. I couldn't place it at first, but slowly I realized that I wasn't dreaming about my dearly departed wife, but rather Julia's teacher, Ms. Daniels! The events were the same, but it was her, not Becky, in them!

All the next day I thought about Ms. Daniels and her offer. I also thought of my dear Becky. I felt like such a heel comparing the two but damn, they were so fucking close! I've seen identical twins that weren't as similar! I also felt like a heel because I was thinking about another woman.

I loved Becky with everything I had, but it had been five long, lonely years since I held a woman in my arms, much less anything else. And I had Julia to think about too - not to make excuses, but she was going to need a woman to talk to about "things" soon and I was not at all qualified to be a stand-in in that department!

I wrestled with this decision all day. I thought about it and about what I should do so much that my boss noticed and asked me if I was okay. I told him I had something on my mind but I was all right. I tried to push it back and concentrate on my work, but to no avail - it just came back to the forefront within a few minutes.

I took the note from my pocket four or five times that day looking at it and then putting it back. What should I do? I loved my Becky... but she was gone. I made a promise to love only her... but she would want me to be happy. Wouldn't she? Would she be mad knowing I was with another woman? Or would she be glad I found someone so close to her? The thoughts racing through my mind all day nearly drove me mad.

Finally, the day was done and it was time to go home. I continued to think on the matter on the drive home and even when I got home. At dinner that evening Julia asked me what I was thinking so hard about. So exasperated about what I should do, I turned to my little girl to get her input.

"Julia that note you brought home from school the other day wasn't from school. It was from your teacher. She asked me if I would like to go to dinner with her sometime," I told her.

"Really Daddy? She asked you out?" Julia said, bright-eyed.

"Yes, and I have been thinking about what I should do since I read the damn note. It's driving me crazy. I don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt your mother's memory, but it's been so long and..."

"Daddy, Mom loved you and she always tried to make you happy, didn't she?" Julia asked me.

"Of course honey," I said.

"Well, she wanted you to be happy then, so why wouldn't she want you to be happy now?" Julia said.

I could see where she was going with this. "But honey, don't you think that going out with someone else somehow diminishes what her and I had?"

"Daddy, you and Mom had a great life together. You had me and we all had wonderful times while she was here with us. But she isn't with us anymore. You haven't dated or even really talked with another woman since Mom left five years ago. That is a long, long time and I think that Mom would want you to move on and be happy. She always wanted you to be happy and I know you aren't now.

"Daddy I have heard you sleeping - you still dream of her, don't you? You still miss her and so do I. But you aren't happy and I think the reason Mom comes back to you in your dreams is because she is sad for you. I don't know if Ms. Daniels will make you happy or not, but she sure did set you back when you saw her at school. And she wants to give it a try, obviously, if she wants to go to dinner with you. Why not see what happens?" she said. Out of the mouth of babes, right?

"Okay, I'll give her a call. We will see what happens from there," I said. Julia smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

After dinner that night I called Ms. Daniels and we arranged dinner out that Friday night.

That first date was just like I'd remembered them - awkward and tentative, with neither of us really knowing what to do. But we found out that we had a lot in common. We had a good time and decided to do it again soon.

We dated four or five times before we took it to the next level and kissed. Rebecca let me take my time with all this, knowing about Becky and how I felt about her. But I had to admit, I was beginning to have feelings for Rebecca. It was confusing at first, but the more I got to know her, the more I found myself thinking about her.

It was on our seventh date, I believe when things definitely ramped up in our relationship.

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It had been about three months since that first parent-teacher conference, and Rebecca and I were getting along really well. We had just gone to a movie and we were trying to figure out what to do next.

"That was a pretty good movie. I don't normally go for romantic comedies but that one was fun," I said.

"Well maybe it was the company that made it better," she said jokingly.

"You're probably right. Nothing makes a movie better than to see it with a beautiful woman," I said.

"Why thank you Sir!" she said, smiling.

"So do you have to get home right away or can you stay out late tonight?" I asked, playing with the young kids dating thing.

"Well Mom isn't home, so I can stay out late," she said, playing along with my joke.

I drove us to a small, but pretty, little park close by. I found us a little out of the way area to park and we got out and took a little walk to stretch our legs. There was a small covered picnic area with tables there so we walked over to it and sat down.

"This is a pretty park. I don't think I've been here before," she said.

"Well I don't know about the park, I'm too busy looking at the pretty girl," I said, trying to be smooth.

"Oh, John... you are good for a girl's ego you know that?" she said, taking my arm and hugging it.

"Your ego has very little to do with it, Rebecca. You are a very beautiful woman," I told her. I leaned in to kiss her and that's when it happened.

I liked kissing and Rebecca was a very good kisser, soft and sweet. But this time our kiss was even better. As I kissed her, she put her arms around my neck and pulled me tighter to her. I felt her warmth against me and her soft moan into my mouth. I also felt a stirring in my pants that I hadn't felt in a long time. I think she felt it too, as she pressed herself against me.

Her kiss, which started out as a "You are so sweet" kind of kiss, turned a lot deeper and more meaningful for us both. As we kissed Rebecca parted her lips and I felt her tongue slip into my mouth, looking for a playmate. Well, my tongue was all too happy to play with hers, and as I pushed into her warm mouth, she moaned again.

My arms were wrapped around her waist and hers were around my neck. Suddenly, and surprisingly, I felt a hand rubbing the hardness that being close to this beautiful creature had produced. I looked down and saw her hand rubbing my crotch. Looking back up, I saw a different side of Rebecca Daniels.

"John... take me home John, Please... I need you," she breathed. I saw she was serious, I could feel her desire even as she spoke it. I didn't argue. I took her hand and led her back to the car and we drove straight to her place. She unlocked the door and we went inside.

Leaving a trail of clothes on the way to the bedroom, we got to the bedroom with me shirtless, only wearing my pants and boxers, and her left only in her bra, panties, and stockings. I pulled her over to the bed and pushed her back onto her back. She quickly scooted further up on the bed and I followed, climbing up between her legs and over top of her.

As I got halfway up her very attractive body, she reached down putting her arms around my neck again and welcoming me with another, more passionate kiss. I eased myself down on her taking up most of my upper body weight with my elbows on the bed, I kissed the woman below me with all the pent-up passion and emotion I had. It had been so very long since I was able to feel and Rebecca was going to be the recipient of all that pent-up passion.

I felt her body tremble under me and her moans became louder as I gave myself over to the feelings. We kissed hot and heavy for several moments. Rebecca broke our kiss and I raised my head to look at her beautiful face. "John, honey, are you sure about this? I mean about..."

I smiled and leaned down to kiss her neck and then I kissed my way down her neck to her shoulder, then to her collarbone then to the top of her sternum.

"Ohhh, God!" Rebecca said as she arched her back to my kisses. I reached her bra and she watched as I slowly unclipped the front hook and, pausing for effect, peeled the bra apart to reveal her wonderful DD breasts.

Rebecca smiled when she saw my reaction to seeing her topless for the first time. "So, you are a tit man are you? Like what you see?" she asked, playfully shimmying, causing her breasts to sway.

"To be honest, I'm more the whole package kinda guy. I like everything about a woman!" I said, "But you got a hell of a nice start here!"

To show her what I meant I leaned down and began licking at one of her hard erect nipples. Rebecca moaned as she felt my tongue scrape across the sensitive bud and curl around it in a tiny tongue-hug.

I sucked the nipple into my mouth, nibbling at it with my teeth and gently biting it. Rebecca seemed to like my chewing on her nipples, so I switched to give the other one just as much attention. With one hand she pulled my face down harder onto her tit while she held it up, feeding it to me with the other. I wasn't going to waste a perfectly good meal either. I licked and sucked, bit and tugged on her nipples as she moaned and wriggled happily under me.

Being a "whole package kinda guy" though, I knew there were other delicacies to enjoy and I wanted to sample the whole delightful buffet. So leaving her luscious breasts for now, and with promises to return to them, I headed south to see what other treats she had for me. I kissed my way down her taut belly to her abdomen where my lips brushed across her skin so lightly it made her giggle.

"John! I'm very ticklish! Please stop!" she giggled. So I kissed her a little harder there and it made the tickling go away to be replaced with moans and coos of pleasure.

I worked my way down a bit more to come to the waistband of her pink panties. I could smell her wonderful aroma coming up from under the silky material and I saw a wet spot developing. It was an invitation if ever I saw one.

I looked up at the beauty and she was watching me, biting her finger coyly and waiting to see what I would do. I wasted no time in showing her.

"Oh, GODDD!" she moaned loudly as I licked the wet spot and her pussy through her silky panties. 

I sat up a bit and took hold of the waistband of her panties and pulled them slowly off her, The first thing I noticed was she kept herself well trimmed, her fine blond hair was short and trimmed to a small upside-down triangle, the point of which started just above her clit hood and the whole thing would hide under a bikini bottom.

I admired the sight of her pretty tight pussy, the lips tucked neatly inside and the hint of moisture glistening off the edges of her slit, beckoning me to sample them. I pulled her panties the rest of the way off her and tossed them aside. Then I pushed her legs wider as I got back down between them and inhaled deeply her sweet scent. Using my fingers, I pulled her pussy lips apart to peek inside her warm wet pink hole.

She had a gorgeous pussy, the kind a man just wants to climb into and make a home in, never to come out again. I leaned forward and gave her swollen pussy lips a lick, gathering up the sweetness that she had for me there. The loud moan I received told me that she wanted more and I have a natural sweet tooth, so without any further delay, my tongue burrowed deeper into her pink depths.

Rebecca groaned as she felt my tongue delving deeper into her pussy. I saw out of the corner of my eye, her fists clutching tightly to the sheets as she spread her legs wider and pushed her hips up to meet my mouth. Locking my arms around her legs I began feasting on her sweetness with all the enthusiasm of a starving man at a luau.

I licked and lapped up all the sticky sweet juices I could find and Rebecca did not leave me hungry. It seemed the more I licked, the more she gave me. My tongue sought out every nook and cranny it could reach and then I sucked her fat pussy lips into my mouth tugging playfully at them then licking around the inner surface.

When I reached the point at the top where they come together I found her swollen, throbbing clit waiting there for me. By now her "man in the boat" was so swollen it peeked out from under its hood and my tongue touched it.

When I licked her sensitive clit, she squealed, "OH, FUCK!! Yes! Oh John, right there! Lick me right there! Ohhh, please!"

I smiled to myself and began giving that little nubbin a thorough tongue-bath, licking and sucking the tender morsel as Rebecca went insane. She thrashed around, moaning and speaking in tongues like she was possessed. Instinctively she tried to close her legs and protect herself from the torture I was giving her, but my arms were locked around her and I held her thighs apart as I continued to tease her dripping pussy.

It only took a few minutes of my tongue lashing her clit to bring her to the edge of her orgasm. Before I knew it I heard her announcement. "Ohh God John, I'm cumming... I'm... Oh, GAAAWWDD!" Just as she got the words out I felt the rush of fresh juices on my tongue. Her body tensed, then arched as every muscle she had locked up.

Had I been able to see it, her eyes rolled back and her mouth formed an "O," a perfect symbol of what she was going through. Her fists closed around the sheets until her knuckles turned white and she held her position, locked in a continuously frozen spasm, the only movement was the trembling from the strain. 

Then just as suddenly, her spasm broke and she fell back onto the bed, her head whipping back and forth making her hair into a blonde tornado. She cried out "OhmyGod! OhmyGod!" in some kind of sexual chant as I continued to rock her world.

At last, she had finished and she lay there moaning and panting for breath. I eased up and left my position between her legs to move up a bit higher. She pulled me up and laid my head on her breasts holding me there as she came back down from the ceiling. I just laid there happily between those two magnificent mounds content to just stay right there.

Once she had rested though, Rebecca wanted to see to it that I had just as good a time as I had given her. She rolled me over on my back and it was her turn to be between my legs. She moved around into position and began unbuckling my pants. When she had my pants undone, she pulled them off, tossing them into a crumpled pile on the floor. Then she turned back to my boxers. Eyeing the very large bulge in them she bit her fingernail playfully and looked at me. "Is that for me?" she asked.

I smiled and nodded and she reached up to softly stroke it, giggling when it jumped. Then she took hold of my hard, stiff cock and began to move her hand up and down, jacking me through my boxers. I laid back and closed my eyes, relishing in the feeling of Rebecca working my cock. As a young kid I had jacked off numerous times and Becky had jacked me off a few times while she was alive. But since her passing, I hadn't had the desire to do anything. Now Rebecca was giving me a reason to get hard again, and I was hard as a railroad spike.

Rebecca reached up and began pulling my boxers down and I opened my eyes, watching her face as she slowly revealed what was causing such a bump in my boxers. She pulled my boxers down until the tip of my cock peeked out from underneath.

"Oh hello there!" she said happily.

She leaned down to give my cock a little kiss and then pulled my boxers down some more. She kept pulling and I kept revealing. Rebecca's eye got bigger the more cock she exposed. Finally, she had fully uncovered me and my cock sprang upward causing her to gasp a bit. "Oh my goodness!" she said when she realized what she had uncovered. I am not a small man - no porn star mind you, but I am above average size sporting an eight inch long and nearly three-inch diameter cock.

She sat there staring at my cock and licking her lips. I don't know who was more needy, her wanting to suck my cock or me wanting her to. But either way, we were both about to get our wish. Rebecca got into position above my cock and licked the tip scooping up a gleaming drop of precum - a little sampler of what I had brewing for her deep in my nuts. Then she began licking up and down the shaft going completely around it from ballsack to tip. She made sure every millimeter of my cock was well-loved before she took me into her warm mouth.

God, I had forgotten how wonderful a mouth could feel! Becky was a star cocksucker and I had enjoyed many a pleasant time in her soft warm mouth embrace. And Rebecca had every bit as much talent now. Watching that blonde head bobbing up and down on my cock and feeling her soft lips tightly sealed around my steely shaft was more than a man should have to stand. I closed my eyes and moaned softly. It was incredible!

"Mmm," Rebecca moaned, the vibrations adding to the indescribable pleasure she was giving me. As much as I was enjoying her loving care, I knew that I hadn't had sex in a very long time and I wasn't going to last long at this pace.

"Honey, I would love to stay right here and enjoy this longer, but if you don't stop, I am going cum in your mouth!" I told her.

"Would that be such a bad thing, baby?" she asked.

"Not at all, but I think I have a better idea than just a quick blowjob," I said.

With that, she rolled over and laid on her back beside me. I got up and moved back between her spread legs. Taking my cock in my hand, I pointed the tip at her opening and rubbed the tip against her swollen lips. She moaned feeling me knocking at her pussy door. She reached between her legs and held her lips open for me. I took the open invitation eagerly.

With one long, continuous push I slowly entered her. As the head of my cock parted her opening she began to moan. As I pressed deeper, her moan increased in both volume and pitch. And as I moved even deeper, her moan turned into a wail. Then in one final surge, I sunk fully into her and her wail reversed gears, turning into a gasp of surprise. Apparently, I had reached depths that hadn't been touched in awhile. 

I stayed there for a couple moments; both so she could get used to my size and also because it just felt so damn good! Then I began pulling out slowly. When Rebecca realized I was backing out, she grabbed me suddenly. "No please!" she cried, hanging on to me.

"Don't worry hon, I'm not pulling out completely," I assured her. And I kept my word, only pulling back until the head remained inside. Then I began pushing back into her, a little faster this time. I repeated this again, speeding up more until I was at a good rhythm. Once I knew she was ready, I stopped with my cock pulled almost all the way out.

"Are you ready for the fucking of a lifetime?" I asked her.

She looked at me with her lust mask, "Fuck me, John... fuck me hard and fast. Give me that big fat cock!"

That was all I needed to hear. I slammed into her full force then began pumping in and out of her like a hysterical jackhammer, each powerful thrust pounding her so hard I could hear the breath being knocked out of her. I rammed her hard and fast just as she asked, and she began screaming out in sheer joy as she felt me pistoning inside her.

I knew when I started that it wasn't going to take long before I would blast my cum into her. I just hoped that I could get her there before me. As I fucked her like I wanted to break her, she clung to me tightly, hanging on like a bronco rider looking for that eight-second horn.

I pummeled her tight pussy for about five minutes like that before I felt her body stiffening. I knew she was about to cum and I knew I would be right behind her. "I'm gonna cum, 'Becca... I want you to cum with me. Will you cum with me?" I said.

"Oh yes! Please, I want to cum together! Please cum with me, baby!" she cried.

And as she began to orgasm, she howled out the announcement. I felt her pussy walls tighten and heard her cry... that was all I could take. As she filled her womb with her juices, I exploded inside her as well, my hot cum blasting the walls of her pussy like a firehose. I hadn't cum in five years and I made up for it at that moment. I pumped the beautiful woman so full of neglected cum that it spilled out around my cock, her pussy unable to contain the flood.

I pumped into her over and over - I lost count of how many spurts I shot into that pink heaven. Finally, though, my balls were empty and I had drained my cock. I fell backward gasping for breath like a diver bursting to the surface. She rolled over and took my still twitching cock in her mouth, sucking the last few drops inside into her mouth, wanting to taste my cum. Then she licked me clean and lay her head down on my pelvis purring like a warm kitten. I ran my fingers through her blonde hair and tried to calm myself.

* * * * *

We dated for about a year after that and the sex and the times together only got better. The other day I went to the cemetery where my Becky rested and sat down next to her. I told her about Rebecca and how I was feeling. I told her that I was thinking of asking her to marry me but I wanted to know if it was all right with her. I closed my eyes talking to my beloved Becky and then (and I know this is going to sound weird) I could swear I felt a hand on my shoulder and her soft sweet voice saying "Yes".

I kissed her gravestone and told her "thank you" and that I loved her and always would. Then I went home and told Julia my plans. She was overjoyed - she was almost as fond of Rebecca as I was. That night, we all three went to dinner and while we were waiting for our food to arrive, I turned to her.

"Rebecca, I have a question for you. You and I have been going out now for almost a year and it has been wonderful. You have truly brought light back into my life and sunshine back into me and Julia's world," I dropped down on one knee and pulled a ring out from my pocket. "Rebecca Daniels, will you marry me? I can't live a moment longer without you beside me."

Needless to say, Rebecca was shocked but she did manage to squeak out a yes (to the applause of everyone in the restaurant). Julia hugged her, then it was my turn. I had found happiness once again and I knew that in heaven, my Becky was happy as well. 



Written by Master_Jonathan
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