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The Driver

"A man is seduced by the young woman he's hired to protect."

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Victor leaned against the car, his eyes scanning the other vehicles parked nearby. There were numerous men like him, men who maintained unreadable expressions while wearing tailored suits that concealed their shoulder holsters. Each was waiting for a student to emerge from the private school where classes had just ended not only for the day, but for the entire academic year. Victor realized he was the oldest of the drivers. At forty-eight, his once-dark hair was now mostly gray, and his face bore deep lines and scars. His nose was a little crooked as a result of being broken several times in his younger years. He was tall and thin, but still plenty strong. And he was an excellent shot. He didn't have the polish of the younger men around him, however.

A rush of girls poured out of the school, their collective mood celebratory. As the din of their chatter drifted toward Victor, he spotted his charge. Phoebe was wearing the school's ridiculous uniform, which consisted of a pleated navy blue skirt and a white blouse. She even had on the knee socks to complete the outfit. Victor didn't understand why the girls weren't permitted to wear slacks. For Christ's sake, it was the early 1990s, with the world on the cusp of a new millennium.

For her part, Phoebe didn't complain. She was at the top of her class and would be heading overseas in the fall to attend a prestigious university. As she now approached him, a breeze ruffled her dark, shoulder-length hair. Like her mother, Phoebe was buxom, with full breasts and curvy hips. Several of the other drivers gave her an appreciative once-over as she walked by. Phoebe wore a little smirk when her eyes met Victor's. She'd once been such a quiet girl, always with her nose in a book, but since her eighteenth birthday in February, she'd grown increasingly mouthy, challenging Victor's authority at every turn. He didn't understand the change in her. Maybe she could sense the freedom that awaited her when she left for college later in the year. Then she'd no longer be under her father's thumb. Phoebe was his youngest child and his only daughter.

Her father was an extremely wealthy man, and Victor had worked for the family a long time. In their country, kidnappings for ransom were far from unheard of, so Victor's sole responsibility was to keep Phoebe safe. Her father knew Victor wouldn't hesitate to give his life in order to protect the girl.

It had been a good job, Victor told himself, though he knew his role would soon be coming to an end. Phoebe would be attending university in a safer place, with no need of constant security. She would no longer require an armed driver to escort her everywhere. As of yet, there had been little discussion between Victor and Phoebe's father about what he would do once the girl left the country. It weighed on Victor's mind, the thought of suddenly being rendered useless. He had no wife, no family. He only had this job.

As Phoebe waved goodbye to several friends, Victor opened the car's back door for her. "Good afternoon, Phoebe," he said.

She sniffed the air around him, wrinkling her nose. "You've been smoking again."

"But not in the car, which is the only area that concerns you at this moment."

"I thought you'd quit." She climbed into the backseat, her skirt riding up her thighs. Victor immediately averted his stare. Once he was again behind the wheel, they began the drive toward Phoebe's house, which was more like a gated compound. It was nearly an hour's journey from the school, but her father had insisted she receive the best education possible while remaining under his roof throughout her high school years. Thus, the tiring commute. Phoebe used to tell Victor about her friends and what she'd learned in class, but in recent weeks, she'd grown quiet, almost sullen. Victor found he missed their conversations, which had broken up the monotony of the drive, but he didn't press her to talk to him. At least she wasn't hounding him to play her favorite music, which she called grunge and he called noise.

As they headed away from the city and their surroundings grew more rural, Victor glanced in the rearview mirror and found Phoebe regarding him. "Victor," she said.

"Yes?" He fixed his stare on the road once more.

"What will you do with yourself when you no longer have to drive me around everywhere?"

It was uncanny, Victor thought, the way Phoebe seemed to sense what had been troubling him as of late. Her question was like a finger pressed into a raw wound. "Oh, I'm sure your father will find some other job for me."

"Will you miss me?"

Victor looked in the mirror again and found that Phoebe had spread her legs wide, her posture decidedly unladylike. She'd been this way recently, unbuttoning her blouse and leaning forward to give him a good look at her cleavage, or making sure her skirt revealed plenty of thigh. He told himself it was because she was now a woman, full of urges the students at an all-girls school couldn't satisfy. "You've been quite a handful at times," he told her with a wry smile.


He fought back a sigh. She was determined to be a pain in the ass today. "Yes, Phoebe?"

"Do you ever think about me while you're jerking off? You still jerk off at your age, right?"

Though Victor's grip on the wheel tightened, his tone remained pleasant as he said, "What's gotten into you? You're a bright young woman, soon to head off to university. You have been given an excellent education, and every opportunity in life, yet you sit back there and talk like a common whore." He could speak to her in such a way without fear of reprisal, for she was no snitch. Hell, maybe she pushed Victor because she knew he was the only person who would be so blunt with her. He took no pleasure in being disrespectful to her, but she brought out his worst side sometimes, with her mocking remarks and cruel taunts.

"I bet this will make you jerk off tonight," Phoebe said. Victor heard her moving around in the backseat, and when he glanced in the mirror, he saw her giving him one of her "fuck me" looks. Her cheeks were now flushed, and her brown eyes were heavy-lidded with arousal. Against his better judgment, he adjusted the mirror, angling it so he could see lower.

Phoebe had lifted her skirt and pulled the crotch of her white panties aside, revealing a thatch of pubic hair. Victor got a glimpse of pink, glistening folds before looking away. He knew it would do no good to demand that Phoebe cover up, for she would only defy him. Repositioning the mirror, he managed to keep his expression neutral. He gave absolutely no indication he was getting a hard-on. "You know what men call a woman who behaves like you?" he said in that same mild tone. "A cocktease."

Victor heard her gasp. "I'm not a tease!" Her voice quavered with outrage. "I'm not even a virgin."

"Of course you aren't." He made no attempt to hide his sarcasm.

"You think I'm lying? I fucked Annika's brother two weeks ago!"

A seam of fury opened up within Victor at her revelation. Annika was Phoebe's closest friend, and Phoebe was allowed to sleep over at Annika's house because it was just as heavily guarded as her own. Victor imagined Annika's brother, home from college, waiting till everyone was asleep before he seduced Phoebe. It made Victor want to tear the bastard apart with his bare hands.

"You won't tell my father, will you?" Phoebe asked. Her cockiness appeared to have vanished.

"You're a woman now," Victor said through his teeth. "Your father no longer has a say in the matter."

Phoebe made a strange sound, almost like a sob. Again, their eyes met in the mirror, and Victor noted the sorrow her stare held. "I wanted you to be my first," she said, "but you act like you can barely stand the sight of me!"

Victor swallowed hard, at a loss as to how to respond. That explained Phoebe's behavior in recent months. The provocative looks and flashing of skin, including her pussy—it was all because she had a crush on him. He supposed it was natural for her to develop feelings for the man who had been a steadfast, unwavering presence in her life, and who would soon be saying goodbye to her. The realization made Victor feel as if a fist was squeezing his heart in his chest. "I care for you, Phoebe," he finally said, "but it wouldn't be appropriate for us to become romantically involved. It would also be a betrayal of your father on my part, and I owe him everything."

"He wouldn't have to know!"

Victor swore in his native tongue, which Phoebe couldn't understand. "My job is to guard you, not to fuck you!"

Phoebe fell silent, and Victor wouldn't allow himself to look at her. When she spoke again minutes later, her voice held a tremor. "Victor, I'm feeling really sick. Can you stop the car?"

"What's wrong?" he asked, his brow furrowing in concern. Examining her reflection in the mirror, he thought she did appear a little peaked.

"I think I'm going to throw up," she whimpered. Victor immediately pulled over, but instead of leaving the car, Phoebe released a squawk of protest. "Find somewhere more private! I don't want to puke in front of people driving by!"

"Goddamn it, Phoebe, there's no traffic out this way!" he barked. Still, he drove a bit farther, then backed onto a dirt road surrounded by woods. It was his job to be familiar with this area, so close to Phoebe's residence. He knew this road, used mostly by farm vehicles, led to acres of pastureland nearby. After parking the car, Victor turned in his seat. "Is this private enough for you?" The car was now beyond view of anyone who might pass by on the main road.

Phoebe no longer looked pale. In fact, her cheeks were flushed again. Victor worried she was feverish, but she only smiled and said, "This is perfect." Then, she began climbing over the seat.

"What the hell are you doing? I thought you were sick!"

"Sorry, I had to lie." Before Victor could stop her, Phoebe reached to turn off the car and take the key from the ignition. His eyes widened when she proceeded to drop the key down her blouse, which was still neatly tucked into her skirt.

Again, he swore. "We don't have time for your games! Your father is expecting us back at the house."

"Then we'd better be quick." Phoebe slipped a hand between his thighs, making him gasp. A delighted smile lit up her face when she found he was still semi-hard. "Oh, seeing my pussy did excite you!"

Victor had nowhere to retreat. His eyes locked with Phoebe's as she stroked him through his pants. "We need to stop this. Right now."

Her smile morphed into a look of blatant need. "Please," she whispered. "Let me do this, Victor. I want to so much!"

His breathing quickened at her words. He felt strangely helpless while she rushed to take out his cock. She was fumbling, clearly nervous, but he couldn't deny how much her touch aroused him. "Phoebe," he groaned.

She soon had Victor's dick free from his pants. Her pupils became large, dark pools as she studied his erection. Despite his wish to be a stronger man who could resist her advances, Victor didn't try to stop her from taking hold of his cock. At first, Phoebe's grip was too rough, so he wrapped his hand around hers to guide her as she jerked him off. "Like this," he murmured, and she readily nodded. It was just a handjob, he told himself. If she satisfied herself with his, perhaps she'd get over her infatuation.

Phoebe watched his face while stroking him. "Does that feel good, Victor?"

"It does," he confessed, "but we need to go. You should be home."

In reply, Phoebe licked her lips and then lowered her head to take Victor's tip into her mouth. He squeezed his eyes shut, leaning back against the headrest. She was clumsy and inexperienced, but so eager! It had been a good while since a woman had gone down on him, and Phoebe was no ordinary woman. She seemed to enjoy playing with his foreskin and even went so far as to work the tip of her tongue beneath it.

"Ah, fuck!" Victor sighed. "Keep doing that, sweetheart!" Stroking her hair, he felt a wave of affection for the girl.

Phoebe drew her legs up onto the passenger seat so she could kneel. Then, with her ass lifted in the air, she returned to licking and sucking him. Victor couldn't resist tugging up her skirt. She flashed him a grin while using that firm but gentle touch to stimulate his cock. "Now's your chance to spank me," she told him.

Victor caressed the curve of her ass. "I would never hurt you," he whispered. "Did that boy who took your virginity hurt you? If he did, I will—"

"He went slow," Phoebe said. "He was actually really sweet since it was my first time."

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"Did you use protection?"

"Of course. He had a condom."

"Good girl."

Phoebe smiled at Victor's praise before taking his cock in her mouth once more. He grazed his fingertips against the crotch of her panties and found the fabric drenched. She moaned all around his dick when he reached into her underwear, exploring her slick folds. Then he homed in on her clit, which made her moan even louder. Lifting her head, she gasped for breath. "Oh, my God!"

Victor grinned. "That boy didn't touch you like this?" He applied a little more pressure to her swollen bud.

"No!" Phoebe's hips began rocking, working her pussy against Victor's fingers. "That's why I wanted you to be my first." She sat up and cupped his face in her hands. His eyes widened when she kissed him squarely on the mouth. "Make love to me, Victor. Right now."

"We can't!" His voice was husky with his own arousal.

"This might be the only chance we ever have!"

Victor was trembling now, torn between primal lust and his duty to Phoebe and her father. Lust won, as it usually did when a man was out of his mind with need. Thinking with his dick would only lead to trouble, he knew, but he'd grown as desperate for Phoebe as she was for him. "Give me the key," he said, holding out his hand.

That coy grin appeared on her lips again. "Come and get it."

Victor released a growl before pulling Phoebe's blouse from her skirt. The key fell free, but he didn't reach for it right away. Instead, he slid his hand under the blouse. She gasped when his fingers reached her left breast. Her nipple was hardening beneath her bra, and he teased it with the pad of his thumb. Phoebe set about unbuttoning her blouse then, revealing her ample cleavage.

Victor put the key back in the ignition but left the car off. When he looked at Phoebe again, her blouse was open, and those luscious breasts were rising and falling with her heavy breaths. "Get in the back," he ordered. "Hurry."

Phoebe immediately started climbing over the seat. Victor got out of the car, his cock fully hard and looming out from him. When he opened the back door, he told Phoebe to lie down, and she stretched out with her legs spread. They had so little time, Victor knew, but he was dying to taste her. Just once. Leaning into the car, he rested his upper body on the seat before spreading Phoebe even wider. His suit coat and holster were making him hot; he could smell his sweat, along with Phoebe's scent. When he pulled the crotch of her panties aside, she released a needy whimper. "Did that boy taste your pussy?" Victor asked, again teasing her clit with a fingertip.

"No." Her voice was high and breathy.

"Ah, his loss." Victor lowered his mouth to her cunt, lapping at her inner folds now on display. He heard her sharp intake of breath, and the moment his tongue swept over her clit, she tightened her thighs around him.

"Yes, Victor, yes!" she wailed, lifting her ass off the seat. She was so responsive beneath his tongue! It took less than a minute for him to get her shaking. He could only imagine how many times he'd be able to make her come if they had an hour together. Ever so gently, he slid a finger inside her. That, along with his fervent licking, brought about her climax. She gripped his hair while a low scream tore from her throat. Her contractions were so intense that Victor had to grab onto her hips. He was greedy, reluctant to stop pleasuring her until she began squirming in his grasp. "Please, I'm too sensitive now!"

Victor lifted his head and grinned up at her before planting a kiss on her inner thigh. "Enough, then? Are you satisfied now?"

"Not till I have your cock inside me," she said. "You want to be inside me, don't you, Victor?"

"More than anything!"

In moments, Victor was sitting in the backseat. As Phoebe hurried to take off her panties, he listened for any approaching vehicles, but only birdsong greeted him. Phoebe straddled his lap, nestling her pussy against his erection. He eagerly watched her lift her breasts from the bra's cups. They were stunning, so round and firm, and with nipples of the palest brown. "You're beautiful, Phoebe." Victor gathered her tits in his hands, gently pressing them together before lowering his head and suckling her right nipple, and then her left. She made little mewling sounds, encouraging him to continue. They were lingering here far too long, he told himself. But he was like a famished man now presented with a feast.

Phoebe lifted herself off Victor's lap far enough for him to grasp his cock and guide it to her entrance. As soon as he was in place, she began sinking down, moving way too fast. He figured she was mindful of the passing minutes as well, but her rush to take his entire length made her bite her lip.

"Easy," he coaxed, resting his hands on Phoebe's hips. Fuck, she was tight around the head of his cock! Sweat broke out on her brow, and by the firm set of her jaw, Victor understood she was determined to see this through. It took several stops and starts, with both of them moaning, but she finally settled onto his lap again. She remained still while getting used to the feel of him all the way inside her. "Are you alright?" he whispered.

Phoebe was breathing fast as she nodded. "I just need a minute."

"Of course, sweetheart." Victor returned to kissing and sucking her breasts, doing his best to relax her. His efforts soon worked, for Phoebe released faint cries and instinctively moved her hips. He couldn't suppress a pleasured groan when she began fucking him. At first, her rhythm was tentative, even a bit haphazard, but it didn't take long for her to ride his cock in a way that excited them both.

Gazing at Phoebe, Victor worried what his eyes might reveal. Whatever she saw in his face made her smile. "I love you," she said.

He wove his fingers through her hair, guiding her mouth to his. Their kiss was deep this time, with their tongues fervently meeting between their lips. Phoebe's moans grew constant while her hips continued their slow but relentless rhythm. Again Victor rubbed her clit. Beneath his touch, she began panting and quivering. He sensed the need to come overtaking her.

Phoebe called out his name just before she let go, orgasming so fiercely that he had to hold her fast. Her muscles tightened and relaxed, then grew taut again with each spasm. He sucked in a breath through his clenched teeth, trying to hold back while her cunt gripped his cock. Each delicious contraction seizing her body served to heighten his need for release, and even when her climax ebbed, she went on riding him. "I'm close!" he cried. "Use your hand to make me come, baby!"

Phoebe was reluctant to move from his lap, but he insisted, his voice growing more urgent until she finally obeyed. She was still trembling when his dick slipped out of her pussy. Victor's pulse was racing, his undershirt damp with sweat. Phoebe knelt beside him on the seat, but instead of stroking him, she leaned to take his cock, which was slick with her juice, in her mouth again.

The sight and feel of her enthusiastically sucking him off was too much. Victor came almost immediately, struggling to suppress a shout. The sound emerged from his throat as a strained groan, and he heard Phoebe make a little squeal of surprise when his semen flooded her mouth. She drew back a bit but managed to keep her lips wrapped around his shaft. The sound of her desperate gulps filled the car.

Victor brushed her hair back from her face. He was still shaking from the force of his climax. "Such a good girl," he breathed.

When Phoebe was certain he was spent, she sat up and wiped at her mouth. Her gaze grew a little uncertain as she said, "Was that okay? You made me feel so good, and I wanted you to enjoy it, too."

"You were perfect!" Victor drew her into his arms, and they shared another kiss. "Thank you for that," he whispered against her lips.

She smiled and nestled into his embrace. They were both hot and flushed, eager for the breeze drifting inside the car through the open door. He wished they could stay there, for he wanted to keep holding her, but their absence at the house would soon be noticed.

Several minutes later, they were back on the road. Victor was completely relaxed for the first time in months; it was as if their lovemaking had drained all the tension from his muscles. When he met Phoebe's eyes in the mirror, he found she looked utterly satisfied, even a bit drowsy. "I'm sorry I've been such a cunt to you lately," she said.

A faint smile played at Victor's lips. "I understand now why you behaved as you did. You and I both have big changes ahead, and such uncertainty can make us feel out of sorts, yes?" Phoebe nodded, seeming relieved that he understood. "And I was less than kind to you as well. But all is forgiven now, darling."

Once they arrived at the house, Victor parked the car and went to open the door for Phoebe. As she climbed out, he gave her a cursory look, making sure her appearance offered no clue as to what they'd just done. She was careful not to touch him, and the smile she flashed was completely innocent. He found he admired her acting skills. "Thanks for the ride, Victor," she said before starting toward the house.

"Always a pleasure, Phoebe," he replied, unable to keep the grin from his voice.

That evening, Phoebe's father summoned Victor to his office deep within the house. A knot of dread formed in Victor's stomach while he stood before the closed door. So this is it, he told himself. He knew Phoebe would never betray him, but her father must have discovered his transgression somehow. He had no doubt he would pay dearly for it.

He knocked softly, and his boss called for him to enter the room. Sitting behind a large mahogany desk, the man waiting for him was fleshy in all the places where Victor was thin. He gave Victor his usual friendly smile, then nodded for him to sit down. "Phoebe mentioned at dinner that she felt sick when you were driving her home this afternoon," her father said. "She also told me you took good care of her."

Victor forced himself to stretch out his fingers, for he'd nervously clenched his hands into fists. "Her illness passed quickly," he said, still trying to figure out the reason for this meeting.

"I think it's her nerves," Phoebe's father said. "She told me she's worried about being away from home this fall, in a different country." His eyes locked with Victor's. "She asked if you could serve as her driver while she attends university." Victor couldn't hide his surprise, but he said nothing. "I told her I would discuss it with you, but I was certain you'd be amenable to the arrangement."

"Of course," Victor immediately replied.

"I know she will be in much safer surroundings while away at school, but if your presence puts her mind at ease and helps her focus on her studies, I'm all for it," his boss said. "Rest assured, Victor, you will be handsomely rewarded for your continued service to our family. I understand this will be a drastic change for you, but I'll ensure your life is very comfortable overseas."

"I'm honored to be given this opportunity, sir." Victor couldn't suppress his relieved smile. All the worry about his job, and what his life would be like without it, had vanished in an instant. Because of Phoebe. "Is it alright if I check in on Phoebe to see how she's doing?" he dared to ask.

"I think she'd like that," Victor's boss said, returning his smile. "She's always been fond of you."

Victor found Phoebe dozing in bed, a battered copy of Wuthering Heights open and facedown on her chest. He approached quietly, trying not to wake her. Before he could turn off the lamp, she opened her eyes. Her face broke into a smile when she saw him. "Victor!"

He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned to stroke her cheek. "Feeling better?" he asked with a grin.

"Much," she said, giving him a conspiratorial wink. "Did you speak to my father? Are you coming with me this fall?"

"He and I discussed it, and we agreed it would be a good idea for me to accompany you."

Phoebe sat up and threw her arms around him. "I'm so glad! I always want you with me."

The feel of her lips against his neck made him release a pleasured sigh, but he knew they must be careful. "I need to go," he said. "You and I will talk later. I just wanted to make sure you're okay." She nodded, reluctantly loosening her grasp. Before Victor withdrew from her embrace, he buried his face in her hair. "And I love you, too, Phoebe," he whispered.

Written by Obsolete_Fox
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