Melissa sat on a bench, her back against the cold wall. The musty dampness of the crypt invaded her nostrils and with her eyes half closed, she rested with her legs pulled up against her chest. Angeline was on the other side of the curtain preparing and placing some of the props for the play. Bernadette, or Berni as she liked to be called, was applying the finishing touches to her clothes. Her bright red hair was glowing, even from the dim lighting that was scattered by the flickering candles.
Justin was at the other end of the crypt. In her mind, Melissa could see him pour over his lines. He was a true professional, charismatic and handsome with it; his greying, close-cut beard, indicative of the age difference between them. But that never worried Melissa in the slightest.
Melissa shook, partly due to the cold and partly in response to her thoughts. She knew what was coming and how the play would put her in close proximity to both Berni and Justin. But the play was true Shakespearean and would follow the traditional lines.
“Penny for them?”
Melissa registered the voice, looking up into Berni’s eyes, she smiled. She shook her head and pursed her lips in an attempt to shrug off the question, but felt she had to say something.
“Just – so lucky to be here, to be part of this small group,” she replied, smiling.
Melissa was lucky, very lucky. Only a year and a half before, she was in a very different place indeed, a very dark and foreboding place in her life. Melissa let out a broad smile as she remembered her first part with this group of actors. A friend of a friend introduced her after she had moved back to the small city of her birth, giving up the vastness of London for the country lifestyle; close enough to the smaller surrounding cities to benefit from them, but far enough away to live a much better and fulfilling life.
A brief sadness filled her heart as she remembered that if it were not for her mother passing away and leaving her the house she would not be here with these people. Melissa pushed the feeling to one side.
“Not long to go now!” she exclaimed.
Berni sat on the bench next to Melissa and after squinting in her direction, stared in the general direction of the curtain that separated the actors from the audience and the theatre.
They both sucked in a deep breath, almost at the same time that they shared a laugh.
There were only four of them in the group and they were going to perform a very personal take on the Tempest, a version that was dreamed up by Justin. The stage was the crypt of the local church; some twenty feet underground. The crypt was taken over by the props for the play and the audience would be sitting all along the sides of the crypt. It was going to be a very personal play indeed; the type that they all enjoyed. And with people up-close and personal you had to be on top form, every night.
Angeline appeared around the corner and waved for the other two women to join her.
“They’re coming,” she whispered. “I can hear the patter of footsteps.”
Speech suddenly blurted into the crypt as the audience got used to the darkened room. The occasional lights were strategically placed for people to find their seats but after that it would be natural candle light only.
The room fell silent, Melissa stared forwards waiting for the barrier to fall to the ground and reveal the three of them in their period costumes. She liked her bustier costume the best. It revealed her breasts to their full potential and the corset that pinched ever so slightly at her waist was elegant and classy. She wished it was hers, but alas, it was hired for the duration of the play.
The curtain dropped and exposed the three women holding candles. At the other end of the room, Justin appeared as Prospero, sat at the table lighting the candles and thus giving more light to their theatre, the crypt.
Everyone at the side glanced, first in their direction and then watched as Justin played his part. Not a word was said for at least three minutes, yet everyone stayed as quiet as a mouse.
Melissa looked around the room, studying the people that studied them. She wondered how many of them were like her, or more to the point, like her in her past life. She caught the eye of one woman that was looking in her direction and Melissa could feel her stare burn through the fabric of her costume and onto her bare breasts; her nipples hardened in the coldness of the air and a slight arousal at being watched.
The woman’s gaze was averted only when Justin started to speak. Melissa and her female counterparts then burst into life, each with a part of the tale to tell to the audience. They moved through the crypt, speaking in Olde English.
Melissa made the point of coming to rest opposite the woman that she had caught looking at her; kneeling on one leg with her head lowered to the floor. With her body bent at the waist, she raised her head, spoke, and looked into her eyes.
They did not meet. Not at first. The woman’s eyes were concentrating elsewhere, a little further down than Melissa had intended, but a very brief smile shot across her lips nevertheless.
Melissa wondered whether the woman might have recognised her from days gone by. She pushed the thought to one side, it was not something she wanted to remember, not now, not here, but the naughty thought struggled to stay exactly where it was. Melissa’s part kicked in again and the play was forced onwards.
Every time she locked eyes with the woman she wondered whether she recognised her or whether she was just staring because of how she dressed, or how she performed. Melissa had started to take things personally, becoming anxious and nervous. The play had continued to the point where Melissa and Berni ended up thrown to the floor as castaways on an island. Melissa fell between Berni’s thighs with her hands outstretched and her head held high and eyes staring outward. She caught the woman’s stare once more.
Melissa’s heart sank, ‘she recognises me’ she thought. It was the tell-tale flick of the woman’s tongue that gave it away; her wanton suggestion aimed at Melissa, with her mouth inches from Berni’s groin.
Melissa’s heart thumped in her chest. She lowered her head to the floor refusing to continue to make eye contact. Thoughts raged through her for the time when –
Melissa couldn’t stop the thoughts, ‘How many had there been’ she thought. In the three minutes it took for the other two actors to play out their scene, Melissa remembered everything. How many pussies had she licked in that time? How many orgasms had she given to women she hardly knew? How many men had fucked her or come down her throat? Was the woman looking at her, one of them? Had she brought her off too? Did she come hard on her tongue?
Melissa let out a silent sob and then desire kicked in. Like a drug being administered intravenously. Her whole new world as a Shakespearean actress started to become cloudy while her old occupational fangs showed their venom.
Melissa had performed this scene many times, but only now could she smell Berni’s scent. The muskiness invaded her nostrils and she was sure it wasn’t the smell of the crypt. In previous scenes her face would have been lifted as high as it could be. This time, there was no doubt, she could smell Berni’s sex and she wondered why.
Yes, they had played around before hitting the floor. They had behaved as if they were waves on the ocean, and then as men tossed by the violent seas onto the shore. Melissa remembered a hand or two brushing past her breasts but that couldn’t be helped, could it? Then the hands ebbed and flowed with Berni’s hands clutching at her waist, cradling her breasts before they crashed onto the floor.
Melissa found herself wanting to –
She held her head inches away from Berni’s pussy but she wanted to.
Melissa risked a glance up to the woman in the audience. She was still staring at her despite the ongoing action around them.
Melissa’s lungs burst into action as she sucked in a lungful of air, stating that she was glad to be alive after the raging storm. Berni followed suit and the play continued with all four of the characters acting out their lines in turn.
Every now and then, Melissa would feel a pang of need tighten her stomach as she tried to make sense of everything. When the play allowed, she caught herself staring at Berni to see if she could discern anything different about her, but in the dim lighting, very little was given away.
With only four of them in the play it was Melissa’s turn to play the part of Miranda and fall in love with Ferdinand, played by Justin. Melissa particularly loved playing the scene, especially when Ferdinand’s hand, caressed the upper portion of her breast, neck and face and he spoke of beauty, so fair, as to capture the hearts of all sailors on all ships that pass the shores of the godforsaken island.
Melissa swooned in his arms, ‘if only they were true words’ she thought, ‘if only-‘.
‘If only Berni had uttered them,’ the voice in the back of her head pounded at her uncertainty.
For fifteen minutes, Melissa had managed to avoid the woman’s stare and had hoped that she had found another actor to concentrate on. She had, at least, brought her thoughts back to the present and was now concentrating on the play more than on her past.
That all changed when she was thrown to the floor to play the part of a drunken sailor. On all fours she found herself staring at Justin, Angeline and Berni as their bodies twisted and twirled in a melange of flesh ripe for the taking as they took the form of goddesses and dancers.
Melissa had caught the eye of the woman as she came to rest on the floor. Melissa noticed her tongue slip from her mouth as she licked her upper lip. It was so suggestive. In her other life Melissa would have pulled her onto the floor and made out with her for being so lascivious.
Melissa had to close her eyes once more but it didn’t help much. Those naughty thoughts had taken hold of her and all she could do was remember her tumultuous past. ‘How many times had I been in this position?’ she mused.
Her thoughts turned to that one time when she was pushed on all fours; the battered cream coloured sofa breaking her fall. Slacks ripped from her lower body as a hand came down hard on her bare bottom. It hurt; she remembered it hurting quite a bit. It had happened so fast she didn’t even scream.
Seconds later, her top was forcibly ripped from her body allowing her breasts to bounce free. A hard cock was pushed inside her cunt at the same time a hand cupped her breast from behind. Melissa remembered sighing, as well as the flush of excitement and thrill of being filled by large throbbing cocks that could fuck for ages was everything she needed.

All the while the cameras whirred, and directions as to what she should do next were demanded. Occasionally the shout of ‘cut’ echoed through the room and Melissa remembered the anticipation of preparing to do it all over again.
All kinds of memories invaded her thoughts. The time she fucked three blokes at the same time, the scene with her and three other women, all pretending to be related to each other, for some reason most of the porn that was created seemed to be along those lines. That was the reason she knew she had to give up. That and the fact that all male porn stars were getting bigger in the cock department and the last one that fucked her nearly split her in two. She was always very apprehensive when she knew she had to work with two very well-endowed guys. The nice ones were good and very considerate; it was the rougher ones that she was scared of. Scared, because they never made her feel relaxed and she needed to be relaxed to take both of their huge members with ease.
Time and again, after the sex scenes had finished, she remembered looking like a negative image of a Panda, with white skin and black eyes where her eye makeup had spread with the heat and sweat from their rutting bodies. Cum, tears and saliva dripped from her.
She remembered one guy in particular because, although he wasn’t the only one to make her squirt, he was one of her favourite porn athletes. She liked his cock for the volume, and he could certainly produce that in copious quantities. She loved raising her head to allow him to squirt over her face, hair and in most scenes the sofas that she knelt beside.
Melissa started to remember the women. How they were far more considerate, sexier, lustier and far more erotically charged than the men. Now they could fuck, and without the pills. The scenes always seemed to be fuller with accessory staff when lesbian scenes were being shot. It always raised her eyebrows thinking about it.
In her static state, on all fours, Melissa thought of Berni and her mind wandered – Click!
Melissa heard a snap of fingers being clicked. The sound was close and she immediately opened her eyes in shock. Everyone in the room was silent, waiting for her. Melissa, like a true professional, started on her lines. The intervening scene of Berni wandering over to her, kneeling down and clicking her fingers in her face was not on the agenda; but at least the audience would not be aware of the digression.
The play continued and Melissa pushed the sexy thoughts from her head as much as she could. All she wanted now was to find love and be loved. Fucking for the sake of it was out of the question.
She remembered how difficult it was to give up. She left the business without saying a word to anyone. One minute a porn star, the next, gone!
It was the only way to do it, she thought, get out and make a clean break. Make new friends, move back home where nobody from the business knew her. Leave your old friends behind. Time would tell as to how many of them would be concerned.
They never were. She never received so much as a text message from anyone. She wondered if they had even worried where she had gone or whether she was still alive. Did they care! Melissa thought not and carried on with her solitary life back home.
The one big problem was the lack of sex; it hurt. In that industry you just fuck, have multiple orgasms and fuck some more. You don’t fall in love, or think that the sex is anything other than what it is. Laughter fills the gaps in between the sex, but it’s really one huge naked orgy from beginning to end. Melissa missed that. The drug that she so regularly ingested in the form of pussy juice or spunk was gone.
The first week was fine, the second was bearable. But in the third week Melissa went out of her way to fuck a bloke that she would never have looked twice at. She desperately needed the fix. He was blown away by her sexual prowess and like a true predator she dumped him as soon as he spurted over her.
It was another month before Melissa found herself in the middle of an orgy. She had admitted that the bloke was a mistake, so the next time she needed sex, she went online and contacted a nearby sex club. Melissa felt the sheer exhilaration of what it was like to be between three women and a man on her very first visit, but one that was very welcome. The taste of pussy on her lips was a bonus that even she would admit, she missed. It wasn’t just one pussy either; all three women seemed to revel in sitting on her face and rubbing their genitals all over her lips. In between the lickings and the being licked, a cock penetrated her for good measure, and when he spurted all over her body, the three lovely women licked her clean.
It was, Melissa thought, just like being back in the movies, but these people were real. Very real.
It got better, a lot better. It took a few months before Melissa was content without the sexual rush that she was used to. That was when she met this lovely group of actors and was accepted into their foursome when one of the original women left.
She felt so lucky to be allowed in and so fortunate to leave the past behind her.
The thoughts that she was having were her first digression back to those days of lust and sexual abandonment, all because of the woman in the audience and Berni’s sexual scent that still persisted in her nostrils.
Melissa wondered at Berni’s orientation; trying her best to think back to all the discussions, meals out and practice sessions. Slowly, she started to piece it all together.
The two of them found themselves clawing at each other in yet another tempestuous scene and this time Melissa stared straight into Berni’s eyes as she pawed at her breasts before turning her around and pushing her towards Justin.
The play continued, until the end was in sight. A few more phrases, a few more stares at the audience and it would all be over.
Melissa found herself staring back into the eyes of the woman that throughout the whole play, made her feel somewhat uncomfortable. Melissa’s sexual aura was back, glowing as strongly as ever. After her parting words, she looked into the woman’s eyes and licked her lips, ending her play with her hands on her hips and looking down over her ample body.
She still didn’t recognise the woman, but now, at least, she didn’t care whether she had met her in a previous life or not.
With outstretched arms, Justin announced to the audience, “Please, release me from this play,” as Prospero, and therefore Justin, had finished playing his part.
The audience clapped. It was their only part in the play, to release Prospero from it. After the obligatory bows and applause had subsided, the audience made their way out of the crypt and up the stairs into the main church.
Melissa and Berni were the last to change into their proper clothes and were still in a state of undress when Justin and Angeline announced that they were going to the local pub. Justin handed Melissa the keys to the church so that she could lock up after them.
Melissa said very little, she watched Berni undress all the way down to her knickers and bra. She did the same only her bra seemed far less effective in covering her boobs. The atmosphere could easily have been cut with a knife. At one point, Berni had to lean close to Melissa to pick up her top from behind the bench and Melissa made a point of sniffing the air as she did so.
“Something smells very sweet, don’t you think?”
Berni looked at Melissa, not knowing what she meant at first and then seeing the smile on Melissa’s face, blushed with embarrassment as the intent became clear.
Melissa stood up and walked towards Berni as she was pulling the top over her head. Before she realised it, Melissa was on top of her. Her back touched the opposite wall of the crypt in the two or three paces she took walking backwards. Berni never had time to speak or to ask why Melissa was closing in on her.
In her mind, Berni already knew the answer anyway, or at least she hoped she did.
Melissa closed the gap up tight, her full breasts squashing into the white T-shirt top hiding Berni’s chest. One hand came up to the right side of Berni’s head preventing any form of escape. Her other hand snaked into her knickers and over her wet snatch before a finger slipped inside.
“Is this all for me?” she asked, looking intently into her eyes.
Berni’s breathing and gasps said it all. Her lips quivered when Melissa’s finger slipped inside her wet hole.
“You like this, do you?” The question was irrelevant, and it was all Berni could do to nod her head positively.
Berni let out a whimper. “Yesss – “
The palm of Melissa’s hand pushed downwards and onto Berni’s full and puffy lips. Her mouth closed in and Melissa kissed her full on the lips in a rage of lust.
All of her thoughts throughout the play, the memories of her past life and wanton behaviour, Berni’s scent and the strange woman in the audience that started it all, came to a head in the way she devoured Berni’s lips and forced her fingers into her cunt.
Berni was no passenger in any of it and she responded just as energetically.
It didn’t take long for Berni to expend her orgasm on Melissa’s fingers as they kissed passionately. When Berni had come, Melissa pulled away leaving the palm of her hand gently cradling Berni’s pussy as it pulsed in post-orgasmic bliss.
“Come on you, get dressed, you’re coming home with me tonight.”
Berni smiled and nodded her approval. Deep down, she couldn’t wait to get between Melissa’s thighs and taste her hidden delights; delights that she had been craving ever since Melissa had joined the group.
Every piece of clothing she put on was accompanied by a sideways glance at Melissa as she too got dressed. Berni was unbelieving that this turn of events had actually happened and was waiting for the excuse.
As they left the church, Melissa locked the main door and stepped out into the cold night air.
“What about the pub?” said Berni. “We always meet there afterwards.”
Melissa looked her in the eye and then grabbed her by the hand leading her away along the pebbled path to the car.
“It’s not the pub I want. Not tonight,” replied Melissa, turning to look into Berni’s eyes.
They were the final words of the evening. Not a sound was said in the car as they sat side by side while Melissa drove home; the air heavy with lust and expectation. Both women stared out of the windscreen until they arrived at Melissa’s place. Doors were opened and immediately slammed shut. Locks were opened and closed. Drinks were poured despite Melissa intimating that drinks were unnecessary. Glasses were clinked and replaced on the kitchen counter before hands reached behind Berni’s neck to pull her in for the kiss.
Neither woman made a sound. To have done so would have spoiled the anticipation they both felt.
It was a long intimate kiss that would last a lifetime.