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Re-enactors Heaven - The Aftermath

"After suffering an injury at my last reenactment, I get more than I was expecting from the Physio"

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It had been three months since my last re-enactment, where I was twisted around on my ankle, and the ankle was still hurting me, still going out from under me. Finally, the tedium of taping it up and icing it daily had gotten too much for me to power on. I reluctantly booked an appointment with my GP. It took a week to get into see him. As he examined my ankle I explained how it happened, and he told me to take anti-inflammatory pills when it was playing up as well as referring me to see a physiotherapist. It was an agonising wait of a month to get in and see the physio.

I was sat waiting to be called to see the physio, my ankle throbbing with pain. The time seemed to drag as I waited, listening to my audiobook. The action sequence built in intensity, culminating in a crescendo as I was called in to see the physio. The physio was stood facing away from me as I entered; her white polo shirt seemed formed fitting and her black tracksuit bottoms showed off her ass to perfection. Sitting in the chair, I waited for her to finish reading the notes. When she turned to look at me I noticed her kind eyes and warm smile, before my eyes were drawn to her perfectly formed handful-sized tits.

“So what happened to your ankle, Mr Townsend?” her rich Texan accent was warming to my ears. The tone was exciting and exotic to me.

“Well, I was in an English Civil War re-enactment, as the group I was with clashed with another we turned around, my foot stayed still so I was twisted around on it. It was about fifty big solid blokes in heavy clothes and solid metal armour pushing against each other, twisting me on my ankle. It’s not been right since that happened. Sometimes it sort of gives out under me, others it has a dull throbbing ache and some days it's fine,” I rambled quickly, finding myself quite taken with her.

“Well, Mr Townsend, can you raise your leg so I can have a feel and see what I can do for you?” She smiled, sitting on a stool in front of me. As I raised my leg resting my foot on her knee, she ran her hands over my ankle softly. I winced as she moved my ankle awkwardly.

“So, Miss, I take it you're not from here. Is that a Texan accent I can detect?” I smiled my trademark crooked smile. She looked up from my ankle, smiling back at me as she locked eyes with me.

“You have a good ear, Mr Townsend. You can call me Becca, tell me, when you got this injury, was alcohol involved? What did you do when it happened?” Her smile was charming as she looked at me.

“In that case, call me Greg. There was a lot of alcohol the night before. When it happened I sat down for a push before getting right back into it. After we got back to the cam I used some deep freeze gel, strapped my ankle up and popped a couple over-the-counter pain pills. Afterwards, I went to the group and started to drink again,” I chuckled, half expecting a telling off as her fingers almost caressed my ankle, her fingers dancing along my joint.

“Well, Greg, there isn’t an easy fix for your ankle. There are exercises for you to do at home and I can always give you more appointments with me to help strengthen the ankle.” She seemed to blush as she talked to me.

“How often can the appointments be?”

“Weekly if you would like, maybe after hours if I need to fit you in.” By now she was full-on blushing as she looked at me.

“I would love to see you more, would it be inappropriate for me to give you my mobile number?” I took my phone out slowly, hopefully.

“How about we meet in the British Lion at six tonight so we can get to know each other a bit better outside of a clinical setting?”

“Deal, and I will bring food for us to have, okay?” I replied as she put my foot down. She quickly handed me a brochure detailing the exercises I needed to do to help my ankle get stronger. Thanking her, I instinctively kissed her cheek before leaving and going home, smiling broadly as I noticed the blush she had after the kiss.

At home, I took my time working through the exercises, while wracking my brain as to what takeaway I should buy to impress the Texan that had caught my eye. As I showered I took my time, making sure I was fully presentable and clean as I thought about my boldness with Becca today. My mind went to thinking of Becca and fantasising about having her naked with me in the shower.

As I imagined my hands roving over her naked body my cock hardened, my left hand moving instinctively to grasp my throbbing member. My hand moved slowly as I pictured her perfect breasts in my hands as we kissed. A moan escaped my lips as I twisted my hand around my shaft, rapidly moving up and down as my body screamed for an orgasm. My other hand cupped my balls, caressing them and squeezing gently. The hot water pounding against my body and lubricating my cock allowed my hands to glide easily and smoothly along my shaft and balls.

Each movement of my hand increased my pleasure, my moans increasing as I lost myself in the fantasy of the Texan beauty being with me. I could see her in my mind kneeling in the shower, sucking on my cock lovingly. Her hands, caressing my thighs as her head twists and bobs along my shaft. My imagination was so vivid I could almost feel her sucking me, my cock throbbing wildly as my orgasm built deep within me. Gasping as I lost control, my seed spurting out of me, landing near the lug hole, swirling down the drain. I quickly finished my shower, drying myself off before going to my room to get dressed.

I chose a pale blue shirt and a pair of smart dark blue jeans; to finish my ensemble, I wore a red tie. Taking my smart black coat, I felt my nerves building, wondering if she would like me. I went and ordered a large meat feast pizza with extra sausage and pepperoni as well as a side of chicken wings and chocolate cookies. As I waited for my order to be made, I checked the time; seeing that it was nearly time to meet her, I looked out the window across the road to the pub, hoping to see her. My food was finished and I hadn’t seen her, so I hurried across the road, checking the bear garden first before entering the bar. My heart sank slightly as I failed to see her in either place.

I ordered myself a pint from the number four pump (the strongest of the four and my standard order) before striking up a conversation with the bar staff. I looked at the clock as I downed my pint, realising that I had been early; it was only just a minute till we were meant to meet. The front door opened, drawing my eyes to it. I smiled as she walked in. Her hair had loose curls at the bottom; her face had a hint of makeup exaggerating her natural beauty. Her shy smile was captivating as her eyes sparkled. She was wearing a cute form-fitting red blouse that was slightly sheer on the arms. She had on cute black jeans that were tight enough to show off her curves and shapely rear. She was wearing a well-worn pair of Converse; clearly, it was an element to help her dealing with nerves.

I waved at her, standing up off the stool, hugging her softly as she got to me. We lingered in each other's arms, both feeling so at home and at ease. I was the first to break the hug, turning to the bar.

“What would you like to drink, Becca?” I asked, looking at the bottles behind the bar.

“A whiskey neat, please, which would you suggest?” Her voice was shy as she put her trust in my judgement.

“Could I have a pint of number four and a double Glenfiddich straight, please?” I asked the barmaid, handing over my money at the same time. “We will be sitting out in the beer garden so we can eat. I hope you like meat feast pizza.”

“Ohhh, my favourite, I love meat, I hope you got extra sausage.” Becca giggled and winked at me as our drinks were placed before us.

“I did get extra sausage, I had a feeling you liked sausage,” I replied cheekily, blushing a deep crimson. She nudged me with her shoulder before picking up our drinks. I led her out of the side door and around to the heated outdoor area, placing our food down as I sat on a stool. Becca sat opposite me as I opened the boxes, revealing the pizza and the dippers, leaving the cookies for a surprise. We each dug in, being restrained as we did, trying not to put the other off by being too eager with eating. We talked about our childhoods and our educations; I was fascinated by her studying abroad for a semester and her travelling. In return, she was fascinated about my time in Kenya. As soon as we had broken the ice, our conversation flowed as if we were lifelong friends.

“So, Becca, why are you working here in Britain? What brought you to work in this rain-wracked isle?” I asked with a smile on my lips.

“Well, before I settle I thought would see the world a little more, immerse myself in a new place.” Becca blushed slightly as she partially winked. I downed the last of my beer as our food was done, just the warm chocolate cookies left to have. With a dramatic flourish, I opened the cookies with a Ta-Da. She grinned, picking up a cookie and digging in; smiling, I copied her.

“My favourite, Greg, thank you for getting the meal spot on for me.” She smiled warmly and genuinely at me. I ate my cookies slowly, blushing at the perceived compliment from her.

“Well, I thought, who doesn’t like chocolate and cookies. It was a pretty safe guess. Would you like another drink?” I spoke with a happy lilt, finding that the ease of this conversation and being with Becca made everything seem perfect and natural.

“I would love another drink, but not here. Walk me to mine and we can watch a film too?” She shyly asked, downing the last of her drink.

“If I wouldn’t be imposing, I would love that.” I stood, putting the food boxes into the bin, before picking up the empty glasses. “I’ll just take these in and we can go.” I left quickly, putting the empty glasses on the bar, saying my goodbyes to the barmaid. As I left the side door, Becca was waiting for me. I linked my arms with her, kissing her cheek softly before letting her lead me to her place. She was living in a nice little one-bedroom house near where I was living. She left me in, leading me to the living room as she went to the kitchen. I sat, making myself comfortable as I looked around.

“What would you like to drink? I have Jack Daniels, vodka, pineapple juice, Dr Pepper or water?” She called to me from the kitchen.

“A Dr Pepper would be nice, thank you. I want to remember this night and every moment with you,” I replied, watching her in the kitchen, I watched as she bent over to get the cans of Dr Pepper from her fridge, her ass pointed directly towards me. I licked my lips as my shower thoughts came back to me. To distract myself I put on the TV. switching to Netflix. “What would you like to watch? Deadpool? Just Like Heaven?”

“Ohh. Just Like Heaven first, I think.” She sat by me, handing me a can. I started the film before opening the can and sipping the drink. We slowly sipped our drinks, just generally chatting as the film progressed as a nervous energy floated around us both. I put my arm around her as she leant against me. As the film progressed I reached out gently, taking her chin, turning her to face me and kissing her on the lips softly. Slowly the kiss became more passionate as our hands started to caress each other's bodies. Slowly I started to strip her, taking my time, giving her the option to stop me at any point. As I removed her blouse I kissed her neck, moving my kisses down towards bra-covered breasts.

I slowly removed her bra before snaking my hands down and tugging her trousers off, as I sucked on her nipples softly in turn. She moaned softly as she shimmied out of her trousers and panties, my fingertips caressing her slit softly. Rubbing her clit slowly, I kissed her neck as my fingers teased her, causing her to writhe in pleasure. Winking, I kissed down her body rapidly, leaving soft little kisses all over her body till I reached her clit. Moving my hands, I planted a kiss on her clit. Sucking on her clit, I rapidly flicked my tongue across her clit.

She moaned softly as I started my oral assault of her sinfully tasty pussy. My tongue plunged deep into her pussy searching for sensitive spots. My hands glided across her flesh as they moved to her heavenly breasts. Caressing her breasts, I locked eyes with her, starting to wriggle and curl my tongue inside of her, increasing the pleasure I was giving her. Her eyes glazed in pleasure as she watched me, my fingers softly pinching and tweaking her nipples. Her moans were like music to me as her taste on my tongue drove me wild, my tongue moving frantically deep inside her. I moved my tongue in circles with my tongue tip caressing many, many sensitive spots, my tongue tip flicking across them rapidly. Her body writhed under my attentions as her moans became erratic as her orgasm built in intensity, washing over her like a powerful tsunami as she screamed in pleasure.

Pulling back, I smiled at her. Standing at my full height, I started to strip, taking my time to let her appreciate my naked form; my cock was hard, standing proudly out from my body. Her eyes glinted as she took in my naked form, her legs spread subconsciously as her pussy craved more of my touch. I moved closer to her, kissing her deeply as we both knew exactly what we wanted, my cockhead sliding along her slit as her arms wrapped around me. I gasped as I pushed slowly into her warm, tight embrace. The pleasure of her tight embrace caused me to shut my eyes; her pussy was the tightest I had had so far. I held still deep in her, just enjoying the feel of being in her.

Slowly I pulled out, feeling her pussy clamp tightly trying to keep me in her. I stopped with just my head in her pussy. Our tongues danced as I drove my cock deep into her, feeling every bump and ridge in her, searching for her sensitive spots to nail. Feeling her body shudder and hearing her whimper as my cock head hit different spots allowed me to start focusing on those spots. Breaking the kiss, Becca moaned loudly in pleasure as she subconsciously gyrated her hips in time with my thrusts.

Her legs wrapped around me, locking her ankles together with her heels digging into my ass. I gasped loudly as she clamped tightly on me, rhythmically relaxing and clamping around my thick thrusting shaft. My balls slapped against her as we moved together as one in perfect time and unison; instinctively we were seemingly of one mind, knowing each other's desires and buttons to push to set each other off. Her hands gripped my hair tightly as I moved my kisses to her neck, letting my teeth graze her neck softly before biting gently and leaving a faint mark. My cock started to throb as our movements became more erratic and desperate. Both of our orgasms built in tandem, my hands caressing her heavenly breasts, squeezing and caressing them. I gently pinched her nipples as I drove my cockhead into a sensitive spot, causing her to tighten incredibly tightly on me as she screamed in orgasm. With one final thrust, I moaned loudly in orgasm as my seed flooded her perfect tight pussy, filling it.

“Fuck, that was good,” she panted with a grin plastered on her face. “It's like you know my body perfectly."

“Well, your body fits mine perfectly, you feel so good with me,” I grinned back at her. Kissing her again I pulled out slowly, sitting by her, kissing her cheek. Our breathing slowed as we relaxed and climbed down from our orgasms. She climbed on my lap, straddling my lap as we kissed passionately. My cock hardened under her as our tongues danced and our hands caressed and explored every inch of each other's bodies. Her eyes sparkled mischievously as she kissed along my jaw. She slid off my lap, kneeling between my legs.

Smiling, she grasped my cock, stroking it slowly, watching my foreskin cover my head before revealing it. She licked her lips as she leant down, licking a long stripe from the base to the head of my cock. My cock twitched as she licked me again, this time swirling her tongue around my cock head. She sucked hard on my cock head as her hand stroked my cock slowly. I moaned loudly as I watched her sucking my cock. Without warning, she moved her hand to my balls, plunging her head down and taking my cock fully into her mouth, deep-throating me. My cockhead was hitting her throat as she moved rapidly; the sounds were obscene and extremely arousing as they filled the air.

As she moved faster and deeper on my cock I found my hips started to buck as the pleasure built within me. Both my hands moved to her hair, gripping tightly as she caressed my balls, rolling them in her palm. My moans filled the air as I started to lose control. As her tongue wriggled around the base of my shaft, I started to throb. Sensing that I was getting close, she stopped deep-throating me, wanting to taste my cum. I gasped loudly as I lost control, my seed filling her mouth as my eyes shut, letting the pleasure flood over me. She waited till all of my cum was pooled in her mouth and my eyes were open. She opened her mouth, showing me my cum in her mouth before she swallowed and showed me that her mouth was empty. She climbed onto my lap and kissed me deeply.

“So you and I, are we dating now?” I asked quietly, hopefully.

“Of course, if you want me.” She smiled, looking into my eyes.

“We are dating them, my Texan Rose.” I kissed her softly.

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Written by RosePrince
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