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"'Fuck me if I wasn't at work, in a car park, with a virtually naked woman...'"

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This is the story of a recent sexual experience I had, that was rather unusual because it happened with a total stranger, and while I was at work. I work as a mountain ranger, which probably sounds more exciting than it actually is, for the most part. There's an occasional dramatic rescue effort, but usually, the job involves far more mundane activities, like litter picking, monitoring the condition of paths, and, as my patch includes a popular peak in a national park, crowd control. I've lost count of the number of times I've had to tell idiots not to attempt to climb to the summit in flip-flops. The overall idea is to not have to rescue people. Still, idiots notwithstanding, it's usually good to be outdoors, and on the whole, I enjoy my job. I know I'm very lucky to be able to spend all my time in the hills I've loved ever since I was a boy, when so many of those I grew up with have had to move away to find work.

The day in question was a grey and dampish Thursday in November, and for once the route up the mountain was pretty quiet. In the early afternoon, I was making a note of the work needed to repair a damaged bit of fence, when one of the few people I'd seen so far that day appeared around a bend in the path. She was a dark-haired woman, who at fifty yards' distance looked to be a little younger than me, and with her, she had a lurcher-y sort of dog, probably a whippet cross, that was running free ahead of her. Apparently, she was one of the most common types of idiot that I encounter, the leash-averse dog owner.

Uncontrolled dogs are a problem for two reasons. Firstly, the lower slopes of the mountain have sheep grazing on them, and secondly, as the path gets narrower and steeper and rockier higher up, an unpredictable animal running loose or getting into scraps with other dogs might just trip someone over, who could potentially hurt themselves and be unable to get off the mountain unaided, in a worst case scenario. Signs in the parking areas clearly state that dogs must be kept on leads, but people either don't read them, or more likely think that their particular four-legged friend should be exempt from the rules.

The lurcher ran up to me, sniffed my boot briefly, and bounded off again. "Your dog needs to be on a leash, please," I called to the approaching owner. "There's a notice up in the car park."

"Sorry, didn't see," she called back. (They never do, apparently). "Lola! LOLA! Come here!" Evidently, Lola was the hound's name, although she appeared not to register it, and continued running around and sniffing at things. Luckily I carry the appropriate gear for this situation - a bag of dog treats in my jacket pocket.

"Will she come for a biscuit?" I asked the woman, as she drew level with me. Always best to check; don't want someone getting hysterical because I gave their precious fur-baby something it wasn't allowed to have.

"LOLA, BISCUIT!" she yelled. The B-word had the desired effect, and in short order, Lola was back, and wolfing down her treat.

"Just make sure you keep her under control, please," I admonished, as the woman clipped a leash to the dog's collar.

"Will, do, sorry, again!" They headed off up the track.


Later, at just after four, when the winter darkness was already starting to close in, I had arrived back at the car park where I intended to wait for the last visitors to leave so that I could put down the barrier to keep out the more unsavory sorts who would otherwise congregate there after nightfall. Just then, a familiar dog careered past me, followed by shouts of, "Lola! LOLA!!"

"Biscuit!" I called, and back Lola came, skidding to a halt in front of me. I fed her the treat and fussed her while I waited for her owner.

"Sorry, I didn't think it mattered this close to the car park," her owner said when she caught up. The leash was in her hand.

"Come over to my Land Rover, please." I tried to sound stern. I intended to give the woman a brief lecture, and a leaflet from a bundle of them I had in the Landy, about the importance of being a responsible park visitor.

"You're not going to fine me, are you?" she asked, sounding worried, as we approached the vehicle.

"No, we don't issue fines! But maybe I should spank you, instead!"

Oh no. Why the fuck had I said that? The idea had just appeared in my mind, unbidden, and the words had popped out of my mouth before I could stop them. "Sorry, sorry, terrible joke," I said, holding up my hands in a pacifying gesture. I'd have to give the lecture a miss, now. I'd be lucky if she didn't make a complaint.

The woman said, quietly, "Maybe you should."

Had I heard that right? I had expected her to tell me I was a depraved pervert, or, at best, laugh. She must be winding me up. "Pardon?"

"I think you should," she repeated. Her eyes, previously downcast, met mine. Something in them, some glint, told me she wasn't joking.

I regarded her properly for the first time. They say that people often look like their dogs, and it was certainly true in this case. Both woman and lurcher had a long nose, big, dark, expressive eyes, and a nervous, skittish air about them, as though they might up and bolt at the slightest provocation. On the evidence so far, both were similarly torn between the desire to be good girls, and the urge to run wild. A slightly submissive demeanor and a flash of mischief in liquid eyes, in the dog, were merely endearing qualities. In the woman, though...

Surreal as the situation had suddenly become, I felt my cock harden. It had been a long time since I'd spanked anyone. It had been a long time since I'd anythinged anyone, come to that. I'd been single for the previous eight months, and the couple of dates I'd been on in that time hadn't gotten further than the restaurant before fizzling out for lack of chemistry.

Torn between sudden lust, and fears for my job if I was caught molesting a member of the public (even if she was willing), I quickly ran through some mental risk assessments. I knew for a fact that the CCTV system that watched over this car park wasn't working, as I'd reported the fault myself this morning. It would be several days, at least, before the park authority got around to fixing it. A couple of cars had just left, and now there was only one car still parked, presumably hers. I could lock the barrier to stop anyone else coming in and disturbing us. I made my decision.

"Yes, I will have to spank you," I replied, trying to sound authoritative rather than excited, and scarcely believing I was saying the words. What the hell was I about to do?

I secured the barrier, promising that I would open it again afterwards to let her out, and she put Lola in her car. Then I opened the passenger door of the Land Rover. "Bend over the seat," I instructed.

She leaned into the vehicle, pushing her bum out, and pulling down her trousers as she did so, revealing pink floral cotton knickers. This was getting better and better! I'd only thought to spank her through her clothes, not really daring to hope for more. I wondered if I was perhaps having a particularly vivid, lucid dream. If so, it was certainly one of my unconscious mind's better efforts. Having got this far, I decided to see how much further I could push things.

"You'll have to take your knickers down, as well," I said, and amazingly she did, without so much as a whimper of protest, exposing full, firm, rounded buttocks, and a flash of pussy. It certainly seemed to be my lucky day. I tugged at the waistband of my trousers, trying to create more space for my, by now, extremely firm erection, and positioned myself to her left, so that my right hand could make the most effective contact with her delightfully wide and convex bottom.

I raised my arm and brought my hand down for the first time, landing with a SMACK on her right cheek, causing a satisfying wobble of flesh, and a small "Oo!" sound from the woman. Still, I was aware that I had pulled back a little, for that first blow. I brought my hand down again, harder.



I stepped back ever so slightly so that the next couple of blows would land on her left buttock. Having embraced the situation, I wanted to make the most of this rather unusual opportunity and guessed that by alternating between sides, she'd be able to tolerate being spanked for longer.

SMACK! SMACK! went my hand on her left buttock, eliciting another "Oo!"

Right side again. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! I took a moment to admire my handiwork. Her right cheek was now looking gratifyingly pink. Time to make the left cheek match.


I swear I didn't mean to do this, but on the last smack, that landed really more on the top of her thigh than her buttock, my hand strayed a little further between her legs than I'd intended. My fingertips brushed her pussy. "Sorry!" I pulled my hand away and stepped back quickly. She had encouraged me to spank her, and had let me do it on her bare backside, but I didn't know whether that was as far as this went. "You can go now, if you want to."

She looked over her shoulder at me, that naughty glint appearing in her eyes again. "I've been careless and I need to be punished," she said. She turned her head back to face away from me, and pushed out her arse. Clearly the kinky little minx wanted more.

SMACK! SMACK! My hand strayed again, deliberately this time. My fingers found wetness, and her gorgeous bottom wiggled slightly to bring more of her pussy into contact with my digits. She let out a little "Mmm" sound.

SMACK! Stroke. SMACK! Stroke. SMACK! Stroke, my fingers lingering longer on her labia each time. She widened her stance slightly so that her pussy lips parted. Oh, she wanted it alright.

SMACK! Fingertips entering her now. She was practically dripping, she was so wet. With my left hand, I managed to undo my trousers and release my straining cock. I started to rub myself. SMACK! I pushed my index and middle finger inside her, and my thumb rubbed her arsehole.

"You're a very naughty girl," I said. "One who can't be trusted to keep her dog under control." My fingers worked in and out of her pussy while my other hand pumped my swollen cock. "I'm going to have to teach you a lesson."

"Mmmm, oh, yes!"

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I withdrew my fingers and gave her a couple more smacks on her lovely backside, all the while stroking myself. "You want it?"

"YES! ... But don't cum in me."

"I won't."

I positioned myself behind her, and after rubbing the tip of my cock up and down her slit a few times, plunged into her hot, slippery depths. Her tight, soaking-wet pussy sucked me in until I was buried to the hilt. She gave out a long "Ohhhhhhhh," and then another one after I pulled nearly all the way back out, and plunged back in for a second time. I took hold of her hips and started to thrust in earnest. Fuck, it felt good. She thought so too, judging by the noises she was making.

It wasn't long before I felt like I was about to cum, hardly surprising when it had been eight months since I'd been inside a woman. I'd masturbated, of course, but it wasn't the same. I pulled out just in time, and covered her beautiful arse with a spray of semen, and another, and another.

Despite this entrancing sight, once I'd recovered from my climax I was disappointed that I hadn't lasted long enough for her to cum as well. I hoped I could rectify that later - the gorgeous little slut had certainly given me a good time, and I wanted to repay her in kind. First, though, I had another idea. I didn't know if she'd go for it, but I had a hunch she might. There was only one way to find out.

After doing up my trousers, I reached over her into the well in the passenger door, and pulled out a collar and leash. I keep them in the Landy for my cousin's dog, a particularly dense and solid chocolate lab, that I sometimes walk when my cousin is at work. My cousin, dare I say it, is another idiot who is averse to putting his dog on a leash, or even in a collar, and has been known to drop doggy off at mine without. If any dog could blunder into someone and knock them over, his dozy mutt could, so I keep the necessary on hand.

She straightened up and turned to face me, her trousers and knickers still around her ankles. We were standing about as close as we could be to each other without touching, a situation that curiously felt rather more intimate than sticking my cock into her from behind. I looked into her eyes, then after a beat or two, said, "I need to teach you the proper use of a collar and leash, OK?" I jangled the metal links of the lead for emphasis. I hoped she would cotton on to what I meant, and clearly consent to it.

That naughty flash appeared again in her dark eyes, then she looked down and smiled mischievously, and answered, "OK."

"Take your clothes off." I didn't know if she'd comply, but I'd got her out of her knickers easily enough and had a hankering to see if her tits were as gorgeous as her arse. I moved back a little, to give her room.

"OK," she said again, and took off her jacket, then pulled her jumper and teeshirt over her head in one. She wasn't wearing a bra. Her tits were pretty nice, not as spectacular as her bum, but medium-sized, firm, and round, with small dark nipples that puckered in the cool air. I crouched down and helped her get her trousers and knickers off over her hiking boots, which she kept on. With my nose at the level of her pussy I could smell her arousal. Fuck me if I wasn't at work, in a car park, with a virtually naked woman, a stranger, who had just let me spank her and fuck her, and who was about to let me put her in a collar and leash. Despite my recent orgasm, I was fully hard again, the crotch of my trousers straining against my erection.

I stood up and placed the collar around her throat and did it up. It was a good fit, although the tag saying 'Buster' wasn't all that appropriate - but no matter. I clipped on the leash.

"Disobedient girls like you need to be brought to heel," I said, hoping she would like this sort of talk. "Walk ahead of me over to that sign. Not too fast." I pointed at a sign near to the edge of the parking area, where the footpath started.

She walked over to the sign with me following behind holding the leash. Fuck, she had a lovely arse. "Stop," I instructed when we got there. "Read the sign to me."

"All dogs must be kept on a lead," she read out loud, in a sing-song voice.

"That's right. Only you ignored it, which is why you are now on a leash yourself. It seems like it's the only way you'll learn." To be honest I felt kind of silly saying this, but thought I needed to say something to justify what I - we - were doing. The silliness didn't seem to dampen my arousal. She may have thought it was silly, too, as she giggled a bit.

"Oh, so you think it's funny, do you? Come on, naughty girl. Walk."

We set off round the edge of the car park, her walking slightly ahead of me, me holding the leash. I aimed swats at her backside with my free hand, which were rather ineffectual from the angle I had, but it seemed like the right thing to do. Whenever she started to walk too fast I said, "Heel," and she would slow up until I nearly drew level with her, then set off again. Slowly we made our way around the perimeter of the parking area. As we passed the woman's car, Lola stood up in the passenger seat, her big eyes on us. Whether she was wondering what on earth was going on, or was simply hoping for another biscuit from my jacket pocket, I had no way of knowing.

Just as we drew level with the locked barrier, we were suddenly lit up by headlights as a car pulled in off the road, the driver perhaps not realising they couldn't get in, or else simply intending to use the car park entrance to do a U-turn. I froze, knowing that we were in full view in the glare of the lights, and I prayed it wasn't anyone local who recognised me. The woman stopped walking, but made no move to cover herself in any way, I noticed.

"Oops," she said, giggling again, as the car rapidly reversed and drove off. "Someone's just got themselves a good story to dine out on! Maybe I'd better get dressed now, though. I am fucking freezing."

We made our way back to the Landy and she took off the collar, and put her tee shirt and jumper on.

"Don't dress your lower half," I said, trying to regain control of the situation. Had I ever really been in control of it? I indicated for her to get in the Landy's cab. "Sit in the middle seat so I can lean in to you, and spread your legs. I'm going to make you cum."

"Well, there's an offer I can't refuse!"

She climbed into the vehicle, and I paused for a moment to appreciate the view of her, one foot in the footwell, the other up on the seat, displaying her pretty cunt for me in the glow of the cab light, then leaned in after her and started to kiss and caress her inner thighs, working my way upwards, before licking up and down her labia, eliciting some moans and gasps.

I worked my tongue into her pussy, appreciating the taste of her, then applied my tongue to her clit, curling my fingers inside her to stimulate her G spot. Her squirming, and the little incoherent noises she made as I pleasured her, were delightful. Soon enough the noises got louder, and with a series of shudders, her pussy contracting round my fingers, she came.

I raised my head from between her thighs and looked up at her, and she looked down at me, and we both just burst out laughing hysterically, the need for release after the intensity and weirdness of everything that had just happened between us, a pair of complete strangers, rendering us completely helpless with mirth.

"Well, that was fun," she eventually managed to say, wiping tears from her eyes, adding, "I don't usually do things like that. Well, never, in fact. At least, not with people I don't already know."

I had no idea if her last comment was serious, but maybe it explained a few things. "All in a day's work, for a ranger," I quipped. This set us off again.

Eventually, we got ourselves under control. After she had got back into her knickers and trousers we swapped names, and had a bit of a snog, and joked about how we'd done everything in the wrong order. We didn't exchange numbers as she said she was with someone. Then I unlocked the barrier, and she drove away.

I was still really horny, so I sat in the Landy and had a wank, and thought about her arse, and the taste of her cunt, and wondered if I would ever see her again. Probably not, she didn't sound local, and the area attracted a lot of day trippers, and even as late as November, still a few hardy holidaymakers. Ah well. At least I had something new to masturbate over.


A few weeks later, though, I did see her. It was a chilly but bright morning, the Winter Solstice, and I had parked up in another car park on the other side of the mountain, and was about to head up into the hills for the day. A car arrived, and I looked over to see that it was her getting out. I was both pleased and slightly disappointed to note that, this time, Lola was securely under control in a harness.

She waved, and walked over to me. When she got close, she put her hand in her pocket, and then drew it back out again. As she did so, a wrapper from a chocolate bar was pulled out, and fluttered to the ground. I wasn't sure if it was an accident at first, but her slight smirk, and the glint in her eyes as they met mine, told me she'd engineered it to happen.

There were a fair few people around on this sunny morning, but this car park had what was rather grandly called a 'visitor information centre' - basically a porta-cabin with a few display boards giving facts about the geology and ecology of the area. It was currently locked up, closed for refurbishment over the winter, but I had a key.

"Pick that up," I said, indicating the chocolate wrapper. "You'll have to come with me. We take littering extremely seriously." I reached into the Landy to grab the collar and leash, and stuffed them in the pocket of my fleece.

As we walked over to the porta-cabin, I pondered which of the waist-height, angled display boards I would bend her over to spank her, and then bang her doggy-style, as I tugged on her leash. I didn't know if she would have any interest in geology, but she obviously liked animals, as she had a dog, so perhaps the one with the pine martens might appeal to her. I hoped I was right. As a ranger, I take pride in helping to provide the best possible visitor experience. All in a day's work.

Written by RubyG
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