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Nurse Kate

"A nurse fantasy"

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Author's Notes

"You never know what can happen at night in a hospital!"

I really did it this time. I had been with some friends having a good time while out doing some rock climbing. We all started getting cocky in our “hold my beer and watch this” type moments. Not the brightest thing to do when you’re climbing the face of a rock wall. Granted, it wasn’t anything world class, but a rock face none the less.

 Well, my dumb ass self wasn’t paying attention and didn’t have my rope in correctly and when my foot slipped while I was reaching for a hand hold, I fell 10 feet to the ground, breaking both my wrists. Thankfully that’s all that was hurt, other than my pride.

Surgery was required to fix both wrists. Since I was single, I didn’t have anyone at home to help me do the things that were necessary. The three S’s if you will (shit, shave, and shower). This meant that I would need to stay in a longer-term care type facility until I was able to gain back the use of my hands.

The first few days were uncomfortable and frustrating as I learned just how much I couldn’t do without the use of my hands. Texting friends and surfing the internet on my phone was out of the question as the casts and swelling didn’t allow for much finger movement. This meant my only entertainment was some crappy cable tv in the hospital and people watching. Sure, my friends came to visit after surgery here and there. But an hour here and there leaves most of the day fending for myself.

Sure, I could go walking around as my legs weren’t broken. But I quickly found out how much I needed my hands to do a lot of the things I’d like to do. So, I tended to stick around my room instead of getting too adventurous.

Nighttime was the worst as I’ve always had difficulty falling asleep in new places. At home when I had troubles falling asleep, I could just bring up a dirty story on or watch some porn on my phone, rub one out, and be asleep within minutes. But obviously I couldn’t do that in this situation. I just had to deal with it.

On my third night there, I happened to see a nurse walking by in the hallway a few times and really caught my attention. She was a dark-haired beauty with hair just past her shoulders. She was light tanned and wore dark rimmed glasses. She had pretty, pink lips that framed nice white teeth. I would guess that she was about 5’5” with an athletic build. Her navy-blue scrubs were loose fitting, so it was difficult to gauge much of her body. Not that her body mattered much to me. It was her smile and the little dimples she had that really caught my attention. Her butt did look really nice and fit though in her scrub pants.

After about an hour of her walking back and forth she finally stopped in my room to check in on me and introduce herself. She told me her name was Kate and that she had been on days off. This was her first night back on the floor, so she wanted to come say hello since she saw that I was still awake. I told her my name and we exchanged words for about 5 minutes before she had to move on. That was enough for me and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

The next day I woke with a huge smile and couldn’t wait for night so I could hopefully chat with nurse Kate again. The day drug on and I tried to take a nap so that I could stay awake longer that night to talk to Kate more.  The night shift finally started and after a few minutes, Kate popped her head in to say hi and see how I was doing.

I told her, “I’m doing well, just bored.”

She frowned a bit and said “OK, if you’re still awake when I get done making my rounds, I’ll stop in and chat.”

Well, I sure wasn’t going to turn that down! I wasn’t tired anyway, so staying awake was easy. About 30 minutes later she popped her head in the door with that gorgeous smile of hers and asked me, “are you busy or still bored?”

I told her “Not at all, come on in and have a seat!” I apologized for not doing the gentlemanly thing and pulling her chair out for her as I gestured toward my hands.

She had this sweet laugh about it and said, “That’s ok, I’ll let it slide this time” and then followed that with a little wink.

We talked off and on for over an hour with her having to get up a couple times to go check on others. We found we had a lot in common. Not everything of course, but still quite a bit. We had similar tastes in music, both enjoyed doing physical activities and when I shared the story of how I broke my wrists, she said she also enjoyed rock climbing but tended to do it on indoor walls instead of the real thing.

What really threw me for a loop though was when she told me her age. For the life of me, I would have sworn she was early to mid-30s. Turned out she was a couple years older than my 40, at 42 years young.  Up close, I noticed that she had light brown eyes, and when the light hit them just right, they almost had a goldish color to them. They were very captivating.

She didn’t have any earrings in and told me she didn’t have any tattoos as she was afraid of needles. I made sure to point out the irony of a nurse not liking needles, to which she rolled her eyes. I’m sure she’d heard it a few times before, but I couldn’t help myself. 

Kate said, “I prefer to be on the giving end over receiving” and winked as she said it.

I’m sure I flushed a bit after she said that as I wasn’t expecting that. I’m not used to being flirted with, so it was unfamiliar territory for me.

She stood up and said she had to go do work stuff and would see me the next day. Her comment about giving over receiving really got my blood flowing to all the right places. It had been 6 months since my last sexual encounter and had resorted to taking care of myself at least three to five times a week. So, having been stuck in this facility without the use of my hands for the last 6 days really made me feel backed up!

I woke up the next morning with a giant hard on. I had dreamt about Kate’s lips wrapped around my cock and my hands wrapped in her hair.  Fucking her mouth up and down on me until I blew my load down her throat. Of course, it was a dream, so I didn’t have casts on my hands.

I swear I could still smell Kate in the room. There were hints of honey, lavender, and vanilla lingering in the air. It made me smile and I hoped it would stay there all day.

When the night shift started again that night, Kate popped her head in and said with a smile that could melt the polar caps, “I’ll be right over once I make my rounds.”

I had the tv on more for background noise than anything as it blocked out the sounds of the facility. When Kate walked in a few minutes later she just pulled up a chair and sat next to me.

Jokingly, she quipped, “Don’t worry, I’ll get my chair yet again,” in reference to my gentleman comment the previous night.

We both got a laugh from that one. We got to learn more about each other over the next 30-45 minutes or so and then both just started watching the movie that was on the TV. Not feeling like we needed to talk at that moment. Suddenly, there was a scene with two very scantily clad women with their hard nipples poking through their tops. With my hands in casts and my inability to take matters into my own hands the last few days, it didn’t take long until my hardon was tenting the bed sheet. I’m not huge by any means. Only an average six inches long and slightly more girthy than average. But there was no mistaking that I had a boner.

I started getting fidgety and tried to sit up more to try and hide my condition. But that only seemed to draw Kate’s attention to me. I saw her head turn slightly in my direction and a small smirk in the corner of her mouth.

She turned to me and said with a devilish look, “You feeling ok?”

Knowing that I was caught, and nothing was going to make me less embarrassed I decided to just spill the truth about the dry spell I had been on the last 6 months and how much I tended to take care of myself throughout the week.

Kate responded with, “Well then, you must really be feeling backed up!” To which I confirmed with a vigorous up and down head nod.

She looked back over her shoulder, out the door, as if to check if anyone was looking. Then raised her left arm and set her hand right on the top of my tented sheet. She gave my hard cock a light squeeze and it made my hardon jerk in her hand. It felt so amazing to have someone touching me. My eyes closed from the pleasurable sensations I was feeling. It was like there was an electric current running between her hand and my cock!

When I was able to open my eyes again, I looked up at her and she was staring down at her hand stroking my cock with this sexy little lip bite on her lower lip. I couldn’t do a lot with my hands, but the fingertips were exposed. I started to raise my left hand from my side and put it on her ass as she stood to my left side. What I felt certainly didn’t disappoint. It was very firm to the touch. She looked at me and gave me a head nod to confirm it was ok that I was touching her.

I got more confident, continuing to raise my arm up and over the small of her back, up her side getting closer to her breasts. As my hand reached her right breast, she let out a small gasp. I did too as it felt a lot bigger than her navy-blue colored top let on. I stroked the side and lower portion of her breast. Trying to get a feel for its size. The backs of my fingertips started brushing over her nipple and I could feel it start to harden under my touch. I could see her breathing start to increase in rate the more I touched her breast.

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To my dismay, she suddenly took her hand off my cock and started walking towards the door. I was worried she was going to leave. But she poked her head out the door to make sure nobody was out there looking for her. When she turned back around to face me, she had the sexiest smirk on her face and started walking back towards me. There was a privacy screen hanging by the bed that she pulled to block us off from the hallway.

She crossed her arms in front of her with her hands and the bottom hem of her top and proceeded to pull her top up and off her body. I gasped at seeing her breasts in her sports bra. It was a simple Calvin Klein cotton number, in a royal blue color. I could see her nipples poking through the bra and it made my cock even harder. She had a very athletic look to her and I definitely loved what I saw!

She saw my cock bounce under the sheet as she took her top off. With another smirk, she took her bra off. Her 38D breasts, natural I could tell from the slight movements they made, and the pink nipples that looked like they maybe had just a bit too much sun made my mouth and cock both drool copious amounts.

Kate asked, “Like what you see?”

With my blood fueling my other brain, the best I could respond with was, “Uh huh” and a quick nod up and down of my head.

She walked up to me and pulled my sheet down, exposing my hard cock to the cool air. My shaft was coated in precum from her previous stroking. As she did this, she lowered her chest towards my mouth so I could take a nipple between my lips.

I could taste the honey and vanilla of her soap as my tongue traced its way around her nipple. Feeling it harden between my lips as I also gently sucked on it. My left arm was around her, resting on her firm ass cheeks. I was trying to squeeze it to the best of my ability. I must’ve been doing something right because she started moaning from my touch and her left arm started stroking my cock faster.

Kate said, “Oh my God! I’m usually not a big fan of nipple play, but this feels amazing!”

The more I sucked on her nipple and played with her ass, another scent started to fill the air. Her arousal was starting to permeate my nostrils and it only made me want to touch and taste more of her.

I told her, “If you keep doing that, I’m going to make a mess all over both of us.”

Kate replied, “Well, we don’t want that do we?!”

She pulled her nipple from my mouth, and before I could say anything, she had her lips on my cock and sinking to the base. She didn’t stop until her nose was on my pubic bone. Her hand started to fondle my ball sack and her head bobbed up and down. When her head would be all the way down, her tongue would stick out and graze that area where my cock joined my sack. At the top, she would swirl her tongue around my red crown. Knowing the hallway door was still open, I knew I had to keep it down. Even though I wanted to grunt, groan, and growl in pleasure.

I said, “I’m going to cum!”

She responded by shoving her head all the way down as I started to shoot my first cum in almost a week into her throat. I could see her smiling as I shot jet after jet into her throat. She continued sucking until I could cum no more. On her way up my shaft, she made sure to get any cum she may have missed. When she got to the tip, she gave me a gentle kiss and looked up at me with a sexy smile on her face.

After a few moments of catching my breath from what was one of the best blowjobs I had ever had, I said to her, “I want to return the favor. Get your pants off and sit on my face, now!”

I didn’t need to tell her twice! She had her pants and matching blue cotton panties down her legs and off very quickly. I took a moment to admire her firm ass from her physical activities. I also noticed that she had shaved her pussy. It looked so inviting. The lips were a slightly darker shade than her skin, and I could see her wetness coating her inner thighs.

She quickly climbed up on the bed and settled her thighs on either side of my face. The scent of her arousal mere inches from my face was absolutely intoxicating.  I stuck my tongue out and licked that crease in her upper leg where the leg meets pussy lip. Up and down both sides, lightly grazing her outer lips, but avoiding her clit. I could feel her juices starting to flow and make my chin and neck very wet.

She was now starting to move her hips in a forward and back motion like she was trying to hump my face. I took this as my cue to start sucking her outer lips. Sucking them in and rolling them between my lips. Repeating this on the other side. Moving from one to the other back and forth. Just teasing her. Finally, I took her clit between my lips, and she had to put her hand over her mouth to keep from screaming out in pleasure.

I made sure to suck it in to my mouth, her clit hood peeling back while the tip of my tongue lightly flicked back and forth over the tip. As I was doing this, my chin was pressing up into the bottom of her pussy. Her juices were really making my neck wet now.

Hoarsely, she said, “Oh my God, I’m going to cum so fucking hard!” and grabbed a pillow from behind me to cover her face.

As she let out a scream into the pillow, I could feel her wet pussy quivering on my chin and her clit pulsate between my lips. I kept licking and sucking her pussy throughout her orgasm. It quickly rolled into a second, stronger orgasm. She screamed so loud on the second one, I’m surprised nobody came to check on my room. Even through the pillow it was very loud!

After her second orgasm calmed down, she looked at me with a look on her face like “what the hell did you just do to me?” I was all smiles – grinning from ear to ear.

The next words out of her mouth were music to my ears. “I want to fuck you. Right. Now!”

I responded with, “OK, but first I want you to turn around and suck my cock to hardness, so I have access to you at the same time.”

She got into the classic 69 position above me and settled her wet pussy down onto my face again, as she sucked my semi hard again cock between her lips. I wanted this position so I could have access to see her ass. Her tight little hole was winking at me as she ground her clit onto my chin.

I couldn’t help myself and had to get a taste of her sexy little asshole. I swiped my tongue from her pussy lips, onto that area between her pussy and asshole and then swirled it around her asshole. She must have liked it because I could feel her throat vibrations on my cock as she moaned around my cock. She was moving her hips like she wanted something inside her.

I rolled my tongue and started to gently push it in to her little opening. She had stopped sucking my cock as I did this so she could enjoy the sensations. I was already extremely hard from doing this taboo act. I was still in her mouth, but she wasn’t sucking up and down on me. It was like she was using her mouth as my cock warmer.

I continued to lick around and inside her tight little asshole for the next few minutes until she had a mini anal orgasm on my tongue. As soon as her orgasm started to calm down, I told her “Get on my cock now and fuck it until we both cum again.”

She quickly knee walked down to my hard cock and sat down in the reverse cowgirl position. My gosh she was tight! And warm! She started getting into a good rhythm – up and down, and every few strokes she’d stay at the bottom and just grind her pelvis on mine in a back-and-forth motion. She was resting her hands on my thighs for balance and leverage.

I could feel her pussy walls start to get more wet and to lightly pulsate around my cock. It was quickly bringing me to the edge of orgasm.

At about the same time, we both said, “I’m about to cum.”

I told Kate, “Keep riding that cock until I’m done filling you with my cum!”

That made her start to fuck me up and down even faster. Soon she started to cum and dropped down onto my cock, taking me as deep as I could go. As her pussy walls started to pulsate around me, my cock burst and fired shot after shot of cum, deep inside her. Her tight little asshole was winking at me as she came on my cock.

It took us each a couple minutes to regain our breath after that one. She slowly climbed off my lap and took my now limp cock into her mouth and cleaned the mixture of our juices off my cock. It felt amazing but there was no way I’d be able to go another round for a while. With a smile, she popped her lips off the tip of my cock and swallowed our combined juices.

She got dressed while I just laid there watching her sexy body get hidden by each layer of her work attire. When she was done, she leaned down and licked some of her juices from my chin and then stood up with a smile.

“Same time tomorrow?” she asked.

Again, my vocabulary was non-existent as all I could do was nod my head up and down.

With that, she turned and walked out the door and I was quickly fast asleep, dreaming about what the next day would bring.

Written by Bigdakotan
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