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A Few Whores

"True account of some of the prostitutes I've known."

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Prostitution fascinates me. My wives, Maryanne and Tina were whores at times and I've been a sissy whore myself. Before, between, and after my marriages, I knew several prostitutes and lived with a couple of them.

There are all kinds of whores. The media would have us believe they're mostly drug-addicted, diseased victims of psychopathic predators. I'm sure some are but definitely not all.

'Toni the Hooker' is what I always call Toni, whenever I think of her. While driving through Sacramento late one night I stopped for a young woman on the street, obviously in distress.

She was in pain and close to hysteria, and had no particular destination. She had just been raped by a cop. He had shoved his gun into her vagina and cut and bruised her.

I was headed for my rented house in San Francisco and took her there after she declined a ride to a hospital. The next day, Toni, who, after a good night's sleep, turned out to be a very attractive Latina in her early twenties. She was traumatized by her rape but felt safe with me. She wanted to stay and I was in obvious need of a housekeeper so we came to an agreement.

Toni lived with me and shared my bed when she wasn't working. Toni wasn't a street 'ho'. She worked the big conventions in San Francisco's fancy hotels. We didn't talk much about her prostitution so I'm short on the details. I believe she was well paid and sent most of her earnings to her family in Mexico.

Toni stayed with me for about four months before leaving for greener (I hope) pastures.

Naomi was a very British ballet dancer. Outwardly prim and proper, always. She was considerably older than I was. We met when I was doing some tile work on her house, a typical San Francisco Victorian in a more upscale part of town than I lived in.

My imagination ran wild with sex fantasies when I peeked into her bedroom and saw the big round, vibrating bed that dominated the room. After finishing the job I asked her out and we became lovers on that first date. Our chemistry was good in and out of bed and I told her about my attraction to prostitutes.

Naomi was certainly a sexual being and being a ballet dancer, her body was phenomenally strong and limber. One night she gave me a real treat. We were coming home from a friend's birthday party where we'd had a few glasses of wine. We stopped at a fast-food joint to get some coffee for me and tea for her.

While there a shiny new black Cadillac convertible parked outside and what was obviously a pimp came in. He was a big, good looking Black guy and was dressed like a stereotyped pimp.....Expensive snakeskin boots on his feet to the wide-brimmed western hat. He looked like a movie pimp.

Naomi whispered in my ear, would it be a turn on for me to see her as this guy's whore? Would it ever? My hard-on was instantaneous. I was also shocked that she would even ask but my “yes” was all the urging she wanted.

Naomi then whispered in the pimp's ear. I don't know what was said but could tell I was mentioned when he gave me a big smile. She said “follow us” to me and walked out and got into the Cadillac. He drove to Eddy St and pulled into an empty parking lot near the corner of Eddy and Larkin.

I parked next to them and watched with mounting excitement. Naomi was all over him, kissing and fondling and pulling off her clothes. Her head went down into his lap. She sucked his cock for several minutes and then straddled and fucked him on the front seat of his car.

She kept exclaiming about the size of his cock. I couldn't see it but from her frenzied shouts and moans, it must have been huge. It looked to me like she came twice. After he ejaculated, she cleaned herself up with some Kleenex, and then, after a brief conversation she got out of his car. All she wore were G-string panties and matching bra. Her five-inch stiletto heels completed her outfit.

She gave me a bawdy wink and strutted to the street corner. The first car that came by stopped. She trotted up to it and leaned in the window. A minute later she got into the car and the driver pulled into the parking lot.

They got into the back seat. Naomi got in first and lay down on her back. All I could see were her legs and feet, which began pumping up and down when the driver climbed in on top of her. He came fast. A few minutes later she got out and the car drove away.

Naomi went to the Cadillac and handed her pimp some money, cleaned the cum from her pussy again, and went back to her corner. This time several cars went by before one stopped. After the negotiations, she walked back to a dark corner of the parking lot and waited for the car. It pulled in and a guy got out.

Naomi leaned over the hood and the man fucked her from behind. As soon as he finished a second guy got out and took the first guy's place. I was thrilled to see no one was bothering to use condoms.

Once again Naomi brought her pimp a handful of cash. This time when she headed back to the street corner, she was nude and called to me, “just one more”. I called back, “then don't clean up”.

Two cars came to a quick stop and Naomi, after leaning into each car, to negotiate a price and be groped, directed them both into the parking lot. She was so eager after making her deal with the guy in the second car, she ran to the first one and got in the back seat for a repeat of her first trick.

I guess the second guy didn't want sloppy seconds because he got out of his car. Naomi knelt in the parking lot and sucked his cock until he shot his load in her mouth. Before taking her pimp his money she gave me a big kiss and filled my mouth with tasty male cum.

She got in her pimp's Cadillac and after sucking him hard again, he fucked her for the second time. Playing the whore excited Naomi so much, she gave the pimp her phone number and invited him to call for a repeat performance. We went to her house where I ate all the cum I could from her extremely sloppy pussy. I loved the feeling of sliding my cock in on another man's cum and we fucked all that was left of the night.

We were both sorry the pimp never phoned her. A few months later she retired from the ballet and moved to a Southern California beach town. I sometimes regret not moving with her. The contrast between Naomi's extremely straight public persona and her incredibly sluttish private behavior was awesome, to say the least. As a parting gift, she gave me her round bed.

Suki and I didn't have much of a relationship. We were friends and only went to bed with each other on two occasions. Suki was a large Black woman in her fifties. I was in my early thirties at the time. The most remarkable thing about Suki was her breasts.

They were HUGE and not only that, they were lactating. If Suki had ever had any children, they were long gone and never mentioned. How she managed to produce quarts of milk every day was a mystery to me but there it was. Suki was a heroin addict and paid for her drug habit by prostitution. She had a steady clientele and lived in a nice apartment in San Francisco's Fillmore District. It was at a party at Suki's that I met.....

Dianne. I could probably write several stories about Dianne. We lived together for almost two years and except for the sex, it was not a wonderful relationship. I had stopped using drugs after my first wife died. I'd replaced the drugs with alcohol and was, without a doubt, an alcoholic. Dianne liked to drink but she had a big heroin habit. Our addictions weren't what anyone would call, compatible.

Most junkies have little interest in sex, especially when they are high. Dianne was the exception to the rule. Dianne loved sex in all it's forms. She supported her drug habit with prostitution and when she was high there was nothing she wouldn't do.

Dianne wasn't a great beauty but she wasn't ugly either. She was originally from N. Carolina and her ancestry was Scotch and Cherokee. She had short reddish-chestnut hair, blue eyes, and a permanent tan complexion. Very regular features, neither heavy nor thin, her weight was in proportion to her height which was about 5'7”.

At Suki's party, Dianne was the entertainment. She was nude and except for Suki, she was the only woman there. There were about fifteen men, a few friends of Suki's, and some paying guests, mostly Black. Suki put on a show of cooking three spoons of heroin and shooting them into Dianne's tits at intervals through the night.

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Everyone could participate, helping to tie off a tit and slapping it to make the veins stand out. Dianne enjoyed the rough handling even when one guy, frustrated by an elusive vein, plunged the needle straight into her swollen nipple.

Given my own history of masochism, I was intrigued by Dianne and took her home with me after the party. We decided to live together and rented a house on the coast, in Montara. I had a gravy job that paid a decent salary but not enough to support my drinking and Dianne's drugs so she continued to whore herself out at least once a week.

Every day while I was at work, Dianne was fucking and sucking the men she met in the local bars, but I digress. I keep tripping down memory lane and forget the story is about prostitution.

Dianne was friendly with a young, statuesque Nordic-looking blond girl.......
Laurel was in her early twenties. From a wealthy home but kinky as hell, Laurel was a full-time whore with a pimp named Sam. Sam put Laurel on the street at night in front of a motel where she turned her tricks.

During the day, Laurel pursued her hobby of stripping naked in the International Hotel and sucking men's cocks in the halls and on the stairs.

Laurel and Sam were often in dire financial straights mainly due to Sam's gambling. When his creditors threatened to get violent, Sam would 'borrow' Dianne for a few nights and put her on the corner with Laurel. If I didn't have to work the next day, I liked to park and watch the girls work. They kissed and fondled each other under the streetlight and often would service a John together.

Once every three or four months, Dianne would get a call from a woman in San Francisco, to service a group of sadistic Japanese sex tourists. These guys paid a bundle to inflict extreme pain on a white 'Gaishō' and Dianne anticipated the brutal treatment with excitement. The punishment lasted for hours and when I was called to pick her up, she was bruised and bloody, barely able to walk. She recovered quickly and had a few weeks supply of heroin for her services.

Dianne often patronized a big nightclub on the beach near our house. It was a huge old place named Frank Torres Lounge. It had once been a hotel and the second floor was all unused hotel rooms. Unused, except for the room the bartender/manager had opened up for his whore, my Dianne, to take the men he sold her to.

The manager was a Mexican and had two younger brothers who spoke very little English. Dianne fucked the three of them almost every day. Some days the two younger brothers would take her to Half Moon Bay and sell her to the Mexicans who worked on the farms in the area.

The last whore I had a relationship with was a thirty-year-old Black, Oakland street hooker named................

Nicole. Tina and I had finally separated and it was plain old hornyness that made me stop on E.14th for the pretty hooker with a nice smile.

Nicole jumped into my car with no preliminary negotiations. In her skimpy outfit, it was easy to see she had a beautiful shape. Some might describe her body as 'thick'. Her breasts were big, round, and firm with very little sag, as was her butt.

We drove around with no particular destination, just talking and getting to know each other. To be honest, I couldn't keep my hands off her and she welcomed my fondling by undressing as we drove. I told her about my desire for sloppy seconds and she liked that.

We drove back to her corner on E.14th and I parked and waited while she turned a trick. Her plump shaven pussy was dripping cum when she returned. I went down on her instantly and my tongue went right to work. She responded wonderfully and I learned she was a 'squirter' when I sucked her swollen clitoris.

Nicole's pussy as clean as I could make it, she asked if I wanted more? Did I ever? We went to a nearby adult movie theater and made out in the parking lot until a car pulled in and parked. Nicole met the driver as he was getting out of his car. He must have been horny too because he fucked her on the spot.

Once again I sucked a stranger's cum out of this very kinky whore's pussy. She refused my offer of money but asked me to drive her back to her corner. We made a date for the next evening. I requested she wear nothing but heels and thigh high's tomorrow and we would meet at the same spot.

She made me promise I would wait there for her as she was sure to be getting fucked, undressed like that. I agreed to wait and made her promise that when I arrived she would fuck at least one guy without a condom and that I was happy to wait for more. She giggled and said she would give me a nice surprise.

The next day I was too excited to work. I drove to Oakland and parked where I was sure Nicole wouldn't see me, and waited for her to start her day. I knew she wouldn't expect me until evening, around seven o'clock.

The whores began appearing on E. 14th about 4 o'clock, most of them on foot. I almost came when Nicole strutted to her corner. She had kept her promise and was wearing nothing but the heels and thigh highs. She was carrying a brown paper bag, like a lunch bag which she set down in a doorway. I guessed that was where she would put her earnings.

For the next three hours, Nicole was in and out of cars, almost nonstop. She was enjoying her nudity too. The few minutes between tricks, she put on a show, fondling her big breasts and pussy for the passing cars. At one point she lay back on a bus stop bench and fucked herself with a beer bottle she picked up.

At about seven I drove up and parked across the street from Nicole. She saw me and held up one finger, indicating I should wait while she fucked someone bare. I nodded in agreement and she grinned and held up two fingers. I nodded even more vigorously at that.

Two tricks later she strutted up to my car carrying her bag. Cum was trickling down both thighs. Standing on the sidewalk she asked if I liked what I saw. Oh YEAH! I liked it. She then gave me my surprise. In her bag, she had put every full condom from her day's tricks. She laid down on the sidewalk and emptied each of them into her pussy.

I should have driven her to Nevada and married her instantly after that trick. That night I did take her to a big adult bookstore where the video booths had glory holes. She strolled through the store giving every guy there a good look at her curvaceous body.

We went into a video booth. She ignored the glory holes and simply bent over, leaving the curtain that served as a door, draped over her back. Her legs and ass were available to anyone outside the booth.

Nicole sucked my cock while seven or eight unseen men fucked her ass and pussy. Outside in the car, I laid back on the seat and Nicole squatted over my face. The cum flowed into my mouth and I ate her ass and pussy for a good hour.

Tragically, that was the last time I saw Nicole. When I showed up to meet her the next day another girl was at her corner. She told me Nicole had been arrested for prostitution earlier and it wasn't her first arrest so she'd be spending more than a year in jail.

There were more prostitutes in my life, like Angel, who's mother's false teeth I paid for. And Mary, who dreamed of becoming a singer (she did have a lovely voice) and introduced me to the Hotel San Pablo where the Oakland police patrolled the corridors. There were more but I don't want the story to drag on.

I should mention, in closing, that I paid both the Mexican bartender and Laurel's pimp, Sam to let me fuck Dianne while she was whoring for them. I also paid a bouncer in a strip club once and my friend, Dave more than once, to let me fuck my wife, Maryanne. Of course my ex-wife, Tina was the most outrageous whore of all. Throughout our years together I've paid pimps and lovers and even a teenage gang member for Tina's sexual services. 

And I suppose this is the place to confess that I too have been whored out by several men and have even paid men to use and abuse me.


Written by OldCuck
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