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When Angels Cum Chapter 3.1

"Fun With Rebecca"

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Author's Notes

"Synopsis (by dankmemez): A 20-year old named Blaze wakes up in a new world and with a new body. The world of Azra-El is filled with winged angels and demons, energy manipulation magic, and is devoid of men. The memories from his previous life guide his actions in introducing the concept of sexual pleasure to the innocent females of Azra-El, who have long since forgotten what men are. Delve into the intricacies of Azra-El, teeming with its own mystical creatures and factions, and the entirely new concept of sex. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Follow the adventure of Blaze as he explores new knowledge, power, and women. The world may have forgotten about the existence of men before, but not this time."

Surdas (Sunday) flew by quietly but pleasantly in each other’s companionship. Jie Er did some chores and read some novel, while Blaze spent most of his day reading his books or practicing his energy manipulation. The book was a great help. They also pleasured each other three times that day. Blaze made sure that Jie Er came multiple times before he made her suck him off.

The next week also went by in a similar fashion to the first. He finished the history book by mid-week, so he asked Jie Er to get him the book on Wing Dynamics.

By the weekend, with Jie Er’s training and guidance, Blaze could manifest three-foot-long wings, which he could sustain with minimal energy loss. He also realized that despite the height difference, he was physically a little stronger than Jie Er.

His other skills were, however, not even close to hers. It made sense considering the fact that she had a century and a half over him. Regardless, Jie Er was amazed at his growth. She even told him that if he maintained his present growth rate, he could become one of the strongest angels in the country.

That Saturday, the two of them were finishing their breakfast when they heard a loud voice from outside their cottage. Jie Er was supposed to drop him off at the library for the day. She couldn’t take Blaze to the library on weekdays, because the town was in the opposite direction of where she worked. So, one could imagine Blaze’s anger at the sudden intrusion. He had been a little cooped up over the week.

“Come out Jie Er! It’s time for you to face me!” an angel screamed from outside.

Jie Er visibly blanched when she heard the voice.

“What’s going on, aunty?” Blaze asked a little worried for his aunt.

“It’s Rebecca!” Jie Er replied in a hushed voice.


“She’s a lieutenant in the army. She has always had her eyes on my hot spring, and she finally got her challenge approved a couple of months ago. She probably thinks she is finally strong enough to go against me, so she wants to challenge me for the house.”

“Is she?”

“Stronger than me? Not if I was at my peak. But, I had a mishap in my training a little while back. Now, I don’t know… There is a chance that she may win. I don’t want to risk it. Especially with you around. I will still get the money for the house and I could always challenge her back. But, I want to avoid it if I can.”

“What’s her specialty, aunty?” Blaze asked her, as a plan formed in his head. He had been thinking about the challenge system ever since he first heard and read about it.

“Speed. She has quick bursts in speed and momentum. She counters our style a little, as we depend on building up momentum gradually before we deliver a quick strong blow,” Jie Er explained.

“Hmmm. This might work then,” Blaze replied and explained his plan to Jie Er.

“That’s so devious, little Blaze! I am not sure if its honorable,” Jie Er exclaimed after she heard the plan.

 “Pah! It’s not like we are lying to her, aunty. She doesn’t have to agree if she doesn’t want to. Just play your part to convince her. I will do the rest.” Blaze insisted with a devious smile.

“You’re so naughty and clever, little Blaze. I guess we can try it. I am only doing this for your sake,” Jie Er replied, pinching his cheek.

“Perfect! Stay here for now,” Blaze replied and walked to the door.

The angel who was in mid-scream, stopped herself as she saw the door open.

Blaze closed the door behind him and looked at the screamy angel. She was beautiful but a feisty looking one. Her skin was smooth and white with a pinkish tinge to it. Her long waist length hair was reddish pink, and thick locks of hair were sprawled around, looking as unruly as she was. Her bangs were parted at the center and flowed down to her cheeks.

Her dark eye-lined almond eyes were a pinkish red, with long mascaraed eyelashes. Her brows were thick near her nose but were long and arched their way up into a thin line. She had a pretty & slightly upturned nose. Her glossy pink lips were plump and had a natural pucker to them. Her face was angular, and her chin was small but rounded. A dark red rose was painted at the center of her forehead.

She wore a red and black corset with a frilly lower end that only reached the narrow part of her waist at the front but turned into a frock and reached the crease of her butt cheeks at the back. Her breasts which were slightly pushed up due to the corset were like soft mounds that rose from her chest. The bust of the corset only reached the sides of her breasts but managed to push them together to form a deep ravine at her cleavage.

Two triangular strips of cloth extended from the sides to cover the skin of her breasts. The ends of the lower triangles managed to cover her nipples, but her pale red areolae were mostly visible.

She also wore a black garter thong, connected to transparent black stockings. Her footwear was a pair of six-inch-tall black and red pumps, which made her stand at the height of seven feet and four inches.

“Who are you?” Rebecca exclaimed with raised eyebrows when she saw Blaze.

“Go away stupid! You look so weak, and you wanna fight with my aunt? How shameless!” Blaze told her with a slight but perceptible sneer.

“Who the Hela are you, twerp? Don’t barge in on adults’ business. Go get Jie Er. I am strong enough for her,” Rebecca replied, slightly taken aback and a little annoyed.

“How old are you?” Blaze asked with the same sneer.

“134,” she replied, expecting Blaze to show more deference.

“Hahaha. You’re so old, but so week! I am nineteen and I still think I am stronger than you. I don’t think you are good enough to challenge my aunt. Come back after a couple of hundred years of training. That might give you a chance,” Blaze replied with his sneer getting wider.

“You brat! I… I… Jie Er, come out! Is this how you treat a challenge? You send your kid to insult me?” she screamed at their door.

Before Blaze could reply, Jie Er stepped out of the house.

“Stop screaming, Rebecca. What’s your problem? Can’t you at least let me get dressed in peace?” Jie Er replied, pretending to stifle a yawn.

“Don’t waste your time talking to her, aunty! Just kick her butt quickly and send her home. She is too noisy.” Blaze sneered again.

“Is this what you teach your kids, Jie Er. To insult and lie?” Rebecca half-screamed. She was enraged at their behavior.

“Didn’t I tell you to be polite, little Blaze?” Jie Er lightly thwacked his head and admonished him halfheartedly.

“But she isn’t lying. She has not mastered any skills yet, but she should be on par with you in physical strength,” Jie Er told Rebecca coolly.

“What sort of nonsense are you spouting! Is a child as strong as me? Just because I can’t fight a child doesn’t mean you can throw outrageous insults at me!” Rebecca screamed.

“How about a wager, Rebecca? Wanna test my strength in arm wrestling?” Blaze replied coolly.

“Wager?” Rebecca immediately calmed down. She was not stupid enough to not be suspicious.

“Are you afraid? You can fight with my aunt after you beat me.” Blaze replied calmly.

“Are you playing me? What’s the trick?”

“No tricks. It’s a normal arm wrestling match. If you feel like we’ve cheated in any way, you can go back on your wager. What do you say?” Blaze said in an arrogant tone.

“What’s the wager?”

“If you win, my aunt will give you a 20% discount on the house, in case you defeat her. If you lose, you can never challenge my aunt again. You will also do whatever I want you to over the weekend. What do you think? Fair wager? I am only 19 years old…” Blaze elaborated.

Rebecca considered the proposition for a while. The wager was skewed in their favor if it was a fight between equals, but the chances of a 19-year-old angel defeating a physically fit adult angel in a match of physical strength seemed quite slim. She just couldn’t figure out what their play was. She refused to believe that she would lose in a match of strength.

“Wow, you are weakling and a coward. How did they even accept you in the army?” Blaze prodded her.

“Fine! I accept. But if there is even a tiny indication of cheating, I get to take back my promise. Do you agree Jie Er?” Rebecca replied, looking at Jie Er for confirmation.

“Fine by me.”

“Perfect! Let’s go inside. We can use our dining table to wrestle.” Blaze said excitedly and walked in, while Jie Er followed him after giving Rebecca a slight smile.

Rebecca sighed, removed her pumps and followed them inside. She couldn’t help but feel that she was going to regret her decision.

“Are we allowed to use inner energy manipulation?” Rebecca asked Blaze as they set themselves up at the table.

“Up to you. I can beat you either way,” Blaze replied arrogantly as he propped up his arm as a challenge. Technically, inner energy manipulation was considered a part of physical strength. It was the same as using the energy you gained from eating food.

“Let’s use it then!” Rebecca replied. She wanted to increase the chances of her winning.

Blaze gave her a supercilious look as he started drawing energy from his surroundings. After a moment, he waved his hand in provocation.

Rebecca sighed, drew her energy into her arm and grabbed Blaze’s hand. Her hand was slim and strong. Her arm was longer than Blaze’s, providing her with a lot more leverage. She couldn’t imagine herself losing this match.

“Start us off, aunty,” Blaze said, looking into Rebecca’s pink eyes. Her feistiness had returned.

“1 2 3 go!”

The match started off evenly, which surprised Rebecca even when she was somewhat expecting it. For a minute, she seemed to have a slight advantage. But that changed when her initial reserves started depleting. Slowly, Blaze pushed their hands back to the middle as he constantly supplied himself with the world’s energy.

The equilibrium lasted for more than a minute, both surprising each other with their strength. However, Rebecca’s hand slowly started tipping against her favor until it reached a sixty-degree angle. She managed to hold on for quite some time, as her face turned bright red with exertion. Finally, with a loud grunt and a final push, Blaze slammed her hand down on the table.

“I win!” Blaze jumped up from his seat in happiness, and hi-fived Jie Er.

Rebecca stared at her hand, flabbergasted.

“What do you think? Was it fair and square?” Blaze asked her proudly, but nicely. He didn’t need to pretend anymore.

Rebecca gave him a slight look and nodded. She didn’t seem to notice his change in attitude.

“Do you promise never to challenge the house again?” Blaze sought her affirmation.

She simply nodded. She knew it was a fair game. The child was just a monster. She should’ve known. But it was also a blessing in disguise. She did not need to get on the wrong side of a child with so much potential. She gave out a loud sigh and got up to her feet to leave. She accepted her defeat.

“You can’t forget about listening to me over the weekend!” Blaze reminded her before it was too late. He was never going to get such a good chance again. If someone wanted to take advantage of his aunt, then he was gonna do the same to them.

"Wait, what?"

“Fine, what do you want me to do?” Rebecca. How bad could a child’s needs be?

“I just want to play with your body for now!” Blaze replied as his eyes started to gleam with anticipation.

Rebecca paled instantly. The look in his eyes was simply scary.

“Jie Er! You are going to let your child torture me?” Rebecca sounded scared.

“Stop getting your panties in a bunch, Rebecca. My child is not a demon. What are you planning, Blaze Er?” Jie Er replied, but also tried to confirm it. She grew a little cautious after Blaze pulled off such a perfect deception.

“I am only going to play with her body as I play with yours, aunty. I also want to try out something new. But, that’s it. Why would I torture her?” Blaze replied innocently.

“Oh! That’s fine then. It’s okay Rebecca. Let her play with your body. It’s quite nice. You’ll see!” Jie Er confirmed.

“But, are you sure you are fine with letting her know about your condition, little Blaze?” Jie Er asked him in return.

“I don’t really mind…”

“Condition?” Rebecca asked curiously.

“She is an unnatural…” Jie Er said solemnly.

“Ha! I knew it. No wonder she won against me. This is not fair! You didn’t tell me she was an unnatural,” Rebecca exclaimed.

“Don’t be stupid. Her strength has nothing to do with her condition. It’s like saying someone is strong because of their hair color. Show her your protrusion, Blaze Er,” Jie Er countered.

Blaze pulled his panties and showed Rebecca his penis.

“Oh…!” Rebecca stared at it for a moment before her expression turned to pity.

“I am so sorry…”

“Are we still going to the town, aunty?” Blaze asked Jie Er, ignoring Rebecca’s pity.

“Up to you. I am still gonna go and get the materials needed for your new room. I want you to help me with building your room though.”

“I am gonna play with Rebecca then!” Blaze exclaimed.

“Be polite, Blaze Er. She is a lot older than you. Just because I let you provoke her into a wager doesn’t mean you can treat her however you want,” Jie Er admonished.

“Aunt Rebecca?” Blaze questioned.

Jie Er looked at Rebecca and she just shrugged.

“Aunt Becky!” Blaze finalized, surprising both. Jie Er wanted to say that they weren’t that close but seeing Rebecca’s expression she just obliged.


“Come, Aunt Becky,” Blaze took Rebecca’s hand, after seeing Jie Er off.

Rebecca found it weird that Blaze was suddenly calling her aunt, but she liked the sound of it. Her only family was her mother and she wasn’t very close to her.

So, although she was slightly apprehensive about this conniving little angel, she followed him as he took her into Jie Er’s bedroom.

“Have a seat on the bed, aunty,” he told her, once they were inside.

“What’s with the change in attitude?” Rebecca asked him, giving him an uncertain look.

Blaze just looked at her quizzically.

“You were quite mean earlier…”

“Oh, I was just pretending. It was all to provoke you into taking that bet. I didn’t mean any of it. Aunty Jie Er wasn’t sure if she was going to win against you, so I devised a sure-fire method of retaining the house. I really didn’t mean any of the things I said,” Blaze replied somewhat apologetically.

“Why are you telling me all of this? And, how come you suddenly seem to like me? Calling me aunty ... What are you planning?”

“umm… Well, I thought it was kinda funny. Aunt Becky. I really like the sound of it. Don’t you?” Blaze replied.

Rebecca harrumphed.

The real reason was that he had just assumed that Aunt was the proper way to address an older angel. He realized otherwise from the look Jie Er gave Rebecca.

“The reason I am telling you all of this is because I don’t think you are a bad angel. You wouldn’t have agreed to those terms if you were. I don’t think you are stupid enough to accept a suspicious wager just from my performance. I think that once you realized that there was a child in the house, you were subconsciously looking for a way to back out. Am I wrong?” Blaze replied.

Rebecca looked at him confounded.

“Are you really nineteen?”

“Yep!” Blaze replied curtly, wondering if nineteen-year-old angels were supposed to be immature.

“Hela’s Tail! You are strong and smart. You have a lot of potential! I can see you becoming a general or a governor.” Rebecca said as she flopped herself on the bed.

“That’s what Jie Er says…”

“Anyway, a consequence of my condition is that I get this desire to play with the bodies of people I like. I find you beautiful, and I kinda like you, so now I have an urge to play with your body,” Blaze explained before he proceeded further.

Rebecca was surprised and a little moved by his words.

“While playing with your body, I will do some things. Tell me if you find any of it unpleasant. I will stop. We can experiment. And if you suddenly get any urges, feel free to act on them. Unless they are dangerous of course. Haha.” Blaze continued.

Rebecca did not understand what he meant, but she gave him her affirmation.

“Just relax and lean back,” Blaze told her and climbed on to her lap, straddling her long thighs and wrapping his legs around her back.

Rebecca leaned back on her hands and brushed her hair back. Without warning, Blaze leaned into her and kissed the side of her neck. A strong smell of roses wafted into his nose, intoxicating him.

Hungry for more, he showered her neck with kisses and gave the side of her neck a lick. She tasted like rose flavored candy. His tongue slowly crept up her neck and reached her left ear. He kissed it once and began sucking on her soft earlobe.

“That tickles,” Rebecca giggled, brushing her cheek against his.

Blaze moved to her sharp chin and kissed it. He sucked on it a little, and then sat back to look into Rebecca’s pink eyes. Her naturally puckered lips spurred in him a desire to plunder them.

The passion in his eyes startled Rebecca, but before she could think he pressed his lips against hers.

The softness of lips against lips surprised her. She had never kissed anyone on the lips before. But before she could relish the sensation, Blaze took her lower lip between his lips and started gently sucking on it. Rebecca instinctively closed her upper lip over his and brushed her tongue against it.

They continued tasting each other’s lips for a while before Blaze pulled back to look at Rebecca’s reaction. Her eyes were glazed with passion. The absence of guilt and the anticipation of what was to come enhanced Blaze’s desire to the next level.

Looking into his eyes, Rebecca’s lips slightly parted; subconsciously wanting more. Taking it as a cue, Blaze plunged onto her lips and forced his tongue between them. Rebecca tasted it and liked the sensation and the feeling started licking it. Soon they were sucking and snogging on each other’s’ mouths as their tongues darted and rolled against each, tasting every part that was accessible.

Finally, they pulled apart gasping for air. They forgot to breathe while immersed in the kiss.

“Your aunt was right. That was very… nice,” Rebecca panted. She seemed a little overwhelmed. She had seen people kiss on the lips before. But, this was very raw. Very personal.

“We are just getting started,” Blaze grinned and leaned forward. Rebecca opened her lips in anticipation, but he only kissed her on the cheek and reached behind to untie her corset. He loosened the strings holding it together and her breasts gained a little freedom.

“Get up for a moment,” he commanded her, and she complied.

As she stood up, he peeled the corset of her breasts and let it fall to the ground. Her mighty breasts sagged a little under the weight. They were plump, with splendidly rising curves. Her nipples were small and red and were bulging in anticipation. He made her sit back down on the bed, straddled her once more and started sucking on her left nipple as he massaged her other breast. Rebecca held his head and sank her chin into his hair as her arousal overwhelmed her.

“Lie down,” Blaze told her with a gentle push after he was done with her breasts.

She lay on her back, and Blaze spread her legs apart with his knees. He placed himself between her legs and started showering her body with kisses and licks. He started off with her shoulders and clavicle, and slowly moved down to her cleavage, stomach, hips and finally reached her slightly damp thong.

“Put up your legs, aunty,” he asked her, looking at her garter thong.

Realizing his intent, Rebecca closed her legs and raised them up. Blaze reached for her thong and pulled the garment up, slowly revealing a thin closed slit and the puckered hole of her anus. Her slit was glazed with vaginal lube.

He took in the view for a moment before he pulled her garter thong and leggings off. He threw them to the side and spread apart her legs once more.

He immediately leaned in and planted his mouth against her vagina. She had a peachy flavor. Rebecca’s panting intensified.

Blaze sucked against her slit for a minute before he gently inserted his tongue. Rebecca moaned with pleasure. Taking it as consent, he lapped and pumped his tongue while pleasuring her tiny erect nub with his fingers.

Rebecca tried to control herself, but the new and intense feelings overwhelmed her mind and she slowly gave in to the pleasure. She started moaning incessantly and within a couple of minutes she shivered and came into his mouth. Blaze lapped and drank her sweet juice as she spasmed multiple times.

Blaze took his mouth of her only when she stopped coming. He got up and lay on top of her, her breasts against his chest and his penis against her stomach. He looked into her glazed eyes and leaned in to kiss her profusely.

“Is that your thing against my stomach?” Rebecca asked him after they separated. She could easily feel the massive hot rod pressing against her stomach.

Blaze got up to give her a view of his erect member. Rebecca got up her elbows and gazed at it.

“Is something wrong with it?” she asked, as she gingerly touched it. It spasmed under her fingers, surprising her a little.

“It’s fine, Aunt Becky. It happens when I am aroused. You can feel it if you want.”

Rebecca gently grasped it and felt its hot length under her fingers. She felt a strange emotion at the pit of her stomach as if it desired this strange protrusion.

“I want to put it in your vagina,” Blaze said candidly, after a moment.

Rebecca sucked in a deeply. She felt a little apprehensive, but it somehow felt right.

“I’ve never tried it with Aunty Jie Er. She usually just sucks me off. I am not sure if it may hurt, but even if it does, it shouldn’t hurt too much. We can stop if it feels bad for you. But, I really want to try it,” Blaze asked her honestly.

He knew that if done properly and if the female was aroused and lubricated, it didn’t hurt for most virgin women. But, he didn’t want to give her false hope. Moreover, he wasn’t sure how accessible angel vaginas were.

Rebecca felt a strong desire to have Blaze’s penis inside of her, but the concept of such a large object going inside her scared her.

“Can you do it gently?” she asked, biting her lower lip. She wasn’t the one to back out that easily. Especially when she was feeling such intense desire.

“I will do it as carefully as I can.”

Rebecca steeled herself and lay on her back.

“Do it!” she told Blaze, looking into his eyes.

Blaze gently lifted her legs up and straddled her butt with his thighs. He placed his penis against her slit and felt her warmth against his. He rubbed his length against her slit a few times to lubricate his member and Rebecca moaned at the stimulation.

He slowly moved his head to her hole, and after rubbing it to and fro a couple of times, gently pushed the head in. Her hole swallowed the width of his tip and instantly clamped down against it.

Rebecca gasped and then moaned.

Oh god! She is tight. If Jie Er hadn’t sucked him off that morning or if he had any less willpower, he would’ve cum right at that moment.

Blaze looked into her eyes to control himself.

“Should I continue?” he asked her. She nodded slightly.

He slowly pushed himself into her and her vagina got tighter and tighter.

“Ouch” Rebbeca exclaimed when he was about two-fifths of the way in. He immediately paused and waited for a couple of moments before he started pushing in further. When he faced further resistance, he pulled back a little and pushed in again.

Finally, when he felt his balls against her skin, he leaned into her breasts. He penetrated her entirely and felt his groin against hers. He looked at Rebecca and found her gazing intensely at him. She could feel the entirety of the hot member inside of her, and she felt wonderful. She wanted more. She grabbed Blaze’s butt and tried to pull him in closer.

Because of the height difference, his head only came up to her breasts. But, he was perfectly fine with it. He planted his face into her cleavage and wrapped his hands around her shoulders as Rebecca wrapped her legs around him.

Feeling himself in her tightness, he started slowly gyrating against her. Rebecca moaned as Blaze’s pubic region rubbed against her nub. She reveled in the heat and the fullness.

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Her moans slowly started to get into sync with his gyrations, and her walls began clamping down on him harder. Suddenly, Blaze raised his hips, pulling his penis out. But before it came out entirely, he plunged it back in with a thwack of thighs.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” Rebecca screamed and came instantly.

She spasmed and he waited for her to finish before he started pumping again. This time, he started gently and slowly, with small humps. Rebecca’s moans and vagina responded by falling in sync with his thrusts. Her walls loosened when he pushed in and clamped him into a tight hug when he tried pulling out. Soon, he increased the speed and height of his thrusts.

Thwack Thwack Thwack. Blaze pumped into Rebecca as they meshed themselves into each other with their arms and legs. Their minds were focused entirely on each other, sensing every feeling. Bare skin against bare skin. Warm breath against warm breath. Hot member against hot insides.

In a few minutes, both of them reached an unbearable high and Blaze forced himself to wait for Rebecca. Finally, she gave out a loud moan like scream and her walls clamped hard against him as they flooded with cum. Blaze felt the tightness and the wetness, and his defenses crumbled as he grunted and exploded.

Both spasmed against each other in pleasure, as Blaze shot in thick streams of semen into her. They experienced a few moments of extreme bliss before they collapsed into each other’s arms.

Blaze rested his head against her soft breast, as Rebecca softly caressed his head. They lay panting against each other, as Blaze’s penis which was still inside slowly started retreating by itself.

“That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt,” Rebecca said to Blaze softly.

“Mhmmm,,,” Blaze nodded against her breast in agreement. He had never been inside a tighter vagina -virgin or not. Angels were the best.

“I am gonna take a tiny nap, aunty,” Blaze told her, without getting off her.

Rebecca just closed her eyes, reveling in the afterglow. Soon, the two of them drifted off into sleep.


When Jie Er returned, she found the two of them still asleep in each other’s arms. Blaze was still sleeping on top of Rebecca, with his head on one breast and his hand clasping the other.

“Wakey Wake!” Jie Er shouted in a sing-song voice.

Rebecca was startled awake, while Blaze woke up groggily. He gave her breast a final squeeze before he got off her.

“Seems like you two had a bit too much fun,” Jie Er grinned at them.

“It was amazing, aunty,” Blaze replied unabashedly, while Rebecca turned beet red for reasons inexplicable to her.

“Good to know! I can work you a little harder now,” Jie Er replied.

“Aunt Becky is helping too!”


“You still have to do whatever I say for the rest of the weekend. Don’t think I will let off so easily!” Blaze replied, as he hurriedly put on his shift and panties and went to give Jie Er a hug.

Blaze squeezed her tight and then bounded off into the kitchen for a bite. Although his mind was that of an adult, his body was that of a young angel and seemed to be filled with boundless energy.

“So how was it?” Jie Er asked Rebecca with a grin.

Rebecca was in a daze.

“It was heavenly!” she replied with a blank expression, as she sat upright with splayed legs.

A dribble of white liquid started escaping out of her pink slit. Subconsciously, she reached down with a finger, swiped the liquid and gave it a lick.

“It’s not bad…” she muttered mindlessly.

“Why is his liquid energy coming out of your vagina?” Jie Er asked dumbly.

“Because that’s where she inserted it. It felt really good.”

Jie Er’s eyes widened as things seemed to fall in place. Blaze’s penchant for grinding against her vagina, her own feeling of emptiness when aroused, and the fact that his member was located at a similar region of the body. Is this what he meant by trying something new? I wonder why he didn’t ask me?

Jie Er was a little envious. But being the angel, she was, she quickly put it out of her mind. She was just gonna ask him for it herself, especially since Rebecca seemed to be blown out of her mind with the experience.

“Well, you get dressed. I don’t really need your help with the room, but a wager is a wager.” Jie Er told her before she walked out.

Rebecca composed herself after a few moments. She quickly cleaned up, got dressed and went out to meet the crew.

“The plan is to extend the room from here,” Jie Er explained, as the three of them stood outside the cottage; behind Jie Er’s room.

Piles of construction material were placed neatly by the side of the cottage; lumber, drywall, flooring, finishes, screws, etc.

“We can either have a corridor that separates our two rooms or just have a larger room attached to mine. With the second option, you can have two doors; one leading to my room and the other out of the house. You can use the back door to enter the kitchen.”

Blaze liked the second option.

“Rebecca, do you want to start with the left wall? I will start laying the foundation, and little Blaze can help us both when needed?” Jie Er asked.

Rebecca nodded.

“This type of wood is for the flooring. It is used to…” Jie Er started explaining to Blaze after she leads him over to the materials.

Blaze had never been involved in any sort of construction work before. So, he listened patiently.

Soon the trio was proverbially sweating under the sun. As they were angels, they couldn’t sweat. Angels did not have any form of excretory system. They just exchanged energy with the environment. When they felt hot, they released energy, and when cold they absorbed it. Food and energy manipulation bolstered energy reserves.

“Aunty, what do you think really happened with my birth?”

The question had been really nagging him, once he realized that he probably wasn’t transported. He was definitely a male angel.

“I think yours was an orphan birth. It’s very uncommon, but the world sometimes creates a child without a mother. But don’t you feel bad. I consider you my own,” Jie Er said with a loving look.

Blaze nodded and smiled back. He was never gonna call her mother, not after what he wanted to do with her.

“At what age do angels become mothers?” Blaze asked, after a while.

“Any time after they reach adulthood, at around a hundred years of age. But the prime age is between 150 and 350. Some angels never manifest a child,” Jie Er replied.

Blaze already knew that the average lifespan of an angel was around 400-500. However, some strong angels had been known to live past 1000 years.

“Let’s wrap it for the day, angels,” Jie Er said, once the sun started to dip below the horizon.

They’d managed to lay down the foundation and finish the left wall.

“Do you wanna stay for dinner, Rebecca?” Jie Er asked as she ported the remaining materials back into her space ring.

“Umm… Can I stay here for the night? I don’t really have a house anymore, and I need to find a place to sleep for tonight. I don’t want to impose on you though…” Rebecca asked sheepishly.

“What happened to your house?”

“I was so sure of winning that I sold mine. I was getting a good deal,” Rebecca replied awkwardly.

“Oh… I do have an extra feather mattress. I bought it for Blaze. I can lay it down in the living room…” Jie Er replied kindly.

“Thank you!”

“Well, I will go start up on our dinner,” Jie Er replied, walking into the house.

“Do you want to live here with us, Aunt Becky?” Blaze asked Rebecca after the cottage door closed.

“What?” Rebecca asked incredulously.

“I know you really love this place… You keep glancing longingly at that hot spring. I see the desire in your eyes, young padowan. ”

“Little Blaze, me and Jie Er can’t even be considered friends. I can’t just randomly move in with you guys. No matter how tempting it sounds.” Rebecca smiled gently.

She did not understand why Blaze seemed to like her so much, but he was starting to grow on her.

“I can help you convince aunty. But, you will have to give me proper recompense,” Blaze said with an evil grin.

“What do you want?” Rebecca asked skeptically.

“I get to play with you whenever I feel like it.”

“As long as it doesn’t get in the way of something important, it’s a deal.”

“If aunty Jie Er lets you stay, you will owe me another favor” Blaze added after he felt that Rebecca was too enthusiastic about the exchange.

“I guess that’s fair,” Rebecca nodded.

“Listen, Aunty Jie Er is a sweetheart. All you have to do is …” Blaze laid out their method of approach.

“Devious little twerp! How do you even think of these things?” Rebecca smiled after she heard Blaze’s plan. She could see the plan working almost as well as the one he made against her.

“What can I say? I am a manifested genius,” Blaze replied as he led her inside.

“Big sis Jie Er, let me help you with the cooking,” Rebecca asked Jie Er enthusiastically, once they were inside. Blaze flopped himself on the couch and pretended to read a book.

Jie Er turned back from her energy stone stove and looked at Rebecca with a raised eyebrow. Rebecca had an innocent smile on her face, while Blaze seemed to be not even listening.

“Sure… Cut me some tomatoes and onions, I guess,” Jie Er replied and turned back.

“So big sis Jie Er, how have you been doing? The last time I saw you was when you were at Major Cassandra’s party. I still can’t believe you rejected a special invitation to become a captain! I thought I could beat you, but Blaze Er says that you are not even at your peak condition. I wish …” Rebecca started to brown nose her as she cut the vegetables.

Jie Er was initially suspicious, but soon started reveling in Rebecca’s new-found respect for her.

Soon, the dinner was cooked and the three of them ate together before heading to the hot spring.

Blaze unwrapped their clothes for them before entering the warm waters. Once they sat down, Blaze clung to Jie Er as usual. He caressed her slit and massaged, sucked and licked her breasts, while Jie Er gently caressed his back and bottom. Rebecca, who had been dreaming of taking a dip in the hot spring, sank up to her neck in the water and relaxed her head against the stone embankment. She only threw an occasional glance at the other two. She was a little aroused by their display, but she stayed away.

“Can we all use soap today, aunty? I feel a little dirty after today’s work,” Blaze asked her after twenty minutes of soaking.

“mugh… yeah” Jie Er replied, startled from her lull. Blaze’s ministrations had been gentler than usual, and she had almost been put to sleep under his spell.

“Let’s go then!” Blaze replied energetically, grabbing her arm and almost hefting her out of the water. Her wet breasts which were reintroduced to gravity jiggled heavily, as she smiled wryly at Rebecca, who had also been lulled into a reverie by the warmth of the water.

“You should come too, Aunt Becky,” Blaze exclaimed to her while giving himself an evil mental grin. So far, the plan was proceeding perfectly.

Blaze led Jie Er to their rock and made her sit on it, while he brought back a bucket full of water. He took the bar of soap from her and started applying it to her legs.

“Can I help you shampoo your hair?” Rebecca asked with a sweet smile, bringing out a bottle of shampoo from her own space ring.

“Sure, thank you!” Jie Er replied. The events had proceeded too smoothly to warrant any suspicion.

Rebecca applied the shampoo to Jie Er’s hair and started massaging her head, while Blaze massaged her soapy legs. Jie Er was too used to Blaze’s inclinations to say anything. She quietly enjoyed the sensations.

Blaze did not make the process purely sexual and paid attention to her entire legs; starting from her toes, feet, heels, ankles, calves, knees and thighs. Finally, he placed his hands over her inners thighs and using his thumbs pulled along her femoral nerves. Her back arched in response and she moaned.

Rebecca who had been massaging Jie Er’s shoulder at that point looked at Blaze and he gave her slight nod. Taking his cue, she climbed on to the rock behind Jie Er. He sat down with Jie Er sitting between her legs. Blaze lathered some soap onto his hands and passed it to Rebecca.

Rebecca made Jie Er lean her head against her chest, pushed her arms under Jie Er’s and started applying the soap onto her breasts with gentle circular motions.

Meanwhile, Blaze cupped Jie Er’s vagina with his soapy hand and gently rubbed her, pressing his middle finger against the length of her slit. He massaged her pussy until Rebecca finished applying soap to the whole of Rebecca’s front.

He then washed her vagina with some water and pulled her towards him by grabbing her thighs with his hands. He plunged his mouth onto her slit and started sucking it.

Envisioning her experience from earlier, Rebecca started titillating Jie Er’s breasts using the same techniques Blaze had used on her.

Within a few minutes, the two of them had Jie Er coming freely into Blaze’s mouth.

“What are you two brats up to?” Jie Er opened her eyes and asked after she stopped spasming.

“The usual?” Blaze replied quizzically.

Jie Er gave him a piercing stare before deciding that she might’ve been mistaken.

“It’s my turn, aunty.”

Blaze sat down on the rock after Jie Er got up. Jie Er grabbed the soap and started applying it to his body, while Rebecca did the same to Jie Er’s slim back and round butt. She even slid her fingers into her butt crack and applied it to her butthole and the perineum, gently caressing her.

After cleaning his body, Jie Er bent down to suck on his dick, but he stopped her.

“Let’s wait until we go back inside, aunty. Aunt Becky can help me with it for tonight. For now, let’s wash her too,” Blaze told her.

Jie Er nodded and invited Rebecca onto the rock. The two of them repeated the earlier process with Rebecca, with pretty similar results. Once done, Blaze grabbed their hands and led the two naked ladies into the bedroom.

“Sit in the middle of the bed, aunty Jie Er.” Blaze nudged her forwards with his hand on her butt. Jie Er climbed on to the bed and looked at him with anticipation. She knew that Blaze always had new ‘tricks’ in mind.

“Do you mind sucking on her vagina, Aunt Becky?” Blaze asked, turning towards Rebecca. They had already agreed on it, but Blaze was putting on a show.

“What are…” Jie Er started, with her eyes widening in surprise.

“Okay!” Rebecca’s fast reply cut her off.

Rebecca climbed on to the bed and looked at Jie Er with nervous anticipation. She slowly crawled towards her, while giving Blaze an enticing view of her glorious butt; her slit and pink puckered hole clearly visible.

Jie Er instinctively leaned on her hands and spread her legs, giving access to her own slit. Rebecca grabbed her thighs and planted her mouth and tongue against her cunt. Rebecca’s own butt was high in the air, giving Blaze, an invitation he couldn’t forego.

Blaze stepped on to the bed with his knees and moved to Rebecca’s behind. He gave her arched back and plump perky butt a roving glance. He grabbed her ass and planted the length of his dick between her cheeks. Using her lubrication, he slid his penis to and fro against her slit and hole. He looked at Jie Er and she stared back into his eyes. Her hands moving to stimulate her own breasts.

After a moment, Blaze moved the tip of his penis to Rebecca’s slit. He brushed his head up and down her hole with his hand, and then pushed it in. She swallowed him hungrily. He grabbed her hips and shoved his length in with one fluid motion.

“Ahhhhhh!” Rebecca moaned, as her back arched even more and her head lifted off Jie Er’s pussy.

Blaze relished the clamping of her hot vaginal walls for a moment before he started sliding in and out of her. Resisting the urge to moan, Rebecca went back to the crevice before her eyes.

Blaze slowly built up his momentum.

Thump Thump Thump. His thighs collided against Rebecca as he pumped with abandon, while she mindlessly lapped away at Jie Er’s vagina. Soon, their pleasure peaked, and when Blaze suddenly felt Rebecca’s cunt tighten a little more, he fell against her back, grabbed her breasts, and exploded. Rebecca felt thick streams of liquid hit the walls of her cervix and the sensation brought her over. She spasmed and flooded Blaze’s penis with her own hot fluids.

Blaze lay against her for a few moments, as the burst of pleasure slowly subsided. He gave her breasts a squeeze, feeling their hefty weight in his hands. He gave a kiss on her back and got off.

He looked at Jie Er, who was watching them with interest. Without a word, he approached and climbed on top of her, straddling her waist. He wrapped his arms around her and looked into her eyes with love. He grabbed her head with his hands and kissed her deeply.

Rebecca, who could now focus, starting sucking on Jie Er’s cunt with more skill. She penetrated her with her tongue and titillated her walls with darting movements, while above her, two other tongues performed their own little dance duet.

Overwhelmed by the attention of two people on her body, Jie Er came within a couple of minutes.

“Thank you, you two!” she panted after she regained her senses.

Blaze slid off to her slide and hugged her, his head resting on her breast.

“Good night, aunty,” Blaze said, as Rebecca curled up against his back. She slid an arm over his waist and hugged him.

His desires quenched and snuggled comfortable by two beautiful curvaceous bodies, Blaze drifted into a dreamless sleep.

The part of the plan where they showed Jie Er the bliss of having two people simultaneously pleasure her, without rousing her jealousy, was successfully accomplished.


Jie Er woke Blaze up the next morning with a good morning kiss on the lips. Looking at the two naked women, Blaze’s member stood up again. Jie Er sighed and took his penis into her mouth to get him off.

Rebecca was awoken by the sucking, but she pretended to stay asleep. The plan was to give him some time to talk with Jie Er alone.

After coming in her mouth, the two of them headed into the kitchen to make breakfast.

“Can we have Aunt Becky stay with us, aunty?” Blaze asked her innocently, as he helped her.

“No little Blaze, she is an adult and she isn’t family. She will want to find her own place to live,” Jie Er replied.

“But aunty, I really like her. I don’t want her to leave!” he complained.

“Listen, child, Rebecca and I aren’t really close. She is only here because of the circumstances. Neither of us would want to stay with each other for longer than necessary,” Jie Er explained patiently.

“But Aunty, she feels so good. I love putting my thing inside her. Didn’t she help you feel good too? She is a nice angel. Why can’t she stay?”

“Blaze Er! That is not a good enough reason for staying together. If we bring in every angel we like, we wouldn’t have enough room. You can just put your thing in my vagina. I am sure it will feel just as good,” Jie Er said, as she cupped his face with her hand.

Blaze gawked at her before he recovered.

“It is just one person, aunty. Why can’t you let her stay? How can you just use her for your pleasure and then kick her out? You are being mean!”

“Blaze Er…” Jie Er didn’t know what to say. She did not have a proper response to his words. Moreover, she started remembering the extremely pleasurable experience.

“I don’t think she would want to stay here, Blaze Er.”

“How do you know, aunty? Why don’t you ask her?”

“Ok Ok! Fine! I will discuss it with her, later. You should let us talk about it by ourselves and you will have to respect our wishes, Blaze. You can’t force your desires on other people!” Jie Er chided.

“Okay, Aunty. If either of you really doesn’t want, she doesn’t have to stay.” Blaze replied glumly.

“Good Child!” Jie Er replied, patting him on the head.

Rebecca showed up after they finished making breakfast. She had changed into a red lacy push-up bra and a red micro skirt over a black thong.

“Good Morning!” she said, taking a seat by the table.

“What are your plans for the day, Rebecca? Are you going to search for a new house?” Jie Er asked her, as she handed her breakfast.

“Thank you. Well, it’s up to little Blaze. Her wager is still valid,” Rebecca replied, looking at him.

“I want her to help us finish the room!” Blaze said immediately

“That answers your question,” Rebecca smiled at Jie Er.

In a few minutes, the three of them headed out to work on the room. They worked for a few hours before they took a break.

“I need to head out for a little while. I must head to town to meet a client for my work.  I should be back in a couple of hours. Will you guys be fine by yourselves?” Jie Er asked, after a brief rest.

“Ok, aunty. Don’t forget to bring my clothes from Aunty Agatha,” Blaze replied. She’d forgotten the other day.

“Have a safe trip. I will keep an eye on little Blaze until you get back. I can cook up some lunch too,” Rebecca replied.

Jie Er said her goodbyes and took her leave.

“What did she say!?” Rebecca asked with excitement, as soon as Jie Er left. Blaze had given her positive signals in the morning.

Blaze recounted their conversation.

“That’s good! I will do the rest. Thank you, Blaze!” Rebecca exclaimed and gave him a hug.

Blaze grasped her butt and snuggled his face into her breasts.

“You are a needy one, aren’t you?” Rebecca laughed, as Blaze pushed down her bra with his chin and popped a nipple out.

Blaze nodded and looked at her for affirmation.

“It’s a good thing that you will have two of us. I don’t think either of us will be able to keep up with you by ourselves,” she replied, pulling him closer and sneaking her hands up his back.

Blaze took her nipple into his mouth and started sucking on it while grinding his hips against her. After a minute, he unclasped her bra and let it fall to the ground. He switched to the other nipple and sucked on it until he was satisfied. He stood up on his toes and kissed her on the lips, before leading her to the dining room’s high table.

He told her to lean on the high chair and got behind her. He viewed her hair spread over her naked back with pleasure, before reaching down to her skirt and thong. He grasped them and pulled them down to her knees. She bent her knees, arched her back and pushed her butt up.

He massaged her ass for a while before leaning in and bringing his face to her butt. He licked her slit and smelled her butt hole. It smelled like the rest of her body; like roses. He sucked on her vagina until she was well lubricated. He then moved up, considered it for a moment and licked her butthole. He used to be squeamish about even considering it with humans. It tasted like the rest of her skin.

Satisfied by the taste and smell, he licked and sucked on it before he forced his tongue into it. He pleasured it more, pushing more and more of his saliva into it. It would need a lot of lubrication.

He stood upright after a minute and brought his dick to her vagina. He plunged it into her slit and slid it to and fro for a minute before he pulled out. He moved the head of his penis to her other hole, and Rebecca’s moans stopped.

“Blaze Er! I don’t think it will fit!” she exclaimed apprehensively.

“Trust me!” he replied, spreading her cheeks with his hands.

Rebecca’s hole clenched instinctively.

“Loosen up, aunty. Try to relax your muscles,” he said, sucking on his right thumb and then pushing it into her slowly. Her hands were clenched. Her face a mixture of trepidation and arousal.

He inserted it the whole way and then pulled it out slowly. He repeated the process until her hole loosened considerably. He then placed his tip back against her hole and with the help of his finger pushed onto it firmly. Her hole refused initially but gradually started accepting it. Once the tip was in, Blaze shoved his whole head in.

Rebecca’s back arched like a wave, and she gave a loud silent gasp. Her hot anus clenched around his head with a steely grip. He pulled out slowly and shoved again, eliciting a similar reaction. He repeated, making more progress with every insertion. On the 8th shove, he finally had his whole length buried inside her.

Blaze relished the vice-like grip of her rectum for a moment, before leaning on her back and hugging her from behind. He grasped her breasts and showered her back with kisses.

He then grabbed her hips and pulled his dick out to the edge. He paused for a moment before he shoved it all in.

“Ahhhhhhh!” Rebecca gave out a shrill moan.

He lost control and burst, coating her walls with semen. He spasmed into her a few times before he slowly pulled out, her anus squeezing him clean.

“I am sorry, aunty!” he apologized, hugging her from behind.

“What’s wrong, Blaze Er?” Rebecca asked with worry.

“I came without pleasuring you,” Blaze replied.

Rebecca turned around and hugged him into her breasts.

“It’s okay, dear. I don’t mind.” She patted his back, comfortingly.

Blaze cuddled into her. Although most of it was a childish act, he couldn’t help feeling a little guilty and disappointed with himself.


Author’s Notes: I am not quite experienced with anal. I hope I did a decent job of describing it.

PS: I swear there is an actual story in my head. It’s not all sex. Lol.



Written by CapDragon121
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